What are privileges and immunities in the Constitution?


Answer 1

Privileges and immunities are rights and protections that are granted to a person or group of people by the United States Constitution.

Privileges and Immunities in United States Constitution

The privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment states that no state shall “deny to any persons within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” This means that all citizens have equal access to the same laws and rights regardless of their race, religion, gender, or any other factor. This includes the right to travel, the right to vote, the right to own property, and the right to sue or be sued in court.

Learn more about Privileges and immunities at: https://brainly.com/question/29793580


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according to the u.s. supreme court, why were many wetlands removed from the protection of the clean water act? responses they existed solely within single states. they existed solely within single states. they had already achieved high water quality. they had already achieved high water quality. they had to be closed off from human use. they had to be closed off from human use. they were federally managed waterways.


According to the U.S. supreme court, many wetlands were removed from the protection of the clean water act because they existed solely within single states, which means option A is the right answer.

The Clean Water Act of 1972 was aimed at reducing pollution in water bodies and required permits for the discharge of pollutants at places where materials are directly dumped into a body of water. Wetlands are areas of high diversity and are protected by government because they not only act as biodiversity hotspots but also attract tourists and are source of generating revenue for the government. The owners of printing companies in Tennessee opposed the U.S. clean water act because it would put restrictions on the drainage policy of the company and will cause harms by levying penalties.

Learn more about wetlands at:



Answer: They existed solely within single states.


I just took the test

which pair of united states supreme court cases resulted in limiting the power of local governments?



1. South Dakota v. Dole (1987) and

2. Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority (1985).

in the last chapter, i asked you to think about how theatre sometimes falls short of its intentions. now, imagine a set of "principles" for theatre that would allow all plays to reach the highest goals possible. what kinds of good could theatre do for people, whether on a social or individual level? how could you expand the definition of theatre to accomplish these new, lofty goals?


Joshua Bergasse said: I learned something about myself and other people. I think good storytelling is a way of life for people "Get taller". These people on stage create principles that help everyone grow as a person inside and out.

What are stages in Peter Brook's theatre?

There are four main types of stages: Found stages. Proscenium stages. Thrust stage. Arena stage.

What are the major theater styles?

There are four basic theatrical forms defined, implied, or derived from or by Aristotle: Tragedy; Comedy; Melodrama; and Drama. Any number of styles can be used to convey these shapes.

What are three elements necessary for theater to emerge?

In this moving book, Peter Brook reminds us that theater is only made up of three things. Someone else is looking at an empty space and a person active in that space. A theater in which the performer and the audience share time and space only happens once.

To learn more about Peter Brook visit:



which therapy focuses heavily on creating an accepting and supportive environment for self-discovery?


The therapy focuses heavily on creating an accepting and supportive environment for self-discovery is person-centered therapy.

What is person-centered therapy?

The person-centered therapy is alos called client-centered therapy. The strategy is centered on how the person perceives their current circumstance and helps them come up with their own solutions to problems.

Individuals with high self and self-esteem are the main goals of person-centered treatment. The participants' thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors are given a high priority in this therapy approach. Each treatment session calls on the client to take responsibility.

Learn more about Client-centered therapy, here:



what is one reason why the increase in errors caused by higher levels of contextual interference may be positive for learning?


The level of contextual interference in a practice environment can be thought of as a continuum formed by the practice schedule, ranging from low to high.

The contextual interference effect is a well-known phenomena in motor learning. It refers to the interference that occurs when numerous talents, or versions of a skill, are practiced in a single practice session (Shea and Morgan, 1979).

The contextual interference effect is a learning phenomena in which distraction during practice aids skill acquisition. That is, larger levels of contextual interference result in inferior practice performance while giving improved retention and transfer performance.

Learn more about to contextual interference visit here;



who transports hannah to an alternative version of her life in family for christmas?


Hanna is transported to a version of her life where she and Ben had already started a family when Santa Claus overhears her chatting and interprets it as a Christmas wish.

What is Santa Claus?

Generally, It's been ten years since Hanna Dunbar broke up with the love of her life, Ben, and she can't help but wonder what her life would be like now if they had remained together.

When Santa Claus overhears her talking, he interprets it as a Christmas wish, and he whisks Hanna away to another reality in which she and Ben have a family.

Read more about Santa Claus



besides government and religious quarrels, what is another potential source of conflict in north africa and southwest asia?


besides government and religious quarrels, water sources is another potential source of conflict in north Africa and southwest Asia.

Central Asia's main water sources are the Amudarya and Syr Darya rivers, which are fed mainly by melting snow and glaciers from the Pamir, Hindu Kush and Tien Shan mountains.

Water flowing from a faucet can be hundreds of miles away. Public water systems are mostly supplied by surface water or groundwater. Large cities and towns usually get their water from surface water sources or a mixture of surface and ground water supplies. Some small rural communities rely solely on groundwater supplies and may or may not require treatment to meet drinking water standards.

To know more about water sources, visit:-



How much was spent by both candidates in the 2012 presidential election?


Between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2012, presidential contenders reported raising and spending a combined $1.4 billion. As of December 31, 2012, the presidential candidate committees for 2012 had a combined debt of $13.8 million.

The total cash on hand for these candidates was $5.5 million. WASHINGTON– According to campaign finance reports submitted to the Federal Election Commission that cover activity from January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2012, presidential and congressional candidates running in the 2012 election cycle, political parties, and political action committees (PACs) received more than $7.1 billion and disbursed nearly $7 billion. In the two years covered by the filings, the Commission received over $1.3 billion in payments for independent expenditures and electioneering communications.

learn more about presidential election here:



What happens when Mr. Whymper comes to visit Animal Farm?


The animals are trained to loudly lie about ration increases whenever Mr. Whymper pays a visit, and the empty food barrels are made to look full.

The animals fight against starvation while the human world observes Animal Farm and waits for news of its failure. Napoleon utilizes Mr. Whymper to inform the human world of Animal Farm's sufficiency. The chickens put on a show after being informed that they must give up their eggs, and it ends when they run out of the food Napoleon had denied them. The protest results in the death of nine hens. The animals are made to think that Snowball is sneaking around the farm at night and sabotaging their hard work. He becomes a continual threat to the animals' security, and Squealer eventually tells the animals that Snowball has sold himself to Frederick and that he was in alliance with Jones from the very beginning.

learn more about Mr. Whymper here:



19-year-old dzhokhar tsarnaev, the surviving boston marathon bomber, was initially questioned by law enforcement officers before he was read his miranda rights under which exception to miranda?


19-year-old dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surviving Boston marathon bomber, was initially questioned by law enforcement officers before he was read his Miranda rights under which exception to Miranda - Public safety.

Enforcement is the right execution of the process of ensuring compliance with laws, policies, policies, standards, and social norms. Governments try to effectuate successful implementation of guidelines by means of enforcing laws and policies.[2] Enactment refers to application of a regulation or law, or wearing out of an govt or judicial order. Enforcement serves some of features; the enforcement of social norms can ensure conformity inside insular communities,[3] the enforcements of laws can maximize social blessings and protect the general public hobby,[4] and enforcement may also serve the self-interest of the establishments that oversee enforcement.

Learn more about enforcement here



what is a key reason why criminal justice legislation has passed at both the state and national level in recent years? choose the best answer.


State and national partisans from varying sides of the political spectrum agreed reform is needed.

The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (c. 44) is a law enacted by the British Parliament. It is a comprehensive measure that was implemented to modernize many aspects of the criminal justice system in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England and Wales, as well as, to a lesser extent, in England and Wales.

What does criminal justice research entail?

An undergraduate or graduate degree in criminal justice includes coursework on various aspects of the criminal justice system. Law enforcement, corrections, the court system, as well as criminal behavior and motivation, are among the topics covered in the courses you must complete to earn the degree.

Learn more about  Criminal Justice to visit this link



with bipartisan support, the us senate passed a bill to enshrine federal protection for:______.


The Respect for Marriage Act, which would formalize safeguards for same-sex unions, was approved by the US Senate 61 to 36. The Respect for Marriage Act, a historic piece of legislation that protects same-sex and inter-racial unions, was approved by the Senate on Tuesday.

The Defense of Marriage Act, which barred same-sex couples from receiving government benefits, would be repealed by this law.safeguards all rights to freedom of religion and conscience guaranteed by the Constitution or federal legislation, including. The Respect for Marriage Act.  protections for marriage equality under federal law, was approved by the Senate on Tuesday.

Bipartisan legislation to protect same-sex unions was approved by the Senate on Tuesday, which is a remarkable indication of our society's changing views.

To learn more about Marriage act from given link



Why was collectivization of agriculture unsuccessful in the Soviet Union?


Collectivization did not fail in the Soviet Union; rather, it had the desired effect, and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was unconcerned about humanitarian consequences in the countryside.

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) saw collectivization not only as a means of improving the inefficient Russian agricultural production system but also as a means of seizing surplus crops from peasants for export and foreign credit to industrialize.

Collectivization was promoted as a means of increasing agricultural efficiency, and it was partially successful and partially unsuccessful in this regard. Famine had plagued Russia and Ukraine for centuries, and the 1932-33 famine was the last, with the exception of the post-war famine, which was fueled in large part by high quotas left over from wartime mobilization.

To learn more about Collectivization of the Soviet Union, please refer:



lassiez-faire means that people should be as free as possible from government control.
a. True
b. False


lassiez-faire means that people should be as free as possible from government control: True

lassiez-faire is a type of economic system wherein private groups of people's interactions are free from any type of economic interventionism (such subsidies originating from special interest organizations). Laissez-faire is a philosophical school of thought that is based on the axioms that "the individual is the basic unit in society, i.e. the standard of measurement in social calculus; the individual has a natural right to freedom; and the physical order of nature is a harmonious and self-regulating system."

The influential French Controller-General of Finance Jean-Baptiste Colbert met with a group of French businesspeople led by M. Le Gendre in an event that most likely gave rise to the phrase laissez-faire about 1681.

Learn more about Lassiez faire here: https://brainly.com/question/17259480


you know your friends are each unique and special but view college professors as all very similar. this is an example of: group of answer choices


Outgroup homogeneity is when you know your friends are each unique and special but view college professors as all very similar.

The perception of out-group individuals as more similar to one another than in-group members is known as the out-group homogeneity effect. The primary trends or defining characteristics of a group tend to influence perceptions of the diversity or variability of its individuals. The idea that out-group stereotypes are overgeneralizations is supported by the fact that evaluations of outgroup stereotypicality are overstated. "Outgroup homogeneity" in general, which refers to perceived outgroup variability unconnected to views of the ingroup, has been explicitly contrasted with the terms "outgroup homogeneity effect," "outgroup homogeneity bias," or "relative outgroup homogeneity."

Learn more about Outgroup homogeneity here:



An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct.
A. True
B. False


The statement that an agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct is true. (Option A)

An agency relationship refers to a relationship where an individual (the agent) is appointed by another individual (the principal) to carry out duties on their behalf. Hence, it is a relationship between two entities - a principal and an agent, where the principal gives the agent legal permission to act on the principal's behalf. For example, an agency relationship is when someone hires an attorney to perform legal work for them. It is a fiduciary and consensual relationship which may be a business or personal relationship. An agency by ratification occurs when a principal approves of an agent’s actions prior to the authorization of their agency relationship. It involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct.

Learn more about Agency relationship:



in research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties:_____.


in research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties were less likely to intervene as the number of bystanders grew larger.

Video cameras used to observe a space are called surveillance cameras or security cameras. They may be observed by a security guard or law enforcement official and are frequently connected to a recording device or IP network.

Security cameras, as opposed to CCTV cameras, send video feed as a digital data stream to an NVR (Network Video Recorder) via a single cable installation with PoE (Power over Ethernet), which obviates the need for additional power cables since it gets its power from the cable itself.

To know more about surveillance camera: https://brainly.com/question/20399029


How do you stretch before a workout?


Before workout, warm-ups are the most preferred stretches that helps the body to get in the zone of workout.

Stretching before any workout is necessary as it helps the muscles of the body to get relaxed and it removes the stiffness from the body. As our muscles are relaxed there are less chances of occurrence of muscle cramps. Stretching can be done by doing jumping jacks, rotating your upper portion of the body in sideways direction. Running is also a form of stretching that helps to relieve the muscles of the leg. Some other forms of stretching include the Child's pose, the cat cow pose, the cobra pose and many more. These stretching exercises relieve and relax the muscles of the whole body.

Learn more about Stretching exercise at:



Which group of people is the fastest growing demographic group in the United States ?


I think the response is Hispanic-American.In the United States, there were around 54 million Hispanic people as of 2014, and that number is likely to rise.

As a result, the Hispanic group overtook Asian ethnicity as the dominant subculture in northern America.By 2050, it is anticipated that 50 million people in industrialized countries would have reached their 100th birthday.The estimate is based on the expansion of medical knowledge and the availability of nutritional data for the foods in these

learn more about Hispanic-American here:



Which of the following is a typical turnout percentage for local elections ?


According to voting data,  primary elections often have the lowest voter turnout. Primary elections are those that a party holds to choose its nominee for an elected position.

At the level where elections are being held, these primaries are frequently held.Primaries are only open to party members who are participating in them. Because there aren't many of these party members, primaries sometimes have the lowest turnout.Local elections typically have low voter turnout that isn't as representative of the local population. Only 15 to 27% of eligible voters nationwide cast a ballot in their local election. Turnout is abysmally low, according to a Portland State University study that measures and analyzes local election turnout. The cities with the highest and lowest turnout rates in their most recent mayoral elections are included in this table.

learn more about turnout here:



Why are super PACs so controversial ?


Super PACs are contentious because they violate campaign contribution limits and open the door to corruption and corporate influence. Super PACs can have indirect lobbying power because they have a lot of money, even though direct cooperation with campaigns is limited.

People can only make a donation $2500 straightforwardly to a campaign under standard campaign contribution limits, while corporations cannot. Moreover, super PACs can accept aid in providing without having to acknowledge the donors. As a result, both people and businesses can contribute to super PACs while exceeding the normal limits.

Due to the anonymity of the funders, super PACs can communicate campaign messages that coincide with the donations' interests.

Learn more on PACs -



ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct. True/False


Ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct - True

By ratifying a person's power, an agency might give them that authority back while they were previously behaving illegally. This power is typically or maybe formally provided by writing or another form of ratification. A ratification is essentially described as to approval of something. It is the determination of intent by the expression of words or conduct.

Ratification can be either stated or inferred, and there are two main sorts of each. In the case of an expressed ratification, the authority is expressly mentioned verbally or in writing, such as on a receipt. In contrast, an inferred ratification occurs when the authority is presumed but not declared.

Read more about ratification on:



institutional settings, such as mental hospitals, halfway houses, schools for the intellectually disabled, programs for delinquents, and ordinary classrooms, make use of reinforcement, in the form of symbolic rewards that can be exchanged for real rewards. these symbolic rewards are called


Reinforcement takes the form of symbolic benefits that may be converted into actual rewards. These symbolic rewards are known as Tokens. The right response in this case is option C.

Tokens in the form of things that stand in for the best display of character or accomplishment are referred to as symbolic rewards. The gold star is arguably the most popular type of symbolic award. Others can include putting the learner's name or picture on a poster or bulletin board.

In because they are open displays of support for students, symbolic incentives function similarly to praise. Unlike praise, symbolic incentives may persist longer than a single spoken word and can act as a reminder for students to keep up their good behavior.

Complete question:

Institutional settings, such as mental hospitals, halfway houses, schools for the intellectually disabled, programs for delinquents, and ordinary classrooms, make use of reinforcement, in the form of symbolic rewards that can be exchanged for real rewards. These symbolic rewards are called

A - stimulus controls.

B - reinforcement operants.

C - tokens.

D - conditioned stimuli.

To learn more about symbolic rewards



sierra says she learns more from reading the textbook for class than from listening to lecture. she is most likely a(n):


Sierra says she learns more from studying the textbook for class than from taking notes of lectures she is a maximum possibly an auditory learner.

Auditory. if we are auditory learners, we learn via hearing and listening. we recognize and keep in mind matters we have heard. We keep information by the manner it sounds, and we got less difficult time information on spoken commands than written ones.

As an example, kids who are auditory novices love tunes and have a tendency to study the words of songs more quickly than other forms newcomers. They have no problem understanding spoken instructions with the aid of their teachers, but when requested to read something, they may rather choose to read aloud to have someone study it for them.

Learn more about auditory learners here



describe the transformation from snow to ice by arranging the following steps in order.


Snowflakes build up, compression expel air, and burial pressure causes melting and recrystallization. Melts into ice over time.

What exactly is recrystallization?

Recrystallization is a robust approach for purifying chemical compounds based on their solubility. The process is finished by heating the substance to dissolve the chemical with impurities in a solvent mixture.

What is the process of recrystallization?

The most common method of cleansing nonvolatile organic solids is recrystallization. Recrystallization is accomplished by disbanding the content to be cleansed (the solute) inside a suitable hot solvent. The remedy becomes saturated with solute as the solvent cools, as well as the solute solidifies out (reforms a solid).

To know more about Recrystallization visit:



in the united states in 2019, which tends to be most difficult to achieve during emerging adulthood? group of answer choices religious identity vocational identity gender identity sexual identity


Vocational identity tends to be most difficult to achieve during emerging adulthood.

Vocational identity is an character's self-defined occupational dreams, pastimes, values and roles (Skorikov & Vondracek, 2011. Occupational identity.

Any such identities includes that that's associated with career exploration. This system consists of the formation of profession objectives, profession dreams, career aspirations, and career plans. no matter ethnicity, socioeconomic popularity, training, or age, profession is an crucial issue of this identification formation.

Vocational improvement is the technique of growing and enforcing a self-idea. because the self-concept will become greater sensible and strong, so does vocational preference and conduct. human beings pick occupations that permit them to express their self-concepts.

Learn more about Vocational identity here : https://brainly.com/question/6958793


a researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results?


The researcher should conclude from her results in her phylogenetic study of organisms using geneA that "GeneA has undergone a gene duplication in several species". The correct answer is B.

Genetic Similarities Between Two Different Species

A researcher is investigating how species evolved from one another using GeneA. Three different but similar gene sequences from a number of the species she is studying were obtained using the same primers. GeneA has experienced gene duplication in several species. 

Those shared genes show that all life on Earth is connected and that it evolved from a common ancestor. Genes that are shared across species or even within species are referred to as homologous genes, or sometimes shared genes.

Horizontal gene transfer, or HGT, is the introduction of genetic information from one species to another through methods other than vertical transmission from parent(s) to offspring. Even organisms that seem to be phylogenetically unrelated could exchange genes as a result of these transfers.

Learn more about phylogenetic here: brainly.com/question/8683650


question mode multiple choice question learned helplessness theory is an approach to depression that originated in the approach. multiple choice question. psychoanalytic cognitive behavioral biochemical


Martin Seligman's idea of learned helplessness serves as the cornerstone for the discipline of positive psychology.

learned helplessness It alluded to the ways in which both humans and animals act after being accustomed to discomfort, agony, or misery. The model provided significant depression implications. Due to repeated exposure to pain or suffering, participants in his experiment developed a habit of giving up or losing desire and began to believe that nothing they did would improve their position. learned helplessness Pessimistic thought patterns or explanatory styles may be connected to increased rates of learned helplessness, which is why they are associated to depression.  Martin Seligman conducted this study on both humans and animals in a variety of settings.

learn more about learned helplessness here:



Which of the following is true of someone's right to have their case heard by the US Supreme Court?


It is at the US Supreme Court's discretion to decide whether it want to hear someone's case or not.

The highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States is the Supreme Court. All matters heard in U.S. federal courts as well as state court cases involving issues of federal law fall under its exclusive appellate jurisdiction. Additionally, it has exclusive jurisdiction over a select number of cases, including those involving ambassadors, other public ministers, consuls, and instances in which a state shall be a party. The court has the authority to judicially analyse laws and declare them unconstitutional if they do not adhere to the Constitution. It has the authority to invalidate presidential orders for disobeying the Constitution or statutory law.

Learn more about US Supreme Court here:



(q022) when 3-year-old matthew does not get his way, he tends to launch right into a tantrum. he does not just get a little upset but experiences intense anger very quickly. which aspect of temperament does this refer to?


He does not just get a little upset but experiences intense anger very quickly. which aspect of temperament does this refer to emotionality.

Emotionality is the physiological and observable behavioural part of emotion. It gauges a person's emotional response to a stimulus. Other people can usually see most of these reactions, but some emotional reactions are only visible to the individual who is experiencing them. Smiling is one example of an observable response to emotion that has more than one meaning. A grin can convey happiness or worry, whereas a frown might convey despair or rage. Emotionality is the umbrella term for a wide range of subjective emotional states that predictably affect observable behaviour and physiological reactions for adaptive functions. Autonomic, hormonal, behavioural, and cognitive factors are only a few of the many components that emotions normally contain.

learn more about emotionality here



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