hat ways do you believe that sociological imagination has helped you see how personal problems are intertwined with the public issues of society of which we are a part?


Answer 1

The sociological imagination enables us to consider how social concerns have an impact on society.

We won't be able to begin to understand how societal problems link to smaller, more personal ones until we have this capacity. We can improve our emotional biases in study situations by using the sociological imagination.

This kind of thinking enables people to understand the connection between their own experiences and the larger society in which they live.

Personal issues are issues that a person has that are unique to them and the scope of their close relationships with other people. According to Wright Mills, we act and act out our personal life as we decide what to do with our friends, family, groups, jobs, schools, and other things that are under our control.

To know more about sociological imagination, click here:



Related Questions

according to rehnquist, what are the restrictions on spending when the spending clause is in question?


However, Rehnquist did define five restrictions on spending strength. First, the spending has to be in pursuit of the “general welfare,” an idea in large part at Congress' discretion. second, the conditions on the spending should be unambiguous, allowing states to make a clean preference about accepting cash.

A trendy welfare clause is a segment that looks in many constitutions and in some charters and statutes that allows that the governing body empowered by using the report to enact legal guidelines to sell the overall welfare of the people, that is on occasion worded as the general public welfare.

The general welfare, also on occasion known as the “public welfare” or the “public right” or the “commonplace correct”, is the concern of the authorities for the health, peace, and safety of its residents.

Learn more about general welfare here:https://brainly.com/question/578494

Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back before about 5,000 years ago in south america.
a. True
b. False


It is a true statement that public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back before about 5,000 years ago in south america. The Option A is correct.

What is the history of public architecture in America?

The history of architecture traces back to the changes in architecture through various traditions, regions, overarching stylistic trends, and dates. The beginnings of these traditions is thought to be humans satisfying the very basic need of shelter and protection.

An example is the platform mounds and plazas which have a 5000-year-long history in the eastern United States but are often viewed through the lens of late prehistoric and early historic understandings of mound use. The trends in architecture were influenced by technological innovations, particularly in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

Read more about architecture



Translational research/science will do which of the following? (Select all that apply.)
a. Take laboratory findings for development for use with patients at the bedside
b. Use clinical research findings to ask new questions for research in the laboratory


Translation research takes laboratory findings for development for use with patients at the bedside and use clinical research findings to ask new questions for research in the laboratory. (Option C and D)

Translational research refers to research focused on translating outcomes in basic research into results that directly benefit humans. Hence, it is an approach to research that seeks to produce more meaningful, applicable results directly beneficial to human health. The term is generally used in science and technology, specifically in biology and medical science. Translational research is a subset of applied research. Hence, examples of translational research from the given options are taking laboratory findings for development for use with patients at the bedside and using clinical research findings to ask new questions for research in the laboratory.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Translational research/science will do which of the following? (Select all that apply.) a. Result in biomedical research becoming less flexible in response to the needs of society. b. Limit interdisciplinary research because this does not enhance patient care. c. Take laboratory findings for development for use with patients at the bedside. d. Use clinical research findings to ask new questions for research in the laboratory. e. Discover practical applications for scientific theories and laws.

Learn more about Translational research:



Imagine that you are a business person with unlimited funds. Could you gain a monopoly over the market for housing in your neighborhood? Using the chart, explain the steps you would need to take. How might your neighborhood change if one person controlled property prices?


It would be possible to obtain a monopoly on housing by absorbing local real estate companies and creating a single company that would own all the homes.

The necessary steps for this would be:

Create a real estate company with great influence in the market.Buy smaller properties and merge them into the main property.Invest in technology and systems that make housing more attractive.Pursue the purchase of larger properties with more market influence.

The neighborhood would change. It would lose its housing options because, over time, everyone would find more and more similar houses with very similar prices.

What is a monopoly?

A monopoly is a company that has total control of a product or a market segment, preventing other companies from being able to compete and even establish themselves in the market.

The monopoly arises as time progresses because the company that will become the monopoly will have to absorb the competing companies, buying them or causing their closure, through the presentation of more attractive products.

The creation of a monopoly reduces the variety of products and prices for customers who are forced to give up the prices of a single company, even if they are abusive prices.

Learn more about monopoly:



during which of piaget's stages does a person develop an awareness that things continue to exist when not seen?


Sensorimotor stage a person develop an awareness that things continue to exist when not seen.

During the last phase of the sensorimotor stage, early representational thought begins to take shape. At this stage of development, object permanence or object constancy the knowledge that objects persist even when they are not visible is a crucial skill, according to Piaget. Children can start giving names and words to objects once they understand that they are separate, distinct entities with an existence of their own independent of individual perception. It could be a professional or social connection. It increases the principal's prospective business opportunities by enabling them to, if you like, be in multiple places at once.

To know more about  Sensorimotor stage:



Pls help me this is due to today in my next band i am shivering I need to get this done the last part at the bottom cause and effect



i cant read enlarge it more.


"Noise cancelling headphones" are a kind of headphones which decrease the amount of background noise that get into your ears when you wear them.
On what physical phenomena do these headphones depend on?


Noise cancelling headphones use active noise cancellation technology, which relies on the principles of destructive interference.

Exploring the Principles of Active Noise Cancellation Technology in Noise Cancelling Headphones

This technology involves the use of microphones to pick up background noise and then produce an "anti-noise" soundwave that is the exact opposite of the background noise. When the anti-noise soundwave and the background noise collide, they cancel each other out, resulting in a quieter listening experience.

Learn more about active noise cancellation technology at: https://brainly.com/question/28871597


psychoanalysts using the technique of____association tell patients to say aloud whatever comes to mind, regardless of its apparent irrelevance or senselessness.


Psychoanalysts using the technique of free association tell patients to say aloud whatever comes to mind, regardless of its apparent irrelevance or senselessness.

Who are Psychoanalysts?

Generally, Psychoanalysts put a significant amount of weight on a person's formative years, particularly their youth. The goal of a psychoanalyst in treatment is to induce transference, which is the process by which patients recreate the conflicts they experienced as children by projecting their sentiments of love, reliance, and rage onto the analyst.

The mind has been freed from the confines of sensory reality as a result of humanity's ability to generate what seems to be an infinite number of thoughts and tales. We transcend the tangible world by imagining, inventing, and creating, and we get closer to a world of potentialities as a result. There is no doubt that psychoanalysis has a place in modern society!

When doing psychoanalysis with their patients, psychotherapists who use the free association approach instruct their patients to verbalize anything comes to mind, regardless of whether or not it seems relevant or makes sense.

Read more about Psychoanalysts



how does the presence of glucose in an e. coli’s environment affect the transcription of the lac operon?


The lac operon's transcription The lac operon is not transcriptioned.

What is the best way to define environment?

Environment may be summed up as the impacts of all the human and non-living things that have an impact on human life. Quasi or abiotic elements include liquid, land, sunshine, rocks, and air, whereas all live or biotic elements include animals, flowers, forests, fisheries, and birds.

Why is the environment crucial?

The status of the environment has a direct impact on human health and wellbeing. Clean air and water, rich land for growing food, as well as material and energy inputs for production, are all provided by good natural surroundings.

To know more about environment visit:



(q022) doris works in a factory where she is paid $10 for every toy she assembles. given that she is on a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement, which pattern of behavior can we generally expect from her?


The pattern of behavior is , She is likely to be more productive than someone paid by the hour.

A learner passively picks up the association between a particular stimulus and a reward through operant conditioning. Vicarious learning occurs when a learner is rewarded for engaging in a desirable behavior.

To create a link between the stimulus and the behavior, classical conditioning places the stimuli first. The behavior comes first in operant conditioning, followed by either negative or positive reinforcement.

Opportunistic conditioning focuses on connecting a voluntary behavior and a reward, whereas classical conditioning links an automatic response to a stimulus. Operant conditioning includes incentives as well as rewards for the learner, whereas classical conditioning does not.

To know more about Operant Conditioning here



what did psychologist tim smith's study of viewers' eye movements show that they were attracted to in a scene with characters in there will be blood?


The psychologist tim smith's study of viewers' eye movements shows facial movements, speaking and hand gestures that they were attracted to in a scene with characters in there will be blood.

In one study, psychologist Tim Smith observed participants' eye movements while they watched trailers for movies like Blade Runner and There Will Be Blood. It is indeed interesting to note that when watching a movie clip, almost every subject started to fixate on the same areas of the screen at the same moment. Smith refers to this phenomena as attentional synchronization, and it seems as though filmmakers are able to precisely focus our attention through the use of acting, scene design, movement, sound, and editing.

Tim Smith, a psychology researcher at Continuity Boy, had used the technology to study viewers viewing a moment from There Will Be Blood, and he came to some predictable but never-endingly fascinating results. This is undoubtedly one of those "very interesting" investigations into the actual methods through which we view movies.

Click here to know more about psychologist:



Level of globalization, geostrategic conditions, and disaster response/emergency are all examples of which category in the desix stability index?


Level of globalization, geostrategic conditions, and disaster response/emergency are all examples of Globalization  category in the desix stability index.

Globalization is the evolving economy, culture and population of the arena, driven by changes in goods and offerings that transcend borders, times and cash. A term used to describe interdependencies. Flow, People, Statistics.

Globalization is changing the way countries, businesses and people interact. In particular it changes the nature of economic entertainment between nations, expan Good examples of cultural globalization include trading commodities along with espresso and avocados.

Coffee is native to Ethiopia and It is said to be consumed in the Arab world. However, industrial trade since the 11th century has led to what is now called a globally supplied commodity.

Worldwide Shipping It is well known that globalization reduces the value of production. This means that organizations can offer their goods to consumers at lower prices. The prevailing price of goods is a major factor contributing to the increase in housing penetration. It also gives customers access to a wider variety of products.

Learn more about globalization here:



at age 25, amanda suffered a severe head injury in an auto accident. as a result, amanda is no longer able to live independently, though she can still feed and bathe herself. she also has difficulty learning new concepts, though she retains her former passion for reading (and chatting about) mystery and romance novels. which statement about amanda is accurate?


Because Amanda's deficiencies started after she turned 18, they cannot be considered "intellectually disabled" .

Problems with general mental abilities, or intellectual disability, have two effects on functioning:

Intellectual capacity (such as learning, problem solving, judgement).Adaptive performance (activities of daily life such as communication and independent living).

Furthermore, the cognitive and adaptive deficits start early in the developmental phase.

Around 1% of people have intellectual disability, and of those, 85% have mild intellectual disability. Diagnoses of intellectual disability are more common in males than girls.

intellectual disability has many distinct causes. It may be linked to a genetic abnormality like Fragile X syndrome or Down syndrome. It may appear after contracting an illness like meningitis, whooping cough, or measles; as a result of childhood head trauma; or as a result of exposure to poisons like lead or mercury. Brain abnormalities, maternal illnesses, and environmental variables are additional potential causes of intellectual disability (alcohol, drugs or other toxins). Infections throughout pregnancy, complications after delivery, and issues like low oxygen levels during birth can all play a role.

To know more about intellectual disability:



. Which has about the same area as Germany? A. Florida and Georgia B. the continental United States C. the southeastern United States D. Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina​


Answer: Florida and Georgia combined are having same area as Germany.

Continental US is 20 times larger than Germany
South eastern USA is like 4 times larger
AL, Georgia and SC all combined are larger

an ideal whereby every person is entitled to protection from environmental hazards regardless of race, gender, age, nationality, income, social class, is known as


An ideal whereby every person is entitled to protection from environmental hazards regardless of race, gender, age, nationality, income, social class, is known as environmental justice.

Environmental justice is a social movement to address the unfair exposure of bad and marginalized communities to harms from dangerous waste, useful resource extraction, and other land uses. The movement has generated masses of studies showing that publicity to environmental harms is inequitably dispensed.

Environmental justice is the honest treatment and significant involvement of anyone irrespective of race, color, countrywide starting place, or profits, with admire to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental legal guidelines, policies, and policies.

Learn more about environmental justice here:https://brainly.com/question/17160849

What are the continuing education information campaign of the ched and other institutions in solid waste manegement?.


Waste management, or waste disposal, refers to the processes and actions required to control garbage from its creation through its final disposal.

Solid-waste management is the collection, handling, and disposal of solid waste that is thrown away after serving its function or becoming unusable. Residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial activity are among the sources of solid waste.

The most typical way to dispose of solid waste is in landfills. In order to minimise pollution and health dangers, contemporary landfills are planned with consideration for a variety of environmental aspects and waste kinds.

To learn more about waste management, refer



a criticism of using a wait-list control group as a means from which to assess the effectiveness of a treatment is problematic because people in the control group:


A criticism of using a wait-list control group as a means from which to assess the effectiveness of a treatment is problematic because people in the control group do not receive nonspecific treatment effects.

the grievance is the development of a judgement approximately the terrible features of a person or some thing. criticism can variety from impromptu comments to a written specified reaction.[1] grievance falls into several overlapping types together with "theoretical, realistic, impressionistic, affective, prescriptive, or descriptive". complaint may check with an expression of disapproval.[1] while grievance of this nature is optimistic it could make an man or woman aware of gaps of their information and it could provide distinct routes for development.[3][4][5] research supports the perception that the usage of feedback and optimistic complaint inside the mastering technique may be very influential.

LEarn more about criticism here



According to Bill Gates, where does most education funding come out of?


According to Bill Gates, state budgets provide the majority of money for education.

What is a state budget?

The state budget outlines the spending and revenue for the government for a given year. A budget is required by law for each fiscal year, which spans from January to December of that year and describes the government's projected spending. The three categories of annual government budgets based on estimates are surplus, balanced, and deficit.

There are 50 million children enrolled in the public school system in the United States, from kindergarten through high school. The United States pays approximately $10,000 per student annually, or $500 billion overall.

American business magnate and philanthropist William Henry Gates III is both. He participated in the creation of Microsoft.

To know more about state budget, visit:



what do you see as the main difference between a successful and an unsuccessful decision? how much does luck versus skill have to do with it? how much time needs to pass to answer the first question?


Making decisions involves "selecting among potential courses of action, which may also entail inaction." Individuals across all organisations utilise the information they gather to make a variety of judgments.

These choices will then alter the direction of an organisation and have an impact on people's lives. The most crucial and frequently challenging responsibility for a manager is making effective judgments. Success is "the accomplishment of something wanted, planned, or undertaken," according to one definition. A corporation should follow the formal phases of the rational decision-making model to ensure they make the best choices before making a decision in order for it to be successful. In order to optimise the quality of their outcomes, decision-makers should take a number of steps, according to the rational decision-making paradigm.

learn more about  decisions here:



an infant fusses mildly when his mother leaves and seeks comfort from her upon her return. this infant shows a(n)


An infant fusses mildly when his mother leaves and seeks comfort from her upon her return. this infant shows a secure feeling.

Separation anxiety is what happens when a baby clings and sobs while a familiar caregiver is about to leave.Babies learn to lift their heads, roll over, sit, crawl, stand, and possibly walk within the first year of life. The best approach to get your baby moving and hone their motor abilities is through play.Stage of sensory-motor (0–2 years old) preliminary phase (2–7 years old) concrete stage of operation (7–11 years old) formal phase of operation (11 years old through adulthood).

To know more about Infant here



When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of?


When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of the principal.

A legally enforceable agreement that establishes, clarifies, and outlines the right and obligations of two or more parties is known as a contract. A contract typically calls for the exchange of products, services, or money, or the commitment to do so in the future.

The fundamental factors necessary for the agreement to be legally enforceable are mutual assent, demonstrated by a valid offer and acceptance, sufficient consideration, capability, and legality. In some places, a legitimate alternative can meet the requirements for consideration.

To know more about a contract, click here.



psychodynamic theories, the oldest of the explanations for paranoid personality disorder, trace the pattern to:


Psychodynamic theories, the oldest of the explanations for paranoid personality disorder, trace the pattern to demanding parents, particularly distant, rigid fathers and overcontrolling, rejecting mothers.

Freud originally developed psychodynamic theory as a theory of personality. Numerous thinkers have contributed to it over the years as it has undergone tremendous change. Freud thought that childhood experiences, unconsciously occurring intrapsychic processes, and interpersonal patterns could all be used to explain human behaviour. Psychodynamic theory's general definition is that people's actions are caused by factors that are unconscious to them. The psychodynamic theory, sometimes referred to as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, aids patients in comprehending their feelings and unconscious behavioural patterns. Clients have a better understanding of themselves and learn how to make better decisions for themselves by discussing these feelings and behaviours with a social worker.

To know more about Psychodynamic theories:



Which of the following is NOT true regarding the trial process for juveniles?

A.Their parents are allowed to be with them.

B.They will be sentenced if they are convicted.

C.They will have a trial by jury.

D,They have 72 hours after their arrest to have their first hearing.


They will be sentenced if they are convicted is not true regarding the trial process for juveniles. The appropriate response is option B.

What is juvenile justice procedure?

Cases involving juvenile justice begin with the filing of a petition. The petition may be submitted by the district attorney or the probation department. A petition requests the involvement of the court. It reveals what the state believes the young person did.

It is necessary to have a separate police officer investigate juvenile cases. Detention is viewed as a final resort or alternative. The juvenile case has to be resolved quickly. Children should be treated fairly and humanely throughout the process.

To learn more about juvenile justice



One of the most controversial issues facing police in Texas and across the United States involvesa. unlawful searches and seizures.b. entrapment.c. the use of plea bargains.d. the use of force.


One of the most controversial issues facing police in Texas and across the United States involves the use of force. Option D.

The use of police force is one of the most controversial aspects of law enforcement. Few cops face consequences after police fire. Texas has more executions than any other state and has a statistically lower contested death rate.

Prevents smugglers, drugs, and unauthorized persons from entering the United States. Without safe borders, all other immigration reform efforts are doomed to failure. Texas has more people in state prisons than any other state. Violators' requirements are so difficult to meet that they may be ignoring them in hopes of not getting caught.

Learn more about Texas here:- https://brainly.com/question/10228861


What does quality mean in the context of education?


In the context of education, quality refers to the level of excellence that is achieved by a learning institution or program.

Attaining Quality in Education: The Keys to Student Success

It is usually measured by the effectiveness of the program in helping students gain knowledge and skills, the level of engagement and support provided to students, and the overall satisfaction of the students with the program. Quality education requires meeting educational standards, providing access to adequate resources, and providing meaningful learning experiences that are engaging and relevant.

Learn more about educational standards at: https://brainly.com/question/11886724


the ____________ theory of motivation has been criticized because it is based on circular reasoning.


The drive-reduction theory of motivation has come under fire for having a circular reasoning base.

Drive-reduction theory:

The drive reduction hypothesis, developed by Clark Hull in 1943, is a crucial theory of motivation in the lineage of behaviorist learning theory. Drive is the term used to describe a cause that arises from a physiological or mental need.

It is a motivator from within that pushes someone to fulfill their drive. It has also been said to be an inbuilt process that prompts people to take actions that would advance their intended end result or objective.

It claims that organisms are compelled to weaken their motivations to maintain homeostasis.

To know more about Drive-reduction theory visit:



she finds that there is no relationship between video assignment and depression scores. what might be to blame for this null effect?


There can be many criteria guiding the course of action in which the effect of Null Theory of Psychology can be identified

Null impact can be defined as  the study where it was discovered that the IV had no impact on the DV when the independent variable had no effect.

We advance thanks to null results. They prevent us from making the same mistakes again and help to choose the course of future research. In actuality, there is a lot we can learn from nothing. However, null results frequently do not appear in scholarly journals.

To know more about null effect here



on his third missionary journey, paul establishes churches in ___________ where he also writes 1 & 2 corinthians.


Paul established churches at Corinth on the third missionary expedition.

Which is an established instance?

She became a star because of the movie. She made a name for herself as a diligent worker. The word has now become a recognized component of English. The business has made a name for itself by being a pioneer in its field.

What does the term "established person" mean?

Another well product or person is well-known, completely trustworthy, and typically has a successful track record. The process of establishing oneself takes time. You must invest the time and money necessary to establish your credibility, network, and establish a solid reputation.

To know more about established visit:



which group most justifies the need to consider more than just a single ability, such as mathematics, in evaluating an individual's intelligence?


Individuals with Williams syndrome who are missing a set of genes from one of their chromosomes justifies the need to consider more than just a single ability, such as mathematics, in evaluating an individual's intelligence.

Williams Syndrome (WS) is a rare genetic condition characterized by mild to severe delays in cognitive development or learning difficulties, a particular facial appearance, and a distinctive disposition that mixes anxiety with over-friendliness and high levels of empathy. Cardiovascular illness brought on by clogged arteries is the main medical issue connected to WS. Infancy-related increased blood calcium levels are also linked to WS. Williams syndrome has no known causes and no accepted course of therapy. Multidisciplinary clinics have been created at numerous facilities in the United States because to WS's rarity and complexity.

Learn more about Williams syndrome here:



4. what is exemplified when a lower-class person buys an imitation item of the upper class to imitate the upper-class position?


Conspicuous consumption is a term used in sociology and economics to describe and explain the practice of buying and using goods at a higher price..

Conspicuous consumption is a term used in sociology and economics to describe and explain the practice of buying and using goods at a higher price, in greater quantities, or of a higher quality than is necessary. In 1899, the humanist Thorstein Veblen begat the term obvious utilization to make sense of the burning through of cash on and the gaining of extravagance products (labor and products) explicitly as a public showcase of monetary influence — the pay and the gathered abundance of the purchaser. The public display of discretionary income is an economic means for conspicuous consumers to either attain or maintain a particular social status.

In addition to identifying and describing other economic behaviors, Veblen's sociology of conspicuous consumption also identified and described invidious consumption, which is the ostentatious consumption of goods with the intention of making other people jealous; and conspicuous compassion, which is the extravagant use of charity to boost the donor's social standing and reputation; Therefore, conspicuous consumption is the source of the socioeconomic practices of consumerism.

To know more about Conspicuous consumption, visit:-



Other Questions
Analysis and Interpretation of Fiction : In this task, you will choose a short story. Then, select one aspect of that story and write an essay analyzing how it contributes to the meaning of the story.Before you can analyze how an aspect of a story contributes to its meaning, you must first decide what that meaning is. Since meaning in fiction is subjective, there is no right or wrong answer. Once you have determined what the story means to you, then you can look closely at all the elements that make up the story to determine how they contribute to the meaning. Since there is more than one way to interpret most short stories, it's all about how you support your thesis.Here are some guidelines to follow. When choosing a short story for this activity, you should base your decision on these considerations:Select a story that you feel strongly about. Whether you love it or hate it, you will find it easier and more enjoyable to analyze a story you feel passionate about.Select a story in which you find meaning. Some people easily find meaning in a particular story while others do not. Dont select a story just because it is well-known or critically acclaimed. Select it because it has meaning to you.Decide if you want to choose a well-known or a more obscure text.Decide what the meaning of the story is to you. What is the theme of the story? Is there more than one possible theme? If so, which one speaks most strongly to you?Decide which element you want to analyze by asking yourself these questions.What role do plot, structure, character, setting, dialogue, conflict, symbol, irony, tone, and point of view play in building meaning in the story?Is there one element that you think contributes to the theme more than others?Is there one element that particularly interests you? Hello how has your week been? disorders whose symptoms are primarily physical but whose development is greatly influenced by psychological factors are called: if the only two firms in an industry agree to fix the price at a given level, this is an example of: a price extortion. b collusion. c satisfying demand. d price discrimination. e price leadership. what were some of the terms included in the treaty of Versailles? check all that apply the following are caregories of the u.s. federal budget. which are the two largest categories of federal spending? welfare interest on the federal debt defense foreign aid social security health care in the second step of glycolysis, the cyclized form of glucose (now phosphorylated) is converted to a cyclized form of fructose. what is the purpose? group of answer choices In animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning? m Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge. the answer plsss I need it what is the opposing plate involved in the formation of the volcanoes of the cascades in north america? Find the perimeter of a triangle with sides of 4, 6, and 8 feet. 16 feet 9 feet 18 feet 192 feet 5. Describe the significance of Gregorian chant during the Middle Ages.6. Give an example of a new compositional technique that was developed during the Renaissance.Deen7. Describe the Doctrine of the Affections. Why was it important to Baroque musical thought? how would the wife of bath fit into contemporary society? what social trends would she support or reject? Need help, its a word form answer What type of account at a bank would your parents open up to keep money to save for your college educations? in the video making stuff: smaller, how many transistors (little on-off switches) are on the one-inch chip that stephen smith shows david pogue? jamiloleole performs better on foreign language vocabulary tests if she studies the material 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if she crams for 2 hours the night before the test. this illustrates what is known as: What function equation is represented by the graph f(x)=-3z+6. F(x)=6x-3. F(x)=6z+2. F(x)=3x+2