Can anyone help me write hydroelectric essay


Please I really have bad life

Can Anyone Help Me Write Hydroelectric Essay INTRODUCTION:BODY:CONCLUSION:Please I Really Have Bad Life


Answer 1


A competitive firm’s marginal revenue always equals its average revenue and price. This is because the price remains constant over varying levels of output. In a monopoly, because the price changes as the quantity sold changes, marginal revenue diminishes with each additional unit and will always be equal to or less than average revenue. A conclusion is the last paragraph of your essay, or, if you’re writing a really long essay, you might need 2 or 3 paragraphs to conclude. A conclusion typically does one of two things—or, of course, it can do both: Summarizes the argument. Some instructors expect you not to say anything new in your Hydro-power is the energy harnessed from running water-streams, rivers or any other artificial or natural water flow. It is one of the oldest method of energy production. Even in the medieval period, people used to derive energy from water wheels. The contribution of hydel power in the world en­ergy production scenario is immense and ever-increasing.

Hydro-electricity now contributes nearly 7% of global electricity production when only 15.3 percent of the global exploitable hydro-electric potential is being used. Ever increasing awareness of ecology and social costs of hydro-plant construction failed to debar the increas­ing use of hydro-electricity.



this is just what is in my mind

Answer 2


Introduction/Hook- Begin with a question based on the article. Give at least with three reasons of you position. Give your thesis.

Body- Explain three reasons of why is good or bad idea to invest in hydroelectric energy.

Provide evidence and explain it in each paragraph.

Conclusion- This the last chance to convince the reader to agree with your statement. Do not rewrite the reasons. You can restate your thesis.

If it is an argumented essay, provide the counterclaim (the other side opinion)and prove them that your statement is better.( this usually is the last paragraph of the body)


I'm not good at essays, but I know the basics.

I hopes this helps.

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O True
O False


I am going to take a guess based off of my earth science knowledge and say it is false. Sorry if I'm wrong.

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The first step of protein synthesis is transcription, and transcription occurs in the nucleus of the cell... so...

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A. Convert electric power plants from natural gas to coal.
B. Transition from power plants that burn natural gas to those that do not use fossil fuels.
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Answer: c and b i just did it like 2 minutes ago

Explanation:c and b i just did it like 2 minutes ago

B. Transition from power plants that burn natural gas to those that do it not use fossil fuels.

C. Give tax incentives for energy conservation in homes and businesses.

What kingdom does the snake belong to?



The snake belong in Animal


Snakes are members of the animal kingdom and belong to the reptile class.



The answer you are looking for is actually one you already have highlighted!
Each one creates a new strand and the other keeps the old/ original strand!
I hope this helps!

please help it’s timed



light mice, because they blend in with their enviorment


The white blood cells in the lungs release protease. Suggest the function of this enzyme in the white blood cells in the lungs.
( Pls don't answer for points. Serious answers only )


Answer: Protease is an enzyme which causes break down of proteins by converting them into smaller polypeptides or amino acids.


Proteases are the enzymes that are necessary for the functioning of the lungs. They cause the regeneration and repair of white blood cells as protease can digest connective tissue elements. They are responsible for generating an inflammation response during infection caused by a pathogen. Thus prevents lung infection.  Inhibition of the anti-proteolytic mechanism is essential for the controlling microbial infection and lung inflammation.



answer b: EVOLUTION

Question 13
What is condensation? Describe a way in which it can affect Earth systems.
12pt v
IB в I o Ауду т?у а



Condensation is a process in which water vapors changed into liquid state.


Condensation is a process in which water that is present in the vapors form changed into liquid state. Condensation greatly affect Earth systems because this process is responsible for the precipitation on the earth. Condensation occurs in the atmosphere when warm air rises in the atmosphere, cools and unable to hold water vapor. As a result, water vapors condenses to form cloud droplets that falls in the form of rainfall.

Will mark brainliest and give thirteen points if you give explanation



A. high tide (A, C)


High tides on points A & C occur when the moon, the Earth, and the Sun are all lined up.

SUN -----<<<  EARTH >>> ---


( as accurate as it can be in 2D)

As you can see, they are all in a straight line. The gravity of both the moon and the Sun are combined to output the greatest amount of gravitational force as possible; creating high tides on the 2 sides of the Earth. Points A & C represent these two sides and are therefore the answer.

C. What is the word for an Enzyme that has fallen apart or no longer works


When enzymes are no longer active and can’t function they become denatured.

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______ An observer at Position B would see Star Y as the brighter star

______ An observer at Position A would see Star Y as the brighter star

______ An observer at Position B would see Star X as the brighter star

______ An observer at Position A would see Star X as the brighter star







Position B is closer to Star Y than it is to Star X => Star Y is brighter to B

Position A is closer to Star X than it is to Star Y => Star X is brighter to A

Positive feedback is a control system that sends a signal to ________ a response.





hope this helps :)

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I would say 0% but it could be 25%

Is motocross Kinetic energy or Potential energy



The more you pull the throttle back the more gas you will use powering the engine to make kinetic energy which will make the dirt bike move faster.


describe how the skin works when the place is very hot​



when body temperature rises, such as when exercising on a hot day, the dermal blood vessels will dilate, in the sweat glands begin to secrete more sweat. the invaporation of the sweat from the surface of the skin cools the body by dissipating heat.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLEST!!!


When it is hot, we normally sweat. Sweating removes the heat energy from our skin. Our blood vessels open up which lets more blood flow. This allows a way for the heat to be lost. It lets your body cool down or try and cool down.

d) Based on your above answers, do all substitutions cause a change in the amino acid sequence of a
protein? Explain



No, they do not all cause a change in amino acid sequence of a protein.


Substitution mutation is the type of mutation that results when the nucleotide base of a gene is replaced by another base in the sequence. A substitution mutation can result into three different types of mutation namely; silent mutation, missense mutation, and nonsense mutation.

- In silent mutation, the nucleotide base that gets replaced by another still forms a codon that encodes the same amino acid as in the original sequence. e.g if guanine replaces adenine in the sequence, TTA to form a mutated sequence, TTG. This mutated codon (TTG) still encodes LEUCINE amino acid just as TTA does. Hence, there is no effect on the resulting amino acid sequence. This portrays that NOT ALL SUBSTITUTIONS cause a change in amino acid sequence of a protein.

Scientific knowledge is always changing. At one time, the kingdom was the
highest level of
classification. Today, the highest level of classification is the domain. Two of
the domains, Bacteria and Archaea both contain microscopic prokaryotic
organisms. What would be the best reason for scientists to separate the
A)There were too many species of prokaryotes to only have 1 domain for them.
B)It was determined that neither have chloroplasts.
C)Both organisms do not contain organelles.
D)Research showed differences in living environments.





Research showed differences in living environments is the best reason for scientists to separate the prokaryotes. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

What are prokaryotes?

The organisms known as prokaryotes lack a nucleus and other organelles in their cells. There are two distinct groups of prokaryotes: the archaea and bacteria, both of which are thought to have evolved along distinct evolutionary lines.

Prokaryotic organisms or prokaryotes are organisms that lack a true nucleus and membrane-bound cell organelles. Mycoplasma, cyanobacteria, and bacteria are all examples of prokaryotes.

A prokaryotic cell carries out every one of the fundamental roles that an ordinary cell performs. Reproduction, respiration, digestion, and other biological processes are among their capabilities.

Learn more about prokaryotes:


Which is an abiotic factor in Florida's environment?





Hurricanes take place in the Florida Keys about 13-16 percent. These violent storms can damage coral reefs because of high winds and large waves.

Which are true about changes in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere since 1860? Select the two correct answers.

A. The increases in carbon dioxide are caused by human activity.
B. The increases in carbon dioxide can be explained by the Milankovitch cycle.
C. The rate of change in carbon dioxide is exponential.
D. The changes are triggered by a new interglacial period.



A and C


A. because when we humans are burning maybe our refuse or garbage it will go up to the ozone layer causing air and then it will then result to carbon dioxide.

In the presence of oxygen, all cells synthesize ATP via the process of glycolysis. Many cells also can metabolize pyruvate if oxygen is not present, via the process of --


Answer:The option are not given, here are the options gotten from another website.

A. Aerobic respiration

B. Electron Transport Chain

C. Anaerobic respiration

D. Krebs cycle

The correct option is C.


This is because anaerobic respiration is a type of respiration that produced ATP. pyruvate are metabolize in the absence of oxygen by a process called fermentation and fermentation us anaerobic respiration. And fermentation is the chemical process where glucose or substrates are broken down in the absence of oxygen by the activities of enzymes. When pyruvate are metabolize in the absence of oxygen , it will produce lactate.

In the presence of oxygen, all cells synthesize ATP via the process of glycolysis. Many cells also can metabolize pyruvate if oxygen is not present, via the process of fermentation.

In biology, an incomplete oxidation process is called fermentation, which does not require oxygen to take place, and which produces an organic substance as a result.

Fermentation consists of a process of glycolysis (breakdown of the glucose molecule) that produces pyruvate (pyruvic acid).

As it lacks oxygen as a receptor for the excess electrons of the NADH produced (nicotin adenine dinucleotide), it uses an organic substance that must be reduced to reoxidize the NADH to NAD +, finally obtaining a derivative of the initial substrate that is oxidized.

In this process, then, neither the mitochondria nor the structures linked to the cellular respiration process are involved.

Only 2 molecules of ATP are produced per molecule of glucose consumed.

It is carried out by the muscle cells that ferment glucose when the oxygen input is not enough to continue breathing.

Therefore, we can conclude that many cells also can metabolize pyruvate if oxygen is not present, via the process of fermentation.

Learn more here:

Sections of a chromosome that code for a trait are called what?



genes ( tell me if I am wrong thx! )


6. Potential energy converts to Kinetic energy and Kinetic energy will convert to
Potential energy. Why does the total energy stay the same? *
The energy is not being created or destroyed: only transformed.
Total energy does not stay the same as some is always lost as heat.
Energy stays the same because the energy has no where to go but in a system.



The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. ... Once the potential energy locked in carbohydrates is converted into kinetic energy (energy in use or motion), the organism will get no more until energy is input again.

fill in the gaps plzzz

Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation

__________ carries heat from the core around the body.

As blood flows through the ______________ close to the surface of the ______, heat is lost to the body’s surroundings.

The __________________ which supply the capillaries in the skin have smooth _________ in their walls. This means that the arterioles can dilate or constrict to ____________ the flow of blood into the capillaries.




vessels (arteries), skin

vessels (arteries), smooth muscular cells, regulate

If a strand of DNA has the following base sequence, what would the base sequence of the mRNA that is transcribed be?
mRNA sequence: AUG GUA CAC




Select all the correct answers.
Based on these images, what can you conclude about the organisms?
Organism 1 Organism 2
Organism 3
Organism 4


If I remember them correctly, the organisms are a fish, a reptile a bird and a human during embryonic development. B & D are the correct answers.


b d


Which of the following factors is most likely to contribute to gene flow between the
two geese populations?





The factor that should be contributing to gene flow between the two geese populations is migration.

What is migration?

It is the movement that should be moved to another place. It can be the large people, or animals.

So based on this, we can conclude that the factor that should be contribute to gene flow between the two geese populations is migration.

Learn more about the population here:

What 6 elements make up all lifeforms on earth?



oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus.

Which statement accurately describes recent population density and shifts in Southeast Asia?

Rural towns have many of the same opportunities as urban centers

Indonesia’s capital of Jakarta has become a megalopolis.

The population is rapidly declining

Overcrowding has pushed many people to migrate from urban to rural areas.



Indonesia's capital of Jakarta has become a megalopolis.


I took the test


Many city people are very poor and live in urban slums.

The greatest population densities are on the coasts, along the rivers, and in deltas.

Indonesia’s capital of Jakarta has become a megalopolis.


just did the quiz

How might the increase of volcanic eruptions affect Earth?

A. It might produce more ozone in the atmosphere

B. It might decrease temperature across Earth

C. It might increase the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

D. It might cause the Earth’s surface to absorb more oxygen.


If enough ejecta (mainly ash) is sent into the upper atmosphere, the dust particles will block solar energy causing a decrease in temperature. This has happened in the past. Look for the year without summer caused by a volcanic eruption.
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