
Answer 1

In the book, the youth of the main character is described in West Virginia's Appalachian Mountains. The setting of the book is Rylant's childhood in West Virginia.

Explain in detail.

The work also explores the idea of familial love, whether it be through the description of how her grandfather kisses the top of her head with his "dust-free lips" or the grandmother defending her home and grandkids from a black snake (and then takes a picture of them holding the dead snake).In her memoir When I Was Young in the Mountains, Cynthia Rylant recalls her youth in West Virginia's Appalachian Mountains with her grandparents. Rylant begins the novel by narrating how her grandfather, a coal miner, used to kiss her head after he returned home, but his lips were smeared in coal dust.

To learn more about Virginia here


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to what extent did american perceptions of democracy change and stay the same during the period of 1776 to 1880?


Politically, because Americans prefer democracy over monarchy, and socially, because the roles of several social groupings underwent subtle changes, the American Revolution radically altered America.

Because the Americans began producing their own goods instead of having to transport their raw materials to England. Americans began to reexamine politics, the economy, and society after the American Revolution because they were no longer subject to British rule. Even though they finally resorted to a more centralised government akin to that of Britain, Americans modified how they wanted to run their society after separating from what they saw to be a corrupt and terrible government. According to the elite, there wasn't much change among the ignorant masses, while some people were still inspired by the revolution's goals to look for better employment possibilities. As women gained more liberties, some slaves were freed, and loyalist fled America, there were significant changes in society for the three groups: women, slaves, and loyalist. Overall, America didn't see much economic change, but it did undergo political change to varied degrees.

To learn more about American Revolution  please click on below link


first government, congress could negotiate treaties and declare war, no executive branch


The Articles of Confederation created a national government composed of a Congress, which had the power to declare war, appoint military officers, sign treaties

A government is a system to govern a country or community. The Columbia Encyclopedia defines government as "a machine of social control below which the right to make laws, and the right to put into effect them, is vested in a specific institution in society".

Governments offer the parameters for normal conduct for residents, guard them against door interference, and often offer for their well-being and happiness. In the last few centuries, some economists and thinkers have recommended authorities control over some factors of the financial system.

Every kind of government rises to electricity and rules in a unique way. Research more about every form of government--monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism--how they arrive into electricity, and the way they rule.

Learn more about Government here:-


which bicycle did women primarily ride in the 1890s group of answer choices the high wheel the racing model safety bicycle none of the above


Option C. racing model is the correct answer, women's cycling were required to travel on foot, in carriages, or on horses before the invention of the bicycle, always under supervision and preferably with the utmost care and slowness.

Walking the streets was frowned upon by upper class women in the 19th century. Instead, they were expected to spend most of their time indoors or to leave the house only in approved public places and with chaperones.

Despite some criticism, the women performed better than expected when hustling bikes. The female riders were competing against one another and were quite focused on doing so. Despite the fact that many people watched the women's cycling competitions, some people believed that women shouldn't be interested in competition. When everything else was equal, women continued to be fierce competitors.

To learn more about women's cycling please click on below link


What is the largest change in the energy industry's emissions in oklahoma from 1995 to 2015?.


The largest change in the energy industry's emissions in Oklahoma from 1995 to 2015 is change in the emission of nitrogen oxides with 64.69% reduction.

How do we found the largest change in the energy industry's emissions?

The formula to find percentage change in emission is:

Percentage change = New amount - Initial amount/Initial amount ×100.To find change in carbon dioxide, we can use[tex]\frac{41,626,050-43,174,445}{43,174,445}*100=[/tex]  the result is -3.59%.And to find change in sulfur dioxide we can use, [tex]\frac{60,943-114,317}{114,317}*100=[/tex] the result is -46.69%.And to find change in nitrogen oxides we can use, [tex]\frac{29,381-83,201}{83,201}*100=[/tex] the result is -64,69%.Thus, the largest change in the energy industry's emissions in Oklahoma from 1995 to 2015 was nitrogen oxide emission with 64.69% .

Learn more about energy industry's emissions  here:


Although this civilization lacked a written language, they developed a method of keeping track of data. This method known as quipu, was a set of knotted strings using color and knots to define categories and numbers. which civilization developed this method of record keeping?


There was no written language among the Incas.

Quipu, their method of maintaining records, is distinctive in human history. With knotted strings, the Inca kept track of events. Quipu is the Quechua word for "knot" in the Inca tongue. While the Incas did not leave behind any written documents, they did leave behind colourful  knotted cords. Each of these objects was referred to as a khipu. We are aware that this complex system of cords functions as a tally system akin to the abacus. Different shades of twine represented different ideas. Each product would have its own hue in a communal warehouse where grain, potatoes, and other goods were kept. Subdivisions of the commodities were connected in a logical order by individual strands that were attached to a base thread.

Know more about the Incas at:


Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back about how far in South America:


It is accurate to say that public architecture in South America, such as pyramids, platforms, and plazas, dates back to at least 5,000 years ago.  

American history of public architecture:

The evolution of architecture can be traced back to various customs, geographical areas, overarching stylistic fads, and historical periods. It is believed that these traditions originated when humans met their most fundamental needs for safety and shelter.

For instance, platform mounds and plazas in the eastern United States have a 5000-year history yet are frequently seen through the prism of late prehistoric and early historical understandings of mound use. Technology advancements impacted architectural trends, especially in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.

To know more about architecture visit:


Which example describes a right protected by the Fifth Amendment?
A. A person cannot be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.
B. A person cannot be forced to confess to a crime.
C. A person cannot have his or her property taken by the government.
D. A person cannot be put on trial for the same crime twice.



All options, A to D


Write at least a 6-7 sentence paragraph to answer the prompt.

Prompt: In Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, identify and explain the life experiences the author uses to persuade readers slavery is not only bad for the slaves, but also the white slave owners.


One of Douglass's objectives in writing his autobiography was to show how in the connection between a master and a slave, both parties suffered, whether it was through spiritual corruption, bodily suffering, or both.

What did the author hope to achieve with the biography of Frederick Douglass?

Frederick Douglass primarily intended his autobiography to convince readers that slavery ought to be abolished. He discusses both his reactions to living as a slave and the physical realities that slaves face in order to accomplish his goal. That is to say, it is beyond question that both the slave and the slaveholder suffered a deadly, spirit-crushing consequence as a result of slavery.

The narrative by Douglass demonstrates how white slaveowners kept their slaves in the dark in order to maintain slavery. Many people thought that slavery was a natural order of affairs during the time Douglass was writing.

To learn more about Frederick Douglass, visit:


What is 1st July Ghana?


On July 1 of each year, Ghana celebrates their Republic Day. The day commemorates the year 1960, when Ghana became a self-governing nation.

Even though the country won its independence from the British in 1957, it wasn't until 1960 that it truly established itself as a sovereign republic. The day is also observed as Senior Citizens' Day to recognise their contribution to Ghana's history. Before colonisation, the sub-Saharan country of Ghana was home to the potent Ashanti empire in the Southern region of the country. Republic Day was previously a national holiday but was later declared a "commemorative holiday." Gold and other natural resources abound in Ghana, luring multiple colonial powers to its vicinity. Nevertheless, in the 15th century, the Portuguese became the first colonisers to set foot in Ghana.

learn more about ghana here:


What is the moral lesson of the story the bridge?


The lesson of "The Bridge" is that arrogance and obstinacy won't get you far and can have a detrimental impact on others around you.

Franz wrote a short story titled "The Bridge." Martin Secker in London released the first English adaptation by Willa and Edwin Moir in 1933. The narrative is presented in the first person. The bridge describes how it holds onto either end while spanning the gorge in the story. The building collapses when someone or something starts to exert pressure on it abruptly. It is mentioned in the final sentence that it is falling apart and hitting the rocks below.

The moral of the story is that it is perfectly acceptable to admit your error and provide forgiveness to one another. Kindness is a virtue. We should make an effort to maintain our relations rather than severe it over trivial disagreements.

To read more about Franz visit:


which statement best describes u.s.-soviet relations by the end of president reagan's second term? group of answer choices they had signed a series of arms reduction agreements. they had joined forces in an effort to cool down areas of conflict in asia, africa, and eastern europe. although no tangible agreements had been worked out, the two sides had finally begun to talk to each other. an uncompromising soviet union stared at an unbending united states.


The easiest way to define u.s.-soviet relations near the end of Presidents Reagan's reelection is to say that neither candidate was well recognised outside of his own state.

During Reagan's second term, U.S.-Soviet relations improved significantly, in part because Reagan toned down his anti - communist language and adopted a more upbeat stance toward the changes then occurring in the Soviet Union. Reagan and Gorbachev first met in Geneva in November 1985 to talk about reducing nuclear weapons.

Between 1981 and 1991, the relations between the US and the USSR underwent a tremendous shift. The threat of a nuclear conflict between the superpowers diminished during this time as the Cold War was promptly, largely peacefully, and on terms that favored the United States.

to know more about USSR , visit to: -


how did the relatively constant warfare of the seventeenth century affect the development of centralized states? how did it lead to resistance to monarchies?


By the 17th century, there was already a tradition and awareness of Europe: a reality stronger than that of a region bounded by sea, mountains, grassy plains, steppes, or deserts where Europe clearly ended and Asia began.

Otto von Bismarck would later perceive "that geographical expression" as having little bearing on national interests. Prior to the French Revolution and the rise of nationalism as a dividing ideology, Europe displayed a greater degree of cohesiveness than would have been apparent from the mosaic of its political surface over the two centuries preceding those events.

Diplomatic, judicial, and religious concerns arose in recognition of the distinct interests that Bismarck would label as "real," involving states in cooperative action and fostering the idea of a single Europe.

To know more about Diplomatic, click here:


Who put the white flags on the Brooklyn Bridge?


Mischa Leinkauf and Matthias Wermke

For the July 2014 stunt, in which they ascended the bridge at night and replaced the two American flags with hand-sewn star-spangled banners in pure white, Mischa Leinkauf and Matthias Wermke are still being prosecuted in the US.

For more questions like Brooklyn Bridge  visit the link below


The competing visions of reconstruction between president johnson and the radical republicans brought forth the nation’s first impeachment charges. place the following events in chronological order. note that not all options must be used.
a. Congress authorized the Tenure of Office Act in March 1867.
b. Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.
c. The House of Representatives initiated impeachment charges.


The chronological order of the events is Congress authorized Tenure of Office Act in March 1867, Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and the House of Representatives initiated the impeachment charges.

What is the House of Representatives?

The United States Chamber of Representatives, also referred to as the US House, the House, or just the House, is the lower house of the United States Congress, with the Senate acting as the upper house. All of them make up the bicameral national legislature of the United States. Each single-member congressional district has one representative, assuming that each state is entitled to at least one, and is assigned to a state based on its population as determined by the United States Census. Representatives from these districts make up the House of Representatives. There have been 435 voting representatives since 1913, in accordance with the 1911 Apportionment Act.

To learn more about House of Representatives, visit:


Congress passes a law which places a fee (tax) related to processing of new drivers’ licenses. Explain why the federal legislature is prevented from enacting this piece of legislation.


Answer:you can just do the multipicatin 10 to the power 8

Explanation: i multiplyed

Name 5 Major Generals of Japanese Army during WW2.


Answer: Makino Nobuaki (30 March 1925 – 26 February 1935)

Saitō Makoto (26 February 1935 – 26 February 1936)

Ichiki Kitokuro (6 March 1936 – 6 March 1936)

Yuasa Kurahei (6 March 1936 – 1 June 1940)

Kōichi Kido (1 June 1940 – 24 November 1945)

While the farmers in the New England colonies faced many obstacles, what was one advantage they had?

A) The land was already clear of obstructions.

B) The land was flat by the sea, which made it easier to farm.

C) The seeds from Europe grew well there.

D) The land had fertile soil.


Answer: D) The land had fertile soil

Explanation: The New England colonies had rich soil and a good climate for growing crops. As a result, they were able to produce more food than they could consume. As a result, they were able to export wheat and other grains to Europe.

The answer to this is D

The leader of a postclassical North African kingdom would like to ensure that his people continue to practice their traditional religion and never convert to Islam. Which of these actions would best help him achieve this goal?
A. Building up a gold reserve by trading salt
B. Sending representatives throughout Africa to study at universities
C. Establishing closer ties with the Kingdom of Mali
D. Cutting off trade with Arab merchants from the North.​


The best help him achieve this goal is cutting off trade with Arab merchants from the North.​ So, the correct option is (D).

What do you mean by the North African kingdom?

The Western Sahara, which is a disputed region between Morocco and the Sahrawi Republic, is also included in the United Nations definition, along with Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Sudan.

There are various monarchs in Africa, which are states, territories, or countries that are either practically or formally self-governing on the continent of Africa and where the person in charge of all decisions is regarded as the head of state.

Arab oral history holds that it was Muslim immigrants from the Arab peninsula who originally brought Islam to Africa. Following this, a military invasion led by Muslim Arab General Amr ibn al-Asi took place about seven years after the passing of the prophet Mohammed in 639.

Therefore, the best help him achieve this goal is cutting off trade with Arab merchants from the North.

To know more about the North African kingdom, visit:


What was Brooklyn named before?


Brooklyn was originally called Breuckelen.

A village known as Breuckelen was founded in 1645 close to the location of the current borough hall, possibly in honor of a Dutch town. The spelling fluctuated for more than a century before being decided as "Brooklyn." Brooklyn hosted the significant Battle of Long Island during the Revolutionary War. Walt Whitman, who would eventually become one of America's most well-known poets, served as the Brooklyn Daily Eagle's editor in 1846. Both Mae West, an actress, and Leonard Bernstein, a well-known conductor and composer, were born in Brooklyn. Brooklyn steadily acquired surrounding communities during the 19th century, including established towns like Williamsburg, until it covered the entirety of Kings County. It gave up its independence in 1898 and changed its status to a borough of New York.

To know more about Battle of Long Island see:


What are 3 special features of the Taj Mahal Why are they special?


Taj Mahal have so many special features It is considered to be the greatest architectural achievement in the whole range of Indo-Islamic architecture. It is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the south bank of the Yamuna river in the Indian city of Agra.

It is one of the seven wonders of the world and also a precious world heritage . Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan, in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, and was the best work ever produced by the Mughal architecture.This structure on the bank of the river Jamuna is constructed on a platform 6.5 metres high.

It is made of pure white marble with its special lustre and fine texture. The marble was obtained from Makrana in Rajasthan. The interior and the exterior of the main building are decorated with screens, calligraphy and inlay work.

This pattern is similar to the one followed in Humayun's tomb in Delhi.The Taj Mahal is a perfect symmetrical planned building, with an emphasis of bilateral symmetryIt is regarded by many as the best example of Mughal architecture and a symbol of India's rich history.

Learn more about Taj Mahal click the link here:


What significant developments of the Classical Period served as the basis for Renaissance accomplishments? give brainliest ​5 to 6 sentences


Answer Some major developments of the Renaissance include astronomy, humanist philosophy, the printing press, vernacular language in writing, painting and sculpture technique, world exploration, and, in the late Renaissance, Shakespeare's works.

Humanism was a significant idea of the classical period that contributed to the Renaissance.

describe what is autarky to nazi (history essay)


Autarky is a self-sufficiency feature that is commonly attributed to cultures, communities, governments, and their economic systems. The economic principle of self-sufficiency is known as autarky. To attain this goal in the 1930s, Germany's industrial output would have to shift dramatically.

What is the significance of autarky to the Nazis?

The justifications for an Autarky policy, as well as an overview of how Hitler envisioned it being implemented, may be found in this classified note prepared by Hitler in August 1936. It is also important to evaluate evidence concerning the German Labour Front's four-year plans and current operations, since they all connect to one another. All of this occurred in a civilization ruled by a cruel political dictatorship, capitalism. The fundamental upheaval brought about by German Fascism touched every institution in the economy.

To learn more about Autarky, click


What were some of the
major changes to the
Postwar US?



An economic slowdown followed the end of the war as government contracts were cancelled, military equipment surpluses, and the region returned to a peacetime economy.


hoped this helped:)

how did the fugitive slave act, as a part of the compromise of 1850, benefit u.s. territories?


The fugitive slave legislation imposed stiff fines on officials that failed to help enslaved people who had fled to freedom and return to their masters.

What countries are US territories?

The 16 U.S. territories were devastated by a hurricane last fall, yet most Americans are unaware of this. Sixteen? Yes, although you've probably only heard of the five that have permanent residents: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Islands, Hawaii, American Samoa, or the Northern Mariana Islands.

What are territories of a country?

By general, a territory is a geographical area that falls under the sovereignty, control, or jurisdiction of the a state or other entity for the purposes of international law. Territory encompasses nearby waterways and related airspace in addition to the land.

To know more about territories visit:


which of the following does not describe the war of 1812?
A: most of the capitol, Washington D.C., was burned
B: Southern troops refused to fight in northern states
C: battles were fought in the united states and canada
D: a battle at Fort McHenry inspired the national anthem


C: battles were fought in the us and canada

According to the slave codes, enslaved african americans could not testify in court against white people. Be taught a skill or a trade. Earn wages or build savings. Live in the same home as their enslavers.


Enslaved African-Americans were prohibited from testifying in court against white persons under the slave codes.

What was the primary motivation of slave codes?

There was a legitimate concern on the side of the white settlers that a violent insurrection may erupt in one's own neighborhood as African Americans became more and more numerous in the colonies. Each colony passed a number of regulations limiting slaves' behavior out of fear of revolt. Coloured codes, which were already present in the system of slavery, were enhanced by laws created by the enslavers to safeguard both the property and the property owner from the threat of slave violence. The Coloured codes of the middle of the 19th century had their roots in the slave codes.

To know more about slave codes, visit:



the answer is A


testify in court against white people.

First government we had before the U.S. Constitution, Congress could negotiate treaties and declare war, however no Executive Branch created is


U.S. charter, Congress could negotiate treaties and claim struggle, however, no government branch was created in the Articles of Confederation

The constitution grants Congress the sole strength to declare struggle. Congress declared warfare on 11 activities, such as its first declaration of war with outstanding Britain in 1812.

The charter offers Congress the sole authority to enact regulation and declare war, the proper to verify or reject many Presidential appointments, and considerable investigative powers.

learn more about Congress here


How did the space race effect the US?



It inspired us to push for better inventions and led to many scientific breakthroughs we still take advantage of today


in 1957, governor frank clement proposed what law allowing parents to choose racially segregated schools for their children?


in 1957, governor frank clement proposed law that allowing parents to choose racially segregated schools for their children is - "Parents Preference Law".

The parental preference Law is one that is applied in child custody disputes; it is based on the idea that custody should be given to a biological parent who is capable over a non-biological parent. By providing them first dibs on custody, this provision safeguards biological parents who are capable and willing to raise their children. This law was  proposed by governor frank.

For more info about 'governor frank' click on below link -


What was George Grenville’s opinion on taxing the colonies? He thought the colonies should not be taxed at all. He thought the colonies should decide their own taxes. He thought the colonies should profit from British taxes. He thought the colonies should be taxed to pay for their defense.


George Grenville’s opinion on taxing the colonies  He thought the colonies should decide their own taxes. The correct option is B.

Who was George Grenville and what did he do?

Politicians made up George Grenville's family. During a time of significant political unrest in the 1760s, he was appointed First Lord of the Treasury. He contributed to the start of the American War of Independence by imposing new taxes on the American colonies.

Instead of generating more money, the intention was to tax foreign trade at a level that would facilitate trade between Britain and her colonies. The ability of the colonists to avoid paying duties would decrease thanks to Grenville's proposed duties' increased revenue and strict enforcement.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about George Grenville here:


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