How was Rome’s economy affected by Rome’s conquest of new lands?


Answer 1


New territories strained Rome's finances, as they did not pay taxes to Rome. New territories helped Rome's small farmers, as demand for food exports increased. New territories led to greater equality, as plebeians gained more resources.


Answer 2


New territories helped Rome’s small farmers, as demand for food exports increased.

New territories led to greater equality, as plebeians gained more resources.


New territories increased Rome’s wealth, as Rome gained access to new resources


Related Questions

The improved iron smelting process made steel stronger for the building of this:
C.Coal Cars



B. Railroads


If they built stronger and better railroads then they could bring in more supplies that they might need.

Why did some reformers turn to the issue of women’s rights?


They believed that a woman’s place was in the private world of home .

What 3 major reformers in the field of womens' rights.


Answer: Carrie Chapman Catt, Anna Howard Shaw, and Alice Paul were the major leaders of the women's suffrage movement during the Progressive Era. African Americans such as Ida Wells-Barnett and Mary Church Terrell were active as well.


Which school system describes america before the civil war? Reading Plus



a concave lens is exactly the opppostie with outer surfaces  curving inward, so it makes parallel light rays curve outward or diverge. That's why concave lenses are sometimes called diverging lenses. ... The distance from the center of the lens to the focal point is, again, the focal length of the lens.


This poem was a literary contribution from the
A Great Awakening
B Great Migration
C South Side Renaissance
D Harlem Renaissance



the great migration....,..............

Should the United States engaged in imperialism ?



No, that would go against the freedoms and liberty of other nations.




The US has significant effects on other countries in terms of pop culture, technology, business practices, and more. However, the gravity of how much influence America has on other governments is evident in American Imperialism, which is the military, economic, and cultural influence of the US on other lands, usually going hand-in-hand with expansion on a grand scale into other territories.

The burning question is, “Does the constitution follow the flag?” and the answer is a resounding no. When they were conquered, the American territories did not enjoy the same rights that Americans in the mainland did. The US government operated on the idea that the peoples of these newly acquired lands were inferior to Americans, and thus not capable of holding the responsibilities of a mainland American citizen.

There are many pros and cons to American imperialism. One positive for the US is that it expands territories. The more territories you have, the greater power you have. It gives access to many resources, and presently the US dominates over Guam, Puerto Rico, Samoa, The Northern Mariana Islands, and the US Virgin Islands. Imperialism also gives a boost to the economy, not just for the United States who uses the resources for trade, but for the territory itself. The United States brings technology, industries, government policies, and privileges American citizens possess to these territories. Also, the US has many military bases around the world, and in return the US aids these territories with protection.

However, there are many cons that follow American imperialism. American imperialism kills the tradition of the indigenous peoples, who lose their identity and tradition. In many cases, the territories’ own people grow to discriminate against what is local and originally of their own native culture.

Additionally, it can be argued that the possession of territories is not necessary and perhaps even counterintuitive, as the US spends so much money on bases scattered around the world and helping the economy of those islands. They are expensive to keep, and the US is already quite expansive.

American people talk so much about freedom and have fought a war over it, but the American territories don’t even have full freedom. The United States controls the islands and they cannot act on their own. The people there are expected to follow American culture or risk discrimination on social and economic playing fields.

How do you feel about American Imperialism?

In what way does the Texas Constitution include the principle of federalism?

A.) Texas is able to have its own treasury and print its own currency

B.) Texas is able to decide on policies which are not covered in the US Constitution

C.) Texas is able to make treaties with other countries

D.) Texas is able to have representatives who serve in both the Texas House of Representatives as well as the US house of Representatives at the same time



I think your answer would be B.)


hope this helps

sorry if wrong

9. How did Jeroboam lead his people away from God?


It began with the Age of the Judges, when Israel was a loose conglomerate of tribes, led by local judges. This led into the 120-year period of the united kingdom, when the 12 tribes were united together under a secession of monarchs (Saul, David, and Solomon). And then the country was split into two separate kingdoms, the southern nation of Judah, led by the Davidic kings, and the northern nation of Israel.

The king responsible for tearing the northern tribes away from the southern tribes was Jeroboam. He, with God’s blessing, successfully led a rebellion against Solomon’s son Rehoboam. However, despite God’s grace in his life, Jeroboam was not a faithful follower of God. Indeed, the Old Testament scriptures make it clear that following his coronation, Jeroboam quickly led the northern tribes into great sin and apostasy.

Jeroboam’s sins are spoken about in no uncertain terms. During Jeroboam’s life, it was prophesied that God would abandon Israel, “because of the sins of Jeroboam, who sinned and who made Israel sin.” (1 Kings 14:16) Later, when other kings of Israel sinned, it would be said about them that they did “evil in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the way of Jeroboam, and in his sin by which he had made Israel sin.” (1 Kings 15:34, 16:19, 16:26, etc.)

So what was the sin of Jeroboam? What was this great evil that he committed that doomed the northern nation of Israel to destruction, having made it forever unclean in the sight of God? Essentially, Jeroboam changed the worship God had commanded under the Law of Moses.

God had established a certain priesthood of the line of Aaron the Levite (cf. Exodus 28:1). He had established a pattern of worship in a single location, that location being originally the Tabernacle, and then later the Temple at Jerusalem. God had ordained that at the single altar consecrated under the Law, the Israelites should worship and make sacrifices to Him. He had further commanded that the Israelites, in their religion, never try to make a statue, or graven image, of Him; nor that they should ever worship or bow down to the same. (cf. Exodus 20:4-5) It is important to note that this command is distinct from the command not to worship other gods. (cf. Exodus 20:3)

Jeroboam, however, understanding that the Temple of God was in the southern nation of Judah, the nation he had split off of; and being of such little faith as to trust God to work things out for him; he decided that the wise course of action would be to build a new temple. Two actually, one in Bethel, on the border with Judah, and another in the northern city of Dan. (cf. 1 Kings 12:25-28). He went a step further and consecrated new priests, who were not Levites (1 Kings 12:31). He then made up new religious holidays (cf. 1 Kings 12:32-33).

We should note that in all of this, Jeroboam kept a semblance of remaining true to the religious heritage of his people. He continued to call on the name of God. He continued to believe in the exodus out of Egypt, and the nations salvation from slavery (cf. 1 Kings 12:28). There is even evidence that the northern nation continued to observe the sabbath day, and other such ceremonial customs from the Law. (cf. Amos 8:5). But still, in changing a part of God’s law, Jeroboam was held, by God, to be guilty of a great sin. God did not want His people to add to His word, or take away from His word, and He certainly did not want them deliberately breaking His commands to suit themselves (cf. Deuteronomy 5:32).

Christians today are not under the Law of Moses; we are under the Law of Christ (cf. Romans 8:2; Galatians 6:2) but the principle remains — God does not want us changing what He has given us (cf. Revelation 22:18-19; Galatians 1:8-9) We cannot simply add new offices to the church, create councils, holidays, manners of worship and the like. When we take what God has given us in Christ, and change it to suit ourselves, we are, like the kings of old, walking in the sins of Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin. Rather we must be true to the Gospel of Christ, without adding to it, or taking away from it. We must learn to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent, lest, like Jeroboam we bring condemnation on ourselves.


Which is the 3rd party that wants a government that only protects our freedoms?

A.) libertarian
B.) green
C.) socialist
D.) communist



A.) libertarian


Florida was purchased from the Seminoles true or false ?





or no




It was bought from Spain who stole the land from the Seminoles

.What are the 3 common examples of state and local taxes?



Examples of these public services are public schools, police protection, health and welfare benefits, and the operation of the state government. Among the common types of taxes that many states impose are personal income tax, corporate income tax, sales tax, and real property tax.


How do urban and national politics intervene or intersect around environmental issues?



Due to uncontrolled urbanization in India, environmental degradation has been occurring very rapidly and causing many problems like land insecurity, worsening water quality, excessive air pollution, noise and the problems of waste disposal.


Please mark this as brainliest if this was worthy.

Stalinism (Communism)

Who has control of the government?


If I remember correctly the Dictator would have control over the government.

Use the list to answer the question.
Accomplishments of Mayor Maynard Jackson
• Provided more city contracts to African American business
• Led efforts to promote African American police officers
• Expanded MARTA for Atlanta commuters
. ???
Which of the following would BEST complete the list?
A. Brought major league sports teams to the city
B. Desegregated Georgia State University during his time as mayor. C. Signed off on highway construction to help with traffic
D. Oversaw the expansion of Atlanta International Airport



The answer is  Provided more city contracts to African American owners.

The answer to the second part is D.




Explanation: One of his major achievements was the expansion of Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport into a major transportation hub, “ahead of schedule and under budget.” (It was renamed Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport after his death.

Describe America at the start WWII. What were most Americans' views on the war?​


During the first two years of World War II, the United States had maintained formal neutrality as made official in the Quarantine Speech delivered by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937, while supplying Britain, the Soviet Union, and China with war material through the Lend-Lease Act which was signed into law on.

True or False.

By the late 19th century, the United States began restricting European immigration.


The correct answer is False
The answer is False.

10) What happened after Kennedy and Khrushchev met in Vienna in 1961?
The United States ordered the construction of the Berlin Wall.
Cold War tensions increased.
The United States agreed to give West Berlin to the Soviet Union.
O The United States installed a telephone 'hot line that reached MOSCOW


I think the answer would be the third opinion.


the answer is B) cold war tension increased


Hope this helps

Have a nice day :)

Which physical feature dominates (it is the largest) East Africa?
A : Lake Victorian
B: Great Rift Valley
C: Nubian Desert
D: Sudan


Great Rift Valley cuz the internet said so :)

What gave america the right to intervene in Cuban affairs

A. Monroe doctrine

B. Platt amendment

C. Square deal



B. Platt amendment


Choose all of the events that were covered by television broadcasts.
Vietnam War
World War II
The "March on Washington
the Apollo 11 Moon landing
the death of President Franklin Roosevelt








Television became increasingly common throughout the 1950s and into the 1960s. Events such as the Vietnam War, the "March on Washington" and the Apollo 11 Moon landing were all covered by television reporters. World War II and the death of President Franklin Roosevelt predated t.v.'s widespread use.

Paine's argument that the same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home, pursues their descendants still" was most likely in reference to which of the following situations
The hope that religious dissenters would agree to join the Church of England
The challenges faced by settlers who moved west of the Appalachian Mountains
The belief among colonists that they had earned a right to greater liberty from Britain
The concern that increased debt following the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) would decrease the value of American goods



C. The belief among colonists that they had earned a right to greater liberty from Britain


From Paine's argument above he was most likely about the situations of "The belief among colonists that they had earned a right to greater liberty from Britain."

This is evident when he tried to discourage the idea that American colonists or settlers are still Britons. He wrote that "Europe, and not England, is the parent country of America. This new world hath been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty from every part of Europe."

How did the institution of slavery set the social
framework for the European-dominated Americas?




Colloquially, the term "slavery" conjures images of one race enslaving another. In fact, white colonists bought and sold the labor of both white and black servants in the 17th-century Americas. Race-based slavery is a younger phenomenon with a long-lasting legacy that America grapples with today.

Which statement describes the viewpoint of Creon in Antigone?

Creon reveres the input of his advisors, both old and young.

Creon has never liked Antigone and is happy when she dies.

Creon likes to use cruel punishments for their own sake.

Creon believes in using any means necessary to secure peace in his kingdom.



The answer is Creon  believes in using any means necessary to secure peace in his kingdom.


The statement describes the viewpoint of Creon in Antigone Creon believes in using any means necessary to secure peace in his kingdom. Thus the correct option is D.

What is Creon in Antigone?

Creon, the king of Thebes in the tragedy Antigone, is torn between his obligation to uphold law and order and his love for his niece Antigone, who has broken his instructions and buried her traitorous brother.

While Creon values and weighs the advice of his advisors, he ultimately makes the final decision and is willing to take severe measures to attain his goals, including the execution of Antigone and her brother.

Creon's decisions throughout the play reflect a ruler intent on preserving order and stability in his country, even if it meant sacrificing individual liberties and beliefs.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Creon in Antigone, here:


What is meant by the phrase "whitewashed" when used in terms of the



in the media "whitewashed" means to make a darker skined person lighter or a darker skined person acting like a white person

Answer: Most of the people portrayed in the media are white

Explanation: got it right on the quiz have a good day! c:

how enslaved people
were captured?
illustration by Francis Spilsbury, who drew this after seeing slaves being captured whilst travelling in Africa.
Spilsbury worked in the Navy and published books of his travels around the world. Its caption is: "Slaves: showing the method
of chaining them."​


The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were people from Central and West Africa, who had been sold by other West Africans, or by half-European "merchant princes" to Western European slave traders






1. Maurya Empire

3. Alexandrian Empire

4. Chandragupta Maurya

What does the word deadlock mean?​


a situation, typically one involving opposing parties, in which no progress can be made.
"an attempt to break the deadlock"

Someone Answer pls Need HEELLPP!!!! and if you can answer my other question in my profile ill give you brainlest.

Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín led the:

A. Mexican independence movement.

B. unification of Italy.

C. South American independence movement.

D. French Revolution.



The two leading figures of the South American wars of independence were Simon Bolivar in the north and José de San Martín in the south.

So, C is the answer.


Which statement was not a reason for the huge migration of people from their homelands to the United States in the mid-1800s


Available options are

a. New technologies in German factories put people out of work.

b. Crop failures in Ireland created widespread starvation.

c. Immigrants knew that Americans held no prejudice against foreigners

d. The United States offered political freedom and land to homestead.


Immigrants knew that Americans held no prejudice against foreigners


From the available options, the statement which was not a reason for the huge migration of people from their homelands to the United States in the mid-1800s is "Immigrants knew that Americans held no prejudice against foreigners"

This is because during the mid-1800s the anti-immigrant sentiment was rampant in the United States, particularly towards the people of non-European origin.

What were the 3 causes of the America revolution?


The Stamp Act (March 1765)
The Townshend Acts (June-July 1767)
The Boston Massacre (March 1770)
The Boston Tea Party (December 1773)
The Coercive Acts (March-June 1774)
Lexington and Concord (April 1775)
British attacks on coastal towns (October 1775-January 1776)

(here's more than three)
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