how do I remember this before exam starts it begins in 5 hours​

How Do I Remember This Before Exam Starts It Begins In 5 Hours


Answer 1
You can try making connections with each one of them to remember them.

You can also try writing them multiple times because your hand has a memory and you would most likely remember them.

After you memorize them try writing them multiple times without looking like just test yourself.

Don’t stress out in the exam. Just breathe and take your time.

Hope this helps!
Good luck

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cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


Cherokee leader "Wilma Pearl Mankiller" reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, the iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember the unity among the nation.

Who was Wilma Pearl Mankiller?

He was a Native American activist, social worker, community developer and the first woman elected to serve as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Mankiller was inspired by the social and political movements of the 1960s, He became involved in the Occupation of Alcatraz and later participated in the land and compensation struggles with the Pit River Tribe. For 5 years in the early 1970s, she was employed as a social worker focusing mainly on children's issues.

As a principal chief, her administration focused on high unemployment rate and low levels of education on the reservation and improvement of community health care and developing the economy of northeastern Oklahoma. She also spent much time writing grants for health and education programs, including the Cherokee Home Health Agency and Head Start.

Read more about Pearl Mankiller


How did Prohibition change life in America?


The illegal distillation and selling of alcoholic beverages, sometimes known as bootlegging, spread after the Eighteenth Amendment took effect. This was the Prohibition.

The Eighteenth Amendment was ratified on January 16, 1919, and it went into effect on January 17, 1920. The Eighteenth Amendment demonstrated the Progressives' faith in the ability of the federal government to handle social ills.

Although proponents of prohibition claimed that outlawing the sale of alcohol would reduce crime, organized crime actually increased as a direct result of prohibition because the law did not expressly prohibit the consumption of alcohol, leading many US citizens to build up private stocks of beer, wine, and liquor before the ban's implementation.

After the eighteenth century, bootlegging—the illegal production and sale of alcoholic beverages—became widespread.

To learn more about prohibition:


Which example describes a right protected by the Fifth Amendment?
A. A person cannot be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.
B. A person cannot be forced to confess to a crime.
C. A person cannot have his or her property taken by the government.
D. A person cannot be put on trial for the same crime twice.



All options, A to D


How did the space race effect the US?



It inspired us to push for better inventions and led to many scientific breakthroughs we still take advantage of today


In 2010, there were 311 middle schools in virginia. In 2016, there were 306. By what percent did the number of middle schools in virginia decrease from 2010 to 2016? round your answer to the nearest whole number.


You have 1.6 but it says round to the nearest whole which is 2.

no of students in 2010=311

no of students in 2016=306

difference=  311-306 = 5

%decrease=5/311 x 100

      =      1.6%

Whole numbers :- The numbers that include herbal numbers and zero. now not a fragment or decimal. {0, 2, 3, four, 5 6, 7, 8, nine, 10, eleven …} Integer. A counting wide variety, 0, or the negative.

To decrease is to reduce or emerge as decreased in number, quantity, length, or in some other way, as in Our earnings will retain to lower until we cut charges.

Learn more about whole number here :-


What significant developments of the Classical Period served as the basis for Renaissance accomplishments? give brainliest ​5 to 6 sentences


Answer Some major developments of the Renaissance include astronomy, humanist philosophy, the printing press, vernacular language in writing, painting and sculpture technique, world exploration, and, in the late Renaissance, Shakespeare's works.

Humanism was a significant idea of the classical period that contributed to the Renaissance.

Aluminum makes up 8.0% of the weight of the Earth's crust. This metal is used to make aluminum cans such as soda cans. How can the environmental and economic impacts of mining aluminum and producing aluminum cans be reduced by practicing the three Rs of waste management?



Aluminum makes up 8.0% of the weight of the Earth's crust. This metal is used to make aluminum cans such as soda cans. You may recycle the cans to reuse the aluminum, which will help cut down on the number of miners that died in the mines as well as the number of mines that are in operation.

What are the environmental and economic impacts of mining aluminum?

Generally, The plant and animal life in the immediate region around open and underground mines, as well as farther afield and for numerous generations, are adversely affected.

Trees and grasslands that have been clear-cut contribute to the loss of biodiversity, as well as to habitat loss, carbon emissions, and erosion.

The weight of Earth's crust contains an amount of aluminum equal to 8.0% aluminum. Cans made of aluminum, such as those used to hold soda, are produced using this metal.

You may recycle the cans to reuse the aluminum, which will help cut down on the number of miners who perished in the mines as well as the number of mines that are in operation.

If you recycle the cans, you can also help reduce the number of mines that are in operation.

Read more about the environmental and economic impacts of mining aluminum


from where did most of the slaves involved in the atlantic slave trade come? where were the slaves taken?


The vast majority of those transported in the transatlantic slave trade were West and Central Africans who had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders,

while others had been captured outright by slave traders in coastal raids. The transatlantic slave trade had its start in the mid-15th century when Portuguese ships sailed along the West African coast. The intention was to trade for gold and spices, but the travelers found another even more valuable commodity human beings. About 12 million Africans were enslaved during the transatlantic slave trade. Between 1640 and 1807, British ships carried around 3.4 million Africans across the Atlantic. At a glance, the viewer could see the large-scale patterns of the economic system that held nearly 4 million people captive slavery was concentrated throughout the Chesapeake.

To learn more about transatlantic please click on below link.


What was called the positive action during the fight for independence?


The Positive Action campaign was a series of political protests and strikes in pre-independence Ghana.

In Ghana prior to independence, there were a number of political strikes and protests known as the "Positive Action movement." Before being elected popularly as the ruler of the Gold Coast and later as the Prime Minister of Ghana after the country's independence, Kwame Nkrumah started the campaign.

The Positive Action campaign was started in order to oppose imperialism through nonviolent action and public education. But when Nkrumah began the campaign, rioting broke out all throughout Accra, the nation's capital.

The decolonization process came to an end with Nkrumah's election and Ghana's transformation from a British colony to an independent nation.

To know more about campaign:


Who put the white flags on the Brooklyn Bridge?


Mischa Leinkauf and Matthias Wermke

For the July 2014 stunt, in which they ascended the bridge at night and replaced the two American flags with hand-sewn star-spangled banners in pure white, Mischa Leinkauf and Matthias Wermke are still being prosecuted in the US.

For more questions like Brooklyn Bridge  visit the link below


the commissioning of the toadaiji and its great buddha was an imperial attempt to unify and strengthen the country and imperial power. how was this attempt made


The commis-sioning of the Toadaiji and its Great Buddha was an imp-erial attempt to unify and streng-then the country and imperial pow-er. This attempt was made by utili-zing religious authority to re-inforce imperial po-wer.

Tōdai-ji is a Bud-dhist temple complex that was once one of the power-ful Seven Great Tem-ples, located in the city of Nara, Japan. The Great Buddha at Todaiji Temple that symbolizes Nara was born nearly 1,260 years ago during the Tenpyo (or Nara) period, a time that marked the flowering of Buddhism throughout the world, arriving via the Silk Road, but also a time of war, constant disaster, and major epidemics.

To know more about Buddha click below:


Question 19 (1 point)
Which statement best describes what it means to annex land?
O a
O c
To remove a territory from your control
Shows how Napoleon was controlled by others.
To add a territory to your control.
To share a territory control with another country.


The statement that best describes what it mean to annex land is option C. To add a territory to your control.

What is annexation?

In terms of international law, annexation refers to the forcible acquisition of a state's territory by another state, typically after a period of military occupation. The majority of people believe it to be unlawful.

Conquest and cession, in which territory is surrendered or sold through treaty, are not the same thing as annexation, which is a unilateral act in which land is acquired and held by one state.

If other states and international organizations largely recognize an annexation, it can be considered legitimate.

Because annexation is prohibited, states that engage in it typically refrain from using the word to describe what they are doing.

Learn more on annexation here


First government we had before the U.S. Constitution, Congress could negotiate treaties and declare war, however no Executive Branch created is


U.S. charter, Congress could negotiate treaties and claim struggle, however, no government branch was created in the Articles of Confederation

The constitution grants Congress the sole strength to declare struggle. Congress declared warfare on 11 activities, such as its first declaration of war with outstanding Britain in 1812.

The charter offers Congress the sole authority to enact regulation and declare war, the proper to verify or reject many Presidential appointments, and considerable investigative powers.

learn more about Congress here


which bicycle did women primarily ride in the 1890s group of answer choices the high wheel the racing model safety bicycle none of the above


Option C. racing model is the correct answer, women's cycling were required to travel on foot, in carriages, or on horses before the invention of the bicycle, always under supervision and preferably with the utmost care and slowness.

Walking the streets was frowned upon by upper class women in the 19th century. Instead, they were expected to spend most of their time indoors or to leave the house only in approved public places and with chaperones.

Despite some criticism, the women performed better than expected when hustling bikes. The female riders were competing against one another and were quite focused on doing so. Despite the fact that many people watched the women's cycling competitions, some people believed that women shouldn't be interested in competition. When everything else was equal, women continued to be fierce competitors.

To learn more about women's cycling please click on below link


Name 5 Major Generals of Japanese Army during WW2.


Answer: Makino Nobuaki (30 March 1925 – 26 February 1935)

Saitō Makoto (26 February 1935 – 26 February 1936)

Ichiki Kitokuro (6 March 1936 – 6 March 1936)

Yuasa Kurahei (6 March 1936 – 1 June 1940)

Kōichi Kido (1 June 1940 – 24 November 1945)

to what extent did american perceptions of democracy change and stay the same during the period of 1776 to 1880?


Politically, because Americans prefer democracy over monarchy, and socially, because the roles of several social groupings underwent subtle changes, the American Revolution radically altered America.

Because the Americans began producing their own goods instead of having to transport their raw materials to England. Americans began to reexamine politics, the economy, and society after the American Revolution because they were no longer subject to British rule. Even though they finally resorted to a more centralised government akin to that of Britain, Americans modified how they wanted to run their society after separating from what they saw to be a corrupt and terrible government. According to the elite, there wasn't much change among the ignorant masses, while some people were still inspired by the revolution's goals to look for better employment possibilities. As women gained more liberties, some slaves were freed, and loyalist fled America, there were significant changes in society for the three groups: women, slaves, and loyalist. Overall, America didn't see much economic change, but it did undergo political change to varied degrees.

To learn more about American Revolution  please click on below link


How many Brooklyn blocks is a mile?


10 street blocks (east-west) forms a mile in Brooklyn.

Cities can have different block sizes. In some cities, there may be more blocks than in others. Additionally, different sized blocks could exist inside the same metropolis. Blocks don't have to be a precise square or rectangle; they can take any shape. Even triangles can sometimes be made using blocks.

Depending on which way you go, there may be varying numbers of bricks in addition to diverse shapes and sizes. It can simply come down to how you view the blocks.

New York City is arguably the most famous city that springs to mind (NYC). In addition to being the largest metropolis in the country, everything in New York City is measured in terms of how many blocks it takes to get someplace.

To know more about Brooklyn:


What major events led to Ghana's independence?


World War II veterans were shot while peacefully demonstrating, and 60 others were also injured. As the first colonised African nation to achieve independence, Ghana was also the beginning of a chain of events that ignited the liberation war.

Following the deaths of the three veterans, there were protests and boycotts of stores carrying products from Europe. The "Big Six," who headed Ghana's first political organisation, the United Gold Coast Convention, were detained, and the Watson Commission started an inquiry into the riots.Nkrumah was detained again and given a one-year prison term. While incarcerated, he was elected to Parliament in 1952. Nkrumah split from the UGCC to create the Convention People's Party (CPP), which demanded "Self Government Now!" after his party won the general elections. He was then freed from prison and became Head of Government Business and de facto Prime Minister of the Gold Coast. and oversaw a hugely well-liked non-violent campaign.

learn more about ghana independence here:


The independence movement in Ghana was possible because of these major events.

1. Formation of the United Gold Coast Convention: The party was formed by Kwame Nkrumah and it was one of the parties that were relentlessly fighting for the freedom of Ghana. Nkrumah becomes the President of the party.

2. Riots in 1948: When the police forces fired at the anti-colonial demonstration killing twenty- nine people and wounding hundreds. Riots occur in many places and this event marked the beginning of the process of Independence.

3. Formation of the Convention People's Party: It was due to the rising dissatisfaction of Nkrumah on the efforts being taken to fight for freedom, he broke from UGCC and formed a new party CCP.  This party became the pioneer in fighting for Ghana's Independence.

4. Election of Kwame Nkrumah: Kwame Nkrumah became the first Prime Minister of Ghana but he shared power with the British Governor. He won the elections in  1954 and 1956.

To know more about Ghana Independence, please click here:


While the farmers in the New England colonies faced many obstacles, what was one advantage they had?

A) The land was already clear of obstructions.

B) The land was flat by the sea, which made it easier to farm.

C) The seeds from Europe grew well there.

D) The land had fertile soil.


Answer: D) The land had fertile soil

Explanation: The New England colonies had rich soil and a good climate for growing crops. As a result, they were able to produce more food than they could consume. As a result, they were able to export wheat and other grains to Europe.

The answer to this is D

The era of congressional ("radical") reconstruction can be seen as a failure because.


The era of congressional reconstruction can be seen as a failure because it did not adequately protect former slaves from having their rights violated. The radical reconstruction commenced in 1867, and ended in 1877 with the fact that racial inequality was rife.

What is Congressional Reconstruction?

Radical Reconstruction, also known as Congressional Reconstruction, the process and duration of Reconstruction, Radical Republicans in the U.S. Congress took control of Reconstruction from President Andrew Johnson, passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867-1868, and sent federal troops to Send to the South to establish a more democratic state government. Congress also passed laws and amended the Constitution to guarantee the civil rights of freedmen and African Americans in general.

Learn more about Congressional Reconstruction


first government, congress could negotiate treaties and declare war, no executive branch


The Articles of Confederation created a national government composed of a Congress, which had the power to declare war, appoint military officers, sign treaties

A government is a system to govern a country or community. The Columbia Encyclopedia defines government as "a machine of social control below which the right to make laws, and the right to put into effect them, is vested in a specific institution in society".

Governments offer the parameters for normal conduct for residents, guard them against door interference, and often offer for their well-being and happiness. In the last few centuries, some economists and thinkers have recommended authorities control over some factors of the financial system.

Every kind of government rises to electricity and rules in a unique way. Research more about every form of government--monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism--how they arrive into electricity, and the way they rule.

Learn more about Government here:-


Although this civilization lacked a written language, they developed a method of keeping track of data. This method known as quipu, was a set of knotted strings using color and knots to define categories and numbers. which civilization developed this method of record keeping?


There was no written language among the Incas.

Quipu, their method of maintaining records, is distinctive in human history. With knotted strings, the Inca kept track of events. Quipu is the Quechua word for "knot" in the Inca tongue. While the Incas did not leave behind any written documents, they did leave behind colourful  knotted cords. Each of these objects was referred to as a khipu. We are aware that this complex system of cords functions as a tally system akin to the abacus. Different shades of twine represented different ideas. Each product would have its own hue in a communal warehouse where grain, potatoes, and other goods were kept. Subdivisions of the commodities were connected in a logical order by individual strands that were attached to a base thread.

Know more about the Incas at:


describe what is autarky to nazi (history essay)


Autarky is a self-sufficiency feature that is commonly attributed to cultures, communities, governments, and their economic systems. The economic principle of self-sufficiency is known as autarky. To attain this goal in the 1930s, Germany's industrial output would have to shift dramatically.

What is the significance of autarky to the Nazis?

The justifications for an Autarky policy, as well as an overview of how Hitler envisioned it being implemented, may be found in this classified note prepared by Hitler in August 1936. It is also important to evaluate evidence concerning the German Labour Front's four-year plans and current operations, since they all connect to one another. All of this occurred in a civilization ruled by a cruel political dictatorship, capitalism. The fundamental upheaval brought about by German Fascism touched every institution in the economy.

To learn more about Autarky, click


How did banking change in Europe from the 1700s to the 1800s?



Before 1750, the traditional ‘start date’ for the Industrial revolution, paper money and commercial bills were used in England, but gold and silver were preferred for major transactions and copper for daily trading. There were three tiers of banks already in existence, but only in limited numbers. The first was the central Bank of England. This has been created in 1694 by William of Orange to fund wars and had become a foreign exchange storing foreign country’s gold. In 1708 it was given the monopoly on Joint Stock Banking (where there’s more than 1 shareholder) to try and make it more powerful, and other banks were limited in size and resources.

how did the fugitive slave act, as a part of the compromise of 1850, benefit u.s. territories?


The fugitive slave legislation imposed stiff fines on officials that failed to help enslaved people who had fled to freedom and return to their masters.

What countries are US territories?

The 16 U.S. territories were devastated by a hurricane last fall, yet most Americans are unaware of this. Sixteen? Yes, although you've probably only heard of the five that have permanent residents: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Islands, Hawaii, American Samoa, or the Northern Mariana Islands.

What are territories of a country?

By general, a territory is a geographical area that falls under the sovereignty, control, or jurisdiction of the a state or other entity for the purposes of international law. Territory encompasses nearby waterways and related airspace in addition to the land.

To know more about territories visit:


how did the relatively constant warfare of the seventeenth century affect the development of centralized states? how did it lead to resistance to monarchies?


By the 17th century, there was already a tradition and awareness of Europe: a reality stronger than that of a region bounded by sea, mountains, grassy plains, steppes, or deserts where Europe clearly ended and Asia began.

Otto von Bismarck would later perceive "that geographical expression" as having little bearing on national interests. Prior to the French Revolution and the rise of nationalism as a dividing ideology, Europe displayed a greater degree of cohesiveness than would have been apparent from the mosaic of its political surface over the two centuries preceding those events.

Diplomatic, judicial, and religious concerns arose in recognition of the distinct interests that Bismarck would label as "real," involving states in cooperative action and fostering the idea of a single Europe.

To know more about Diplomatic, click here:


Which two of the following ideas related to international relations and security did the allies support and promote during world war ii?.


Answer: china


china because its china

What is 1st July Ghana?


On July 1 of each year, Ghana celebrates their Republic Day. The day commemorates the year 1960, when Ghana became a self-governing nation.

Even though the country won its independence from the British in 1957, it wasn't until 1960 that it truly established itself as a sovereign republic. The day is also observed as Senior Citizens' Day to recognise their contribution to Ghana's history. Before colonisation, the sub-Saharan country of Ghana was home to the potent Ashanti empire in the Southern region of the country. Republic Day was previously a national holiday but was later declared a "commemorative holiday." Gold and other natural resources abound in Ghana, luring multiple colonial powers to its vicinity. Nevertheless, in the 15th century, the Portuguese became the first colonisers to set foot in Ghana.

learn more about ghana here:


in 1957, governor frank clement proposed what law allowing parents to choose racially segregated schools for their children?


in 1957, governor frank clement proposed law that allowing parents to choose racially segregated schools for their children is - "Parents Preference Law".

The parental preference Law is one that is applied in child custody disputes; it is based on the idea that custody should be given to a biological parent who is capable over a non-biological parent. By providing them first dibs on custody, this provision safeguards biological parents who are capable and willing to raise their children. This law was  proposed by governor frank.

For more info about 'governor frank' click on below link -


Please answer.

How did America gaining access to Chinese markets increase its status around the world?




because there are more imports from china to the us than anywhere else

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