What obstacles faced supporters of desegregation?


Answer 1
Desegregation is difficult to achieve because children of different races live in different neighborhoods. But that's not all: When families are able to choose schools without regard to location—for example, in the case of charter schools—the resulting schools are often more segregated than neighborhood schools

Related Questions

according to martin seligman (1991, 1998, 2002), what is the cause of the high levels of depression in the western world?


The cause of the high levels of depression in the western world is close relationship with friends and relatives. Their attitude says that "Everybody needs somebody sometime."

Who was Martin Seligman?

Martin Seligman, recognized as the "Father of Positive Psychology," is a notable researcher in the field of psychology.

Seligman's PERMA theory of well-being attempts to provide answers to these fundamental issues. Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment are the five building elements that enable flourishing.

He is also a known expert on therapies that prevent depression and help people enhance their strengths and well-being. He has over 350 scholarly publications and 30 books to his credit.

Therefore, the cause of the high levels of depression in the western world is close relationship with friends and relatives. Their attitude says that "Everybody needs somebody sometime."

To know more about the Martin Seligman, visit;



true or false? cognitive-behavior therapy aims to challenge early childhood experiences believed to be the underlying causes of psychological problems.


False - Cognitive-behavior therapy seeks to refute early experiences that are thought to be the root causes of psychological issues.

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), which first gained popularity in the 1960s, is still a cornerstone of psychotherapy treatment for a variety of mental health issues.

It is one of the most psychotherapeutic interventions with a strong evidence base. Clients from many socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnicities, and ages use CBT. It is employed in a variety of contexts, including schools, vocational programs, and rehabilitation centers, in addition to hospitals and clinics.

Generalized anxiety, stress, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, depression, and behavioral issues have all shown benefit from it. Additionally, research points to the flexibility of CBT in individual, couple, and family settings.

Despite the fact that CBT has a solid body of research supporting its use, including for children and adolescents with mental health conditions, there may be a number of problems with its application to this population.

Learn more about " cognitive-behavior therapy " to visit here;



Using your own life experience, can you provide examples of environmentally influenced learned behaviors? read more >>.


Two new habits I've acquired as a result of environmental change are using as little plastic as possible and solely disposing of trash in trash cans.

How do environmental changes occur?

A modification or disruption of the environment that is usually caused by human activities and active ecological processes is referred to as an environmental change. Given that heredity is involved, parental influence may be the initial theory. I still enjoy participating in local customs with my mum because she implanted this habit in me. She used to do these routines every day, including getting up early and taking a bath. Thus, reducing my use of plastic and exclusively disposing of trash in trash cans are two new habits I've formed as a result of environmental change. Smog and other hazardous inhalers should be eliminated using eco-friendly methods.

To know more about environmental change, visit:



An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying which type of delusion?
a. Grandiose delusions
b. Thought insertion
c. Persecutory delusions
d. Referential delusions


An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying c. Persecutory delusions.

Persecutory delusions are persistent, unsettling, untrue fears that one will soon suffer damage or be treated unfairly by others. These beliefs can cause serious suffering, such as anxiety, depression, and terror, and they are present in some persons with delusional disorder, a rare mental condition.

The majority of persons with delusional disorder operate normally, but the dread of harm can be so intense that it makes a person withdraw or even consider death.

When someone has persecutory false beliefs, they think they are being persecuted or that someone they care about is being harmed or will be. The delusions are not unusual, therefore even if they are untrue, they might actually occur.

To know more about persecutory delusion:



Of the following sources, which would be least relevant for interpreting changes to government policies during the reconstruction era?


The least relevant source for interpreting changes in government policy during the Reconstruction era was the history of Vermont between 1865 and 1877.

What was the Reconstruction Era?

It was a period in the history of the American hiatus that occurred in the period from 1865 to 1877, in the period after the American Civil War, which had the objective of reintegrating the country, that is, the union and the southern states, in addition to guaranteeing some basic and essential rights of African Americans.

So the goal of the reconstruction era was to reintegrate the country and rewrite some laws and norms of the American Constitution so that all citizens would have the same opportunities and treatment in the country, guaranteeing rights to former slaves from the period of colonial America.

Therefore, this period corresponds to the union's efforts to reintegrate the country and to guarantee citizenship rights to former slaves.

Find out more about Reconstruction Era on:



All of the states one can reach in solving a problem together make up the
a) problem space.
b) operators.
c) pathways.
d) problem definition.


Option A is correct, All of the states one can reach in solving a problem together make up the problem space.

A problem space is a structure that contains different elements needed to build a solution to a problem. Without giving it a formal name, we work within problem spaces all the time. One example is when we realize a gift won't come in time and make plans to give another instead.

The problem space is divided into three basic phases:

problem definition, solution identification, testing, and solution selection and implementation.

Businesses can utilize the issue space theory to implement strategies for locating problem areas and implementing fixes. The problem space is used by both businesses and individuals to find solutions to problems they encounter.

To learn more about problem-solving, follow the below link:



Overall, the research on the effectiveness of highlighting as a study technique shows that students who highlight learn ________ students who don’t highlight.


Overall, the research on the effectiveness of highlighting as a study technique shows that students who highlight learn medium students who don’t highlight.

What are the Highlighting tips?

Just one sentence or phrase should be highlighted each paragraph. Find the phrase that most effectively conveys the core idea. Highlight individual words and phrases rather than complete sentences. Before continuing to read, take a quiz on these terms after reviewing them.

Underline the terms that best express the core concept. These essential phrases typically recur throughout the paragraph. One of the reading's main ideas is stated when the entire highlighted passage is read. Only the words that are highlighted should be readable, and they should make sense.

To highlight text is to mark it with a distinct color, either on paper or on a computer screen, using a special pen.

To know more about highlighting tips visit:



What did the Great Migration bring to the North?


The Great Migration was the period of relocation of many Black Americans from the South to the regions in the West and North.

Great Migration was the result of period of reconstruction and the Civil war. Due to the consequences of these periods, Black Americans have to face the most unbearable conditions within the United States. They were not having equal opportunities. Hunger, Unemployment and harsh treatment by the other people led them to flee north and west in search of opportunities.  Within the North started a new era of development in both economic and political sense when the Blacks started to settle there by building houses and creating their own job opportunities. This brought prosperity in the north.

Learn more about Great Migration at:



consider the hoarders and the wasters in dante's divine comedy (purgatorio). what is it that allows the repentant sinner to move up a level in purgatory?


The Hoarders and Wasters, however, believed that they could outrun her; thus they believed that they could outrun God. The Divine Comedy is Dante's record of his visionary adventure through the triple domains of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise.

The inquiry promptly emerges regarding the reason why Dante places hoarders and wasters in a circle lower than the Gluttons. That is, the reason is storing and spending more horrendous than simple intemperance? The Pigs abused the regular results of the world, which, for Dante, was not so terrible as the penny pinchers and high-rollers who stored and had no regard for the synthetic items of Earth. The qualification, nonetheless, isn't essentially significant.

Virgil's conversation of Dame Fortune makes sense of why these delinquents are put beneath the Pigs. Dame Fortune is one of God's picked priests, who gives out karma and mishap in a predetermined way. The Hoarders and Wasters, notwithstanding, accepted that they could surpass her; consequently they accepted that they could beat God.

Know more about Hoarders and Wasters from The Divine Comedy is Dante's record - https://brainly.com/question/3794445


Each day after completing 1 hour of the treadmill, susan allows herself a break to relax and sit down.
a. Fixed Interval Schedule
b. Variable Interval Schedule
c. Fixed-Ratio Schedule
d. Variable-Ratio Schedule


Each day after completing 1 hour of the treadmill, Susan allows herself a break to relax and sit down is an example of  fixed Interval schedule.

Interval examples: what are they?

Shared a few illustrations of interval data: IQ and SAT scores, pH measurement, temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius the following descriptive statistics were highlighted using interval data: Distribution of frequencies, modes, medians, and means, as well as variability (range, standard deviation, and variance).

What kind of interval question is this, for instance?

A nominal scale is used when you ask someone to choose a dish off of a menu. An interval scale is what you use when you ask someone to rate their food from one to ten.

To know more about Interval visit:



describe the potential problems with alliances. also, provide solutions and strategies that partners in an alliance can combat the opportunism.


Both sides can contractually agree to wall off critical skills and technologies not meant to be shared. This agreement only works as long as both sides are comfortable with it.

In the second approach, swapping skills and technologies, both sides not only agree to hold critical skills and tech back, but also make credible commitments to hold each other as a "hostage"

An organized method for figuring out what might go wrong with a plan in development is the potential problem analysis (PPA). The likelihood of the problem occurring and the seriousness of its effects are used to rate the problem causes. Contingency plans are created and preventative measures are implemented.

What are the disadvantages of alliances?

Here are some disadvantages of a strategic alliance:

Experience communication challenges. ...Earn unequal benefits. ...Risk a company's reputation. ...Encounter conflicts. ...Face culture or language barriers. ...Confront challenging alliance management.

Learn more about  potential problems to visit this link



The effects of stereotype threat usually impact those who are high achievers. please select the best answer from the choices provided t f


Cultural norms frequently dictate rewards for individual success. One's self-efficacy usually increases in the face of stereotype danger.

What is stereotype with example?

A trope is a preconceived notion or combination of traits that many people hold to be indicative of a certain kind of person or object. Successful businesspeople have long been the subject of stereotypes. Many guys believe their physical attributes don't match the concept of the ideal partner.

What are societal stereotypes?

Stereotypes are traits that society automatically ascribes to particular groups of individuals in order to categorize them according to factors like age, stature, occupation, skin tone, gender, etc. In sexual stereotyping, different and perhaps conflicting sets of traits are assigned to males and girls.

To know more about Stereotype visit:



stefano suggests that it is problematic to analyze poverty in developing countries from the perspective of dominant racial, ethnic, and religious groups while ignoring subordinate racial, ethnic, and religious groups. why might he hold this position?


Stefano suggests that it is complex to analyze poverty in growing international locations from the angle of dominant racial, ethnic, and spiritual businesses poverty is frequently as a minimum a partial end result of belonging to subordinate racial, ethnic, and religious groups in these nations.

Marxist theories of economic development argue that the poverty of low-profit countries stems at once from their exploitation through rich nations and the transnational (or multinational) organizations which can be based in wealthy international locations.

In fashionable, the struggle principle attributes stratification and as a result poverty to a lack of possibility from discrimination and prejudice towards the negative, women, and people of color. In this regard, it displays one of the early reviews of the functionalist view that the previous section outlined.

Learn more about poverty here



According to elijah anderson, what happened to the poor residents in the philadelphia neighborhood he studied that became gentrified?


According to Mr Elijah Anderson, Short-term improvements in social the services were offset by rising taxes.

Taxes are mandatory contributions levied on individuals or corporations by a central authority entity—whether nearby, regional, or countrywide. Tax sales finance government sports, such as public works and offerings consisting of roads and schools, or applications consisting of Social Safety and Medicare.

It derives from the Latin taxable which means 'to evaluate. earlier than that, English used the associated phrase 'project', derived from old French. For a while, 'project' and 'tax' have been each in no unusual use, the primary requiring labor, the second one money.

Learn more about taxes here:-brainly.com/question/25783927


according to social exchange theory, helping behavior is guided by reciprocity norms. feelings of social responsibility. calculations of costs and benefits. family ties.


According to social exchange theory, helping behavior is guided by reciprocity norms.

Social exchange principle is a sociological and mental principle that studies the social conduct in the interaction of two parties that enforce a price-advantage analysis to determine dangers and advantages.

A easy example of social exchange idea can be seen within the interaction of asking a person out on a date. If the person says yes, you have gained a reward and are in all likelihood to copy the interplay through asking that man or woman out once more, or via asking a person else out.

Learn more about social exchange theory here:https://brainly.com/question/5660582

Gerald is filling out paperwork to be admitted to the hospital. Filling out paperwork is a part of the.


Gerald is completing the paperwork needed for the patient's admittance to the hospital. As part of intake, papers must be completed. Here option D is the correct answer.

An intake form gathers all the data a department or organization needs to appropriately evaluate and direct a person or request through a business process.

An "intake process" is a set procedure for how work is accepted by development. It serves as a link between the development team and the group of business stakeholders who will define the projects to be worked on.

The first person a new patient, client, or family encounters is frequently an intake expert, also referred to as an "intake coordinator." When determining what services may be required, the professionals interact directly with the client and their relatives. They then lead them to the appropriate location.

Complete question:

Gerald is filling out paperwork to be admitted to the hospital. Filling out paperwork is a part of the

A - provider service

B - outpatient service.

C - discharge

D - intake

To learn more about intake



Identify the following as either causes or effects of domestication. keep in mind that some choices might be both causes and effects.
a. Natural climate change
b. Population growth
c. Development of cities
d. Population growth


Cause: Natural climate change and Population growth

Effect: Development of cities and Population growth

Humans have selected traits among species that benefit humans rather than species of plants and animals in the wild. Archaeologists unearthed rice when it was first domesticated in China. About 10,000 years ago, when the Pleistocene transitioned into the current geological age.

Near the Yangtze River in China, a group of hunter-gatherers began to change their way of life. They started rice cultivation. There are several reasons why humans domesticate animals. Some animals are domesticated for food work companionship or a combination of all three. Domesticated animals such as sheep cows, and pigs were one of the first animals domesticated by humans after dogs.

Learn more about Domestication here:- https://brainly.com/question/18361354


according to the diathesis-stress model, psychological disorders are caused by both ________ and stress.


According to the diathesis-stress model, psychological disorders are caused by both predisposition and stress.

In the field of psychology, the diathesis-stress model can be described as a kind of stress model that implies that predisposition vulnerability and stress are the two primary reasons for the occurrence of a psychological disorder.

When a person already has a predisposition or vulnerability for a particular event and then stress is imposed on his mind, the according to the diathesis-stress model, the person can get into a mental disorder. The diathesis-stress model relates a psychological disorder to stress as well as predisposition.

To learn more about diathesis-stress model, click here:



______includes the provision that a work created from one’s original work must have the same license as the original work.


Attribution‐ShareAlike includes the provision that work created from one’s original work must have the same license as the original work.

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license, a licensed work may be redistributed and used again as long as the author is given due credit and any kind of derivative works are made available under "the same, similar, or a compatible license."

The ShareAlike licenses, sometimes known as "copyleft" licenses, rely on copyright to guarantee that the rights attached to a licensed work are preserved as it is altered and adapted by others and that those rights also attach to other adaptations.

A copyright licensing term known as "share-alike" (), which was first used by the Creative Commons project, is used to refer to works or licenses that demand that copies or adaptations of the work be distributed under the same or a similar license as the original.

To know more about 'Attribution‐ShareAlike' related questions



according to class this week, there is only one area that prf dean has utter complete control over. which is it? according to class this week, there is only one area that prf dean has utter complete control over. which is it? himself the welsh rabbit cheese shop the welsh rabbit cheese bistro his children


There is only one area over which Prof. Dean has complete control, according to the class today.

What is classroom management's purpose?

Managing a classroom effectively: maintains and creates an orderly classroom environment. facilitates social and emotional development and increases meaningful academic learning. reduces bad behavior and increases time spent engaged academically.

Can UNC be passed or not?

From the fifth day of class until the eighth week of the fall and spring semesters, courses can be declared pass or fail. The cutoff time date to proclaim a course pass/come up short is posted on the recorder's scholastic schedule each term. * The passing or failing deadline for Fall 2022 is October 7, 2022, at 11:59 p.m.

To learn more about classroom management's here



from where do local communities in the united states get their authority to govern themselves? how does this differ from the legal status of states?


A local government must request power from the State, but the Federal Government and State Governments share power in a variety of ways. Mayors, municipal councils, and other governing bodies are often chosen by the general public.

With the exception of territories and the District of Columbia, local governance is governed by state law rather than federal law under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. As a result, many local governance systems have been implemented by the states.

The premise is that the law ought to take precedence above all influential people and organizations in the country.

Rule by law, on the other hand, implies the employment of the law as a means of obtaining political power. It implies that the state enacts laws to regulate its.

Learn more about to local communities visit here;



who is the most common source of abuse for children by the time they are 14 to 17 years old? sociology


Strangers is the most common source of abuse for children by the time they are 14 to 17 years old.

It is a common that strangers are the ones who do this act. However, the majority of those who inappropriately touch children are our friends, partners, family, and neighbors. 93% of children who have been  inappropriately touched are aware of their criminal.

To know more about strangers visit



carlos is suffering from bipolar disorder, a disorder where his mood shifts between periods of depression, periods of mania, and normal functioning. to help control the symptoms of his disorder, carlos takes medication regularly. carlos most likely sees a therapist who specializes in:


Carlos has bipolar disorder, which causes him to have phases of mania, depression, and times of normal functioning. Carlos regularly takes medicine to assist manage the symptoms of his illness. Carlos most likely visits a biomedical-focused therapist.

Manic depression, formerly known as bipolar disorder, is a mental health illness that results in sharp mood swings, including emotional highs (mania or hypomania), and lows (depression). Dreams, in Freud's opinion, offer crucial insight into the unconscious mind. He argued that the explicit content of a dream may reveal insights into a person's psyche.

All of the medical equipment used by healthcare professionals like doctors and nurses is maintained by a biomedical equipment specialist. The apparatus may be digital, electronic, or mechanical. All medical equipment is serviced by the professional, who also performs routine maintenance procedures like testing, lubricating, and cleaning. In order to create new tools and equipment for enhancing human health, biomedical engineers concentrate on developments in technology and medicine.

Learn more about bipolar disorder visit: brainly.com/question/10958617


Drag and drop the countries to classify them according to the type of government that they have.


Democratic in Some Form
but Authoritarian in Practice

Predominantly Democratic

the philippines


According to the type of government that they have, each of the countries should be classified as follows;

Cambodia: democratic in some form but Authoritarian in practice.Singapore: predominantly democratic.Vietnam: predominantly authoritarian.The Philippines: predominantly democratic.

What are the types of government?

Generally speaking, there are different types of government that are being practiced in various countries around the world and these include the following:

Totalitarian government.OligarchyMonarchyDemocracyParliamentaryAuthoritarian government.

What is democracy?

Democracy can be defined as a type of government that is established by the people and generally for the people. This ultimately implies that, a democracy refers to a type of government that accords all the power to the people such as in Ghana, Singapore, the Philippines.

What is an authoritarian government?

An authoritarian government is sometimes referred to as dictatorship and it can be defined as a type of government in which an individual who is a sole administrator (dictator) is saddled with the responsibility of controlling, managing, and directing all of the affairs of a particular country such as in Vietnam.

Read more on democracy here: https://brainly.com/question/29682322


Each day after completing 1 hour of the treadmill, Susan allows herself a break to relax and sit down.
Fixed Interval Schedule
Variable Interval Schedule
Fixed-Ratio Schedule
Variable-Ratio Schedule


Each day after completing 1 hour of the treadmill, Susan allows herself a break to relax and sit down is Fixed Interval Schedule.

A fixed interval schedule offers rewards at regular intervals. A child, for instance, might receive a prize once every week if their room is tidy. The issue with this kind of reinforcement plan is that people frequently hold off on responding until the reinforcement really happens.

The initial response is rewarded only after a predetermined period of time has passed in fixed-interval schedules. This schedule results in rapid responses near the end of the interval but slower responses right after the reinforcer is given.

The maximum stock level ("S") is a predetermined level at which available stocks must return in the fixed interval stock management model. This level is reached by reordering a quantity (variable) at regular intervals ("T").

To know more about 'fixed interval' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/25996105


sejpme when the j2 supports the joint force commander by integrating partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments, what are they doing


Sejpme when the j2 supports the joint force commander by integrating partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments,  Partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments.

As an example, research papers, exams, oral presentations, and personal creative or performance projects may be and have been assessed at the course degree, in a few cases even for the motive of branch/program-level evaluation.

The motive of assessments is to gather relevant facts about student performance or development or to decide scholar pursuits to make judgments approximately their gaining knowledge of manner.

Learn more about assessments here https://brainly.com/question/24690729


what percentage of women in the united states work and have a child under 6 years of age?


Answer: 65.6 percent

Explanation: In 2021, 65.6 percent of mothers with children under age 6 participated in the labor force compared with 75.5 percent of mothers whose youngest child was age 6 to 17.

How many cup-equivalents from foods in the dairy group are recommended for adults each day?


The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults consume 3 cups per day of dairy products or dairy alternatives.

Recommended Daily Dairy Intake for Adults

According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, adults should aim to consume three cup-equivalents of foods from the dairy group each day.

This includes milk, yogurt, cheese, and/or dairy alternatives, such as fortified soy milk and almond milk.

Dairy products provide important nutrients such as:

CalciumProteinVitamin D

Which can help promote strong bones, aid in muscle growth, and boost the immune system. Consuming the recommended amount of dairy products can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of developing certain chronic diseases.

Learn more about Dietary: https://brainly.com/question/11776999


What are the 5 components of physical fitness explain each component?


The state of being physically fitness is what enables us to feel, appear, and perform at our best. It has to do with the bodily system's effective operation, which enables us to stay healthy and carry out our daily tasks with perfection.

Cardiovascular Endurance

Cardiovascular endurance is the ability to effectively coordinate the heart and lungs to supply the body with oxygen and fuel during periods of persistent work. The suppleness of the blood vessels, the force of the heart contraction, and the efficiency of the blood in delivering oxygen are all improved by performing cardiovascular activities correctly.


The most crucial aspect of physical fitness is flexibility, despite the fact that it is frequently ignored. Lack of flexibility restricts mobility by causing the muscles and joints to become stiff. Training your flexibility enables you to go through your body's full range of motion without experiencing pain or stiffness.

Muscular Power

Muscular strength is defined as the maximum amount of force that a muscle can produce. It is your ability to lift or carry big objects in one motion. Muscle strength can be increased by resistance training, which includes bodyweight exercises, weightlifting, and resistance band activities.

Body Composition

The most important aspect of physical fitness is body composition. It is the proportion of lean mass to total body fat. The sum of the mass of the bones, muscles, and organs is known as lean mass. It is also known as the Body Mass Index (BMI) which is a ratio scale used to assess one's level of physical fitness.

Muscular Stamina

Muscle endurance refers to the capacity of muscles to carry out tasks without becoming exhausted. Multiple repetitions of any activity, whether it be resistance training, weight training, or improving cardiovascular endurance, are required for this physical fitness.

To learn more about Components of Physical Fitness, please refer:



What wa the MAIN purpoe of including the lit of grievance in the Declaration of Independence?


The Declaration of Independence included a list of grievances as well.

The list of 27 complaints filed against King George III proves the right to revolt. For an international audience, Congress framed "the reasons for their separation" in universal terms.

The Declaration of Independence's main purpose was to present a convincing argument that King George III and also the British Parliament had compromised their own laws, having left the American colonists with no choice but to break ties and "throw off" British rule. To that end, Jefferson and the Continental Congress compiled a laundry list of grievances—27 in total—in order to demonstrate to the world that King George was a "tyrant" and a lawbreaker.

Learn more on Declaration of Independence



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