What is the wavelength of a water wave that is moving at 12 m/s with a frequency of 3 Hz?
(p.s: I also have to show my work on this question!)


Answer 1


4 meters


The Formula for finding Wavelength is Wavelength= Speed/ Frequency.

Substitute the values into this equation. 12m/s/3= Wavelength


So, the Wavelength is 4 meters

Hope I helped, Brainliest would be appreciated :)

Have a fantastic day!

            -Aadi x

Related Questions

Please fill this out!


2. C
4.Unbalanced forces
6.Newton’s first law because that tablecloth being pulled from under the places demonstrate an outside force
7. newton’s third law because by standing on the table there is an equal and opposite reaction being exerted
8.newton’s second law because it states that no two objects are pushed with the same force, therefore the one with the greater mass will go slower




2. C


4.Unbalanced forces


6.Newton’s first law because that tablecloth being pulled from under the places demonstrate an outside force

7. newton’s third law because by standing on the table there is an equal and opposite reaction being exerted

8.newton’s second law because it states that no two objects are pushed with the same force, therefore the one with the greater mass will go slower

Why do you see objects when you shine a flashlight in a dark room? A. The objects you see are refracted. B. The objects you see are blackened. C. The objects you see are illuminated. D. The objects you see are luminous.





it s refracted

During the 1840s, Americans used the idea of Manifest Destiny to justify the...

A. expansion of women's rights
B. acquiring of new territories
C. repeal of the Missouri Compromise
D. beginning of free public education


b because was the idea that Americans were made to civilize the American territory. That ideia was created by God, i mean, the destiny of america was chosen by god.
it is B that is the right answer

Which of these vitamins are essential for building strong bones? (Select all that apply.)
vitamin D
vitamin E
vitamin B
vitamin C


The answer is Vitamin D
Vitamin D cause it is bae

**WILL MARK BRAINLEST* The diagram below shows a model of the greenhouse effect... Which process would happen MORE if the amount of greenhouse gasses in the Earth's atmosphere INCREASED? *

Process A (Infrared heat escaping into space)

Process B (Sun sending light energy to Earth)

Process C (Infrared heat being trapped in the atmosphere)

None of those processes would happen more with increased greenhouse gasses.



Process C (Infrared heat being trapped in the atmosphere)

yeah what they said^

Astronauts need special tools to work in space. One specially designed tool that astronauts use is a screwdriver. Using Newton’s third law of motion, explain why it might be difficult to use a normal screwdriver to tighten a screw in space.


Due to the fact that for every action there is an equal reaction for every turn on the screw the screw will exert energy equal to the amount you gave

Astronauts need a specially designed tool that astronauts use as a screwdriver. Using Newton’s third law of motion, we can easily explain the fact of microgravity  in space that makes difficult to use a normal screwdriver to tighten a screw in space.

What is microgravity?

In a situation known as microgravity, persons or objects appear to be weightless. When astronauts and items float in space, one can observe the consequences of microgravity.

Unless acted upon by an imbalanced force, an object at rest will remain so, while an object in motion will maintain its speed. An object's propensity to resist changes in velocity, whether it's moving or not, is known as inertia.

In space compared to Earth, using a hand-held driver to spin a screw is a little trickier. On earth, gravity serves to secure a person's complete body to the surface. Turning a screw is a straightforward process. One uses one hand to turn the screw while standing on the ground.

Twisting a screw becomes difficult if one is free floating in a spaceship or space station cabin because, depending on the amount of friction present, it's possible that the person turning the screw is also turning themselves. That's why it might be difficult to use a normal screwdriver to tighten a screw in space.

Learn more about microgravity here:



Which group of organisms came before marsupials?
Only reptiles
Both cats and dogs
Both amphibians and reptiles
Only dogs


Both amphibians and reptiles
Amphibians and reptiles

When a ball bounces back when you throw it at a wall, what occurs?
A- refraction
B- reflection
C- diffraction
D- absorption



a (refraction) i think


I would have to think a. Nothing else makes since

What are TWO costs of using tides for energy?
Sorry for the caps, I have been looking through answers and the answers never have 2 costs, only one.


Two costs:
• Tidal energy systems may alter wave currents and have a chance of being indirectly harmful for the environment; however the advantages would still arguably outweigh this
• Very expensive; for very many reasons, i’ll just list one on the top of my head. It’s still not a well established industry yet so resources and costs for these projects are very high demand (lack of mass production, etc.)

Answer: Hello!!! It is me again!!!  Here is the answer: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hires you as a consultant to determine how best to use $20 billion to save the world and make it a better place … You cannot spend $1 on yourself or your family.  :) Please mark me as Brainliest :) :) :)


A/ Can someone help me, how can the third law of motion (Newton) help solve a problem / issue. be specific
b/ how can pushing off a wall on a skateboard demonstrate the third law of Newton. If needed use gravity, friction, and air resistance.

c/ How can dropping a ball on the ground demonstrate the third law of Newton. If needed use gravity, friction, and air resistance.



sorry this is by accident, but i can't delete it

which of the following snakes have venom that can be fatal to humans?

A.Blue racer
B. Hognose snake
C. both A and B
D. none of the above



It's D


Sorry if im wrong, correct me in comments and tell them actual answer if I'm wrong.


I think it's C cause i never heard of those snakes


The diagram below shows the moon at several places in it's orbit around the Earth... At which location would the moon most likely be in a CRESCENT phase (just a sliver of light showing)? *



Answer:At point A.


The answer to this is what my friend said

Which of the following statements about digestion is/are TRUE? (Select all that apply.)
Salivary glands are located in the esophagus.
Digestion begins in the mouth.
Saliva changes the starches in food into simple sugars.
Saliva is an enzyme.



option 1, 2, and 4


i took the test lol

The true statements are digestion begins in the mouth, saliva changes the starches in food into simple sugars, and saliva is an enzyme. The true options are (2), (3), and (4).

The process of breaking down food mechanically and chemically begins digestion in the mouth. When we consume, our teeth break down the food with chewing motions. By increasing the food's surface area through mechanical means, enzyme function is facilitated.

The digestion of carbohydrates, and starches, depends on the salivary enzyme amylase. When amylase disassembles the lengthy chains of starch molecules into smaller units, it creates maltose, a disaccharide (a form of sugar).

A biological enzyme is a molecular catalyst that speeds up particular chemical reactions without being consumed or changed in the process. Amylase, which was previously noted, is one of the most significant enzymes found in saliva. In the mouth, amylase aids in the first digestion of carbohydrates.

Hence, the true statements are digestion begins in the mouth, saliva changes the starches in food into simple sugars, and saliva is an enzyme. The true options are (2), (3), and (4).

To learn more about Saliva, here:


All the functional parts of the _______________ system are called the alimentary canal.



I’m pretty sure it’s digestive
Ans is digestive system hope that will help you

A book rests on a table. The force of gravity pulls down on the book with a force of 20 newtons. What prevents the books from accelerating downward at 9.8 m/sec2

A) The table presses back up on the book with an equal and opposite force of 20 newtons.
B) The table and the book together are accelerating downwards at 9.8 m/sec2
C) The table presses back up on the book with a force greater than 20 newtons.
D) The inertia of the book holds it up





the forces are balanced that's why book experiences no net force




Action/Reaction force!

Book on table, table on book. This particular reaction force is called the Normal Force. The table doesn't push back with more force, or there would be an unbalanced positive force, causing the book to accelerate upward. The forces must be in equilibrium if the acceleration is 0 (rest)

Instructions: Create a comic strip detailing the adventure of your character as the character is exposed to thermal energy, causing it to undergo phase changes from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas. Place drawings inside the boxes and written content on the lines below each box.
Your presentation must include the following:
• title and introduction of your character, including what substance it is made of
• source of thermal energy your character encountered (conduction, convection, and/or radiation)
• detailed description and/or diagram of the particle transformation from solid to liquid phase
• detailed description and/or diagram of the particle transformation from liquid to gas phase

( do not use the ice cube story)


girl how someone supposed to help you with that?!


use water in the ocean getting precipitated and going up then make it fall off a mountain then make it freeze becuase it got stuck on the mountian

thermal energy happend when the water got precipitated

I hope it helps a bit

Sorry if there is mistakes I'm tryna help

Please help and serious answers only please!!



#9: Tisa's average speed is 6 meters per second

Lily's average speed is 6 meters per second

#10: Alesia is fastest during the first hour (the first decrease)


rly don't have time to explain if u want me to comment and I'll come back


What is the main reason for running one experiment that has an independent variable and running one variable with everything the same except that it does not have the independent variable?



when you run one experiment and it is off and then do the same experiment again that makes it not have a independent variable.


To see what is is without the independent variable and with the independent variable seeing what the independent variable does.

What types of crust are colliding between the South American Plate and the Nazca Plate?
Answer Choices:
Continental Crust/Continental Crust
Oceanic Crust/Oceanic Crust
Oceanic Crust/Continental Crust



Oceanic Crust/Continental Crust


It is a destructive plate boundary between the oceanic crust of the Nazca plate and the continental crust of the South American plate.

Everything in the world has the same density. True or False?


Nothing has the same destiny everything has their own destiny to follow

Now, imagine that you are helping a library move. You are lifting boxes of books onto a cart. Most of the boxes are full of many books, but one of the boxes was closed, only having a few books in it. You go to lift this box, not knowing it has less mass, with the same amount of force as you used to lift the full boxes. How will the acceleration of this box compare to the acceleration of a full box? Newton’s second law of motion tells us that if the force remains constant and the mass is decreased, the object will accelerate at a faster rate. Because the acceleration increases when the mass decreases, we say that acceleration is inversely proportional to mass.

Give an example of a situation where you might use the mathematical formula for Newton's second law to solve a problem. Explain how the formula would be useful in this situation.



25 is it


How would you describe your position using reference points?



A reference point is the starting point you choose to describe the location, or position, of an object. The reference point in the first example is your friend. ... The direction is north, and the reference point is your school. A position is an object's distance in a certain direction from a reference point.



A reference point is the starting point you choose to describe the location, or position, of an object. The reference point in the first example is your friend. ... The direction is north, and the reference point is your school. A position is an object's distance in a certain direction from a reference point.

Hope this helps

A patient with a family history of cholesterol deposits in the arteries asks her doctor for a recommended vitamin. Which of these vitamins is the doctor likely to recommend?
vitamin D
vitamin C
vitamin B
vitamin F


definitely vitamin B.
Vitamin B plays an important role in cell matabolism

Cholesterol deposits in the arteries can be treated by the Vitamin B (Niacin).

Why Vitamin B is used to treat cholesterol patients?

The function of Vitamin B (Niacin) is to remove the LDL (low density lipo  protein) from the body that is Bad cholesterol and to increase the HDL (High density Lipo protein) that is good cholesterol.

Niacin is a type of vitamin B which is used by the human body to convert the food into an energy. Niacin (Vitamin B) also improves the performance of the nervous system and digestive system and also keeps the skin healthy.

Thus Vitamin B is used to treat the cholesterol patients.

To know more about Vitamins follow


Which best describes electromagnetic waves?

A. transverse waves made up of electric and magnetic fields

B. longitudinal waves made up of vibrations that move through matter

C. mechanical waves that travel as ripples in water

D. sound waves that can only travel in a medium





hope this helps!!!!!!!




Electromagnetic waves differ from mechanical waves in that they do not require a medium to propagate. This means that electromagnetic waves can travel not only through air and solid materials, but also through the vacuum of space.

they are transverse waves.

If two scooters are moving at the same speed but in opposite directions is their velocity the same? Explain





because there going the same speed but in different directions.

Yes they are going the same speed in different directions

An area with many volcanoes that includes the western borders of South, Central, and North America, the southern border of Alaska, and the eastern border of Japan is often called the Ring of Fire. Why did so many volcanoes form in these areas?




The volcanoes and earthquakes that are along the ring of fire are caused by the amount of movement of tectonic plates in the area. Plates overlap at convergent boundaries called subduction zones. As rock is subducted, it melts and becomes magma.

Hope this helps! :)
The tectonic plates move so often then it creates many

Pierre is a 375 kg great white with an average speed of 3 m/s. When Pierre spots a seal, he increases his velocity to 7 m/s. After he eats the 45 kg seal, Pierre returns to his average velocity. What is Pierre's kinetic energy?





375+45 = 420kg (total mass)

kinetic energy = 1/2 × mass × velocity²

1/2 × 420 × 3² = 1890J

Which of these minerals are essential for muscle health? (Select all that apply.)



Potassium and calcium


Potassium and sodium

How is most water in your body eliminated?



your body loses water from the kidneys through the urine


The body loses water primarily by excreting it in urine from the kidneys. Depending on the body's needs, the kidneys may excrete less than a pint or up to several gallons (about half a liter to over 10 liters) of urine a day.


URGENT_____The diagram below shows the same model of the greenhouse effect... Select whether each process helps WARM UP or COOL DOWN the Earth's climate. *


A cools b and c heat

The process A helps cool down the earth's climate, whereas the processes B and C, helps warm up.

What is meant by greenhouse effect?

When the heat from the Sun is trapped by gases in the Earth's atmosphere, this process is known as the greenhouse effect.


The Earth is substantially warmer than it would be if there were no atmosphere as a result of the greenhouse effect.

One factor that makes the Earth a sustainable place to live is the greenhouse effect.

Since the manner that the interchange of incoming and outgoing radiation heats the globe is comparable to what happens in a greenhouse, the process is known as the "greenhouse effect."

The warming of the Earth's surface is a result of the greenhouse effect. A portion of the solar energy that enters the Earth's atmosphere is reflected back into space, while the remaining energy is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases.


The process A helps cool down the earth's climate, whereas the processes B and C, helps warm up.

To learn more about greenhouse effect, click:



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