Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


Answer 1

The Water Power Corporation must install certain equipment in accordance with the regulations of the Clean Water Act because the operations to be commenced by the Water Power Corporation generate waste that will be discharged into navigable waters. This was done when b. Before beginning operations.

What is wastewater?

Wastewater is the remaining water that is disposed of originating from households, industries, and other public places, and generally contains materials or substances that can be harmful to human health and disrupt the environment.

Disposal of wastewater without being processed first has an impact on living things, for example, wastewater will cause a decrease in dissolved oxygen levels in the water. As a result, life in water requires oxygen to be disrupted and reduces its development. So a tool is needed to process the wastewater before it is discharged into the waters.

Learn more about the type of waste here :


Related Questions

Directions: Define each term below and then write a story problem that includes all of the terms.
1. retainer
2. contingency
3. flat fee
4. attorney-client privilege
5. code of professional responsibility
6. disbarred
7. malpractice


The given words are mostly related to the law.

Retainers are a sort of remuneration arrangement with lawyers that can be used to reserve their services or pay for upcoming work. The standard sort of retainer where a lawyer promises to take on a case or other future concerns for a client is called a general retainer.Contingency fees signify that you will pay the attorney a specified percentage of the money you win or obtain through a settlement outside of court. The lawyer does not get paid by you if you lose your case.Attorney-client privilege : It shields an attorney from being forced to testify against a client. By promoting complete disclosure to their attorney without concern that the material would be made public, this privilege aims to ensure that clients obtain accurate and competent legal advice.The American Bar Association (ABA) established the Code of Professional Responsibility in 1969 to provide standards for ethical behavior in the legal profession.Disbarment, commonly referred to as striking off, is the expulsion of a lawyer from a bar association or the practice of law, revokes their legal admission or license, and results in their removal from the legal profession.The term "legal malpractice" refers to an attorney's negligence, breach of fiduciary responsibility, or breach of contract while providing legal services that harms a client.

To know more about Law here



What is correct answer or simple method of amendment Constitution?


A convention may be convened by House in response to demands from multiple of the legislatures or by the Congress itself through a bipartisan bill approved by a two-thirds vote.

What does the word "amend" mean?

The provisions of an agreement or other instrument may be amended or modified. An amendment is simply a new addition or change that keeps the original statement's integrity. Other times, a change may include totally deleting the previous text and adding new text in its place.

What would make an excellent sentence to change?

The nation's constitution were altered to grant women the right to vote. In 1920, they decided to change the legislation. He apologized to me in an effort to make things right.

To know more about Amendment visit:



What was the main purpose of the Declaration of Sentiments?


The main purpose of the Declaration of Sentiments documents demanding that American women be granted the same civil and political rights, including the right to vote, that American males were.

68 women and 32 men, or 100 out of about 300 attendees at the first women's rights convention to be organized by women, signed the Declaration of Sentiments, also known as the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments, in 1848. The Declaration of Sentiments, which was inspired by the Declaration of Independence, affirmed women's equality in politics, family, education, employment, religion, and morals. A document titled "Signatures to the Declaration of Sentiments" was signed by 100 convention attendees (68 women and 32 men).

This copy belonged to the document's primary author, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The paper shows edits made by Stanton's daughter, Harriot Stanton Blatch.

Learn more about the Deceleration of Sentiments here: brainly.com/question/24496978


an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.t or f



an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.t or f


How did the Supreme Court decision in Brown vs Board of Education help shape the civil rights movement?


Supreme Court decision in Brown vs Board signaled the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States, overruling the "separate but equal" principle set forth in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case.

In this milestone decision of , the Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional. It signaled the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States, overruling the "separate but equal" principle set forth in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case..

On May 17, 1954, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Warren conveyed the consistent decision in the milestone civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. State-sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment and was therefore unconstitutional. This historic decision denoted the finish of the "separate however equivalent" point of reference set by the Supreme Court almost 60 years sooner in Plessy v. Ferguson and filled in as an impetus for the extending civil rights development during the ten years of the 1950s.

Know more about Brown vs Board of Education - https://brainly.com/question/29618716


How can the President influence foreign policy?


While the President because the leader govt is the only spokesman of the country inside the field of foreign members of the family, Congress because the regulation-making body can also prescribe the coverage to be observed,

The government department conducts international relations with different countries and the President has the power to negotiate and signal treaties, which the Senate ratifies.

The President can problem govt orders, which direct government officials or make clear and in addition present legal guidelines.

In Article II's Treaty Clause, the constitution, for the primary time, addresses international affairs from the vantage of the President's powers. The clause vests the President, acting with the recommendation and consent of the Senate, with the authority to make treaties for America.

Learn more about president here: https://brainly.com/question/25608255


What is the message of the poem I am every woman?


According to the poet, all women are naturally attractive. She is a representation of strength and power. Even when faced with challenges, she maintains her positive outlook. She is always persistent and never gives up.

A woman is a grown-up female human being. A female human is referred to as a girl before reaching adulthood (a female child or adolescent). When referring to all female humans, regardless of age, the plural form of the word "women" is sometimes used.

Women typically inherit two X chromosomes, one from each father, and from puberty until menopause, they are able to become pregnant and give birth. More specifically, the absence of a present or active SRY-gene on either of the corresponding sex chromosomes controls the sex differentiation of the female fetus. The female reproductive system, which consists of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva, distinguishes female anatomy from male anatomy. Compared to an women man, a fully developed woman often has a wider pelvis, broader hips, and larger breasts. Women are often shorter and less muscular than men, have a larger percentage of body fat, and have much less facial and other body hair than men.

Learn more about women here



Where is the Supremacy Clause and what does it say ?


Supremacy clause is the article of the constitution of U.S.  Article IV clause of 2 is referred about supremacy clause.  It makes to clear that the Constitution, federal laws, federal regulations, and treaties take superiority over similar state laws.

This clause allowed that the supreme court to help establish a strong federal government. It is similar to supreme court to establishes that the constitution federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land.

Supremacy clause said that this Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance therefor all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby any thing in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary not withstanding.

Learn more about supremacy clause click the link here:



What was the primary purpose of Frederick Douglass autobiography ?


This document was meant to serve as a powerful rallying cry to inspire the ongoing efforts to eradicate slavery in the United States in addition to bearing witness to a first-person experience of a slave. John C.

What did Frederick Douglass become best renowned for?

His first work, The Chronicle of the History , Frederick Douglass, The American Slave, Published by Himself, was published in 1845, catapulting him to stardom. He devoted the majority of his professional life to the fight against slavery and worked alongside notable suffragists like Gerrit Smith or William Lloyd Garrison.

What motivated Frederick Douglass to abolish slavery?

For Douglass, liberty was a natural right because it was clearly stated in the Independence Day Declaration as an universal human right. Douglass, who disagreed with Garrison, also thought that the U.S. Constitution's authors intended to eventually abolish slavery.

To know more about Frederick Douglass visit:



What should an employer tell a candidate who is not selected for the position?


The employer should Inform them that he gave their job application careful consideration, but that a better match has come along.

The employer can Inform them of any compliments the recruiting team may have made on their application materials or performance during the interview.

An employee is a person who is employed by an employer to do a certain task. Employers have control over how much money employees receive, when they work, and how they work. Employees receive advantages that contractors do not in exchange. After being chosen as a candidate for employment through an application and interview procedure, the employee is hired by the company. Following the employer's determination that the applicant is the most qualified candidate for the position for which they are hiring, this candidate is chosen.

Learn more about employer here:



Mediation is a __________ form of alternative dispute resolution.
a. sometimes involuntary, binding
b. voluntary, non-binding
c. voluntary, binding
d. sometimes involuntary, non-binding


Alternative dispute resolution that is both voluntary and binding is mediation.

Any alternative dispute resolution procedure is what?

The term alternatives to litigation (ADR) refers to several methods of resolving conflicts outside of court. Common ADR practices include mediation, neutral assessment, and arbitration. These processes are often less formal, stressful, and public than standard court sessions.

Is ADR preferable than a courtroom?

ADR is typically less formal, more affordable, and takes less time than a trial. People may have more control over the timing and method of their dispute's resolution thanks to ADR. Learn more about the trial courts' available ADR programs.

To know more about alternative dispute resolution visit:



What are 3 different types of genetic inheritance?


Three categories of genetic inheritance exist: diseases caused by a mutation in a single gene. Consider sickle cell anemia. Chromosome abnormalities occur when one or more chromosomes  are absent or altered. Complex disorders caused by two or more gene mutations.

Genes on sex chromosomes have different genetic inheritance patterns than genes on autosomes, which are non-sex chromosomes. This is because, on average, females have two X chromosomes (XX), whereas males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). As a result, males only have one copy of each X-linked and Y-linked gene while females have two copies of each X-linked gene. Y-linked genes are not duplicated in females. It is possible for diseases brought on by defective genes on the X chromosome to be inherited dominantly or recessively. Since males have only one X chromosome, any dominant or recessive gene mutation on the X chromosome will cause disease. Females will not be impacted by inheriting X-linked genes because they have two copies of these genes.

Learn more about Inheritance from



this presidential action was seen by some as an example of enhanced presidential power by others as an abuse of power. which of the following informal powers would be represented by the headline?


Some people viewed his presidential move as an illustration of increased presidential power. The headline would be an informal representation of emergency powers.

What are the eight presidential powers?

The following eight are among them: the Commander-in-Chief, the Chief Executive, the Chief Administrator, the Chief Diplomat, the Chief Legislator, the Chief of Party, and the Chief Citizen. As Commander-in-Chief, the Constitution expressly grants the president complete authority over the armed branches.

What restrains the president 's power?

The executive branch's authority is not unchanging and is subject to both political and constitutional restraints. The executive, administrative, and legislative branches of government are given equal authority under the Constitution's mechanism of checks and balances.

To know more about presidential power visit:



the police had a search warrant with them, they did not show it to mapp because she called her attorney


When Mapp's case finally made it to the Supreme Court, it was evident that the police had never actually gotten a warrant to search Mapp's house.

The cops searched Mapp's home for what reason?

The incident began in Cleveland, Ohio, when police entered Dollree Mapp's home without a valid search warrant. Police wanted admission because they thought Mapp v Ohio was hiding a potential fighting accessory. Police discovered a trunk of inappropriate images in Mapp's cellar, but no suspect was located.

What had Mapp v. Ohio as its fundamental problem?

Evidence collected in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which forbids "unreasonable searches and seizures," is not admissible in state courts, the U.S. Supreme Court declared in the Ohio case on June 19, 1961, with a 6-3 decision.

To know more about Mapp v Ohio, visit:



How many years can you serve as President?


Passed by Congress in 1947, and ratified by way of the states on February 27, 1951, the Twenty-2nd modification limits an elected president to 2 terms in office, a complete of 8 years.

The President is answerable for implementing and enforcing the laws written by means of Congress and, to that stop, appoints the heads of the federal businesses, consisting of the cupboard. The vp is likewise a part of the govt branch, ready to count on the Presidency have to the need rise up.

President an elected authentic serving as both chief of country and chief political govt in a republic having a presidential authorities. : an elected reputable having the location of leader of state however normally most effective minimal political powers in a republic having a parliamentary authorities. presidentship

The president of a state is the top of the government and the fundamental chief of the united states or the ceremonial head of state.

Learn more about president here : brainly.com/question/2409724


What are some arguments that Swift uses for his modest proposal?


Swift contends that young children as young as one may be sold into a meat market, providing poor families with much-needed revenue while sparing them the costs of raising several children.

The essay, which is disguised as an economic dissertation, suggests that Ireland's poverty be reduced by killing its underprivileged children and selling them to the English landowners as food. Swift's suggestion is a scathing critique of how England has used Ireland for its own economic and legal gain. To get his audience ready for his suggestion, Swift's ironic persona employs rhetorical techniques such descriptive language and appeals to pathos and logos. Swift used tense language to persuade his readers of the success of his plan.

Learn more about Jonathan Swift here:



Who did Frederick Douglass give his Fourth of July speech to?


Frederick Douglass, a prominent African American abolitionist, gave a stirring address on July 5, 1852, to a packed Corinthian Hall in Rochester, New York, as part of an event sponsored by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Sewing Society.

Whatever the expectations of his audience, Douglass used the 76th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence's signing to remind everyone of the country's ongoing enslavement of millions of people rather than to celebrate the nation's victories.

He spoke at Rochester, New York's Corinthian Hall at a ceremony commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The basic tone of Douglass' writing is plain and serious, as befits a philosophical dissertation or a statement of political opinion. Additionally, he occasionally speaks in a sardonic or distraught manner.

To learn more about Frederick Douglass



washington warned against having permanent foreign alliances and creation of political parties. True or False


Washington warned against having permanent foreign alliances and the creation of political parties. - True

Washington cautioned the US to avoid permanent alliances with foreign countries and to rely instead on transitory alliances for emergencies as a result of French interference in American politics. Washington believed that permanent alliances could lead to the entanglement of the United States in foreign conflicts.

In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned against the dangers of forming permanent alliances with foreign nations and the creation of political parties. He believed that political parties could divide the nation and undermine its unity. He advised the American people to avoid these dangers and instead focus on maintaining the independence and unity of the United States.

Read more about Washington on:



if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner. t or f


if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner. t or f


What are 3 factors that have limited the effectiveness of NGOs?


NGOs currently confront a number of issues, however, by which businesses are not always prepared, including a lack of funding, a lack of strategic planning, a lack of networking, and a lack of maintenance.

What, for instance, are NGOs?

Non-governmental organizations, or "NGOs," are a broad category that encompass a range of organizations. In addition to academic institutions, churches, community-based organization, lobbying groups, and trade associations, they also include transnational nonprofits like OXFAM and Save the Children.

What do NGOs do, exactly, and what are they?

NGO stands for non-governmental organization. Even though there isn't an one, widely accepted definition of an NGO, it's typically a volunteer position or group that has a social aim and operates independently of the government. NGOs and other similar groups are active all over the world.

To know more about NGOs visit:



What are 3 of your short term goals?


The short-term goal is to get a job at their company and quickly learn everything you need to know about their role, how the team works, and company policies and procedures.

If this short-term goal is achieved, it will contribute to the company's goals. My short-term goal is to get a job at a reputable company, improve my work skills, and learn more and more useful knowledge in the future.

My long-term goal is to become a more responsible and knowledgeable individual and to achieve a good standing within the organization. A goal that only takes a few days or weeks, such as spending more time to do better work. It can take weeks, months, or even an entire semester to reach your long-term goals.

Learn more about short-term goal  here:



What are the 3 common characteristics of organization?


As a result, three things make up an organization: communication, service-mindedness, and shared objectives.

By organization, what do we mean?

An group is a collection of people who cooperate, such as a firm, neighborhood association, charity, or union. The word "organization" can be employed to refer to an individual, a group, a business, or the development of anything.

What is an organization and what does it do?

The best possible use of both human and financial assets is made possible by organization. It not only helps in the right assignment of tasks to qualified workers, but it also ensures that no resources or time are wasted owing to duplication of effort.

To know more about communication visit:



Which court in the federal system reviews the convictions of military personnel who have violated military law?


The United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) federal system reviews the convictions of military personnel who have violated military law.

What is the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF)?

The United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) is the highest military court in the United States. It is located in Washington, D.C., and has exclusive jurisdiction to review court-martial convictions and other decisions of the United States Court of Military Commission Review, military trial courts, boards of inquiry, and administrative discharges from the U.S. armed forces. The CAAF is composed of five civilian judges appointed by the President of the United States. The court hears appeals from military courts-martial and other proceedings as provided by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The CAAF also has the authority to issue writs of mandamus, writs of prohibition, and writs of habeas corpus. The court also issues advisory opinions on military justice matters when requested by the president or Congress.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) reviews the convictions of military personnel who have violated military law. The United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces is the highest appellate court for military personnel who have been convicted of violating military law. It is responsible for reviewing the convictions and ensuring that military law has been properly applied.

It can be concluded that the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) federal system reviews the convictions of military personnel who have violated military law.

To know more about the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF), click this link:



Liquor stores in Tennessee lobby the state legislature, asking that wine shipments from out-of-state be made illegal. They argue that if consumers are allowed to buy wine from out-of-state, many in-state employees of liquor stores will lose their jobs. What would an economist likely say in response to this argument?

a. While it is easy to see the jobs destroyed by out-of-state wine sellers it is harder to see the jobs that are never allowed to exist because the workers are in wine sales instead of something else,

b. Resources that are no longer used producing goods for which Tennessee does not have comparative advantage can be reallocated to those industries in which Tennessee does have a comparative advantage making Tennesseans wealthier,

c. If people out-of-state can distribute wine at a lower price than people in-stater the consumers of this state will benefit from lower wine prices,

d. All of the above.


b. Resources that are no longer used producing goods for which Tennessee does not have comparative advantage can be reallocated to those industries in which Tennessee does have a comparative advantage making Tennesseans wealthier,

Tennessee formally the usa of Tennessee, is a landlocked kingdom inside the Southeastern area of america. Tennessee is the 36th-biggest thru vicinity and the 16th-most populous of the 50 states. it's miles bordered thru Kentucky to the north, Virginia to the northeast, North Carolina to the east, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi to the south, Arkansas to the southwest, and Missouri to the northwest. Tennessee is geographically, culturally, and legally divided into three Grand Divisions of East, center, and West Tennessee. Nashville is the united states's capital and biggest city, and anchors its largest metropolitan area. different important cities encompass Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Clarksville. Tennessee's population as of the 2020 united states of america census is ready 6.nine million.

Learn more about Tennesseans here



Which clause of the U.S. Constitution was at the center of the argument in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka?


The Board of Education of Topeka case revolved around the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

- In Brown v. Board of Education, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the Fourteenth Amendment forbade racial segregation in public schools. In the 1954 decision, it was determined that different educational facilities for white and African American students were essentially unequal.

- Brown argued in his lawsuit that segregation infringed the so-called "equal protection clause" of the 14th Amendment, which states that no state may "deny to any person within its Schools for Black students were not on par with schools for White children, according to the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

To know more about Equal Protection Clause, kindly click on the link below :



In contrast to the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, what was the focus of Reconstruction under President Andrew Johnson?

answer choices
- providing economic opportunities for African Americans
- punishing the southern states for staring the Civil War
- readmitting states to the Union as quickly as possible
- protecting the rights of freedmen and freedwomen


The goal of Reconstruction under President Andrew Johnson was to give African Americans access to economic opportunity. This was accomplished through the Congressional Reconstruction Plan.

What was the Reconstruction plan's main aim under Andrew Johnson?

President Andrew Johnson put into effect the Reconstruction plan in 1865, giving the white South complete control over the transition from slavery to freedom and denying blacks any participation in South Carolina politics.

What was the reconstruction strategy of Andrew Jackson?

He gave former Confederates who agreed to support the 13th Amendment and vowed allegiance to the Union all of their property, minus, of course, their slaves. Individual applications for a Presidential pardon were necessary from Confederate leaders and owners of sizable taxable estates.

To know more about Reconstruction Plan visit:-



How long did it take to approve the Constitution?


The first eight states to ratify the Constitution took ten months. Delaware became the very first state to adopt on Dec 7, 1787, with a unanimous vote of 30 to 0.

What does the constitution do, and why?

A constitution is simultaneously a governmental, legal, and social tool. Legally, it provides a solid legal framework and safeguards human rights. Since its contents constitute a better or higher law, they serve as the basis for all regulations, laws, institutions, and procedures.

The first ten amendments, what are they?

The Constitution consists of the first 10 Amendments. It defines the American people's rights in relation to their governments. People have civil privileges like the free speech, the press, and their religion.

To know more about Constitution visit:



What is inheritance in C Mcq?


Inheritance is a tool for expanding and reusing existing classes in the C programming language without changing them, creating hierarchical relationships between them. A class can be embedded into an object via inheritance.

New classes are produced through the process of inheritance from the current classes. The current class is referred to as the "base class" or "parent class," and the newly generated class is referred to as the "derived class" or "child class." Genetic information is transmitted from parent to kid through inheritance. Members of the same family typically share traits in common because of this.

The language C is not object-oriented. A characteristic of object-oriented languages is inheritance. Inheritance is not supported at the compiler level in C. The group of keywords: The syntax for defining a subclass in C++ is the same as that for defining a regular class, which calls for the keyword class. The subclass's name is The name of the derived class or subclass that takes on the traits of another class must be specified.

To learn more about inheritance, refer: brainly.com/question/15078897


Correct Question:

What is inheritance in C ?

What does Hamlet's first soliloquy reveal about his state of mind?


After his opening soliloquy, Hamlet confesses that he is a disturbed young man who, but for religious prohibitions, would have pondered himself.

What is an illustration of religion?

Worshippers and believers engage in and are frequently commanded to carry out devotional or meditative practices including prayer, meditation, or specific rituals. One of the key components of the religious life is involvement in religious institutions, moral behavior, accurate belief, and worship.

Who are the religious people?

Open, mature religiousness and spirituality were correlated with high extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and conscientiousness and low neuroticism. Agreeableness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience were all found to be higher, lower, and lower, respectively, in religious fundamentalism.

To know more about Hamlet visit:



Why is the constitutional amendment process difficult?


Because a constitutional amendment requires ratification by the legislature of three-quarters of the states, it is difficult to modify the constitution.

Legislature process is referred to as what?

The President, the Council of State (Rajya Sabha), and the House of Commons make up the Union's legislative body, known as Parliament (Lok Sabha). A legislative is a legally recognized body established to enact laws for the a political organization such a country, state, or local government.

What acted the legislatures?

A legislative body. The creation of laws for a nation falls under the purview of the legislative department of government. Legislators are the persons who make up legislatures; in democracies, they are chosen by the populace.

To know more about legislatures visit:



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