Dascha is making a decorative table to
sell at a fair. The cost of her materials is
$80. If the table sells for $150, what is
the percent of markup?


Answer 1

The required percent markup is 87.5%.

The markup is the difference between the selling price and the cost price, expressed as a percentage of the cost price.

Markup = ((Selling price - Cost price) / Cost price) x 100%

In this case, the cost of materials is $80 and the selling price is $150, so the markup is:

Markup = ((150 - 80) / 80) x 100%

Markup = (70 / 80) x 100%

Markup = 0.875 x 100%

Markup = 87.5%

Therefore, the percent markup is 87.5%.

Learn more about percentages here;



Related Questions

Use the remainder theorem to find P(1) for P(x)=-x⁴+3 x³+4 x²-9.
Specifically, give the quotient and the remainder for the associated division and the value of P(1).
Quotient =
Remainder =


By using remainder theorem , value of P(1) = (-1)

P(1) = 1 + 3 + 4 - 9

P(1) = (-1)

Remainder Theorem is an approach of Euclidean division of polynomials. According to this theorem, if we divide a polynomial P(x) by a factor ( x – a); that isn’t essentially an element of the polynomial; you will find a smaller polynomial along with a remainder. This remainder that has been obtained is actually a value of P(x) at x = a, specifically P(a)

For finding the value of P(1) we have to put the value of 1 on the place of x, then we can get  P(1) = (-1)

To know more about remainder theorem



John put $3, 000 in his savings at 2% annually for 3 years. What did he earn in simple interest?



End Balance: $5,160.00

Total Interest: $2,160.00

Step-by-step explanation:

Total Interest =$3000 × 2% × 3 × 12


End Balance =$3000 + $2,160.00



can we get the options

Step-by-step explanation:

pls help!! Which of the following are trinomials?
□ A. x² + 3
□ B. 6x² + ¹⁄y³
□ c. ¾/7y³ + 5y² + y
☐ D. x¹¹
□ E. x¹ + x² +1
☐ F. 8x


The algebraic expression known as a trinomial contains three terms then the trinomials exists 3y + 5y² + y and [tex]$$x^4[/tex] + x² + 1.

What is meant by trinomial?

Three non-zero terms make up a trinomial, which is an algebraic expression. The algebraic expression known as a trinomial contains three terms. An mathematical equation called a trinomial has three terms with on-zero coefficients, each separated by a + or - sign. It is a trinomial if three monomials are divided by addition or subtraction.

When a polynomial has three terms, it is referred to as a trinomial. Its general expression is ax² + bx + c, where a and b are coefficients and c is a constant. In order to factor trinomials, you must follow these three easy steps: Calculate the values of b (middle term) and c. (last term).

A. 8x  

Not a trinomial because, it contains only one term.

B. 3y +5y² + y

A trinomial because, it contains three terms.

C. 6x²

Not a trinomial because, it contains only one term.

D. [tex]x^{4}[/tex] + x² +1

A trinomial because, it contains three terms.

E. x² + 3

Not a trinomial because, it contains two terms only.

F. x¹¹

Not a trinomial because, it contains only one term.

Therefore, the correct answer is

B. 3y + 5y² + y and D. [tex]$$x^4[/tex] + x² + 1

The complete question is:

Which of the following are trinomials?

A. 8x

B. 3y + 5y² + y

C. 6x²

D. [tex]$$x^4[/tex] + x² + 1

E. x² + 3

F. [tex]$$x^{11[/tex]

To learn more about trinomials refer to:



It is known that the variance of a population equals 1,936. A random sample of 121 has been taken from the population. There is a 0.95 probability that the sample mean will provide a margin of error of ?A random sample of 144 observations has a mean of 20, a median of 21, and a mode of 22. The population standard deviation is known to equal 4.8. The 95.44% confidence interval for the population mean is?A random sample of 64 students at a university showed an average age of 25 years and a sample standard deviation of 2 years. The 98% confidence interval for the true average age of all students in the university is?


In the first problem, we calculated margin error =0.011, the 2nd problem we got population mean = 20.784 0r 19.216. the last problem true average age = 25.58 or 24.42

What is margin error in statistics?

the margin of error indicates the differences between true result and estimated result.

what is population mean and sample mean?

The population means refers the average value of whole population where sample means indicate the average value of randomly selected samples only.

Given, size of population, n= 1936

random size of population, p = 121

probability 0.95 that means 95% confidence interval.

now margin error of sample mean is calculated by the following formula

Margin of error, ME= Z*×[√{p^(1-p^)/n}]

         where, p^ is proportion of population and p^= p/n

                            z* is the critical value of 95% confidence interval

                        p^ =p/n= 121/1936 =0.0625

                       z*= 1.96

      hence, ME= 0.011

In the next problem, size of random sample, n= 144

 sample mean, x⁻ = 20

population standard deviation, б = 4.8

confidence interval = 95.44% is equal to 95%

critical value z* =1.96

we need to estimate the population  mean,μ by the following formula

   μ = x⁻ ± z*(σ/√n)

        =20±1.96 (4.8/√144)

hence population mean is 20.784 or 19.216

in the last samples, true average ages can be calculated by the formula

 true average age = average age ±z*(σ/√n)

given, standard deviation σ = 2

  critical value for 98% confidence interval =2.33

  size of sample, n= 64

average age =25

  hence true average age = 25.58 or 24.42

hence, margin error is 0.011, population mean = 20. 784 or 19.216 and true average age = 25.58 or 24.42

to learn more about population means and sample means along with marginal error visit the link:



57 gallons equals about blank liters! I need this before 6:00pm!!!!!!!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: about 216 liters

Step-by-step explanation:

9. Gianna is taking a walking tour in her city. The entire tour is
10 1/10 kilometers long. According to an app on her phone, Gianna's
-average walking rate is 1.6 meters per second.

A. How many meters does Gianna walk each hour?

B. How many kilometers does Gianna walk each hour?


A. The meters that Gianna walk each hour is 5760 meters.

B. The kilometers that Gianna walk each hour is 5.760 kilometers.

How to calculate the distance?

The distance can be found by illustrating it as an expression. Expression simply refers to the mathematical statements which have at least two terms which are related by an operator and contain either numbers, variables, or both.

There are 1000 meters in 1 kilometer

3600 seconds = 1 hour

Gianna's average walking rate is 1.6 meters per second. The distance in an hour will be:

= 1.6 × 3600

= 5760. meters.

The kilometers that Gianna walk each hour will be:

= 5760 meters / 1000

= 5.76 km

Learn more about expressions on:



Simplifica combinando términos semejantes. 4x²-9xy-4y²-6x² - xy + 6y²

2 4x² − 9xy − 4y² − 6x² - xy + 6y² = ___ -
(Simplifica tu respuesta. No descompongas en factores). ?​



-2x² - 10xy + 2y²

Step-by-step explanation:

4x² - 9xy - 4y² - 6x² - xy + 6y² =

= 4x² - 6x² - 9xy - xy - 4y² + 6y²

= -2x² - 10xy + 2y²

The table below shows the number of hours Kevin studied each day for 10 days. Which scatter plot matches the table?
Pls look at picture and help me out!!
Y ??


The letters aren’t shown for the bottom ones but the bottom left one

This exercise demonstrates a connection between the curl vector and rotations. Let B be a rigid body rotating about the z-axis. The rotation can be described by the vector w = ωk, where ω is the angular speed of B, that is, the tangential speed of any point P in B divided by the distance d from the axis of rotation. Let r = ⟨x, y, z⟩ be the position vector of P.(a) By considering the angle θ in the figure, show that the velocity field of B is given by v = w × r.(b) Show that v = −ω y i + ω x j.(c) Show that curl v = 2w.


The relation between curl vector and rotations is v = wdj

What is curl vector?

A vector field is a vector field's curl. The tendency of particles at point P to spin about the axis that faces the direction of the curl at P is measured by the curl of a vector field at P. If and only if its curl is zero, a vector field with a simply linked domain is considered conservative.

Let v represent the particle's velocity as a vector.

vector v=ui+vj+wk

curl v =

curl v  = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}i&j&k\\d/dx&d/dy&d/dz\\u&v&w\end{array}\right][/tex]

= (dw/dy - dv/dz )i - (dw/dx - du/dz)j +  (dv/dx - du/dy )k

Now by comparing with rotational matrix ,

We know that w = rotational matrix

[tex]w_{x}[/tex] = 1/2 (dw/dy - dv/dz )

[tex]w_{y}[/tex] = 1/2 (dw/dx - du/dz)

[tex]w_{z}[/tex] = 1/2  (dv/dx - du/dy )

w = [tex]w_{x} i +w_{y} j + w_{z} k[/tex]

w =  1/2[ (dw/dy - dv/dz )i + (dw/dx - du/dz)j + (dv/dx - du/dy )k]

w = 1/2 curl v , rotation = 1/2 curl v

let B be a rigid rotating about z axis

w = w.k

tangential speed =wk *di

v = wdj

curl of v=  [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}i&j&k\\d/dx&d/dy&d/dz\\0&w_{x} &0\end{array}\right][/tex]

v = wdj ,

The relation between curl vector and rotations is v = wdj

To know more about curl vector click the link:



please help!!will give brainliest!​



Step-by-step explanation: the answer is probably 50 because the bottom line is the same length as the other 50.

Answer: 45

(Read the explanation to make sure it is correct)

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's start with what we know. Since the sum of all angles in a triangle add up to 180, we can use that logic to find the last angle in the triangle. So far, we have:

85 + 50 + x = 180

We subtract 135 from both sides to get:

x = 45!

At noon the temperature was -2.5 degrees. Every hour the temperature dropped by -3.5 degrees. What was the temperature after 5.5 hours?


Answer: The temperature was -21.75 after 5.5 hours passed.

Step-by-step explanation:

-2.5 starting degrees,

-3.5*5.5 = -19.25

-19.25 + the original -2.5 = -21.75

what is the equation of the line that is perpendicular to 2x+y=3 and whose y intercept is 4


The answer to the problem is

Connor and Pilar are in a rock-climbing club. They are climbing down
a canyon wall. Connor starts from a cliff that is 200 feet above the
canyon floor and climbs down at an average speed of 10 feet per
minute. Pilar climbs down the canyon wall as shown in the table.
Time (min)
Pilar's height (ft)
Initial value:
3. Interpret the rates of change and initial values of the linear functions in
terms of the situations that they model. Compare the results and what
they mean.
Rate of change:
234 226 218
Initial value:
Rate of change:


The equation of line for Pilar's rock climbing is given by y = -8x + 242 and the slope of the equation is m = -8

Connor's equation of line is y = -10x + 200 and slope m = -10

What is an Equation of a line?

The equation of a line is expressed as y = mx + b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept

And y - y₁ = m ( x - x₁ )

y = y-coordinate of second point

y₁ = y-coordinate of point one

m = slope

x = x-coordinate of second point

x₁ = x-coordinate of point one

The slope m = ( y₂ - y₁ ) / ( x₂ - x₁ )

Given data ,

Let the equation of line be represented as A

Now , the value of A is

Let the values of x be set x = { 1 , 2 , 3 }

Let the values of y be set y = { 234 , 226 , 218 }

Now , the equation of line for Connor's rock climbing is given by the formula y - y₁ = m ( x - x₁ )

And , the rate of change is given by the slope of the line

Slope m = ( y₂ - y₁ ) / ( x₂ - x₁ )

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

Slope m = ( 234 - 226 ) / ( 1 - 2 )

Slope m = -8

So , the rate of change is m = -8 feet per minute

Now , the equation of line for Pilar's rock climbing is

y - y₁ = m ( x - x₁ )

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

y - 234 = -8 ( x - 1 )

y - 234 = -8x + 8

Adding 234 on both sides of the equation , we get

y = -8x + 242

So , the equation of line is y = -8x + 242

Now , when initial value , x = 0

y = -8 ( 0 ) + 242

y = 242 feet

Now , Connor's rock climbing is 10 feet per minute descending down

So , the slope Connor's equation is m = -10

And , the equation of line is y = -10x + 200

Hence ,

The equation of line for Pilar's rock climbing is given by y = -8x + 242

The equation of line for Connor's rock climbing is y = -10x + 200

To learn more about equation of line click :



Help !! Pls :3:’dnmdnsnms


The congruent reason for the triangles is (b) HL theorem

How to determine the congruent statement?

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

Triangles = FGH and JHK

The SSS similarity theorem implies that the corresponding sides of the two triangles in question are not just similar, but they are also congruent

From the question, we can see that the following corresponding sides on the triangles:

Sides GH and HK

Sides FH and JK

These parameters are given in reasons (2) and (3) and it implies that these sides are congruent sides

For the triangle to be congruent by SSS, the following sides must also be congruent

GH must be congruent to HK

The above statement is true because point H is the midpoint of line GK

This is indicated in reason (2)

Hence, the congruent statement is SSS.

However, we can also make use of the HL theorem in (B)

Read more about congruent triangles at



yaqub has a bag of green and yellow pins.
3/7 of the pins are green
He picks out a green pin from his bag and gives it to his sister
2/5 of the remaining pins in his bag are green
how many of the remaining pins in his bag are green and how many are yellow?


Answer: Using proportions, it is found that of the remaining pins, 14 pins are green and 21 pins are yellow.

A proportion is a fraction of a total amount, and then operations such as multiplication are applied to find the equivalent amounts relative to the proportion.

In this problem, we have that:

3/7 of the x pins are green.

4/7 of the x pins are yellow.

With one less pin, 2/5 are green and 3/5 are yellow, hence:

3/7x - 1 = 2/5x.

Isolating for x and applying the least common multiple, we have that:

x = 35.

He has 35 pins remaining, hence:

2/5 x 35 = 14 pins are green.

3/5 x 35 = 21 pins are yellow.

What is the missing information?

The complete problem is:

Yaqub has a bag only containing green and yellow pins. 3/7 of the pins are green. He picks out a green pin from his bag and gives it to his sister.

2/5 of the remaining pins in his bag are green.

How many of the remaining pins in his bag are green and how many are yellow?

More can be learned about proportions at brainly.com/question/24372153

Step-by-step explanation:

Harley goes caroling with a group from FBC. Gavin goes caroling with a group from a different church. If Keely’s group goes to every 6th house and Gavin’s group goes to every 8th house, at which house will both groups meet to sing a duet? (the first time)


At the 24th House, they will first meet.

How to find the least common multiple ?

List the multiples to determine the LCM.

List the initial range of each number's multiples.

Search for multiples that appear on both lists. Write out additional multiples for each number if there aren't any common multiples in the lists.

Find the least quantity that appears on both lists.

The LCM is this number.

According to the given information

Each sixth residence is visited by one group.

The second group visits every eighth house.


We need to find the house number where both the groups will meet

For that

We must determine the LCM of 6 and 8.

LCM(6) = LCM(8) = 3*2*4 = 24.

At the 24th House, they will first meet.

To know more about LCM



Choose true or false.

There is more than one way to find a job.





Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Can you please help me solve this #2


 is that algebra?

If not it   is  [tex]2 < 2x < 6[/tex]

so 2 is smaller  Then then 2x with is most likely a decimal I could be a decimal are you working on decimals?

I can't give a great answer as i might mix thing up Also what grade are you in?

How do you solve these problems?


Answer: Just look at how far each point is from the x=-3 line and then count to the left of the line how far away it is on the same y-cord and that is the point.

so poin U is 2 away from the x=-3 line so stay at the y line of 4 and then count to the left of the line x=-3 two and you get the point at (-5,4)

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the missing reason?

2(x-7)= 3x+4
2x-14 = 3x+4
-X-14 = 4

(Distributive Property)
(Addition Property)
(Multiplication Property)

Addition Property
Transitive Property
Subtraction Property
Multiplication Property


The answer is subtraction property.

convert the ratio 4:15 into percentage​




Step-by-step explanation:


Percentages are values in terms of values divided by 100.


[tex] \frac{34}{100} = 34percent [/tex]


To solve this question, we have to make sure the denominator is 100.

4 : 15

[tex] = \frac{4}{15} \\ = \frac{4 \\ \times 10}{15 \times 10} \\ = \frac{40 \div 1.5}{150 \div 1.5} \\ = \frac{26.667}{100} [/tex]

Therefore the percentage is 26.7%. (3 Significant Figures)

Which describes a uniform probability model?
A selecting a ball from 3 yellow balls and 2 red balls
B selecting a day of the week using only the first letter of that days
C the number of heads and tails from flipping two coins
D an even or odd sum from rolling two dice



D an even or odd sum from rolling two dice

what is uniform probability with three examples?

Uniform probability is a type of probability distribution in which all outcomes have the same probability of occurring. This means that all outcomes have an equal chance of being selected, and no one outcome is more likely to occur than any other. For example, if you were to roll a die, each of the six outcomes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) would have an equal probability of occurring. Here are three examples of uniform probability:

1. Tossing a coin: When a coin is tossed, the probability of it landing on either heads or tails is 50%. This is because both outcomes have an equal chance of occurring, making it a uniform probability.

2. Rolling a dice: When a dice is rolled, the probability of it landing on any of the six numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) is equal, at 16.67%. This is because all outcomes have an equal chance of occurring, making it a uniform probability.

3. Drawing a card from a deck: When a card is drawn from a deck, the probability of it being any of the 52 cards (13 of each suit) is equal, at 1.92%. This is because all outcomes have an equal chance of occurring, making it a uniform probability.

To learn more about probability refer to:



Without graphing, find the slope of the line that goes through

(0, 5) and (8, 2)


The slope of the line that passes through (0, 5) and (8, 2) is -3/8

How to calculate the slope of the line?

From the question, the points are given as

(0, 5) and (8, 2)

Rewrite the above points properly

So, we have the following ordered pairs

(x, y) = (0, 5) and (8, 2)

The slope of the line is then calculated using the following slope equation

Slope = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)


(x, y) = (0, 5) and (8, 2)

Substitute the known values in the above equation

So, we have the following equation

Slope = (2 - 5)/(8 - 0)


Slope = -3/8

Hence, the slope of the line is -3/8

Read more about slope at



1945 men and 2849 women register to audition for a singing competition. The number of participants who are not successful in their auditions what’s five times the number of those who are successful. How many participants were successful


By solving a linear equation, it can be calculated that-

799 participants were successful

At first it is important to know about linear equation

Equation shows the equality between two algebraic expressions by connecting the two algebraic expressions by an equal to sign.

A one degree equation is known as linear equation.

Here, a linear equation needs to be solved.

Number of men = 1945

Number of women = 2849

Total number of participants = 1945 + 2849 = 4794

Let the number of participants who were successful be x

Number of men who were not successful = 5x

Total number of participants = 5x + x = 6x

By the problem,

The linear equation is

6x = 4794

x = [tex]\frac{4794}{6}[/tex]

x = 799

799 participants were successful

To learn more about linear equation, refer to the link-



It is estimated that a driver takes, on average, 1.5 seconds from seeing an obstacle to reacting by applying the brake or swerving.
How far will a car, traveling at 65 miles per hour, travel in feet before the driver reacts to an obstacle? Round answer to the ones place.


Can I get a Brainly pls

The area of the rectangle shown below is 24 square centimeters.
What is the area, in square centimeters, of the shaded triangle?


Due to the lack of information I cannot fully solve this question.
In order to find the area of a triangle use this formula:
Area = (1/2) * base * height

I hope this helps…

The ratio of three numbers 2:3:4. The greatest number is 10 more than the least number. What is the middle number?


The number in the middle is 15.

What is ratio?

A ratio is a way to show a relationship or compare two numbers of the same kind. We use ratios to compare things of the same type.

Given that, The ratio of three numbers 2:3:4. The greatest number is 10 more than the least number.

Let the numbers be 2x, 3x and 4x,

Since, the difference in greatest and smallest numbers is 10, then,

4x-2x = 10

2x = 10

x = 5

Therefore, the middle number is 3x5 = 15

Hence, The number in the middle is 15.

For more references on ratios, click;



If the half-life of an element is 67 yr and the initial quantity is 3 kg, write a function of the form Q(t) = Q0 e^-kt to model the quantity of the element left after years. Round k to 4 decimal places.

Would appreciate a step by step explanation, thank you.







λ=0.0103447761-> 0.0103

Final Amount=Aoe^-λ×t

Final Amount=A0e^-0.0103447761×t

You can put the time that you want to find how much of the material has been left after a certain amount of time

as an example

if t=143years

Final Amount=3×e^-0.0103447761×143

Final Amount=3×e^−1.479302982

Final Amount=0.6833892338

A0 is the amount of material that we have before it goes into radioactive decay

How many times does 4 goes into 16



divide 16 by 4, which equals 4


4 goes into 16 4 times

Step-by-step explanation:

4 x 4=16

Hope this helps!

The number of bacteria in a sample is increasing according to an exponential model. After 2 hours, the sample contained 200 bacteria; and after 6 hours, the sample contained 800 bacteria. Write an exponential growth model for the number of bacteria in the sample after x hours.


[tex]P(x)=100_{e}({4}/{ln4} )x[/tex]

what is bacteria?

Microbes known as bacteria have simpler cell structures than many other types of creatures. One DNA loop serves as their command centre and houses all of their genetic data. Instead of a nucleus, some bacteria contain an additional ring of genetic material called a plasmid. Genes that offer the bacterium a competitive edge over other bacteria are frequently found on the plasmid.

There are a few options for doing this. A set of equations may be used.

Use the equation P = a*bx, where x is the number of hours and P represents the population of bacteria.

A and B are two unknowns.

We will enter form points to solve (x, P)

A point equals (2, 200). (after 2 hours, the population is 200)

Consequently, a formula is 200 = [tex]a*b^{2}[/tex]

Second, there is (6, 800).

A second equation is thus 800 = [tex]a*b^{6}[/tex]

We'll repeat the equations in writing:

800 = [tex]a*b^{6}[/tex]

200 = [tex]a*b^{2}[/tex]

These two equations can be divided.

When we divide the equations, we obtain 800/200 = 4 on the left.

When we split on the right side,the equations, we get [tex]a*b6 / (a*b2) = b4[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]4 = b^{4}[/tex]

Solve for b:

b = [tex]\sqrt[4]{4}[/tex]

Next, solve for a, by plugging in b into the second equation

[tex]200 = a * (\sqrt[4]{4})^{2} = a * \sqrt{4} = a * 2[/tex]

Therefore, dividing both sides by 2, gives us that a = 100

Lastly, write out the equation with the known values of a and b.

[tex]P(x)=100_{e}({4}/{ln4} )x[/tex]

To know more about bacteria checkout https://brainly.com/question/8008968


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