Why does the plane, tied on a string onto the ceiling, move in a horizontal circle, and why doesn’t the plane move up and down?

Why Does The Plane, Tied On A String Onto The Ceiling, Move In A Horizontal Circle, And Why Doesnt The


Answer 1


There’s a tangential velocity and centripetal force. The object moves in a circle because it’s falling towards the center of the circle (point directly under string) but the velocity is such that the object never gets closer to the center


Related Questions

Question 1 of 14 Which of the following statements describes a perfectly inelastic collision? O A. An ice hockey player picks up a trophy as he slides past it. O B. A baseball bat hits a baseball into the outfield. O C. A surfer falls off of his surfboard when a wave hits him. D. Two birds collide in midair and fly off in different directions.​


Answer: A. An ice hockey player picks up a trophy as he slides past it



The statement that best describes a perfectly inelastic collision is

C. A surfer falls off of his surfboard when a wave hits him.

What is collision?

A collision is the interaction between two bodies in such a way that the momentum and velocity of one body gets changed due to the presence of other body. There are three types of collision-

1. Elastic collision

2. Inelastic collision

3. Perfectly inelastic collision.

In all types of collision , the momentum of the system before collision and after collision always remains same or we can say that momentum is conserved in collisions

What is elastic collision

An elastic collision is the one in which kinetic energy is also conserved and coefficient of restitution is one. Both the bodies move separately with different velocities after elastic collision.

What is inelastic collision ?

In inelastic collision  there is a loss of kinetic energy and coefficient of restitution is less than one.

What is perfectly inelastic collision?

In perfectly inelastic collision there is maximum loss of kinetic energy and coefficient of restitution is zero. Both the bodies stick together after collision and move with same velocity

What is coefficient of restitution ?

Coefficient of restitution is the  ratio of  relative velocity of separation after collision to relative velocity of approach before collision.

A surfer falls of his surfboard when a wave hits him is an example of perfectly inelastic collision because in this when water hits the surfers he falls of and sticks to the water , and will also now move with the velocity of water .

So  when the surfer falls off his surfboard when a wave hits him is perfectly inelastic collision.

To know more on collision here



What does each system help you do?
1 Somatic Nervous System
2 Autonomic Nervous System
3 Sympathetic Division
4 Parasympathetic Division
5 Hormones



1.The somatic nervous system is the part of the peripheral nervous system associated with the voluntary control of body movements via skeletal muscles. 

2. The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions, such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, ect...

3. Sympathetic Division is a term used by researchers and medical practitioners to describe the subdivision of the autonomic nervous system (that controls involuntary and automatic physical reactions) that responds to emergency situations by mobilizing and controlling the energy necessary to cope with the situation.

4. The part of the autonomic nervous system that tends to act in opposition to the sympathetic nervous system, as by slowing down the heart and dilating the blood vessels. It also regulates the function of many glands, such as those that produce tears and saliva.

5. a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.

A bicycle with a 15 kg mass is easily stopped when a force of 60 N is applied. How much force would be needed to stop the bicycle if the time allowed to stop the bike was doubled?



Going downhill at a steady speed, the forces along the direction of motion are:

net force = m * a = 0

W * sin(7) - Fdrag = 0

so Fdrag = m * g * sin(7) where m=62.kg and g=9.8m/sec^2


how much hp does that fastest car in the world have



Hennessey Venom F5. Power: 1600+ bhp. Price: $1.6 million.

Koenigsegg Regera. Power: 1500 bhp.

Bugatti Chiron. Power: 1479 bhp.

NIO EP9. Power: 1341 bhp. Price: $1.48 million.

What can scan tiny details inside the human body by using principles of electromagnetism.



magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

pls pls pls pls help!!!!!
A 96 kg man is standing in an elevator. The man experiences a net force when the elevator moves at an acceleration of 4.0 m/s2 upward and downward. Find both net forces



The net upward force the man experiences is approximately 1,324.8 N

The net downward force the man experienced is approximately 556.8 N


The given mass of the man, m = 96 kg

The acceleration of the elevator, a = 4.0 m/s²

According to Newton's third law of motion which states that action ad reaction are equal and opposite, when the elevator moves upwards, we have;

The net force the man experiences, F = Gravitational force, m·g + The force of the elevator pushing upwards, m·a

∴ ↑F = m·g + m·a


F = The net force the man experiences

m = The mass of the man = 96 kg

g = The acceleration due to gravity ≈ 9.8 m/s²

a = The acceleration of the elevator = 4 m/s²

∴ ↑F = 96 kg × 9.8 m/s² + 96 kg × 4 m/s² ≈ 1,324.8 N

The net upward force the man experiences ≈ 1,324.8 N

When the elevator moves downwards, we have;

The net force the man experiences, F = Gravitational force, m·g + The loss of the gravitational force as the floor moves further downwards, -(m·a)

∴ F = m·g + -(m·a) = m·g - m·a

F = m·g - m·a

∴ ↓F = 96 kg × 9.8 m/s² - 96 k × 4 m/s² ≈ 556.8 N

The net downward force the man experienced ≈ 556.8 N

the thumb is what to the phalanges?



A thumb only has one joint and two phalanges. The thumb is referred to as “the big finger".

Brainlist pls!

What phase of matter are the particles least energetic, most dense, and best organized?
A. Plasma
B. Gas
C. Liquid
D. Solid


The answer to your question is D solid
The answer It’s D: solid

What special component would you need to use in a thermostat so that it can respond to changes in temperature



A thermistor is an electrical device, a thermally sensitive semiconductor resistor, whose resistance changes in response to temperature. Thermistors are made in a variety of ways including thin films (SiC).


hope it helps

A student observes a shadow move across the sun during a solar eclipse. Which list represents the position of Earth, the sun, and the
moon during this event?

A.sun, Earth, moon

B.moon, sun, Earth

C.Earth, sun, moon

D.sun, moon, Earth


It goes sun moon earth the moon is blocking us from seeing the sun.

The position of the Earth, Sun, and moon during the solar eclipse, a student observes a shadow moving across the sun is Sun, moon, Earth, so option D is correct.

What is a solar eclipse?

When the Moon passes in front of the Sun, blocking all or part of Earth's view of it, a solar eclipse occurs. The Moon is closest to the plane of the Earth's orbit when there is a new moon and such an alignment. During a total eclipse, the Moon fully obscures the Sun's disk. Partial and annular eclipses only block out a section of the Sun. A solar eclipse occurs naturally. Solar eclipses were sometimes linked to supernatural sources or interpreted as an ill omen in several ancient and modern societies.

During a solar eclipse, the moon comes in between the earth and the sun therefore the shadow moves across the sun during a solar eclipse observed by the student, the position is Sun, moon, and earth.

To know more about the Solar eclipse:



a trolley of mass 20kg was originally at rest on a smoth horizontal surface. bu how much will it accelerate if a pulling force of 22N is applied on it horizontally?​



just divide 22 N by 20 kg to get the acceleration in m/s2


I hope this is right-

How the choice of building materials and techniques can help them cool down faster, after heating up.



The choice of building materials and techniques can help them cool down faster, after heating up is explained below in brief details.


Building materials

Buildings that are composed of rock, bricks, or pavement, or inserted into the territory, can seem cooler thanks to the great "thermal mass" of these elements – that is, their capability to assimilate and discharge heat gently, thereby softening temperatures over time, producing daytime cooler and night-time warmer.

Please help me with these calculating velocity questions im so stressed out


Answer: -10m/s


Velocity is solved using the equation displacement over time. Part C shows a displacement or change in x of 30 and a change in time of 3 secs (7-10) so the equation would be 30m/3s= -10m/s it is negative because look at the slope. Its decreasing right? So that means the objects is slowing down which means it can't have a positive velocity

create a formula giving the strength of the induced field (B) i terms of current (I) and the distance from the wire to the probe (d)


If this is a long straight wire, then you probably mean:
B = μ₀I/(2πd)

1. A satellite (mass = 4.44 x 109 kg) travels in orbit around the Earth at a distance of 1.9 x 10'm above
Earth's surface. What is the force of gravitational attraction between the satellite and Earth?



The force of gravitational attraction between the satellite and Earth is [tex]2.587\times 10^{10}[/tex] newtons.


Statement is incorrect. Correct statement is:

A satellite ([tex]m = 4.44\times 10^{9}\,kg[/tex]) travels in orbit around the Earth at a distance of [tex]1.9\times 10^{6}\,m[/tex] above Earth's surface. What is the force of gravitational attraction between the satellite and Earth?

The gravitational force experimented by the satellite ([tex]F[/tex]), in newtons, is calculated by Newton's Law of Gravitation, whose equation is defined by following formula:

[tex]F = \frac{G\cdot m \cdot M}{R^{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]G[/tex] - Gravitational constant, in cubic meters per kilogram-square second.

[tex]m[/tex] - Mass of the satellite, in kilograms.

[tex]M[/tex] - Mass of the Earth, in kilograms.

[tex]R[/tex] - Distance of the satellite with respect to the center of the Earth, measured in meters.

If we know that [tex]G = 6.674\times 10^{-11}\,\frac{m^{3}}{kg\cdot s^{2}}[/tex], [tex]m = 4.44\times 10^{9}\,kg[/tex], [tex]M = 5.972\times 10^{24}\,kg[/tex] and [tex]R = 8.271\times 10^{6}\,m[/tex], then the force of gravitational attraction between the satellite and Earth is:

[tex]F = 2.587\times 10^{10}\,N[/tex]

The force of gravitational attraction between the satellite and Earth is [tex]2.587\times 10^{10}[/tex] newtons.

We use the system to determine noise level




Fujita Scale



Decibel is used to determine noise level.

Element Type of ion formed in a chemical reaction
Phase at room




solid highly reactive

does not form ions

gas non-reactive


gas highly reactive
Z positive liquid

somewhat reactive

Using your knowledge of periodic properties and trends, how would these elements BEST be classified and why?

Elements W and Z are nonmetals, Elements X and Y are metals, but Element Y is in Group 1 (alkali metal).

Elements W and Z are metals, Elements X and Y are nonmetals, but Element Y is in Group 18 (noble gas).

Elements W and Z are metals, Elements X and Y are nonmetals, but Element X is in Group 18 (noble gas).

Elements W and Z are nonmetals, but Element W is in Group 17 (halogen). Elements X and Y are metals.




Find the gravitational force between Venus (4.87 x 1024 kg) and
the sun (1.989 x 100 kg). Venus orbits at a distance of
1.082 x 10" m.


I agree 1.083 ....?jejebe you are

The gravitational force between Venus and the Sun, seperated at the distance of 1.082×10¹¹ m is 5.520×10²² N.

What is gravitational force?

Gravitational force is the attractive force between two bodies. It is applicable to all the bodies have masses and it is called as Universal law of gravitation.

Grarvitational force is the attractive force is directly proportional to the product of two masses and is inversely proportional to the square of distance between them.

F ∝ m₁ × m₂ / d², m₁ and m₂ is the mass of two bodies and is the distance between two bodies. The SI unit of mass is kg and SI unit of distance is m. The SI unit of force is newton.

From the gravitational force,

F = G (m₁×m₂ / d²)

G represents gravitational constant and is equal to 6.67× 10⁻¹¹ N.m²/kg².

From the given,

m₁ ( mass of venus ) = 4.87 x 10²⁴kg

m₂ ( mass of sun) = 1.989 x 10³⁰ kg

d² ( distance between sun and venus) = 1.082 x 10¹¹ m.

G = 6.67 ×10⁻¹¹ N.m² / kg²

F = G (m₁×m₂ / d²)

  = 6.67 ×10⁻¹¹ × 4.87 x 10²⁴× 1.989 x 10³⁰ / (1.082 x 10¹¹)²

 = 5.520 × 10²² N

The gravitational force between the venus and sun at the distance of  1.082 x 10¹¹ is 5.520× 10²² N.

To learn more about the Gravitational force:



Pretend you are designing your own home. You often get cold in the winter and want to make this house as energy efficient as possible to keep you warm. Use your knowledge about energy transfer and describe at least 3 things you would include in the design of your home. Be sure to explain why you would include these things.



I would include extra insulation, a heating system, and some snug-fitting sweaters.


that way i won't get cold

40 points!!


W = Fd = 4(2100) = 8400 J

So the answer is A) 8400 J

I was just rewriting my notes on the work lesson I did in class today, so I saw this question at the perfect time!! :)

Hope it helps!! :)


According to me Option is the right answer

A. 8,400 J

A square brass plate has large circular hole cut in its centre. If the plate is heated, it will expand. Will the diameter of the hole expand or contract? Explain your answer.​


Mother helped her out for her birthday party

Read the description of the centrioles. What is their function?



Typically found in eukaryotic cells, centrioles are cylindrical (tube-like) structures/organelles composed of microtubules. In the cell, centrioles aid in cell division by facilitating the separation of chromosomes. For this reason, they are located near the nucleus.


sorry im just gettig points but the actaul anserw is on top of this oneExplanation:


Read the passage.

The moon is one-fourth the size of Earth, and the moon’s gravity is about one-sixth of Earth’s. Less gravity and no atmosphere means that objects travel farther when thrown on the moon.

Based on the information provided, what visual information would be most helpful to include with the passage?

a chart comparing the sizes of the moon and the Earth
a diagram showing how gravity affects the path of a thrown object
a photograph of a child throwing a ball for a dog to catch
a graph comparing distances traveled by objects thrown on Earth and the moon

its d



d in my opinion is the most opitmal answer


aka a graph comparing distances traveled by objects thrown on Earth and the moon


Its d


a graph comparing distances traveled by objects thrown on Earth and the moon

Why would you consider Joule’s early experiments with electric motors important even though he did not
achieve his goal?



It counts as a learning experience


He can learn from his mistakes and take important steps to achieve his goal In the future.

Setting objectives can lead to better direction, enhanced attention, higher levels of motivation, and increased productivity. You may change your behaviours, mindset, confidence, and daily activities by setting clear, measurable goals.

What important even though achieve his goal?

More essential than monetary or material rewards is achievement. Greater personal satisfaction comes from completing the task or reaching the goal than from being praised or recognized.

Additionally, crucial is commitment. It is less probable that you will succeed if you don't give your aim your all. This enables you to change your future expectations and strategy.Feedback enables you to discover your strengths and weaknesses.

Therefore, people who are driven by achievement are always looking for methods to do things better.

Learn more about goal here:



As a cold air mass advances on a warm air mass, what usually comes before it?​


Answer: A cold front occurs when a cold air mass advances into a region occupied by a warm air mass. If the boundary between the cold and warm air masses doesn't move, it is called a stationary front.

Explanation: Two types of occluded front exist: the warm-type and the cold-type. They’re distinguished by the relative temperatures of the air mass ahead of the occlusion – in other words, the air mass ahead of the original warm front – and the air mass behind the cold front. If the air behind the cold front is colder than the air ahead of the occlusion, it shoves beneath that air (because it’s denser) to form a cold-type occluded front. If the air behind the cold front is warmer than the air ahead, it rides over it to form a warm-type occluded front – which appears to be the more common case. In either situation, the lighter warm air representing the air mass originally between the warm and cold fronts sits above the boundary between the two cooler air masses.

Hope this helps!!

what is a possible explanation for a set of facts that can be tested by further investigation called?

1. Questions
2. Hypothesis
3. Experiment
4. Summary





Not a question, not a summary, and not an experiment.

What name is given to the turning effect of a force?



The turning effect of a force is known as the moment. It is the product of the force multiplied by the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the pivot or point where the object will turn. When undoing a nut fastened to a screw by hand one realises that the amount of force required is a lot greater than when undoing the same nut using a spanner.


A 110 kg football player runs at 8 m/s and plows into an 80 kg referee standing on the field causing the referee to fly forward at 5.0 m/s. What is the momentum of the football player before the collision?



MOMENTUM of the football player before collision is 110×8 =880


A 2-inch, f/4 reflector has a focal length of:

6 inches
8 inches
4 inches
2 inches


I’m pretty sure it’s 8 sorry if I’m wrong

A biker travels at an average speed of 18 km/h along a 0.30-km straight segment of a bike path. How much time ( in hours)does the biker take to travel this segment?



The biker will take "0.016 hours".


The given values are:

Average speed,

[tex]V_{avg}[/tex] = 18 km/h


d = 0.30 km

As we know,

⇒  [tex]V_{avg}=\frac{d}{t}[/tex]


⇒  [tex]t=\frac{d}{V_{avg}}[/tex]

On substituting the values in the above formula, we get

⇒     [tex]=\frac{0.30 \ km}{18 \ km/h}[/tex]

⇒     [tex]=0.016 \ hours[/tex]

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YO SOMEBODY HELP PLS IM STUCK Marios teacher asked him to explain the important role of the sun in the water cycle. Which response would be correct? after one has completed a bachelor degree what are the next three degree one can obtain if accepted A student observes a shadow move across the sun during a solar eclipse. Which list represents the position of Earth, the sun, and themoon during this event?A.sun, Earth, moonB.moon, sun, EarthC.Earth, sun, moonD.sun, moon, Earth Silver is a metal; it reacts with oxygen which is a non-metal to form Silver Oxide. The bond between Silver and Oxygen is called(Related to Science) What are the capillaries that allow gas exchange located in the lungs?LarynxVilliTracheaAlveoli PLEASE HELP ILL GIVE YOU BRAINLIEST in a market economy, what does a producer mean when it asks, "Is there a market for my products?"a."is there is a place where we can sell our products?"b."is our product being more cheaply made overseas?"c."will consumers need and want to buy our products?"d."will the government support demand for our products?" What types of countries are turning to socialism? Developed or developing? -2a - 7 = -11 (worth 25 points} What is the average kinetic energy of particles in a gas at a temperature of 245 Kelvins? Some students conduct an investigation in a biology lab by setting up four different artificial stomachs, each in a40 C water bath. The students place the same amount of boiled egg white, a protein-rich source, in each stomach.They also add dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl, and pepsin, a digestive enzyme, to each stomach, as shown in the table.The students observe the mass of egg white in each stomach every 15 minutes.Which statement describes the most likely result of this investigation?A. The mass of the Egg white increases as the volume of the enzyme increases.B. The egg white is unaffected by the differing amount of enzyme.C. Digestion decreases in each stomach as more of the egg white's surface area becomes exposed.D. Digestion increases as the volume of the enzyme increases. Can somebody help me with this. Will Mark brainliest. Find the value of x. Which of these groups is described by the points listed in the box?A)the Molly MaguiresB)the Knights of Laborthe American Federation of LaborD)the International Workers of the World what is a population? 30 POINTS AND BRAINLIEST!! Which of the following individuals was the plaintiff in Brown v. Board of Education? HELP HELP HELP PLEASE /// What name is given to the turning effect of a force? Help please please!!!!! ill mark brainlist plss help