On Christmas Eve I saw that my mother had outdone herself in creating a

strange menu. She was pulling black veins out of the backs of fleshy prawns. The

kitchen was littered with appalling mounds of raw food: A slimy rock cod with

bulging fish eyes that pleaded not to be thrown into a pan of hot oil. Tofu, which

looked like stacked wedges of rubbery white sponges. A howl soaking dried fungus

back to life. A plate of squid, their backs crisscrossed with knife markings so they

resembled bicycle tires.

Read the following excerpt from Amy Tan’s “Fish Cheeks”.

1. highlight interesting diction.

2. Why did you highlight each word? What connotations do the words have?

3. Is there a pattern in the word choice?

4. How is the meaning affected by the words?


Answer 1

Answer:im not sure whzt the question is here if you could give more i might be able to help


Related Questions

What can the reader infer about Mr. Baroda from his conversation with Mrs. Baroda in paragraphs 7-15?



Hope this helps...


The reader can infer that Mr.Baroda believes Mrs.Baroda is a bad hostess and that she is an embarrassment to their family. He cares about being mindful of his friend and he thinks that his wife is worrying for no reason.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Naomi is writing a memoir about an experience at her favorite music concert. She is writing using the first-person point of view. Choose the
correct way to complete the sentences in her memoir.

First options

Second options

Third options


First-Person POV- refers to yourself (My, We, I)
Second-Person POV- refers to your audience (you, your, y’all)
Third Person POV- refers to a third party (He/She, They, Them)

So since this memoir is being written in first person, the answers are:

Choose the correctly capitalized sentence.

01. Danita wrote a story and submitted it to a Children's magazine.

2. She called her story "The phantom Tetherball."

3. Our whole class liked it, but the Magazine sent it back to her.

4. She changed it to "Curse of the Tetherball Fiend" and sent it again.



4. She changed it to "Curse of the Tetherball Fiend" and sent it again.


In the first sentence, "Children" is a noun and should not be capitalized.

In the second sentence, "phantom" isn't capitalized but should be as part of the title.

In the third sentence, "Magazine" is a noun and should not be capitalized.

When does Romeo see and fall for Juliet's beauty?
O All of the above
O Before he knows who she is.
O When he attends the Capulets' party.
O While he forgets the fair Rosaline.



It would be the first one! All of the above.

He fell out of love with Rosaline, and attended the Capulets' party after, He fell in love with Juliet apon first sight when seeing her at the Capulets' party.


- Eijiro <3

Read this sentence from the passage. “The mirror let doctors remove a tumor with only minimally invasive surgery, instead of a major operation.” (paragraph 16)Which antonym in the sentence clarifies the meaning of minimally?


I think it’s major correct me if I’m wrong

The antonym that clarifies the meaning of "minimally" in the sentence is "invasive." The phrase "minimally invasive" refers to a medical procedure that is performed with minimal damage or trauma to the body, as opposed to a more invasive procedure that requires major surgery.

What is antonym ?

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For example, the antonym of "hot" is "cold," and the antonym of "fast" is "slow."

Antonyms are useful in language because they provide a way to express the opposite meaning of a word, and they can help to clarify or emphasize a particular idea or concept.

The word "invasive" is the antonym that helps to explain the meaning of "minimally" in the given sentence. The phrase "minimally invasive" means a medical procedure that causes very little harm or injury to the body, as compared to a more intrusive procedure that necessitates significant surgical intervention.

Find more on antonyms:



5.04 Graded Assignment: Research Paper

Need help with a research paper, Can someone make it about Teens and social media? Please make it 3-4 pages long



Some one help because Brainly is not letting me answee

It is important to study about the effects of use of social media among the teenagers.

What is meant by research ?

Research can be defined as a systematic investigation and collection of data regarding a particular topic.


When doing a research about teens and social media, the important factor to be included is the influence of social media in the lives of these teenagers.

Teenagers had been widely influenced by the social media such that, it became a constant part of their life.

A major percentage of the present teenagers are facing the issue of increased depression and mental frustration, which mainly caused due to the over usage of social media.


It is important to study about the effects of use of social media among the teenagers.

To learn more about research, click:



What are three techniques are used to create tension in a narrative?

1. anticipation, uncertainty, investment
2. anticipation, investment, pacing
3. logos, ethos, pathos
4. transitions, conflict, characters


The answer is number 1
The answer of this question is one

Which version best uses a variety of sentence structures to enhance the flow
and writing style of a story?



C. is the correct answer

how do you solve short division?​



To solve the division:In arithmetic, short division also called the bus stop method is a division algorithm which breaks down a division problem into a series of easier steps. It is an abbreviated form of long division — whereby the products are omitted and the partial remainders are notated as superscripts.

As a result, a short division tableau is shorter than its long division counterpart — though sometimes at the expense of relying on mental arithmetic, which could limit the size of the divisor.

For most people, small integer divisors up to 12 are handled using memorised multiplication tables, although the procedure could also be adapted to the larger divisors as well.

As in all division problems, a number called the dividend is divided by another, called the divisor. The answer to the problem would be the quotient, and in the case of Euclidean division, the remainder would be included as well.

Using short division, arbitrarily large dividends can be handled

Write a summary about chapter 20 and 21 about the book The Giver



Chapter 20 :

The Giver tries to comfort and advise Jonas whose mind is in a turmoil over what he has learned. The Giver explains that after eating dinner, they will together make a plan. There are memories of times when things were different and people had feelings like pride, sorrow, and love.On the morning of the annual Ceremony, Jonas will leave his bicycle by the river. Meanwhile, The Giver hides Jonas in the trunk of a vehicle and drives Jonas a ways to give him a good start on his escape. When people discover Jonas is missing, and then find his bicycle by the river, they'll think that he's drowned.

Chapter 21 :

In chapter twenty-one, Jonas learns that the Nurturing Center, including his father, all voted to release Gabe after a terrible night during which Gabe would not sleep. Jonas does not want Gabe to die; therefore, he decides to take Gabe with him.Jonas notices that his memories are fading a bit, which is what he and The Giver had expected: as he moves further and further away from the community, the memories should be released to the citizens and thus fade from his mind. As the days go on, the planes become less and less frequent. Finally, they stop altogether.


You were tired when you got drenched to the skin explain what happened in the dream


what does this mean ?

What’s the answer FAST PLS


The answer is C
Hope it helps

1. Reread lines 16-29. Make inferences about whether Tituba and Sarah Good really believe the devil is coming to rescue them, and, if so, why.

2. Look at Danforth’s line of dialogue. "What is he about here?" [lines 86-87] Write two modern-style versions of Danforth’s line of dialogue.

3. How is Reverend Parris different in Act Four compared to earlier in the play? Page 531 – Analyze Danforth’s speech in lines 321-339. What does it reveal about his character? Has his character stayed consistent throughout the play? Has his motivation changed at all?


Answer and Explanation:

1. Sarah and Tituba really believe that the devil is going to seek them out and free them from judgment, but this is happening because they are going crazy, due to the time they spent in prison and the intense fear they felt in this period. All of this has damaged their mind and rationality, causing them to say things completely out of reality.

2. "What is he doing here?" // "What is Parris doing in this prison?"

3. In Act 1, Parris is presented as a rich and respected man in the city of Salem, he feels very proud of the reputation he has in the city, however, in Act 4 Parris shows himself to be a completely humiliated, sad and poor man. This is because his niece, Abigail, ran away with all the money he had, causing him a lot of shame and destroying all his reputation.

Danforth's speech shows that he is very conscious and faithful to his own thoughts and reflections on everything that is happening. He remains very faithful to his own convictions and does not allow himself to be carried away by outside opinions. He does not present any motivational change.

What does the quote from long way down mean? The sound you hear in your head, the one people call ears ringing, sounds less like a bell, and more like a flatline.

And can you please not just put link and just answer the question


Whoever said this is currently in a distressing situation, as you can tell the person says it sounds like a flatline which is something you hear when someone stops breathing.

Does feeling lesser than my peers make me less motivated to try something? WHY OR WHY NOT? (Don’t copy online and No links/files)



If somone were to have low self esteem than i think feeling leeser than your peers will make you less motivated to try something becasue you basically dont even belevie in yourself.


Hope this helps :)

In at least 150 words, describe two of the challenges that American society faced after World War II, and explain how these challenges were reflected and addressed in American literature.



is this world history or normal social studies.


What is the best replacement for the underlined word in the sentence below?
An 8-pointed star, in Islamic culture, has positive connotations of unity, harmony, and stability
a. connections
b. definitions
c. denotations
d. associations



The best replacement for the underlined word is Associations.

A group of students has proposed that the school plant a garden to
produce fresh food for cafeteria lunches. The group thinks that all
students should be required to work in the garden in order to learn
more about where food really comes from. Do you agree that helping
to grow food should be required? Write a letter to the school
newspaper supporting or opposing this proposal.
Which claim most appropriately responds to the requirements of the prompt?
A. The school should not plant a garden, because only a few
students are interested in gardening and resources should be
used for activities a majority of students enjoy.
B. There is no evidence to show that students who grow their own
vegetables are more likely to make healthy meal choices.
C. Mountvale High School built a garden several years ago, but within
only a few seasons, students and school officials had lost interest,
and the garden turned into a weedy eyesore.
D. All students should not be required to work in the garden, because
the school offers many valuable activities and students should be
able to choose the ones that interest them most




sond narrative for her college applications. What should be included in the structure of her writing
A)opening, argument, and conclusion
B)introduction, body, and conclusion
C)rising action, falling action, and denouement
D)introduction, body, and climax





it is application so it could be ans A


introduction, body, and conclusion.


The introduction sets the stage by providing necessary background information and engaging the reader's attention. It should introduce the main topic or theme of the narrative and provide a hook to capture the reader's interest.

The body of the narrative contains the main events, experiences, or anecdotes that support the central theme. It should be well-organized, with clear transitions between different ideas or moments. The body provides the opportunity for Marcia to showcase her experiences, reflections, and personal growth.

Finally, the conclusion brings closure to the narrative. It summarizes the main points discussed in the body and leaves the reader with a lasting impression or takeaway. The conclusion can also provide reflections on the significance of the experiences shared in the narrative.

By following this structure, Marcia can effectively convey her personal story, engage the reader, and make a strong impression in her college applications.

When Rebecca Nurse is charged, Hale is troubled. What does he intend to point out by this
allusion to the story that the Devil was once an angel?
"...an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven."
O the powerful skills of deception the Devil has
O the impossibility of determining God's will
that even beauty is no indicator of goodness
O that people sometimes change as they get older


Answer: the powerful skills of deception the Devil has


Allusion simply means the act of making indirect reference to a particular thing.

When Rebecca Nurse is charged, Hale is troubled. The intent of the allusion to the story that the Devil was once an angel is that the powerful skills of deception that the Devil has.

Other options such as the impossibility of determining God's will, that even beauty is no indicator of goodness and that people sometimes change as they get older isn't the correct options.

in the book heart of darkness is the company dutch,english,french,or belgian





Marlow's story begins in what he calls the “sepulchral city,” somewhere in Europe. There “the Company”—an unnamed organization running a colonial enterprise in the Belgian Congo—appoints him captain of a river steamer. He sets out for Africa optimistic of what he will find.

Act III, Scene VI Who does Lennox feel has cursed Scotland?
A) Macbeth
B) Macduff
C) the witches
D) Lady Macbeth



Hello There!!


I believe the answer is A) Macbeth.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:}}}}}[/tex]

Ur answer is

A) Macbeth.

Thanks Hope it helps.

what is the main idea for the article When the friend who has your back is a horse





Before baking the beans, how much water should be added? A) 1 inch B) 2 inches C) 3 inches D) 4 inches


Answer: A-inch


3. What sound device is used in the phrase
flirting the feathers of his tail?
A. onomatopoeia
B. internal rhyme
C. alliteration
D. repetition


the answer is C. alliteration

How would engaging in a decision-making process help


A doctor diagnosed Yasmin with attention deficit

hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) several years ago. She does

not take any medication, but she has learned several

strategies for dealing with her symptoms. However, Yasmin

sometimes suspects she might be able to do better in high

school if she took medication.

O It would ensure that she makes a quick decision and

takes action.

It would ensure that she gets the best advice from

others with her condition

O It would provide a way for her to achieve the most

successful outcome.

O It would provide a way for her to make an informed

decision about treatment

Mark this and return



the answer is the third option

It would provide a way for her to achieve the most successful outcome, this would help Yasmin engage in a  decision-making process.

What is a decision making process?

Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.

Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.

Step 1: Identify the decision

Step 2: Gather relevant information

Collect some pertinent information before you make your decision.Some information is internal.Other information is external: you’ll find it online, in books, from other people, and from other sources.

Step 3: Identify the alternatives

As you collect information, you will probably identify several possible paths of action, or alternatives.

Step 4: Weigh the evidence

Draw on your information and emotions to imagine what it would be like if you carried out each of the alternatives to the end. Evaluate whether the need identified in Step 1 would be met or resolved through the use of each alternative.

Step 5: Choose among alternatives

Once you have weighed all the evidence, you are ready to select the alternative that seems to be best one for you.

Step 6: Take action

You’re now ready to take some positive action by beginning to implement the alternative you chose in Step 5.

Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences

In this final step, consider the results of your decision and evaluate whether or not it has resolved the need you identified in Step 1. If the decision has not met the identified need, you may want to repeat certain steps of the process to make a new decision.

Learn more about decision making process,here:



In "The Storm," Chopin is making an observation about the unpredictability of passion. She suggests that it cannot be controlled any more than a storm.
1.Textual Level
2.Emotional Level
3.Symbolic Level
4.Thematic Level




Symbolic Level

Will mark brainliest! Please help me



The genotype of both parents is Uu. Both parents show the dominant phenotype (unattached lobes), so each parent must have at least one dominant allele (U). In order for any offspring to show the recessive phenotype (attached lobes, or uu), each parent must have one recessive allele (u)

Which group was the last to receive the right to vote?

1965 1971
ACT OF 1005
Formally extends
suffrage to Alla
Ens age
to women
Outlaws poll
takes intonal
Mrican Americans Voting
achieve suffrage lowered to 18
guwanted under the
15th Amendment
Eighteen year olds
Convicted felons



imeline of Voting Rights in the United States

This is a timeline of voting rights in the United States. The timeline highlights milestones when groups of people in the United States gained voting rights, and also documents aspects of disenfranchisement in the country.


Jamie is recording a secretary for a school student council. His primary job is to take notes at each meeting in person to a brief summary at the next one. Which phrase would add febrile irony to the paragraph


Answer: Aren't sufficiently brief.

Explanation: If you are doing a presentation/project for school or you are doing a meeting for work. And you read each bullet point word for word not only it might get boring. But it also gets extremely long and in reality, all you have to do is make sure everybody gets what is trying to be told!. Presented correctly and clear as it can be as is.

Other Questions
I MARK BRAINLIEST PLEASE HURRY!!!Read this excerpt from Levitt and Dubners Freakonomics.The incentive scheme that rules sumo is intricate and extraordinarily powerful. Each wrestler maintains a ranking that affects every slice of life; how much money he makes, how large an entourage he carries, how much he gets to eat, sleep, and otherwise take advantage of his success. The sixty-six highest-ranked wrestlers in Japan, comprising the makuuchi and juryo divisions, make up the sumo elite. A wrestler near the top of this elite pyramid may earn millions and is treated like royalty. Any wrestler in the top forty earns at least $170,000 a year. The seventieth-ranked wrestler in Japan, meanwhile, earns only $15,000 a year. Life isnt very sweet outside the elite. Low-ranked wrestlers must tend to their superiors, preparing their meals and cleaning their quarters and even soaping up their hardest-to-reach body parts. So ranking is everything.A wrestlers ranking is based on his performance in the elite tournaments that are held six times a year. Each wrestler has fifteen bouts per tournament, one per day over fifteen consecutive days. If he finishes the tournament with a winning record (eight victories or better), his ranking will rise. If he has a losing record, his ranking falls. If it falls far enough, he is booted from the elite rank entirely. The eighth victory in any tournament is therefore critical, the difference between promotion and demotion; it is roughly four times as valuable in the rankings as the typical victory.Based on the excerpt, which of the following statements best summarizes the incentive system that ranks sumo wrestlers?The incentive system penalizes elite sumo wrestlers.The incentive system rewards elite sumo wrestlers.The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers equally.The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers like royalty. What is the name of the landform that borders China on the west?A the AlpsB the Atlas MountainsC the Himalayan MountainsD the Pyrenees What is the percent yield if the actual yield ofNH3 is 70 grams Endocytosis and exocytosis require energy.True or false? HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Write an Argumentative Essay about a Roman Emperor 100 pnt 8. We know Romeo and Juliet got married, but many other characters do not.a. Dramatic Ironyb. Situational Ironyc. Verbal Ironyd. Figurative Irony NO LINK please help please/ no links if you send links i will report you In 1786, Daniel Shays led a rebellion with which group of people? A) merchants B) lawyers C) farmers D) soldiers The diagram shown represents a 6-by-6 foot board. A point is randomly chosen from theboard.Alco1314.2uWhat is the probability of choosing a point NOT in the shaded area?3 kahulugan ng inobasyon? Which best describes the author's attitude in the passage?1. frustrated, because our understanding of the atom is so limited2. smug, because our understanding of the atom has progressed significantly3. hopeful, because our understanding of the atom is advancing4. satisfied, because our understanding of the atom is complete Who represents districts in a city-parish form of government?A. an alderman councilB. a city commissionC. an elected councilD. a parish-municipal association Cash receipts and cash disbursement budgets for a government: Should be prepared monthly or as needed to enhance cash management, investment management, and short-term debt management. Should be prepared for all funds for the entire fiscal year. Should be prepared for only those funds for which appropriations budgets are not required by law. Should be prepared for only those funds for which appropriations budgets are required by law to be prepared on the accrual basis or the modified accrual basis. Summary of the president election of 1860(do not copy and paste, or put links) will mark brainiest!! In a rational function, what must be true for the graph to have a horizontal asymptote aty = 0. Solve each equation by completing the square. Write both answers separately. 5. Match each description with the correct equation below. Then solve the equation.a) When 4.26 is added to a number, the sum is 17.04.b) The product of 4.26 and a number is 17.04.c) When a number is doubled and 4.26 is subtracted, the result is = 17.04 2n 4.26 = 17.04 n + 4.26 = 17.04 A pig that has internal parasites has (____) living in its intestines. Please help with this please domain and range