atelyn was suspended from state university after a professor suspected her of cheating on an economics exam. the determination of whether the state government acted properly and gave her an opportunity to present her evidence at a fair and neutral hearing is an analysis of


Answer 1

Analyzing procedural due process entails determining whether the state government performed correctly and provided her with the opportunity to present her evidence at a fair and impartial hearing.

What does the government mean by procedural due process?

The term "procedural due process" refers to the constitutional provision that, when the federal government takes a decision that deprives a citizen of their right to life, liberty, or property, they must provide them with notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision by a third party.

Why is procedural due process offered in the first place?

It ensures the right to speak and other rights. First before government takes any action directly affecting a person's life, liberty, or property, procedural due process ensures that there has been a thorough and fair decision-making process.

Learn more about procedural due process:


Related Questions

ronald rice, cfa, is the investment manager for a trust established for selma ross's mother. ross selected rice after interviewing several potential managers. from time to time, ross calls rice and asks him to purchase or sell shares in specific firms. rice routinely complies with these requests without determining suitability for the trust. by doing so, rice has most likely:


Since Rice routinely complies with these requests without determining suitability for the trust. by doing so, rice has most likely option C not violated the Code and Standards because he has followed the client’s request.

How code of ethics are violated?

Other examples of ethical transgressions include the release of confidential information, bad working conditions, and prejudice. Even if they are unethical, situations like bribery, forgery, and theft often involve criminal conduct and are handled outside of the organization.

A code of ethics outlines the moral principles and best practices that an organization should adhere to in order to be honest, ethical, and professional. If an organization's members violate the code of ethics, there may be consequences, including firing.

Therefore, Infractions of the code could lead to legal and regulatory violations as well as, of course, harm to our reputation. For specific people, it might also entail disciplinary action or termination. Therefore, it is crucial that you understand and abide by the code.

Learn more about Code and Standards  from

See options below

A violated the Standard concerning loyalty, prudence, and care.

B violated the Standard concerning independence and objectivity.

C not violated the Code and Standards because he has followed the client’s request.

What is an advantage of magazine advertising?
The ads stay with the reader for a longer time as compared to a newspaper.
It is published on a daily basis, unlike TV.
It appeals to the masses, unlike social media.
is a cheaper medium of advertising as compared to most other forms.



i think it is A

Explanation: It is much more memorable then digital advertising

Assume the economy has entered a recession. Identify two fiscal and two monetary policy actions that could be used to alleviate the recession and explain how each policy would improve the economy.



Fiscal Policy Actions : tax rates and government spending.

Monetary Policy Actions : Lowering interest rates, increase the supply of money.


Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and tax policies to influence economic conditions. These include aggregate demand for goods and services, employment, inflation, and economic growth.

During a recession, the government may lower tax rates or increase spending to encourage demand and spur economic activity.

Fiscal policy is often contrasted with monetary policy, which is enacted by central bankers and not elected government officials.

Monetary policy is a set of actions to control a nation's overall money supply and achieve economic growth.

A central bank may revise the interest rates it charges to loan money to the nation's banks. As rates rise or fall, financial institutions adjust rates for their customers such as businesses or home buyers.

When the economy enters a recession, the two fiscal policy actions done by the economy are lower tax rates and more government expenditure, while the monetary actions are lower interest rates and increased money supply.

What is the recession?

A recession is defined as a period of lengthened weak or negative growth in real GDP, it is accompanied by a large increase in the unemployment rate. During a recession, many other indices of economic activity are similarly weak.

When the economy enters a recession, it implements two fiscal policies: lower tax rates and more government expenditure, as well as two monetary policies: lower interest rates and increased money supply.

In the aforementioned manner that high employment induces establishments to raise their prices, high unemployment originations them to lower their prices in order to move goods and services.

Therefore, the recession indicates declining in the economy.

Learn more about the recession, refer to:


evergreen corp. has two divisions, fern and bark. fern produces a widget that bark could use in the production of units that cost $184 in variable costs, plus the cost of the widget, to manufacture. fern's variable costs are $66 per widget, and fixed manufacturing costs are applied at a rate of $39 per widget. widgets sell on the open market for $111 each. evergreen's policy is that internal transfers will be made at variable cost. if bark purchases the widgets from fern, what will be the transfer price?


Transfer price = Full cost ×140%

=(66+39) ×140%


However widget is available in the market for $111, therefore Bark division will most probably purchase from outside.

A marketplace is an area in which customers and sellers can meet to facilitate the change or transaction of goods and offerings. Markets may be bodily like a retail outlet, or digital like an e-retailer. other examples consist of illegal markets, public sale markets, and financial markets.

In marketing, the time period marketplace refers to the organization of consumers or organizations this is interested in the product, has the resources to buy the product, and are accepted with the aid of law and different rules to gather the product.

Learn more about the market here:


the united auto workers is an example of a(n) union.craft industrial occupation and associational


The United Auto Workers is an example of an industrial union.  It is based in Detroit, Michigan, and it represents workers in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

The United Automobile Workers (UAW), officially known as the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, also known as the United Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (1941–62) and the United Automobile Workers of America (1935–41), is a North American industrial union for workers in the automotive and other vehicular industries. The Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) made attempts to organize workers in the automotive industry, which led to the formation of the United Automobile Workers. Representatives of the automotive industry refused to compromise up until the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) was passed in 1935. In retaliation, the rank-and-file organizers of the union planned "sit-down" strikes that were similar to those that had been successful in France.

Learn more about United Automobile Workers (UAW), here


if canace company with a break-even point at 960000 of sales has actual sales of 1200000 what is the margin of safety expressed in dollars and as a percentage of sales


Suppose a business with a break-even point of 960000 in sales actually makes 1200000 in sales. The margin of safety, which is 240,000 dollars and 20% of sales, is expressed in dollars.

What does "margin of safety" mean?

According to the investment idea known as the "margin of safety," a stock should only be bought when its market price is much lower than its underlying worth. In other terms, the margin of safety is the gap between the market price and your estimate of a security's inherent value.

The sales decline that can occur before the business reaches the break-even point (BEP) and loses money is known as the margin of safety. This computation also provides the number of sales a company has generated above its BEP. This is how the margin of safety is determined: Actual sales minus break-even sales is margin of safety.

In the given question:

Current sales - Break even point= margin of safety

1,200,000 - 960,000 = 240,000 margin of safety in dollars

[tex]\frac{current sales - break even point}{current sales}[/tex] X 100= margin of safety

[tex]\frac{1,200,000 - 960,000}{1,200,000}[/tex] X 100= margin of safety

margin of safety = [tex]\frac{240,000}{1,200,000}[/tex] = 0.2= 20%

Learn more about margin of safety:


what are three areas of a company's strategy that can be impacted by pressures for local responsiveness? choose all that apply.


Economies of scale, location economies, and learning effects are three areas of a company's strategy that can be impacted by pressures for local responsiveness.

What does a business strategy entail?

A company's overarching strategy is how it intends to run in accordance with its mission statement and accomplish both short- and long-term goals. There are several policies, methods, and procedures that make up this strategy.

Because it entails coordinating the operations of all the departments and divisions that make up the organization, a company's overall business strategy has numerous layers. While time-consuming, this type of strategic planning is necessary if each component of the firm is to complement the others.

To know more about business strategy, refer:


inc purchased a trademark for $450,000 on july 1, 2022. it is estimated that the trademark will be used for 10 years. how much should be charged to amortization expenses?


The amortization expense that must be charged is $45000

Intangible assets are considered fixed assets because they will generate benefits for the company for a long period of time. Examples of intangible assets include trademarks, goodwill, intellectual property right, etc.

It would not be appropriate to cost these assets as soon as they are purchased because they will benefit the company for many years to come. Instead, when purchased, intangible assets are capitalized and shown as non-current assets on the balance sheet. Costs are distributed among these assets over the course of their useful lives in order to comply with the matching principle.

The calculation for amortization expense is shown below.

[tex]Amortization \ expense \ = \ \dfrac{Purchase \ price}{Useful \ life} \\ Amortization \ expense \ = \ \dfrac{\$450,000}{10 \ years} \\ Amortization \ expense \ = \ \$45,000[/tex]

Learn more about amortization:


Wendell can sell five motor homes per week at a price of $22,000. If he lowers the price of motor homes to $20,000 per week he will sell six motor homes. What is the marginal revenue of the sixth motor home?.


At a cost of $22,000, Wendell may sell five motor homes each week. If he drops the price of motorhomes to $20,000 per week, he will sell six of them, with the sixth one earning a marginal revenue of $10,000.

Short-run analysis that simply takes into account incremental costs and income is done using the marginal analysis idea. The fixed expenses and non-incremental costs are disregarded in this study.

The increase in revenue that comes from selling one more unit of output is known as marginal revenue. Although marginal revenue can remain constant at a certain level of output, it will eventually start to decline as the output level rises due to the law of diminishing returns.

Total revenue for all n units less total revenue for all n-1 units is the marginal revenue for the nth unit of output.

Revenue = (20000 * 6) - (22000 * 5)

Therefore, Marginal Revenue = 120,000 - 110,000 = 10,000

Hence, the sixth unit's marginal revenue is $10000.

To learn more about Marginal Revenue, refer to this link:


harrison, the head of the design department, wants to share new logos with the marketing team in another city. which communication channel is best for harrison to use?


A webinar communication channel is best for Harrison to use.

Verbal exchange is all about getting records from one celebration to another. according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the conversation can be defined because the technique or act of replacing, expressing, or conveying information and thoughts thru writing, talking, and gesturing.

In our day-by-day lifestyles, communique allows us to build relationships by permitting us to percentage our experiences and needs and enables us to hook up with others. it's the essence of life, allowing us to express emotions, and bypass the records and percentage thoughts.

Learn more about communication here:


Kevin opened a savings account with texas national bank. His account has an apr of 1. 75% compounded quarterly. If kevin opens his account with $2500, how long will it take for the account to earn $7500?.


If Kevin opens a savings account where he deposits an amount of $2,500 at an APR of 1.75% compounded interest with quarterly compounding, it will take him sixty-two years and 11 months to earn $7,500 in interest, i.e., the balance will be $10,000.

Using the generalized formula of compounded annuity, and given values, the computation for the same can be done as shown below,

Amount = Principal (1 + r/n)^n^t

10000 = 2500 (1+0.0175/n)^n^4

n = 62.11.

So, it will take 62.11 years for Kevin to earn $7,500.

Learn more about quarterly compounding here:


when market leaders produce on a mass scale, new entrants: have a hard time competing. have lower switching costs. have higher switching costs. can easily compete.


The answer is (a). Market leaders who produce in large quantities make it difficult for new competitors to compete.

What is the role of a market leader?

A market leader is a business with the biggest market share in a certain sector, which it frequently uses to influence the market's competitive environment and future course. The largest market share or the largest proportion of total sales are often held by a market leader.

Why can't tiny businesses compete with big ones?

Small businesses are not price competitive. They are unable to successfully compete on pricing with their bigger competitors. As a result, in order to compete, they are compelled to distinguish themselves in other ways, such as through customer service or the caliber of the good or service. Their financial situation may become worse as a result.

Learn more about market leader:


What process checks technical issues during in prepress phase?
Some image files that Mark uploaded in the document are of incorrect resolution while some files are corrupt. These issues were checked by the _______ process.


Pre-flighting process checks technical issues during in prepress phase.

The required details about prepress phase is mentioned in below paragraph.

The processes and procedures that take place between the development of a print layout and the actual printing are referred to in the printing and publishing industries as pre-press. Making a printing plate, image carrier, or shape that is ready to be mounted on an offset printing press is a part of the pre-press method. After creating and sending the graphics file to print, the first stage of the prepress procedure starts. Pre-flighting is the process by which skilled and knowledgeable experts confirm that the file has all the components required for a successful print. Prepress responsibilities involve making printing plates, imposition, and proofing documents. Prepress is crucial since it ensures the accuracy and faultlessness of the final print result.

To learn about prepress phase visit here.


which type of insurance pays the larger expenses of a serious injury or long illness, including those covered by the hospital, surgical, and physician expense policies?


Health insurance is a type of insurance that pays for a policyholder's medical and surgical costs. It either pays the care provider for the covered person directly or reimburses the costs incurred as a result of illness or injury.

What is health insurance?

A health insurance policy is a legal agreement between an insurer and the insured. The insurance company receives a premium from the policyholder in exchange for covering the insured's medical costs, including those for hospitalization, daycare, post-, and pre-hospitalization, etc.

In addition, access to high-quality medical facilities and hospitalization fees can be financially challenging due to the escalating cost of medical bills. Therefore, having health insurance for you and your family can give you the extra security you require in situations like these.

To learn more about health insurance click on the given link:


How does the existence of the black market work against the intended purpose of rationing?.


The existence of the black market works against the intended purpose of rationing because it creates a way for people to get around the rationing system.

How does the existence of the black market work against the intended purpose of rationing?

The existence of the black market makes it easier for people to get the items they want, even if they are not supposed to have them. This can cause problems because it can lead to people hoarding items, which can then lead to shortages.

The existence of the black market works against the intended purpose of rationing because it creates a way for people to get around the rationing system. This means that people who are able to access the black market are able to get more of the scarce resources than they would be able to get through the rationing system. This can lead to resentment and conflict among those who are unable to access the black market.

Learn more about Marketing:


an employee can be dismissed if their job surplus to requirements' outline why this state ment is false


Hiring labour is different from buying other goods and services, and the contract between the employer and the employee is incomplete. It does not cover what the employer really cares about, which is how hard and well the employee works.

true or false: a systems integrator is a company that specializes in installing and supporting information systems.


A systems integrator is a company that specializes in installing and supporting information systems is a true statement.

What is Information?

Information is a general term for everything with the capacity to inform. Information is most fundamentally concerned with the interpretation of what may be sensed.

A systems integrator is a person or business that specializes in system integration, which is the discipline of combining component subsystems into a whole and ensuring that those subsystems work together. They also address issues with automation.

Therefore, The statement is true. A systems integrator is a company that specializes in installing and supporting information systems.

Learn more about Information, here;


You plan to open a retail sportswear store. you will hire several employees to help run the store. what types of journals do you need to keep for such a business? why? what kinds of bank, payroll, and tax records will you have to maintain? how could you use a computer to help you keep and manage your records?


Using computers to keep and control documents, documents and documents reduces the amount of bodily storage.

A organization wishes and additionally lets in managers to have easy access to their archives the usage of easy file search methods.

How do computer application help people to control thier work?

Computer Applications in Business Management

The key significance of a laptop in business administration is that it increases productivity. Employees are capable to use science to work faster and more efficiently. This helps businesses to meet milestones and deadlines greater quickly, which can decrease overhead expenses.

Learn more about managing records here:

which of the following stories would an american news outlet that relies primarily on advertising revenue be least likely to cover? group of answer choices an economics professor providing testimony to a congressional committee on the effect of tariffs a celebrity wedding an attack advertisement from a presidential candidate that accuses her opponent of racially insensitive remarks a sex scandal involving a high-ranking government official


The following stories would an American news outlet that relies primarily on advertising revenue be least likely to cover is an economics professor providing testimony to a congressional committee on the effect of tariffs.

The federal government established National Public Radio (NPR), a quasi-autonomous nonprofit media organization. NPR purports to strive for neutrality, but many media watchdogs believe the institution has a left-of-center tilt.

For the majority of Americans, social media tends to be a secondary news source to television, but for the young, it is often their primary news source.

To know more about News Media Outlet here


if the demand for a product increases proportionately faster than the increase in consumers' incomes, then the income elasticity of demand for the product is group of answer choices greater than zero. less than zero. equal to 1. zero.


The income elasticity of demand for the product is greater than zero.

What is income elasticity?

Income elasticity of demand is generally defined as the ratio of percentage change in quantity demanded by the consumer to the percentage change in the income.

If it's greater than zero or positive, then the goods can be classified under normal goods.

And if it less than zero or negative then the good classified under the inferior goods.

So from the question, it is clearly given that the demand for a product increases faster than the increase in consumer income.

So their income elasticity of demand will obviously be positive and good will classified under the normal goods.

and the answer is greater than zero.

Learn more about income elasticity


Which Facets Model of Effects is a value that the customer assigns to something after receiving information from their senses?


Perception facets model effect is a value that the customer assigns to something after receiving information from their senses

The organization, identification, and interpretation
of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or environment is referred to as perception. All perception involves the transmission of signals through the nervous system, which results from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system.

The act or ability to perceive; mental grasp of objects, qualities, etc. through the senses; awareness; comprehension.

Facet model effect- The Facets Model of Effects examines the various aspects of a consumer's reaction to a brand message to determine which strategies will capture their attention.

For more information on perception visit:

latosha was excited to sit down with her manager and discuss the results of her performance evaluation because she wanted to know how she could improve her performance. however, when she found out the evaluation just compared her performance to the performance of her co-workers, she felt it was unfair. which criterion for an effective performance


The criterion for  an effective performance measure that was ignored is  acceptability.

What is meant by effective performance measure?

The following characteristics of a successful performance measurement system should be present: It ought to be based on tasks that managers are in charge of or have influence on. It need to be quantifiable. It ought to be on time. Its application ought to be constant.

The most popular method of performance measurement is performance appraisals. An employee's job performance is evaluated through a regular, recurring procedure called a performance evaluation in reference to predetermined goals.

Latosha believed that her performance evaluation was unfair compared to that of her coworkers and was unable to accept the results. In order for her to accept the results of the evaluation, the manager must have been able to explain it to her in detail. Since this explanation is lacking, the effective performance measure's acceptability requirement is also absent.

Read more on performance evaluation here:



Which criterion for an effective performance measure was ignored?

Multiple Choice fit with strategy reliability acceptability specific feedback validity

What is the ""yield %"" which sometimes appears in stock listings? a. the % that the stock price has changed from the previous day. b. the % of the shares of stock owned by the largest shareholder. c. the % of shares of the stock owned by the board of directors. d. the % of the stock price offered as a dividend. please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


The proportion of the stock price that is given as a dividend.

Dividends are the regular payments made to shareholders from a company's profits.

The dividends are not known in advance and are linked to the company's profits.

The profit on the stock price is the yield.

A dividend is when a company gives its shareholders a portion of its profits.At the point when a company procures a benefit or excess, paying a piece of the benefit as a profit to shareholders is capable.Retained earnings are used to reinvest in the business any money that is not distributed.

How are dividends earned?

A company's regular profit-sharing payments to its investors are called dividends.The price per share as well as the timing and frequency of dividend payments are decided by a company's board of directors.During times when inflation is high, dividend stocks can provide a steady stream of income.

Learn more about dividend here:


firms in competitive industries: i. can only charge a price equal to the market price. ii. cannot charge any more than the market price. iii. will earn less profit if they charge less than the market price.


Firms in competitive industries:

i. can only charge a price equal to the market price.

ii. cannot charge any more than the market price.

iii. will earn less profit if they charge less than the market price.

What are competitive industries?

A competitive industry permits enterprises to enter and exit the market freely and has few entry barriers. For instance, given that anyone can choose to build a new pizza shop and that existing owners are free to close their doors whenever they like, the market for pizza restaurants in a particularly large city may be very competitive.

The topmost competitive industries in the US are:



swimming pool.



Toyota dealer.

Honda dealer.


Hence, the answer is all of the above mentioned options.

To learn more about competitive industries click on the given link:


scanning products in a staging area to make sure that the right items were gathered for shipment is a form of what management tool?


Scanning products in a staging area to make sure that the right items were gathered for shipment is a form of poke yoga management tool.

Management is the administration of an agency, whether it's miles a business, a non-earnings agency, or a central authority frame. it is the artwork and technology of dealing with assets of the business.

The control definition is a single or group of people who challenges and oversees someone or collective organization of humans in efforts to accomplish preferred dreams and objectives. furthermore, the definition of control consists of the capacity to plan, prepare, display and direct people.

Learn more about management here:

on december 1, watson enterprises signed a $25,000, 60-day, 6% note payable as replacement of an account payable with erikson company. what amount of interest expense is accrued at december 31 on the note? (use 360 days a year.)


The amount of interest expense accrued on December 31 on the note is $ 83.33.

The interest charge components, we get the interest fee, that's the percentage of the major amount, charged by using the lender or financial institution to the borrower for using its belongings or money for a specific term. The hobby charge method is interest price = (easy hobby × one hundred)/(important × Time).

Amount (A) is the whole money paid returned on the giving up of the time period for which it was borrowed. the entire amount formulation in the case of easy hobby can also be written as: A = P(1 + RT) right here, A = general amount after the given time period.

Interest is the charge you pay for borrowing cash from a lender. that means you won't simply pay again the money you borrowed. you may additionally pay a lower back an additional sum, that is the interest on the mortgage. creditors take distinct strategies to charge interest.

Interest expense accrued as on 31 December

= note payable amount × interest rate × 30/360

= $25000 × 4% × 30/360

= $ 83.33

Learn more about the amount of interest here:-


Which type of student loan does not accumulate interest while you are a full-time student?.


Student loan does not accumulate interest while you are a full-time student Subsidized Loans do now no longer accrue hobby whilst you're in college as a minimum half-time or throughout deferment periods. Unsubsidized Loans are loans for each undergraduate and graduate college students that aren't primarily based totally on economic need.

With a federal unsubsidized mortgage, you're liable for the hobby from the instant the mortgage cash is distributed into your account. There's no assist at the hobby; you are liable for the complete quantity.

Unlike a backed mortgage, you're liable for the hobby from the time the unsubsidized mortgage is distributed till it is paid in full. You can pick out to pay the hobby or permit it to accrue (accumulate) and be capitalized (that is, delivered to the foremost quantity of your mortgage).

Learn more about mortgage here:


social media represent a unique blending of technology and blank . multiple choice question. common beliefs social interaction marketing cultural ideals


Social media represents a unique blending of technology and social interaction. The correct answer would be option B.

The phrase 'social media' refers to a digital technology that makes it possible to share concepts, ideas and knowledge through online groups and networks. Social media is internet-based and allows users to share anything quickly, including movies, images, documents and personal information. Users interact with social media through web-based applications on a computer, tablet or smartphone. Asian nations like Indonesia top the list of social media users, despite the fact that social media is widely used in America and Europe.

Initiated as a tool to connect with friends and family, social media was eventually embraced by companies looking to reach out to customers through a well-liked new communication channel. The capacity to connect and share is what gives social media its power.

To know more about social media see:


suppose a taxpayer owns an office building. under u.s. tax law, in what category would this property be classified?


If a taxpayer owns an office building under U.S. tax law then it would come under Trade or Business Property.

Taxation in the United States :

The United States of America has federal, state, and local governments, with taxes levied at each level. Income, payroll, property, sales, capital gains, dividends, imports, estates, and gifts are all taxed, as are various fees.

In 2020, federal, state, and local governments collected 25.5% of GDP, falling short of the OECD average of 33.5%. In 2020, the United States had the OECD's seventh-lowest tax revenue-to-GDP ratio, with a higher ratio than Mexico, Colombia, Chile,

Labor income is taxed far more heavily than capital income. Diverse taxes and subsidies for various types of income and spending can also be considered indirect taxation of some activities over others. Individual spending on higher education, for example, can be said to be "taxed" at a high rate when compared to other types of personal expenditure that are formally recognized as investments.

To learn more on Taxation from the link:


pam's pet palace is considering an investment in dog grooming equipment that would increase cash receipts by $12,000 annually. the initial cost of the equipment is $50,000. the equipment has an estimated 10 year life and will have a $5,000 salvage value. using a discount rate of 8%, and the tables in the appendix, what is the net present value of this equipment?


Net present value of this equipment is $32,835

How is net present value calculated and defined?

The present value of all cash flows over the project's lifespan is used to calculate NPV. The investment's initial investment is then deducted from the present value of cash flows. The project will succeed if the difference is positive (greater than 0).

Is a greater NPV preferable?

A higher NPV is preferable to a lower one when comparing investments that are comparable. Because the NPV is expressed as a dollar amount and is likely to be higher the more you invest or the longer the investment, the size of the NPV is less important when comparing investments of different amounts or over different time periods.

$80,520 ($12,000) minus $2,315 ($5,000) = $82,835 minus $50,000 = $32,835

Learn more about Net present value here:


Other Questions
Using the following schedules, graph a supply and demand curve for hybrid vehicles. Label all the important parts of the graph, including the axes, the supply and demand curves, and the market equilibrium point. Now, suppose that the government puts a price ceiling on hybrid vehicles, declaring that standard-sized models can cost no more than $15,000. Using your graph, add in and label the price ceiling. What problem will eventually result from this governmental action? What is the market solution to the problem? Please explain. Solve the quadratic equation by factoring.2x^2+24x+22=0 I need help with homework question and please help with plotting the points on the graph please its highly important for the equation. I have the answer already I just need help plotting the dots on the line. Its two lines. One line has two points and the second line has two points as well and I already have the outcome but really I stress on placing the coordinates on the line If the students actually collected 145 mL of gas (.145L), what is the % yield for the experiment? Who was the audience for Ammianus Marcellinus writing Why do some people feel that the Tank Man was executed? aThere were many pictures taken of him. bMany other protesters were executed. cHis name was never revealed. dHe was immediately taken away by police. Indicate the concentration of each ion present in the solution formed by mixing the following15.0 mL of 0.304 M Na2SO4 and 34.6 mL of 0.200 M KCLNa+K+SO4^2-CL- Hi there I need some help help with this question. Lyndie is making reduced copies of a photo 25 centimeters in height. She sets the copy machine to an 80% size reduction. PART A Write a percent equation that represents the relationship of the height of the first copy to the height of the original photo. 38 3-3 Represent and Use the Percent Equation PART BLyndie wants to make another copy that will have a height of 17 cm. The copy machine settings increase or decrease in increments of 5%. Which photo should she make her copy from, the original or her first copy? Explain. This question is very complicated which is something we are barely learning. I hope you can help and I appreciate the help. Any pros to Kudzu in the environment? (Think of every possibility of its positive impact) Scenario: You are out shopping with your friend and their toddler. The toddler puts their mouth on the shopping cart. Explain to your friend how a contaminant could get from the shopping cart into their childs body to make them sick. Write a quadratic that represents the table . please Explain how you created your equation could you help me out 3. Last year in January Nugget Park employed 520 workers. At the end of theyear 195 employees were made redundant. What fraction of the workforcekept their jobs? Divide using the long division method.x^2+ 6x + 4/x + 5 I need help with this question please. Just ignore the wording below it Relative error as a percent rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent Three slices of cheese pizza and four slices of pepperoni pizza cost $12.50. Twoslices of cheese pizza and one slice of pepperoni pizza cost $5.00. What is the priceof one slice of pepperoni pizza? 6). A movie theater sold twenty-five tickets on Saturday and five tickets on Thursday. They soldhow many times as many tickets on Saturday as they sold on Thursday?