Would a person on the moon see more than one side of earth? Explain.


Answer 1


yes because it always is spinning we just cant see it spinng


Answer 2


Only one side of the Moon is visible from Earth because the Moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that the Moon orbits the Earth—a situation known as synchronous rotation, or tidal locking. The Moon is directly illuminated by the Sun, and the cyclically varying viewing conditions cause the lunar phases.

Related Questions

in which of these areas would you be MOST likely to find the HIGHEST concentration of people who follow Islam?


5, the Middle East into Northern Africa contains the most Islamic People.

Rome, Italy has the location coordinates of 41°54 N, 12°29 E. Leipzig, Germany has the location coordinates of 51°20 N, 12°23 E. If it is 10:00 a.m. Wednesday in Rome, Italy, what time and day is it in Leipzig, Germany? It is 650 land miles between Rome and Leipzig.
land miles between Rome and Leipzig.
A) 4:00 pm Wednesday
B) 4:00 am. Tuesday
C) 11:00a.m. Wednesday
D) 10:00 am Wednesday


C. 11:00 am Wednesday

The Correct option is C. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday. If it is 10:00 a.m. Wednesday in Rome, Italy, then it is 11:00 a.m. Wednesday in Leipzig, Germany.


The time difference between Rome and Leipzig is 1 hour. Since Leipzig is east of Rome, the time in Leipzig is 1 hour ahead of the time in Rome. So, if it is 10:00 a.m. Wednesday in Rome, it is 11:00 a.m. Wednesday in Leipzig.

The distance between Rome and Leipzig is not a factor in determining the time difference. The time difference is determined by the difference in longitude.

Longitude is a measure of how far east or west a place is from the Prime Meridian.

Summarizing the time difference between Rome and Leipzig:

Rome 12°29 E 10:00 a.m. WednesdayLeipzig 12°23 E 11:00 a.m.  Wednesday

The time difference between Rome and Leipzig is 1 hour. Since Leipzig is east of Rome, the time in Leipzig is 1 hour ahead of the time in Rome. The distance between Rome and Leipzig is not a factor in determining the time difference.

The time difference is determined by the difference in longitude. Longitude is a measure of how far east or west a place is from the Prime Meridian.

Learn more about Wednesday, here;



Name six farming practices that help to improve soil structure.​



Hey mate.....


This is ur answer......

-> reducing tillage.-> avoiding soil compaction.-> growing cover crops.-> better crop rotations.-> organic amendments.-> inorganic amendments.

Hope it helps!

mark me brainliest plz......

Follow me! :)


reducing tillage.

avoiding soil compaction.

growing cover crops.

better crop rotations.

organic amendments.

inorganic amendments.


Humans are of course part of the biosphere, and human activities have important impacts on all of Earth's systems.

True or False


The answer is true on this

Which of the following would an anti-natalist policy support?
a) expanding the population
b) discouraging births
c) larger aging population
d) adding workers to the work force


Answer: b) discouraging births


The population of the humans on Earth keeps rising and this had led to increased competition for resources in many places as well as overcrowding problems.

Anti-natalist policy advocates believe that the way to mitigate this is to discourage people from giving birth to too many children. China at some point for instance, introduced a ''one child policy'' that saw them force families to have only one child.

In a high-pressure system,
air molecules are far apart and pressing on Earth’s surface.
air molecules are far apart and rising away from Earth’s surface.
air molecules are close together and pressing on Earth’s surface.
air molecules are close together and rising away from Earth’s surface.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




a high pressure system has higher pressure as a Centre then in the areas around it will blow away from high pressure ceiling in the opposite direction from a low pressure system the winds of a high pressure system rotate clockwise north of the equator and counterclockwise South of the equator

How is the Human Development Index (HDI) determined? O A. Knowledge, standard of living, and life expectancy O B. Reading and literacy rates, birthrates, and immigration levels O C. Reading and literacy rates, health care facilities, and gross domestic product O D. Knowledge, life expectancy, and health care facilities​


The correct answer is C. Reading and literacy rates, health care facilities, and gross domestic product.


The Human Development Index is a measure that summarizes human development in a given country from three basic aspects that are:

Life expectancy, which is summarized as having a long and healthy life from the moment you are born; The level of literacy, is the knowledge that is measured from the adult literacy rate and the combination of the gross enrollment rates of primary, secondary and tertiary; the last indicator is the country's GDP per capita. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Reading and literacy rates, health care facilities, and gross domestic product

Latitude measures ________________ distances, and longitude measures __________________________ distances.



Latitude measures East to West distances, and longitude measures North to South distances


Latitude= North or south of the earth's equator

Longitude= East or west of the meridian


Which of the following rivers is shown on the map above?
the Murray River
the Darling River
the Waikato River
the Sunderland River



There's no map


You need a map




Discuss ways in which the physical characteristics of Africa has influenced the course of development of the cultural characteristics.​



Africa has an array of diverse ecosystems, from sandy deserts to lush rain forests.

Africa, the second-largest continent, is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean. It is divided in half almost equally by the Equator.

Africas physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately.


Which statement best describes the movement of Earth’s plates?
A. The plates moved for million of years but have now stopped
B. There is no evidence that plates ever moved
C. The plates stayed in one place for million of years but are moving now
D. The plates are constantly moving





Question 14 of 15
while the
The five themes of geography focus on mapmaking as a(n).
subfields focus on mapmaking as a
A. tool that can be applied to all themes; special field and set of skills
B. special field and set of skills; tool that can be applied to all themes
C. art; science
D. Science; art





tool that can be applied to all themes; special field and set of skills

The five themes of geography focus on mapmaking as a tool that can be applied to all themes subfields focus on mapmaking as a special field and set of skills. Thus the correct option is A.

What is a Theme?

The theme of geography highlights the natural backgrounds on which the mapmaking  is based. These theme helps to determine the plot of the mapmaking as well as the events that are going to take place.

Location, Environment, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement, and Region are the five themes of geography that emphasize the use of maps as a tool that may be used to address all of the topics.

The conventional divisions of disciplines of study are more focused on The subfields. Some researchers are more interested in natural processes because there are many geography subfields.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Theme, here:



describe the location of india



India is positioned on the Indian subcontinent in south-central Asia, and is located in both the eastern and northern hemispheres. India bordered by the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Mannar, Indian Ocean, and the countries of Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Burma (Myanmar).LATITUDE & LONGITUDE:

Latitude/Longitude (Absolute Locations) New Delhi: (capital city) 28° 38' N, 77° 13' E Kochi: 9° 55' N, 76° 16' E Kolkata: 22° 34' N, 88° 21' E Mumbai: 19° 4' N, 72° 52' E Srinagar: 34° 5' N, 74° 47' E.



Location of India

India lies entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere.The main land extends between latitudes 8°4' N and 37°6' N and longitudes 68°7 'E and 97°25 'E.The country is divided into almost two equal parts by the Tropic of Cancer (23° 30' N).

Hope you could get an idea from here.

Doubt clarification - use comment section.

Americans divide up the cow's body differently than the Britisil, but we call beef cuts by the same names.



The correct answer is FALSE.


Which statement best describes this young man’s point of view?



I need to know the contacts  



Western culture is increasingly shaping the lives of the young adults in China


on ap world history edge

which statement BEST explains why some areas have higher population densities


D) The most populated areas were built near the coastline or rivers and away from the arid regions.

Oil, natural gas, and coal

A. biofuels
B. hydropower
C. fossil fuels
D. renewable resources​





they are fossil fuels

Which of the following best explains why the region of Catalonia in Spain could be a viable country?
Catalonia is linguistically distinct compared to other regions in Spain.
Catalonia is well developed economically compared to other regions in Spain.
Catalonia's population is ethnically distinct compared to other regions in Spain.
Catalonia has a large population compared to other regions in Spain.
Catalonia has a major city, Barcelona, which has a notoriety comparable to that of the Spanish capital, Madrid.


Answer: Catalina is a well developed economically compared to other regions in Spain.


The economy faces numeric issues as a result of economic expansion. The rise of national or per capita income is reflected in economic growth.

Job expansion entails changes in income, savings, and investment, as well as gradual changes in the country's socioeconomic structure.

The correct answer is B  Catalonia is well developed economically compared to other regions in Spain.

This is the correct answer because it best describes or explains that the regions or the areas of Catalonia in Spain can be termed as the viable country.

Catalonia, in northeastern Spain, is known for the Costa Brava's popular beautiful beaches as well as the Pyrenees Mountains. Barcelona, the regional capital, is home to the ancient Gothic Quarter, the communal street La Rambla, museums, and a number of coastlines.

To know more about Catalonia in Spain, refer to the link below:


Choose the two moons that would result in the strongest tides during a month. *PICTURE ATTACHED BELOW*



1 and 3


1 and 3 are the new and full moons, respectively. They are when the moon lies more beside the Earth, pulling the water outwards more due to gravity. This creates stronger tides.

Government sponsored health insurance for elderly Americans and Americans with disabilities.





Medicare is for older people or people with disabilities


D. medicare


Questions in this section: Mark the best answer to questions on the geologic history and contact relationships of the Hutton Gulch area. Multiple Choice 1. The contact between the granite and the gneiss represents what type of contact? a. intrusive contact. b. fault (tectonic) contact. c. nonconformity. 2. Which rock unit is the oldest in this cross-section? a. Diorite c. Granite b. Basalt d. Gneiss d. angular unconformity. e. disconformity. e. Breccia 3. What principle allows you to best distinguish the age relationship between the gneiss and the diorite? a. law of superposition d. cross-cutting relationship b. law of original continuity e. principle of inclusion c. law of original horizontality 4. The granite cuts across the gneiss, what other principle allows you to distinguish the age relationship between the gneiss and the granite? a. law of superposition d. principle of inclusion b. law of original continuity e. faunal succession c. law of original horizontality



Metamorphic rocks (from the Greek meta, change, and morphe, form, "change of shape") result from the transformation of pre-existing rocks that have undergone structural and mineralogical adjustments under certain physical or chemical conditions, or a combination of both, such as the temperature, pressure and / or chemical activity of the fluids agents of metamorphism These adjustments, imposed exclusively under the surface, transform the original rock without losing its solid state, generating a metamorphic rock. The rock generated depends on the composition and texture of the original rock, the agents of metamorphism, as well as the time in which the original rock was subjected to the effects of the so-called metamorphic process. Due to the nature of their origin, there may be a complete gradation between metamorphic rocks and the igneous or sedimentary rocks from which they were formed. The study of these rocks provides very valuable information about the geological events that occurred within the Earth and about their variation through time.


To classify a metamorphic rock, the type of metamorphism involved must be known, which can be variable since it depends on the criteria that are taken as a basis to differentiate it: it can be classified from the point of view of extension, fit and cause , geological value, increase or decrease in temperature, etc., but it is very common to define three main types of metamorphism according to the predominant metamorphic agent: Regional, Contact and Dynamic.

hope my answer helped you

The space shuttle
a) can only be used once
b) can be used many times to carry astronauts into orbit
c)is an uncrewed space probe
d)carried astronauts to the moon





The Space Shuttle was a partially reusable low Earth orbital spacecraft system operated from 1981 to 2011 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as part of the Space Shuttle program.Its official program name was Space Transportation System (STS), taken from a 1969 plan for a system of reusable spacecraft where it was the only item funded for development.

Which of the following is a discovery that supports the theory that there was once, or may still be, liquid water on planets other than
A. Life is present on Saturn and Mars, so therefore water must exist on those planets.
B. Jupiter experiences daily rainfall and has several small rivers.
C. There are river-like channels and rocks with an eroded appearance on Mars
There are large ponds and lakes present on the surface of Mars


Answer:the answer is c there are river like channels and rocks with an eroded apperance on mars

Explanation: i just toke a test nd got it right

A discovery that supports the theory that there was once, or may still be, liquid water on planets other than Earth is there are river-like channels and rocks with an eroded appearance on Mars. Thus the correct option is C.

What is Earth?

Earth is a planet present in the solar system having the existence of life. This is the only planet on which life is possible due to living conditions that ensure the availability of water which is important for survival.

The liquid state of water is crucial for life to exist. The majority of the water on Earth, which covers 70% of the planet, is liquid. Other solar system planets and moons do contain water, although it takes different types.

There may yet be liquid water on worlds other than Earth On Mars, there are channels that resemble rivers and rocks that appear to have been eroded, implying the potential of life.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about Earth, here:



What mph should a 11 year old boy be running. Same with a 13 year old boy what should be their average mph


The average mile time for a 13 year old boy is probably around 7:45–8:25

An 11 year old running a mile in under 8 minutes 50 seconds for boys.

how to calculate natural population growth rate​





The rate of natural increase is given as a percentage, calculated by dividing the natural increase by 10. For example, if the birth rate is 14 per 1,000 population, and the death rate is 8 per 1000 population, then the natural increase = 14 - 8 = 6. That is 6/ 1000, which is equal to 0.6%.

If you are located at 57°E, what is the coordinate straight through the Earth on the opposite side?
O 57°W
O 157°E
O 123°W
O 57°E



The Answer is 123W You can trust me, I got this right before I promise!

I hope this helps :D


methods of measuring evapotranspiration​



Measurement and Estimation of ET. Turf evapotranspiration can be measured or estimated. Measuring methods include use of lysimeter, water balance and eddy correlation method. Estimation methods include energy balance, mass transfer, combination of energy and heat, mass transfer and the use of crop coefficients.



LysimeterField ExperimentSoil Moisture Depletion StudyWater Balance Method

3. A friend asks you about taking a vacation to a relatively warm climate with Mild winters
and Dry summers. Which country would best fit that description?

a. England
b.. Ireland
c. Italy
d. Russia





It's C because it has a warm climate and mild winters

Which three are formed due to compression?



Anticline, syncline, and reverse fault are geological structures formed due to compression


The correct option is B.

B) Anticline, Syncline and Reverse Fault



Which city (or cities) tends to have the highest concentrations of sulfate

Little Rock
Los Angeles


Los angeles i believe sorry if it’s wrong
It’s Los Angeles ....
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