What are the factors affecting economic growth?


Answer 1

Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are the four main factors of economic growth.

By enabling farmers to invest in improved tools or seeds, receive profits on those investments, and convey land to their descendants, secure land tenure may promote economic growth in rural areas.

When the demand for a good or service increases, businesses increase their output to meet the demand. Businesses invest more money in this and add workers as a result. More workers entering the cycle results in increased spending, which further stimulates the economy and drives up demand.

Because savings and investments enhance the stock of available capital, greater capital investment leads to greater economic growth. Labor supply and quality: As long as the capital per worker does not go down, increased labor results in increased production.

To learn more about economic growth



Related Questions

what term can be described as a function of threats, consequences of those threats, and the resulting vulnerabilities?


The answer is Risk. Risk can be described as a function of threats, consequences of those threats, and the resulting vulnerabilities

In straightforward terms, risk is the chance of something awful occurring. Risk implies vulnerability about the impacts/ramifications of a movement concerning something that people esteem (like wellbeing, prosperity, riches, property or the climate), frequently zeroing in on pessimistic, unwanted results. Various definitions have been proposed. The worldwide standard meaning of chance for normal comprehension in various applications is "impact of vulnerability on targets".

The comprehension of  risk, the techniques for evaluation and the executives, the portrayals of hazard and, surprisingly, the meanings of  risk vary in various practice regions (business, financial matters, climate, finance, data innovation, wellbeing, protection, wellbeing, security and so on). This article gives connects to additional point by point articles on these areas. The worldwide norm for risk the board, ISO 31000, gives standards and conventional rules on overseeing  risks looked by associations

Know more about Risk - https://brainly.com/question/14473564


Complete Question is -

What term can be described as a function of threats, consequences of those threats, and the resulting vulnerabilities?a. Threatb. Mitigationc. Riskd. Management

What is the impact on 1st Amendment rights of the Supreme Court ruling in Schenck v United States?


In Schenck v. United States (1919), the Supreme Court determined that First Amendment protection does not apply to speech that poses a "clear and present danger."

Schenck v. United States This ruling demonstrates how the Supreme Court's interpretation of the First Amendment occasionally trades off individual liberties in favor of maintaining societal order. Background information and key sources for the Schenck v. United States Supreme Court decision. This lesson encourages students to assess the Supreme Court's restrictions on free speech outlined in Schenck  which deals with the First Amendment's free speech guarantees and whether they are subject to restrictions during times of war.

learn more about Schenck v United States here:



at this point, which educational opportunities do you think would best fit your goals for the future?


Educational opportunities focused on Vocational training is much  more preffered than the rote learning.

Admission to a school or its programs, financial aid, evaluation of academic progress, placement in academic opportunities like internships and assistantships, and graduation are all considered educational chances for a student.An "educational opportunity," according to UC, is "anything that has enhanced the quality of your educational experience and better positioned you for college." They give the following instances. "honors or enrichment programs, participation in an academy focused on a career or major, or taking advanced courses that interest you"

To know more about Education here



21. true or false: children who did not personally witness a disaster and who are not impacted by the disaster cannot be emotionally effected by the disaster.





Hope it helps!

Mia is attending a team meeting to discuss how to prevent accidents. One of her teammates suggests pushing all the desks against the wall, and mia thinks the idea is silly. What would be the most constructive response?.


The constructive response would be "Looking at the room arrangement is a good idea, and here's another approach."

How do you practice active constructive responses?

In response to fortunate circumstances, active constructive responding (ACR) is a strategy that can help improve an already successful relationship. It will eventually come naturally to you to react to others' good news in an active and positive way. Eye contact, a smile, and positive nonverbal cues should all be used.

A person will make others feel good and pleased about their accomplishments by giving them this kind of compliment.  Active and constructive responses to disagreement include things like gaining perspective, coming up with solutions, expressing one's feelings, and reaching out. Considered passive and productive reactions to conflict include reflecting, delaying action, and adjusting.

To learn more about constructive response, visit:



The complete question is:

Mia is attending a team meeting to discuss how to prevent accidents. One of her teammates suggests pushing all the desks against the wall, and Mia thinks the idea is silly. What would be the most constructive response?

A. "That would never work. I have a better idea."

B. Be quiet, and let the team see how bad the idea is.

C. "Looking at the room arrangement is a good idea, and here's

another approach."

D. "That's hilarious! We'll all go crazy staring at the walls!"

according to recent research by samhsa, what percentage of americans experience a mental health issue during their lifespan?


According to the SAMHSA research, approximately 56% of adults in the United States will experience a mental health issue during their lifetime. The research found that an estimated 11.2 million Americans aged 18 or older experienced a serious mental illness in 2017.

This number is equivalent to 4.5% of all adults in the US. Additionally, an estimated 10.1 million adults experienced a substance use disorder in 2017. This is equivalent to 4.0% of all adults.

The research also found that the prevalence of mental health issues varied by gender, race/ethnicity, and age. For example, the prevalence of mental illness was higher among women (5.2%) than men (3.6%). It was also higher among non-Hispanic Black adults (5.1%) than non-Hispanic White adults (4.3%) and Hispanic adults (3.3%).

To know more about mental health click here



suppose i believe that i remain the same person across time so long as i retain the same brain/brain structure. my view is best captured by:


Suppose I believe that I remain an equal man or woman throughout time so long as I retain the equal brain/brain shape my view is quality captured through the bodily concept of persona as it believes in the patience of identification .

In step with Locke's “reminiscence concept”, someone's identity handiest reaches a long way as their reminiscence extends into the past. In other phrases, one severely depends upon what one recollects. thus, as a person's memory starts offevolved to disappear, so does his identity.

In keeping with the reminiscence concept, private identification consists of reminiscence; that is, the sameness of memory is metaphysically necessary and enough for the sameness of the individual.

Learn more about  brain/brain shape here



which administrative function is a typical responsibility of the central organization of a correctional agency?


Labor contract negotiation is a typical responsibility of the central organization of a correctional agency.

Fair wages and working conditions can be established by employers, their organisations, and trade unions through collective bargaining. Additionally, it offers the framework for healthy labour relations. Wages, working hours, training, workplace health and safety, and fair treatment are common problems on the negotiation table. To reach a collective agreement that governs the terms and conditions of employment is the goal of these negotiations. The rights and obligations of the parties may also be covered by collective agreements, promoting harmonious and effective workplaces and industries. A crucial strategy for lowering inequality and boosting labour protection is to make collective bargaining and agreements more inclusive.

To know more about Labor contract negotiation:



An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or a guide to be considered in similar circumstances is known as____________​


Precedent is an earlier occurrence or action that is used as a model or a guide for similar future situations.

What is Precedent?

A court ruling known as precedent is used as guidance in subsequent cases containing the same or comparable facts, or cases involving related legal concerns. The doctrine of stare decisis, which incorporates precedent, calls for courts to apply the law consistently in instances involving the same facts. According to some judges, precedent ensures that people in similar circumstances are handled equally rather than according to a specific judge's own opinions.

Why is precedent important?

A precedent gives the public the assurance that any issue of a comparable character would be handled in the same way, preserving fairness while upholding the rule of law. As a result, there is a greater element of uniformity and predictability in the court's rulings.

To know more about Laws visit:                                                                        brainly.com/question/791439


What is the allele of T in TT?


The allele of T represents a particular characteristic.

An allele is a variant form of a gene that can be inherited from a parent. In the genotype TT, the individual has inherited two copies of the "T" allele, one from each parent. This means that the individual has the potential to express the trait or characteristic associated with the "T" allele, depending on the influence of other genes and environmental factors.

The specific trait or characteristic associated with the "T" allele will depend on the gene that the allele is part of. For example, if the "T" allele is part of a gene coding for a specific protein, the individual with the TT genotype may express a trait that is determined by that protein. Alternatively, if the "T" allele is part of a gene involved in regulating other genes, the individual with TT genotype may have a different trait influenced by the gene's regulatory function. Ultimately, the specific effects of the "T" allele will depend on the context in which it is found.

Read more about the allele of T on:



generally speaking, what are psychologists trying to learn more about to help them understand the processing patterns of both types of people?


In order to assist clients develop greater self-discipline and confidence in attempting novel behaviors, psychologists design activities for them. This illustration demonstrates how treatment can be seen as an effort to alter behavior.

Behavior modification is a sort of behavior treatment.A psychologist creates activities for clients to help them become more self-disciplined and confident in trying new behaviours.

Ivan Pavlov's classical conditioning concepts and B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning ideas are the cornerstones of behavior therapy. When a stimulus that is neutral comes before one that causes a reflexive reaction, classical conditioning takes place. B. F. Skinner proved that behavior could be modified through the use of rewards and/or penalties. According to Skinner, a reinforcer is a consequence that makes it more likely that a behavior will repeat, whereas a punishment makes it less likely.

To know more about behaviour here-



a psychologist believes that their client is anxious due to an ingrained desire to be perfect. this causes intense self-judgement that results in the distortion of true thoughts and feelings. this best reflects the perspective of


This best reflects the perspective of humanistic theorists.

A conspiracy idea is an explanation for an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by means of sinister and effective businesses, frequently political in motivation,[3][4][5] when other explanations are extra possibly.[3][6][7] The time period has a bad connotation, implying that the appeal to a conspiracy is based totally on prejudice or inadequate evidence.[8] A conspiracy theory is not the same as a conspiracy; instead, it refers to a hypothesized conspiracy with unique traits, including an competition to the mainstream consensus amongst those people (together with scientists or historians) who're qualified to evaluate its accuracy.

LEarn more about theorists here



if social anxiety is negatively correlated with the number of friendships a person has, which statement regarding the line of best fit, or regression line, would be true?


If social anxiety is negatively correlated with the number of friendships a person has the line will start in upper left corner of the graph and end in the lower right corner.

When there is a negative correlation between two variables, one one rises while the other falls, and vice versa. A perfect negative correlation in statistics is represented by the number -1.0, a perfect positive correlation by the number +1.0, and a perfect neutral correlation by the number 0. When two variables have a complete negative correlation, their connection is always exactly opposite. Investing in negatively correlated assets can potentially lower portfolio risk while also hedging some types of risk, which can diminish possible gains. Traditional portfolio theory advises investors to hold both stocks and bonds because they typically have a negative correlation.

If shyness is negatively correlated with the number of friendships a person has, which statement regarding the line of best fit, or regression line, would be true?

a. The line will start in the lower left corner of the graph and end in the upper right corner.

b. The line will start in upper left corner of the graph and end in the lower right corner.

c. Because the correlation is negative, a regression line cannot be drawn.

d. The y intercept will be negative.

Learn more about negative correlation here:



your textbook summarizes a study that compared maintenance behavior in virtual, pinocchio, cyber emigrant, and real-world relationships. according to this study, the amount of maintenance behavior people use is best predicted by:


The amount of maintenance behavior people use is best predicted by Commitment level.

Remote Maintenance Training is a form of training technique that uses computer-based interactive 3D equipment simulations to mimic real-world equipment or vehicles. It teaches crew members of vehicles and devices how to service, repair, and maintain equipment in a safe manner. It is the typical teaching strategy employed by training institutes and facilities of the US Armed Forces for the upkeep of its defensive vehicles. Its inclusion in present-day training programes has gained favour throughout time. Planning for maintenance is a crucial component of every production cycle.

It guarantees uninterrupted production, thus exact timing and careful planning are essential in this situation. If you work in the oil and gas sector, you are already aware that putting off maintenance is never a smart move. Many specialists in the area are working to identify the ideal answers to make sure that maintenance goes without a hitch. But before everything else, businesses require skilled workers who can carry out challenging maintenance procedures without errors or delays. Even though some firms continue to use traditional training techniques like in-person instruction or job shadowing, their implementation is already getting more challenging and complex.

To know more about Maintenance behavior visit:



little susie is having difficulty cooperating with others and regulating her moods. what pattern of attachment might susie be demonstrating?


Sussie is demonstrating an insecure pattern of attachment.

Hence, the correct answer to this question is Option A.

An attachment pattern called insecure attachment results from adverse early experiences. Insecure connection can take many various forms, each of which manifests differently as a person ages and becomes an adult.

A child who avoids will become extremely autonomous and shun relationships. Other approaches can make the child feel as though they need affection but are too hesitant to ask for it.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a sort of therapy that examines and addresses distorted thinking and harmful habits, is one type of psychotherapy that may be beneficial.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is:

Little Susie is having difficulty cooperating with others and regulating her moods. What pattern of attachment might Susie be demonstrating?

a. Insecure

b. Secure

c. Fearful

d. Dismissive

To know more about insecure attachment, click here:



true or false: creating an account and content creation are examples of primary conversion on a social media website.


Creating an account and content creation are examples of primary conversion on a social media website. This statement is true.

Conversion depends on a simple purchasing process. Less stages in the transaction process increase conversion.

Social media's main conversion: build a profile

Conversion for social media's secondary purposes:

Creating material and engaging in content .To promote goods and services, interact with current customers, and attract new ones, social media marketing (SMM) makes use of social media and social networks.

Social media's unrivaled ability in the three key areas of marketing—connection, interaction, and customer data—is the driving force behind social media marketing. Social media marketing has revolutionized how companies may influence consumer behavior, from boosting content

learn more about social media here:



noah and ava are teenagers. in which situation are they likely to face the most pressure from their peers and from adults in their lives?


Noah acts in a way that others consider to be stereotypically feminine.

Teens are much more likely to interact in relativistic wondering—in other words, they're much more likely to impeach others' assertions and much less probable to accept records as absolute reality. Through reveling in out of doors the circle of relatives circle, they learn that regulations they have been taught as absolute are clearly relativistic.

Childhood marks the beginning improvement of extra complex thinking techniques (additionally called formal logical operations). This time can consist of a summary wondering about the capability to shape their very own new thoughts or questions. it can also encompass the capacity to recall many factors of view and compare or debate ideas or evaluations.

Learn more about feminine here: https://brainly.com/question/503005


upon moving to a small town, jessica finds that she does not have anything in common with the other students at her school. because of this, she tends not to like anyone. however, after a few months, jessica begins to spend time with other students and eventually comes to like a few of them. what does this exemplify?


After a few months, Jessica begins interacting with the other pupils and develops a fondness for some of them. This is a prime example of the propinquity effect.

According to the law of propinquity, there is a higher likelihood that two people may develop close friendships or love connections the closer they are to one another physically.

People who frequently encounter each other create a personal bond, which is known as the propinquity effect. For instance, students who sit next to one another in class or who share a dorm room are more likely to become friends.

For instance, apartment dwellers who are close to a stairwell have more acquaintances who live on higher levels than those who are farther away. The mere exposure effect, which states that a stimulus grows more endearing with each encounter, typically explains the propinquity effect.

To learn more about the propinquity effect



according to the lecture, no matter our culture, gender, or ethnicity, we share with other humans the motivation to succeed, gain status, and secure our share of material and social resources. in essence, all humans are motivated to...


The first fundamental motivational needs, according to Maslow, are our physiological needs, such as air, food, and water.

Once our physiological wishes are satisfied, we grow to be worried about safety, which consists of our very own physical safety and security, as well as our employment security.

What are all people prompted by?

McClelland's human causes model distinguishes three main motives: the want for achievement, affiliation, and power. The power rationale stems from a person's wish to influence, instruct or encourage others.

The principle of human motivation asserts that we each have a set of simple desires that ought to be met, inclusive of organic and psychological, safety, belongingness and love, self-esteem, and self-actualization.

Learn more about human motivation here:


according to willard oliver, which area of law enforcement are american police considered to be in today


Police and sheriff departments are examples of local law enforcement organizations.

What do you mean by Local law enforcement?

A law enforcement organization that operates at the municipal, county, tribal, or regional levels is referred to as local law enforcement. Personnel employed by these organizations assist in upholding federal and state laws. In order to enforce the law, officers are allowed to carry weapons and make arrests.

What do local law enforcement agencies do?

Investigation, capture, and imprisonment of suspects in crimes are among the main responsibilities of law enforcement. The custody of those who have been found guilty of crimes is also a major responsibility of several law enforcement organizations, in particular sheriffs' offices.

To know more about local law enforcement, visit:



if you spent one hour each day researching and applying for scholarships, do you believe you could pay cash for college? why?


If you spent one hour each day researching and applying for scholarships, you would not be able to pay cash for college.

You would only be able to arrive at getting the scholarships that would be able to take care of your tuition.

What is scholarship?

Scholarships can be obtained from a wide range of organizations and individuals, as well as from clubs, charities, foundations, enterprises, institutions, and universities. Don't forget to get in touch with the institutions you are considering to check if you qualify for any merit aid. Colleges and universities also offer financial aid in the form of merit aid.

A scholarship is monetary aid given to a student for the purpose of attending school. It may be given based on academic accomplishment or other factors, some of which may include financial necessity. There are many different kinds of scholarships; the two most popular are need- and merit-based.

Read more on scholarships here: https://brainly.com/question/25298192


prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called selective interventions. The correct answer is B.

What is selective prevention?

There are three types of prevention depending on the costs and advantages of providing the intervention to the target group, with selective prevention being one of them. Selective prevention focuses on particular groups of people that are thought to be more vulnerable than others. The targeted subgroups may be defined by gender, age, family history, area of residency, victimhood, physical and sexual abuse, etc. Selective prevention in mental health refers to interventions that target subgroups regarded as being at high risk for a mental disorder.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. TertiaryB. SelectiveC. UniversalD. Indicated

The correct answer is B.

Learn more about mental health here: brainly.com/question/1499589


A local specialty gift store had to borrow money from a local bank to purchase christmas merchandise to sell in the store. What is this debt owed to the bank called?.


A local specialty gift store had to borrow money from a local bank to buy Christmas merchandise to sell in the store. This debt owed to the bank is called liability.

Liability refers to something that a person or enterprise owes, typically a sum of money. Liabilities are settled over time by the means of  transferring economic benefits including goods, services, or money. On the right side of the 'balance sheet', liabilities are recorded. Liabilities include mortgages, loans, accounts payable, debts, bonds, warranties, deferred revenues, and accrued expenses. Liabilities can be contrasted with assets.

You can learn more about liability at



why is it so difficult to provide conclusive evidence of teaching and true imitation among non-human animals?


It is difficult to provide conclusive evidence of teaching and true imitation among non-human animals because

It might be challenging to tell whether a behavior was intentionally performed or was modeled.Most of the evidence that is currently provided is anecdotal and anthropomorphic.

Psychologists frequently imply more than just the basic replication of behavior when they use the term imitation. Intentionality or purposefulness are implied by the term "imitation." When people use the phrase to describe their own behavior, it suggests that they have a grasp of how it relates to the behavior that they are modeling (or demonstrated).

One can presume that a youngster understands that an adult's behavior and their imitation of it are similar when they copy that behavior. Imitation is a crucial component of the identification process, according to Freud (1933), and it is driven by the need to be recognized (e.g., with the same-sex parent).

Know more about imitation visit:



A Claire's Catering is providing food for a major social event next Saturday. Because Claire's does not have enough employees to fully staff the event, the manager should implement talent management to recruit enough workers for the event. True or False


A Claire's Catering is providing food for a major social event next Saturday. Because Claire's does not have enough employees to fully staff the event, the manager should implement talent management to recruit enough workers for the event. TRUE .

Management can be described as a system of having the work or the mission completed that is required for achieving the goals of an business enterprise in an efficient and effective manner. manner implies the capabilities of the management. that is, making plans, setting up, staffing, directing and controlling.

In the best of phrases, business management refers to the coordination and management of enterprise sports, obligations, and resources to acquire a fixed objective. This often includes supervision and education of personnel, overseeing middle operations, and designing agency infrastructure to optimize for the future.

The role of a manager is to provide not unusual steerage and path to the person efforts for the fulfilment of Organisational dreams. growing the performance: management facilitates in increasing the efficiency of the commercial enterprise by using increasing productiveness thru efficient planning, establishing, controlling and directing.

Learn more about management  here:



which clause of the u.s. constitution was at the center of the argument in brown v. board of education of topeka?


The clause of the U.S. Constitution that was at the center of the argument in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Equal Protection Clause states that no state shall "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the plaintiffs argued that the segregation of public schools based on race violated the Equal Protection Clause, as it denied African American students the same educational opportunities as white students.

The Supreme Court ultimately ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, finding that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional and violated the Equal Protection Clause. This decision had a significant impact on the civil rights movement and helped to pave the way for the desegregation of schools across the United States.

Learn more about U.S. Constitution here:



after several panic attacks, annie's fear of further attacks has made her afraid to leave the house or be among other people. she will no longer venture outside to get her mail or even sit on her porch. annie is experiencing


she will no longer venture outside to get her mail or even sit on her porch. annie is experiencing agoraphobia.

A mental and behavioural illness called agoraphobia, or anxiety disorder, is defined by symptoms of worry when a person views their surroundings as unsafe and with no obvious means of escaping them. Public transportation, retail malls, crowded places, standing in lines, or even just being alone outside their home are examples of these scenarios. These circumstances might cause a panic attack. Those who are impacted will take considerable measures to stay away from these scenarios. In extreme circumstances, people could lose the ability to function outside of their houses. The disorder frequently runs in families, and stressful or traumatic situations like losing a parent or being attacked may act as a trigger.

learn more about agoraphobia here



Which piece of legislation increases the number of eligible voters by decreasing the voting age to 18 Brainly?


The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was ratified in July 1971, decrease the voting age for citizens of the United States from 21 to 18.

"...neither the United States of America nor any State shall deny or impede the right of citizens of the United States who are eighteen years of age or older to vote on grounds of age." Section I of the United States Constitution, Amendment 26. Since World War II, there has been sentiment to decrease the country's voting age. President Roosevelt wanted to expand the nation's military as American involvement in the conflict grew, so he decreased the draft age for males from 21 to 18 years old. The idea that young men may fight and die for their nation but not take part in its most basic political process, voting, horrified many.

learn more about voting age here:



What rights are protected by the Privileges and Immunities Clause?


The Constitution's Privileges and Immunities Clause stipulates that "the residents of each state shall have all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states."

The Dormant Commerce Clause is merely one constitutional restriction on a state's power to enact laws affecting residents outside of its borders. An out-of-state citizen is guaranteed the same privileges as a citizen of the state in which he happens to be. This is guaranteed under the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV.

For instance, South Carolina charged out-of-state shrimp fishermen a $2,500 tax in Toomer v. Witsell (1948), but only charged $25 to South Carolina residents for doing business there. The Privileges and Immunities Clause had been broken, the Supreme Court said.

To know more about Privileges and Immunities Clause: https://brainly.com/question/29617831


The incan social structure was different than other cultures because it was based largely on.


The incan social structure was different than other cultures because it was based largely on  a social hierarchy with a king at the top. The correct answer is D.

What is social hierarchy?

Social hierarchy can be broadly defined as a system of social organization in which some individuals enjoy a higher social status than others and people are stratified according to group membership.

In socially stratified societies, groups of higher status are granted more access to material and social resources than groups of lower status, leading to different opportunities and consequences.

For example, people of lower status are more likely to be verbally harassed, physically attacked, and discriminated against in hiring decisions.

They also face tougher treatment from a legal standpoint.

your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

The Incan social structure was different than other cultures because it was based largely on

a. a social hierarchy with priests at the top

b. military dictatorship with an army to keep control

c. community cooperation

d. a social hierarchy with a king at the top

Learn more about hierarchy, here:



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