the client is fearful of further harm from unwanted visitors. which safety intervention will the nurse implement to prevent client and client and staff injury?


Answer 1

Trauma informed care (TIC) Counselors should be ready to assist clients who are receiving behavioral health treatment who have histories of trauma because many of them might do so.

The goal of trauma-informed care (TIC) is to identify people who have experienced trauma and who are now experiencing signs of traumatic stress while also making a significant effort to create a safe environment in which they may process their experiences and decide what to do next.

First-step strategy: Explain to clients when and how to perform grounding exercises when they feel threatened or overburdened.

Refer for more cases on Trauma informed care here:


Related Questions

while assessing the progress of the labor, the nurse explains that the fetal heart rate variability is moderate. which explanation is best to use with the parents?


While assessing the progress of the labor, the nurse explains that the fetal heart rate variability is moderate. FHR fluctuates from 6 to 25 beats per minute.

Fetal heart price monitoring measures the heart price and rhythm of your infant (fetus). This we could your healthcare provider see how your toddler is doing.

However, did you understand that your baby's heartbeat definitely starts for the duration of your 2d month of being pregnant  all through your 2d month, your infant's coronary heart is now beating 80 instances a minute. Your little one's heart has already started to absolutely shape, and by way of now may have four hollow chambers.

Care issuer may do fetal coronary heart mon Fetal coronary heart tracking allows your physician get a sense of ways the child is doing. It facilitates the doctor recognize if there is a hassle that desires to be fixed. And it allows the medical doctor keep song of your toddler's heart charge at some stage in labour and delivery. observe-up care is a key a part of your treatment and safety.

Learn more about Fetal heart here:


the student nurse asks whether there are any precautions to observe when giving digoxin to an infant. what medication safety precautions should be observed when giving this medication?


The student nurse asks about the precautions to observe when giving digoxin to an infant. When giving this medication, the precautions should be observed are:

The apical pulse should be taken for one full minute before administration.Hold the drug if HR is less than 90 in infants.Double-check the dose before administering (1 ml or less for the infant).Monitor for s/s of digoxin toxicity.

What is digoxin?

Digoxin is a drug used to treat irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation. This medicine works by reducing the heart's strain to slow the heart rate.

Learn more about digoxin here


Suppose that your pressure gauge for determining the blood pressure of a patient measured absolute pressure p instead of gauge pressure. How would you write the normal value of systolic blood pressure, 120 mmhg, in such a case?.


Absolute blood pressure is given by the sum of atmopspheric pressure and systolic pressure for a 120mm Hg systolic pressure.

(760+ 120)mm Hg= 880 mm Hg

How does gauge pressure differ from absolute pressure?

The unit of gage pressure is pg, and it is related to absolute pressure as follows: pg = p - pa, where pa is the local atmospheric pressure. Example: A tire pressure gauge in a car measures 32.0 psi.

The most basic difference between the two is that absolute pressure uses absolute zero as its zero point, so although gauge pressure uses atmospheric pressure.

Therefore, Gauge pressure measurement is imprecise due to varying atmospheric pressure, whereas absolute pressure is always definite.

Learn more about Gauge pressure from the given link.


Critical thinking and problem solving



Is this a question or a statement? Please clarify.


Which of the following statements is true? Challenging behavior:
Can affect the safety of the person you support and others
O Is normally meaningless
O is always a permanent feature of the person
Can be used as a good way to label or diagnose people


The second one! Just think about it.

a client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism has been prescribed propylthiouracil. after administering the drug, which assessment finding should the nurse prioritize?


Skin assessment. An antithyroid drug is called propylthiouracil. It functions by making the body's utilisation of iodine to produce thyroid hormone more difficult.

Thyroid hormone produced by the body before its use does not have its effects blocked. Only with a prescription from your doctor and the necessary medical care Propylthiouracil is this medication accessible.

Propylthiouracil is used to treat hyperthyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland generates excessive thyroid hormone, as well as Graves' disease. It may also be used by patients before getting their thyroid completely removed or undergoing radioactive iodine therapy if they have previously undergone treatment with other drugs that did not work adequately.

Side effects associated with the drug propylthiouracil include:

Angioedema nodosum, exfoliative dermatitis, eczema, open wounds, skin infection, baldness, Stevens-Johnson disorder, necrotizing necrolysis are all examples of dermatological conditions.Acute interstitial nephritis, acute kidney damage.Internal: nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, loss of taste, taste distortionNeurological symptoms include neuritis, headaches, paresthesia, fatigue, and vertigo.

Learn more about Propylthiouracil


a client is receiving a nitroglycerin transdermal patch daily. which assessment finding indicates that the practical nurse (pn) should withhold the next dose?


Blood pressure 90/60 mm Hg.

When nitroglycerin induces vasodilation and can result in hypotension, the dose should be held back and the patient should be informed of the situation.

While an elevated apical heart rate is not a reason to stop taking the medication.

Although they are an atypical finding, the transdermal patch does not need to be withheld if there are bilateral crackles in the bases of the lungs.

Redness at the last application site signals that it is time to rotate the spot where the drug was applied, not to stop.

Study more about the thermal patch at :


a child is diagnosed with tourette's disorder. the nurse would anticipate developing a plan of care for this disorder in conjunction with which other disorder?


The nurse would anticipate developing a plan of care for Tourette’s disorder in conjunction with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by uncontrollable repetitive movements or sounds (tics). You might, for example, blink frequently, shrug your shoulders, or make strange noises or inappropriate remarks.

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that can affect people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds due to a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted thoughts, desires, or images that cause extremely distressing feelings. Compulsions are actions taken in an attempt to end an obsession or alleviate distress.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is defined by recurring, unwanted thoughts or sensations (obsessions) or the urge to engage in certain repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

For more information on Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), visit :


a client with squamous cell carcinoma is receiving bleomycin. what is the priority assessment of the nurse when monitoring for side and adverse effects of bleomycin?


Pulmonary function studies, Cervical radiography, Echocardiography, and Electrocardiography is the main priority assessment of the nurse.

Which laboratory result should a nurse keep a careful eye on in a patient using antineoplastic medication?

Prior to the administration of this drug, the following parameters must be periodically checked: complete blood count, platelet count, serum calcium, cholesterol, and triglyceride level. During the course of the drug therapy, Options A, C, and D are not observed.

Bleomycin: Does it lead to acute leukemia?

"There is substantial evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of etoposide in combination with cisplatin and bleomycin," the International Agency for Research on Cancer stated in a qualitative risk assessment. Acute myeloid leukemia is brought on by the use of etoposide in conjunction with cisplatin and bleomycin [16].

To Know more about bleomycin visit:-


a high school student is planning to volunteer at the hospital after school, so she needs to have a mantoux test before beginning. what should the nurse tell the new volunteer?


A high school student must have a Mantoux test before volunteering at the hospital. The nurse should tell the new volunteer that: she will need to return in 2 to 3 days to have any reaction interpreted.

What is the Mantoux test?

The Mantoux tuberculin skin test, in short TST, is a method to determine whether someone is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. To do this test, the nurse should place an intradermal injection of 0.1 ml of PPD (purified protein derivative that contains 5 tuberculin units into the volar surface of the forearm. This injection will cause a hard area or swelling on the area injected. Hence, the student has to return in 2 to 3 days.

Learn more about the Mantoux test here


a nurse is administering a medication that is formulated as enteric-coated tablets. what is the rationale for not crushing or chewing enteric-coated tablets?


Never crush enteric-coated drugs since the coating has a function. It might cover up a bitter taste, stop mouth discomfort or tooth and oral mucosal stains, and stop stomach lining irritation.

Additionally, it protects the medicine from being destroyed by stomach acid. Enteric-coated pills should be taken whole. Enteric-coated pills shouldn't be crushed or chewed. This may cause further stomach distress. Extended-release pills or tablets should not be chewed or crushed.

After accepting a prescription, the nurse is in charge of administering the drug. The nurse must make careful to oversee any treatment that she does not personally administer to make sure that it is provided in the proper manner by those under her supervision.

Learn more about Enteric-coated  here;


which baseline measurement would the nurse obtain before administering pituitary hormones select all that apply


The nurse should measure baseline vital signs, review blood glucose levels, and measure weight and blood pressure before administering pituitary hormones

Growth hormone is the anterior pituitary hormone that is most frequently administered pharmacologically.

The nurse should remember to include the following in the assessment, history taking, and examination they are conducting:

For the purpose of avoiding negative consequences, look for any restrictions or warnings (such as a history of allergies, pregnancy, a serious illness after open heart surgery, etc.).

To establish baseline status before starting therapy and to check for any potential side effects, consider height, weight, thyroid function testing, glucose tolerance tests, and GH levels.

For more information on Pituitary hormones, visit :


Complete question:

which baseline measurement would the nurse obtain before administering pituitary hormones select all that apply

-Vital signs

-Baseline weight

-Blood glucose levels

-Blood pressure

the disorder used to describe type i diabetics who manipulate their body weight by skipping insulin injections or using less insulin than prescribed is called


The word "diabulimia," which was coined by the media, describes an eating problem in a person with diabetes, usually type I diabetes, in which the person deliberately limits insulin in an effort to reduce weight.

Since there is no distinct diagnostic code for diabulimia, the precise diagnosis of a person will depend on how they behave when they have an eating disorder. If a person binges and then restrict insulin, the diagnostic guideline, DSM-5, identifies this as a purging habit and may therefore label it as bulimia nervosa. If the patient is eating properly while restricting insulin, it may be classified as a purging disorder, or if the patient is severely limiting both food and insulin, it may be diagnosed as anorexia nervosa. Diagnoses for diabulimia include Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED).

learn more about diabetes here;


a nurse is assessing a client who is postpartum following a vacuum-assisted birth. for what finding should the nurse monitor to identify a cervical laceration?


The nurse assessing a client who is in postpartum following a vacuum-assisted birth should monitor slow trickle of  and a Vaginal  discharge firm fundus to identify a cervical laceration.

Vaginal discharge can have causes other than underlying disease. Menstruation, and certain hygienic methods such as bidets are examples.

A recognized cause of postpartum hemorrhage has been discovered as cervical laceration. Postpartum hemorrhage is excessive bleeding that occurs after a baby is born. With a cesarean birth, it is more probable. Although it might occur later, it often occurs after the placenta is delivered.

Postpartum hemorrhage can also result from:

tear in the cervix or vaginal tissues Blood clotting issues Blood vessel tear in the uterus Placenta issues

For more information on cervical laceration, visit :


a weight loss plan that may successfully lead to weight loss but does not consider the nutritional requirements and other health issues is (a) .


A weight loss plan that may successfully lead to weight loss but does not consider the nutritional requirements and other health issues is a fad diet.

Plans marketed as the finest and quickest way to lose weight are called fad diets. However, several of these diets call for skipping meals that include the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Some diets blame specific hormones for weight gain, implying that eating can alter the body's chemistry. These diets are frequently poorly or incorrectly researched.

Every fad diet has one thing in common: it suggests a short-term cure to a problem that, for many people, is a lifetime issue. When a diet is discontinued, the weight lost usually comes back rapidly. Fad diets aren't sustainable for the rest of your life since they don't emphasize lifestyle improvement, which is important to keep the weight off.

For more information on Fad diets, visit :


which is not a requirement to be accredited and able to perform a tuberculosis test on a cow in california


Receive authorization from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is not a requirement to be accredited and able to perform a tuberculosis test on a cow in California.

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease of cattle. It is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium bovis which might additionally infect and cause malady in several alternative mammals as well as humans, deer, goats, pigs, cats, dogs and badgers. In cattle, it's primarily a respiratory illness however clinical signs ar rare.

The American Veterinary Medical Association, supported in 1863, may be a not-for-profit association representing quite ninety nine,500 veterinarians within the US. The AVMA provides data resources, continued education opportunities, publications, and discounts on personal and skilled product, programs, and services.

To learn more about American Veterinary Medical Association here


research suggests 50% to 80% of individuals taking which type of medication experience some degree of sexual dysfunction?


People who consume Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) experience some degree of sexual dysfunction.

Antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are frequently prescribed.

They are frequently prescribed in conjunction with a talking therapy like cognitive behavioral therapy to treat depression, especially persistent or severe cases (CBT).

Because they often have less adverse effects than most other types of antidepressants, SSRIs are typically the first choice medication for depression.

To know more about sexual dysfunction:


3. A Medical Assistant's friend, who is a patient where she works, asks her to bring home some
antibiotics for her because she cannot afford to pay for them at the pharmacy. Is this a personal or
professional ethical conflict? Provide possible ways the Medical Assistant could reconcile this
conflict. What impact would this have?


Answer:This is a personal ethical conflict because not only would  The medical assistant may lose her his/her job but they can also be charged with a crime  the Medical Assistant could reconcile this by telling his/her friend that they would love to help but that is  against the law but he/she can go to the pharmacy and help the friend sign up



the content of the nclex-pn examination is divided into four patient needs categories. the safe and effective care environment category includes:


Advance medical directives fall under the Client Needs category of a safe, efficient healthcare environment. Client Needs category Health Promotion and Maintenance includes ageing process and NCLEX-PN.

The client needs category Psychosocial Health Integrity includes abuse and neglect. The Physiological Integrity subcategory of Client Needs includes the provision of medication. Health Promotion and Maintenance, Psychosocial Integrity, and Physiological Integrity are the four categories of client needs.

The minimum competencies needed to practise safely and effectively as a newly licenced practical/vocational nurse are measured by the NCLEX-PN exam. A testing organisation manages the NCLEX-PN exam. ADN Health programme entry eligibility is not granted by passing the NCLEX-PN. Information is tested on the NCLEX-RN exam according to its own test strategy.

Learn more about Health


the potassium wasting drug furosemide has been prescribed for a patient. which foods should the nurse recommend the patient consume while taking this medication?


Avoid eating too much salt when taking a diuretic like furosemide because doing so can prevent the medication from working. Eat less processed food and prepared meals as well as other items high in salt.

Furosemide is a strong loop diuretic which can cause hypotension. When cooking or eating, avoid adding additional salt. Strong diuretics like furosemide, also known as "water pills," can dehydrate people and mess with their electrolytes. It is crucial that you follow your doctor's instructions to furosemide.

Call your doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms:

reduced urination dry mouth, thirst, a pounding heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, confusion, muscle discomfort, or cramping.Whole grains in reasonable proportions.Fish. Poultry.Nuts.Vegetables.Fruits.dairy products with low fat.

Follow these guidelines carefully if your doctor advises you to eat or drink more potassium-rich foods (such as bananas, prunes, raisins, and orange juice) or to follow a low-salt or low-sodium diet.

Learn more about furosemide


a client with multiple myeloma reports severe paresthesia in the feet. when planning care for the client, which priority nursing diagnosis will the nurse choose?


Nurse will prioritize in preventing Risk for falls. Myeloma cells can occasionally create aberrant proteins that are nerve-toxic. A "pins and needles" feeling occur along with numbness and weakening in bone.

An instance of bone marrow malignancy is multiple myeloma, also called myeloma. The spongy tissue that is located in the centre of some bones and is known as bone marrow is where the body makes its blood cells.

The malignancy, which frequently affects the spine, skull, pelvis, and ribs, is known as multiple myeloma because it frequently spreads to various body parts. Side effects may not occur or might be vague, like loss of hunger, bone pain, and fever.

Learn more about myeloma


The question was incomplete. Check below the complete question.

A client with multiple myeloma reports severe paresthesia in the feet. When planning care for the client, which priority nursing diagnosis will the nurse choose?

a. Risk for falls

b. Impaired tissue integrity

c. Acute pain

d. Sensory-perception disturbance

part of the screening orthopedic component of the examination includes evaluating the person while he or she is:


Part of the screening orthopedic component of examination may include evaluating the person when he/she is:  duck walking four steps assesses hip, knee, and ankle range of motion, strength, and balance.

How is screening orthopedic component of the examination done?

The most important things to consider when conducting an orthopedic examination are symmetry of muscle, stature and joint movement.

Your first orthopedic appointment will mostly include a comprehensive medical history evaluation, X-rays or MRI and physical tests.

Common orthopedic tests are: bone densitometry, skeletal scintigraphy, discography, myelography and electromyography. These tests usually rely on proven technology like X-ray, MRI, ultrasound and computed tomography.

To know more about orthopedic examination, refer


when children have fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased perspiration, they are at risk for dehydration. multiple choice question. decreased increased


When children have a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased perspiration, they are at an increased risk for dehydration.

When you use or lose more fluid than you consume, your body becomes dehydrated because it lacks the water and other fluids it needs to function normally. Dehydration will occur if lost fluids are not replaced.

Dehydration can affect everyone, but it is perilous for small children and elderly people.

You lose fluid quickly when you're unwell with diarrhea or vomiting. Therefore, it's crucial to ingest as much fluid as you can. Water use needs to be prioritised. Depending on how much water is being lost, you will need to replace a certain amount.

For more information on Dehydration, visit :


when instructing a client regarding sublingual application, the nurse should inform the client that which action is contraindicated when administering the drug?


Swallowing the medication. The patient should refrain from ingesting or chewing the drug when it is given sublingually. Additionally prohibited during administration are eating and smoking.

Drugs in buccal or sublingual forms offer benefits. These methods of administration can be crucial in patients where you need the treatment to start working immediately, such a heart attack, because the medication absorbs swiftly. Additionally, because these medications do not pass through your digestive tract, patient liver is not involved in their metabolism. As a result, you might be able to use a lesser dosage and yet have the same effects.

Placing a medication beneath your tongue causes it to dissolve and enter your bloodstream through the tissue there. The fact that patient don't have to ingest the medication is another benefit. People who have trouble swallowing tablets may find it simpler to take medications that are absorbed beneath the tongue or in the space between the cheek and gum.

Learn more about medication


a nurse has been asked to provide an educational event for the families of clients of a nursing home. what would the nurse teach during this educational event?


The nurse would teach that People older than 75 years experience fewer consequences of traumatic brain injury during this educational event for the families of clients of a nursing home.

A severe blow or jolt to the head or body is the most common cause of traumatic brain damage. A gunshot or a fractured piece of the skull can also cause traumatic brain injury by passing through brain tissue.

Mild traumatic brain damage may have a temporary effect on your brain cells. A more severe traumatic brain injury may result in brain bleeding, tissue damage, bruises, and other physical harm. These wounds can cause long-term issues or even death.

The following suggestions can help older adults avoid falls in the home:

Install railings in the bathrooms. In the shower or bathtub, place a nonslip mat. Remove any area rugs. Install railings on both sides of the staircase. Increase interior lighting, particularly near stairs. Keep the floors and stairwells clean.

For more information on traumatic brain damage, visit :


a patient has been diagnosed with cellulitis on the right forearm. the nurse would anticipate orders to administer medications to eradicate which pathogen that caused the cellulitis?


A patient has been diagnosed with cellulitis on the right forearm and the nurse is anticipating orders to administer medication. The pathogen that causes cellulitis is called: staphylococcus aureus.

What is cellulitis?

Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection caused mainly by staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Cellulitis makes the infected skin swollen, inflamed, and painful. Some people may also experience fever and chills. The infected skin will feel warm and tender to the touch, but also look pitted like a peel of an orange. There are several ways to get rid of cellulitis, such as warm compress and compression or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Learn more about facial cellulitis here


a client diagnosed with tuberculosis (tb) is distressed over fatigue and the loss of physical stamina. what should the nurse tell the client?


As long as client can tolerate it, activity should be gradually increased. An infection condition known as tuberculosis affects the lungs and has the potential to spread to the lymph nodes and other organs.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which causes necrotic granulomas in the lung parenchyma, is the cause of it. Lung tissue inhibits the growth of these microorganisms by enclosing the infection in a tubercle. Most people with this disorder are asymptomatic until they are incapacitated as a result of another sickness that causes a weakened immune system.

The infection subsequently spreads through the lung lobes and into the lymph nodes, where it becomes systemic. In addition to a fever, weight loss, and malaise, clients present with a chronic productive cough, crackles (formerly known as rales), and bronchial breath sounds. Breathing is challenging for them due to exudates from their lungs and signs of extreme inflammation. Numerous additional tissues, including bone, can become infected and become destroyed as a result of the illness. Patients who have an infection that has spread to their connective tissues are in pain and have reduced mobility. Due to their inflammatory lung disease, patients with active tuberculosis episodes have a reduced capacity for endurance.

Learn more about infection


which is a common cause(s) of congenital obstructions in the lower urinary tract? select all that apply. meatal stenosis bladder tumors meningomyelocele spina bifida enlarged prostate


A common cause of congenital obstruction of the lower urinary tract is an enlarged prostate.

Congenital obstruction is a blockage that blocks the flow of urine along the urinary tract, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Urine is supposed to flow through the kidneys into the bladder, but if obstruction occurs, urine can back up into the kidneys (reflux).

The onset of congenital obstruction can be very rapid and acute, or slow and progressive. You will feel pain in the waist on one or both sides of the body. The level and location of the pain vary from person to person depending on the organs involved.

Fever, nausea, and vomiting are common symptoms of congenital obstruction. You may experience swelling or pain at the waist (location of the kidney) as urine flows back into the kidney.

Learn more about congenital obstruction at


when developing the teaching plan for a client who uses a walker, which principle should a nurse consider?


When developing the teaching plan for a client who uses a walker, principle which nurse should consider is that When most support is needed, the walker ought to be enraptured ahead about about (15 cm) whereas each legs support the client's weight.

The goal of a teaching plan is that the target you're attempting to achieve. It helps to produce the framework that you simply can use once developing your lesson objective. The lesson objective could be a clear and measurable statement that tells you what the scholars are ready to do at the top of the lesson.

A walker could be a walking aid that has four points of contact with the bottom. it always has 3 facets with the side nighest to the patient being open. It provides a wider base of support than a walking stick, thus it's used additional to stabilise patients with poor balance and quality or lower extremity impairment.

To learn more about Teaching plan here


After caring for a client on the first day of a two-day clinical, the student nurse was confident that the schedule for the second day would be exactly how their time together would be.


Answer:Its good to be confident about your job but being a student nurse can be kind of difficult sometimes because sometimes your patients may be happy to see you and the next day they don't want to see you at all so its always good to come prepared for anything and everything



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