Which structures help plants control the rate of transpiration to prevent withering and eventual death?

chloroplasts and pores

chloroplasts and guard cells

guard cells and stomata

stomata and pores


Answer 1


C - guard cells and stomata


Related Questions


Bats and marine mammals are able to locate prey and to communicate by sending and receiving soundwaves that echo off of surfaces. Echoes demonstrate the wave property of?





An echo is an example of wave reflection. Reflection occurs when waves bounce back from a surface they cannot pass through.

Hope this helps



I would say they design and build things.
Construct and design

Which materials are needed for photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide and water

oxygen and carbon dioxide

sugar and oxygen

water and sugar


Corbin dioxide and water!
carbon dioxide and water

The data shows that recently the size of the raccoon population decreased. How will the decrease in the raccoon population affect the other populations? Be sure to explain whether the owl population, the duck population, and the frog population will change, and why. PLEASE HELP (science by the way!!!)



Some will loose their pray it being the racoons and they will too die because thy lost their food source.


i will give brainliest to correct answer - no links



C - 23cm





cuz si senor.

What happens to a sheet of copper as the average kinetic energy of the copper molecules decreases?

It melts.
It expands.
It gets cooler.
It gains energy.



It gets cooler.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!


it gets cooler


i took the test and got it correct

20 Points and Brainliest IF CORRECT

A student is given a mineral that she can’t identify. Explain how the techniques Sandra used in the investigation can help the student identify the mineral.


I mean this is a contextual question as it says “explain how the techniques Sandra used *in the investigation* can help” so this info might not be right because I don’t know if it’s mentioned
But take other minerals that have already been identified and compare lust, texture, malleability, and reflectiveness

What could be the cause for the large temperature difference in Atlanta and St. Louis? A. A cold front moving southeast
B. A warm front moving southeast
C. High pressure in Atlanta
D. Low pressure in Atlanta


you can download your answer here


i will give brainliest to correct answer - link = report


C. 23 cm is the answer.


your answer would be 23cm!

What do the number of protons determine for an element? (PLEASE HELP ME THIS IS TIMED!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!)



all of the above


Hi! I believe I have the answer.

My answers: B, D

Please let me know if it is wrong. Good luck!

This chart shows the effect of several solutions on litmus paper. Which solutions are most likely bases? (PLEASE HELP!!! THIS IS TIMED!!!!!)

A.Solutions 4 and 7

B.Solutions 2 and 5

C.Solutions 1 and 3

D.Solutions 3 and 6


Answer: C


Im not sure tho

12a. How does the model of the volcano provide evidence for the cycling of Earth materials through the rock cycle?

12b. Explain how the process you described in 12a results in rock formation.​



lava is coming from the crust


volcano's explode with lava because the crust pushes it out

Please tell me witch one goes with what. It can be continental drift or plate tectonics. please tell me if you need help
1.Identify evidence that supports the theories of continental drift and plate tectonics.
2. Glossopteris plant found in several southern hemisphere continents.
3.The same rocks are found on either side of the Atlantic Ocean.
4.There are no ocean floor rocks older than 180 million years. The pattern of rock ages 5. shows new rock forming at mid-ocean ridges and spreading away from the ridge in both directions.
6. The shapes of South America and Africa appear to fit together.
7. The majority of earthquakes and volcanoes occur along easily recognized bands called tectonic plate boundaries.
8. Lystrosaurus reptile fossils are found on several Southern Hemisphere continents.
9. The same type of sediment deposits are found in several southern continents.
10. Magnetism in rocks of different ages don't point to the same North Pole locations.


I’m not sure but people would more likely skip your question because it’s kinda long and I’m sorry to say that


Hard materials such as brick walls tend to (blank)
sound waves while soft materials such as a thick carpet tend to (blank)
sound waves.


Hard materials such as brick walls tend to (block sound waves, they bounce off of the brick creating an echo) sound waves while soft materials such as thick carpet tend to (absorb sound waves).

Hope this helps!

Hard materials such as brick walls tend to  block sound waves while soft materials such as a thick carpet tend to absorb sound waves.

What are sound waves?

A sound wave is defined as  the pattern of disturbance  which is caused by the movement of energy traveling through a medium as it propagates away from the source of the sound.

Sound waves are created by object's vibrations and produce pressure waves, for example, a ringing cellphone. The pressure wave disturbs the particles present  in the surrounding medium, and those particles disturb others present  next to them, and so on.

The pattern of the disturbance creates outward movement in a wave pattern, like sea water in the ocean. The wave carries the sound energy through the medium, usually in all directions and less intensely as it moves farther from the source.

Learn more about sound waves,here:



What is the relationship between guard cells and stomata in plants?

Guard cells open and close the stomata to regulate the rate of transpiration.

Guard cells protect the stomata from insects and other pests.

Guard cells store carbon dioxide for later use by the stomata.

Guard cells absorb light energy from the Sun for use by the stomata.


Guard cells use osmotic pressure to open and close stomata, allowing plants to regulate the amount of water and solutes within them. In order for plants to produce energy and maintain cellular function, their cells undergo the highly intricate process of photosynthesis . Critical in this process is the stoma.


Guard cells open and close the stomata to regulate the rate of transpiration.

Can somebody please match the numbers?



1. volcano

4. glaciers


this isnt really helpful but there is 2 sorryy


9 is to earthquakes.


What would be the approximate time would at Location X? (Please make note of which direction Earth is spinning.)

A. 5:00 AM
B. 1:00 PM
C. 8:00 PM
D. 2:00 AM



Im pretty sure its B. 1:00 PM


Calculate the speed of a wave that has a wavelength of 8 meters and a frequency of 16 meters per second (m/s).



Assume that you move one end of a rope up and down just once to generate a wave in the rope. How long will take the wave to travel down the rope to the other end? It depends on the speed of the wave.

It would be 128 (m/s) You would multiply the wavelength and the frequency.

Brainliest if correct LINKS WILL BE REPORTED




2.able to pass through


1. Transparent
2.able to pass through

can you pls answer this quickly i dont have time and i dont get it


Answer: The Shape of Molecules

   The three dimensional shape or configuration of a molecule is an important characteristic. This shape is dependent on the preferred spatial orientation of covalent bonds to atoms having two or more bonding partners. Three dimensional configurations are best viewed with the aid of models. In order to represent such configurations on a two-dimensional surface (paper, blackboard or screen), we often use perspective drawings in which the direction of a bond is specified by the line connecting the bonded atoms. In most cases the focus of configuration is a carbon atom so the lines specifying bond directions will originate there. As defined in the diagram on the right, a simple straight line represents a bond lying approximately in the surface plane. The two bonds to substituents A in the structure on the left are of this kind. A wedge shaped bond is directed in front of this plane (thick end toward the viewer), as shown by the bond to substituent B; and a hatched bond is directed in back of the plane (away from the viewer), as shown by the bond to substituent D. Some texts and other sources may use a dashed bond in the same manner as we have defined the hatched bond, but this can be confusing because the dashed bond is often used to represent a partial bond (i.e. a covalent bond that is partially formed or partially broken). The following examples make use of this notation, and also illustrate the importance of including non-bonding valence shell electron pairs (colored blue) when viewing such configurations .


Methane Ammonia Water

Bonding configurations are readily predicted by valence-shell electron-pair repulsion theory, commonly referred to as VSEPR in most introductory chemistry texts. This simple model is based on the fact that electrons repel each other, and that it is reasonable to expect that the bonds and non-bonding valence electron pairs associated with a given atom will prefer to be as far apart as possible. The bonding configurations of carbon are easy to remember, since there are only three categories.


Which substances are the products of photosynthesis?

oxygen and water

glucose and oxygen

glucose and carbon dioxide

oxygen and carbon dioxide



oxygen and carbon dioxide...

Which substances are the products of photosynthesis?

[tex]\circ \: \: { \underline{ \boxed{ \sf{ \color{green}{Answer⤵}}}}}∘[/tex]

[tex]\sf\purple{Glucose\: and \:oxygen}[/tex]. ✔



Photosynthesis is a process by which phototrophs convert light energy into chemical energy.

The word “photosynthesis” is derîved from the Greek words "phos" (which means “light”) and "σύνθ-εóîς" (which means “combining together.”) And so it means “combining together with the help of light.”

The process of photosynthesis occurs in green plants (the primary producers in a food chain) and a few other autotrophic organisms such as cyanobacteria, purple bacteria and green sulfur bacteria.

Following is the photosynthesis formula:

︎︎︎ 6 CO2 + 6 H2O —> C6 H12 O6 ([tex]\sf\blue{glucose}[/tex]) + 6 O2 ( [tex]\sf\pink{oxygen}[/tex]).


[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Hope\:it\:helps.}}}}⋆[/tex]


what is a wave and how it transverses energy



wave means a number of different ways in which energy is transferred: In electromagnetic waves, energy is transferred through vibrations of electric and magnetic fields.


As soon as possible asap no rocky

he diagram shows changes of state between solid, liquid, and gas. The atoms of a substance lose energy during a change of state. Before the change, the atoms are close together but are able to slide past one another.

A diagram has a triangle at center with gas on top, liquid on bottom right, solid on bottom left. An arrow from gas to liquid is labeled O, and an arrow from liquid to gas is labeled N. An arrow from solid to liquid is labeled P, and an arrow from liquid to solid is labeled Q. An arrow from solid to gas is labeled L, and an arrow from gas to solid is labeled M.

Which arrow represents the change of state described above?




The correct answer is P


help me ill give you brainilest
(easy answer I'm in 5th grade T_T)
Bob thinks that plants get their materials for growth from the soil. Write a couple of sentences to explain why is Bob incorrect. (2 points)


Answer: Plants get there nutrients from not only the soil but from the sun as well. The sun provides the plants with food/energy. The plants take in the sun light and turn it into glucose, glucose is used by plants to give them energy.


how is metal alloy a solution?



Unlike pure metals, most alloys do not have a single melting point; rather, they have a melting range in which the substance is a mixture of solid and liquid.


Which statement describes the roles of photosynthesis and respiration in the oxygen cycle?

Photosynthesis and respiration both put oxygen into the atmosphere.

Photosynthesis removes oxygen from the atmosphere, and respiration puts oxygen into the atmosphere.

Respiration and photosynthesis both remove oxygen from the atmosphere.

Respiration removes oxygen from the atmosphere, and photosynthesis puts oxygen into the atmosphere.


Respiration removes oxygen from the atmosphere, and photosynthesis puts oxygen into the atmosphere.

Respiration and photosynthesis both remove oxygen from the atmosphere

Practice It!

NASA believes that technology drives exploration. This means that advancements in technology lead to advancements in space exploration. Over the past 60 years, we have developed technology to leave Earth's surface, orbit the planet, reach the Moon, take exceptional pictures of celestial objects, and complete remote fly-by's of outer planets. In the future, technology could lead us to visiting other planets, live and work in deep-space, or even leaving our own galaxy.

Select the statement(s) that illustrate why developing space technology is important.

Technology in space helps us in our everyday lives here on Earth.

Space exploration technology has helped us explore the Moon and see images of far off galaxies.

Technology allows us to better understand our world so that we can make it better.

Technology only helps scientists while they are doing experiments.

Space technology may help us inhabit another planet or live in space in the future.

please answer ill give brainliest




Space exploration technology has helped us explore the Moon and see images of far off galaxies.

Space technology may help us inhabit another planet or live in space in the future.

These are the correct statements

^ this guy is right.



The picture is blurry I can’t see the thing
I would love to answer this question but the picture you attached is wayyy to blurry

the table lists the speed of the light in four different materials at the temperature.





light would travel the farthest in air

Complete the following sentence.
Scientists who study the relationship between parasites and hosts are called





I believe the correct answer is parasitologists.
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