dichotomous key of a cockroach​


Answer 1
Yo whsiqosbb Hsiang s Dianne. Dioxin
Answer 2


Identification of cockroaches is limited here to  adults. A major source of confusion is the recognition of adults from nymphs.There are  subjective differences, as well as morphological  differences. Immature cockroaches are known as  nymphs. Nymphs closely resemble adults except  nymphs are generally smaller and lack wings and  genital openings or copulatory appendages at the  tip of their abdomen. Many species, however, have  wingless adult females. Nymphs of these may be  recognized by their shorter, relatively broad cerci  and lack of external genitalia. Male cockroaches  possess styli in addition to paired cerci. Styli arise  from the subgenital plate and are generally conspicuous, but may also be reduced in some species.  Styli are absent in adult females and nymphs

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

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Altitude is an elevation from the sea level. It plays an important role in animals as it affects the respiratory rate, pressure on the cells, and homeostasis.

What is the respiratory rate?

Respiratory rate is the breathing that involves the inhalation and exhalation of gases through the respiratory system. The breathing rate is reduced due to decreases in oxygen transport at a higher altitude which causes fatigue.

At higher altitudes, the pressure is more and in turn, affects the cells as the body also maintains an osmotic pressure to balance the fluid and internal organs. As the altitude increases the temperature drops which affects the homeostasis of the body resulting in more use of energy to keep warm.

Therefore, altitude affects respiration, cell pressure, and homeostasis.

Learn more about respiratory rate here:



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Length of foot
Tongue rolling



length of foot














hello help please i’ll mark brainliest!!!


Answer: The answer is A

The moon has moved past the 1st quater and is heading to the full moon

Answer: Than answer to this question is C

Explanation: The waxing gibbous moon is the last phase before the next full moon.

as learned in the upper yangtze river basin in china in 1998, widespread deforestation can often lead to an increase in the

a.) intensity of earthquakes

b.) severity of flooding

c.) frequency of tornadoes

d.) duration of heat waves



b.severity of flooding


Why?because if it had a big river it can cause a flooding.

Which element is found in both DNA and protein?








Hello There!

DNA and protein is made up of nitrogenous bases which contain nitrogen therefore the correct answer would be nitrogen

The arthropods with three body sections, three pairs of legs, and one or two pairs of wings are the





Insects are arthropods that have three body segments, three pairs of legs, one pair of antennae, and many have one or two pairs of wings. The three body sections are called the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. Wings and legs are attached to the thorax, the middle section.




The graph below represents the number of brown and green beetles collected in a particular ecosystem.

what is the change observed in the number of green and brown beetles in the population most likely due to?

A) natural selection

B) gene mutation

C) a common ancestor

D) selective breeding


Answer: A) natural selection


took the test:) hope this helps

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Answer: I cant say for sure how many species have to be extinct. But yes a species can become extinct.


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plz help and dont take the points
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Consider this plant cell. Which organelle is labeled A?



image so we can answer the question?


The reticular activating system is part of the____?



Reticular activating system (RAS)





anyone know these please help me out i need a lot of help



1. False

2. True

3. True

4. True


1. Not all mutations are bad! Some actually can provide people with advantages.

2. Back to number 1, yes! Some mutations can give you advantages that people would not normally have.

3. Yes! Melanin helps protect our skin from damage from UV rays from the sun. This is why people with lighter skin tend to “tan” or “burn”.

4. Yes! Mutations are often a random process. We cannot determine whether or not someone will be born with or without a mutation.

Scientists often use the analogy of a tree to describe the history of life on Earth. All organisms alive today, including archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes, can trace their development to the same common ancestor or set of ancestors, which forms the base of the tree. Which statement provides the strongest evidence for the conclusion that all living things share common ancestry?

a. All living things perform either cellular respiration or photosynthesis

b. All living things use DNA as a genetic code to transmit information

c. All living things have vestigial structures that are remnants of structures found in ancestral species.

d. All living things are made of cells with approximately the same composition, size, shape, and function





DNA contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce. To carry out these functions, DNA sequences must be converted into messages that can be used to discover history of a living organism and to produce proteins, which are the complex molecules that do most of the work in our bodies

Explain how altitude affects ecosystems​



More specifically, biomes are determined primarily by temperature and precipitation and altitude is going to have effects on both temperature and precipitation. As altitude increases, temperature decreases. ... Thus, altitude is going to affect both temperature and precipitation which will affect the composition of biome.



25% if i am remembering correctly BUT DONT GO BY WHAT I SAID


1/4 = 25%


AO x BO = 1 AB, 1 AO, 1 BO, 1 OO

You are a wild rabbit and your species currently lives in desert. Most of the rabbits are brown but there are a few that are white. An asteroid hits the Earth and the environment you live in suddenly becomes very cold. It begins to snow leaving snow covering the ground. Will your species be able to adapt and line in the new environment? Explain and give details (what happens to white rabbits and brown rabbits.)
I need the brainylest answer and I will give a brainylest answer for this.​



The species of wild rabbits that are brown would most likely have a harder time adapting than the white rabbits to the new environment.

Explanation: The brown rabbits are going to have a hard time living in the snow mostly because of their color. The brown rabbit is more likely to be able to live in the desert because they can camouflauge with their surroundings (the sand). Therefore, camouflaging in the white snow to escape a predator would be impossible for brown rabbits, since they could easily be spotted. Furthermore, the white rabbits would have a higher chance of survival since they can camouflage easier in the snow.

An organism has many cells, but cannot move. It does not eat food, but cannot perform photosynthesis cither. What kingdom does it belong to?




Kingdom fungi

The organism which has many cells, cannot move and cannot photosynthesize belongs to kingdom fungi

Organisms in kingdom fungi are:

Multicellular organismsHeterotrophsExhibit passive movementEukaryotes

What are multicellular organisms?

Multicellular organisms are organisms which possesses two or more cells. They are described as many celled organisms.

Learn more about multicellular organisms:


Can you pick out the statements that are true; statements that support the influence of the Sun and the Earth? [Multi choice]

A) Spring tides are the largest tides due to the combined influence of the Sun and the Moon.
B) The sunspot cycle results in ice ages on Earth.
C) Solar flares disturb some radio communications here on Earth.
D) Geomagnetic storms on the Sun can damage to Earth-orbiting satellites.
E) The Sun's gravity is responsible for the planets' orbital path.


Answer: This is the answer, look at attachment


took the quiz


Science activity 1.4.2​



You forgot to put your question. It happens just make sure to post the picture.


Have a nice day :)

Pic? Can’t answer sorry

what is a DNA 1 paragraph pls :))))))))))



DNA is a self replicated material that is inside almost every living animal, and human being. DNA contains genetic codes. Dna holds genes, for example those who created you, there genes are passed on to you causing it to also be in ur DNA. It contains instructions that an organism needs to live, develope and reproduce. DNA serves as the primary unit of heredity in different types of organisms. (It might not be long enough but maybe this could atleast be used as half a paragraph)

which pathogen by being the smallest is able to spread and infect the greatest number of hosts



bacteria is the pathogen




A virus is the smallest pathogen and can spread easily.

What kind of rock would you expect continental plates to be made of? *








the continental crust is compost mostly of granite

UAA is a codon that signals to stop making a protein, and so it is therefore called a ______



stop codon

hope this helps, good luck :)

UAA is a codon that signals to stop making a protein, and so it is therefore called a stop codon.

What is a codon?

Codon may be characterized as a sequence or collection of three consecutive nucleotides in a DNA or RNA molecule that significantly codes for a specific amino acid. These sequences of nucleotides give a signal to the start or end of translation.

A stop codon is also a sequence of three nucleotides (a trinucleotide) in DNA or messenger RNA (mRNA) that specifically signals a halt or inhibits to protein synthesis in the cell. Out of 64 different trinucleotide codons, there are only three stop codons are there, namely UAA, UAG, and UGA.

The start codon is the initial set of codons in an mRNA transcript that is translated by a ribosome. CAG is a start codon. Nonsense codons also play an important role.

Therefore, UAA is a codon that signals to stop making a protein, and so it is therefore called a stop codon.

To learn more about Stop codons, refer to the link:



What environmental change is most likely to increase the stability of an ecosystem? Answers A) An invasive plant species is introduced to a garden. B) A corn field is allowed to lay fallow (unplanted). C) A section of woods is cleared to make way for sport fields. D) An exterminator sprays chemicals to get rid of pests.



I would say B


Everything else looks like it would decrease the stability

A woman is found to have 47 chromosomes, including 3 X chromosomes. This condition likely resulted from _________________ during meiosis.
a.) karyotyping
b.) nondisjunction
c.) crossing over
d.) synapsis



b.) nondisjunction......

A woman is found to have 47 chromosomes, including 3 X chromosomes. This condition likely resulted from nondisjunction during meiosis.

What do you mean by Chromosomes?

Chromosomes may be defined as tiny, threadlike structures inside most cells of every organism, or living thing which carries the genetic information.

The presence of 3 X chromosomes indicates the condition of trisomy which arises as a result of non-disjunction.

When homologous chromosomes fail to separate at meiosis resulting in a germ cell containing 24 chromosomes rather than 23.

Therefore, a woman is found to have 47 chromosomes, including 3 X chromosomes. This condition likely resulted from nondisjunction during meiosis.

To learn more about Meiosis, refer to the link:



Urgent! please answer this, the photo in attached, thankyou!!


answer: tiny pores, called stomata, in the lower epidermis

*WORTH 12 POINTS * Punnett squares show all of the following except __________.

A. all of the possible traits an organism can have

B. the possible outcomes for the genotype of an offspring

C. the possible outcomes for the genotype of an offspring

D. the genotype of the father for a specific trait





Because you are attempting to find out about the offspring not the parents.

On the image, which letter represents the enzyme?


Answer:The correct answer is B


I hope this helps you out!

From the image, the letter that represents the enzyme is B.

Enzymes are substances, made up of proteins, which are capable of speeding up the metabolic reactions in the human body.

There is a theory that explains the mechanism of action of enzymes. This is called the enzyme lock and key theory.

This theory states that enzymes bind to substrates temporarily forming enzyme-substrate complex that appears like the fitting of a lock and key.

This simply means that the same way a particular key can only fit into a particular lock is the same way a particular substrate must combine with  a particular enzyme for a reaction to occur.

From the diagram,

B represents the enzyme with an active site which must fit into a substrate

A represents the substrate.

Therefore, the the letter that represents the enzyme is B.

Learn more here:


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