Divide using the long division method.x^2+ 6x + 4/x + 5

Divide Using The Long Division Method.x^2+ 6x + 4/x + 5


Answer 1




We want to divide the given polynomial by long division:


To do this, we have to divide each term in the numerator by the first term in the denominator and multiply by the second term.

This is repeated until the last term is divided. That is:

Since we cannot divide further, the remainder is written as a fraction of the divisor.

In other words, the solution to the division is:


Divide Using The Long Division Method.x^2+ 6x + 4/x + 5

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Let the following trigonometric equation:

[tex]2\sin (x)+\sqrt[]{3}=\text{ 0}[/tex]

Subtract the root of 3 from both sides of the equation:

[tex]2\sin (x)=-\sqrt[]{3}[/tex]

solve for sin(x):

[tex]\sin (x)=\text{ -}\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{2}[/tex]

Applying the trigonometric circle on the given interval, we obtain that the correct answer is:

[tex]x\text{ = }\frac{4\pi}{3}\text{ , x = }\frac{5\pi}{3}[/tex]

"The distributive Property"


Using the distributive property, the maximum number of players that can be in the NBA is; 450 players

How to use distributive property?

The distributive property is a property of algebra that states that you can distribute the contents of one parentheses into another to find an answer. For example;

a(b + c) = ab + ac

Now, we are told that there are 30 teams in the national basketball association and that each team has 12 healthy players plus three on injured reserve. Thus;

Number of players on each team = (12 + 3)

Now, for the 30 teams;

Total number of players for the teams = 30(12 + 3)

Applying distributive property, we have;

(30*12 + 30*3) = 450

Read more about distributive property at; https://brainly.com/question/2807928


Questionf(2)Find R(2) where f(2)g(2)x² – a- 2 - 3010x + 100and g(2)-22 – 5x + 6611x + 110(Simplify your answer.)Provide your answer below:



Given that,

To find,




Simplifing f(x) and g(x), we get


This is the simplified form of f(x).

For g(x) we get,



Now To find R(x), we get


we get,


Answer is:


is rational or irrational v2


The square root of 2 is irrational

Here, we want to check if the square root of 2 is rational or not

When we talk of rational numbers, we mean numbers that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers

Roots of non-perfect squares such as two are not rational. They are referred to as irrational numbers. The special name they are called is surd

the corporate team building event will cost $30 if it has 6 attendees. How many attendees can there be, at most, if the budget for the corporate team building event is $50? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.


Let the number of attendees be a.

ak=c , where k=constant of variation.




Find a when c=$50




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which is the best description of the data in the scatter plot


Types of correlation:

Based on the types of correlation, we can see that the best description of the data given is a positive correlation.

Answer: A positive correlation.

What is the multiplicity of each of the roots of this graph?2



What is the multiplicity of each of the roots of this graph?


Factorise f(x) by the options

(a) According to the option we have -3 is a root of so x+3 is a factor


(b) 1 is a root too so x - 1 is a factor


[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x^2+8x+6=2(x+3)(x+1) \\ f(x)=2(x+3)^2(x+1)(x-1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the correct answer = Option A

Plot the points (-3,4) and (4,4) on the coordinate plane below.What is the distance between these two points?


To find the distance between two points A and B you can use the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=\sqrt[]{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2} \\ \text{ Where A and B have the coordinates} \\ A(x_1,y_1) \\ B(x_2,y_2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, in this case, you have

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(-3,4) \\ B(4,4) \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} d=\sqrt[]{(4_{}-(-3))^2+(4-4)^2} \\ d=\sqrt[]{(4_{}+3)^2+(0)^2} \\ d=\sqrt[]{(7)^2} \\ d=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the distance between these points is 7 units.


triangle W quadrilateral hexagon pentagon 2 + please help me out with thisWhat is a name for this shapetrianglequadrilateralhexagonpentagon


To determine the name of the shape you have to count its sides.

If it has 3 sides is a triangle, if it has 4 sides is a quadrilateral, if it has 5 sides is a pentagon and if it has 6 sides is a hexagon,

The shape has 6 sides so it is a hexagon.

Write the standard form of the quadratic function f(x) whose graph has vertex (1,2) and passes through (2,4)


Step 1. We are given the vertex of the quadratic function:


And a point:


Required: Find the standard form of the quadratic equation.

Step 2. Since we know the vertex of the quadratic function we will start by using the vertex form of the quadratic function:


Where (h, k) is the vertex, in this case:

[tex]\begin{gathered} h=1 \\ k=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3. To use the previous equation


We will need to find the value of a. For that, we substitute the h and k values:


And as the values of x and y, we substitute the values of the given point (2,4) where x=2 and y=4


Solving for a:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4-2=a(1)^2 \\ 2=a(1) \\ 2=a \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4. Now that we know that the value of a is 2, we go back to our general equation:


Substitute the value of a, h, and k:


This is the equation in the vertex form, but we need it in standard form.

Step 5. The standard form of the quadratic function is:


To convert our equation into the standard form, first, we change y by f(x):

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=2(x-1)^{2}+2 \\ \downarrow \\ f(x)=2(x-1)^2+2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we use this formula for the binomial squared:


The result is:



[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=2x^2-4x+2+2 \\ \downarrow \\ \boxed{f\mleft(x\mright)=2x^2-4x+4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the standard form of the quadratic function.



how to write this on a number line1 plus x less than 5


We are given the following inequality


Let us first solve the inequality for x.

Subtract 1 from both sides of the inequality

[tex]\begin{gathered} -1+1+x<5-1 \\ x<4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the solution of the inequality is all the values of x less than 4

Now let us graph this solution on a number line.

Find the coordinates of the missing vertex of rectangle ABCD with A(-3, 3),B(5, 3), and D(-3, -1).O (5, -1)© (-11, 7)O (5,3)O (1, -1)



The given vertex of a rectangle ABCD are A=(-3,3), B=(5,3) and D=(-3,-1)

To find: Missing vertex, that means vertex C

The graph is as follows:

From the above graph, the coordinates of point C are (5,-1).

Hence, the required answer is (5,-1).

y= 4/3 x-1 graph the line the top to right is 10 8 6 4 2 and at the left to bottom is -10 -8 -6 -4 -2


the graph of this equation is:

Let us make part of the table corresponding to this graph

how would I graph 3x + 4y = -4



To graph a line you have to find two points on the line, one way of doing this is first setting x=0 and solving for y, as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3(0)+4y=-4, \\ 4y=-4, \\ y=-1. \end{gathered}[/tex]

With the above calculations, we got that the point (0,-1) is on the line.

Now, to find another point on the line we set y=0 and solve for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+4(0)=-4, \\ 3x=-4, \\ x=-\frac{4}{3}\text{.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

With the above calculations, we got that the point (-4/3,0) is on the line.

Once we have those points we draw the line that passes through those points.

The graph of the given equation is:

Which of the following choices are equivalent to the expression below? Check all that applyx^(3/8)


Answer: [tex]\begin{gathered} \text{\lparen}\sqrt[8]{x^3}\text{ \rparen \lparen option B\rparen} \\ \\ \text{\lparen}\sqrt[8]{x^\text{\rparen}^3}\text{ \lparen option D\rparen} \\ \\ (x^3)\placeholder{⬚}^{\frac{1}{8}}\text{ \lparen option F\rparen} \end{gathered}[/tex]




To find:

the equivalence of the given expression

[tex]\begin{gathered} We\text{ will apply exponent rule:} \\ x^{\frac{1}{b}}\text{ = }\sqrt[b]{x} \\ x^{\frac{a}{b}}\text{ = \lparen}\sqrt[b]{x})\placeholder{⬚}^a \\ \\ Applying\text{ same rule to the given expression:} \\ x^{\frac{3}{8}}\text{ = \lparen}\sqrt[8]{x})\placeholder{⬚}^3 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} (\sqrt[8]{x})\placeholder{⬚}^3\text{ can also be written as \lparen}\sqrt[8]{x^3}) \\ x^{\frac{3}{8}}=\text{ \lparen}\sqrt[8]{x^3}\text{ \rparen} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} from\text{ \lparen}\sqrt[8]{x})\placeholder{⬚}^3,\text{ }\sqrt[8]{x}\text{ = x}^{\frac{1}{8}} \\ \\ (\sqrt[8]{x})\placeholder{⬚}^3\text{ = \lparen x}^{\frac{1}{8}})\placeholder{⬚}^3 \\ =(\text{x}^3)\placeholder{⬚}^{\frac{1}{8}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Should Jenna buy the smart phone at top quality or big value? support your answer with a mathematical evidence. Assume that getting the lowest price is Jenna's only consideration.?


Let the price of the item be t as stated in the question.

This means if Top quality is selling them at 15% off the list price, then the new price can be represented as;


[tex]\begin{gathered} Price=t-discount \\ \text{Price}=t-(t\times0.15) \\ \text{Price}=t-0.15t---(1) \\ \text{The second expression that can be used to }represent\text{ the discounted price is;} \\ \text{Price}=(t-0.15t) \\ \text{Price}=0.85t---(2) \end{gathered}[/tex]


Equation 1 shows the original list price less the discounted amount (which is 15 percent times the list price, t). The result is the price now paid eventually

Equation 2 shows the percentage of the list price that would be paid by Jenna after deducting the discount, which means she would be paying 85 percent of the list price (that is 0.85)


A smartphone on sale at 1/4 off its list price, would also mean its being sold at a discount of 25%. One-quarters of 100 percent would be 25, hence the smartphone is at 25% off the list price.

However, where the phone is being sold at 75% of its list price means, the list price now has 25% taken off. That is, the price at Big Value is

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Price}=0.75t \\ \text{Discount=t-0.75t} \\ \text{Discount}=0.25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

That means the discount at Big value is 25% (or 0.25)

The discount at Top Quality is 25% (0.25 or 1/4)

Jenna can buy at either of the store. Since she is already at Top Quality, she can just go ahead and buy it right there

y=-x^2-4x-8Identify the vertex, the axis of symmetry, the maximum or minimum value, and the range of the parabola.


Here we have the following parabola:


To find the vertex, we could use the following formula:


Where a, b and c are the coefficients of the quadratic function:


As you can see, in this problem a = -1 , b = -4 and c = -8. Thus,


This is:


Then, the vertex of the parabola is (-2,-4)

The axis of symmetry of the parabola is the line x=-2. Since the vertex is situated at the coordinates (-2,-4), that means that the parabola is symmetrical around this line.

The vertex is maximum point of the parabola.

The range, is defined as all the values that the y-axis could take. If we notice, that is:


I'm going to upload a picture of the parabola:

Find the derivative of the trigonometric function using the Chain Rule.[tex]y = \cos \sqrt{x} [/tex]



1. Which of the following have the same domain and range? I. y = 2x - 1 II. y = -x + 2 x = 2 (A) I and III only (B) I and II only (C) II and III only (D) I, II and III


The I and II are linear function, so those have the same domain and the same range always. So the answer is B

-3x+5(x+2) find the equivalent



-3x + 5(x + 2) = 2x + 10


The way to find this equivalent is simply to solve the given expression.

-3x + 5(x + 2)

= -3x + 5x + 10

= 2x + 10

Hope this Helps!!!

Write each equation in slope intercept form. Then graph .






Recall, the general formula for slope - intercept form is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+c \\ m=slope \\ c=y-intercept \end{gathered}[/tex]

comparing the given equation with the standard slope intercept form formula;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+c \\ y=-\frac{5}{6}x+4 \\ m=-\frac{5}{6} \\ c=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the graph of the given equation is;

Hi I need help bad on this I have a report card Wednesday and my birthday is in 13 days



- 18/(- 6)

This can be written as

- 18/- 6

Recall, if a negative number divides a negative number, the result is positive. Thus, the answer is 3

please help I don't understand how to find the volume of the cylinder(please add an explanation).



From the image, we can see that the radius of the cylinder is given as


The height of the cylinder is 40ft. Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is

[tex]volume=\pi r^2h=3.14\times10^2\times40=12560[/tex]

Answer: 12560 cubic feet

I need the answer but i also need to check my answer after


we have the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7=\frac{x-8}{3} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

solving for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-8=7\cdot3 \\ x=21-8 \\ x=13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The local bike shop rents bikes for $18 plus $6per hour. Bill paid $36 to rent a bike. For howmany hours did he rent the bike for?


we have:

h = hour

the equation is

[tex]\begin{gathered} 18+6h=36 \\ 18+6h-18=36-18 \\ 6h=18 \\ \frac{6h}{6}=\frac{18}{6} \\ h=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

answer: 3 hours

please need a answer



ok you can ask

Step-by-step explanation:

don't forget to follow rate like

a garden table and a bench cost $613 combined. the garden table cost $87 less then the bench. what is the cost of the bench ?


the cost of the bench is 350


Step 1


x represents the cost of the garden table

y represents the cost of the bench


a)a garden table and a bench cost $613 combined.

[tex]x+y=613\rightarrow equation\text{ (1)}[/tex]

b)the garden table cost $87 less then the bench,( in other words, you have to add 87 to the price of the garden table to obtain the cost of the bech)

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+87=y\rightarrow Equation(2) \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

solve the equations

a)isolate x in equaiton (1) and replace in equation (2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y=613\rightarrow equation\text{ (1)} \\ \text{subtrac y in both sides} \\ x+y-y=613-y \\ x=613-y \end{gathered}[/tex]

now, replace in equation (2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+87=y\rightarrow Equation(2) \\ (613-y)+87=y\rightarrow Equation(2) \\ 700-y=y \\ \text{add y in both sides} \\ 700-y+y=y+y \\ 700=2y \\ \text{divide both sides by 2} \\ \frac{700}{2}=\frac{2y}{2} \\ 350=y \end{gathered}[/tex]

it means, the cost of the bench is 350

A hose for the hot tub at a rate of 3.61 gallons per minute. How many hours will it take to fill a 345 gallon hot tub?


We have a 345 gallon hot tub that fills at a rate of 3.61 gallons/min.

To calculate filling time, we need to divide as it follows:

[tex]t=\frac{345\text{gal}}{3.61\frac{\text{gal}}{\min }}[/tex]

in that way we can find how much time does it take in minutes


now, if we want to determine time in hours, we must divide by 60, because there are 60 min. in one hour.


Then, it would take approximately 1.59 hours to fill the hot tub.

Question 3 Olivia is making pancakes for breakfast. The recipe calls for 0.5 quart of milk and 2.5 cups of flour. She has quart of 3/8 quart of milk and 18/8 cups of flour. Olivia makes the recipe with the milk and flour she has. Explain her error. Hint: Convert all of them to either decimal or fraction so that you can compare the values. Challenge: How much more or less milk does Olivia need? How much more or less flour does Olivia need?



The recipe calls for 0.5 quart of milk and 2.5 cups of flour.

She has 3/8 quart of milk and 18/8 cups of flour.

To know the error she made, we have to find the ratio of milk to flour in the recipe and the ratio of milk to flour that she used and see if the ratios are the same.


Ratio of milk to flour is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.5\text{ : 2.5} \\ \Rightarrow\text{ 1 : 5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the ratio of milk to flour.


Ratio of milk and flour that she used is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3}{8}\text{ : }\frac{18}{8} \\ =>\text{ 3 : 18} \\ \Rightarrow\text{ 1 : 6} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can already see that the ratios are not the same.

By comparing the ratios, we see that she actually used more flour than she was supposed to.

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