help please/ no links if you send links i will report you

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Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

1:dang you got a lot of tabs open

2:charge your device

3:yo you need to put more info down you just send an image saying a thing with no explaination. and don't send links. so dont get upset when noone can answer your Q

4:im not trying to be mean

5:i hope you find your answer

Related Questions

whats a integer ,can someone answer this a short explanation ?



An Integer is a whole number

Step-by-step explanation:

Integers can be positive, negative, and even zero.

Integers can't be fractions, decimals, ect.

An example of some Integers are:

1, 2, 3, 0, -1, -2 , -3

Hope this helps you out!


It is any whole number including both positive/negative.

Step-by-step explanation:


(also zero can be included)

Jose set a goal of saving at least $200 in a savings account. He currently has $60 in the
account. If he invests $5 of his weekly allowance per week, how many weeks will it
take him to reach his goal?


It will take him 28 weeks. If he already has $60 of $200 saved, you would do 200 - 60. That would give you 140. To find out how long it would take him to make $140, you would have to do 140 divided by 5 to get the number of weeks.


28 weeks

Step-by-step explanation:

subtract 60 from 200 to find the amount of money Jose needs to invest. Then, divide by 5 to find the number of weeks it will take him.

Help me with this question please.


Answer: 17.60 is a terming decimal 25.60 is a repeating decimal i dont know the rest sorry

Step-by-step explanation:

Terminating would be 25/60 and 31/44

Please help besties! (sorry for the low quality)



Step-by-step explanation:

Check boxes 1 and 4 (these two are true!).

1. Quadrant I is the top right quadrant on the graph. All values for x and y are positive in quadrant 1. Quadrant III is the bottom left and both coordinates (x,y) would always be negative.

4. Multiplying a number by itself is the same as squaring that number or raising it to the power of 2. In all cases, squaring a number results in a positive value. Therefore, no matter if the coordinates are positive or negative, the new coordinates will both be positive after being multiplied by themselves. This will result in the new coordinates being in Quadrant I.

Please help it says: what is the volume of this figure? Show work and label!!



The ANSWER IS No clue

Step-by-step explanation:

last ones for math sum1 help ?


The first one is 1963.5 and the second one is 1357.17


V=1357.17 m^3

V=1963.50 in^3

Step-by-step explanation:


first, let's go over the volume formula for a cylinder. it is V=π*r^2*h

the problem says the radius is 6, and the height is 12. we have everything to make the equation!





let's do the same thing as the first time. the radius is 5. and the height is 25.





hope this helped <3333333333

Natalie is shopping for new clothes and does not want to spend more than $65.

She buys one dress for $26

and wants to buy a few shirts that cost $13

Which inequality represents the number of shirts she can buy?

A. x≤3

B. x≤7

C. x≥7

D. x≥3


The answer with Be B good choice



D should be the answer


D i think

Step-by-step explanation:

Gia bought a computer that was 20% off the regular price of $1,280. If a 9% sales tax was added to the cost of the computer, what was the total price Gia paid for it?


Tax is the last thing added, savings before tax since
1,280 - 20% = 1,024
1,024 + 9% = $1,116.16

For each term, identify the coefficient (C) and the variable (V).

A.) 2x C_____ V_____

B.) 12z C_____ V_____

C.) m C_____ V_____

D.) 9df C_____ V____



A. 2, x

B. 12, z

C. 1, m

D. 9 is the coefficient for d, and f has a coefficient of 1


A.) 2x C: 2 V: x

B.) 12z C: 12 V: z

C.) m C: 1 V: m

D.) 9df C: 9 V: d and f

Step-by-step explanation:

Jackie wants to put a paper border around the top of each wall in her bedroom (pictured). How many feet of border paper will Jackie need to purchase? ​


45 feet all together
the answer is 54. remember to add the 4 from the 12-8 and the 5 from the 15-10

Gustavo is the league's home run leader. The probabilities for his total number of home runs for the season are as follows:
\text{P(0-19 home runs}) = \dfrac14P(0-19 home runs)=

start text, P, left parenthesis, 0, negative, 19, space, h, o, m, e, space, r, u, n, s, end text, right parenthesis, equals, start fraction, 1, divided by, 4, end fraction
\text{P(20-39 home runs}) = 45\%P(20-39 home runs)=45%start text, P, left parenthesis, 20, negative, 39, space, h, o, m, e, space, r, u, n, s, end text, right parenthesis, equals, 45, percent
\text{P(40+ home runs}) = 0.3P(40+ home runs)=0.3start text, P, left parenthesis, 40, plus, space, h, o, m, e, space, r, u, n, s, end text, right parenthesis, equals, 0, point, 3
Put the following events in order from least to most likely.



dont copy and paste i cant read the question

Step-by-step explanation:

The events in order from least to most likely are:

P(0-19 home runs) < P(40+ home runs) < P(20-39 home runs)

To put the events in order from least to most likely, we need to compare their probabilities:

Let's reorder the events based on their probabilities:

P(40+ home runs) = 0.3 (30%)

P(20-39 home runs) = 45% (0.45)

P(0-19 home runs) = 1/4 = 0.25 (25%)

So, the correct order from least to most likely is:

P(0-19 home runs) < P(40+ home runs) < P(20-39 home runs)

P(40+ home runs) = 0.3 (30%)

P(20-39 home runs) = 45% (0.45)

P(0-19 home runs) = 1/4 = 0.25 (25%)

So, the events in order from least to most likely are:

P(0-19 home runs) < P(40+ home runs) < P(20-39 home runs)

To know more about probabilities   here


science question but i had to put in math - will give brainliest to correct answer



The number 2

Step-by-step explanation:

It allows plants to take in oxygen for photosynthesis


Step-by-step explanation:

The second option is correct

please help asap! i just need the answers. brainliest to first CORRECT answer!! thanks!



a. 8,953.5 seconds

b. 14,400 seconds (check note)

Step-by-step explanation:



y=-35814 (negative because this is underwater)



The model suggests it would take 8,953.5 seconds for DeepSea Challenger to reach the bottom (2.487083333 hours, or about 2 hours and 30 minutes).



x=3600 (positive because the vessel is rising)



It took 14,400 seconds for the DeepSea Challenger to ascend to the surface.

[also note: I'm not sure if the second question is asking for how many seconds it takes to ascend to the surface with reference to the 4 seconds in the previous question (which is how I answered part b) or if it's asking how many seconds 1 hour is, and in that case. the answer is 3,600 seconds. I hope this helps and sorry if it's unclear!]


a. 8,953.5 seconds

b. 14,400 seconds

Step-by-step explanation:

Make me a statistical question and ill give u branliest



How many minutes do 6th grade students typically spend watching TV each week?

Step-by-step explanation:

Subject: 6th grade students watching tv

Im sorry im to lazy to do the rest but this is a statical question

Trapezoid JKLM is similar to trapezoid WXYZ .
What is the length of Y Z?
A 6 2/3in.
B 12 in.
C 10 2/3 in.
D 15 in.




D. 15 in.

Step-by-step explanation:

KL = 4 in.

ML = 6 in.

XY = 10 in.

You can create a proportion by doing 10/4 = 5/2 = 2.5.

Then, multiply it by the value of ML (6 in) by the proportion 2.5 to get the value of ZY (15 in) since both trapezoids are porportional/similar figures.

Hope this helps!

Help ASAP i need the answer to this question plsss NO LINKS AND NO DOING IT JUST FOR THE POINTS Will give brainliest and just because i say don't do it just for the points doesn't mean i don't want you to do it i'm just saying that because i don't want random answers i want the right answers with work shown


( D (7,4) E (4,8) F (4,2)
Yes I agree with the answer above I did the work and checked it

Given the graph below, which of the answer choices is closest to the actual distance between point A and point C?
the square root of 65
the square root of 33


the square root of 65

walk em down till -59480984908908409480984



Step-by-step explanation:



I don't understand what you're asking...?

Daniel wants to buy cookies for her friend. The
radius of a cookie is 5 inches. What is the distance around the cookie?
Group of answer choices

10 in

31.4 in

15.7 in



31.4 in

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 31.4 inches

Find the circumference of each circle D =6ft
1. 28.26
2. 113.04
3. 18.84


28.26 is the answer

have a nice day


3 = 18.84

d = 6ft

Step-by-step explanation:

3.14 x 6 = 18.84

The radius of the Ferris wheel is shown. Which is the circumference of the Ferris wheel, rounded to the nearest foot?

A ferris wheel. The radius of the ferris wheel (from the center of the wheel to its edge) is labeled 125 feet.



The circumference is around 785 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

The circumference of a circle is pi x radius x 2 or pi x diameter.

If the Ferris wheel's radius is 125, then this is what you do:

pi x 125 x 2

= pi x 250

= 3.14 x 250

= 785


About 785.4

Step-by-step explanation:

C = 2pir

R = 125

2*pi*125 ≈ 785.4

C ≈ 785.4

:) Have a good day :)




4/9 loads

Step-by-step explanation:

From the line plot, the kind of laundry detergent that has 4 bottles is the one that contains 8 cups.

Therefore, Natalie buys a bottle of detergent with 8 cups.

1 bottle = 8 cups

Natalie uses 1/8 cup for each load of laundry


Number of laundry Natalie can do with 1 bottle of laundry detergent = 8/18

=4/9 loads

hope this helped you

Answer: 14 Loads

Explanation: There are lots of unnecessary data here. The important thing is the fact that Jada buys one of the bottles of laundry with the fewest bottles on the shelf and that she uses 1/8 cup in each load of laundry. Look at the line plot. The bottle of laundry with the least amount is 14 (it has the fewest amount of x).

1/8=1 Load

8/8=8 Loads, 1 Cup

?/8=? Loads, 14 Cups


Let's try out a few numbers:

40/8=5 Loads, 5 Cups

96/8=12 Loads, 12 Cups

112/8=14 Loads, 14 Cups

A plant takes up water from the soil through its roots. While most of the water taken up by the plant is lost by the leaves of the plant, some of the water is used.

How is this water used by the plant?

It is used to produce food.

It is used to attract insects.

It is used in the process of respiration.

It is used in the process of moving the plant toward the light.



It is used in the process of respiration.




Step-by-step explanation:

I looked this up so I'm pretty sure this is correct however it still could be wrong. From my newfound understanding, the water is absorbed and goes up the xylem where most of it goes to the plant and only a small bit is left for the plant to grow

plants need sunlight to make their own food as we've been taught for years. many plants will actually grow toward sunlight. If they're saving that water to grow, they might as well grow toward the sunlight.

that's my explanation and my train of thought. I hope this helped!

How do you solve it?


52+x would just remain like that because you cannot combine them
38 degrees for the acute angle

Middle school math please help, thank you!


C is incorrect the Pythagorean can be used with right and left triangles

help lol
For the following terms, write an inequality in terms of x.
x can be no more than 147.
x is at least 1.47.
The maximum number of hours you should sleep is 8 hours each night.
Yael needs a minimum of 50 popsicles for her science project.



1) 147≥x≤1.47

2) x≥8 hours of sleep

3) x≥50 popsicles

Step-by-step explanation:

I was a little confused on the questions themselves but I tried

let me know if something doesn't make sense.

what has one set of parallel lines and two right angles


The answer to your question is Quadrilateral
Quadrilateral is the answer

pls help will give brainliest to the correct answer :)



469.875 square feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Since you have 3 bags, you should first take 3×125.3 (you get 375.9) because one bag covers 125.3 and you have 3 bags. Then to find how much 3/4 of a bag covers take 125.3÷4 (you get 31.325) to see how much a fourth of the bag would cover, then take that number and times it by three (you get 93.975) then to get the total you do 93.975+375.9 and get 469.875

Can someone please answer these 4 questions they don’t look hard- but I just need to understand please!! (If you can provide the answer please!!!!!)



Thanks for the points

Step-by-step explanation:

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