Name this character or no bobux

Name This Character Or No Bobux


Answer 1


diamond from land of lustrous


Answer 2
Diamond Houseki .....

Related Questions


Write a synthesis essay that takes a stand on the issue referenced in the sources of your text,
The Language of Composition. Synthesize at least three sources for support.

3rd edition students: Read pages 138-166 of The Language of Composition, and take notes in your eNotes.
Write a synthesis essay that takes a stand on the issue referenced in the sources on pp. 167–175.

2nd edition students: Read pages 145-166 of The Language of Composition, and take notes in your eNotes.
Use the issue referenced in the sources on pp. 166–74 to draft your synthesis essay.

1st edition students: Read pages 72-85 of The Language of Composition, and take notes in your eNotes.
Use the issue referenced in the sources on pp. 72-85 to draft your synthesis essay.

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As you write, remember that essays will be graded with a six-point rubric based on the AP* nine-point scale. High-scoring essays will demonstrate that the writer considered the prompt carefully and responded to it insightfully with strong supporting evidence. These essays will also exhibit stylistic sophistication, including purposeful organization, precise diction, and engaging syntax. Whether or not the essay is timed, conforming to the conventions of standard American English is expected. You may use any of the tools available to you, such the Checklist, Spellchecker, or Graphic Organizer.


Yes but whatever page you’re reading, we don’t have it

a) Explain ONE ideology that the author uses to justify imperialism in the passage?



There is no passage for me to justify, please type complete questions, it really helps others to give you a helpful answer.


What is a theme in the poem "In Spite of War"?

A.Life is best when it is not complicated.

B.Natural beauty can be found everywhere.

C.One should focus on beauty rather than misery.

D.One should dwell on life's sorrows.


One should focus on beauty rather than misery (C)

Answer: C


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. The job was difficult nevertheless; Roger decided to stay at the company for the next year.
B. The job was difficult, nevertheless Roger decided to stay at the company for the next year.
C. The job was difficult nevertheless Roger decided to stay at the company for the next year.
D. The job was difficult, nevertheless, Roger decided to stay at the company for the next year.



The answer is B


Hope this helps!

The answer would be B

“This case is as simple as black and white.”
What do Atticus’s words mean without irony?



Atticus means exactly what he says, because this case is both about black and white people and the facts are clear and obvious.



Choose the relative clause in this sentence.

The woman whose pizza won the contest looked incredibly happy.

Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A) A looked incredibly happy

(Choice B) B whose pizza won the contest looked incredibly happy

(Choice C) C whose pizza won the contest



who won the pizza baking contest


I got it right on khan haha

Which of the following would most likely be considered foreshadowing?
O A. Just as the rain began to pour down, Anne remembered that she
had left her car's sunroof and windows open.
O B. The freshly mowed front lawn smelled like spring at its finest.
O C. Max realized that the blisters on his feet were just the first hints of
what was in store for him on the hike.
O D. As Jefferson saw the mail carrier approaching, he waved and
greeted him with a smile.



a or c


i think it would be a because foreshadowing is a warning of a future event





If an author talks about how much people love dogs and then gives examples
of dog types, what should you include in your summary?
A. What kind of dog people should get
B. How much people love dogs
C. All the dog types
D. How many dog types there are





I believe the answer is number two, B.

what makes up a conditional sentence​



A conditional sentence is a sentence that expresses a condition. A condition is something that can only happen IF something else occurs. A conditional sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause that almost always begins with “if.” A conditional sentence is only a conditional sentence if it has both of these parts.


Can you imagine how difficult it would be to communicate with someone it we
only use our verbal skill?​



I don't know if you're asking us how difficult it would be or if this is an actual question for a school assignment, but yeah. A lot of communication is conveyed through facial expressions, body language, eye contact, gestures, and more, so to only communicate by talking would be pretty challenging. Luckily, we'd still be able to fluctuate our tone of voice, but having a blank, emotionless face without us being able to move our shoulders or use our hands would take time getting used to.

question: what is your favorite song, my spotify playlists are starting to be dry as heck



up by cardi b ig idek lol




So Done by Alicia keys and khalid


Select how Source 1 and Source 2 disagree in their interpretation of how laws affect texting drivers. (RI.3.9)

A: Source 1 indicates that many laws have been made to discourage drivers from texting while Source 2 indicates that people with good driving records are less likely to text and drive.

B: Source 1 indicates that public service announcements are more effective than laws on drivers’ texting habits while Source 2 indicates that officials prefer laws to make texting illegal.

C: Source 1 indicates that most states believe texting bans will change drivers’ behavior while Source 2 indicates that laws have a minimal effect on a driver’s decision to text while driving.

D: Source 1 indicates that drivers choose not to text and drive in response to the consequences of laws while Source 2 indicates that drivers still make exceptions to text while driving.



B I think is the answer


It's sounds reasonable and the best answer to choose

alright people what's a Sequence


noun- a particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other.

verb- arrange in a particular order.


Sequence is an ordered list of values

Explanation:  Example --------->

te tasks die
Which piece of evidence would BEST support the writer's central idea in the paragraph?
a ranking of the relative complexity of commonly paired tasks
further definition of what the writer considers to be "devastating consequences"
the results of a study on driving and cell-phone use
more complete explanation of the difference between "multi-tasking" and "toggling"


Answer:I think the answer is D


Trees planted 10 years ago on the roadsides are now giving fruits(negative)



hdydudkdudyeys yellow hihhhuhjb ffattty

Why did the 15th amendment Movement put such emphasis on the voter registration campaign? By securing blacks the vote, what were activists hoping to achieve? Why was it so hard for them to achieve their goals?





Hope this helps :)

Match the word to a synonym or a related word.

1. plenty. definitely
2. friend abundance
3. barter beautiful
4. attractive bargain
5. defeat conquer
6. absolutely acquaintance
7. bandanna handkerchief


plenty - abundance
friend - acquaintance
barter - bargain
attractive - beautiful
defeat - conquer
bandana - handkerchief
1. plenty : abundance
2. friend : acquaintance
3. barter : bargain
4. attractive : beautiful
5. defeat : conquer
6. absolutely: definitely
7. bandanna: handkerchief

Which sentence uses commas correctly?

A. My mother asked me to fold laundry, but, I did not want to.

B. The boys, although, they were not aloud to be left the house by themselves

C. The audience, however, continue to speak over the actors on stage.

D. I want to go out for dinner, even though, I’m trying to save money


Answer: The answer is (A) because the comma is right before and after but


the answer to your question is C

What does the interaction between Thetis and Achilles reveal about the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus in "How the Death of Patroclus Roused Achilles" from "Stories from the Iliad"?

Question 4 options:

Patroclus was more important to Achilles than Achilles' own life or his mother's concern for his life.

Patroclus was more important to Achilles than his mother is, and he hates how she interfered in their friendship.

Achilles' friendship with Patroclus was important, but Achilles values his mother's love for him above all else.

Achilles is unsure how he feels about Patroclus until discussing Patroclus's death with his mother.




Achilles is unsure how he feels about Patroclus until discussing Patroclus's death with his mother.

How effective is the argumentative structure that
King uses to persuade his audience? Use details
from the text to support your answer.



ExplanatiKing’s claim is that segregation must end.

King uses grounds and warrant to strengthen his claim.

King provides opponents’ counterclaims.

King rebuts counterclaims with strong language and facts.

King provides a conclusion.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech is considered one of the most effective examples of persuasive rhetoric in American history. King's argumentative structure is highly effective in persuading his audience to support his call for racial justice and equality.

What is a speech by Martin Luther King Jr.?

King begins his speech by acknowledging the historical context of racism and discrimination in the United States and establishing the urgency of the civil rights movement. He then uses a combination of emotional appeals and logical arguments to persuade his audience. King uses vivid imagery and powerful metaphors, such as "the chains of discrimination" and "the sunlit path of racial justice," to evoke strong emotional responses from his listeners.

Hence, Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech is considered one of the most effective examples of persuasive rhetoric in American history. King's argumentative structure is highly effective in persuading his audience to support his call for racial justice and equality.

Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. here.


Why should a reader evaluate the arguments made in a speech?

Question 2 options:

To find out if the author’s argument agrees with the reader’s views

To find out the order in which the arguments are made

To know whether the evidence given by the author is credible

To determine how to respond to the argument​


The answer is to know whether the evidence given by the author is credible


The answer is to know whether the evidence given by the author is credible


Give the correct form of the verb to be for the tense in parentheses.
10. I _______ (past) late this morning.

11. The bus _______ (future) on time, so don’t miss it.

12. Possibly the weather _______ (future) clear at game time.

13. Often, many people _______ (present) late on a rainy day.

14. You _______ (present) never late, no matter what the weather _______ (present).



11.will be

12.will be



if it is wrong feel free to correct me

What two circles cole had to attend touching spirit bear


He went through the circle of justice!!

if you were given a wish .what would you wish for . (you know iam boring)​


to read minds so I can see what peoples true thoughts are
i would wish for happiness. to be able to enjoy my life.

Help also can u give the correct answers





2.shirley & ruth



Describe Maya's internal conflict when she interprets for the principal. Cite evidence from the selection to support your answer.

The story is called is My favorite Chaperone​


Answer: Papa can't understand much of English since he's new. Papa was mad about the fight but understanding to Maya's translation.


Select the correct answers.
Which two sentences are true of a slideshow presentation?
It can be printed on paper.
It can be made of edited scenes.
It rarely includes the use of images.
It is often presented on a screen.
It usually includes several videos.



all of the above


because a slide show can be made in all 5 ways

Please help, giving 80 points!!

Write a first draft about orca captivity, Include an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.



There are currently 59 orcas in captivity at sea parks and aquariums through out the world summer wild caught some are born in captivity 1/3 of the world captive orcas are in the United states in all the one of those live at Sea Worlds three parks in Orlando, San Diego, and San Antonio.

PLEASE HELP Refer to Stories from the Iliad: "Agamemnon's Appeal to Achilles."

What is a central idea in "Agamemnon's Appeal to Achilles"?

Question 2 options:

All people receive orders they must follow.

War is never noble, and no one should pursue it.

Safety and happiness are more valuable than fame and glory.

The gods become angry when humans defy them.


Answer: The gods become angry when humans defy them. I could be wrong.


10 Captain! man Which poetic device is being utilized in the following excerpt from Whitman's poem? is done; ne prize we sought is won; people all exulting, e vessel grim and daring: The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; aptain lies, hear the bells; or you the bugle trills; eaths for you the shores a- A. alliteration hing B. repetition C. personification =, their eager faces turning; D. onomatopoeia 2 8:50 PM 3/4/2021​



C. personification


Personification is the figure of speech that promotes human capabilities and characteristics to an inanimate object or element of nature. We can see an example of this, in the excerpt shown in the question above, where the poem presents human characteristics to the ship. These characteristics are the ability to resist "every rack", the ability to be grim and daring.

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