Which of the following skills are required to be an effective project manager?


Answer 1


The most important skills of a project manager include communication, teamwork, time management, budgeting


Following are the characteristics of effective project manager

The communication skills of project manager should be effective in nature.

The project manager should have central leadership expertise.

The Project managers should have decision-making skills because the best decision makes the company in profit.

In a good project manager, his team members can express their goal really well.

The project manager tends to keep his peace of mind the whole time and is continuously focused so not to stop losing himself and potentially impact his team culture..

The project manager also takes care of time and submit the project in time.

The effective project manager also keeps in mind the budget before starting the project.

All the other options are not related to skills of effective project manager that's why they are incorrect option.

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An increase of one on the richter scale represents ____ increase in the movement of the earth.


An increase of one on the Richter scale represents ten times increase

The Richter scale measures the size of the greatest ground wave as well as the distance between the earthquake and the scale. The scale can be used to calculate the wave's amplitude and the length of the entire earthquake. The scale offers a number that will allow for the quantification of an earthquake's amplitude. The tiniest earthquakes measurable at the time were given ratings on the original Richter scale that were very close to zero.

For every step up on the scale, the magnitude of an earthquake grows by a factor of ten. Because modern seismographs can detect seismic waves even smaller than those originally designated for zero magnitudes, it is conceivable to evaluate earthquakes with negative Richter scale magnitudes.

Read more about the Richter scale on:



which of the following is a signature that transfers a check to a specific party for a specific purpose? multiple choice blank endorsement. full endorsement. restrictive endorsement. negotiable endorsement.


Negotiable Endorsement is a signature that transfers a check to a specific party for a specific purpose.

What is a Negotiable Endorsement?

An endorsement is the act of a holder of a negotiable instrument signing his or her name on the document's reverse in order to transfer title or ownership. An endorsement could be made on behalf of a different person or company. The holder may renegotiate a promissory note, bill of exchange, or check payable to order by indorsing and delivering the instrument. 47. A promissory note, a bill of exchange, or a check payable to the bearer is negotiable by delivery of the instrument, subject to the restrictions of section 58.

Hence, Negotiable Endorsement is a signature that transfers a check to a specific party for a specific purpose.

To learn more about Negotiable Endorsement click,



bmm industries pays a dividend of $3.00 per quarter. the dividend yield on its stock is reported at 5.80%. what is the stock price?


A dividend is the distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders and is determined with the useful resource of the usage of the company's board of directors.

The required details for dividend in given paragraph

Annual dividend =(Quarterly dividend)*4


Current inventory charge=(Annual dividend)/(Dividend yield)


=$206.8965517 or $206.90 (Rounded to two decimal places)

Answer: $206.90

Dividends are regularly disbursed quarterly and can be paid out as coins or within side the shape of reinvestment in extra inventory. The dividend yield is the dividend in step with proportion and is expressed as dividend/charge as a percent of a company's proportion charge, together with 2.5%. Common shareholders of dividend-paying corporations are eligible to obtain a distribution so long as they personal the inventory earlier than the ex-dividend date. Dividends should be permitted with the aid of using the shareholders with the aid of using vote casting rights.

Although coins dividends are common, dividends also can be issued as stocks of inventory. Various mutual price range and exchange-traded price range (ETFs) additionally pay dividends.

To know about dividend click here



4. if respondeat superior applies, the employer cannot be held liable for the negligent act committed by the employee. group of answer choices true false


According to the doctrine of respondent superior, a party is liable for the actions of its agents. So the statement is False.

What is respondent superior doctrine?

According to the doctrine of respondeat superior, a party is liable for the actions of its agents. For instance, there are situations in which an employer is accountable for actions taken by workers while they were working for them in the United States. According to the aforementioned legal theory, when an employee or agent commits a wrongdoing while acting in the course of their employment or agency, their employer or principle is held legally culpable. Its foundation is the idea of "vicarious responsibility." According to the respondeat superior doctrine, if an employee commits a negligent conduct while performing work-related duties, the employer is vicariously accountable.

Hence, the statement is False.

To learn more about the respondent superior doctrine click,



f a manufacturer produces a defective product, sells it to a wholesaler, who sells it to a retailer, who sells it to a consumer, who is injured, which parties in the chain of distribution are potentially liable under strict liability? only the manufacturer. only the manufacturer and wholesaler. the manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer. only the party at fault.


Parties in the distribution chain who are potentially liable under strict liability in the presence of manufacturing companies that produce defective products, sell them to wholesalers, sell them to retailers, and cause injury to consumers are manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers. Hence, the correct option is (C).

What is the Strict Liability in a Distribution Process?

Strict liability is a situation where there is a party who must be responsible for the consequences that occur. In the distribution chain in question, the parties responsible for the injury that occurs to consumers are manufacturers, wholesalers, and also retailers. Manufacturing companies have faults for producing defective products, and wholesalers and retailers have faults for selling defective products to consumers.

Learn more about supply chain management at https://brainly.com/question/25160870


The effect of repurchasing stock using the cost method is to ______. (check all that apply. ).


The effect of repurchasing stock using the cost method is to

Increase Treasury StockDecrease stockholders' equityDecrease Assets.

What is stock repurchasing?

Stock repurchasing refers to the act of buying back the stores of a company from the marketplace. The goal of stock repurchasing is often to increase the financial strength and presence of an organization.

Stock repurchasing will also ensure that the company will be able to gain more integrity in the marketplace. Companies often repurchase stock when they have enough cash at hand. When the cost method is used for this purpose, it will help to decrease assets, increase treasury stock and decrease stockholders' equity.

Complete Question:

The effect of repurchasing stock using the cost method is to ______. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. decrease assets decrease stockholders' equity increase Treasury Stock decrease liabilities increase liabilities decrease Treasury Stock increase assets

Learn more about stock repurchasing here:



gdp is not a perfect measure of social welfare and the society's economic well-being because a. it does not say anything about the distribution of income. b. gdp accounting rules do not adjust for production that causes negative externalities. c. it does not include all economic activities in the economy. d. all of the above


GDP is not a perfect measure of social welfare and the society's economic well-being because all of the above (D).

Gross Domestic Products or GDP measures both the economy's total income and expenditures on goods and services. GDP usually used as a measure to evaluate the country's economic well-being. However, GDP could not be the solely measurement to evaluate a contry's social welfare and economic well being because of many reasons.

GDP only calculates the average of income of a country. However GDP could not capture the income gap happens among the citizen which could represent into the economic gap in the country. GDP failed to capture about the distribution of income.

GDP only measures the output of goods and services produced within a country. GDP does not measure the impact of the production processes. GDP does not measure the negative externalities caused by the production process such as carbon and ozon rate.

GDP only measures the consumption and investment activites of public and private entities in the country. However, they are some income in the economy that   is generated abroad. This condition then leads to new concept called GNDI or Gross National Dispossable Income. GNDI calculates Net Factors Income and Net Transfers in addition to the GDP.

Learn more about GDP here: https://brainly.com/question/14971443


which amazon audience can be used to reach shoppers who recently viewed or purchased items in a specific category or sub-category?


Am-azon's in-market audience can be utilized to connect with customers who recently browsed or bought products in a certain category or subcategory.

What does "in-market audience" mean?

You can identify clients who are actively contemplating purchasing something similar to what you offer while they visit web pages using in-market audiences.

What kind of user can viewers in the market categorize?

On the other side, in-market audiences concentrate on customers or sales cycle bottom-dwellers. However, because they are prepared to buy, they are more transient than affinity audiences. After making a purchase, they have probably met their demand.

Am-azon audience insights: What are they?

Reporting that gives you details about your Am-azon buying interactions is one example of audience insights. Even if a brand is new to advertising, insights provide information on how buyers presently browse and buy products from that brand on Am-azon.

Learn more about in-market audience: https://brainly.com/question/14970509


What do you consider to be the three greatest opportunities for mnes in emerging market countries?.


The three greatest opportunities for MNCs in emerging market countries are:

Because of their younger, increasingly prosperous populations, emerging markets will drive an explosion in consumer spending.

Real (inflation-adjusted) expenditure will grow at triple the rate in developed countries, owing to the continued expansion of the internet and mobile connectivity.

Emerging markets may be subject to political uncertainty and volatile commodity prices, but they also happen to be among the fastest-growing economies in the world. An explosion in consumer spending will soon offer massive opportunities to companies that can learn to navigate this uniquely challenging business environment.

Companies that ignore these opportunities risk missing out on decades of future returns.

Learn more about the emerging market countries here:



The most problematic sources are those that: A. Provide the least information about their author and original source of information B. Contain information that is biased C. Contain information only from secondary sources D. Provide one outlook on the information being presented


The most problematic sources are those that provide the least information about their author and original source of information. A material or device that emits radiation, whether ionising or non-ionizing, and that needs to be licensed by the Australian Radiation.

The protection and Nuclear Safety Authority is referred to as a problematic source. Investments, operations, and financing These three streams of business cash flow can significantly impact the development and viability of your organization. The sources of company finance include retained earnings, equity, term loans, debt, letters of credit, debentures, euro issuance, working capital loans, the venture capital investments, etc.

To learn more about problematic, click here.



Answer: I believe the answer is A.

Explanation: I really hope this helps and have a fabulous day!

In the united states for the year​ 2020, the federal government had a​ ________ so the national debt was​ ________.


The federal government in the United States ran a budget deficit in 2012, which resulted in an increase in the country's debt.

How does a budget deficit start?

People's salaries decrease in a bad economy, which results in the government collecting less tax revenue and spending more on social safety net services like food assistance or unemployment insurance. One reason why deficits often increase (or surpluses decrease) during recessions is due to this.

What occurs when the fiscal deficit widens?

The amount of public sector debt rises as a result of a budget imbalance. National debt will rise as a percentage of GDP in countries with large deficits. Interest on debt has an opportunity cost. A greater deficit will also result in a higher percentage of the nation's income going toward paying interest on the debt.

Learn more about budget deficit: https://brainly.com/question/14181631


the aggregate demand curve shifts when there are changes in: multiple choice the price level. aggregate spending that are not caused by changes in output or the price level. planned spending that are caused only by changes in output or the price level. real gdp or real output and income.


The aggregate demand curve shifts when there are changes in planned spending that are caused only by changes in output or the price level.

What is the aggregate demand curve?

An aggregate demand curve serves as the curve that do shows the total spending on domestic goods as well as the  services  which is been shown at  each price level.

It should be noted that the aggregate demand curve,  can shift depends on the situation, for instance it can shifts to the right as the components of aggregate demand due to :

consumption spending investment spending government spending

In conclusion, there can be a shift in the aggregate demand curve as a result of the planned spending  which comes due to only by changes in output .

Therefore, the second option is correct.

Learn more about demand curve  at:



suppose that the graph below represents the cost function for the entire industry and that the demand curve and marginal revenue curve represent the entire market. if the oligopoly acted as a single decision maker, what quantity would it choose to maximize industry profit?


A small group of businesses that are able to coordinate their prices and output should set their prices and output at the same levels as a monopoly.

Describe a monopoly.

A monopoly is a market system where one producer or seller holds a monopolistic position in a given area or industry. In free-market economies, monopolies are opposed because they impede competition and restrict consumer alternatives.

Antitrust laws are in existence in the United States to prevent monopolies, guaranteeing that one company cannot have complete control over a market and use that control to take advantage of its customers.

A company that has a monopoly is one that lacks substitutes for its product in the market and faces no competition from them. Monopolies can impose price changes and put obstacles in the way of competitors entering the market.

Learn more about monopolies with the help of the given link:



when evaluating a sales proposal before submitting it to a buyer, a salesperson needs to verify if his or her sales proposal is well-written and that it:


When evaluating a sales proposal before submitting it to a buyer, a salesperson needs to verify if his or her sales proposal is well-written and that it: describes all of the seller's fees,prices and expenses buyers will incur.

The salesperson is accountable for greeting clients, helping them discover items in the shop, and ringing up purchases. To be successful as a salesperson you should have first-rate conversation abilties. a great shop clerk meets income targets whilst closing polite and helpful to clients.

A salesclerk is a person who sells a service or product, and his or her fundamental objective is making income. The salesclerk may additionally or may not without a doubt be obsessed on the product or service. she or he is maximum interested in getting cash.

Learn more about salesperson here:https://brainly.com/question/25743891

The difference between a gross material requirements plan and a net requirements plan is that.


The difference between a gross material requirements plan (gross MRP) and a net material requirements plan (net MRP) is the gross MRP includes consideration of the inventory on hand, whereas the net MRP does not. the gross MRP may not be computerized, but the net MRP must be computerized.

The difference between gross material requirements planning (gross MRP) and net material requirements planning (net MRP) is as follows: Gross disposals include stock consideration, but not net disposals. Gross disposal may not be computerized, but net disposal must be computerized.

Aggregate material requirements planning is the total requirement for an item (before inventory and planned receipts are deducted) and when it should be ordered from the supplier, or when it should start production. It is a schedule that indicates whether specific date. The difference between gross requirements planning and net requirements planning is that in net requirements planning, on-hand and planned receipts are adjusted at each level. The required quantity of each item, including the demand for parts and the demand for spare parts to produce the parent item, is called demand. The unified demand for each period is called aggregate demand.

To know furthermore about MRP at



you purchase a $1,000 face value convertible bond for $975. the bond can be converted into 150 shares of stock. the stock is currently priced at $5.25. at what minimum stock price would you be willing to convert?


purchased a $1,000 face value convertible bond for $975. The bond may be exchanged for 150 shares of stock. The stock is currently valued at $5.25. The least price per share that will be charged is $6.5.

A bond is a sort of instrument in which the issuer owes the bearer a debt and is required, depending on the terms, to repay the bond's principal and interest over a predetermined period of time at the bond's maturity date. A stock usually referred to as equity, is a type of investment that denotes ownership in a portion of the issuing company. Shares, also known as units of stock, entitle their owners to a share of the company's assets and profits in proportion to the number of shares they own. A share price is the cost of one equity share among many sellable shares of a company. The stock price, put simply, is the highest price someone is willing to pay for the stock or the lowest price at which it can be purchased.

Minimum Stock Price * 150 = 975

MSP = 975 / 150 = $6.5

Therefore, the Minimum Stock Price at which the bond will be convertible is $6.5

To know more about Share Price, refer to this link:



Any company making more than $18,333,333
in a single year must pay how much in income
A. 35%
B. 15%
C. 25%


35%hope this helps I pretty sure that this is right.

wkl entertainment inc. is a service-based firm with very few competitors. the company is looking to sell the same basic product services in different nations and charge a relatively high price for it. wkl does not face direct competitors, so the company does not have to deal with strong pressures to minimize its costs. which of the following strategies should wkl entertainment inc. managers pursue?


The following strategies should wkl entertainment inc. managers pursue multinational.

Multinational agencies select from amongst 4 fundamental worldwide techniques: (1) worldwide (2) multi-domestic, (3) worldwide, and (4) transnational. These techniques range relying on pressures; 1) on emphasizing low value and performance and 2) responding to the nearby tradition and needs.

A multinational method means standardizing services and products round the arena to advantage performance. This marks the begin of the multinational stage. At this stage, a price-touchy attitude is famous and cultural variations are much less emphasized.

Multinationals such as Kia and Walmart have selected a worldwide method to manual their efforts throughout numerous nations. Usually, the number one aim of a enterprise is to growth earnings and growth. If it may develop a worldwide client base and growth its marketplace proportion abroad, it can trust that commencing workplaces in overseas nations is really well worth the rate and effort.

Learn more about strategies here:



Why are wages and salaries generally determined by the market for labor?

A. The forces of supply and demand are more powerful than any government regulation.
B. Other than minimum wage, the government does not determine pay for various jobs.
C. Business firms are suppliers and workers are demanders in the market for labor.
D. The market for labor is the same as the product market, so prices and wages match.


Option B. Wages and salaries generally are determined by the market for labor because other than minimum wage, the government does not  pay for various jobs.

What is a minimum wage?

The minimal amount of compensation that an employer is compelled to pay wage earners for jobs completed during a particular period and which cannot be reduced by a collective agreement or an individual contract is known as a minimum wage.

This definition alludes to the fact that minimum wages are legally binding regardless of how they are set. A minimum wage can be established by law, a competent authority's judgment, a wage board, a wage council, or by labor or industrial courts or tribunals. By making the terms of collective agreements enforceable by law, minimum salaries can also be determined.

The goal of minimum wages is to shield employees from unfairly low pay. They aid in ensuring a fair and equal distribution of the benefits of growth.

For more on minimum wage, visit






took test

for which of the following products would a consumer most likely use limited decision making? a. toothpaste b. washing machine c. detergent d. automobile e. hair dryer


Detergent consumers most likely use limited decision-making.

Detergents are a group of compounds with an amphiphilic shape, wherein every molecule has a hydrophilic (polar) head and a long hydrophobic (non-polar) tail. The hydrophobic element of those molecules can be instant- or branched-chain hydrocarbons, or it may have a steroid shape. The hydrophilic element is more varied, it'll be ionic or non-ionic and might vary from a simple or a surprisingly complicated structure.

Detergents are surfactants when you consider that they could lower the floor tension of water. Their twin nature facilitates the aggregate of hydrophobic compounds (like oil and grease) with water. because air isn't always hydrophilic, detergents are also foaming agents to varying stages.

learn more about Detergents here:  https://brainly.com/question/24852631


George has a monthly income gross of 3500 and his monthly debt payments are 325 car payments 290 student loan payment 930 mortgage payment and 400 in credit card payment what is the total debt to income ratio rounded to the nearest percent


A standard rule of thumb is to preserve your ordinary debt-to-income ratio at or under 43%.

What debt-to-income ratio is too high?

Debt-to-income ratio is your monthly debt obligations compared to your gross month-to-month income (before taxes), expressed as a percentage. A excellent debt-to-income ratio is less than or equal to 36%. Any debt-to-income ratio above 43% is regarded to be too lots debt.

What is the easiest debt-to-income ratio for a mortgage?

Ideal debt-to-income ratio for a mortgage

In phrases of your front-end and back-end ratios, lenders normally seem to be for the best front-end ratio to be no greater than 28 percent, and the back-end ratio, together with all month-to-month debts, to be no greater than 36 percent.

Learn more about debt to income ratio here:


owners of limited liability companies enjoy flow-through treatment of income and losses. group of answer choices true false


A limited liability company (LLC), like a corporation, restricts the liability of its investors (called members) to the amount of their investment. The LLC, like a limited partnership, distributes all of its revenues and losses to its investors without being taxed. As a result, it is correct.

What is a Limited liability company?

A limited liability corporation is a private limited company in the US. It is a type of company form that can combine the limited liability of a corporation with the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship.

According to state law, an LLC is not a corporation; rather, it is a type of firm that offers its owners limited liability in many jurisdictions.

The freedom that LLCs give business owners is well recognized; depending on the scenario, an LLC may choose to use corporate tax laws rather than being classified as a partnership, and, in some cases, LLCs may be structured as not-for-profit entities.

Learn more about a Limited liability company, from:



Suppose a tax of $1 per unit is imposed on a good. The more elastic the supply of the good, other things equal, the.


Suppose a tax of $1 per unit is imposed on a good. The more elastic the supply of the good, other things equal, the the larger is the deadweight loss of the tax.

What Is a deadweight loss of taxation?

The measurement of loss brought on by the introduction of a new tax is referred to as the deadweight loss of taxation. This is the outcome of a new tax that is higher than what is typically paid to the taxing body of the government. A tax's impact on consumer surplus is known as "deadweight loss."

The amount of money the government makes when a tax is imposed on a good is exactly equal to the surplus that the tax causes to be lost by consumers and producers. A deadweight loss occurs when supply and demand are out of balance, leading to market inefficiencies. Deadweight losses are generally caused by an inefficient resource allocation that is brought about by a variety of interventions, including price floors, ceilings, monopolies, and taxes.

To learn more about deadweight loss of the tax, visit:



The complete question is:

Suppose a tax of $1 per unit is imposed on a good. The more elastic the supply of the good, other things equal:

a. the smaller is the response of quantity supplied to the tax.

b. the larger is the tax burden on sellers relative to the tax burden on buyers.

c. the larger is the deadweight loss of the tax.

d. All of the above are correct

hacker software has 11.8 percent coupon bonds on the market with 15 years to maturity. the bonds make semiannual payments and currently sell for 108.7 percent of par. what is the current yield on the bonds? (round your answer to 2 decimal places. (e.g., 32.16)) current yield 10.86 % what is the ytm? (round your answer to 2 decimal places. (e.g., 32.16)) ytm 10.63 % what is the effective annual yield? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your final answer to 2 decimal places. (e.g., 32.16)) effective annual yield %


The hacker software program has 11.eight percent coupon bonds on the market with 15 years to adulthood. The bonds make an annual yield and currently promote 108.7 percent of par.

The modern yield at the bonds

current yield at the bonds = 11.eight%/108.7%

the current yield on the bonds = 10.86%

The common annual yield is the income received from an investment divided by way of the length of time the funding is owned. an average annual yield is a useful device for studying the return on floating-rate investments.

YTM = price(nper,pmt,pv,fv) * 2

YTM = fee(15*2,59,-1087,a thousand) * 2

YTM = 10.63%

The effective annual yield

effective annual yield = (1+10.sixty three%/2)^2 - 1

effective annual yield = 10.91%

The annual percentage yield is usually calculated by means of multiplying the hobby rate by means of the variety of compounded intervals in line with 12 months.

Learn more about annual yield here



decentralized market-based financial systems improve the allocation of saving by multiple choice none of the other answers are correct. ensuring capital gains exceed dividend payments. matching net capital inflows to net capital outflows. providing information and risk-sharing services. eliminating the need for commercial banks or other financial intermediaries.


Decentralized market-based financial systems improve the allocation of saving by providing information and risk-sharing services.

Decentralized finance (Defi) is a rising monetary technology that challenges this centralized banking industry. Defi eliminates the fees that banks and alternative monetary corporations charge for the victimization of their services and promotes the employment of peer-to-peer, or P2P, transactions.

Decentralized finance (Defi) may produce new risks similar to previous ones. Scientists have known 5 in particular: smart-contract risk, oracle risk, tutelar risk, environmental risk, and regulative risk. Smart-Contract Risk: a sensible contract is an automatic, self-executing agreement between parties.

To learn more about Decentralized finance, visit here



According to research, what kind of job interview is most successful at predicting a candidate’s later successful job performance?.


Multiple candidates are interviewed during structured interviews, according to research, and this improves the ability to predict actual job performance (Levashina et al., 2013) "

A key result in interview research is that structured interviewer assessments are more predictive of job performance than situational interview judgments. Because it focuses on how a candidate handled a particular situation in a prior employment environment, a situational interview may have high validity in predicting job success. Employers utilize the behavioral-based interviewing technique to assess candidates' prior behavior in various contexts in order to forecast their performance going forward. The interview is a poor indicator of future performance.

To learn more about research, click here.



what does unrelated diversification provide? (choose every correct answer.) multiple select question. performance that is rarely better than the sum of what the individual business units could have achieved independently very general, low-value resources for the subsidiaries a limited potential for competitive advantage very specialized, high-value resources to the subsidiaries


Unrelated diversification provide performance that is rarely better than the sum of what the individual business units could have achieved independently very general.

Diversification is a approach that mixes a huge sort of investments within a portfolio in an try and lessen portfolio hazard. Diversification is most usually performed via investing in distinctive asset instructions inclusive of stocks, bonds, actual estate, or cryptocurrency.

Diversification is the manner of allocating capital in a way that reduces the publicity to any one particular asset or threat. A commonplace direction in the direction of diversification is to reduce threat or volatility via investing in a spread of belongings.

Diversification is the practice of spreading your investments round in order that your publicity to any individual form of asset is restricted. This practice is designed to help reduce the volatility of your portfolio over the years.

Learn more about diversification here  : https://brainly.com/question/417234


madison company issued an interest-bearing note payable with a face value of $10,200 and a stated interest rate of 8% to metropolitan bank on august 1, year 1. the note carried a one-year term. based on this information alone, what is the amount of total liabilities appearing on madison's balance sheet as of december 31, year 1?


The amount of total liabilities appearing on madison's balance sheet as of december 31, year 1 is: $10,540.

How to find the total liabilities?

Using this formula to find the total liabilities

Total liabilities = Face value + (Face value × interest rate × 5/12)

(August 1 to December 31 = 5 months)

Let plug in the formula

Total liabilities = $10,200 + ($10,200 × 8% × 5 months/ 12 months)

Total liabilities = $10,200 + $340

Total liabilities = $10,540

Therefore the total liabilities  is $10,540.

Learn more about total liabilities here:https://brainly.com/question/28390357


imagine that you are a human resource manager at an online retailer. what will you do in order to know whether you will be giving layoff notices to your programming staff or recruiting for additional programmers?


The first thing you should do when handling a complicated layoff situation is to call your HR consultant.

You have the knowledge and assistance necessary to create and carry out a successful plan for personnel reduction.Outplacement consultants' and other support services' workloads are adequately planned out and coordinated.

You have a communication strategy in place that will give employees timely information that is tailored to their requirements and mindful of workplace dynamics.

To ensure that the positions that need to be removed are effectively identified, layoff seniority and employee job skills are properly taken into account.Understanding where bumping can happen can help you evaluate the effects on the organization.

Learn more about layoffs:


to improve its inventory turnover, amazon shares purchasing forecasts and sales information with its suppliers to ensure that the right amount of the right product arrives at the right place at the lowest possible cost. when amazon and its suppliers work together to move a product from the source of raw materials to consumption, it is an example of


to improve its inventory turnover, amazon shares purchasing forecasts and sales information with its suppliers to ensure that the right amount of the right product arrives at the right place at the lowest possible cost. when amazon and its suppliers work together to move a product from the source of raw materials to consumption, it is an example of logistics.

What is logistics?

The term "logistics" describes the total process of controlling the acquisition, storage, and delivery of resources to their intended location. Choosing potential distributors and suppliers and evaluating their efficiency and accessibility are all part of logistics management. The term "logisticians" is used to describe logistics managers.

The term "logistics" was first used by the military to describe the methods used by military personnel to acquire, store, and transport equipment and supplies.

The phrase is increasingly often used in the corporate world, especially by organizations in the industrial sectors, to describe the management and movement of resources through the supply chain.

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Find the area of a regular hexagon with side lengths of 12 in. Accessibility ModePrintFindPart II: Limiting Reactant1. Consider the reaction: 5C +2SO CS + 4COa.) If you had 10 mol of Carbon, how many moles of carbon monoxide would be produced?b.) If you had 10 mol of sulfur dioxide, how many moles of carbon monoxide would beproduced?c.) If you had 10 mol of C and SO2 which reactant would be limiting?d.) What is the theoretical yield of CO, in moles if you react 10 moles of each reactant?SAMEFaPmenSavarEP Immersive Reader Which of these is an exponential parent function? A. f(x) = 2^x 3 B. f(x) = 2^x + 2 C. f(x) = 2^x D. f(x) = 2^x + 1/3 how do I know where which choices below go into the correct blanks for number 2, 3, 4? Anetha wants to eam at least $90 per month. She babysits for $8 per hour (x) and cleans houses for $5 per hour (y). She cannot work more than 15 hours per month. Which pairs (x,y) represent hours that Anetha could work to meet the given conditions? In 1931, Japanese troops annexed the mineral-rich Chinese province of [tex] \sqrt[3]{80} [/tex]simplify in simplest radical form como se resuelve esto? 3x+10x=O Find the equation of the line through (2,-4) and parallel to the line 5x-2y-4=0. Write your answer in general form. 16) Select the sequence of transformations that will carry triangle A onto triangle A'Atranslate 6 units down, then reflect acrossA)'the y-axis5B) reflect over the y-axis, reflect over the x-axis,then 2 units upC)reflect over the x-axis, translate 2 units up,then 8 units left-5D)reflect over the x-axis, rotate 90 clockwise,then translate 4 units down Find the slope of the line(Question in photo sorry) (Pre algebra) What does a biome contain that a community does not? A. Multiple organisms B. Biotic factors C. Multiple species D. Abiotic factors Consider the figure below.MGiven:PM 2PN, LM I MN,MNI ONLN bisects ZMNO, OM bisects LMNAMPL XANPO?Which of the following statements is enough to prove The solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago. This expressed asA. 4.5x10^6 yearsB. 4.5x10^7 yearsC. 4.5x10^8 yearsD. 4.5 x10^9 years Can someone help me with this question when consumers look at all of the benefits of a product and subtract all of the costs related to its purchase, they are: Choose a natural number between 1 and 36, inclusive. What is the probability that the number is a multiple of 3 (enter the probability as a fraction.) A car was valued at $32,000 in the year 1995. The value depreciated to $14,000 by the year 2001.A) What was the annual rate of change between 1995 and 2001?T =Round the rate of decrease to 4 decimal places.B) What is the correct answer to part A written in percentage form?T =%.C) Assume that the car value continues to drop by the same percentage. What will the value be in the year2005 ?value = $Round to the nearest 50 dollars. FeCl3 (aq) undergoes a double displacement reaction with Ba(OH)2 (aq). If this reaction produces a solid product containing iron, and the other product is in an aqueous solution, what's the balanced chemical equation for this chemical reaction? Briefly explain how to arrive at the balanced reaction equation. 100 Points!!!Watch and summarize the video, How Artist JR Is Helping Connect Our Humanity Through Street Art. Summarize in 4 - 6 sentences.