When did whale ancestors begin living full time in the water?

After they nursed under water

After they lost their hind legs

Before they evolved gills


Before they began eating a carnivorous


Answer 1
Bro just pay attention in class

Related Questions

What is role of force on the speed of moving object? ​



this is the ans hope it works


Forces make things speed up (or accelerate). When a force pushes or pulls the object, the object will move in the direction of the force. The bigger the force, and the lighter the object, the greater the acceleration.


The action from a force can cause an object to move or speed up (accelerate), to slow down (decelerate), to stop, or to change direction. Since any change in velocity is considered acceleration, it can be said that a force on an object results in the acceleration of an object.

A simple mathematical relationship exists between the mass of an object (m), the net force on the object (f) and its acceleration (a). The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force and indirectly proportional to the object’s mass (a = f/m).

Which nucleus completes the following equation? ​


the answer would be cc


its b


If two lines in a system of linear equations have the same slope and same y-intercept, how many solutions will the system have?



We will have infinite solutions to the system of linear equations.


Well, when we have two lines with the same slopes and the same y-interception, both of them are overlapped, so we will have infinite solutions to the system of linear equations.

This kind of system is called dependent system.

I hope it helps you!

Why is diffraction used in soil profiles?


Answer:X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the technique most heavily relied on in soil mineralogical analysis. X-ray diffraction is a technique that provides detailed information about the atomic structure of crystalline substances. It is a powerful tool in the identification of minerals in rocks and soils.


XRD is used to identify the minerals composing clay-rich, hydrothermally altered rocks that occur on several Cascade volcanoes. Such rocks are believed to play an important role in the generation of large landslides and mudflows. XRD is used to analyze saline minerals, including borates.

An astronaut wandering the solar system encounters a 726 kg steel block resting

on a surface where (meau) s = 0.650 and k = 0.400. An attempt by the astronaut to set

the steel block in motion across the surface requires a force of 4930 N. On

which planet is this astronaut wandering? Support your answer with calculations.



Therefore the planet is Saturn .


Let acceleration due to gravity be g .

weight on the planet = 726 g

Frictional force = μs mg

= .65 x 726 x g

This force is equal to 4930 N .

.65 x 726 x g = 4930 N .

g = 10.44 .

Therefore the planet is Saturn .

A block attached to an ideal spring oscillates horizontally with a frequency of 2.0 Hz and amplitude of
0.25 m. The spring constant is 75
What is the mass of the block?


Answer: 0.47 kg


consider the circuit. find the equivalent resistance


Answer: 18 5.0 012


hello help me please :)


Answer: 75 N

Because we're finding the force, we need to use F = ma. M (Mass) = 25 and A (Acceleration) = 3. Multiply 25(3) to get 75. So, you're answer should be 75 N.

Which of the following refers to a force of resistance that acts on an object
when the object moves against other matter?
O A. Balanced force
B. Inertia
C. Friction
D. Contact force


The answer is D and by the way hi

Describe the general relationship between the weight of adult men and the average number of Calories needed daily to maintain a steady weight.



The average number of calories needed daily represents the average quantity of calories eliminated by human body due to metabolism and must be compensated by eating and drinking.

The amount of calories contained in the food we eat every day must represent the amount of calories eliminated by the body in that time to have a steady weight.


The average number of calories needed daily represents the average quantity of calories eliminated by human body due to metabolism and must be compensated by eating and drinking. If total quantity of calories in the food we consume every day is higher that the average number of calories needed daily, then weight increases by fat accumulation.

What makes the results of a scientific experiment accurate? (5 points)



A measurement is reliable if you repeat it and get the same or a similar answer over and over again, and an experiment is reliable if it gives the same result when you repeat the entire experiment.


Answer: when you repeat it and get the same results


When a scientist repeats an experiment with a different group of people or a different batch of the same chemicals and gets very similar results then those results are said to be reliable. Reliability is measured by a percentage – if you get exactly the same results every time then they are 100% reliable.

What do you think we can learn about Earth's history by looking at the Grand Canyon?


We can look at all the ages of the earth since it’s a big crack is reveals many layers of the earth and we can know about chemicals and metals that were in earth and diffrent times

How much gravitational energy does a 65 kg skydiver have 650 m up in the sky?



G.P.E  = 414050 Joules or 414.05 Kilojoules


Given the following data;

Mass = 65 kg

Height = 650 m

We know that acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8m/s²

To find the gravitational potential energy;

Gravitational potential energy (GPE) is an energy possessed by an object or body due to its position above the earth.

Mathematically, gravitational potential energy is given by the formula;

[tex] G.P.E = mgh[/tex]


G.P.E represents potential energy measured in Joules.m represents the mass of an object. g represents acceleration due to gravity measured in meters per seconds square. h represents the height measured in meters.

Substituting into the equation, we have;

[tex] G.P.E = 65 * 9.8 * 650 [/tex]

[tex] G.P.E = 414050 [/tex]

G.P.E  = 414050 Joules or 414.05 Kilojoules.

Pam is running in a race at 3.3 m/s and accelerates at a rate of 3 m/s for the last 15 meters. How fast is she running when she crosses the finish line?



Pam's velocity when she crosses the finish line is 10 m/s.



initial velocity of Pam, u = 3.3 m/s

acceleration of Pam, a = 3 m/s²

last distance covered, d = 15 m

let her final velocity = v

Apply the following kinematic equation to determine Pam's final velocity;

v² = u² + 2ad

v² = 3.3²   + 2(3)(15)

v² = 10.89   +  90

v² = 100.89

v = √100.89

v = 10 m/s

Therefore, Pam's velocity when she crosses the finish line is 10 m/s.

Which is the most accurate description of how the coolant works in an engine?
O Coolant absorbs thermal energy.
O Combustion absorbs thermal energy.
O Coolant absorbs chemical energy.
O Combustion absorbs chemical energy.​



A. coolant absorbs thermal energy.


Got it right on Edg

I really need help

John's mass is 55kg when he is standing on the edge of a diving
board 24m high. a. Find his mechanical energy.

What is it?



E = 12.9 kJ


Given that,

Mass of John, m = 55 kg

It is standing on the edge of a diving board which is at a height of 24 m.

We need to find his mechanical energy. The mechanical energy of John is equal to its potential energy such that,

E = mgh

E = 55  kg × 9.8 m/s² × 24

E = 12936  J


E = 12.9 kJ

So, his mechanical energy is equal to 12.9 kJ.

ASAP!!!!!! I need help is my final



bro the answer would be 15m/s north



what produces magnetic fields



B is the answer


Magnetic fields are produced by moving electric charges and the intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles associated with a fundamental quantum property, their spin.

Magnetic fields are produced by moving electric charges and the intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles associated with a fundamental quantum property, their spin. As Ampere suggested, a magnetic field is produced whenever an electrical charge is in motion. The spinning and orbiting of the nucleus of an atom produces a magnetic field as does electrical current flowing through a wire. The direction of the spin and orbit determine the direction of the magnetic field.

An object with a mass of 1298 kg is accelerating at a rate of 17 m/s² when a net force is applied to it. What is the magnitude of the net force that is acting on the object?




This is a simple F = ma equation. We have the mass and we have the acceleration, so

F = 1298(17) and

F = 22066 which rounds correctly to

F = 22000N

The magnitude of the net force of object with a mass of 1298 kg is accelerating at a rate of 17 m/s² is 22066N


The net force of a body can be calculated by multiplying the mass of the body by its acceleration. That is;

Force (N) = mass (kg) × acceleration (m/s²)

According to this question, an object with a mass of 1298 kg is accelerating at a rate of 17 m/s². The net force can be calculated as follows:

F = 1298Kg × 17m/s²

F = 22066N

Therefore, the magnitude of the net force of object with a mass of 1298 kg is accelerating at a rate of 17 m/s² is 22066N.

Learn more at:

2nd grade work. Anyone?
Which of these can move without being pushed or pulled?
road sign
bubble gum



A. shadow


Answer: A is the correct answer!


According to the passage, why don’t sharks sink in the water?
A Sharks don’t sink because they eat seals and sea lions.
B Sharks don’t sink because their liver is filled with oil.
C Sharks don’t sink because the water is polluted.
D Sharks don’t sink because they are very light

please help me for 20 points








In contrast to other fish, who have bladders filled with gas, sharks have a liver filled with low-density oil that is similar to vegetable oil. This oil is lighter than water and tends to rise to the top of the water if not contained but because it is in the sharks liver its contained therefor the shark floats!

¿Por qué el Cirque du Soleil es una organización? ¿Qué características tiene?


-¿Por qué el Cirque du Soleil es una organización? ... Es una organización ya que tiene un fin financiero, un fin que cambio la historia de los circos y que a su paso de los años se hizo un negocio millonario aparte de que se le puede denominar organización ya que cuenta con el talento de cada persona que trabaja ahí.

Which type of lens is shown in the picture below?


It is a concave lens

Have a nice day

A sphere of mass m1 is attached to an ideal spring, then pulled downward from its equilibrium position and released from rest. A sphere of mass m2 is hung from a massless string of length L, pulled to the right from its equilibrium position, and released from rest. If both spheres have the same period of oscillation, then what is the spring constant of the spring attached to m1



      k = [tex]\frac{g \ m_1}{L}[/tex]


In this exercise the two cases presented are a simple harmonic motion, with angular velocity

spring - mass                                      w² = k / m₁

simple pendulum (string- mass m₂)  w² = g / L

angular velocity and period are related

              w = 2π/ T

since they indicate that the two periods are equal, the angular velocities are also equal, therefore we can equal the two equations

             [tex]\frac{k}{m1} = \frac{g}{L}[/tex]

             k = [tex]\frac{g \ m_1}{L}[/tex]

Wax, like all matter, comes in many phases. What are the three possible
A. Mixtures
B. Gas
C. Liquid
D. Solid
Multiple choice pls help



A and d


Mixture and solid

help asap!
three resistors of 20. ohms, 30. ohms, and 60. ohms, respectively, are connected in series with a battery. a current of 2.0 amperes will flow through this circuit when the potential difference of the battery is a. 20.V b. 220 V c. 110 V d. 10.V.



220 V


[tex]r_{1} = 20 ohm\\r_{2} = 30ohm\\r_{3} = 60ohm[/tex]

As the resistors are connected in series,

[tex]R_{eq} = r_{1} +r_{2} +r_{3}[/tex]

= 20 + 30 + 60

= 110 ohms

V = IR

= 2 * 110

= 220 V

Hope it helps

A 2.24x10^3 kg car slows down uniformly from 20.0 m/s to a stop (assume constant acceleration) via a braking force of 8.41x10^3 N . How far did the car travel during this time?



Explanation: 139 m

Look at the circuit diagram. What type of circuit is shown?

closed parallel circuit

closed series circuit

open parallel circuit

open series circuit


Closed series circuit.

The charge of a transition metal cation is determined using the known charge on the element being combined with the transition metal.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






You can easily determine the charge of transition metal ions in neutral compounds, as long as you know the charge or oxidation state of the atoms that partner with the transition metal.




If F=15 N, a=3 m/s², m=? *

45 Kg
5 kg
0.2 kg
0 kg



5 kg


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