why is frankenstein attracted to science? how does he look back on his attraction from his current perspective?


Answer 1

Frankenstein is attracted to science because he is a passionate and ambitious individual who is curious about the unknown.

Frankenstein is attracted to science because of the limitless possibilities it holds. He is drawn to the idea of being able to unlock the secrets of life and death, and create something entirely new. He is driven by the idea that science and technology can be used to improve the world and make life better for all.

He looks back on his attraction to science from his current perspective with a sense of regret and guilt, as his ambition to succeed in his experiments leads him to create a monster that causes immense suffering. He wishes that he had not been so ambitious and had instead explored other areas of study.

From his current perspective, however, Frankenstein looks back on his attraction to science with a sense of regret. He realizes that his ambition was misguided, and that his creations were not meant to be used for the betterment of mankind. He regrets the destruction and chaos that his creations caused, and the pain and suffering they inflicted on innocent people. He now understands that science and technology are powerful tools, but they must be used responsibly and with caution. He also realizes that there are limits to what science can do and that some things are simply beyond human understanding.

to know more about science and technology click here:



Related Questions

Two bowling balls are rolling towards each other. The first has a mass of 5 kg and is rolling with a speed of
4 m/s to the right. The seconds has a mass of 6 kg and is rolling with a speed of 7 m/s to the left. After the
collision, the first bowling ball rolls away with a speed of 5 m/s to the left. How fast is the second ball
rolling after the collision?
a. 7.5 m/s
b. 6.2 m/s
c. 0.5 m/s
d. 0.9 m/s



the answer is 0.5 m/s it's c

A roller coaster is moving along the track. Complete the sentence that describes the conservation of energy. Mechanical energy is (conserved, not conserved) because the roller coaster (loses, gains) energy due to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track.


Mechanical energy is not conserved because the roller coaster loses energy due to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track.

In a roller coaster, the energy changes from potential energy to kinetic energy and back again many times over the course of a ride.

As there are external forces acting on the system, the mechanical energy will not be conserved.

When the coaster moves down the track, the amount of available mechanical energy decreases throughout the ride because of the friction between the track and coaster and air resistance. These two forces absorb energy from the cart and transform it into thermal energy as well as sound energy, which is then lost to the surrounding.

To know more about the roller coaster:



what does the red line on an airspeed indicator represent? maneuvering speed. turbulent or rough-air speed. never-exceed speed.


An airspeed indicator's red line represents the top speed an aircraft can fly in calm air; this speed should never be purposely exceeded. The never-exceed speed is the name given to this speed.

The values are given in meters. The trail will be white if the plane is less than 100 meters in the air. If the trail is higher than 100 meters, it will first turn yellow, then green, then light blue, dark blue, purple, and finally red at an altitude of more than 2500 meters. Hope this was helpful. On one of their wings, most commercial aircraft have a green light, and on the other, a red light. The green light is positioned on the right wing of the aircraft, while the red light is on the left wing.

To learn more about airspeed indicator click here



What is the wavelength of radiation that has a frequency of 5.70 1014 S − 1?


The wavelength of the radiation is 5.263 x 10⁻⁷m.

Using this equation, we can calculate the energy of only single wave particles: photons, electrons, protons, neutrinos, muons, etc. It does not work for other types of waves, including vibrations of materials or media, i.e. sound waves/pressure waves.

Water waves, solid vibrations, etc. In these types of waves the energy depends on various factors. B. Whether the wave is longitudinal or transverse, plane or spherical, wave velocity, material density, viscosity, elasticity, etc. Physics often talks more about energy density than the total energy of a wave.





3x 10⁸/5.70 x 10¹⁴=y

y=5.263 x 10⁻⁷m

To know about total energy of a wave -



Your physics teacher crumples a piece of paper into a ball and releases it from rest 2. 0 m from the ground. How long does the ball take to hit the ground?.


When the ball is released from rest 2m from the ground, it will hit the ground at 0.63 seconds.

Here, we will use free fall kinematics equations.The ball hits the ground due to gravity of earth. we use equation of motion and will find time after which ball hit the ground. There are 3 main equations of motion. The paper ball falls from the rest, so the initial velocity will be 0.

[tex]s = ut + \frac{1}{2} a {t}^{2} [/tex]

S is the height

u is the initial velocity

g is the gravity (9.81 m/s²)

t the time

Now, the height will be 2m, u = 0

and we have to solve it for t

[tex]2 = 0 \times t + \frac{1}{2} \times 10 \times {t}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]2 = 5 {t}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] {t}^{2} = \frac{2}{5} [/tex]

t = 0.63

t = 0.63 seconds.

hence, the ball will hit the ground after 0.63 seconds of it's release.

learn more about free fall :



If the average kinetic energy of the molecules in an ideal gas initially at 20 degrees Celsius doubles, what is the final temperature of the gas?


The final temperature of the gas will be 40 degrees Celsius.

The average kinetic energy of gas particles is proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas, and all gases at the same temperature have the same average kinetic energy.

The temperature of a substance is directly related to its kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy that a substance has because  its molecules are in motion, so when a substance absorbs heat, the molecules move faster and the  kinetic energy of the substance increases.

As the average kinetic energy of its particles increases, the  thermal energy of the object increases. Therefore, the thermal energy of an object increases as its temperature increases. Since the average Kinetic Energy has doubled, so has the absolute temperature.

Read more about gas laws at:



two coherent sources of radio waves, a and b, are 5.00 meters apart. each source emits waves with wavelength 6.00 meters. consider points along the line connecting the two sources. 1) At what distance from source A is there constructive interference between points A and B?
2) At what distances from source A is there destructive interference between points A and B? Note that there will be two separate interference fringes between point A and point B.


The distance from source A at which there is constructive interference between points A and B is 3.50 meters.There will be two separate interference fringes between points A and B, with the first fringe occurring at 3.00 meters and the second fringe occurring at 6.00 meters.

The distance from source A at which there is constructive interference between points A and B can be found by setting the phase difference between the waves from sources A and B to a multiple of 2π. The phase difference between the waves at a given point is given by:

To determine the distance from source A at which there is constructive interference between points A and B, we can use the formula for the constructive interference of two waves:

d = (m + 1/2) *λ / 2

where d is the distance from source A, m is an integer, lambda is the wavelength of the radio waves, and the term (m + 1/2) is the phase difference between the two waves.

Plugging in the values given in the problem, we get:

d = (m + 1/2) * 6.00 meters / 2

= (m + 0.5) * 3.00 meters

Since we want constructive interference, the phase difference must be an integer multiple of 2π, which means the value of m must be an even integer. Therefore, we can set m = 2 to get:

d = (2 + 0.5) * 3.00 meters

= 3.50 meters

So the distance from source A at which there is constructive interference between points A and B is 3.50 meters.

Learn more about wave, here https://brainly.com/question/3639648


How can two stars with the same mass be different?


Two stars with the same mass number can be different in their luminosity, life time and distance with respect other stars and planets.

What are stars?

Stars are spatial objects with brightness and are made of gases and dust. The major part of stars are hydrogen and helium gases. There are trillions of stars for each galaxies in the universe.

The energy formed inside the stars is from  the nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei forming helium nuclei releases tones of heat and light energy. The light and heat energy produced from each stars differ.

The luminosity or brightness of stars with same mass will be different. The life time of each stars also differ from other stars.

To find more on stars. refer here:



a) parallax of vega is observed to be 0.13 arc seconds when observed from the standard base of 1 au. what is the distance to vega in parsecs? what is that distance in light years?


Parallax of vega is observed to be 0.13 arc seconds when observed from the standard base of 1 AU.

a) 7.713 parsec is the distance to vega in parsecs.

Thus, 25.15 light year is that distance in light years.

What is parallax?

When the distance is large enough that the parallax angle is very small, the parallax angle is proportional to the inverse of the distance (1/d). Conversely, if we can measure the parallax angle, we know that the distance to the object is proportional to the inverse of that angle.

Given that,

the distance between sun and vega = d

distance between sun and earth = L

angle (θ) = 0.13 arc second

θ = 0.13 × 0.000278°

θ = 3.61 × 10⁻⁵

tan θ = 1 AU /d

or, d = 1 AU / tan θ

or, d = 1 AU / tan (3.61 × 10⁻⁵)

or, d = 1.591 × 10⁶ AU

and 1 AU = 4.848 × 10⁻⁶ parsec

Thus, d = 7.713 parsec.

1 AU = 1.581 × 10⁻⁵

d = 25.15 light year.

To know more about Parallax refer to:



a space station of diameter 80 m is turning about its axis at a constant rate. if the acceleration of the outer rim of the station is 2.5 m/s2 , what is the period of revolution of the space station?


the period of revolution of the space station is 25.1 seconds.

Calculation :

acceleration ac=v2/r

velocity v=(2*pi*r)/T

therefore T2 = (4*pi²*r)/ac

                 = (4*pi²*40)/2.5  

                given, diameter = 80m  therefore  radius  r=40m

                 =  25.1 seconds

A space station is a spacecraft capable of supporting a human crew in orbit for long periods of time, and is therefore a kind of living space in space. No greater propulsion or landing system. An orbital station or orbital space station is a satellite (that is, a type of orbital spaceflight). A station needs a docking port so that other spacecraft can dock to transfer crew and supplies. The purpose of maintaining an orbital outpost varies by program. The space station was launched primarily for scientific purposes, but military launches have also taken place.

Learn more about Space station here : https://brainly.com/question/457589


How do you calculate the amount of energy in an elastic potential energy store?


The formula for calculating elastic potential energy stored in spring is elastic potential energy = 0.5 × spring constant ×extension square.

When an elastic body is deformed, energy stored in the body is called elastic potential energy. This energy gets stored in the object till the time it is deformed. When force is removed, this energy changes into kinetic energy.

An object that can store elastic potential energy has a high elastic limit. When an object is deformed beyond the elastic limit, it can not gain its shape after removing force.

The force that is needed to stretch the spring is directly proportional to its displacement. It is given as

F =k x


k = spring constant

x = displacement

The Elastic Potential Energy Formula of the spring stretched is given as

P.E. = 1/2 k


P.E = elastic potential energy and it’s expressed in Joule.

To know more about elastic potential energy here



how does the difference between the ranges of the strong nuclear force and the coulomb force affect the makeup of each atom’s nucleus?


Because the range of the Coulomb force is longer, heavier atoms have more neutrons than protons.

What is  strong nuclear force?The force that holds protons and neutrons in atoms' nuclei is an example of the strong nuclear force. the substances heavier than an atom of hydrogen. the core of the sun's hydrogen and helium fusion.Quarks are constrained into proton, neutron, and other hadron particles by the strong interaction, also known as the strong nuclear force. The nuclear force, commonly known as the strong interaction, is what holds neutrons and protons together to form atomic nuclei.Because the range of the Coulomb force is longer, heavier atoms have more neutrons than protons.The nuclear force also known as the strong interaction binds protons and neutrons to form atomic nuclei.

To learn more about strong nuclear force refer to:



approximately how long after the big bang did the era of nucleosynthesis end, marking the time when the basic chemical composition of the universe was determined?


It took 5 minutes to establish the universe's primary chemical makeup.

What does nucleosynthesis mean?

Nucleosynthesis is the process by which new atomic nuclei are produced from pre-existing nuclei and nucleons (protons and neutrons). According to current beliefs, a process known as Big Bang nucleosynthesis took place a few minutes after the Big Bang to produce the first nuclei through nuclear reactions.

The significance of nucleosynthesis

Star nucleosynthesis offers hints on both stellar evolution and the distribution of matter across the cosmos in space-time. Chemical abundances inside the solar system, which attest to their abundance at the time of solar system creation, provide a probe to nucleosynthesis in our galaxy.

To know more about Nucleosynthesis visit:



how large a mass would have to be placed on top of the wooden block when floating in the water so that the block would be completely submerged, i.e. its top would be level with the surface of the water?


In the question, the floating level is known as upthrust. It happens due to the density of that object.

Upthrust is an upward force on an object (in this case the wooden block) provided by the liquid (water) as a result of it displacing some of the liquid. Thus floating objects will normally displace some part of the liquid; making some part of it to be submerged in water.

The percentage of the submerged wooden block can be calculated as

length (in height) of the wood block submerged in water/total length (in height) of the wood × 100

This concept is based on the density of the floating object.The concept of density seeks to measure the weight of an object in relation to its size. It is the measure of how packed together the particles of that object are.

An object placed in a liquid displaces a certain volume of the liquid, based on the relative density of the object and the liquid.

If an object is less dense than a liquid in which it is placed, it displaces a smaller volume of the liquid than its volume, hence only some part of the object will be seen to be under the liquid, the other part will float.

If an object is denser than the liquid in which it is placed, it displaces a larger volume of the liquid than its own volume, making the object to sink and is submerged.

Therefore, if the density of an object and the liquid into which it is submerged is the same. the object's mass per unit volume is the same as the liquid's mass per unit volume.

Learn more about density here :  brainly.com/question/1354972


For what slit-width-to-wavelength ratio does the first minimum of a single-slit diffraction pattern appear at 30 degrees?


The slit width to wavelength ratio due to which the first minimum of single slit diffraction pattern appears = 1 : 0.5

According to the question, we know that we have to calculate the ratio of slit width to wavelength,

Given, A single-slit diffraction

The angle at which the diffraction pattern is occurring = 30°

Order of diffraction given  = 1 ( minimum )

We could calculate the path diffraction using the formula,

d sinθ = nλ ( minimum )

d sin 30 = 1 x λ

d / λ = 1 / sin 30

d / λ = 1 / 0.5

d : λ = 1 : 0.5

Therefore, the slit width to wavelength ratio due to which the first minimum of single slit diffraction pattern appears = 1 : 0.5

To learn more about Diffraction,



an object is placed between the focal and the center of curvature of a concave mirror. the object is then moved closer to the mirror, but still remains between the focal point and the center of curvature. do the magnitudes of (a) the image distance and (b) the image height become larger or smaller?


When an object is moved closer to the concave mirror, then

a)magnitude of image distance increases.

b)the image height become larger.

In concave mirror, we know that when an object is placed at the focus, its image will formed in enlarged size at infinity, it means height of image is large as compared to height of object. Here the scenario is same when object is placed at the center of curvature, object formed at the center of curvature of mirror in opposite direction of object. When object is moved closer to mirror from the center of curvature, image starts moving away from the mirror.

Image will formed below the positive y-axis and nature of image will be inverted and size of image starts increasing when it moves closer to mirror.

To know more about concave mirror, visit here:



if the string is released at the instant the ball is at the top of the loop, how far to the right does the ball hit the ground?


if the string is released at the instant the ball is at the top of the loop, 139.23 cm far to the right does the ball hit the ground.

What is minimum velocity?

A minimum velocity is present at a position where acceleration is both negative to the left and positive to the right.

At the minimum velocity at the top v, the weight mg provides the centripetal acceleration -

R = 50 cm = 0.5 m

Thus, mv²/R = mg

or, v² = Rg

or, v = v Rg

or, v = v × 0.50 x 9.8

or, v =v × 4.9

or, v = 2.21 m/s

The ball goes off horizontally at this speed and falls through a height

y = h + R

or, y = 150 + 50

or, y = 200 cm

or, y = 2 m

Using y = 0 + 0.5g.t2

or, t = v (2.y/g)

or, t = v [2 x 2/9.8]

or, t = 0.63 s

The horizontal distance travelled, x = v.t

x = 2.21 x 0.63

x = 1.3923 m

x = 139.23 cm.

If the string is released at the instant the ball is at the top of the loop, 139.23 cm far to the right does the ball hit the ground.

To know more about minimum velocity refer to:



a 4.0-m-long, 500 kg steel beam extends horizontally from the point where it has been bolted to the framework of a new building under construction. a 70 kg construction worker stands at the far end of the beam. what is the magnitude of the torque about the point where the beam is bolted into place?


The magnitude of torque about the point where the beam is bolted into place is 12544 Nm.

The length of the beam = l = 4 m

The mass of the steel beam = M = 500 Kg

Mass of the construction worker = m = 70 Kg

Torque of steel beam = T₁

Torque of worker = T₂

The magnitude of torque = T =

Torque is the force in a distance the relation is proportional so the torque of weight first is:

= Torque of steel beam = Force of steel beam X distance

= T₁ = F₁ X d

= T₁ = M X g X l

= T₁ = 500 X 9.8 X 4

= T₁ = 9800 Nm

Torque is the force in a distance the relation is proportional so the torque of weight second is:

= Torque of steel beam = Force of steel beam X distance

= T₂ = F₂ X d

= T₂ = m X g X l

= T₂ = 70 X 9.8 X 4

= T₂ = 2744 Nm

Net torque = T =

= T = T₁ + T₂

= T = 9800 + 2744

= T = 12544 Nm

To know more about Torque:



Police investigators, examining the scene of an accident involving two cars, measure 64-m-long skid marks of one of the cars, which nearly came to a stop before colliding. The coefficient of kinetic friction between rubber and the pavement is about 0.70.Estimate the initial speed of that car assuming a level road.


The initial speed of that car assuming a level road is 29.63 m/s.

What is the acceleration of the cars?

The acceleration of the cars is calculated by applying Newton's second law of motion as shown below.

F = μmg

ma = μmg

a = μg


m is the mass of the carsa is the acceleration of the carsg is acceleration due to gravityμ is the coefficient of kinetic friction

The acceleration of the cars is calculated as follows;

a = 0.7 x 9.8 m/s²

a = 6.86 m/s²

The initial speed of the car is calculated by applying the following kinematic equation as shown below.

v² = u²  - 2as


v is the final velocity of the caru is the initial velocity of the cars is the length of the skida is the acceleration of the car

the final velocity of the car when it stops = 0

0 = u²  - 2as

u² = 2as

u = √ (2as)

u = √ (2 x 6.86 x 64)

u = 29.63 m/s

Learn more about initial velocity here: https://brainly.com/question/19365526


what is the mass of an object that weighs 250 n on the surface of the earth where the acceleration due to gravity is 9.80 m/s2?


The mass of an object that weighs about 25.5kg.

Mass: What is it?

Mass in physics is a numerical representation of inertia, a fundamental property of all matter. What a body of matter is fundamentally is the resistance it offers to a change in its speed or position as a result of the application of a force. Less change occurs when a force is applied to a body with more mass.


F = 250N

a = 9.8m/s²

F = ma

250 = m×9.8

m = 250/9.8

m = 25.5kg.

Therefore, the mass of an object that weighs about 25.5kg.

To know more about acceleration due to gravity visit:



a car is traveling at 50 mi/h when the brakes are fully applied, producing a constant deceleration of 50 ft/s2. what is the distance (in ft) traveled before the car comes to a stop? (round your answer to one decimal place.) incorrect: your answer is incorrect. ft


It is assumed that,

Initial speed of the vehicle: u = 50 mph = 73.34 ft/s

Finally, it stops, or v = 0 (car deceleration, a = - 44 ft/s2).

The distance traveled before the car comes to a stop must be determined. Allow the distance to be s. The third law of motion can be used to compute it as:

v² - u² = 2as

s = v² - u²/ 2a

s = 0 - ( 73.34 ft / s )² ÷ 2 - {-44} ft/ s²

s = 61.13 ft

Therefore, the car travels 61.13 feet before coming to a stop. As a result, this is the necessary solution.

What is the formula for deceleration?

Deceleration is the opposite of acceleration. The deceleration will be computed by dividing the final velocity minus the initial velocity, by the amount of time is taken for this drop in velocity.

How do you find the stopping distance if the deceleration is constant?

If the deceleration is constant, we know that stopping distance is equal to the area under the v − t graph or D s = 1 2 × v × t s, where ts is the stopping time. So D s = 1 2 × 13.4[m / s] × t s[s] = 0.030 m.

To know more about Deceleration visit:-



A car accelerates uniformly from rest and reaches a speed of 11.9 m/s in 11.5 s. The diameter of a tire is 89 cm. Find the number of revolutions the tire
makes during this motion, assuming no slip-ping



153 revolutions


D = (Vi)t + 1/2(a)(t²)

Since Vi = 0, the first term drops out

a = Δv/t = (11.9 m/s)/(11.5 s) = 1.03 m/s²

D = 1/2(1.03 m/s²)(11.5 s)² = 68.1 m

Circumference of a circle = C = 2πr

r =  D/2 = (0.89 m)/2 = 0.445 m

So for every 1 revolution of a tire, the distance traveled is 0.445 m

68.1 m / 0.445 m/rev  = 153 revolutions

a 0.460 kg mass suspended from a spring oscillates with a period of 1.50 s. how much mass must be added to the object to change the period to 1.90 s?


The mass must be added to the object to change the period to 1.90s is 0.428Kg.

What is the formula for time periods?

A thing's time period is the length of time needed for it to complete one oscillation. Any wave element's angle displacement in relation to time is known as its frequency. T is the period, and f is the frequency, and the formula for time is T = 1/f. equals c / f, where c is the wave speed (m/s) and f is the frequency (Hz).

A mass of 0.460 kg oscillates with a period of 1.90 s when it is suspended from a spring.

The time period's formula is provided by,

T = 2π √m/k ....(1)

K denotes the spring's constant, and m denotes the mass.

The new duration is specified by,

T' = 2π √m'/K....(2)

where K is the spring constant, and m' is the final total mass following the addition.

Subtract equation (1) from equation (2).

T/T' = √m/m'

Now change the previously mentioned expression with the known terms.

1.5/1.9 = √0.46/m'

To find the value of m', simplify the expression above.

m' = 0.5/0.5625

m' = 0.888kg

Now, we can calculate the mass that must be added to the object to make the period 1.90s:

m' = 0.889 - 0.460

m' = 0.428Kg.

To know more about time period visit:



an organ pipe is made to play a low note at 27.5 hz, the same as the lowest note on a piano. assuming a sound speed of 343 m/s, what length of open-open pipe is needed?


Similar to the lowest note on a piano, an organ pipe is designed to play a low note at 27.5 Hz. utilizing the 343 m/s sound speed, The required open-open pipe length is 3.12 m.

λ = v / f = 343 m/s / 27.5 s = 12.5 m

A) open-ended, L = λ/2, so

L = 12.5 m / 2 = 6.24 m

B) closed-ended, L = λ / 4, so

L = 12.5 m / 4 = 3.12 m

When pressurized air (also known as wind) is driven through an organ pipe, it causes it to resonate at a particular pitch, producing the sound of the pipe organ. A specific musical note is tuned into each pipe. A rank is a collection of organ pipes with a similar tonality that makes up the entire scale; a stop is made up of one or more ranks.

Lead is typically used to make metal pipes; however, tin, antimony, and copper are also alloyed with it for added rigidity. The characteristics of the resulting pipe depend on the ratio of each metal in the alloy. Tin content increases the color's brightness just a little bit.

Learn more about organ pipe here:



michael leans on a shopping cart, causing it to start moving. which statement is true about the forces michael and the cart exert on each other?


Michael and the cart exert equal and opposite forces on each other.

When equal and opposite force is applied, it do not let the body to move. This equal and opposite force is called couple.

What an equal and opposite force does to an object?

Whenever two equal and opposite forces act on a moving object, motion remains unaffected because the net force acting on the body is zero. Thus, the object will not move.

This basically justifies Newton's third law of motion which states, for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. If object A exerts a force on object B, object B also exerts an equal and opposite force on object A.

To know more about Newton's third law of motion, click on https://brainly.com/question/25998091


find the distance required such that the fields of this mode will be reduced in magnitude by 20 db if the operating frequency is 10 ghz.


When operating at a frequency of 10 GHz, 16.54 cm is needed to reduce the fields of this mode's magnitude by 20 dB.


f=18 GHz,

TE₁₀ mode,[tex]f_{c}[/tex]=12GHz

wave length,λ=?,phase constant ,β=?

d=? when magnitude by 20dB

if the operating frequency is 10 GHz

defined, F₁₀=[tex]\sqrt{1-(\frac{f_{c} }{f})^{2} }[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{1-(\frac{12}{18})^{2} }[/tex] = 0.75


phase constant ,β₁₀=2π/λ₁₀ =2π/(1/0.75)*10⁻²


β₁₀=150π rad/m

for operation below the cutoff frequency,

[tex]r_{mn}[/tex]=[tex]\alpha_{mn}[/tex]=[tex]\sqrt{4\pi^{2}\mu \epsilon(f_{c}^{2}-f^{2}) }[/tex]

[tex]\alpha _{10}[/tex]=[tex]\beta \sqrt{(f_{c}/f)^{2} -1 }[/tex]

here,[tex]\beta =\frac{2\pi f}{u_{0} }[/tex]

[tex]\beta[/tex]=6.67π rad/m

α₁₀=6.67π[tex]\sqrt{(12/10)^{2}-1 }[/tex]

α₁₀=13.9 [tex]N_{p}[/tex]/m

[tex]e^{-\alpha_{10}d }[/tex]=1/10




The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a unit of time is known as the frequency in physics. It is also the number of cycles or vibrations that a body in periodic motion experiences in a unit of time. When a body in periodic motion moves through a series of events or locations before returning to its initial state, it is said to have experienced one cycle or one vibration. moreover, simple harmonic motion; angular velocity.

Learn more about frequency here:



what is the pattern? i need help please ill give 100 point if help


The mass of the bowling ball is 5kg and the energy of player will be 62.5 kcl. With the denominator is greater the acceleration should decrease by the same factor that increases the mass.

What Newton's second law states?

Newton's second law states that force is proportional to mass and acceleration.

F = m a

The applied force creates an acceleration in the elephant a = F / m. If the mass of the elephant increases m2> m, the expression takes the form a = F / m2. With the denominator is greater the acceleration should decrease by the same factor that increases the mass.

The frequency of a wave depends on the properties of medium density and the elasticity properties change the amplitude depends on the energy carried by the wave, that is, the amplitude is proportional to the height of the wave (oscillation).

Therefore, The mass of the bowling ball is 5kg and the energy of player will be 62.5 kcl. With the denominator is greater the acceleration should decrease by the same factor that increases the mass.

Learn more about elasticity on:



a hydraulic has two pistons. the area of piston 1 is eleven times smaller than the area of piston 2. if a pressure of 98 atm is applied to piston 1, how much pressure will piston 2 experience as a result?


The pressure will piston 2 experience as a result is 8.99atm if area of piston1 is eleven times smaller then area of piston 2.

We know very well pressure is inversely proportional to area.It means when we increase pressure, then area will decrease or vice-versa.

Equation of pressure is given by P=F/A.

Now,it is given that area of piston 1 is 11 times smaller than area of piston 2.It means if we assume area of piston 1 is A.

Then area of piston 2 is 11 times of area of piston 1 which is 11A.

Now, writting the expression

=>P₁/P₂ = (F/A₁) / (F/A₂)

=>P₁/P₂ = A₂/A₁

So, we have P₁=98atm,A₂=11A,A₁=A and we need to find P₂=?

So, on putting the values,we get





Hence, pressure will piston 2 experience is 8.99atm.

To know more about pressure, visit here:



Astronomers will never directly observe the first few minutes of the universe because:_______.


Astronomers will never directly observe the first few minutes of the universe because the universe was opaque at that time.

The universe is all of space and time and its contents, along with planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of count number and strength. The huge Bang theory is the winning cosmological description of the improvement of the universe.

The Universe is thought to consist of three types of substance: normal remember, 'dark count number', and 'dark energy. Regular remember consists of the atoms that make up stars, planets, human beings, and every different seen object in the Universe.

The actual spatial length of the universe is unknown. but, through measuring the observable universe, the current length of the universe is approximately ninety-five billion mild-years in diameter.

Learn more about Universe here:-https://brainly.com/question/29576511


1. thomas jefferson proposed using the length (l) of a simple pendulum whose period (t) was exactly 2 seconds as the definition of a standard meter. what is the length (l) of a 2 sec. pendulum in si units?


The length of a 2 sec pendulum is 1 m.

Given that, initial length of the simple pendulum L₁ = 1 m

Initial time period T₁ = 2 sec

We need to find the length of the pendulum whose time period is 2 sec

T₂ = 2 sec

L₂ = ?

We know that the time period of the simple pendulum is given by the formula,

T = 2π√(L/g)

From the above relation, we can write T ∝ √L

T₁ / T₂ = √(L₁/L₂)

Making L₂ from the above relation, we have,

L₂ = (T₂² * L₁)/ T₁² = 2² * 1/ 2² = 1 m

Thus, the length of a 2 sec pendulum is 1 m.

To know more about time period:



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