Which of the following is true of the early years of the Mexica in central Mexico?
Multiple Choice
They gained a reputation for kidnapping and for stealing land from others.
They conquered the city of Tenochtitlan and made it their capital.
Unlike other natives of the region, they built physical stone structures used primarily as fortresses.
They set about making strategic alliances early to amass power.
They brought with them new religious beliefs that they quickly forced onto the existing culture


Answer 1

The option that is true with regard to the early years of the Mexico is they conquered the city of Tenochtitlan and made it their capital. Thus, option second is correct.

What are the Mexico known for?

The Aztec Empire was ruled by the Mexico, a Nahuatl-speaking indigenous people of the Valley of Mexico. In 1325, the Mexicans founded Tenochtitlan, a town on an island in Lake Texcoco.

Tenochtitlan, the Aztec empire's capital, was founded approximately 1325 C.E. by the Aztec or Mexico people. According to tradition, the Mexico established Tenochtitlan after fleeing Aztlan under the instruction of their deity, Huitzilopochtli. Therefore, it can be concluded that option second is correct.

Learn more about Mexico here:



Related Questions

True or False: according to the monitoring the future data, most drugs beyond alcohol and marijuana are used by very few people.


According to the Monitoring of Future Data, most drugs beyond alcohol and marijuana are used by very few people. This statement is true.

The second most popular psychoactive substance in the U.S. after alcohol is marijuana, which is also the most often used illicit drug. It can also be stated that alcohol and marijuana are two of the most widely consumed drugs in the world. Marijuana's effects can be enhanced by drinking before consuming it. This is due to the fact that alcohol promotes the absorption of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the primary psychoactive component of marijuana.

Crossfading, the practice of occasionally combining alcohol and marijuana, is unlikely to have a negative impact on health. However, marijuana and alcohol may lead to unpleasant side effects when combined, such as "greening out".

Learn more about marijuana here: brainly.com/question/28036800


stop explaining black box machine learning models for high stakes decisions and use interpretable models instead


Black box machine learning models are presently employed for critical decision-making across society, which is problematic for the criminal justice system, healthcare, and other areas.

What is Black-box machine?

Some people believe that developing explanations for these black box models will help to solve some of the issues, but explaining black box models rather than developing models that can be understood in the first place is more likely to encourage bad behaviour and has the potential to be very harmful to society. Designing models that are automatically interpretable is the way to go.

This Perspective explains the difference between explaining black boxes and using inherently interpretable models, lists several important arguments against using explainable black boxes in high-stakes decisions, discusses obstacles to interpretable machine learning, and offers a number of examples where black box models might be replaced by interpretable ones in the fields of criminal justice, healthcare, and computer vision.

To learn more on Black-box machine from the link:



How did Great Britain and France increase tensions in Southwest Asia after World
War I?
A. They drew political boundaries with little regard for existing ethnic and religious
B.They restored Ottoman rule over the region.
C. They invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein from power.

D. They encouraged popular uprisings for democracy in Syria and Yemen.



A. They drew political boundaries with little regard for existing ethnic and religious divisions.


After World War I, Great Britain and France increased tensions in Southwest Asia by redrawing the political boundaries of the region.

They divided the lands of the former Ottoman Empire into various countries and protectorates, with little regard for the existing ethnic and religious divisions that existed in the region.

This created an unstable political situation, as the arbitrary borders often divided ethnic and religious groups, leading to unrest and conflict.

A, they drew political boundaries with little regard for existing ethnic and religious divisions,
Look at a map after ww1, you will see that Syria became a French colony and Iraq became a British colony

Sullivan emphasized the social aspects of growth, suggesting that psychological development can be best understood when looked at in: A. societal terms. B. interpersonal terms. C. identity terms. D. medical terms.


Sullivan placed a strong emphasis on the social components of development, contending that psychological development is best understood when seen in the context of interpersonal relationships.

What does psychology signify in regards to health?

In summary, psychology helps humans much since it explains why people behave in particular ways. A psychologist may help people by using this kind of professional insight to analyze past behavior to better predict future conduct, which can help them make better decisions, manage stress, and behave.

Why is psychology significant?

In summary, psychology is helpful to humans in a significant manner because it can explain why people act in particular ways. A psychologist may help people manage their stress, make better decisions, and change their behavior by using this kind of professional knowledge to analyze past conduct and better predict future behavior.

To know more about psychological visit:



How would you evaluate the quality of American democracy today?


The majority of Americans concur that democracy in the US is running rather well, but just a small minority feel it is. At the same time, there is broad support for fundamental political system changes.

Explain the quality of American democracy.

The democracy in the United States is representative. This proves that people cast ballots to choose our government. Here, the representatives of the government are chosen by the people. These government representatives represent the concerns and opinions of the people.

According to a poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, only 16% of Americans believe that democracy is operating well or extremely well. A total of 38% of respondents say democracy is only moderately effective, while 45% think it isn't working at all. The majority of Americans feel that democracy in the US is functioning rather well despite many criticisms, but just a small minority say it is functioning really well. At the same time, there is broad consensus in favor of fundamental political system reforms: According to 61% of respondents, "major adjustments" to the American government's fundamental "design and structure" are necessary for it to operate efficiently in the current period.

To know more about American democracy, visit:



What questions are scientists asking about close relationships?


Answer:-Love Questions You Need To Ask

What was your first impression of your partner?

What did you like or love about your partner?

How did the relationship start?

Do you still like what you loved about your partner and why?

Are you happy with the intimacy you share?

Over time, cognition becomes relatively more important than emotion, and close relationships are more likely to be based on companionate love, defined as love that is based on friendship, mutual attraction, common interests, mutual respect, and concern for each other's welfare.

High levels of dopamine and a related hormone, norepinephrine, are released during attraction. These chemicals make us giddy, energetic, and euphoric, even leading to decreased appetite and insomnia – which means you actually can be so “in love” that you can't eat and can't sleep.        However, you will be surprised how many students still make mistakes for such a question. The standard answer always goes: “As the [changed variable] increases/decreases, the [measured variable] increases/ decreases” and it's usually a simple matter of identifying what the changed/measured variable is.

how social processes may be related to the development of one’s feelings about the political environment and how a society might end up in a state of high emotional polarization.


The social processes may have to lead to the development pf emotions that would enable circumstances to be more easily evaluated. It would lead to situations where people would have to be more extreme in their ideology

What is meant by emotional polarization?

When "members of a deliberating group migrate toward a more extreme position in whatever direction is indicted by the members' predeliberation inclination," this is referred to as group polarization. Individuals inside the group experience attitudinal changes as a result of group polarization.

Political polarization has a number of root factors, including political parties, redistricting, the public's political beliefs, and the media.

Read more on emotional polarization here: https://brainly.com/question/29655385


what should be done to the people who violate the society​


Answer:yes pls ya


it’s 792

which of the following is the tendency to fill in the gaps where information is missing, that is, to assume that what we do not know is consistent with what we already do know?


Closure  is the tendency to fill in the gaps where information is missing.

What does relationship closure entail?

The term "closure" refers to a feeling of comprehension, peace, and acceptance of the relationship's termination, whether it occurred as a result of loss, rejection, or growing apart.Psychologists define closure as the need for a solution that eliminates all doubt. When we say that someone needs closure, we mean that they are looking for the solutions and closure they require in order to go on.For what happened to make sense to your brain, it needs an accurate narrative. If you don't have closure, you can keep going back to a bad relationship. Without closure, you might be destined to keep repeating the same patterns in your relationships.

To know more about Closure here



paraphilias are defined by three distinct criteria: sexual gratification, compulsive and recurrent behaviors, and


Paraphilias are defined by three distinct criteria: sexual gratification, compulsive and recurrent behaviors, and sexual behaviors considered by most of society to be deviant, pathological, or abnormal

What feature unites all paraphilias?

Distressing and repetitive sexual fantasies urges, or behaviors are characteristics of all paraphilias. If indeed the diagnosis is to be made, these fantasies urge, or behaviors must persist for a long time and must interfere with either fulfilling sexual relations or daily functioning.

The exact reasons why paraphilias or paraphilic disorders develop are unknown, but some experts believe that early sexual violence may be a factor. Others think that if a situation or object is frequently linked to enjoyable sexual activity, it can become sexually arousing.

Therefore, Paraphilias are sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors with a markedly high level of intensity that really are persistent.

Learn more about Paraphilias from the given link.



Which of the following is an example of implicit bias?
A teacher asking the tallest child in the class to help them get something from a high shelf
A judge decreeing that all women who appear in his courtroom must wear dresses or skirts
A casting director for a radio advertisement rejecting an application because of the applicant's Asian-
sounding name
A nightclub owner rejecting applicants for a front door security guard position because they are too


The example of implicit bias would be: A casting director for a radio advertisement rejecting an application because of the applicant's Asia sounding name. Option C.

What is implicit bias?

Implicit bias is a type of bias that influences judgements, decisions, and behaviors even though it happens spontaneously and unknowingly. According to research, unconscious prejudice might make it difficult to attract and keep a diverse scientific workforce.

Favoring or being more responsive to names with a familiar sound rather than those from other cultural groups is a typical example of implicit bias. Inclusivity is still one of our ideals despite implicit bias. It indicates that we are unaware of the influence that our own implicit bias may have on the choices and behaviors we make.

Read more on implicit bias here: https://brainly.com/question/28499180


the approach that involves stating your position, providing the reasons, giving an example or providing evidence, and then restating your position is called the method.


PREP method is the approach that involves stating your position, providing the reasons, giving an example or providing evidence, and then restating your position is called the method.

What is evidence?Statement evidence supports this statement. It is usually taken to indicate that the supporting statement is true. The role of evidence  and how it is considered varies from subject to subject.Authentic evidence is physical and tangible evidence such as objects, tape recordings, computer printouts, and photographs. This is proof that the court can examine  itself.  Examples of genuine evidence include fingerprints, blood samples, DNA, knives, guns, and other physical items. Genuine evidence is usually admissible because it tends to prove or disprove issues of fact in court.Evidence is the only  way a court can draw conclusions to make  a decision. The definition of evidence explains that evidence is evidence of  fact in a dispute, so without evidence there is no way to prove  facts in a dispute or establish facts in a case.

To learn more about evidence from the given link :



repeatedly thinking that you might set your own house on fire is to as repeatedly checking to see if your stove is turned off is to .


Repeatedly thinking that you might set your own house on fire is to as repeatedly checking to see if your stove is turned off is obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What causes OCD to get worse?

A person with obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors is said to have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Children, women, and even men can have OCD. Some people experience symptoms as early as adolescence, but for most people, it doesn't occur until early adulthood.fear of dirt or contagion. Obsessional symptoms, compulsive symptoms, or both may be present in OCD patients. Every element of life, including work, school, and interpersonal interactions, can be affected by these symptoms. Obsessions are anxious-inducing, recurrent thoughts, desires, or mental images. Fear of contamination or pathogens are typical symptoms.Ambiguity is difficult for you to accept and you have doubts.Requiring symmetry and order in everything.

To know more about OCD here



the columns of the haddon matrix, used successfully in the united states to conceptualize injury prevention opportunities, are titled


The columns of the Haddon matrix used successfully in the united states to conceptualize injury prevention opportunities, are titled Phase, host, agent, and environment.

When was the Haddon matrix developed?

The Haddon Matrix is the paradigm that is most frequently applied in the area of injury prevention. The matrix, created by William Haddon in 1970, examines variables related to personal attributes, vector or agent attributes, and environmental attributes before, during, and after an injury or death.

The epidemiology triangle (host, agent, environment), as well as levels of prevention, are combined in Haddon's Matrix, a brainstorming tool. This combination offers you a way to think about step 3's planning for injury interventions and prevention strategies by stages in the event's timeline.

Therefore, host, agent, and environment are the columns of the Haddon matrix.

Learn more about the matrix from the given link.



the export-import bank provides blank while the foreign credit insurance association provides blank .


Making explicit payment arrangements is crucial if you conduct international business.

Import and export payments:

When importing or exporting commodities, there are a number of payment options available, including Letters of Credit (L/C). You can agree on a payment deadline, collateral expenses, and risks for both the customer and the provider. Each nation may have its own preferred means of payment.

Consult your bank for suggestions on how to make payments in international trade:

The government has no interest in the money exchanged between a buyer and a provider. Consult your bank for information on the terms, dangers, and prices of the various foreign payment options.

Determine your payment method:

Letter of Credit:

A documentary credit is another name for a letter of credit (L/C). The most secure way of payment is also the most expensive each transaction. For big transactions, it is frequently employed for this reason. additionally for imports from or exports to nations with uncertain economies.

How L/C payment works:

At their bank, the importing party establishes an L/C. As soon as the exporting party complies with the L/criteria, C's the bank agrees to pay the remaining balance due for the products.

Blank payments:

Payment in full before delivery The buyer guarantees that the supplier will receive payment in advance, yet there is a chance that the provider won't deliver.

Payment in full after delivery (open account). After the products are delivered, the supplier issues an invoice. You pre-agree on a payment schedule. The customer will undoubtedly receive the items in this situation, but the supplier has no assurance that they will be paid.

Bank guarantee:

The opposite is also possible: if the supplier fails to produce as promised and a penalty clause was negotiated with the buyer and the bank. The bank of the exporter will then make financial reparations to the importer for any losses sustained.

Documents against payment / acceptance:

This type of documentary collecting provides protection to both the customer and provider when two potential business partners are not yet well known. The supplier uses their own bank to submit the trading paperwork to their buyer's bank.

Foreign currencies:

You run the danger of losing money if you conduct business with a nation that doesn't use the same currency as the Netherlands. Together with your bank, take action to reduce this risk.

Learn more about Import and export payments:



part of the bereavement role is the expectation that the bereaved will return to normal social responsibilities as soon as possible.


Grieving is an emotional process that is analogous to dying. Denial is a common dysfunctional behavior in the grief process of bereavement role.

What are the four phases of grief?

Persistent, painful sadness can drive us to go through the phases of grief (often quickly): denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These stages represent our efforts to process change and protect ourselves while adjusting to a new reality. Bereavement is the period of pain and loneliness that follows a loss. This loss is usually caused by the death of a loved one, but it can also be caused by other circumstances. For example, someone may suffer grief as a result of the death of a spouse during a divorce. Everyone will suffer loss at some point in their lives. There is, however, a distinction between grief and bereavement. Grief is the emotional reaction to any sort of loss. Bereavement is grief caused by the death of a loved one.

To know more about bereavement visit:



Why was Stephen Austin able to establish a colony in Mexican territory?


The Mexican government gave him a land grant.

did cultural diffusion influence Catholics and Protestants? if so, how? if not, why not?


Cultural diffusion influenced both Catholics and protestant because it influenced original cultural tradition especially in Europe. As Catholicism and Protestantism spread, certain religious culture began to be influenced by the traditions of the people involved.

What is Cultural Diffusion?

Cultural diffusion refers to the spreading out and intermingling of different aspects  from different cultures. Cultural diffusions spreads across a whole aspect of peoples lives. These aspects include food, clothing, religion and even languages that people love and enjoy every day.

Some aspects where cultural diffusion influenced Catholicism and Protestantism, is in religious hymns, religious traditions like mode of worship and marriages.

Learn more about Cultural Diffusion at https://brainly.com/question/2846111


with respect to leadership positions in women's sports in the united states, women have lost far more than they have gained since the passage of title ix.


With respect to leadership positions in women's sports in the united states, women have lost far more than they have gained since the passage of the tile is True.

What are major issues in leadership positions?

Since the passing of Title IX, women have lost significantly more ground than they have gained in terms of leadership roles in women's sports in the US. Female athletes are frequently under pressure to adopt a feminine image by donning skirts, jewelry, and cosmetics.Obstacles still exist in the form of sexual harassment, toxic work conditions, and hidden biases. Women of race encounter more barriers to success and are thus even less likely to assume leadership positions. The difficulty of juggling work and home obligations sometimes prevents women from pursuing leadership positions.

To know more about Leadership here



of the perspectives on anxiety disorders discussed in the textbook, the perspective is most likely to emphasize the fact that we may learn fear simply by observing others.


Of the perspectives on anxiety disorders discussed in the textbook, the cognitive perspective is most likely to emphasize the fact that we may learn fear simply by observing others.

What is anxiety ?Anxiety becomes a habit and manifests itself in many ways. There are also physical symptoms of anxiety. Overeating, loss of appetite, heartburn, shortness of breath, and ulcers.Feelings of fear, dread, and anxiety that can occur in response to stress.People with anxiety may sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heart rate. Extreme anxiety that becomes more common over time can be a sign of an anxiety disorder.Anxiety disorders can have a significant impact on the workplace. People may turn down promotions and other opportunities because they involve traveling or public speaking. Find excuses to escape office parties, staff dinners, and other events and meetings with colleagues. Or miss a deadline.

To learn more about anxiety from the given link :



what religion emphasizes loyalty and duty to family while _____ encourages nature


Buddhism stresses familial loyalty and obligation, whereas Confucianism promotes nature. Thus, the correct choice is Buddhism and Confucianism.

What type of religion is Buddhism?

Buddhism is an Indian religion or philosophical system centered on teachings credited to the Buddha. It is also known as Buddha Dharma and Dharmavinaya. It began as a ramaa-movement in northern India in the 5th century BCE and subsequently expanded over most of Asia through the Silk Road. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion (no belief in a creator god), philosophy, and moral discipline that originated in India in the sixth and fifth centuries BCE. It was created by the sage Siddhartha Gautama, who was a Hindu royal, according to mythology.

To learn more about Buddhism, click



Which of the following is a tool that the U.S. president can use on his or her own to affect foreign policy?
making and approving treaties
approving foreign relations expenditures
declaring war
appointing ambassadors
The correct answer is appointing ambassadors.


Appointing ambassadors is a tool that the U.S. president can use on his or her own to affect foreign policy.

Explain in detail.

The goals and actions that a state takes in relation to its interactions with other states, unions, and other political bodies, whether on a bilateral or multilateral basis, constitute its foreign policy or external policy.The basic goal of foreign policy is to employ diplomacy to resolve global issues by talking, meeting, and reaching agreements. They make an effort to avoid confrontations that must be resolved by the use of force. Almost always, the President is in charge of establishing foreign policy.The goal of foreign policy is frequently to protect national security. military partnerships between governments and other nations in an effort to thwart attacks and demonstrate greater resistance. The goal of foreign policy is to defeat hostile nations by diplomatic means, military means, or both.

To know more about Foreign policy here



the social norms that society has created have an impact on how we behave. members of the group may prefer not to follow the norm personally,


This pressure can be subtle and hard to detect, but it is often influential in guiding behavior. In order for individuals to remain true to themselves, they must be aware of the social norms and be willing to challenge them if necessary.

What are social norms?

Social norms are the shared expectations and rules that members of a group or society have about how they should behave. They represent the attitudes and values of the majority within a certain social context and may include:

Expectations about dress.Language.Manners, and other forms of behavior.

Social norms are important to society as they provide a sense of cohesion and stability and help to ensure that people act in a manner that is acceptable and appropriate.

Learn more about social norms at: https://brainly.com/question/1278457


_______societies that prize social harmony, obedience, and close family connectedness over individual achievements are


Collectivist Cultures societies that prize social harmony, obedience, and close family connectedness. Children appreciate respect, hide their emotions, obey their elders, and prioritise the needs of the larger group. They don't value individual success. Asiatic nations like China, Korea, and Japan are a few examples.

What is obedience?

It simply means hearing God's word and acting upon it. It means that we should submit to God's will and carry out his instructions. It is when we fully submit to His authority and rely on His Word to guide our decisions and actions.

Biblical submission to God and His message entails hearing, trusting, submitting, and surrendering to God. We can clearly see how significant the idea of obedience is to God in the account of the Ten Commandments, according to Mary Fairchild in "Learn Religions." According to Deuteronomy 11:26–28, "Obey and you shall be blessed,"

Instead, emphasising that Christ's submission to the crucifixion was passive obedience draws attention to the reality that, even though He chose to lay down His life, He was nonetheless subjected to abuse. Christ's "active obedience" refers to the things He has actually done.

To learn more on obedience from the link:



You are a muckraker. Choose something you think is unfair in business, society, or government, and write a two- or three-paragraph article about it. Try to move your readers to improve the situation.


As a muckraker, I am concerned about the unequal distribution of wealth and income in our society. This unequal distribution of wealth and income has a number of negative effects, including increased poverty and social inequality, and undermines our economy and democracy.

It is time for us to take action to address this unfair situation. As concerned citizens, we must demand that our elected officials implement a more progressive tax system that ensures that the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. Only by working together can we create a more equal and just society for all.

Who are Muckrakers?

In the United States during the Progressive Era, muckrakers were reform-minded journalists, authors, and photographers who claimed to reveal corruption and malfeasance in established institutions, frequently through sensationalist publications.

Muckrakers were a group of writers during the Progressive period, including Upton Sinclair, Lincoln Steffens, and Ida Tarbell, who attempted to expose the issues that existed in American society as a result of the development of big business, urbanization, and immigration.

Learn more about Muckrakers:

Which one of the following is an indication of a dysfunctional team role? A) Encouraging B) Compromising C) Coordinating D) Initiating E) Diverting.


A dysfunctional role of a team is: E) Diverting.

What is a dysfunctional team?

They are all those groups of people who participate or work within a company and are characterized because they create constant inconveniences which directly affect the organization and the work environment.

That is why there must always be empathy, respect and good coexistence among workers so that the work is done efficiently and does not affect society.

Dysfunctional teams should be disintegrated and in the event of an irregular situation, workers should seek solutions to such problems.

Learn more about dysfunctional teams in: https://brainly.com/question/28346338


In group therapy, therapeutic alliance is typically called _____, which is an alliance between the client and all others in the group.


In organization therapy, healing alliance is commonly called brotherly love that's an alliance among the customer and all others within side the organization.

The required details for Cohesion in given paragraph

Group cohesiveness (additionally called organization brotherly love and social brotherly love) arises while bonds hyperlink contributors of a social organization to each other and to the organization as a whole. Although brotherly love is a multi-faceted process, it could be damaged down into 4 major components: social relations, venture relations, perceived solidarity, and emotions. Members of strongly cohesive businesses are greater willing to take part without difficulty and to live with the organization. Cohesion may be greater especially described because the tendency for a set to be in solidarity whilst running in the direction of a aim or to meet the emotional desires of its contributors.

This definition consists of vital factors of cohesiveness, such as its multidimensionality, dynamic nature, instrumental basis, and emotional dimension.

To know about Cohesion click here



which of the following decisions is not part of appraising the recommendations of a clinical practice guideline?


Clinical practice guidelines are evidence based when producers conduct a systematic review and formulate research using that evidence.

What is appraisal and why is it important?

The firm appreciates someone; it does not keep it a secret since everyone loves appreciation and everyone loves to be acknowledged. The organizations show their gratitude through what are known as performance appraisals or evaluations. Performance reviews, performance evaluations, and other similar terms are also used by businesses to rate an employee's performance and recognize them for their valuable and committed contributions to the expansion of the company.

Therefore, the process of assessing an employee's performance and personality in accordance with the organization's set of criteria, such as adaptability, quality of work, efficiency, collaboration, and teamwork, etc., may be described as the importance of performance assessments.

to learn more about appraisal click:



enculturation is a process of cultural absorption of an ethnic minority by a dominant society.


True, enculturation is a process of cultural absorption of an ethnic minority by a dominant society.

what is society?These terms refer to a type of society involving various large corporate organizations with a keen interest in the economic, social and political decision-making process.Businesses produce goods and provide services, but they cannot do this without the help of society.In order for a company to function well, it needs various resources  available in society.Human resources are the most important resource on which companies rely heavily.Businesses are important members of society  as key drivers of employment, investment and prosperity. The decisions and actions companies make affect society as a whole.A society is a group of people participating in an ongoing social connection or a broad social group occupying the same social or spatial sphere and usually subject to the same dominant political powers and cultural norms.

To learn more about society from the given link :



When choosing their leaders, what do the citizens of South Africa and Nigeria have in common?


Your answer is going to be.

Citizens in both countries vote directly for the heads of sates.


Both South Africa and Nigeria are democracies, so the citizens of both countries have the right to choose their leaders through free and fair elections.

In both countries, eligible voters are able to cast their ballots for the political party or candidate of their choice, and the candidate who wins the most votes is typically declared the winner of the election.

This process is intended to ensure that the leaders of both countries are chosen by the will of the people.


Other Questions
Doctor . . . You're On! Congratulations, Doctor! You have been selected to speak at the most prestigious gathering of researchers and medical doctors in the country. The committee that picked you to be the key speaker selected you because of your understanding of the benefits and myths of strength training. You have only a few days to put together a brief speech you need to give to open the conference, but, luckily, it only needs to be 5 minutes long. Write a 5-minute speech on the benefits of strength training and the most common myths associated with it. You can use information you learned from the lessons and from additional online research. However, make sure to write the information in your own words. Also, be sure to create your speech in a speech-like format. For instance, the beginning of your speech may start with something like: Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for coming to the conference. Today I will be speaking on the benefits and myths of strength training Recall that Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), a form of congenital blindness in humans, can be caused by homozygosity for recessive mutations in the RPE65 gene. Recently, a rare dominant mutation in RPE65 has been implicated as one cause of an eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa, which is characterized by retinal degeneration that Can progress to blindness. The dominant RPE65 mutation is a missense mutation causing amino acid 447 in the polypeptide to change from Asp to Glu. Little is known about the nature of the mutant protein. a. Do you think that the dominant allele is more likely a loss-of-function or a gain-of-function mutation? Explain. b. As described in this chapter, gene therapy for LCA has been at least partially successful. Do you think that the same kind of gene therapy can be used for patients with retinitis pigmentosa caused by the dominant mutant allele of RPE65? Explain. 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If the value of k is 7, how does the graph of g compare with the graph of f ?..The graph of g is the graph of ftranslated up 7 units translated left 7 units translated right 7 unitstranslated down 7 unitsstretched vertically by a scale factor of 7 stretched horizontally by a scale factor of 7 the box just begins to move when the mass of the hanging weight is equal to 1.35 kg. find the coefficient of static friction between the box and the table. Please HeLp ME IM nOt SMarT !!!!!! when sam jones applies for his original license as a salesperson, how much of his license fee will go to the real estate education, research, and recovery fund? A character in a novel begins a journey to find the secrets of her ancestors. She fills her backpack with supplies, and turns toward the forest to set off on her path, not knowing what she will find. Based on what you know about symbolism, what might the forest represent? A sign that the character should actually stay out of the forest A potential warning for the character Purification for the character The mysteries the character will uncover a friend shares a link to an article that seems to be making outrageous claims. what should you do to figure out whether you should trust it? Gianna is taking a walking tour in her city. the entire tour is 10 1/10 kilometers long. According to an app on her phone, Gianna's average walking rate is 1.6 meters per second. Part (A) How many meters does Gianna walk each hour?Part (B) How many kilometers does Gianna walk each hour? in determining whether a company's financial condition is improving or deteriorating over time, horizontal analysis of financial statement data would be more useful than vertical analysis. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected Where didarmed forcesland in NorthAfrica? Whatwas the result ofOperation Torch? Molly bought 4 pairs of pants for a total of $300. Dress pants cost $100 and jeans cost $50. How many of each type of pants did she buy?A. 4 dress pants and 3 jeansB. 5 dress pants and 2 jeansC. 2 dress pants and 2 jeans3. 3 dress pants and 3 jeans For the following set of data, find the percentage of data within 1population standard deviation of the mean, to the nearest percent.58, 58, 50, 64, 59, 62, 58 How do you describe a Korean music? the nurse aide is caring for a client who does not wish to attend religious services the nurse aide should