the coast (in dollars) of a custom-made t-shirt is represented 0.75n+9.99,where n is the number of words in the design.write and interpret a simplified expression that represents the coast the coast of 12 t-shirts


Answer 1

The 0.75 represents the cost of the custom of each t-shirt and 9.99 represents the cost of custom shipment. And the total cost of 12 t-shirts is $18.99.

What is the solution to the equation?

The allocation of weights to the important variables that produce the calculation's optimum is referred to as a direct consequence.

The cost (in dollars) of a uniquely crafted shirt is addressed as 0.75n + 9.99, where n is the number of words in the plan.

The cost of 12 t-shirts will be given as,

⇒ 0.75n + 9.99

⇒ 0.75 x 12 + 9.99

⇒ 9 + 9.99

⇒ 18.99

The 0.75 represents the cost of the custom of each t-shirt and 9.99 represents the cost of custom shipment. And the total cost of 12 t-shirts is $18.99.

More about the solution of the equation link is given below.


Related Questions

What is 5-kilometers / 400 meters


Answer: 12.5 meters!

Step-by-step explanation:

1km = 1000 meters

So 5km = 5000 meters

So take 5000 divided by 400 = 12.5 meters


12.5 is the answer for this question

Ashley buys 6 bottles of orange juice at the corner store for a total cost of $2.40. If each bottle costs the same amount, how much is each bottle of juice?


———- = $0.40 or 40¢

What is the radius of a circle whose equation is x2 y2 â 10x 6y 18 0 2 units 4 units 8 units 16 units?


The radius of the circle having the equation x² + y² - 10x + 6y + 18 = 0 is 4  units , the correct option is (b) .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

the circle is having equation ⇒ x² + y² - 10x + 6y + 18 = 0 ,

we know that ,

general equation of circle is ⇒ x² + y² + 2fx + 2gy + c = 0 ;

So , radius of circle is calculated using the below formula ,

radius [tex]=[/tex] √(f² + g² - c)

On comparing,  given equation of circle with general equation of circle ,

we get , the values of f = -5 and g = 3 .

So after substituting values of f , g and c in radius formula ,

we get ,

radius = √(25 + 9 - 18)

= √(34 - 18)

= √16 = 4 .

Therefore , the given circle has radius = 4 units .

The given question is incomplete , the complete question is

What is the radius of a circle whose equation is x² + y² - 10x + 6y + 18 = 0 ?

(a) 2 units

(b) 4 units

(c) 8 units

(d) 16 units

Learn more about Circle here


Use the information to answer the following question.

Carolyn was asked to solve the following system of equations.

Her work is shown.

Step 1: 3x – 2y = 7

Step 2: 3x – 2(x + 2) = 7

Step 3: 3x – 2x + 4 = 7

Step 4: x + 4 = 7

Step 5: x = 3

Step 6: y = x + 2

Step 7: y = 3 + 2

Step 8: y = 5

Solution: (3, 5)

Did Carolyn make an error in her work?

Yes, Carolyn did not correctly combine like terms in Step 2.

Yes, Carolyn should have substituted the x-value into the first equation in Step 6.

No, Carolyn solved the system of equations correctly.

Yes, Carolyn did not correctly distribute the negative in Step 3.


Carolyn made an error in her work because she did not correctly distribute the negative in Step 3.

System of Equations

A system of equations is the given term math for two or more equations with the same variables. The solution of these equations represents the point of the intersection.

You can solve a system of equations by the adding or substitution methods. In the addition method, you eliminate a variable, on the other hand, in the substitution method you replace a variable for the other.

The question gives:3x-2y=7 (1)y=x+2The question shows that Carolyn applies the substitution method because she replaces the variable y (equation 2) in equation 1. See the given step 2.

3x – 2y = 7

3x – 2(x + 2) = 7

3x – 2x - 4 = 7 - here it is the mistake. (Carolyn did not correctly distribute the negative).

Read more about solving systems equations here:


Which statement is TRUE for f(x)= x³+4x²+x-6?


( x - 1 ) is the factor of f(x) as remainder is 0

What is Polynomial ?

A polynomial is a mathematical statement made up of coefficients and indeterminates that uses only the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, and powers of positive integers of the variables.

According to the given information

The given polynomial is

f(x) = [tex]x^{3} + 4x^{2} +x -6[/tex]

According to the remainder theorem

( x - 1 ) will be the factor of f(x) , if f(1) is zero


= [tex]1^{3} + 4(1)^{2} + 1 -6[/tex]

= 1+4+1-6

= 6-6

= 0


( x - 1 ) is the factor of f(x) as remainder is 0

To know more about Polynomial


I need help understanding number 3, please help!



Step-by-step explanation:

It's asking you to find the measures for all the angles.

For example, angle 1 would be 59° because it is equal to the angle across from it.

Angle 2 would equal 31° because it's a supplement angle to 59° and so on

a combination lock requires three selections of numbers, each from 1 through 35. suppose the lock is constructed in such a way that no number may be used twice in a row, but the same number may occur both first and third. for example, 20 13 20 would be acceptable, but 20 20 13 would not. how many different combinations are possible? to answer this question, note that some combinations will consist of three different numbers, whereas in others the first and third numbers can be the same. the total number of combinations is




Step-by-step explanation:

35 choices for first number

34 choices for second number (because it cannot be same as first)

34 choices for third number  ( because it cannot be same a second)

35 x 34 x 34 = 40 460 combos

(c) To reduce the percentage of defective chips, the company contracts with a new supplier for some
important components. In the next month, the sample of 200 chips has only 8 defective ones. Can the
company conclude that the new components have reduced the rate of defective chips produced?
Mean: 12
Standard Deviation: 3.3586
This is binomial distribution.


There is enough evidence to conclude that the new components have reduced the rate of defective chips produced.

What are the hypothesis tested?

At the null hypothesis, it is tested if there is not enough evidence that the amount has decreased, that it still is of 12, hence:

[tex]H_0: \mu = 12[/tex]

At the alternative hypothesis, it is tested if there is enough evidence that the amount has decreased, that is, it is less than 12, hence:

[tex]H_1: \mu < 12[/tex]

We have a left-tailed test, with a significance level of 0.05, hence the test statistic needed for there to be enough evidence is less than -1.645, which is the critical value.

What is the test statistic?

The equation that determines the test statistic is given as follows:

[tex]z = \frac{\overline{x} - \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

In which:

[tex]\overline{x}[/tex] is the sample mean.[tex]\mu[/tex] is the value tested at the null hypothesis.[tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population.n is the sample size.

The parameters in this problem are of:

[tex]\overline{x} = 8, \mu = 12, \sigma = 3.3586, n = 12[/tex]

Hence the test statistic is of:

[tex]z = \frac{\overline{x} - \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

[tex]z = \frac{8 - 12}{\frac{3.3586}{\sqrt{12}}}[/tex]

z = -4.13.

Less than the critical value, hence there is enough evidence that the amount has decreased.

More can be learned about the test of an hypothesis at


Idenify the slope and y-intercept



The slope is -2 and the y-intercept is (0,1)

Slope -2 yintercept (0,1)

An altitude is drawn from the vertex of an isosceles triangle, forming a right angle
and two congruent triangles. As a result, the altitude cuts the base into two equal
segments. The length of the altitude is 15 inches, and the length of the base is 11
inches. Find the triangle's perimeter. Round to the nearest tenth of an inch.


The perimeter of the triangle is 50.96 inches.

What is a triangle?

It is a two-dimensional figure which has three sides and the sum of the three angles is equal to 180 degrees.

We have,

An isosceles triangle.

This means,
Two sides are equal.


The length of the altitude = 15 inches.

The length of the base = 11 inches.


The right triangle:

Base = 11/2 = 5.5 inches.

Height = 15 inches.

The other side = x

Applying the Pythagorean theorem.

x² = 5.5² + 15²

x² = 30.25 + 225

x² = 255.25

x = √255.25

x = 19.98 inches.


The perimeter of the triangle.

= 2x + 11

= 2 x 19.98 + 11

= 50.96 inches.


The triangle's perimeter is 50.96 inches.

Learn more about triangles here:


How long is the shortest route from Asheboro to Fort Jennings using the roads shown?

If necessary, round your answer to the nearest tenth.


The shorted distance from Asheboro to Fort Jennings is, 20.4 miles.

What is Pythagorean theorem?

The Pythagorean theorem, also known as Pythagoras' theorem, is a basic relationship between a right triangle's three sides in Euclidean geometry. According to this statement, the areas of the squares on the other two sides add up to the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse.

In this problem we have to find the shortest  route from Asheboro to Fort Jennings using the roads shown.

From the given route the shorted distance from Asheboro to Fort Jennings is,

= 3 mi + 8 mi + (distance from North lean to Fort Jennings)

Let distance from North lean to Fort Jennings is x.

To find the value of x using Pythagorean theorem.

x^2 = 8^2 + 5^2

x^2 = 64 + 25

x^2 = 89

x = 9.433

x = 9.4

So, the total distance is, 3 mi + 8 mi + 9.4 mi =20.4 miles.

Hence, the shorted distance from Asheboro to Fort Jennings is, 20.4 miles.

To know more about Pythagorean theorem, click on the link


Complete question:

Complete question is attached below.

Rewrite the function by completeing the square x^2-x-20


By algebra properties, the quadratic function x² - x - 20 = 0 is equivalent to the quadratic function (x + 1 / 2)² - 81 / 4 = 0.

How to complete the quadratic function

In this problem we have a quadratic function whose form does not correspond with a perfect square trinomial, that is, a polynomial of the form (x + a)² = x² + 2 · a · x + a². Herein we can modify part of the function by means of completing the square, an application of algebra properties.

First, write the quadratic function described in the statement:

x² - x - 20 = 0

Second, use algebra properties until the square is complete:

x² - x - 20 = 0

x² - x = 20

x² - x + 1 / 4 = 20 + 1 / 4

(x + 1 / 2)² = 81 / 4

(x + 1 / 2)² - 81 / 4 = 0

To learn more on quadratic functions:


What is the slope of the line whose equation is 2y=3x +4


solve for y

y = 1.5x + 2

notice this is in form y = mx + b

m is slope, b is y intercept

m = 1.5

slope is 1.5

hope this helps :)


If 75% of a number is 24, what is 50% of the number? A. 64 B. 16 C. 12 D. 9




Step-by-step explanation:

mr. smith has two children. at least one of them is a boy. what is the probability that both children are boys?


The probability that both children are boys is 1/2.

What is probability?

The area of mathematics known as probability explores potential outcomes of events as well as their relative probabilities and distributions. In everyday speech, the term "probability" refers to the likelihood that a specific event (or group of events) will take place, represented as a number between 0 and 100% or as a linear scale from 0 (impossibility) to 1 (certainty).

Given in the question,

Mr. Smith has two children, one of them is boy.

So, the possible combinations are,

(Boy, Boy) and (Boy, Girl)

It means number of total outcomes is 2,

we have to find probability of (Boy, Boy)

It means number of favorable outcomes is 1,

The formula for the calculation of probability is:

Probability = number of favorable outcomes/ number of total outcomes,


Probability = 1/2

Therefore, The probability that both children are boys is 1/2.

To know more about probability, go to link


9.4 / 16.92

Am too lazy to do this so yea, my bro wants me to do his homework but no.


The Answer is 0.5

Hope this helps

does this graph represent a function?why or why not x 2 2 3 4 5 y 1 4 4 2 5


The correct statement regarding whether the graph represents a function is given as follows:

B. No, because it fails the vertical line test.

When does a graph represent a function?

A graph is a relation, and it represents a function if each value of the input is mapped to only one output, that is, if the graph does not contain vertically aligned points.

From the graph given by the image at the end of the answer, the inputs for x > 2 are mapped to multiple outputs, meaning that a vertical line at any of these points would cross the function twice, meaning that the graph has vertically aligned points.

Since the graph has vertically aligned points, it fails the vertical line test, and hence the graph does not represent a function, and option B is correct.

Missing Information

The problem is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

More can be learned about graphs and functions at


the coefficient of determination resulting from a particular regression analysis was 0.85. what was the correlation coefficient, assuming a positive linear relationship? group of answer choices -0.5 0.922 0.5 there is insufficient information to answer the question.


The coefficient of determination resulting from a particular regression analysis was 0.85. Then, the correlation coefficient, assuming a positive linear relationship is 0.922.

The coefficient of determination, denoted R2 or r2 and pronounced "R-squared," is the proportion of predictable variation in the dependent variable from the independent variables.

R2 has several definitions, sometimes the same. One class of such cases involves simple linear regression where r2 is used instead of R2. If only one bin is included, r2 is simply the square of the sample correlation coefficient (that is, r) between the observed outcome and the observed prediction. If additional regressors are included, R2 is the square of the multiple correlation coefficient. In both cases, the coefficient of determination is usually between 0 and 1.

Regression analysis consists of a dependent variable (often called the "outcome" or "response" variable, or "label" in machine learning parlance) and one or more independent variables (often called "predictors"). ). ', 'covariate', 'explanatory variable' or 'feature'). The most common form of regression analysis is linear regression, which finds the best fit line (or more complex linear combination) to the data according to mathematical criteria. For example, the ordinary least-squares method computes a unique line (or hyperplane) that minimizes the sum of squared differences between the true data and that line (or hyperplane). For certain mathematical reasons (see linear regression), researchers can estimate the conditional expected value (or population mean) of the dependent variable given that the independent variable takes on a particular set of values . Less common forms of regression use slightly different techniques to estimate alternative site parameters (such as quantile regression and requirement analysis, or conditional expectations on a broader collection of nonlinear models. estimating values ​​(such as nonparametric regression). Regression analysis is primarily used for two conceptually distinct purposes.

Learn more about Regression Analysis:



In a game, the probability of winning is 20%. If i play 48 times, how many times should I expect to win?



Step-by-step explanation:

I will try to get the answer for you just give me a minute.!

What is the equation of the line that passes through the points − 1/3 and 1 11?


the equation of the line that passes through the points − 1/3 and 1 11 is

y = 3x + 8 with slope 12 1/3.

1. Find the slope of the line.

m = (11 - -1/3) / (1 - -1/3)

m = 12 1/3

2. Using the point-slope equation, substitute the slope and one point from the line

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

y - -1/3 = 12 1/3 (x - (-1/3))

3. Solve for y

y = 12 1/3x + 8

Learn more about slope here


How do you figure the area of a rectangle?


Answer: the area of a rectangle is l x w length x width

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: Formula of an area of a rectangle: Length x Width

Step-by-step explanation:

I need help please. I’m struggling.


option 3

The mean is the same as the average.

Find the demand function for the marginal revenue function. recall that if no items are sold, the revenue is 0.


The required demand function for the marginal revenue function is P = 0.02x² - 0.025x.

What is demand function for the marginal revenue function?

Marginal Revenue is the revenue that is gained from the sale of an additional unit. It is the revenue that a company can generate for each additional unit sold; there is a marginal cost attached to it, which must be accounted for.

According to question:

The marginal revenue function, find the demand capability is P = 0.02x² - 0.025x + 138 when R'(x) = 0.06x² - 0.05x + 138 .

Considering that,

We need to find for the peripheral income capability, find the interest capability.

Recollect that the pay is zero assuming no things are sold:

R'(x) = 0.06x² - 0.05x + 138

p(x) is what.

That's what we know,

MR = dTR/dx = 0.06x² - 0.05x + 138

Incorporating the marginal revenue function , we get complete income capability,


= (0.06x²⁺¹)/(2+1) - (0.05x¹⁺¹)/(1+1) + 138x

= (0.06x³)/3 - (0.05x²)/2 + 138 x

TR = 0.02 x³ - 0.025 x² + 138 x

TR = (P)(Q) = (P)(x) = 0.02 x³ - 0.025 x² + 138 x

P = ( 0.02 x³ - 0.025 x² + 138 x)/x

P = 0.02x² - 0.025x + 138

In this manner, The marginal revenue function, find the interest capability is P = 0.02x² - 0.025x + 138 when R'(x) = 0.06x² - 0.05x + 138 .

To know more about Marginal Revenue visit:


Find the area of the surface. The part of the plane x + 2y + 3z = 1 that lies inside the cylinder x2 + y2 = 7.


The area of the surface is  5/3 [tex]\sqrt{14}[/tex][tex]\pi[/tex]

Consider that the part of the plane x+2y +3z=1 that lies inside the cylinder [tex]x^{2}[/tex] + [tex]y^{2}[/tex] =5

The surface area of an equation z= g(x,y) is given by the following formula:

[tex]\int\limits^d_d \sqrt {\alpha z/\alpha x]^{2} . [\alpha z/\alpha y]^{2} +1da[/tex]

where the D is the domain of integration.

Since the plane lies inside the cylinder[tex]x^{2}[/tex] + [tex]y^{2}[/tex] = 5, we have the domain of

D= ( (r,0) |0 [tex]\leq[/tex]r [tex]\leq[/tex][tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex],0[tex]\leq[/tex]θ[tex]\leq[/tex]2[tex]\pi[/tex])

The partial derivatives of z = 1/3 ( 1 - x - 2y) are

[tex]\alpha z/ \alpha x[/tex] = 1/3, [tex]\alpha z / \alpha y[/tex] = - 2/3

[tex]\int\limits^d_d \sqrt {[-1/3]^{2} . [-2/3]^{2} +1da[/tex]

= [tex]\int\limits^d_d \sqrt{14} / 9 da[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{14}/3 \int\limits^0_ {2^{\pi }[/tex] [tex]\int\limits^\sqrt{5[/tex]r dr dθ

Evaluating the integral we have

[tex]\sqrt{14}/3 \int\limits^0_ {2^{\pi }[/tex][tex]\int\limits^\sqrt{5[/tex]rdrdθ = [tex]\sqrt{14} /3[/tex] 2 [tex]\pi[/tex] [ 5/2]

                           = 5/3 [tex]\sqrt{14}[/tex][tex]\pi[/tex]

To learn more about the area of surface


2.8+1.36 divided by 4-2.7




Step-by-step explanation:

Maya uses 14 blue tiles and 10 white tiles to design section of an outdoor patio. Which ratio compares the number of blue tiles to the total number of tiles in the section


Answer:9 : 20

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the mode when mean is 15 and median is 10?


The mode in this situation is not defined because there is only one value for each of the mean and median.

Mean (15) and median (10) are two different measures of central tendency. The mean is the average of all values, while the median is the middle value when all the values are arranged in order. The mode is the most frequent value in a set of data, and there can be more than one mode. Since there is only one value for both the mean and median, there is no mode in this situation.

Learn more about mean here


Consider an ideal gas at 27.0 degrees Celsius and 1.00atmosphere pressure. Imagine the molecules to be uniformly spaced,with each molecule at the center of a small cube. What is thelength Lof an edge of each small cube if adjacent cubes touch but don'toverlap?


The length L of an edge of each small cube if adjacent cubes touch but don't overlap is 3.45 nm.

The formula to be used for calculation is -

PV = Nkt, where P is pressure, V is volume, N is number of molecules, k is Boltzmann constant and T is temperature in Kelvin.

T = 273 + 27

Performing addition on Right Hand Side of the equation

T = 300 K

P = 101325 Pa

k = 1.38 × [tex] {10}^{-23} [/tex] J/K

Now finding the volume

V = (1 × 1.38 × [tex] {10}^{-23} [/tex] × 300)/101325

Performing multiplication and division on Right Hand Side of the equation

V = 4.09 × [tex] {10}^{-3} [/tex] m³

As we know, V = L³

So, L = [tex] {V}^{1/3} [/tex]

Keep the value of volume

L = [tex] { (4.09/1000) }^{1/3} [/tex]

Performing calculations

L = 3.45 × [tex] {10}^{-9} [/tex] m

Hence, length is 3.45 nm.

Learn more about volume -


a teach selects 77 students from her class of 2727 students. how many ways are there for her to select the students if the chosen students


888030 ways are there for teachers to select the students.

What is the combination?

A combination in mathematics is a choice made from a group of separate elements where the order of the selection is irrelevant.

Here, we have

A teacher selects 7 students from her class of 27 students.

We have to find how many ways are there for her to select the students of the chosen students.

The order of selecting the students does not matter here so the number of ways to select 7 students from the class of 27 to work together on a project is:

C(27,7) = 27!/(7!*(27-2)! = 888030

Hence, 888030 ways are there for teachers to select the students.

To learn more about the combinations from the given link


What is slope simple answer?


The slope is the measure of the steepness and direction of a line. You can predict whether lines in a coordinate plane are parallel, perpendicular, or none by finding the slope of the lines.

There are two distinct points on any line that can be used to calculate its slope. Between two distinct points on a line, the slope formula calculates the ratio of vertical and horizontal changes. In mathematics, the slope is calculated as the ratio of the rise to the run, or as the rise divided by the run. The slope is a measure of how steep a line is in a coordinate plane.

Read more about How to calculate the Slope:


Other Questions
a(n) pricing policy is likely to occur when a retailer's sales staff offers the same products and quantities to different customers at different prices. PLEASE HELP ILL GIVE YOU BRAINLIEST One student made the incomplete diagram shown below to represent the relationship between magma, igneous rocks, and sedimentary rocks:three ovals, labeled from left to right, sedimentary rock, magma, and igneous rocks respectively.Which of these is the correct next step to complete the diagram? (4 points) aPut an arrow labeled heat and pressure, pointing from magma to igneous rocks. bPut an arrow labeled heat and melt, pointing from igneous rocks to magma. cPut an arrow labeled deposition and lithification, pointing from igneous rocks to magma. dPut an arrow labeled cools and crystallizes, pointing from igneous rocks to sedimentary rocks. an arrow is shot straight up in the air at an initial speed of 12.3 m/s. after how much time will the arrow heading downward at a speed of 7.9 m/s? assume the magnitude of g a sociologist is interested in the age at which a mother has her first child. a random sample of 20 recent births yielded an average maternal age to be 30 years with a standard deviation of 6.2 years. construct a 99% confidence interval for the mean age at which a mother has her first child. there are two kids in the group, alex and his best friend jose. what is the probability that alex and jose end up on the same team? aro shoes inc. and mova shoes inc., two competing shoe brands, entered into a strategic alliance to study and acquire each other competencies. aro shoes entered the strategic alliance to acquire the production system pioneered by mova shoes. similarly, mova shoes agreed to the strategic alliance to study the designing process of aro shoes. however, aro shoes was more successful and faster than mova shoes in accomplishing its alliance goal. what does this scenario best illustrate? Using the following equation for the combustion of octane, calculate the heat of reaction for 400. 0 g of octane. The molar mass of octane is 114. 33 g/mole. 3-3: MathXL for School: Additional Practice Tell whether each function is linear or nonlinear A machine is set to make parallel cuts on stone tiles. The cuts are made along straight lines l1 and l2. Line l2 has equation y = [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] . Line l1 has gradient [tex]\frac{-(3x-4)}{8}[/tex] . Find x. What bonding is in chlorine? the cost of controlling emissions at a firm rises rapidly as the amount of emissions reduced increases. here is a possible model: c(q) how fast should the platform move, vp , for the person to detect a beat frequency of 7.00 hz ? take the speed of sound to be 344 m/s . 5) Flax is a chain of stores that carries several product lines including clothing, home furnishings, and household appliances. Each line is operated as a separate department, and employees are available to assist and advise customers in every phase of the shopping process. Flax is most likely a ________.A) self-service retailerB) category killerC) full-service retailerD) supermarketE) pop-up store If = 3/5 find each of the trigonometric values.a. cos =b. sin2 =c. cos2 =d. tan2 =e. csc2 =f. sec2 =g. cot2 = Place the following events in order starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells.a. Basilar membrane moves up and down b. Potassium ions enter hair cell causing depolarization c. Inner hair cells are pushed against the tectorial membrane d. Oval window vibrates e. Pressure wave travels through the perilymph of the scala vestibuli f. Stereocilia bend and tip-link proteins open potassium channels what are the x-intercepts of the quadratic equation? 7x(2x+5)=0 ________ uses a dedicated connection between two points with the connection remaining active for the duration of the transmission. Write the equation of the line passing through(3,5) and (0,2). You decide to compare the genes and dna sequence of a specific chromosome to a homologous chromosome and a nonhomologous chromosome. which of the predictions would you make when comparing the two? how does the ribosome know what amino acid to to add next when building a polypeptide?