The two main nucleic acids in living things include DNA and RNA. Which of the following images is a monomer of nucleic acids?



Answer 1
No pictures I can’t answer

Related Questions

What do all vectors and scalars have?

A. velocity
B. orientation
C. direction
D. magnitude



D. magnitude


Scalars are quantities that are fully described by their magnitude (size) only. For example, a temperature is fully described by saying "80 degrees Celsius." We do not need to include a direction.

A vector contains both magnitude and direction. Acceleration is fully described by including both speed and direction: "45 m/s, North."

Both scalars and vectors have magnitude.

1 point
The type of cellular transport shown in the image (to the right) is called






Exocytosis is when a bulk of molecules exit the cell. The arrows indicate that it is leaving the cell.


B. Exocytosis


Exocytosis is the process by which vesicles in the cytoplasm fuse with the cell membrane, releasing their contents into the cell's external environment. Cellular wastes are often disposed through this process.

What is the order of bases that will compliment this side of a DNA strand



A, T, T, G, C, G, T, C


A becomes a T

T becomes a A

C becomes a G

G becomes a C

Enter the correct 4 digit code (no spaces)


The hidden code in the puzzle is 4321.

How to solve the riddle?

The riddle in the picture has the objective of hiding the order of the numbers so that the reader finds the order. In this puzzle the reader must follow the line of each letter and find the order of the numbers to find the code.

Based on the above, it can be inferred that:

The letter A line leads to the number 4.The letter B line leads to the number 3.The letter C line leads to the number 2.The letter D line leads to the number 1.

So the complete code would be:


Learn more about riddles in:


It's actually 3214


The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully
expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution




The process is called natural selection and was first explored by Charles Darwin in the 19th century.

NATURAL SELECTION is the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. This concept was first developed by Darwin (both statements are TRUE).

Darwin referred to evolution as the process of 'descent with modification'.

The main mechanism by which organisms evolve to adapt to their environments is natural selection.

The theory of evolution by natural selection was developed by Darwin and it is now widely accepted as the main cause of evolution.

According to Darwin, species change (evolve) over time, thereby giving rise to new species that share a common ancestor.

In conclusion, NATURAL SELECTION is the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of evolution by natural selection was first developed by Darwin (both statements are TRUE).

Learn more in:

Limiting nutrients often...





I think it’s A maybe

Why is it important for gametes to go through meiosis


Answer: Because Meiosis only occurs in reproductive cells, as the goal is to create haploid gametes that will be used in fertilization. Meiosis is important to, but not the same as, sexual reproduction. Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction to occ Meiosis is important because it ensures that all organisms produced via sexual reproduction contain the correct number of chromosomes. Meiosis also produces genetic variation by way of the process of recombination.ur, as it results in the formation of gametes (sperm and eggs). Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


What is the effect of inputting stem cells instead of body cells into the original system?



Stem cell research indicates that s.cells are cells that are not fully developed; in turn if researchers inject a patient with type 1 diabetes into the pancreas the result is that the pancreas produces it's own insulin eliminating the chances of spikes in the blood sugars of the patient & also long term effects of high blood sugars that effect all vital organs & nervous system.

Researchers were also using stem cells to limbs that were amputated or damaged resulting in the limb regenerating itself.

I have seen a mouse that had a human ear attached to its body.

Researchers were ordered by our government to cease the experiments because pharmaceutical companies were making more $$ on medicines to supposedly help diabetics or veterans to live a normal life..

You will measure and compare the heart rates of ten learners before and after
exercise. Choose ten learners in class who are willing to participate in this activity
They are the runners. Each of these runners must choose a classmate who will
measure his or her pulse rate.
Write down the question you are trying to answer in this investigation.
1.Write a hypothesis about the relationship between exercise and heart rate.​



Exercise is responsible for the increasing heart beat.


Exercise is responsible for the increasing heart beat because our body needs oxygen more faster during exercise. When we exercise our body needs quick energy and oxygen which can be provided by heart as well as the heart also removes carbondioxide which is produces during respiration process so the heart beat increases in order to provide energy and oxygen to the muscles.

Please help if you answer correctly i will give brainliest



1) Chicken: Codominance

2) Zebra: Independent assortment

3) Flowers: Incomplete dominance

4) Dalmatian: Law of segregation


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files

What is the name for the 3 letter code on tRNA?




anticodon – a sequence of three nucleotides on a tRNA molecule that bond to a complementary sequence on an mRNA molecule. The anticodon sequence determines the amino acid that the tRNA carries.


Which would best explain why the production of transgenic plants may be harmful?
A. They are used in the production of rare medicines
B. They contain vital nutrients
C. They reproduce rapidly
D. They produce natural insecticides which could kill beneficial insects



The answer would be the last one

(50 Points)
Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs
Match the nitrogenous base of DNA with its complement
See below



surfaces curving inward, so it makes parallel light rays curve outward or diverge. That's why concave lenses are sometimes called diverging lenses. ... The distance from the center of the lens to the focal point is, again, the focal length of the lens.


Are the insulin and hemoglobin genes found in each of our cells?







1. What is the contour interval on this map?



100 is the contour interval of this map

which birth control method involves the cutting of sperm tubes or the oviduct?


the surgical method carried out in males is called ( Vasectomy) = cutting of sperm tube

in female it is ( tubectomy)

cutting of oviduct

what type of organisms are included in protista​



Hey mate !! Answer :- The organism included in kingdom protista are :-  1) Amoeba  2) Algae 3)paramoecium 4)Eugulena etc .  Common character among them is :-  They are unicelluar organisms.  


why did the scientific use a two-dimensional model instead of of another type of model.



Sometimes, a diagram or image isn't enough. We need to test some things out in three dimensions. There are two main types of three-dimensional models, or models that have length, depth, and breadth, structural models and model organisms.


hope this helps

Giving Brainliets if correct! This is important T^T

Theo made a list of items he saw.
Orchid, water, air, fan, grass, fish
Which statement is correct about the items in the list?

A.Fish, water, and air are created from nonliving matter.
B.The basic functional unit of water, air, and fan is the cell.
C.Orchid, grass, and fish are created from nonliving matter.
D.The basic functional unit of orchid, grass, and fish is the cell.


D. All of these are living organisms therefor have cells.

In humans, as well as in many other animals and some plants, the sex of the individual is determined by sex chromosomes.
The sex chromosomes are one pair of non-homologous chromosomes. XX represents a female, while XY represents a male
When a gene for a specific trait is attached to the X or Y chromosome, we say it is sex-Linked, and when it is attached to the X
chromosome, we say it is X-linked. Alleles for these linked traits, such as hemophilia on color blindness, crosses, may be
recessive or dominant
This is one possible cross (above) for the X-linked condition known as hemophilia. Which pair of parents is most likely to have a
hemophiliac daughter?
carrier mother and unaffected father
carrer mother and hemophiliac father
opac mother and a carrier father



Tbh i have that question too


The founder of modern evolutionary theory is considered to be--


Answer: Charles Darwin


Which of the following is a vector quantity?
A. distance of 25 km along Highway 66
B. a difference of 6°C between Point A and point B
C. an increase in a mass of 14 kg
D. a velocity of 2 m/s Northwest


C is the correct answer I think

What is potential energy?

Read comment at the bottom


It’s stored energy yk you could of just looked it up

Why does sodium and potassium ions need a protein pump to pass through the cell membrane?
A. The ions have a charge and cannot pass directly through the cell membrane.
B. The ions are moving against the concentration gradient.
C. Energy is needed to move the ions.
D. All of the above.


I believe it is D
I’m not sure
Sorry if it is wrong

Cell membrane have been the selective membrane that allows transportation. Sodium and potassium ions need a protein pump as they are charged particles that move against the gradient and need energy. Thus, option D is correct.

What is active transport?

Active transport has been the way to move ions and molecules inside and outside the cell membrane. This system of transportation requires energy as the ions move from low concentration regions to the region of the higher electrochemical area.

The sodium and potassium pump needs proteins and energy to move the ions as the inside of the cell is rich in potassium and the exterior is rich in sodium ions. The charged ions moving against the concentration cannot enter the cell without energy and protein pumps.

Therefore, option D. all of the above statements are correct.

Learn more about active transport, here:


According to Chargoff rule, if a sample of DNA is 32% Adenine, what is the percentage of Guanine?​





Chargaff's rule states that A = T and C = G

The equation for this must be A + C = T + G

A and T should both be .32 since they're equal

--> .32 + C = .32 + G

Both sides must equal each other by .50

.50 - .32 = .18

.18 × 100 = 18% Guanine and also 18% Cytosine

If you have a cube-shaped with 6 sides and each sides 4 cm in length and width what will be the Surface area? Volume? Ratio of surface area to volume?



The surface area will be 96 square centimeters(96cm^2), and the volume will be 64 cubic centimeters(64cm^3). The ratio is 3:2.


To find surface area, you find the area of one side of the cube, which is length x width. For a cube, the length and width are the same, so it was 4x4, which gives you 16, and then you multiply that by the number of sides, 6, to get 96.

To find volume, you multiply length x width x height, which are all 4cm for the cube.

To find the ratio, you compare the surface area to the volume similar to a fraction, except side by side. I simplified 96 and 64 by dividing them by 8, which gave me 12:8, and then I simplified that by 3 which gave me 3:2.

Hope this helps!

Help with this plz.



just bro easy aquatic answer


hope it helps .

copy and paste .

mark as brainlest.


i'd say it's camouflage...?

A flood is an example of a ________ because it usually affects all populations in the same way



density-independent limiting factor


thats the answer

Answer: density-independent limiting factor


thats the answer trust  me

justify that fluorine cannot exist monoatomic from nature​



Due to incomplete outermost shell.


Fluorine cannot exist monoatomic in nature​ because of its incomplete outermost shell. This incomplete outermost shell makes Fluorine more reactive and it can only be stable if it makes bond with other atoms through sharing of electron i. e. covalent bond or by complete transfer of electron i. e. ionic bond. This bond making completes its outermost shell and the Fluorine attain stability so that's why the Fluorine cannot exists in monoatomic in nature.

Translation or protien synthesis is a

a) One step process
b) Multi-step process
c) reversible process



Multi-step process

Because it can be done twice or more

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