Pls help me this is due to today in my next band i am shivering I need to get this done the last part at the bottom cause and effect

Pls Help Me This Is Due To Today In My Next Band I Am Shivering I Need To Get This Done The Last Part


Answer 1


i cant read enlarge it more.


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if a client comes to therapy because someone else (a spouse, parent, teacher, or probation officer) thinks the client has a problem, it describes which solution-focused therapeutic relationship?


It describes scaling questions, the miraculous question, and formula first session task types of solution-focused therapeutic relationships where a client enters therapy because another person (a spouse, parent, teacher, or probation officer) believes the client has a problem.

The goal of problem-solving therapy is to help people better manage difficult life situations. It is a cognitive-behavioral intervention. The fundamental premise of this strategy is that psychopathology symptoms are frequently seen as the unfavorable effects of inadequate or inappropriate coping. According to a 2021 study, miracle questioning is a frequently employed method in solution-focused treatment.

According to the solution-focused model, concentrating just on problems does not lead to successful problem-solving. Instead, SFBT focuses on the clients' default solution patterns, assesses their effectiveness, and adapts or replaces them with effective problem-solving techniques (Focus on Solutions, 2013). The solution focused approach has demonstrated to be an effective model, particularly helpful in situations where clients are in great difficulty and urgently need to find a way forward.

Learn more about solution-focused therapeutic visit:


Correct Question:

If a client comes to therapy because someone else (a spouse, parent, teacher, or probation officer) thinks the client has a problem, it describes what types of solution-focused therapeutic relationship?

John Lennon and Paul McCartney led post Beatles musical groups that included their wives Yoko and Linda. Why do you think they were asked to participate? How do you think they were received by Lennon and McCartney fans?


They were encouraged to take part in order to watch over their husbands and to test their creative prowess or any other talents that would be necessary for the success of these ensembles.

We can determine this response because:

- Linda and Yoko were both women with qualities and skills that were crucial to the development of the musical ensembles, despite the fact that many people undervalue their contributions to the groups.

- Yoko was a very clever woman who could draw support for the musical group from a variety of groups and also had creative abilities that might be used.

- Linda was crucial to running the group since she was a very talented entrepreneur while having little artistic flair.

- The two were also able to support their husbands and spend more time in their established relationship by taking part in these gatherings.

To know more about Linda and Yoko, kindly click on the link below :


They were asked to participate because of their close relationship with the two songwriters.

It was no secret that both John and Paul had a deep love and admiration for their wives, and inviting them into the creative process was a way for them to honor their relationships. Furthermore, Yoko and Linda were both talented musicians in their own right, and their contributions helped to shape the sound of post-Beatles music.

As far as fans were concerned, the reaction to the inclusion of Yoko and Linda was mixed. Some fans appreciated the effort to make the music more inclusive, while others saw it as a betrayal of the Beatle's legacy. Furthermore, some fans criticized the two women for their lack of experience and musical talent, which only fueled the negative reactions.

All in all, the decision to include Yoko and Linda in the post-Beatles music was a bold but ultimately positive one. Their contributions were essential in helping to create the unique sound of post-Beatles music, and they brought a level of authenticity to the unmatched songs.

To know more about why were Yoko and Linda invited refer to:


With regards to health behavior, knowledge about positive behaviors like physical activity, nutrition, and mental health will instantly lead to individuals actually doing the behavior.
a. True
b. False


It is not true that knowledge about positive behaviors like physical activity, nutrition, and mental health will instantly lead to individuals actually doing the behavior with regard to health behavior.

The answer is False.

Health behavior refers to a person's personal choice of actions that can affect their health in either a positive or negative way.

According to The Transtheoretical or Stages of Change Model, there are six stages to change:

Pre-contemplation: no consideration for changeContemplation: start reviewing changes by reviewing the pros & cons of changesPreparation: planning for change and taking steps to facilitate behavior changeAction: turning plans into actionMaintenance: behavior becomes a daily habitRelapse: return to old behavior

From the information above, it is not true that knowledge about positive behaviors like physical activity, nutrition, and mental health will instantly lead to individuals actually doing the behavior with regard to health behavior as one has to change old habits while developing new ones.

More about Health Behavior:


michael is 19 and has gotten into trouble for mistreating animals and destroying school property. he is impulsive and lies constantly. what dsm 5 diagnosis would he receive


A particularly difficult kind of personality disorder known as antisocial personality disorder is characterized by impulsive, reckless, and frequently criminal behavior.

A person with antisocial personality disorder is often manipulative, dishonest, careless, and unconcerned with the feelings of others.

An individual with antisocial personality disorder has a history of taking advantage of, manipulating, or abusing the rights of others without feeling guilty.

Paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders are among the 10 distinct personality disorders listed in the DSM-5.

Childhood trauma, neurobiological factors, abnormalities of the brain, genetics, environmental factors, social issues, and psychological factors are a few of these causes.

Learn more about to DSM-5 visit here;


true or false books like the bell curve renewed the liberal passions for reform, calling on government to further provide for the working class.


Books like the bell curve renewed the liberal passions for reform, calling on government to further provide for the working class is true

The Bell Curve,” written with Richard Herrnstein, it is presented as a work of scholarship. Yet it will be reviewed first not by other academics but by professional amateurs like me, so it’s worth noting what happened long after “The Bell Curve” fell off the best-seller lists.

To know more about the bell curve click on the link below:


Why does Swift focus on the benefits of his plan in A Modest Proposal before giving us the details of it?


Before providing us the specifics of his plan, Swift quickly focuses on its advantages, as doing so makes the reader more receptive to his serious tone and makes it easier to listen to the advantages.

Irish Catholics are frequently stereotyped, which makes it simpler for Swift to satirize them. Both the justification for the proposal and the language employed contain preconceptions. Even though it is entertaining aside from the stereotype, the narrator's claim that something must be done with infants because they are too young to steal implies that this is a common occupation of Irish Catholics. The general perception of overpopulation is based on the notion that Catholics frequently have large families. Perhaps Swift's narrator's initial justification for his proposal—that it will reduce the number of Catholics—is the best illustration of the piece's parody of religious bigotry.

learn more about swift here:


what is the single most important variable in determining the outcome of an election for a member of the house of representatives?


In the last 30 years, the single most important variable in determining the outcome of an election for a member of the house of representatives is incumbency.

The incumbent is the ongoing holder of an office or position, normally comparable to a political race. For instance, in a election for president, the incumbent is the individual holding or acting in the workplace of president before the election, regardless of whether looking for re-appointment.

Voters' impressions of parties' political campaigns are influenced by their historical policy reputations. Government parties' carefully designed electoral messaging will likely compete for voters' attention with a variety of general information about the government's policy activities and priorities in light of their recent experiences in office. In order for their message to be heard, incumbent parties must present a targeted policy agenda that highlights the concerns voters value the most for an incumbent's success.

Know more about Incumbency -


When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of:______.


When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of principle.

In the field of business, an agent can be described as an employee or worker that represents an agency. He is the representative of the agency on behalf of the owner as well as all the other employees of the company.

When hiring an agent, a contract or agreement is made between the agency and the agent. If an agent fails to commit to any agreement made in the contract, then by the election of the principle, the contract can further not be exercised and the agent will be terminated from his position.

To learn more about an agent, click here:


according to surveys, how many transgender people in the united states have reported that they have been harassed or attacked at school, at work, or in their communities as a result of being transgender?


Answer: The majority of those surveyed (K–12) who identified as transgender or were thought to be transgender experienced some type of mistreatment, including verbal harassment (54%), physical assault (24%), and sexual assault (13%). Furthermore, 17% of those mistreated severely enough to force them to drop out of school.


an injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers’ compensation law.
a) true
b) false


About majority of times, an owner's injury sustained on the route to or from the workplace is not regarded as having happened at duty and is therefore not covered by the workers' compensation statute. FALSE

Who are the "employees" in reality?

A person who receives rate of pay for yet someone person or business is considered to be an employee. A full-time job is not necessary for a person to be labeled an employee; they only need to be compensated for their work by their employer.

Who are its employers and employees?

Definition. A individual that works for a corporation is called an employee, whereas a person or business that employs others to perform tasks and fulfill obligations is known as an employer.

To know more about employees visit:


which best describes the innate ability to mentally group similar events, people, and things together?


A mental grouping of similar things, events, or people is known as concept which is recalled by the ability of cognition, which suggests that option B is the right answer.

Most of the mental activities which are connected with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating etc. comes under cognitive ability. The innate ability in a person is attributed to the qualities with which a person is born. For example the ability of the person to hear and speak the words which are spoken around them is a kind of innate ability. Cognitive skills or cognition in general refers to the core skills which our brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, and pay interest. Various events that occur around us are conceptually similar and hence can be categorized by our brain using the cognitive power.

Learn more about innate ability at:


To refer to complete question, see below:

which best describes the innate ability to mentally group similar events, people, and things together?

a. prototype.

b. concept.

c. algorithm.

d. heuristic.

the set point is the state of arousal that triggers hunger. the specific body weight maintained automatically by most adults over long periods of time. the point in which energy expenditures from exercise and from metabolism are equal. motivational conflict.


The set point is the the specific body weight maintained automatically by most adults over long periods of time.

Hence, Option B is correct.

The set point is thought to be where a person's "weight thermostat" is set. If the body drops below this weight, increased appetite and a slowed metabolism may work together to help the body regain the weight.

According to set point theory, a biological control mechanism in humans actively regulates weight in order to maintain a specific set weight for each individual. Regulation of energy intake or expenditure may be used to achieve this.

One basis for error-controlled regulation employing negative feedback for automatic control is the departure of such a variable from its setpoint.

To know more about Set point here


which is the best approach for two parties who wish to establish a means for confirming the confidentiality and integrity of messages that they exchange:


The best approach for two parties who wish to establish a means for confirming the confidentiality and integrity of messages that they exchange is Encryption and Digital Signatures.

The Message secrecy or confidentiality:

In the event that any  digital attacker can't perceive or peruse the encoded message then the message is named as message confidentialityUtilizing encryption and decoding strategy to track down the secrecy.

Message Integrity:

The message is changed by the beneficiary and the methodology is called message respectability.For this situation starting message isn't changed in the exchange point.With the utilization of adding strategies are to track down the message uprightness.

Once in a while programmers tracks down it conceivable to change message on account of message honesty. Then, at that point, the privacy status of message is harmed.

A digital signature is an electronic, encoded, stamp of validation on advanced data, for example, email messages, macros, or electronic records. A signature affirms that the data began from the underwriter and has not been modified.

Know more on confidentiality and integrity of messages -


Which condition causes changes in air pressure in the atmosphere?


Answer: uneven heating of Earth’s surface


maritza believes that clowns are evil. she meets two men who are very nice and then learns that they are clowns. despite this, she does not adjust her belief and continues to think clowns are evil. this is called...


Maritza believes that clowns are evil. she meets two men who are very nice and then learns that they are clowns. despite this, she does not adjust her belief and continues to think clowns are evil. this is called  believing perseverance.

Clowns, according to Maritza, are wicked. She meets two really pleasant men, only to discover that they are clowns. Not with standing this, she does not modify her opinion and continues to think clowns are wicked. This is known as believing perseverance.

Although she has seen some good clowns, she still holds the widespread assumption that all clowns are wicked.

The propensity to maintain one's original belief in the face of fresh knowledge that contradicts or refutes the basis of that idea is known as belief persistence.

Everyone has attempted to persuade someone to alter their mind, only to see them obstinately refuse.

The idea of an evil clown is connected to coulrophobia, a term that was developed in the context of unofficial "-phobia lists," the irrational dread of clowns.

Learn more about to Maritza  visit here;


27. what neurotransmitter is especially involved in the functioning of memory, declines in late adulthood? a.norepinephrine b.serotonin c.dopamine d.acetylcholine


C) Dopamine and serotonin are the neurotransmitters that are most frequently discussed in relation to aging. From early adulthood, dopamine levels have been linked to declines in cognitive and motor performance, which average around 10% per decade.

Which neurotransmitter is involved in memory deterioration?

Acetylcholine (ACh), a neurotransmitter necessary for memory and learning processing, decreases in Alzheimer's disease patients' concentration and function.

What are the effects of dopamine and norepinephrine?

Neuromodulators like dopamine and noradrenaline are very important because they control the states, actions, rewards, learning, and memory processes of the brain. Canonically, the primary sources of dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) with dissociate functions are the VTA and Locus Coeruleus (LC).

To learn more about Dopamine and serotonin here


publicity is often referred to as the talking arm of public relations. publicity is often referred to as the talking arm of public relations. false true


This is true in my opinion. However, according to some, publicity is publicity, good or bad. Although publicity can be employed in both ways, I think they all lead to public relations or communication.

However, it is unfortunate that negative publicity frequently draws greater attention from the general population.

The act of upholding a company's or an organization's public image is known as public relations. Among many other things, it can include media relations, public affairs, and internal and external communications.

Public relations works to promote businesses, goods, services, and brands in a similar way to advertising. However, PR operations also play a significant role in locating and fostering connections with key people and organizations that shape public impressions in the sector or product category in which a firm works.

Learn more about " public relations " to visit here;


A common moving-in cost for an apartment would be
O All of these
O First and Last Month's Rent
O Cleaning Deposit
O Security Deposit


A common moving-in cost for an apartment would be First and Last Month's Rent, Cleaning Deposit and Security Deposit.

What is called rent?

Amounts earned beyond what is required economically or socially are referred to as economic rent.

This may happen, for instance, when a buyer makes an offer before learning the seller's suggested price in an effort to obtain an exclusive good or service.

According to the formula, one can calculate economic rent by subtracting the value of the free market. Read more about the agreed-upon price of the production element.

The price that the buyer and producer agree upon is known as the agreed price.

The elasticity of supply and the degree of demand are obviously factors in determining the amount of rent in salaries.

Mobility, in turn, has a significant impact on supply elasticity.

Learn more about rent, here


According to the theories of travis hirschi and harold grasmick, what kind of crime would a person with low self-control be most likely to commit?.


According to the theories of travis hirschi and harold grasmick, the kind of crime would a person with low self-control be most likely to commit is stealing a bike that has been left outside.

Bike theft is a short-lived stealth crime, making it difficult to detect. Unlike other crimes, the victim usually does not know the perpetrator, making it more difficult to initiate an investigation. Proof of ownership becomes a big issue when a bike thief is caught.

Travis Hirschi's Control Theory offers the claim According to Travis Hirschi, criminal behavior is the breaking of a person's social bonds. The strength of the social ties that bind an individual to society determines the extent of that connection.

Travis Hirsch argues that social ties, such as connection, dedication, commitment, and belief, keep person from engaging in aberrant behavior.The social control hypothesis states that anyone with the right motives and the ability to commit a crime can commit a crime.

This hypothesis states that people are discouraged from committing crimes because of the economic, legal, and interpersonal consequences associated with illegal activity.Criminals often pay little attention to the possible consequences of their actions.

For more information on Travis Hirschi, please visit:


The margin of error of a confidence interval is the error from biased sampling methods.
a) true
b) false


The margin of error of a confidence interval is the error from biased sampling methods.

The above statement is False

Samples are divided into:Convenient: Sample taken from a pool that is easily accessible.Put all the possibilities into a hat, and draw some of them at random.Every kth element is taken in a systematic manner. If you wanted to survey anything on the street, for instance, you may interview every fifth person.Cluster: The population is divided into groupings, or clusters, and every component of each cluster is surveyed.Additionally stratifies the population into various groupings. But only a small portion of the group is questioned after that.

To know more about Sampling


yesenia applied for a summer internship that she was really excited about and was not selected. although she was stressed about the lack of income, she reminded herself that she could really enjoy her summer and now she could plan that exciting road trip she had wanted to do with her friends. which type of coping approach is yesenia using?


For a situation by which Yesenia applied for a  summer internship that she was truly amped up for and was not chosen even though she was fretted over the absence of pay the kind of adopting an approach that Yesenia is utilizing is Feeling centered.

What is the Feeling centered therapy(EFT)?

Feeling-centered treatment fills in as the act of treatment which can be achieved with the comprehension of the job of feeling in psychotherapeutic change.

It ought to be noticed that the EFT is established on a nearby as well as the cautious examination of the meaning of feeling concerning the human experience and change in psychotherapy.

Learn more about summer internship:


you do not choose your a. family of procreation. b. chosen family. c. family of orientation. d. nuclear family.


The correct answer is option c that is you do not choose your family of orientation.

Murdock distinguishes between two different forms of nuclear families:
that is family of Orientation and a family of Procreation. The family of orientation is the one in which a person is born, raised, and socialised. The family in which a person is reared or taken care of is referred to as their family of orientation. This typically refers to one's parents and siblings, but it could also refer to grandparents or other family members.

A family unit formed by two or more persons is roughly referred to as a "family of procreation." The idea is contrasted with "family of origin," which refers to the families that people are descended from. The family of procreation will have particular family dynamics and values.

To know more about 'family of orientation' related questions



Conflicts between two mutually exclusive projects occasionally occur, where the npv method ranks one project higher but the irr method puts the other one first. in theory, such conflicts should be resolved in favor of the project with the higher npv.

a. True
b. False


Theoretically, these conflicts ought to be settled in favor of the project with the greater npv. The assertion is accurate.

Why do some projects where IRR and NPV are mutually exclusive have a conflict?

The scale of the project, the type of the project (independent vs. mutually exclusive), and the nature of the cash flows (normal vs. non-normal) are the root causes of the NPV and IRR disagreement. Projects that are independent are those in which the acceptance of one does not influence the acceptance of another.

Why is a higher NPV better than a lower one conceptually?

 A larger Net Present Value indicates that an investment might be profitable, which is always taken into account when making investment decisions.

To learn more about Net present value here:


mindfulness is defined as the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment. which of the following statements about mindfulness is false? group of answer choices a. mindfulness pertains to our inner world of thinking and feeling. b. mindfulness pertains to our outer worlds of other people and events. c.mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander. d. mindfulness is about concentrating or focusing.


The consciousness that arises through paying attention to purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment is characterized as mindfulness. Mindfulness takes less work than allowing our minds to wander. Hence, the correct option is (c.) mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander.

What are the benefits of Mind exercise?

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing one's attention on the present moment experience without judgment, which one acquires via meditation or other training. Mindfulness stems from sati, a major component of Hindu and Buddhist traditions, and is based on Zen, Vipassana, and Tibetan meditation techniques. Though definitions and practices for mindfulness vary, Buddhist traditions explain what mindfulness entails, including how beyond, gift, and future moments arise and fall away as fleeting sense experiences and intellectual occurrences.

To learn more about  Buddhist traditions, click


using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic? multiple choice exchange ingratiating pressure


using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is Pressure influence tactic.

Stress is our body's response to pressure. Many different situations and life events can cause stress. It is often triggered when we experience something new or unexpected that threatens our senses, or when we feel we have little control over the situation.

To know more about pressure, visit:-


the early research on authentic leadership grew out of an underdeveloped area of which branch of leadership studies?


An field of transformative leadership that was still in its infancy gave rise to the early studies on authentic leadership.

Transformative leadership is a leadership style that has the ability to inspire followers to make positive changes in their own lives. Leaders who transform organizations tend to be enthusiastic, vivacious, and passionate. These leaders care about what is happening and are actively involved in it, but they also have everyone in the group's success in mind.

Transformative leadership focuses on encouraging group members to grow, foster loyalty, and have trust in one another.

Leadership specialist and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns was the one to first establish the idea of transformational leadership. "Leaders and followers make each other develop to a greater degree of moral and motivation," says Burns, describing transformational leadership.

learn more about transformative leadership here:


a primary election in which voters are not required to identify a party preference before the election is called


A primary election in which voters are not required to identify a party preference before the election is called a closed primary.

Election refers to a formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position. An electoral system or voting system is a set of rules that determine how elections and referendums are conducted and how their results are determined.

Primary elections, or direct primary are a voting procedure by which voters can indicate their preference for their party's candidate, or a candidate in general, in an upcoming general election, local election, or by-election. Depending on the country and administrative divisions within the country, voters might consist of the general public in what is called an open primary, or solely the members of a political party in what is called a closed primary. In addition to these, there are other variants on primaries elections throughout the world.

To know more about election, click below-


why did many south carolinians from the backcountry remain loyal to great britain during the american revolution?


Many South Carolinians from the backcountry remained loyal to Great Britain during the American Revolution because they had a different set of social, economic, and political interests than those of the coastal elite.

The backcountry of South Carolina was a largely rural and isolated region, inhabited by small farmers, traders, and Native Americans. These residents had little in common with the wealthy planters and merchants who lived along the coast and were the driving force behind the push for independence. The backcountry residents were also wary of the consequences of independence, as they feared that it would lead to increased taxes and regulations, and disrupt their trade and commerce with Great Britain. As a result, many of them remained loyal to the British crown and opposed the Revolution.

Learn more about American Revolution here:


ray is a homeless person with a serious drug problem, and both his parents have been diagnosed with schizophrenia (as has ray). in addition, he had a very difficult upbringing. thus, ray has characteristics that contribute to his disorder on many levels of functioning. ray's situation best exemplifies which theoretical approach to psychological disorders? multiple choice question. biopsychosocial behavioral biological sociocultural


Ray is a homeless person with a serious drug problem, and both his parents have been diagnosed with schizophrenia (as has ray). In addition, he had a very difficult upbringing. Thus, ray has characteristics that contribute to his disorder on many levels of functioning. Ray's situation best exemplifies theoretical approach to psychological disorders of biopsychosocial. The correct answer is A.

The relationship between psychological, biological, and socio-environmental elements that affect health or potential diseases that people may present is mentioned when discussing the biopsychosocial model.

In Ray's case, it serves as an illustration of how socio-environmental and biological elements have exacerbated his psychological condition and made recovery more challenging.

The biological cause is the fact that his father's schizophrenia ran in the family. Due to his homelessness and inadequate upbringing, he lacks a supportive environment or network that can help him deal with his disease. His mental disease (schizophrenia) and drug use, which also affects mental health, are psychological factors.

To know more about  biopsychosocial visit:


which vision change is not associated with aging? group of answer choices longer adjustment time to darkness slowed motion perception decreasing farsightedness peripheral vision decreases


Decreasing farsightedness vision change is not associated with aging.

When the eyeball is too short or the eye's focusing system (the cornea and lens) is too weak, light rays concentrate beyond the retina and cause farsightedness (hyperopia). Your eye's focus can be improved by refractive surgery, allowing light to focus more clearly on the retina.

Age does not make farsightedness worse, but it may cause it to halt. Age-related farsightedness is gradual and will develop over the course of your lifetime. Although farsightedness is present at birth, Liu claims that it spontaneously corrects itself as the eye develops.

Your eye's lens also becomes harder as you age, which can cause presbyopia, a kind of age-related farsightedness. Direct focus on the retina gets more challenging as the lens grows stiffer.

To learn more about farsightedness


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Leaves change from green to red and orange, and many Americans take scenic fall foliage trips. In Japan, a similar phenomenon takes place in the spring. Cherry trees erupt in a shower of pink, and the entire country celebrates the arrival of sakura, or cherry blossoms. Though autumn leaves are admired in the United States, they are seen as just a pretty seasonal display. In Japan, on the other hand, cherry blossoms have much greater significance; the flowers are deeply rooted in Japan's culture and philosophy. Since as far back as the eighth century, sakura have symbolized change and beauty, new beginnings, and the circle of life. 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