what term refers to the fusion of two haploid gametes, each containing 23 chromosomes, producing a zygote that contains 46 chromosomes?


Answer 1

fertilization refers to the fusion of two haploid gametes, each containing 23 chromosomes, producing a zygote that contains 46 chromosomes.

A mature male gamete and a mature female gamete are fused during fertilization to create a single cell, or zygote. Both the sperm, which is a male gamete, and the ovum, which is a female gamete, are haploid and have 23 chromosomes. fertilization Humans typically have 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs of them in each cell. The appearance of twenty-two of these pairs, known as autosomes, is the same in both sexes. The 23rd pair of sex chromosomes differs between men and females.

learn more about chromosomes here:



Related Questions

given that about 25% of the mammalian genome is associated with genes, including introns and regulatory sequence, what would be the approximate average length of dna per gene if the genome contained 20,000 genes?


If the genome contained 20,000 genes, the average length of DNA per gene will be 40,000 base pairs.

What is the average length of DNA per gene?

Only 2.5% of the human genome is protein-coding. Introns make up the remaining 97.5%. The male nuclear diploid genome is 6.27 Gigabase pairs (Gbp), 205.00 cm (cm) long, and 6.41 picograms in weight (pg). Female measurements are 6.37 Gbp, 208.23 cm, and 6.51 pg.

For a 25% mammalian genome with 20,000 genes, the total number of base pairs, which is the length of DNA per gene, will be approximately double the amount of genes contained in the genome, in this case 40,000.

Learn more on DNA size here: https://brainly.com/question/20556821


the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, located in the synaptic cleft and on the postsynaptic membrane, breaks ach down into acetate and choline, thereby stopping the stimulation of a postsynaptic cell. t or f



What is enzyme ?

Proteins called enzymes serve as biological catalysts by quickening chemical processes. Substrates are the compounds that enzymes may interact with.

True, the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, located in the synaptic cleft and on the postsynaptic membrane, breaks ach down into acetate and choline, thereby stopping the stimulation of a postsynaptic cell

Acetylcholine is necessary for the body's signalling of cells and the passage of information.

The transmission between nerve cells is blocked when acetylcholine is degraded.

Inhibitors are present, which maintains the usual amount of acetylcholine in the body, preventing its breakdown and maintaining nerve cell transmission.

To know more about enzyme checkout


Is fire burning potential or kinetic energy?


Fire burning involves the release of kinetic energy which is stored in the form of potential energy.

Potential energy is any sort of stored energy, whereas kinetic energy may be found in movement. Kinetic energy may be seen on numerous sizes, from atoms vibrating to generate heat to long wavelength radio waves.

When considering energy, it is critical to consider the law of conservation of energy. According to this physics law, energy cannot be generated or destroyed, but can only change form.

When wood is burned, stored potential energy (in the form of chemical energy) in the log is released as a result of heating by other excited atoms. This chemical process is known as combustion, and it necessitates the presence of oxygen. The potential chemical energy of combustion is converted into kinetic energy in the form of heat.

learn more about  law of conservation of energy at https://brainly.com/question/24772394


are these things below living or non-living?



fallen bark non

mushroom living

Obsidian non

corals living

kangaroo living

lotus living

fossil fuels non

What is the relationship between amino acids and nucleotides?


A codon is a nucleotide triplet that codes for an amino acid so that every trio of nucleotides codes for one amino acid is the relationship between amino acids and nucleotides.

The code is degenerate because there are only 20 amino acids and 64 combinations of four nucleotides taken three at a time (more than one codon per amino acid, in most cases). The structural constituents of proteins are known as amino acids. On the other hand, nucleotides are the constituent parts of DNA and RNA, two types of nucleic acids. As a result, this is the primary distinction between amino acids and nucleotides.

By following a set of instructions known as the genetic code, mRNA converts the nucleotide sequence of a gene into the amino acid sequence of a protein.

Learn to know more about Amino acids on



What are the 4 parts of naturalization test?


Answer: The English test has three components: reading, writing, and speaking.


When venous return is increased, stretch receptors in the atria of the heart are activated. this results in: ________


When venous return is increased, stretch receptors in the atria of the heart are activated. This results in: the inhibition of ADH secretion.

Heart is the organ if the circulatory system that is involved in the pumping of blood to he whole body. the humans heart is composed of 4 chambers, upper two atria and lower two ventricles. The heart keeps the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood separated.

ADH is the abbreviation for Anti-diuretic Hormone. It is also known by the name vasopressin. the hormone performs two functions: constriction of blood vessels and maintain the osmolarity of the body by regulating the amounts of water and salts.

To know more about ADH, here



Why is it important to monitor environmental parameters when making policy decisions?


to manage and minimize the impact an organization's activities have on an environment.

The main objective of environmental monitoring is to manage and minimize the impact an organization’s activities have on an environment, either to ensure compliance with laws and regulations or to mitigate risks of harmful effects on the natural environment and protect the health of human beings.

As human population, industrial activities, and energy consumption continues to grow, the continued development of advanced, automated monitoring applications and devices is crucial for enhancing the accuracy of environmental monitoring reports and the cost-effectiveness of the environmental monitoring process.

Monitoring programs are published outlines within an organization that detail precisely which elements are being monitored, overall objectives, specific strategies, proposed sampling methods, projects within each strategy, and time frames.

Environmental monitoring products and environmental monitoring software, such as Environmental Data Management Systems (EDMS), facilitate the implementation and monitoring of environmental monitoring and assessment programs, which includes a central data management hub, automated environmental monitoring alerts, compliance checking, validation, quality control, and generation of reports on dataset comparisons.

Environmental Monitoring Types

The three main types of environmental monitoring are soil, atmosphere, and water. Techniques for scanning and monitoring the environment include filtration, sedimentation, electrostatic sampling, impinger, absorption, condensation, spot sampling and pool sampling.

Data collected using these methods of environmental monitoring are fed into a DBMS where they are categorized, analyzed and visualized to provide actionable insights that drive informed decision making.

‍Atmospheric monitoring: Environmental data collected from several different environmental networks and agencies using specialized observational tools such as sensor networks and geographic information system (GIS) models, combined with emission, meteorological and topographical data. It is integrated into an atmospheric dispersion model that jointly detects and predicts. Concentration of air pollutants.

Soil Monitoring: Using collected samples (individual samples) and composite samples (multiple samples) to monitor soils and determine baseline and Detect and detect threats such as loss, salinity and slope. unstable.

Learn more about environment here - : https://brainly.com/question/17413226


which statement is true regarding carbohydrates? group of answer choices the brain relies almost exclusively on glucose for energy.


It is true that carbs provide the brain with almost all of its energy. Molecular sugars make up carbohydrates, or carbs. One of the three primary nutrients included in meals and beverages, together with proteins and fats, is carbohydrate.

Bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, and cherry pie are just a few examples of the many healthy and bad meals that include carbohydrates. They also take on various shapes. Sugars, fibres, and starches are the most widely used and plentiful types. A healthy diet should include a variety of foods that are high in carbs. The body receives glucose from carbohydrates, which is then transformed into energy for use during physical activity and maintaining biological functions. However, the type of carbohydrate that is consumed matters; some are better than others.

Learn more about carbohydrates here



The similarities in function of hummingbird wings and the wings of a butterfly reflect?


The illness was contracted, The ultimate source of all new alleles is revealed by the functional similarities between the wings of a hummingbird and a butterfly.

Discribe Hummingbird and butterfly wings?

Hummingbird and butterfly wings both have a similar structure and ability to fly. They are comparable structures as a result. Both the hummingbird (an avian) and the butterfly (an insect) have wings that enable them to fly while looking for food, refuge, or a mate. similarities between the hummingbird and butterfly wings' functions. not homology, but analogy The similarities between the hummingbird and butterfly wings' functions serve as an analogy and homology. In spite of having differing purposes, the forelimbs of birds, bats, and pterosaurs are homologous, sharing an ancestral condition.

To learn more about butterfly wings from given link



Rats colonize an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean where no rats previously existed. The rats can have white fur, gray fur, or black fur. Predict what type of selection is likely to occur when each of the following phenotypes have the greatest fitness.
- grey fur
- dark fur
- dark fur in fields and light fur in forests
- light fur
- dark fur on one island, light fur on another


Undergoing a bottleneck can greatly reduce the genetic variation in a population.

In genetics, a phenotype is the set of observable traits or characteristics of an organism. The term includes the morphology or physical form and structure of an organism, its developmental processes, its biochemical and physiological properties, its behavior, and its products of behavior.

Phenotypes include size, wing length, and coat color. Phenotype also includes observable traits that can be measured in the laboratory. B. Hormone levels or blood cells.

Genotype is the DNA sequence unique to that person. More specifically, the term refers to the two alleles that an individual inherits for a particular gene. A phenotype is the detectable expression of that genotype i.e the patient's clinical symptoms.

Learn more about phenotypes here:-https://brainly.com/question/22117


in liver cells, epinephrine stimulates the breakdown of glycogen. as the signal-transduction pathway progresses, __________.


In liver cells, every epinephrine stimulates the breakdown of our glycogen. As all the signal-transduction are progresses in their pathway, then the signal is amplified.

Following a meal, liver glycogen levels rise and then gradually decline to keep blood glucose levels nearly constant. A signal is considered to be autocrine when it binds to receptors on the cell's surface. When two cells come into contact with one another, juxtacrine signaling occurs. A ligand on one cell surface interacts to a receptor on the other. Blood glucose levels increase after eating because glucose enters the liver.

The liver uses glycogenesis to deal with this extra glucose by converting it to glycogen for storage. Glycolysis is the process by which the glucose that is not stored is converted into energy. Glucagon and epinephrine, two hormones that are largely found in the liver and that induce glycogenolysis (adrenaline). One of the key characteristics of many intracellular signaling pathways is the amplification of signals, which is the process by which a signal's intensity is increased.

Learn more about glycogen visit: brainly.com/question/4303062


explain how dna extraction, pcr, and restriction enzymes were used to get the samples we used for the this gel electrophoresis lab.


Gel electrophoresis is typically used to view (make visible) the outcomes of a PCR process. Using a technique called gel electrophoresis, DNA fragments are separated based on size as they are drawn through a gel matrix by an electric current.

The sample is first heated to cause the DNA to denature, or separate into two pieces of single-stranded DNA, in order to amplify a section of DNA using PCR. Then, using the original strands as templates, an enzyme known as "Taq polymerase" creates two new strands of DNA.

Restriction Gel & Enzyme Digest DNA can be selectively broken into fragments by restriction enzymes and then separated on an agarose gel according to fragment size, as seen by electrophoresis. Since DNA has a negative charge, an electric current.

Learn more about PCR-



in 2000, approximately 80 deaths occurred in sri lanka due to malaria. based on what you have learned about how malaria affects human populations, how many of the deaths were those of children?


Due to the red blood cell loss caused by malaria, anemia and jaundice (yellow skin and eyes) may develop. If left untreated, the infection could develop seriously and result in kidney failure, convulsions, mental confusion, coma, and even death.

Although people of all ages can have malaria, young children and pregnant women are more likely to get the severe form of the disease. Infants, children under five, pregnant women, people with HIV/AIDS, and anyone traveling to regions where malaria transmission is very active are some population groups who are at significantly increased risk of catching the disease and suffering severe illness.

To learn more about malaria, follow the below link:



both parents are heterozygous for tay-sachs disease (an autosomal recessive disorder). three children in a row were born with tay-sachs disease. what is the chance that a fourth child will have tay-sachs disease?


The chance that a fourth child will have tay-sachs disease is 25%.

Tay-Sachs disease is a rare genetic condition that kills brain and spinal cord nerve cells. Babies and young children are the primary targets of this disease. It is typically lethal and prevents the nerves from functioning normally.

A hexosaminidase-A deficiency in the body causes this condition. This is an autosomal recessive disorder. So it requires two recessive alleles to express the disease.

Let us consider T as the dominant allele and t as the recessive allele. Here, the two parents are heterozygous which means their genotype is Tt. Crossing this we get Punnett square as attached here.

Here, the probability of a normal child is calculated from the occurrence of TT and Tt. Since it is recessive, it requires two recessive alleles to express.

Out of four from the Punnett square, three are normal. Then, the probability is 75%, or 3/4. And out of four, one is affected, so the probability is 25%, or 1/4.

Therefore, the answer is 25%.

The complete question is -

Both parents are heterozygous for Tay-Sachs disease (an autosomal recessive disorder). Three children in a row were born with Tay-Sachs disease. What is the chance that a fourth child will have Tay-Sachs disease?






To know more about Punnett square:



The following options are all reproductive barriers. which one is an example of a prezygotic barrier in which the two different species do mate?
a. Two dragonfly species regularly mate, but their gametes are incompatible.
b. No zygote is formed, but mating does occur.


The following options are all reproductive barriers. which one is an example of a prezygotic barrier in which the two different species do mate:

Two dragonfly species regularly mate, but their gametes are incompatible.No zygote is formed, but mating does occur.

A prezygotic barrier prevents members of different species from mating to produce a zygote, a single-celled embryo. Here are some example scenarios This is called habitat isolation. Prezygotic barrier A mechanism that prevents fertilization and reproduction.

A postzygotic barrier is a mechanism that blocks reproduction after fertilization and zygote formation. There are two main classifications of reproductive barriers prezygotic barriers and postzygotic barriers. This is called habitat isolation.

Learn more about A prezygotic barrier here:- https://brainly.com/question/13049614


match each cell type with its description a. stains with acidic dye eosin, has histamine and major basic protein in granules, and facilitates responses to protozoa and helminths b. recognizes abnormal cells, binds to them, and releases perforin and granzyme molecules, which induce apoptosis c. large agranular phagocyte that resides in tissues such as the brain and lungs d. stains with basic dye methylene blue, has large amounts of histamine in granules, and facilitates allergic responses and inflammation select 1. natural killer cells select 2. basophil select 3. macrophage select 4. eosinophil


Based on their general appearance, cells are categorized into 4 main cell type groups. Epithelial cells Endothelial cells either (3) neuronal or (4) fibroblast.

Matched here the properties of the four cells;

a) Eosinophil enhances responses to protozoa and helminths by staining with the acidic dye eosin, having histamine and the main basic protein in granule form.

b) Identifies aberrant cells, attaches to them, and releases the chemicals perforin and granzyme, which together with natural killer cells cause apoptosis in the target cells.

c) A sizable, agranular phagocyte that coexists with macrophage in areas like the brain and lungs.

d) Stains with the basic dye methylene blue, contains significant amounts of histamine in its granules, and promotes basophil inflammation and allergic reactions.

To know more about cell type groups visit:-



The part of a bacterial cloning vector that contains many restriction enzyme recognition sequences is called a?


The piece of the bacterial cloning vector that contains numerous limitation compound acknowledgment groupings is known as the beginning of replication.

The beginning of replication is a grouping of DNA at which replication is started on a chromosome, plasmid, or infection. For little DNAs, including bacterial plasmids and little infections, a solitary beginning is adequate. DNA replication starting points are described fundamentally by three sorts of designs: (1) destinations for restricting proteins, principally commencement and helper proteins, (2) a distinctively AT-rich locale that is loosened up, and (3) locales and underlying properties engaged with managing inception occasions. Starting points of replication are characterized as chromosomal locales where twofold abandoned DNA loosens up to frame single-abandoned DNA layouts for genome duplication. Hereditarily, the cis-acting arrangements that decide the areas of replication inception occasions are named replicators.

To learn more about cloning,



which of those three components do we have control over what are the three components of daily energy expenditure


Basal metabolic rate, physical activity, and thermic effect on food are the three factors that make up daily energy expenditure.

The energy required to maintain essential bodily processes is known as the basal metabolic rate.

Muscle movement requires energy, which comes from physical exertion. The energy required to metabolize food is known as the thermic effect on food.

The component that we can influence is physical activity (30–50%). Energy use from physical activity, such as shivering and fidgeting, as well as intentional physical exercise are all included in this component. As a component of physical activity, deliberate exercise (both acute and chronic) has been demonstrated to affect resting energy expenditure (basal metabolic rate and thermic effect on food).

To learn more about daily energy expenditure, refer:-



What is the relationship between sequence similarity and sequence identity?


The main distinction between similarity & identity in the target sequence is that whereas identity refers to the number of characters that perfectly match in two separate sequences, similarity refers to the similarity between the two sequences in comparison.

A phrase that has been used to describe how similar two or even more nucleotide sequences are, usually about the percentage of identity.

Sequence resemblance by employing alignment to a query sequence, searching is a technique for searching sequence databases.

For nucleotide sequences, the terms sequence identity and sequence similarity are interchangeable. But the two ideas are fundamentally unlike when it comes to protein sequencing. Sequence identity in protein sequence alignment refers to the proportion of identical amino acid residue matches between 2 aligned sequences.

Learn more about nucleotide sequences at



what is the reaction rate for enzyme catalase which speeds up h2o2>h2o+o2 (the temp is 30 but what is reaction rate)




Explanation: an enzyme that brings about (catalyzes) the reaction by which hydrogen peroxide is decomposed to water and oxygen.

under sympathetic activation, the heart rate increases with the release of the neurotransmitter ? T/F


The statement, under sympathetic activation, heart rate increases with neurotransmitter release, is true.

For, the release of neurotransmitters such as adrenaline and noradrenaline from the sympathetic nervous system causes the heart to increase its rate. These neurotransmitters stimulate the heart to beat faster and harder, allowing a greater supply of oxygenated blood to the body's organs and muscles.

The Effect of Sympathetic Activation on Heart Rate

The sympathetic nervous system is an important part of the nervous system that regulates the body's reactions to stressful and anxious situations. This increases:

Heart rateBreathing rateBlood pressureBlood flow

In addition, sympathetic activation also triggers a cascade of changes in the body, such as dilation of the blood vessels to allow for increased blood flow. This allows the muscles to relax, which enables the body to better perform its basic functions.

The effect of sympathetic activation on the heart rate also helps prepare the body for a fight or flight response, allowing it to respond to stressful situations more effectively.

Learn more about The sympathetic nervous system:



a student is staring directly at a bird outside the classroom window. the image of the bird will be detected by which lobe of the brain?


A student is fixedly looking out the window of the classroom at a bird. The fovea centralis, a tiny pit at the very center of the macula lobe that is bordered with densely packed,

The macula lobe lutea, a tiny, flat patch situated precisely in the middle of the posterior region of the retina, contains the fovea centralis. The heavily saturated with cone photoreceptors since it is responsible for bird  high-acuity vision. The foveae of the retinae are responsible for the superior visual acuity that humans possess. We refer to a person's eyesight clarity as visual acuity. Your retina's fovea is therefore receiving the visual picture of the bird you are currently seeing.

learn more about lobe here:



the epinephrine signaling pathway plays a role in regulating glucose homeostasis in muscle cells. the signaling pathway is activated by the binding of epinephrine to the beta-2 adrenergic receptor. a simplified model of the epinephrine signaling pathway is represented in figure 1.


Epinephrine signaling pathway involves enzymes activating other enzymes. It is a series of steps in which a hormone binds to the epinephrine receptor present on the surface of the cell.

Adrenaline is also known as epinephrine which is used as emergency medical hormone in case of severe allergic situations. Epinephrine binds both alpha and beta adrenergic receptors to cause vasoconstriction and vasodilation. It triggers a signal transduction cascade involving production of the second messenger molecule cyclic AMP (cAMP). The role of adenylyl cyclase in the epinephrine signaling pathway is that it accelerates the production of a second messenger. The intracellular concentration of glycogen will increase due to the irreversible binding of GDP to the G protein.

Learn more about epinephrine at:



To refer to complete question, see below:

The epinephrine signaling pathway plays a role in regulating glucose homeostasis in muscle cells. The signaling pathway is activated by the binding of epinephrine to the beta-2 adrenergic receptor. A simplified model of the epinephrine signaling pathway is represented in Figure 1. Based on Figure 1, which of the following statements best describes the epinephrine signaling pathway?

Which piece of evidence indicates that a chemical reaction has occurred?

Question 1 options:

melting of a substance

boiling of a substance

formation of a precipitate

freezing of a substance


formation of a precipitate

When venous return is increased, stretch receptors in the atria of the heart are activated. This results in
increased glomerular filtration.
decreased urine production.
increased thirst.
increased ADH secretion.
decreased ADH secretion.


This results in inhibition of ADH secretion.

Human vasopressin, also known as antidiuretic hormone, arginine vasopressin, or argipressin, is a hormone that is synthesized from the AVP gene as a peptide prohormone in hypothalamic neurons and then converted to AVP. A hormone that constricts blood vessels and aids the kidneys in controlling the amount of water and salt in the body. This regulates blood pressure and the amount of urine produced.

By acting on the kidneys and blood vessels, anti-diuretic hormone helps to control blood pressure. Its primary function is to conserve your body's fluid volume by reducing the amount of water passed out in the urine.

To learn more about ADH, here



Brown tree snakes caused 10 out of the 11 native bird species in guam to go extinct. Identify what this example would be a loss of.


An example of loss from the extinction of native birds in Guam is due to brown tree snakes, there are no more organisms to help pollinate plants. Birds are important for pollination to disperse seeds around Guam's forests.

The brown tree snake is responsible for the extinction of nine out of 12 of Guam's forest bird population. The brown tree snake, Boiga irregularis is arboreal, meaning it spends most of its life in trees or on the ground.

The invasive brown snake tree population has caused enormous ecological damage to Guam. Since 2010, these invasions have killed nine of the island's twelve forest bird populations.

Birds are usually a small part of forest life but are important for pollination, seed dispersal in forests, and control of herbivorous insects. Guam, an island 30 miles long and 5 to 15 miles wide about 3,800 miles west of Hawaii, lost most of its native birds after the brown tree snake was accidentally introduced from the Admiralty Islands after World War II.

Learn more about the population brown of tree snakes in Guam at https://brainly.com/question/9312873


which internal structures of animals are specifically adapted to use contraction to cause movement?


Animal muscles' internal structures have been specifically adapted to use contraction to cause movement.

Muscle cells are designed to contract. Muscles enable motions such as walking, as well as bodily processes such as respiration and digestion. Muscle tissue is classified into three types in the body: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle tissue develops into skeletal muscles, which attach to bones or skin and control locomotion and any consciously controlled movement.

Skeletal muscle is also known as voluntary muscle because it can be controlled by thought. Skeletal muscles are long and cylindrical in shape; when examined under a microscope, skeletal muscle tissue appears striped or striated. To stay alive, grow, and reproduce, an animal must find food, water, and oxygen, as well as eliminate metabolic waste.

To know more about the Muscle cells, here



you have two true-breeding rose bushes, one with red flowers and one with white flowers. a cross between these two roses yields a bush with pink flowers. the pink flower color is an example of


A trait has a polygenic inheritance pattern when the expression of that trait is influenced by two or more pairs of alleles. Polygenic inheritance is a type of non-Mendelian pattern of heredity, meaning it deviates from the Mendelian Laws.

Hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells that carries oxygen to every cell in the body, is a set of illnesses called sickle cell disease. Hemoglobin S, an abnormal hemoglobin molecule found in those with this illness, can cause red blood cells to assume a sickle or crescent shape. (Blending) Heterozygous individuals have the trait of incomplete dominance. The color of one's hair serves as an illustration. (Observe both qualities) Codominance is the production of both homozygous traits in heterozygous people.

To learn more about Heterozygous it, follow the below link:



given that about 25% of the mammalian genome is associated with genes, including introns and regulatory sequence, what would be the approximate average length of dna per gene if the genome contained 20,000 genes?


About 40000 base pairs of DNA per gene if the genome contained 20,000 genes.

A gene is the fundamental physical and purposeful unit of heredity. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules referred to as proteins. but, many genes do now not code for proteins.

Our genes incorporate instructions that inform your cells to make molecules referred to as proteins. Proteins perform various features on our body to keep us healthy. Every gene includes commands that determine your functions, together with eye color, hair shade, and height.

Few genes act as commands to make molecules referred to as proteins. In human beings, genes vary in length from a few hundred DNA bases to extra than 2 million bases.

Learn more about Gene here:-https://brainly.com/question/1994795


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