Which of the elements below has the lewis dot structure shown below?

Which Of The Elements Below Has The Lewis Dot Structure Shown Below?


Answer 1




a Lewis dot structure shows the number of valence electrons an element has Chlorine (Cl) has 7 valence electrons

Answer 2
Since there are 7 valence electrons we can tell it's from group 17.

So the answer would be Cl the last option.

Related Questions

which of the following liquids will have the highest vapor pressure? a. dimethylamine, (ch3)2nh d. 1-propanol, ch3ch2ch2oh b. dimethylsulfide, (ch3)2s e. ethylene glycol, hoch2ch2oh c. water, h2o


The liquids  which will have the highest vapor pressure among the option is water(H20).

The pressure of the vapour produced by the evaporation of a fluid (or solid) over a sample of the fluid (or solid) in such a closed container is known as the vapour pressure of a liquid, also known as the equilibrium pressure of a vapour above its liquid (or solid). The force that is created as liquids evaporate is known as vapour pressure. Surface area, intermolecular forces, and temperature are three variables that frequently have an impact on a vapour press. As the temperature changes, so do the vapour pressures of molecules.

To know more about   Vapor Pressure visit : https://brainly.com/question/29382271


when the reaction was completed, why was the reaction mixture poured onto ice? choose all that apply.


In order to crush out the organic product, add cold water primarily the reaction was completed, and the reaction mixture was poured onto ice.

With aspirin, you've acetylated the substance. Therefore, you converted an OH into an acetate group. This implies that your product ought to be less water-soluble. You most likely used an acid catalyst and acetic anhydride for this reaction. Consequently, the water makes your product precipitate.

-hydrolyzes the extra acetic anhydride to produce acetic acid.

-enables you to collect your product by vacuum filtration, making it convenient to eliminate the reaction byproducts (acetic acid and the inorganic acid you employed as catalyst).

Because aspirin is still just a little bit soluble in water, you chill the mixture. By lowering the solvent's temperature, you can make the product less soluble.

learn more about acid catalysts here;



a moves needed substances or waste materials through the plasma membrane and contributes to the selective permeability of the plasma membrane.


The selective permeability is influenced by proteins that assist transfer materials or trash across the plasma membrane by forming tunnels in the membrane.

A membrane in a person is what?

Body membranes are incredibly thin tissue sheets that coat the bodily, line body cavities, and protect organs inside hollow organs. They fall within the epithelium and connective tissue membrane categories.

What are some uses for membrane?

A cell is shielded by its plasma membrane, often known as its cell membrane. The membrane serves a variety of purposes and also creates a stable environment inside the cell. It means transporting both toxic materials out of another cell and nourishment into it.

To know more about Membrane visit:



The effective multiplication factor of a reactor is 0. 94. (a) what is the reactivity of the reactor? (b) what change in core reactivity would be required to make the reactor critical?


The effective multiplication factor k=0.94.

What is reactivity ?

Being responsive as a trait or state. Chemistry. the resemblance of an atom's, molecule's, or radical's ability to interact chemically with another atom, molecule, or substance.

What is reactor?

Reactor: A vessel or equipment used in chemical engineering to conduct chemical reactions for research or production.

(a) The effective multiplication factor  k=0.94

The reactivity \rho = \frac{k-1}{k}=-0.0638.

(b) For the reactor to be critical, k = 1, which means the core reactivity should be increased to make it critical.

Therefore, the effective multiplication factor k=0.94.

Learn more about reactivity from the given link.



Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are almost incompressible.a. Trueb. False


True Liquids and solids exhibit practically no change of solubility with changes in pressure.

Solids are one of the four basic states of matter. Molecules in solids are densely packed and contain minimal kinetic energy. Solids are characterized by their structural rigidity and resistance to forces applied to their surfaces.

Solids have a specific shape and volume because the molecules that make them up are close together and move slowly. Solids are often crystalline. Examples of crystalline solids are table salt, sugar, diamonds, and many other minerals.

There are two main categories of solids: crystalline and amorphous. Crystalline solids are well-ordered at the atomic level while amorphous solids are disordered. There are four types of crystalline solids molecular solids, network solids, ionic solids, and metallic solids.

Learn more about solids here:-https://brainly.com/question/10813056


How much does calcium chloride lower the freezing point of water?


Calcium chloride decreases the freezing point of moisture on the road to nearly 60 degrees below zero.

Calcium chloride is a very common chemical used to scatter on the roads for melting of ice is present on the driveways due to heavy snow.

When calcium chloride comes in contact with the ice it gets the associated into three ions one calcium ion and two chloride ions. Because of the presence of large number of ions.

The freezing point of the eyes decreases down to nearly 60 degrees below the normal freezing temperature of water which is 0 degree.

To know more about calcium chloride, visit,



What is the density of argon gas at standard temperature and pressure?


1.79 g/L  is the density of argon gas at standard temperature and pressure.

Chemically speaking, argon is an element with the symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It belongs. to the periodic table's group. 18 and is a noble gas. At 0.934%, argon is the third-most prevalent gas in the Earth's atmosphere (9340 ppmv). It is 23 times more abundant than carbon dioxide (400 ppmv), more than 500 times more abundant than neon, and more than twice as abundant as water vapour, which typically occurs in concentrations of roughly 4000 ppmv but can vary substantially (18 ppmv). With 0.00015% of the crust made up of it, argon is the most prevalent noble gas in the Earth's crust.

The majority of the argon in Earth's atmosphere is radiogenic argon-40, which is created when potassium-40 in the planet's crust decays. The most prevalent argon isotope in the cosmos is by far argon-36.

Learn more about argon here:



Counting Atoms – How many atoms are in the following compounds? a) CaCl2_______ b) NH4OH_______ c) NaCl_______ Ca = ___, Cl = ____ N = __, H = __, O = __ Na = ___ Cl = __ d) N2O7_______ e) P2O5_______ f) C6H12O6_______ N = ___ O = ____ P = ____ O = ___ C = ____, H = ____, O = ____


To see the number of atoms of an element in a given molecule we need to multiply stoichiometry to the number that is written on the foot of the element that is stoichiometry.

What is atom?

Atom is the smallest particle of any element, molecule or compound. Atom can not be further divided. Atoms contains nucleus in its center and electron that revolve around the atom in fixed orbit.

In the nucleus, proton and neutron are present. Electron has -1 charge while proton has +1 charge. Neutron is neutral that is it has no charge. So overall the charge of nucleus is due to only proton, not by neutron.

In CaCl[tex]_2[/tex],

Ca atom number = 1

Cl atom number=2.

In NH[tex]_4[/tex]OH,

N atom number= 1

H atom number= 5

O atom number = 1

In NaCl,

Na atom number=1

Cl atom number =1

In N[tex]_2[/tex]O[tex]_7[/tex]

N atom number= 2

O atom number =7

In P[tex]_2[/tex]O[tex]_5[/tex]

P atom = 2

O atom number = 5.    

In compound C[tex]_6[/tex]H[tex]_{12}[/tex]O[tex]_6[/tex]

C atom number =6

H atom number =2

O atom number =6.         

Therefore, the number of atoms of each element can be calculated as above.

To know more about atom, here:



What 3 types of products are excluded from labeling and SDS requirements?


Wood or products made of wood. Explosives as defined in the Explosives Act. Nuclear substances within the meaning of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act, that are radioactive. Hazardous waste that is being sold for recycling, recovery, or is intended for disposal.

Which isomer reacts more rapidly in an e2 reaction, cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane or trans-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane?


The compound that would undergo faster elimination reaction is cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane.

The two primary requirements for an E-2 elimination reaction are as follows:

There must be availability of β-hydrogens which means the presence of hydrogen on the carbon next to the leaving group.The hydrogen and leaving group must be in a anti-periplanar position.

Any substrate which follows the above two conditions are capable of giving elimination reactions.

Among the structures trans-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane and cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane, to be stable it must have the tert-butyl group in the equatorial position as it is a bulky group and at equatorial position it would not repel other groups. If the structure is kept on the axial position it would undergo 1,3-diaxial interaction and would destabilize the system and that structure would be unstable hence will not show E-2 elimination.

Learn more about E-2 elimination reaction from the link given below.



Three students are asked to discuss the sources of error that might have affected the outcome of the lab. Select the student that employs correct scientific reasoning.Student 1: If the spot was placed below the solvent level, this would cause the sample to be dissolved into the solvent pool before traveling up the plate.Student 2: If the solvent used has the opposite polarity of the stationary phase this will cause unequal movement of the sample.Student 3: If the developing chamber was closed too quickly than the sample wouldn't be able to travel on the TLC plate.


Three students are asked to discuss the sources of error that might have affected the outcome of the lab therefore the student that employs correct scientific reasoning is Student 1.

What is a Laboratory?

This is referred to as a facility that provides controlled conditions for scientific experiments, research etc. it contains different tools snd equipment such as microscope, beaker etc which helps to obtain accurate results.

The student that employs correct scientific reasoning is Student 1 as he considers if the spot was placed below the solvent level, it would cause the sample to be dissolved into the solvent pool before traveling up the plate which is the error.

During the process of Thin-layer chromatography, it should be placed in such a way that only the lower edge of the plate touches the solvent which is therefore the correct choice.

Read more about Thin-layer chromatography here https://brainly.com/question/14219599


What happens in the transitional stage?


At the transitional stage, one form of matter is on the process of getting converted into another form of matter.

Matter is interconvertible in nature. Transition is defined as the change of matter from one phase to another. Transition occurs by the three phases viz. melting, freezing and evaporation.

At the transitional stage, matter is on the process of getting converted from its original form into another form by absorption or release of energy. Conversion of solid into liquid is known as melting; conversion of liquid into solid is known as freezing and conversion of liquid into gaseous state is known as evaporation.

To know more about transitional stage here



calculate the amount (ml) of 0.120 m calcium hydroxide required to titrate 50.0 ml of 0.0998 m hbr to the equivalence point?


The amount of 0.120M calcium hydroxide required to titrate 50.0 ml of 0.0998M HBr to the equivalence point is 41.5mL.

Concentration of CaOH is 0.120 M.

Concentration of HBr is 0.0998 M.

Volume of HBr is 50.0 mL.

The moles of HBr = concentration × volume

= 0.00499mol

At the equivalence point, moles of HBr are 0.00499 moles, equal to moles CaOH.

Hence, the volume of CaOH= 0.0499/0.120= 41.5 mL

What is titration?

Titration, manner of chemical evaluation in which the amount of a few constituents of a sample is decided through including to the measured pattern an precisely acknowledged quantity of some other substance with which the preferred constituent reacts in a precise, acknowledged proportion. The procedure is generally finished via progressively adding a popular answer of titrating reagent, or titrant, from a burette,

To know more about titration, click the link given below:



What is the measure of radioactive decay rate?
alpha emission
beta emission
gamma emission
half life


Half life, as stated, is a measurement of the rate at which radioactive material decays.

What is radioactive, and what kinds are there?

This process can be artificially produced by people, such as within a nuclear reactor, but can also occur spontaneously in nature. Depending on the particles or energy generated during the reaction, there are many kinds of radioactivity. Alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays are the three categories.


Average and half-life are two characteristics that may be used to describe the decay constant. Moments are used as the measuring unit in both scenarios. The average lifespan of such an element, as indicated by its name, may be expressed in the form of the following affirmation:

Nt=N₀ * e^(−λt).

The duration of time that is defined by how long it takes for half of a material to degrade is known as its half-life (both radioactive and non-radioactive elements). All through process of decay, its rate of decay is constant. It may be seen by:

Nt=N₀* (1/2)^(t/t₁₂).

To know more about Radioactive visit:



Complete the given reaction which is part of the electron transport chain. the abbreviation q represents coenzyme q. FADH2+ Q → ________


Part of the electron transport chain. the abbreviation q represents coenzyme q. FADH2 + Q → QH2+ FAD

here the reactant Coenzyme Q is reduced and FADH2 is oxidized .

reduced Coenzyme Q is oxidized by the Complex III, and cytochromosome c is reduced so the Fe3+ is reduced to Fe2+, the oxidation state of the iron in the right side is +2

so the answer is x=+2

A coenzyme is defined as an organic molecule that binds to the active site of a specific enzyme and helps catalyze a reaction. In particular, coenzymes can act as electron carriers in these reactions or transfer between enzymes as functional groups.

Learn more about coenzyme here : https://brainly.com/question/24066145


what mass of slaked lime can be produced from a mixture of 25.1 g of cao and 10.4 g of h2o? answer in units of g.


The mass of slaked lime will be 29.6 g.

What is mass?

The mass of a thing is the quantity of matter as well as a substance that makes it up. It is expressed in kilograms, which may be abbreviated as kg. It's crucial to keep in mind that mass is not the same as weight. Although mass remains constant, weight fluctuates due to variations in gravity.

The given chemical equation is

CaO(s)+H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(s)

No of moles of H2O = 10.9 g/ 18 g = 0.606 mol.

No of moles of CaO = 22.4 g / 56 g = 0.4 mol.

Here, CaO will be limiting reagent.

Mass of slaked lime can be calculated as:

Mass  =  0.4 mol × (40 +16 × 2 + 2)

Mass = 29.6 g.

Therefore, the mass of slaked lime will be 29.6 g.

Learn more about Mass from given link



according to the belt of stability radionuclides having high neutron-to-proton ratios will likely decay in what manner?


One type of decay known as "beta-particle generation" results in the creation of an electron-beta particle. For nuclides with neutron/proton ratios that are too high—those that are above the zone of stability—this is a fairly frequent occurrence.

What is neutron?

Every atom's nucleus, with the exception of basic hydrogen, contains a neutron, a subatomic particle. The name of the particle comes from the fact that it is electrically neutral and devoid of charge. The density of neutrinos is really high.

With the exception of common hydrogen, every atomic nucleus contains a neutron, a neutral subatomic particle. It has no electric charge and a rest mass of 1.67492749804 1027 kg, which is slightly higher than the proton's but 1,838.68 times higher than the electron's.

To learn more about neutron

Here: https://brainly.com/question/26952570


which of the following most accurately describes el nino
a. a weather phenomenon caused by flooding in the americas and droughts in western tropical pacific areas
b. a weather phenomoenon that results from changes in air pressure and water temperature over and in the pacific ocean
c. a severe hurricane with intense winds and significant waves
d. warm waters in the atlantic ocean that flow westward in heavy wind


Changing air pressure and sea temperatures over and in the Pacific Ocean are what cause El Nino, a weather phenomenon, to occur.

Describe El Nino.

El Nio is a tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere oscillation that has a big impact on the weather all around the world. Principal Origins of El Nio Under typical circumstances, the wind blows in the Pacific from east to west around the equator.

What peculiar pattern appears when El Nio occurs?

The Quick Response: The Pacific Ocean experiences El Nio as a weather pattern. Hot surface water from of the equator is moving eastward towards Central and South America at this time due to anomalous winds.

To learn more about El Nino visit:



If the density of your unknown liquid is 0.65 g/ml, calculate the volume in liters that 3 ml of your unknown liquid would occupy when vaporized at the barometric pressure and temperature of your boiling water bath in run 1. use the accepted molar mass of your suspected unknown.


The 3 ml liquid should be sufficient for a relatively low molecular weight liquid. the molecular weight increases, the volume of liquid becomes smaller.

Say the molar mass of the unkown liquid is provided


boiling point of water at 1 atm = 100 oC = 100 + 273 = 373 K

standard STP temperature = 273 K

STP volume = 22.4 L

Temperature = (373/273) = 1.37

density = 0.65 g/ml

Volume of 3 ml liquid when evaporated

= ((3 x 0.65)g/molar mass x 22.4 x 1.37

So knowing molar mass we can easily calculate the volume occupied by 3 x 0.65 g of liquid in vapor phase.

The 3 ml liquid should be sufficient for a relatively low molecular weight liquid. However as the molecular weight increases, the volume of liquid becomes smaller.

Learn more about molecular weight here : https://brainly.com/question/14596840


Atoms of different elements can combine in simple whole number ratios to form chemicala. Trueb. False


True. Atoms of different elements can combine in simple whole number ratios to form chemical compounds.

This is because atoms combine in a way that allows each atom to achieve a stable electron configuration. The ratio of atoms in a chemical compound is determined by the relative masses of the atoms and the ratio of electrons that are transferred or shared in the chemical reaction. The whole number ratios in which atoms combine to form compounds are known as the empirical formula of the compound. For example, the empirical formula of water (H2O) indicates that there are two hydrogen atoms for every one oxygen atom in the compound.

to know more about element-



the radioactivity of a sample of cobalt-60 was measured. years later it was found to have 1/8 of the original radioactivity. how many years have passed?


The half life of cobalt -60 is 5.3 years. And if a half is 5.3 yrs long, then a period of 10.6 years have passed.

How to calculate years in a radioactive sample?

The activity of a radioactive sample is defined as the rate at which radioactive particles are emitted.

After one life, 1/2 the mass of the original isotope remains. After another half life, 1/4 the mass of the original isotope remains

And if a half is 5.3 yrs long, then a period of 10.6 years have passed.

The half life equation is

A(t)  = A0 (1/2) ^ t/t1/2

t1/2 = half life = 5.3 yes

A0 = intial quantity

A(t) = amount left after t years = 1/4 A0

t = time undergone =?


1/4 A0 = A0 (1/2) ^ t/5.3

= 1/4 = (1/2) ^ t/5.3

Take the log of

log (1/4) = log { (1/2)^t/5.3}

= log)(1/4) = t/5.3 log (1/2)

Dividend both sides by log (1/2)

log (1/4) / log (1/2) = t/5.3 log(1/2) /log(1/4)

2 = t/5.3

t= 2.53 = 10.6 yrs

To know more about half life radioactive, click on https://brainly.com/question/1160651


determine the mass of naoh that is necessary to neutralize 1.25 l of 0.525 m h3po4. a. 26.3 g naoh b. 39.4 g naoh c. 78.8 g naoh d. 286 g naoh e. 312 g naoh


The mass of NAOH necessary to neutralize 1.25l of0.525m H3PO4 is 78.8g.

what is NAOH?

The inorganic compound NaOH is sodium hydroxide, sometimes referred to as lye and caustic soda. The sodium cations Na+ and the hydroxide anions OH make up this white solid ionic combination.

Proteins are broken down by sodium hydroxide, a very caustic base and alkali that can result in serious chemical burns and is extremely reactive with proteins at room temperature. Easily absorbing moisture and carbon dioxide from the air, it is extremely soluble in water. NaOH and nH2O are formed in a sequence.

 Water solutions between 12.3 and 61.8 °C crystallize the monohydrate NaOH, H2O. This monohydrate is frequently the "sodium hydroxide" sold commercially; therefore, the anhydrous compound may not always be used when referencing it in published data.

Volume of H3PO4 =1.25l

Number of moles of H3PO4=0.525*1.25=0.66moles of H3PO4

NAOH is used to neutralize the solution.


3 moles of NAOH react with one mole of H3PO3. So, the number of moles of NAOH is equal to 3 times of number of moles of H3PO4

Number of moles of NAOH= 0.66×3=1.98moles

Mass of an object= number of moles ×molar mass


                              = 78.8g

To learn more about NAOH https://brainly.com/question/13041783


Applying what you learned about the gas laws, what will happen to the pressure inside the two cylinders if you increase the temperature? Responses The pressure of the two cylinders will also increase. The pressure of the two cylinders will also increase. The pressure of the two cylinders will decrease. The pressure of the two cylinders will decrease. , The pressure in cylinder A will also increase but cylinder B remains the same. The pressure in cylinder A will also increase but cylinder B remains the same. , The pressure in cylinder B will also increase but cylinder A remains the same.


The thing that will happen to the pressure inside the two cylinders if you increase the temperature is option A: The pressure of the two cylinders will also increase.

What happens to pressure as temperature rises?

The average kinetic energy and the velocity of the gas particles striking the container walls both rise as the temperature rises. As the temperature rises, the pressure must as well since pressure is the force the particles per unit of area exert on the container.

Therefore, in regards to the above, the pressure rises when the number of gas molecules rises while the volume of the container stays the same. Gas pressure rises as container volume decreases. The pressure rises as the temperature of a gas inside a rigid container rises.

Learn more about pressure from


100 POINTS WILL MARK BRAINLIEST Which of these is a common use for a graduated cylinder?
A. Containing gaseous reactants for a reaction
B. Containing gaseous products of a reaction
C. Making specific (precise) measurements
D. Swirling the contents during a reaction to help mixing





Roundified as in a cylinder. A cylinder needs to be roundified and this is the most Roundified one, Their for this is the answer!

Hope you pass!




Swirling the contents during a reaction to help mixing

Select the dominant intermolecular force between acetone molecules.a. hydrogen bondingb. London dispersion forcesc. ion-dipole forcesd. dipole-dipole forces


Dipolar molecules include acetone. Dipole-dipole interactions are therefore the main intermolecular forces acting on the acetone molecules.

Can acetone be consumed?

Accidental intake of acetone-containing items can cause nausea, vomiting that may contain blood, and oral inflammation. Skin irritation, including dryness, redness, and inflammation, can result from persons getting acetone on their skin. Eye discomfort or injury can result from liquid or acetone vapour contact with the eyes.

Acetone—is it essentially alcohol?

Although acetone and distilled alcohol both are chemical solvents used in different cleaning and degreasing processes as well as in the manufacturing of some similar products, they are two distinct chemical substances.

To know more about  acetone molecules visit:



in the thermodynamics experiment, why was it necessary to filter the hot calcium hydroxide solution?


In a thermodynamics experiment, filtering the hot calcium hydroxide solution is necessary to removes any impurities or particulates that may be present in the solution that can affect the outcome of the experiment by introducing errors in the results.

In addition to this, filtering the hot calcium hydroxide solution also helps to ensure that the concentration of the solution remains consistent throughout the experiment. This is important because the concentration of the solution affects the thermodynamic properties of the solution, such as the temperature at which the reaction occurs. Without filtering, the concentration would vary depending on the amount of impurities present, and this could lead to inaccurate results.

Finally, filtering the hot calcium hydroxide solution also helps to prevent clogs or blockages in the equipment used for the experiment. If impurities are able to pass through the equipment, it could cause a disruption in the flow of the solution, which could affect the accuracy of the experiment.

Learn more about thermodynamics at :https://brainly.com/question/1604031


pf6− does not obey the octet rule. draw its lewis structure and state the type of octet-rule exception. indicate the values of nonzero formal charges. be sure to include lone pair electrons on all atoms.


PF₆ does not obey the octet rule.

Why does PF6 defy the octet rule?

The octet is broken in the PF₆-molecule because P increases its valency instead of adhering to it.

According to the octet calculation, it needs 56 electrons but only has 48 valence electrons, thus the missing 8 electrons are added up by 8/2 = 4 bonds. However, in this case, P forms six bonds, which is against the octet rule.

Formal charge

For each atom in a Lewis structure, you should count how many electrons it "owns" in order to get the formal charges.

All of its lone pair electrons as well ashalf of its bonding electrons should be counted.

The formal charge is the discrepancy between the atom's number of valence electrons and the number it possesses. The concept that an atom's valence electrons should be eight in order for a molecule made up of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine to be more stable is known as the "octet rule." When one of these atoms has fewer than eight valence electrons, an open octet is present. Lewis structure attached below

Learn more about lewis structure From brainly.com/question/20300458.


The empirical formula shows the ......... numbers of atoms of ...


The Empirical formula shows the Relative numbers of atoms of each element in a compound.

Empirical formula gives the smallest whole number ratio of elements in a compound using subscripts following element symbols. Basically, The empirical formula of a compound is defined as a formula that shows the ratio of elements present in the compound that is relative number of atoms present. You can use the empirical formula to find the molecular formula if you know the molar mass of the compound. To do this, calculate the empirical formula mass and then divide the compound molar mass by the empirical formula mass.

To learn more about Empirical formula please visit:



How do aluminium displace the iron in redox reaction as it has it protective layer of aluminium oxide


Aluminum displaces the iron in a redox reaction as it has its protective layer of aluminum oxide because it is more reactive than iron.

What is a redox reaction?

A redox reaction is a reaction in which oxidation and reduction reaction occur simultaneously and to the same extent.

An oxidation reaction occurs when atoms of elements lose electrons resulting in an increase in the oxidation number of the element.

A\ occurs when atoms of elements gain electrons resulting in a decrease in the oxidation number of the element.

The redox reaction of the displacement of iron by aluminum to form a protective layer of aluminum oxide is given below:

Fe₂O₃ (aq) +  2 Al (s) ----> 2 Fe (s) + Al₂O₃

In the given redox reaction above, aluminum metal displaces iron from its oxide to form aluminum oxide. Iron (iii) ion is reduced to metallic iron while metallic aluminum is oxidized to aluminum (iii) ion.

Learn more about redox reactions at: https://brainly.com/question/26263317


draw the three alkenes, each of formula c5h10 , that will form 2‑methylbutane upon hydrogenation.


The three alkenes, each of formula C5H10, that will form 2-methylbutane upon hydrogenation will be 2-methyl-2-butene, 2-methyl-1-butene, and 3-methyl-1-butene.

Alkenes are acyclic (branched or unbranched) hydrocarbons having one carbon-to-carbon double bond. The addition of hydrogen to a carbon-carbon double bond is called hydrogenation. The general outcome of such an addition is the reductive reduction of the double-bond functional group. The easiest source of two hydrogen atoms is molecular hydrogen, but integrating alkenes with hydrogen does not result in any noticeable reaction.

Hydrogenation plays a a pivotal role in chemical synthesis. Although the widespread hydrogenation reaction is exothermic, a high activation energy precludes it from taking place under regular conditions.

Learn more about hydrogenation here:



You can find the figure of three alkenes in the attached file.

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