a chemical equation is a notation in which chemical formulas express the identities and their coefficients express the quantities of substances involved in a chemical reaction.


Answer 1

Chemical equation is a representation of a reaction that brings in chemical changeschanges. It is represented in word form and in symbols.

What is a chemical equation?

Chemical equations use symbols to represent factors such as the direction of a reaction and the physical states of the reacting entities. Chemical equations were first formulated by the French chemist Jean Beguin in 1615.Chemical reactions can be represented on paper using chemical equations, an example of which is shown below (for the reaction between hydrogen gas and oxygen gas to form water).In the above example, it can be observed that the reacting entities are written on the left-hand side, while the products that form from chemical reactions are written on the right-hand side of the chemical equation.

To know more about chemical equations, click the link given below:



Related Questions

What is the
units for 2NO₂


Answer: SI unit: joule); P is pressure

Explanation: i thinks this is right

One mole of carbon has a mass of 12 grams. One mole of sulfur has a mass of 32 grams. Why does one mole of each element not have the same mass?


Mole measure the number of elementary entities of a given substance that are present in a given sample. Therefore, one mole of each element not have the same mass as mole is directly proportional to the given mass.

What is mole?

The SI unit of amount of substance in chemistry is mole. The mole is used to measure the quantity or amount of substance. We know one mole of any element contains 6.022×10²³ atoms which is also called Avogadro number.


mole =given mass ÷ molar mass

For carbon                                                                            For sulfur

number of moles of carbon= 1                      number of moles of sulfur=1            

mass of 1 mole of carbon=12g                      mass of 1 mole of sulfur=32 gram

From calculation

Molar mass of carbon=12g/mol               Molar mass of sulfur=32g/mol

Therefore, one mole of each element not have the same mass as mole is directly proportional to the given mass.

To know more about mole, here:



suppose 0.086 mol of br2 is placed in a 1.26 l flask and heated to 1756 k, a temperature at which the halogen dissociates into atoms:


The halogen dissociates into atoms at 1756 K : the dissociation is 3.7 %. The value of Kc is 3.8 × 10⁻⁴.

the reaction is given as:

Br₂(g)  ⇄   2Br(g)

moles of Br₂ = 0.086 mol

volume = 1.26 L

concentration of [Br₂] = 0.086 / 1.26

                                     = 0.0682 M

                               Br₂(g)  ⇄   2Br(g)

initial                     0.0682             0

                               -x                 2x

eq.                     0.0682 - x        2x    

the dissociation = 3.7 %

x = 0.0682 × 0.037

x = 0.00252

the equilibrium constant Kc is given as :

Kc = [Br]² / [Br₂]

Kc = ( 2 × 0.00252 )² / ( 0.0682 - 0.00252  )

Kc = 3.8 × 10⁻⁴

Thus, suppose 0.086 mol of Br₂ is placed in a 1.26 l flask and heated to 1756 k, a temperature at which the halogen dissociates into atoms: the dissociation is 3.7 % .then the value of Kc is  3.8 × 10⁻⁴.

To learn more about temperature here



What process is being shown in this diagram?


The process shown in the given diagram is the dissolution process. Therefore, option (C) is correct.

What is the dissolution process?

When a solid solute will be added to a solvent, the solute particles will dissolve in the solvent and this process is called dissolution. Solute particles collide with each other in the solution and particles get separated out, this process is called crystallization.

A state of dynamic equilibrium can be established between these two processes and the number of solute molecules entering the solution becomes equal to the number of particles leaving.

No more solute can dissolve in the solvent at a given temperature is said to be a saturated solution as the solution consists of the maximum amount of solute. If more solute can be added to a solution is known as an unsaturated solution.

Learn more about dissolution, here:



Which statement is Wrong regarding retrograde motion?
A. Earth has retrograde motion observing from Mars
B. It is readily explained by Heliocentric model
C. Mars has retrograde motion observing from Earth
D. It is apparent motion of the planets in the opposite direction


When viewed from Mars, the Earth is moving backward. The Heliocentric model easily explains it. ОB. When seen from Earth, Mars is moving backward.

What's the right way to explain retrograde motion?

In astronomy, retrograde motion refers to a body's actual or apparent motion in the opposite direction from the majority of solar system objects or other astronomical systems having a favored direction of motion.

When Mars is retrograde, does it actually alter course?

Mars will pivot to journey westward instead of its customary eastward through the constellations when it enters retrograde motion. All of the outer planets of the solar system occasionally experience this orientation change, a few months before they come into opposition.

to know more about retrograde motion here:



Vibrations of the hydrogen molecule can be H2modeled as a simple harmonic oscillator with the spring constant k=1.13x10^3N/m and mass m=1.67x10^-27 kg (a) What is the vibrational frequency of this molecule? (b) What are the energy and the wavelength of the emitted photon when the molecule makes transition between its third and second excited states?


The vibrational frequency of this molecule is 8.23×10¹⁴.

The energy of the emitted photon is 0.542eV.

The wavelength is 2290 nm.

The vibrational angular frequency:

W= √k/m = 8.23×10¹⁴

B) Energy difference= hw

∆E = 0.542eV

C) Wavelength = 1240/0.542 = 2290 nm

What is Wavelength?

Wavelength is equally commensurable to frequence, which refers to the number of surge cycles per second. The advanced the frequency of the signal, the shorter the wavelength.  A sound surge is a disturbance pattern caused by the movement of energy through a medium, similar as air, water, or any other liquid or solid, as it propagates down from the sound source. A water surge is an illustration of a surge that involves a combination of longitudinal and transverse stir. An electromagnetic surge is created as a result of climate between an electric field and a glamorous field.

To know more about Wavelength, click the link given below:



which of the indicated protons in the following compound would appear most upfield in the 1h nmr spectrum?


P1 proton in the compound appear most upfield in the 1H NMR spectrum.

What is the main principle of NMR?

The foundation of NMR is the idea that all nuclei are electrically charged and that many of them have spins. Energy can go from the base energy to a higher energy level if an external magnetic field is provided.

The protons are most shielded ones among all the four types of protons as they experience +I effect from adjacent CH2 groups and are also situated far away from carbonyl group. therefore the -I effect is very less compared to the protons 2, 3 and 4. all these factors makes the proton 1 the most shielded and hence they will have very low delta value that is upfield.

Therefore, P1 proton in the compound appear most upfield in the 1H NMR spectrum.

To learn more about NMR spectroscopy from the given link.



what’s is the answer?


The energy of the photon of light can be obtained as 6.27 * 10^-20 J.

What is the energy of the photon?

We know that a photon has to to do with a particular unit of light. We know that light can be said to be composed of very tiny corpuscles and these corpuscles of light is what we call the photon of the light.

We can be able to us the equation that is derived by Max Plank to be able to get the value of the energy of the photon of light. Now we know that a photon of light can have an energy that is able to be obtained by;

E = hf

h = Plank's constant

f = Frequency


E = 6.6 * 10^-34 Js * 9.5 * 10^13 Hz

= 6.27 * 10^-20 J

Thus as we can see from the parameters in the question, the energy of the photon is 6.27 * 10^-20 J.

Learn more about energy of the photon:https://brainly.com/question/2393994


what’s is the answer?


The energy of the photon that we are considering here is obtained as 6.27 * 10^-21 J.

What is the energy of the photon?

We know that a photon is said  to have a given amount of energy. The energy that is posssed by a photon can be obtained by the use of the Plank equation. The plank equation is the equation that we can be able to write out as;

E = hf

Let us now try to define the variables that are in the equation as follows;

E = Energy of the photon

h = Plank's constant

f = Frequency of the photon

We can now be able to substitute the variables that can be found in the equation as follows and we are going to have as follows;

E = 6.6 * 10^-34 Js * 9.5 * 10^13 Hz

= 6.27 * 10^-21 J

Thus the photon of light would have a magnitude of energy of about 6.27 * 10^-21 J.

Learn more about the energy of a photon:https://brainly.com/question/2393994


If an unknown mass of aluminum dropped into a solution of CuCl2 * 2H20, and the temperature change was 11 degrees Celsius, what would have been its mass


Aluminum and copper(II) chloride react very vigorously, causing the reaction mixture to become extremely hot as heat is produced, the aluminum foil to disintegrate, a reddish brown solid to appear, and gas bubbles to be released.

What is copper chloride ?

The chemical compound with the formula CuCl2 is copper(II) chloride. Anhydrous form is yellowish brown, but it slowly takes on moisture to become a dihydrate that is blue-green. The extremely uncommon minerals tolbachite and eriochalcite both naturally occur in the anhydrous and dihydrate forms.

The limiting reagent will be copper (II) chloride. The mole ratio is the most crucial tool you'll have to tackle this problem, or any other stoichiometry problem, for that matter. Keep in mind that in order to make 3 moles of copper from 3 moles of copper (II) chloride, you need 2 moles of aluminum.

Thus, Aluminum and copper(II) chloride react very vigorously, causing the reaction mixture to become extremely hot as heat is produced.

To learn more about copper chloride, follow the link;



which of the following cofactors would be required to transfer a carboxyl group onto pyruvate to form oxaloacetate?


The cofactors would be required to transfer a carboxyl group onto pyruvate to form oxaloacetate is biotin.

What is pyruvate carboxylase?

Pyruvаte cаrboxylаse (PC) is а mitochondriаl enzyme bound to biotin thаt cаtаlyzes the conversion of pyruvаte to oxаloаcetаte when аbundаnt аcetyl CoА is аvаilаble, replenishing Krebs cycle intermediаtes in the mitochondriаl mаtrix. PC pаrticipаtes in gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis, аnd neurotrаnsmitter synthesis.

Pyruvate carboxylase is found in the mitochondria and catalyzes the following reaction:

Pyruvate + CO2 + ATP → oxalacetate + ADP

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

Which of the following cofactors would be required to transfer a carboxyl group onto pyruvate to form oxaloacetate?

A. Thiamine pyrophosphate

B. Tetrahydrofolate

C. Ascorbic acid

D. Cobalamin

E. Biotin

Thus, the correct answer is E.

For more information about biotin refer to the link:



Consider an electrochemical cell formed from a Cu(s) electrode submerged in an aqueous Cu(NO_3)_2 solution and a Cd(s) electrode submerged in a Cd(NO_3)_2(aq) solution. The two electrodes are connected by a wire and the two solutions are connected by a salt bridge containing NaNO_3(aq). The following reaction takes place: Cu^2+(aq) + Cd(s) rightarrow Cu(s) + Cd^2+(aq) Which statement describes how the electrons or nitrate ions will flow? electrons will flow from Cu(s) to Cd(s) nitrate ions will flow from Cu compartment to Cd compartment nitrate ions will not flow between compartments nitrate ions will flow from Cd compartment to Cd compartment


Option B is the right answer, Nitrate ions will flow from Cu compartment to Cd compartment.

Define electrochemical cell.

An electrochemical cell is a device that uses electricity to induce a nonspontaneous process or to generate electricity from a spontaneous oxidation-reduction reaction.

Since in the given reaction Cu2+  is going to reduce to Cu and Cd is going to oxidize to Zn2+ . Electrons and cadmium ions will move towards cathode where reduction occurs.

And nitrate ions will move towards anode to maintain a neutral charge, where oxidation occurs.

So, nitrate will flow from Cu compartment to Cd compartment.

Therefore, option B is the right answer, Nitrate ions will flow from Cu compartment to Cd compartment.

To learn more about electrochemical cell from the given link.



This graph shows the melting and boiling points of the alkali metals. Think about Francium, do you think it would have a higher or lower melting/boiling
point than lithium? Why? Can you predict it from the data?


There are various kind of elements that are present in periodic table. Some elements are harmful, some are radioactive, some are noble gases. Therefore, due to larger atomic size, francium has lower melting and boiling point than lithium.

What is periodic table?

Periodic table is a table in which we find elements with properties like metals, non metals, metalloids and radioactive element arranges in increasing atomic number.

Francium has lower melting and boiling point than lithium because of the larger atomic size, due to which  lattice energy becomes low.

Therefore, due to larger atomic size, francium has lower melting and boiling point than lithium.

Learn more about periodic table, here:



fertilizers with the greatest concentration of water-insoluble nitrogen or slowly available nitrogen will result in the quickest green-up.


Fertilizer with the greatest concentration of water-insoluble nitrogen or slowly available nitrogen will result in the quickest green-up. The answer is false.

Fertilizer is a material that can either be organic or synthetic which is used in the soil in order to supply the plants with all the necessary nutrients to aid the growth of plants. Nitrogen fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, a chemical compound that helps plants to build a strong roots, stalk, and lush green leaves.

Fertilizer containing a water-soluble nitrogen will provide the plants with extra nitrogen boost, hence giving them the greenest appearance in comparison to the fertilizer containing a water-insoluble or slow release nitrogen compound that releases nitrogen slowly overtime.

To learn more about nitrogen fertilizer visit: https://brainly.com/question/28297546


Your question seems to be incomplete, but I assume the full question was:

"Fertilizers with the greatest concentration of water-insoluble nitrogen or slowly available nitrogen will result in the quickest green-up. True or False."

How many moles is equal to 44.27 grams of CO2?


Answer: 1.005919176541433


44.27 grams of CO2 is 1.0059 moles

as per given in the question,

the mass of [tex]Co_{2}[/tex] is given as 44.27g

need to find how many moles are equal to 44.27g

The molar mass of 1 mole of

[tex]Co_{2}[/tex]=  Molar mass of C +2 x Molar mass of O

[tex]Co_2[/tex] = 12 + 2 x 16

 [tex]Co_2[/tex]= 12 + 32 = 44 g

=> 44 gm of [tex]Co_2[/tex] = 1 mole of [tex]Co_2[/tex]

so, now 44.27 g of [tex]Co_2[/tex] is equal to [tex]\frac{given\ weight}{weight\ of \ 1 mole\ of\ compound }[/tex]


 number of moles of [tex]Co_2[/tex] =  [tex]\frac{44.27}{44}[/tex]

   number of moles of [tex]Co_2[/tex] = 1.0059 moles

the number of moles of 44.27 grams of [tex]Co_2[/tex] is 1.0059 moles

to learn more about similar questions:


A metallic ion is known as a..


a type of atom compound that has an electric charge

How much is 3040mmHg in atm? round to the nearest whole number


A pressure of 3040 mmHg is almost 4 atm.

Define ATM pressure?

Atmospheric pressure (atm) is the unit of measurement corresponding to the mean atmospheric pressure at sea level at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit). Atmospheric pressure is most commonly approximated by the hydrostatic pressure caused by the weight of the air above the point of measurement. Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude because the air mass above decreases as altitude increases. Since the atmosphere is thin relative to the Earth's radius (especially the dense atmospheric layers at low altitudes), gravitational acceleration as a function of altitude can be approximated as constant and contributes little to this decrease. Pressure is measured as force per unit area in SI units of Pascal (1 Pascal = 1 Newton per square meter, 1 N/m²). Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760 cm Hg.

Given the,

3040mmHg pressure

1 mmHg = 0.00131579 atmospheres

3040 mmHg = 3040 x 0.00131579 atmospheres

3040 mmHg = 4.0000016 atmospheres

To know more about ATM pressure, visit:



What mass (in grams) of fructose (C6H12O6) is contained in 125ml of a 0.500M fructose solution?


Taking into account the definition of molarity and molar mass, the mass of fructose contained in 125ml of a 0.500M fructose solution is 11.43 grams.

Definition of molarity

Molarity is a measure of the concentration, which indicates the number of moles of solute that are dissolved in a given volume.

The molarity of a solution is calculated by dividing the moles of solute by the volume of the solution:

molarity= number of moles of solute÷ volume

Molarity is expressed in units moles/L.

Molar mass

The molar mass of substance is defined as its mass per unit quantity of substance. In other words, molar mass is the amount of mass that a substance contains in one mole.

Mass of fructose

In this case, you have:

Molarity: 0.500 MNumber pf moles of fructose= ?Volume= 125 mL= 0.125 mL (being 1000 mL= 1 L)

Replacing in the definition of molarity:

0.500 M= number of moles of fructose÷ 0.125 L


0.500 M× 0.125 L= number of moles of fructose

0.0635 moles= number of moles of fructose

Being the molar mass of fructose 180 g/mole, the mass of the compound can be calculated as:

mass= molar mass× number of moles of fructose

mass= 180 g/mole× 0.0635 moles

mass= 11.43 grams

Finally, the mass of fructose is 11.43 grams.

Learn more about molarity and molar mass:



How is density different than weight?



Density is the substance's mass per unit of volume. The symbol most often used for density is ρ, although the Latin letter D can also be used. Mathematically, density is defined as mass divided by volume.

Weight is a body's relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing.

In what order would you put these stages of melting candle wax, for the correct answer?

Liquid wax heating
Gaseous wax heating
Solid Wax heating



The correct order for the stages of melting candle wax is:

Solid wax heatingMeltingLiquid wax heatingBoilingGaseous wax heating


6. What is the enthalpy of vaporization of a compound that has a vapor pressure of 157 mmHg at 253
K and 0.358 mmHg at 191 K? (R-8.31 J/(K mol))
3.13 kJ/mol
0.838 kJ/mol
815 kJ/mol
39.4 kJ/mol
389 kJ/mol


The enthalpy of vaporization can be determined using the Clausius -Clapeyron equation. For the given conditions, the enthalpy of vaporization is 39 kJ/mol.

What is Clausius -Clapeyron equation?

Clausius -Clapeyron equation relates the enthalpy of vaporization with the change in pressure and temperature by the expression given below:

[tex]\rm ln \frac{P_{2}}{P_{1}} = \frac{\Delta H }{R} [\frac{1}{T_{1}} - \frac{1}{T_{2}} ][/tex]

Given that, P1 = 157 mmHg

P2 = 0.358 mmHg.

T1 = 253 K and T2 = 191 K.

Apply all these values in Clausius -clapeyron equation

[tex]\rm ln \frac{157 mmHg}{0.358 mmHg} =\frac{\Delta H}{8.31 J/(K mol)} [\frac{1}{253 K} - \frac{1}{191 K} ][/tex]

ΔH = 39 KJ/mol.

Therefore, the enthalpy of vaporization of the compound is 39 KJ/mol.

To find more on vaporization enthalpy, refer here:



Which of the following statements is true for ideal gases but is not always true for real gases?
(Select all that apply.)
a) Average molecular kinetic energy increases with temperature.
b) Replacing one gas with another under the same conditions has no effect on pressure.
c) There are no attractive forces between molecules.
d) Pressure is caused by molecule-wall collisions.


Replacing one gas with another under the same conditions, has no effect on pressure is true for ideal gases but is not always true for real gases.

What are ideal gases?

A theoretical gas known as an ideal gas is made up of several randomly drifting point particles with no interparticle interactions. Because it complies with the ideal gas law, a condensed state equation and can be examined using statistical mechanics, the ideal gas concept is helpful.

Is nitrogen an ideal gas?

Therefore, at room temperature (273 K), nitrogen is an acceptable "ideal gas," although CO2 and H20 may both be condense into liquids at the same temperature by applying pressure.

To know more about ideal gases visit :



Electrons further from the nucleus are partially shielded from the pull of the nucleus.



Yes, this is true, they are prevented from the full attraction to the nucleus due to shielding electrons.
It’s true

Hope this helps

Question 8
How many grams are in 3.9 moles of C3H5C13?




To determine the number of grams in 3.9 moles of C3H5C13, we need to first determine the molar mass of C3H5C13. The molar mass of a substance is the mass of one mole of the substance, and it is calculated by adding up the atomic weights of all the atoms in the molecular formula.

In the case of C3H5C13, the molar mass is calculated as follows:

Molar mass of C3H5C13 = (3 x 12 g/mol) + (5 x 1 g/mol) + (13 x 35.5 g/mol) = 106.5 g/mol

Next, we need to multiply the molar mass by the number of moles to determine the number of grams:

3.9 moles x 106.5 g/mol = 421.05 g

Therefore, there are 421.05 grams in 3.9 moles of C3H5C13.

ab-ad-pradజి *06 C
3 points
You are starting your own business. Congratulations! A bank has reviewed your business plan with you and has created a model of the expected value of your
company. The graph shows the expected value (y) in hundreds of thousands of dollars over bx years.
What are the zeros of the function and what do they mean for your company?




How many calories from alcohol are in a Margarita containing 12 grams of alcohol? Select the correct formula from the drop-down menu and read the units carefully. a. 12 g x 7 kcals/g = 84 kcals b. 12 g x 10 kcals/g = 120 kcals c. 12g x 6 kcals/g = 72 kcals d. 12 g x 4 kcals/g = 48 kcals e. 12 g x 5 kcals/g = 60 kcals f. 12 g x 9 kcals/g = 108 kcals


The calories from alcohol are in a Margarita containing 12 grams of alcohol is 84 kcals. Hence, option A is correct.

Margarita can be served on the rocks (with ice) or frozen. Margaritas can be also made with different flavors, such as strawberry, raspberry, or mango. The alcohol content present in margarita can vary from 0% (a vir.gin margarita) to 55% (a super-sized margarita). But basically the average alcohol content of a margarita is around 18-25%.

Calories per gram of alcohol = 7 kcal

Here, the Margarita contains 12 g of alcohol in it.

Hence, total calories of alcohol = 12 x 7 = 84 kcals.

Hence, the calories from alcohol are in a Margarita containing 12 grams of alcohol is 84 kcals.

Learn more about margarita from the link given below.



Calculate the number of particles in 5.60 moles of ammonium sulfate.


The number of particles in 5.60 moles of ammonium sulfate is equal to  5.06  × 10²⁵ atoms.

What is Avogadro's number?

Avogadro’s number expresses the number of chemical entities in one mole of a given substance. Generally, Avogadro’s number can express electrons, protons, molecules, atoms, and ions, depending upon the type of chemical reaction or reactant.

The value of Avogadro’s constant is found to be approximately equal to 6.022× 10²³ mol⁻¹.

Given, the number of moles of ammonium sulfate. =  5.60 mol

The molecular formula of ammonium sulfate is (NH₄)₂SO₄.

Number of molecules of ammonium sulfate in one mole = 6.022 × 10²³

The number of atoms in ammonium sulfate in one molecule = 15

Number of atoms of ammonium sulfate in one mole = 15× 6.022 × 10²³

The number of particles in 5.60 mol in (NH₄)₂SO₄ = 15× 6.022 × 10²³×5.60

                                                                        =  5.06  × 10²⁵ atoms

Learn more about Avogadro's number, here:



what species are present in solution following the complete neutralization of sulfuric acid with potassium hydroxide?



H2SO4 + 2KOH → K2SO4 + 2H2O


In a neutralization reaction between an acid and a base, the positive ion from the base and the negative ion from the acid usually form a salt. In this case, the positive potassium ion (K+) bonds with the polyatomic sulfate ( S O 2 4 ) to form the salt K 2 S O 4.

The water H O H or H 2 O is formed by the positive hydrogen (H + ) ion from the acid and the negative hydroxide ion (OH) from the base.

Which of the following is not one of the metal ores formed by contact metamorphism?
A) Zinc B) Lead C) Bauxite D) Copper


a)Zinc is not one of the metal ores formed by contact metamorphism.

what is metamorphism?

The process of metamorphism involves changing the protolith, an existing rock, into a new rock with a different mineral composition or texture. The rock remains essentially solid throughout the metamorphism process, which happens at temperatures between 150 and 200 °C (300 and 400 °F), as well as frequently at high pressures or in the presence of chemically active fluids. Weathering and diagenesis, which are changes that occur at or near the Earth's surface, are not the same as metamorphism. Metamorphism can take many different forms, such as regional, contact, hydrothermal, shock, and dynamic metamorphism. The typical temperatures, pressures, and rates at which they occur, as well as the degree to which reactive fluids are involved, vary between these.

To know more about metamorphism visit:



What do I write for 3


The above model is a good representation of a molecule because it clearly displays the atoms (white and black circles) and the chemical bond sticks that are present in the atom.

A drawback of the above model is that it does not show clearly the various freedom of movement that may be found in molecules nor does it show the movement of electrons.

The model can be improved by designing it to have relative freedom between the bond to indicate the freedom of movement of bonds.

What are scientific models?

Scientific models are structures that are used to represent or explain scientific concepts.

Scientific models may be pictures, three-dimensional objects, illustrations., etc.

Scientists use different models to represent concepts or ideas. For example, the planetary model of the atom, and the ball and stick model of molecules.

The ball and stick model shows the atoms and the bonds that are present in the compound.

Learn more about models at: https://brainly.com/question/18603376


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