Three square mirrors are used for a light reflection experiment. The ratio of the side length of Mirror
A to the side length of Mirror B is 5:6. The ratio of the area of Mirror B to the area of Mirror C is 16:25. The perimeter of
Mirror C is 280 centimeters. What is the area of Mirror A? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a centimeter.

The area is about _? sqaure centimetres.

Justify your answer.


Answer 1


3,398.7 square centimeters.

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a square is the square of the side length, so the ratio of the areas of the mirrors is equal to the ratio of the side lengths squared. If the ratio of the side lengths of Mirror A to Mirror B is 5:6, then the ratio of the side lengths squared is 5^2:6^2 = 25:36. This means that the ratio of the areas of Mirror B to Mirror C is 25:36.

The ratio of the areas of Mirror B to Mirror C is 25:36, and the ratio of the areas of Mirror B to Mirror C is 16:25, so 25:36 = 16:25. This means that the ratio of the areas of Mirror B to Mirror C is 1:1.5.

The perimeter of Mirror C is 280 centimeters, which means that each side has a length of 280/4 = <<280/4=70>>70 centimeters. The area of Mirror C is the square of this side length, or 70^2 = <<70^2=4900>>4900 square centimeters.

Since the ratio of the areas of Mirror B to Mirror C is 1:1.5, the area of Mirror B is 1.5 times the area of Mirror C, or 1.54900 = <<1.54900=7350>>7350 square centimeters.

The ratio of the side lengths of Mirror A to Mirror B is 5:6, so the side length of Mirror A is 5/670 = <<5/670=58.333>>58.333 centimeters. The area of Mirror A is the square of this side length, or 58.333^2 = <<58.333^2=3398.68>>3398.68 square centimeters. Rounding to the nearest tenth of a centimeter, the area of Mirror A is 3398.7 square centimeters. Answer: {3,398.7}.

Related Questions

while virtually all time series exhibit a random​ component, not all time series exhibit other components. t or f


While virtually all time series exhibit a random​ component, not all time series exhibit other components is a true statement.

It's accurate to say that while almost all time series show a random component, not all time series show additional components.


A time series is a collection of observations of discrete data points gathered over a period of time by repeated measurements. For instance, calculating the quantity of retail sales for each month of the year would be a time series. This is because sales income is consistently and precisely measured at regular times. Data collected once or irregularly are not time series data.

A time series observation can be divided into three categories: trend (long-term direction), seasonal (systematic, calendar-related motions), and irregular (unsystematic, short term fluctuations).

A time series is a group of data points that have been arranged chronologically in mathematics. Typically, a time series is a sequence that was captured at many equally spaced intervals in time. As a result, it is a collection of discrete-time data.

To know more about time series, check out:



Determine the value of the expression −2(36−8)+(−3).



Step-by-step explanation:

-2*36 + -2*-8




16/6 = 3d/9 solving proportions


We cross multiply like

Hope this helps

There were 425 guests at a hotel. 170 guests ordered food. What percentage of the guests ordered food?


40% 170divided by 425x100 is 40

Point A(7, 3) is translated to A'(16.-9), Which rule describes the translation?
Oo (x,y)-(x-9.y-12)
O (x,y) →(x+9y+12)
O (x,y) →(x+9y-12)


The Rule of translation of the point is (x, y) → (x+8, y - 12)

What is the coordinate rule for translation?

The translation is a transformation of a figure on the coordinate plane without changing its shape, or size.

The Coordinate rule for translation is (x, y) → (x ± h, y ± k)

where h and k are the units of horizontal and vertical shifting. Here if the movement is left then h will be negative. If movement is downwards then k will be negative.

Here we have

Point A(7, 3) is translated to A'(16, -9)

If we plot the given points in a graph the will as given below the graph

There we can observe that,

The x coordinate is moved left 8 units further and y is moved 12 units  downward


The Rule of translation of the point is (x, y) → (x+8, y - 12)

Learn more about Translations problems at  






x = -15

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{x - 9}{3}[/tex] = -8  Multiply all the say through by 3

x - 9 = -24  Add 9 to each sides

x = -15

How do you find the center and scale factor of a dilation?


Center point of dilation is a fixed point in a plane about which all the points of the figure expanded or contract. And scale factor of a dilation is the ratio of new formed image to the old given image.


Center of a dilation is considered as a fixed point in the given plane.Around the center point of dilation all the points of the given and new figure expanded or contracts.Translate the center of dilation and the given figure , now origin becomes the center and translate back to get the center of dilation.Scale factor can be calculated as the ratio of the dimension of the new image formed to the dimensions of the old given image.If new or old images not defined then ratio of larger to the smaller image gives the scale factor.

Therefore, the center of the dilation can be find using the translation and scale factor can be calculated using the ratio of the new to the old images.

Learn more about dilation here



pls help
10. Simplify 4 ×5 – 32 × 2 ÷ 6
11. Simplify −2(−9 + 3)
15. Solve -a/13 =18
18. Solve 7 = 5x 3(x – 2) 5
19. Solve 11w 2(3w - 1) = 15 w
21. If U = {natural numbers less than
20} and N = {factors of 18}, what is
22. Solve and graph 17 – 2a ≤ 29
23. Solve and graph 12c + 6 > 9c – 15


1. The expression can be simplified as follows: 4 × 5 – 32 × 2 ÷ 6 = 20 – 16 ÷ 6 = 20 – 2 = 18.

2. The expression can be simplified as follows: -2(-9 + 3) = -2(-6) = 12.

3. To solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable a. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by -13: -a/13 = 18. Dividing both sides of the equation by -13 gives us a = -18 * 13 = -234.

4. To solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable x. We can do this by moving all terms involving x to one side of the equation and all constants to the other side. This gives us: 7 = 5x + 3(x – 2). We can then distribute the 3 to get 7 = 5x + 3x – 6. Combining like terms, we get 7 = 8x – 6, which we can solve by adding 6 to both sides to get 13 = 8x. Dividing both sides of the equation by 8 gives us x = 13/8.

5. To solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable w. We can do this by moving all terms involving w to one side of the equation and all constants to the other side. This gives us: 11w + 2(3w - 1) = 15 w. We can then distribute the 2 to get 11w + 6w - 2 = 15w. Combining like terms, we get 17w - 2 = 15w, which we can solve by adding 2 to both sides to get 17w = 15w + 2. Subtracting 15w from both sides gives us 2w = 2, which we can solve by dividing both sides by 2 to get w = 1.

6. N' is the complement of the set N. This means that N' contains all elements that are not in the set N. Since the set N contains all factors of 18, N' will contain all natural numbers less than 20 that are not factors of 18. Some elements of N' are 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, and 17.

7. The solution to the inequality 17 - 2a ≤ 29 is all values of a that satisfy the inequality. To find these values, we can first subtract 17 from both sides of the inequality to get -2a ≤ 12. Dividing both sides of the inequality by -2 gives us a ≥ -6. This means that the solution is the set of all values of a that are greater than or equal to -6. This solution can be represented on a number line

8.To solve the inequality 17 – 2a ≤ 29, we first need to isolate the variable on one side of the inequality. To do this, we need to subtract 17 from both sides, which gives us -2a ≤ 12. Dividing both sides by -2, we get a ≥ -6. To graph this inequality, we can use a number line. We would draw a solid line at -6 and shade the region to the right of the line, since a is greater than or equal to -6.

9. To solve the inequality 12c + 6 > 9c – 15, we first need to isolate the variable on one side of the inequality. To do this, we need to subtract 9c from both sides, which gives us 3c + 6 > -15. Next, we need to add 15 to both sides, which gives us 3c + 21 > 0. Finally, we can divide both sides by 3 to get c > -7. To graph this inequality, we can use a number line. We would draw a solid line at -7 and shade the region to the right of the line, since c is greater than -7.


factoring quadratic expressions






(7x+4) (x-7)

[tex]x=-\frac{4}{7}, 7[/tex]

4. What is the ratio of the sides for triangle HIL?


The  ratio of the sides for triangle HIL is 1:1:√3.

What is Triangle?

A triangle is a three-sided polygon that consists of three edges and three vertices.

We need to find the ratio of HIL triangle.

In the triangle JKL, IL is perpendicular to the JH.

At I the angle is 90 degrees.

The length of JI is 11cm.

The angle of JKL is x degrees.

JK is 22 cm and the angle of ILJ is y degrees.

the ratio of the sides for triangle HIL is 1:1:√3.

Hence,  1:1:√3 is the  ratio of the sides for triangle HIL

To learn more on Triangles click:



a rectangular horse pasture is bounded on one side by a stone wall and on the other three sides by a single wire strand of electric fence. using 400 feet of wire, what is the largest area, in square feet, that can be enclosed?


The rectangular horse pasture's largest area, in square feet, can be enclosed in [tex]80000m^{2}[/tex]

Let the sides of the rectangle-shaped fence be a and b.

We have to use wire for the three sides of the fence.


Area A is given by


Also, we can write A as a function of b


Taking the derivative of A


Then the length of the other side


The largest area


Learn more about rectangular from



A father is giving 1/6 of his money to son A, and 1/7 of his money to son B. Son C gets 29400. How much does son A get?




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{1}{6}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{7}{42}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{7}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{6}{42}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{6}{42}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{7}{42}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{13}{42}[/tex]  This Son A and Son B's portion

Son C must be [tex]\frac{42}{42}[/tex] - [tex]\frac{13}{42}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{29}{42}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{29}{42}[/tex] of some number is 29400

[tex]\frac{29}{42}[/tex] x = 29400  Multiple by sides  by [tex]\frac{42}{29}[/tex]

x = [tex]\frac{42}{29}[/tex] x 29400

x = 42579.31  Rounded to the nearest penny

This number is the total

42579.31 x 1/6 = 7096.55 Rounded to the nearest penny

the following measurements from yaw marks left at scene of an accident were taken by law enforcement officers. using a 31 ft-long chord, the middle ordinate measured approximately 3ft. the drag factor of the road surface was determined to be 1.13. determine the radius of the yaw mark to the nearest tenth of a foot. determine the minimum speed that the car was going when the skid occurred to the nearest tenth.


The yaw mark's radius is 11.2 feet, or one foot to the nearest tenth.

11.1634 miles per hour is considered the minimum speed.

what is yaw marks?

Yaw marks are always curved. They are, initiated by a steering input. They're the remains of a tire that's still moving while also slapping sideways.

Using a chord and middle ordinate, you can calculate the radius using the following formula:

We must apply the algorithm to get the yaw mark's radius.

where the middle ordinate is m and the chord's length is c

With a 31 foot chord and a 3 foot middle ordinate, the tires leave a yaw mark.


[tex]r^{2}=\frac{31^{2} }{8*3} + \frac{3}{2}[/tex]

[tex]r^{2} =[/tex] 40.041 + 1.5

[tex]r^{2}[/tex] = 41.041

We will now apply the following formula to get the minimum speed:

where 'f' is the drag factor and 'r' is the radius

0.2 is the drag factor, hence f=0.2

and r=41.541 feet

[tex]s= \sqrt{15*0.2*41.041}[/tex]


s= 11.1634 mph

11.1634 miles per hour was the lowest speed at which the brakes could be applied.

To know more about yaw marks visit:-



the dashed-lined figure is a dilation image of the solid-lined figure. is the dilation an enlargement, or a reduction? what is the scale factor of the dilation?


3 enlargement is the scale factor of the dilation.

What is dilation?

resizing an object is accomplished through a change called dilation. The objects can be enlarged or shrunk via dilation. A shape identical to the source image is created by this transformation. The size of the form does, however, differ. A dilatation ought to either extend or contract the original form. The scale factor is a phrase used to describe this transition.

The scale factor is defined as the difference in size between the new and old images. An established location in the plane is the center of dilatation. The dilation transformation is determined by the scale factor and the center of dilation.

The options for this question are missing. Here are the missing options:

enlargement; 6

enlargement; 3

reduction; 3

reduction; 1/3

Hence, 3 enlargement is the scale factor of the dilation.

Learn more about dilation, by the following link



what expression is equivalent to




Step-by-step explanation:

a city currently has 137 streetlights. as part of a urban renewal program, the city council has decided to install 2 additional streetlights at the end of each week for the next 52 weeks. how many streetlights will the city have at the end of 48 weeks? streetlights




Step-by-step explanation:

Number at the beginning: 137

Additional number per week: 2

Number of weeks: 48

Additional number: 2 × 48 = 96

Total number at end of 48 weeks: 137 + 96 = 233

Answer: 233

what are the three main components of the data model structure in sap s/4hana? configuration data 2) master data 3) quantitative data 4) transaction data 1, 2, 4 1, 3, 4 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3


By using the concept of data structure, it can be concluded that-

First option is correct

What is data structure?

Data structure is a group of elements that provides an efficient way of storing and organizing data so that the data can be accessed and used efficiently. Data structure is a very important tool for computer science and computer engineer and especially in IT industry. Nowadays, lots of research work is being done on data structure.

The three main components of data model structure in SAP S/4HANA are,

configuration data, master data and transaction data

First option is correct

To learn more about data structure, refer to the link-



defined by miles as ""a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits"" is a _________.


A contingency is defined by miles as " a requirement of the activities belongs to one subunit which is affected by the activities of other subunits.

Step to Step Explanation:

Contingency is a noun which represent the chances of fulfillment of an activity.Contingency represents the activity may or may not happen .It is dependable activity.Requirement of one activity belongs to one subunit may affect the subunits of other activities.Example: you want to buy a home but due to certain conditions in future you are unable to purchase.

Therefore, the contingency is defined by miles as " a requirement of the activities of one given subunit which is affected by the activities of other subunits.

Learn more about Contingency here



Find the domain of each expression.


Answer: -3

Step-by-step explanation:

The domain is [-3,3].

Which means that x is greater than or equal to -3, but is less than or equal to 3.

Here is how it would be graphed.

Given: boat is an isosceles trapezoid. If bo = 12 and ta = 6, find the length of the median. 7 9 2008.


For a BOAT isosceles trapezoid. The length of the median is 9 ..

An isosceles trapezoid must have two non-parallel sides of equal length. Therefore, use the information provided to apply the following formula: circumference = base 1 base 2 (legs), where the length of the "leg" is one of the two equivalent non-parallel sides . The base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are equal. The center line or median of the trapezoid is parallel to the base and its length is half the total length of the base. We have given that,

length of side BO = 12

length of side TA = 6

The length of Median = 1/2(12+6)

= 1/2(18) = 9

Hence, the required length is 9 .

To learn more about Isosceles Trapezoid, refer:



The novel is 216 pages long. If Sergio continues to read at the same rate, how long will it take him to finish reading the entire novel
please help asap thank u so muchhh


The answer is 7h and 12m

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve for time, divide the distance traveled by the rate. For example, if Sergio continues reading the total of 216 pages, then he had finish reading for 7 hours and 12 minutes!

The tangent of O in this triangle is Which equation must be true? (MGSE9-

A. sin a = 2
B. tan a = 2
C. sina = 1/2
D. . tan a = 1/2


The correct answer is option D, which states tan∝ = 1/2

What is Trigonometry?

The field of mathematics concerned with the relationships between triangle sides and angles, as well as the pertinent functions of any angles is Trigonometry.


we are given that tanθ = 1/2

this implies θ = 45°

We know that the sum of all interior angle of triangle is 180°

so, it can be calculated that the value of

angle ∝ = 45°

Therefore, tan∝ = 1/2

The correct answer is option D, which states tan∝ = 1/2

To learn more about Trigonometry from the given link



6.2.9 Check Your Understanding
The University of Florida has a surf club. Assuming it has 11 females and 12 males and h represents the
height of a team member, the inequality, 300 < 5.25h-15 ≤ 368.25, represents the range of heights of
the surfers, in inches.
Select all possible heights for the University of Florida's Surf Club.


The possible heights of the students in the surf club will be -  

73 inches ≥ h > 60 inches

What is a function? What is equation modelling? What is a mathematical equation and expression?In mathematics, a function from a set X to a set Y assigns to each element of X exactly one element of Y. The set X is called the domain of the function and the set Y is called the codomain of the functionEquation modelling is the process of writing a mathematical verbal expression in the form of a mathematical expression for correct analysis of the given problem.A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators.A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions.

Given is the University of Florida that has a surf club. It has 11 females and 12 males and [h] represents the height of a team member.

The given inequality is -

300 < 5.25h - 15 ≤ 368.25

So, we can write -

5.25h - 15 > 300

5.25h > 315

h > (315/5.25)

h > 60 inches


5.25h - 15 ≤ 368.25

5.25h ≤ 368.25 + 15

5.25h ≤ 383.25

h ≤ 73 inches

So, we can write the range as -

73 inches ≥ h > 60 inches.

Therefore, the height range of the students in the surf club will be between 73 inches ≥ h > 60 inches.

To solve more questions on equations, expressions and polynomials, visit the link below -



Two mountain bikers leave from the same parking lot and head in opposite directions on two different trails. The first rider goes 8 km due East, then rides due south for 15 km. The second rider goes 8 km due West, then changes direction and rides 20 degrees west of due north for 15 km. (See the picture below.) Both riders have been traveling for 23 km, but when they stopped, which one was further away from the parking lot?


When both riders have stopped, the person that is further away from the parking lot is; The second rider.

How to use Pythagoras theorem and law of cosine?

Let the required distance be represented by x.

Using Pythagoras theorem, we have:

hypotenuse² =  opposite² + adjacent²

x = √(8² + 15²)

x = √289

x = 17 km

This means that the first biker is 17.0 km from the starting point.

Using the law of cosine which is given by the expression;

c² = a² + b² - 2ab cos C

x² = 8² + 15² - 2(8*15) cos (160)

x = 20.22 km

This means that the second biker is 20.22 km from the starting point.

Read more about Pythagoras theorem and law of cosine at; https://brainly.com/question/10342553


Isla sells baked good from her home kitchen. She offers decorated cookies for $15 per dozen and cupcakes for $13 per dozen. It takes her an hour to decorate a dozen cookies, but only 20 minutes to decorate a dozen cupcakes. She would like to make at least $300 per week and not put in more than 20 hours of work per week.
A: Create a system of linear inequalities that fits the situation.
B: Isla just discovered that she is running out of cake mix for the cupcakes and royal icing for the cookies. She can make a maximum of 40 dozen cupcakes and 12 dozen cookies. What are the new inequalities you need to add to your problem?
C: What is the maximum amount of baked goods that she could make? (cupcakes, cookies)
​D​: ​How much will she earn if she made the maximum amount of baked goods?
E​: How long will it take her to make the maximum amount of baked goods? (minutes and hours)
​F: ​What is the least amount of time she could work and still earn $300? What baked goods would she make?



A: The system of linear inequalities that fits the situation is:

15x + 13y >= 300

60x + 20y <= 1200

Where x is the number of dozen cookies and y is the number of dozen cupcakes.

B: The new inequalities that need to be added to the problem are:

x <= 12

y <= 40

C: The maximum amount of baked goods that she could make is:

x = 12

y = 40

D: The amount she will earn if she made the maximum amount of baked goods is:

15x + 13y = 15 * 12 + 13 * 40 = $660

E: The time it will take her to make the maximum amount of baked goods is:

60x + 20y = 60 * 12 + 20 * 40 = 960 minutes = 16 hours

F: The least amount of time she could work and still earn $300 is:

15x + 13y = 300

x + y = 20

Solving this system of equations, we get:

x = 8

y = 12

In this case, she would make 8 dozen cookies and 12 dozen cupcakes in a minimum of 8 hours.

Step-by-step explanation:

List 3 values that would make this inequality true. n > 4 ___,___,___


Values that will satisfy the given inequality be 5,6 and 7.

What do you mean by natural number?

All positive numbers from 1 to infinity are considered natural numbers and are therefore a component of the number system. Because they don't contain zero or negative numbers, natural numbers are also known as counting numbers. They are a subset of real numbers, which only include positive integers and exclude negative, zero, fractional, and decimal numbers.

Given inequality:

n > 4

Values that will satisfy the given inequality be 5,6 and 7.

To learn more about the natural number from the given link.



What is the answer to ½ ½?


The answer to ½ ½ is ¼.

The mentioned symbol is representative of fraction. It can be read as 1 by 2 or 1 over 2. It can be interpreted as the ratio or comparative quantity.

For calculating the answer to this problem, we need to multiply the mentioned two fractions. As per the known rule, the multiplication of numerator values and denominator values takes place to multiply the fraction.

Value = ½ × ½

Multiplying the numerators and denominators as 1×1 and 2×2

Value = ¼

Thus, the answer to given symbols is ¼.

Learn more about multiplication -



The angles of a quadrilateral are 4x,7x,15x and 10x. find the smallest and largest angle of the quadrilateral


A quadrilateral has angles of 4x, 7x, 15x, and 10x.The smallest angle of the quadrilateral is 4x and the largest angle is 15x.

A quadrilateral is a polygon with four vertices, four sides, and four angles, all of which add up to 360 degrees. The quadrilateral is formed into two triangles when the diagonals are drawn. The angle total for these two triangles is 180°. As a result, the quadrilateral has a 360° total angle. TA quadrilateral has angles that total 360 degrees. This information can be used to find the value of x.


= 4x + 7x + 15x + 10x

x = 360 / 36

x = 10

Therefore, the smallest angle is 40 degrees and the largest angle is 150 degrees.

Learn more about angle here



Given a set of data and a corresponding regression line, describe all values of x that provide meaningful predictions for y. O A. Prediction values are meaningful for all X-values that are realistic in the context of the original data set. O B. Prediction values are meaningful only for x-values that are not included in the original data set. O c. Prediction values are meaningful only for X-values in (or close to the range of the original data.


The values of x that provide meaningful predictions for the output value y are given as follows:

c. Prediction values are meaningful only for X-values in (or close to the range of the original data.

What are regression equations?

Regression equations are built from a sample of a data-set, and are used to model the entire data.

Depending on the behavior of the data, the regression equation can be linear, quadratic, logistic, exponential, and so on...

These regression equations are not valid for all values of the input x, some conditions are given as follows:

Values of x that are realistic in the data-set -> time cannot be negative, for example.Values of x that are close to the range of the data-set. -> a linear function from the previous 5 years can preview the measure in 5 years but it is unlikely to be accurate in 100 years.

More can be learned about regression equations at https://brainly.com/question/26755306


The price of a video game was reduced from $70.00 to $40.00. By what percentage was the price of the video game reduced?


It’s would be 40%!!!!!!!!!!!!
the price of the video game was reduced by 42.86%
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