
Answer 1




it's MENTAL health

Answer 2


kidneys and liver jajahehwjsidhqjowhzn

Related Questions

The Munich Conference was unsuccessful because Hitler ignored the terms of the conference and invaded Czechoslovakia,
O A True
O B. False





Hitler violated the Munich agreement on March 15th 1939 and took control of Czechoslovakia

True Hitler did invade the rest of Czechoslovakia because his thirst for a place on the world stage and resources

Why did President Polk support the U.S. acquisition of both Texas and the entire Oregon Territory?
A: He wanted to provoke a war with Mexico.
B: He needed to win the support of Southern slaveholders.
C: He believed in Manifest Destiny.
D: He wanted to drive Great Britain out of North America.


Polk was in favor of acquiring both Texas and Oregon because he was a firm believer in manifest destiny. ... This belief that it was inevitable that this land would belong to the US prompted the federal government to acquire lands like Texas and Oregon.


He Believed in Manifest Destiny.


Which two words from the article are the closest synonyms?

(A)Expand and feature
(B)Supervised and presented
(C)Transport and appear
(D)Erected and constructed





Expand and feature because they are synonyms from the story

Why do you think the Constitution provides so many ways to prevent a bill
from becoming a law?


so that it isn’t biased and people make sure the law is actually worthy and not something insignificant

Why did millions of African-Americans relocate during the Great Migration?



They wanted economic opportunity, freedom from racial segregation, and safety from lynching and other racist violence

Which book of the Bible does god originally promised to send the savior

(a) Isaiah
(b) Matthew
(c) Genesis
(d) Exodus
(e) John
Pls helpp


☁️My Answer☁️:

I believe the correct answer option would be (a) Isaiah

Isaiah is called "The Book of Salvation." The name Isaiah means "the salvation of the Lord" or "the Lord is salvation." Isaiah is the first book containing the writings of the prophets of the Bible.


I believe the correct answer option would be Isaiah  




1)C; 2)E; 3)D; 4)H; 5)G; 6)F; 7)A; 8)B

Multiple Choice:

9) C

10) B

11) A

12) C

13) C

What goal is President Wilson justifying in this excerpt?
o internment of foreign workers
neutrality toward military conflicts
financial support for the Allied Powers
O trade restrictions against the Central Powers



its the 3rd one


The goal  justified by President Wilson  in this excerpt is financial support for the Allied Powers. Option (c) is correct.

What do you mean by Conflict?

Conflict is a heated argument and disagreement about a significant issue. When two parties or organizations are at odds, they have engaged in a heated fight or disagreement and have not yet found a solution.

The Progressive Movement's leader and the 28th President of the United States was Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921). Wilson brought America into the war to "make the world safe for democracy" following a neutral stance at the start of World War I.

Wilson highlighted Mexico's attempts to form an alliance against the United States as well as Germany's breach of its agreement to halt unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean as justifications for starting a war.

Therefore, Option (c) is correct. The goal  justified by President Wilson  in this excerpt is financial support for the Allied Powers.

Learn more about Conflict, here;



What type of propaganda is the "I want you for US ARMY" poster with Uncle Sam?


Patriotic propaganda

What was the recommendation of the Sibley Commission?
A. All schools should immediately begin the desegregation process.
B. School districts should individually determine whether to desegregate.
C. The state should continue to resist federal civil rights legislative efforts.
D. The state should improve African American schools rather than desegregated





The recommendation of the Sibley Commission was School districts should individually determine whether to desegregate. The correct option is (B).

What do you mean by Sibley Commission?  

The committee, sometimes known as the Sibley Commission, was tasked with obtaining opinions on desegregation from state people and relaying those opinions to the governor.

Georgia made modest progress toward desegregation, but most schools remained segregated.

Despite the commission's recommendations, Sibley urged the state to comply with the federal decision to desegregate the schools. Governor Vandiver introduced a law in January 1961 that adopted the Sibley Commission's desegregation recommendations.

Therefore, the recommendation of the Sibley Commission was School districts should individually determine whether to desegregate.

To know more about the Sibley Commission, visit:


which of the following was a significant consequence for georgia as a result of the leo frank case?



A or B, but i think its b


During the ———
we wanted to ——
our country so there was no more slavery.


emancipation, free ,

i’m pretty sure those two are the answers

pls help is history the question is on top and answers on the bottom​





I studied this before


Florida Cession


oh my god the cracks in the screen I can’t-

The DEMOCRACY type of
included ten generals, the council of
500, and the assemblies.
A. living
B. school
C. military
D. government
right © 2003 - 2021 Acellus Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


The answer is D government

summary of andrew jackson



Andrew Jackson was an American lawyer, soldier, and statesman who serve as the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837. Before being elected to the presidency, Jackson gained fame as a general in the United States Army and served in both houses of the U.S Congress

Which areas are included in the polar climate zone?

(A. Area's near the equator
(B. Area's around the north and south pole
(C. All of florida and California
(D. most of north america and europe



B. Area's around the north and south pole


The polar zone encompasses the areas around the North and South Poles. Starting from the North Pole, this zone stretches to the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere, and reaches even further south in North America and Asia.


Answer is B


The teachings or revelations of Christ were known as

A.Dao de Jing


B. Gospel! By my knowledge

How many Popes came from the Medici family?


Answer:four popes


4 popes , leo x, clement Vll, pius lV and Leo Xl

please help i only have 5 mins





Men were the least oppressed group listed here.



men did

Which two factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?




Invasions by Barbarian tribes. The most straightforward theory for Western Rome’s collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces.

Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor. Even as Rome was under attack from outside forces, it was also crumbling from within thanks to a severe financial crisis.


1. Invasions by Barbarian tribes

2. Overexpansion and military overspending

There are probably more put those are two of the biggest ones that are connected to eachother.

Others can be:

1. Government corruption and political instability

2. Weakening of the Roman legions

3. The rise of the Eastern Empire (Byzantium)

7. Describe the role that Brian Epstein played in the development and marketing of the Beatles.



Epstein's marketing efforts in promoting the band was strategic. He knew where the Beatles could reach success and he did what he could to get them the exposure and the rest was history. As the manager of the Beatles, Epstein rarely had down time. He also lived an irregular lifestyle constantly traveling.


In what important ways did our experience in World War Two change American society?


Answer: Men were sent to fight and women were left to be promoted and take their position in assembly lines.


Factories were also retooled to produce goods to support the war effort.


Women in World War II took on a variety of roles. Some women embraced traditional positions as caretakers and homemakers. Others explored new opportunities, from which women had been previously excluded.

Nearly 19 million American women held jobs during World War II, out of which around 6 million entered the labor force as new female workers.

Women worked in the war industries, in factories, and on farms. They drove trucks, provided logistic support for soldiers, and entered professional areas of work that were previously the domain of men. They enlisted as nurses serving on the front lines, and there was a great increase in the number of women serving for the military. Women also joined the federal government and served in community organizations in massive numbers.

Although many women took on male dominated trades during World War II, they were expected to return to housework after men returned from the war.

The overall percentage of women working fell from 36 percent to 28 percent in 1947.

Around 350,000 American women served in the U.S. military during World War II.

The wartime and postwar economic prosperity, as well as the return of many female workers to the domestic sphere, resulted in the dramatic increase of birth rates in the postwar period.

Key Terms

Rosie the Riveter: A cultural icon of the United States representing the American women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II, many of whom produced munitions and war supplies.

United Service Organizations: A nonprofit organization that provides programs, services, and live entertainment to U.S. soldiers and their families. Since 1941, it has worked in partnership with the Department of Defense, relying heavily on private contributions and on funds, goods, and services from various corporate and individual donors.

baby boom: Any period marked by a greatly increased fertility rate. This demographic phenomenon is usually ascribed within certain geographical bounds. In the United States, the post-World War II period was marked by this phenomenon.

Changing Roles

Women in World War II took on a variety of roles. Some women embraced the traditional positions of caretakers and homemakers. Others explored new opportunities, from which women had been previously excluded. The global conflict on an unprecedented scale and the absolute urgency of mobilizing the entire population made the expansion of the role of women inevitable. In the United States, the hard skilled labor of women was symbolized by the concept of Rosie the Riveter, a female factory laborer performing what was previously considered men’s work.


Nearly 19 million American women held jobs during World War II, out of which around 6 million entered the labor force as new female workers. Government campaigns targeting women were addressed mostly to housewives, likely because already-employed women would move to the higher-paid “essential” jobs on their own, or perhaps because it was assumed that most potential new workers were housewives. One government advertisement asked women: “Can you use an electric mixer? If so, you can learn to operate a drill.” Propaganda was also directed at men, many of whom were unwilling to support women in the labor force and particularly in industrial jobs. Women worked in the war industries, building ships, aircraft, vehicles, and weaponry. They also worked in factories and on farms, drove trucks, provided logistic support for soldiers, and entered professional areas of work that were previously the domain of men. They enlisted as nurses serving on the front lines, and there was a great increase in the number of women serving for the military. Women  also joined the federal government in massive numbers. Nearly a million so-called “government girls” were recruited for war work. In addition, women volunteers aided the war effort by planting victory gardens, canning produce, selling war bonds, donating blood, salvaging needed commodities, and sending care packages.

Although many women took on male-dominated trades during World War II, they were expected to return to housework once men returned from the war. In 1944, when victory seemed assured for the United States, government-sponsored propaganda changed by urging women to return to working in the home. Later, many women assumed traditional female-dominated jobs such as clerical or administration positions, despite women’s reluctance to reenter the lower-paying fields. At the end of the war, most of the munitions-making jobs ended. Many factories were closed; others were retooled for civilian production. In some jobs, women were replaced by returning veterans. However the number of women at work in 1946 was 87 percent of the number in 1944, leaving 13 percent who had lost or quit their jobs. The overall percentage of women working fell from 36 percent to 28 percent in 1947.

Need help ASAP please!!



I'm so so sorry if I'm wrong but I believe its B


have a lovely day

4. ________________________________________ are organisms that break down dead matter in an ecosystem.



hears the answer hope it helps

Who is Bartolomé de Las Casas ? And what is he most known for ?


Answer: early Spanish historian and Dominican missionary who was the first to expose the oppression of indigenous peoples by Europeans in the Americas and to call for the abolition of slavery there

what were the most important factors that led to Europe’s colonization of Africa?



The reasons for African colonisation were mainly economic, political and religious. During this time of colonisation, an economic depression was occurring in Europe, and powerful countries such as Germany, France, and Great Britain, were losing money.


Which religious sect in the colonies encouraged participation of all its members in governing the group



Explanation:  Quakers by Adriana Coyt Torres (aka ACT)

Hope this answer would help you!!!

True or false

Please help


The answer to your question is most definitely true


I think true because most of this stuff seems like it


After watching the documentary and reading History, Environment, Politics Make Haiti Poor article, how did specific wording in the Haitian Constitution assist in leading to several dictators in Haitian history, and did various European nations and the United States economic and political policies toward Haiti hinder their growth as a nation?



One thing that hinder their growth is that France made pay them about $150 million - $21 billion after they gained independence.

Which of the following is NOT power granted the state government under the Articles of Confederation?
A levy taxes
B create laws
C regulate interstate commerce and trade
D make treaties


I think the correct answer is A if I’m not mistaken
The answer is C congress had no power to regulate tax or trade and to not to draft soldiers or requested trade
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