What group of immigrants arrived in large numbers on the US west coast for the primary purpose of working on the Transcontinental Railroad in the 19th century?
a) Chinese
b) Irish
c) Japanese
d) Mexican


Answer 1

Chinese immigrants who showed up during the nineteenth century were essentially utilized in the development of the Focal Pacific Railroad.  This resistance to the Chinese movement finished with the section of the Chinese Rejection Demonstration of 1882.

Starting in 1849, Chinese immigrants came to California for a similar explanation every other person did: to get rich mining gold. However, when the central government started a lively competition to construct the western leg of the cross-country railroad, American organizations recruited Chinese workers in large numbers.

Hence option (A) is correct.

Learn more about immigrants:



Related Questions

Imagine you’re writing a letter to Chandragupta’s family members about how to prevent their empire from falling. Which of the following is the best advice to give them?


The best advice to give him is to protect the government from factions or invaders that could weaken it. The correct option is E.

What is writing a letter?

A letter is a written communication sent through a medium from one person (or group of people) to another.

Because the person wants to maintain the government in order to rule the people, which will prevent them from fleeing the empire and encourage them to stay if they have a more just government.

Therefore, the correct option is E. Protect the government from factions or invaders that could weaken it.

To learn more about a letter, refer to the link:



The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

A. Give more power to the lords in various regions of your empire.

B. Start a new religion, and make all the people in the empire practice it.

C. Spread your army throughout the region as much as you can.

D. Spend more money to build temples than to support your army.

E. Protect the government from factions or invaders that could weaken it.

What factors caused the French colonists and Native Americans to defend their land, even if it meant war, rather than agree to share the land with British colonists?




The British took retribution against Native American nations that fought on the side of the French by cutting off their supplies and then forcibly compelling the tribes to obey the rules of the new mother country


The British took retribution against Native American nations that fought on the side of the French by cutting off their supplies and then forcibly compelling the tribes to obey the rules of the new mother country

Why do you think there was such a high rate of “inconclusive” results to battles throughout the whole (civil) war?


There was such a high rate of “inconclusive” results to battles throughout the whole Civil War because of internal conflicts.

Why results are inconclusive in Civil war?

Conflicts over federal vs. state rights, the election of Abraham Lincoln, and the economics were the causes of the Civil War. Following Lincoln's inauguration in 1861, the South seceded, and the Battle of Fort Sumter marked the official commencement of the Civil War.

Some common battles which were remain inconclusive during Civil War:

Battle Aberdeen, Mississippi.Accotink battle.Battle at Adamstown.Albemarle Sound Battle.Aldie's Battle.Camp Allegheny battle.Amelia Springs Battle.The Anderson Battle.

Further the Union was able to hold its own against the Confederate army in the Eastern theater thanks to Antietam, the bloodiest single-day combat in American military history. Additionally, it provided Abraham Lincoln the self-assurance to make the basic Emancipation Proclamation in a strong rather than desperate situation.

Thus the main reason of inconclusiveness of these battles was internal conflicts and disunity.

Learn more about results are inconclusive in Civil war refer:



Nick Carraway is the narrator of The Great Gatsby. Therefore, the audience reading
the novel



Yes, that's correct. Nick Carraway is the narrator of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby. As the narrator, he tells the story from his own perspective and provides the audience with his thoughts and observations about the events and characters in the novel

Reasons that states supported Thomas Jefferson


Thomas Jefferson did encourage his allies, like James Madison, James Monroe (1758-1831), John Beckley (1757-1807), and David Rittenhouse (1732-1796), to openly oppose the Federalists, even though he seldom penned articles or essays for the press.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and founding father who lived from April 13, 1743[a] to July 4, 1826. From 1801 to 1809, he was the third president of the United States. Prior to that, he served as the country's first secretary of state under George Washington and the nation's second vice president under John Adams.

Jefferson protected the country's maritime and commerce interests against Barbary pirates and the aggressive British trade practices while serving as president. With the Louisiana Purchase, which quadrupled the nation's claimed geographical area, he began to advocate a western expansionist agenda.

To learn more about Thomas Jefferson follow the link.



Is Brooklyn a girl's name?


Yes, Brooklyn is a baby name that can be given to both boys and girls.

The name Brooklyn has been among the top thousand names used for girls mainly in the United States of America. It was used as a remembrance of Brooklyn, the New York City borough. The name is made up of two words 'Brook' and 'Lyn',  brook means a person living by the stream and lyn means waterfall.

The entire name is associated with the waterfall. It has a German origin.

Brooklyn finds its true roots in the Dutch town of 'Breukelen". In its original form, the name means "broken land," yet Brooklyn's English spelling best associates it with "water" or a "small stream."

To know more about Brooklyn,



Explain how Progressives addressed social problems and reform.Explain how Progressives addressed social problems and reform.


The progressive were able to address social problems by fighting to established reforms that creates a better society and safer place to live which includes;

Rejection of social Darwinism that  improve the lives people living in the slums by providing education and other basic skills, helping the immigrants get better jobs and better housing policy.Progressive urges cities to pass legislation which set standards for housing  try to eradicates the worst tenement by setting standards for housing that ensures a clean environment. progressive try  improves the environment by creating pleasant and attractive environment  like the parks gardens, civic center and a better forms of transportation.They work  to improve working conditions in factories, by setting up limitation of working hours for women and age limitation for children. This help in reduction of child labor and compensation for injuriesThey also fought for women right to vote.The establishment Meat Inspection Act, and the Pure Food and Drug Act  This was to ensure that foods and drugs, was safe for consumption.

Learn more about The Progressives  here Brainly.com/question/115015



an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.


An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances is called precedent.

What is precedents?

The dictionary definition of precedent is "an earlier event or action taken as an example or guide for consideration in a later similar situation". From this we can understand that it is what we draw inspiration from, especially certain things like materials that drive the creative process of future projects.

Incorporating precedent research into the project is important. Because when it's clear that the work has been studied, taken inspiration from it, and interpreted it in one's own way, it shows great understanding and skill. Get inspired from the materiality of a building to its actual function

Remember that sharing ideas and collaborating is important for everyone and no idea is original. Therefore, you should not hide your work for fear of plagiarism, but rather share it with others.

Learn more about precedent https://brainly.com/question/29546332


congress overrode johnson's veto in order to enact , which declared black americans citizens of the united states. multiple choice question. the first civil rights act the wade-davis bill legislation creating the freedmen's bureau the thirteenth amendment


Congress superseded johnson's denial to establish the essential Social equality Act, which announced African American residents of the US.

You're a U.S. resident if: you have a conveyance testament given using a U.S. country. You have been brought into the world in a U.S. region and have a starting testament given a through that area. on the off chance that you don't have a conveyance endorsement out of your beginning domain, you will be equipped for insisting on your citizenship status and the use of different records.

U.S. residents are each a resident nationwide. the people who are conceived or naturalized inside the U.S. are straight away occupants of the States, notwithstanding the state they stay in. concerning U.S. nationals, even though, some of them will not be U.S. residents.6 days before.

Learn more about americans citizens:



when nixon ran for office, he used appeals to law and order and the silent majority to try to win over which group of voters?


Nixon tried to win over the Republican group of voters through his campaign.

- Nixon used this notion of conservatism to win over the silent majority. Sons of Vietnam War veterans and members of the rising middle class made up the silent majority. The silent majority thought that the government was getting too engaged in an effort to repeal a lot of it. They want to stop the massive expansion.

- Later, during the presidential campaigns of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, the phrase "silent majority"—used to describe Conservative voters who abstain from public discourse—reappeared.

To know more about silent majority, kindly click on the link below :



How much does it cost to get married on the Brooklyn Bridge?


For wedding ceremonies, the application and venue expenses are not refundable. In addition to the $25 application cost and the $1 credit card processing fee, there is a $400 site fee. The entire $426.00 non-refundable fee is charged when your application is submitted.

You can wed on the grounds of central park at no cost (unless you are doing it at the conservatory Gardens or at any of the other vendors). Numerous locations included into the park are ideal for your wedding celebration.

Weddings held during the week are often less expensive, with Monday being the least expensive and costs rising as the weekend approaches. Naturally, the difference will differ amongst venues, as high-end venues are always high-end.

Read more about Brooklyn Bridge at



HELP ME PLEASE!! Detail how the OPEC cartel affected Oklahoma's economy starting in the 1970s. (Site 2)


The rise in oil prices by the OPEC cartel help the Oklahoma's economy to flourish and provided employment.

What is OPEC?

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) is a 13-country cartel. Founded on September 14, 1960, in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela), it has been headquartered in Vienna, Austria, since 1965, despite the fact that Austria is not an OPEC member state.

Between 1972 and 1981, the price of Oklahoma crude oil increased tenfold as the OPEC cartel drove up global oil prices. Employment in the oil patch increased from around 34,000 in the early 1970s to a peak of 102,000 in 1981.

Therefore, Oklahoma's economy improved with the rise in oil prices by the OPEC cartel.

To learn more about the OPEC, click here:



The debate presented by the _____________ and _____________ Papers over protections for individuals and limits on government power resulted in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights provides constitutional protections for individual liberties and limits on governmental power

A) Democrats
B) Federalist
C) Republicans
D) Progressives
E) Anti-Federalist

Which TWO letter choices are correct to this statement?


The conflict between federalists and anti-federalists over individual rights safeguards and restrictions on governmental power led to the creation of the Bill of Rights. Individual liberties are constitutionally protected, while state power is constrained by the Bill of Rights. As a result, choices (B) and (E) are ideal.

Who are anti-federalists?

The political movement known as anti-federalism, which first opposed the passage of the 1787 Constitution before becoming opposed to the establishment of a more powerful U.S. federal government, emerged in the late 18th century.

State governments were given more power under the previous constitution, known as the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Anti-Federalists, led by Virginia's Patrick Henry, were concerned that the presidency, which was still innovative at the time, might turn into a monarchy.

The Bill of Rights was passed thanks in part to anti-federalist pressure even though the Constitution was approved and replaced the Articles of Confederation.

Learn more about anti-federalists, from:



Briefly describe one specific historical difference between the ideas of republican motherhood and the ideas of the seneca falls convention.


Answer:  One specific historical difference between the ideas of republican motherhood and the ideas of the Seneca Falls Convention was that the ideas of republican motherhood focused more on the women at home and how they influence their children while the ideas of the Seneca Falls Convention mainly focused on the basic rights and needs of women. A similarity between the both of them would be that they both focused on women instead of men or slavery, and that they both had a huge impact on women's living style and life in the future.

What does it say about the United States in Caribbean and LAtin AMerican imperialism?


This image says that the United States has had an imperialist position towards the other nations of America.

What is seen in the image?

In the image you can see a character (representing the United States) who has a paper in his hand that says "todo". Additionally, the island of Cuba is seen in which there is a character chained with the first character.

What is this cartoon about?

This cartoon refers to the Platt Amendment, an appendix to the United States Constitution that was linked to the Constitution of Cuba in 1901. This document established the terms of the first US military occupation of the island (1899-1902). . Additionally, this document establishes that this intervention serves US (imperialist) interests in Cuba after the island's independence (1898).

What does this cartoon say about US imperialism in the Caribbean and Latin America?

This caricature is a sample of the imperialism that the United States has exercised over the other nations of America, using its privileged position as a world power to impose itself on the other nations. Additionally, it has taken advantage of the Monroe Doctrine to argue that it has the right to intervene in other American nations and avoid opposition from European nations.

Learn more about American Imperialism in: https://brainly.com/question/29426854


g what is not true about the vietnam veterans memorial?a.the names of the dead are carved into the wall alphabeticallyb.it aligns with two other american monumentsc.the wall is reflectived.it was designed by a studente.all of the other answers are true


It's the most-visited commemoration in the Public Shopping center in Washington, drawing more than 5 million individuals every year - the Vietnam Veterans Dedication. The most unmistakable component of the commemoration is a huge wall that rundowns the names of the over 58,000 servicemen.

The plan for the not set in stone through a cross-country rivalry. Of the more than 1,400 entries, Yale engineering understudy Maya Lin's plan was picked by the board of trustees.

Every "V"- formed portion is comprised of 70 distinct boards. The names of the servicemen start and end at the convergence of the two bits of the commemoration and are recorded sequentially by the date of their demises.

Learn more about vietnam veterans memorial:



West African monsoon decadal variability and surface-related forcings: Second West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation Project Experiment (WAMME II)


A significant wind system known as the West African monsoon, which impacts areas of West Africa between latitudes 9° and 20° N, is characterized by winds

low southwesterly during the summer and northeasterly during the winter.The scientific community has been aware of the primary traits of the West African seasons for more than two centuries. The major northeast trade wind, which originates from the Sahara and the Sahel as a deep stream of dry, frequently dusty air, is overlain by the shallow, humid layer of surface air that makes up the southwest winter monsoon (less than 2,000 meters [approximately 6,600 feet]). It is typically referred to as the harmattan, a surface northeasterly that is extremely windy and dry,

learn more about  African monsoon here:



What types of duties would a sugarcane slave have to perform? Do you think these tasks would be easier or harder than mining silver? Why?


Besides planting and harvesting, there were numerous other types of labor required on plantations and farms. Enslaved people had to clear new land, dig ditches, cut and haul wood, slaughter livestock, and make repairs to buildings and tools.

How does this piece of propaganda promote Imperialism?



It shows that when the U.S enters on "behalf" of the countries and when it does enter it's showing to be good for the countries, but as we all the America follows the money in which case the U.S.A wanted to expand it's trade after the America-Spanish war it did succeed in just that by building the canal which decreases time and effort for ships Hawaii was more about militarism and the rest is just what I said

Which key principle holds that a legitimate government exists only with the approval of the people?


Answer: Popular sovereignty



The principle of popular sovereignty holds that a legitimate government exists only with the approval of the people.


what domestic issue do you think will be most important in the presidential election of 2024 ?health care


Money/taxes and inflation on everyday items.

Which of the following statements does not characterize the slave trade?

A) Slavery did not start with the triangular slave trade.

B) Americans still struggle with ethical issues caused by slavery.

C) Only the Southern colonies had slaves.

D) Approximately, 15 percent died on their journey from Africa to the New World.


Answer: C) Only the Southern colonies had slaves.

Explanation: While slavery grew exponentially in the South with large-scale plantations and agricultural operations, slavery in New England was different. Most of those enslaved in the North did not live in large communities, as they did in the mid-Atlantic colonies and the South.

Slavery was a dominant feature of the antebellum South, but it was also pervasive in the pre-Civil War North—the New England states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island all have a history of slavery.

Discussion Prompt: write a claim for or against the statement “The pre-Columbian civilizations were more similar than different” be sure to back your opinion with at least 3 pieces of evidence.


Based on a historical concept, it is true that the pre-Columbian civilizations were more similar than different because they have similar characteristics, particularly in cultural and geographical traits.

What are Pre-Columbia Civilizations?

The Pre-Columbia Civilization is a term that is used to describe the civilization of the original settlement of North and South America in the Upper Paleolithic period such as Aztecs, Maya, Inca, Olmec, etc, before European colonization, which started with Christopher Columbus's voyage of 1492.

The Pre-Columbia Civilizations were more similar than different because they shared similar features which make them considered to be in the same group in terms of civilization class.

The similarities in the Pre-Columbia Civilizations are the following:They all perform ritual ballgames,they all possess pyramid-building, they all perform human sacrifice, they all have maize as an agricultural staple, andthey all have deities dedicated to the natural force, etc.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the Pre-Columbia Civilizations were more common than different.

Learn more about the Pre-Columbia Civilizations here: https://brainly.com/question/20687823


Archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?


Recently Archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in Egypt. It is astonishing that the mummies they found have golden tongue or amulet inside the mouth.

During the excavations, many mummies were found, some of which had a golden tongue or amulet placed into the corpse's mouth.

This custom was designed to ensure that the deceased may speak in front of the court of the Ancient Egyptian deity Osiris and converse in the hereafter.

For archaeologists, the finding of mummies is significant because it changed how we see Egyptian history. Archaeologists were able to learn more about the intricate burial customs because to the intact coffins.

To learn more about Archaeologists discovered mummies, refer



Short Answer Question PLEASE HELP QUICKLY

- Explain one way indigenous society changed with the introduction of christianity

- explain one difference between the treatment of north american indigenous persons and treatment of African enslaved persons

- explain one instance of indigenous resistance to Spanish settlement


One of the ways Christainity changed indigenous society was it's erosion of some of their cultural beliefs and their mode of worship.

One difference between the treatment of north American indigenous persons and  treatment of African enslaved persons is that:

The North American native persons where treated as equals, or near equals. they allied with the British to fight wars, and even signed treaties and they were compensated.


The African enslaved persons were used as laborers by their slave masters who owned them, without pay and in critically poor conditions.

One of the instances where indigenous people resisted the Spanish settlement was the Pueblo Rebellion,

This took place in 1680, carefully organized revolt of Pueblo Indians in league with Apaches, who succeeded in overthrowing Spanish rule in New Mexico for 12 years. A traditionally peaceful people, the Pueblos had endured much after New Mexico's colonization in 1598.

Learn more of the effects of colonization here https://brainly.com/question/14896377


how do you whip and nae nae ;)



U swing your hands back and fourth with your handout


This is a dance fro silentio and people use this while listening to music


Lower into a squat with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your core engaged and your back leaning slightly forward. Your toes should be pointing out at a 45 degree angle and your thighs parallel to the ground.[1]

A slight arch in your back adds some sensuality to the pose.

This can be a very challenging position to hold because it really works your leg muscles. Take a break if you need to.

Raise your left arm in front of you to chin level, with your hand in a fist. This will set you up for the "whip." Think of it like holding an imaginary steering wheel with 1 hand. Rotate your arm from side to side while it’s in front of you as if you were driving a car.[2]

Keep your right arm hanging loosely at your side or resting on your hip.

Try not to let your extended arm drop down in front of you while you dance.

Pulse your hips up and down in small movements, keeping your arm up. This is the move known as the "whip." Stay in the squat position while you bounce your hips, keeping your feet planted firmly on the ground. Your knees will bend slightly while you bob up and down, but most of the motion should come from your hips and core.[3]

You can also move your hips from side to side as you move up and down.

Raise your right arm over your shoulder and let your left arm hang down. Continue rocking your hips while you do this. This move is known as the “nae nae.” Your hand will be open in the air, almost as if you’re waving to someone.[4]

You can also move your shoulders from front to back in a subtle shimmy while you’re swaying to personalize the move.

Do the "whip" on both sides, swinging your left arm and then your right arm forward. This is the same motion you made previously but sped up and switching arms. Raise your left arm first, and then as it lowers, raise your right arm.

For extra emphasis, stomp with the opposite foot while you raise your arm. For example, when you bring your left arm up, stomp down with your right foot.

Raise your left arm over your shoulder, letting your right arm hang down. You’re repeating the nae nae on the other side now. Remember to keep your hand open with your palm facing out while you sway your hips.[5]

Add some individual flair by bending your knees towards the ground while you nae nae so you sink lower. Changing levels is a technique dancers use to make their performance more interesting.

Practice putting all of the moves together and repeating them. Now that you know the basic moves, work on doing them faster until you can dance to the tempo of the song. Practice them slowly to make sure you have the technique down, then gradually build up speed.


Which physical or human characteristics are associated with ancient Egypt? Select all correct answers Select all correct answers.


Nile Delta

Nile Delta

Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Kings

terraced farms

terraced farms



broad fertile plains




pyramids, and valley of the kings

What kind of peace did Wilson want?


Wilson's proposal called for the victorious Allies to set unselfish peace terms with the vanquished Central Powers of World War I, including freedom of the seas, the restoration of territories conquered during the war and the right to national self-determination in such contentious regions as the Balkans.

Is this a run-on sentence?
Culture plays an important role for orcas they communicate with distinct calls and live in
small, intimate groups led by older females that teach the younger orcas.

Is it a run on sentence


'Culture plays a vital role for orcas they live in tiny, intimate groups led by older females that teach the younger orcas and communicate with different calls' is a run-on sentence.

What is a run-on sentence?

When separate clauses are not combined properly, a run-on sentence results. Independent clauses are complete sentences that contain both a subject and a verb.

Two independent clauses that are combined without the required punctuation or conjunctions result in a run-on phrase. The "comma splice," often referred to as the "comma fault," is the most typical run-on sentence and happens when two phrases are improperly separated by a comma.

Run-on sentences can be classified into three categories: polysyndeton, comma splices, and fused sentences.

Learn more about run-on sentences, from:



Answer: yes its a run-on sentence.


Is the Bronx still Italian?


The Bronx neighborhood of Belmont, sometimes known as Bronx Little Italy, has played a crucial role in the growth of the borough and city since its establishment.

According to data from the American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau from 2006 to 2010, there are 57,527 Italian Americans living in Bronx County.

However, the lively Arthur Avenue in the Belmont district of the Bronx features its own Little Italy, which some locals consider to be more real than the more well-known version.

The majority of Italian Americans live in ethnically distinct communities in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, and Staten Island, where New York City has the biggest concentration of Italian Americans in both the United States and North America.

To learn more about the Bronx



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