The energy released from the anaerobic respiration of a glucose molecule is less than that released from the aerobic respiration of a glucose molecule because

A. Fewer bonds of the glucose molecule are broken in anaerobic respiration than in aerobic respiration

B. More enzymes are required for anaerobic respiration than for aerobic respiration

C. Anaerobic respiration occurs 24 hours a day while aerobic respiration can only occur at night

D. Anaerobic respiration requires oxygen but aerobic respiration does not require oxygen


Answer 1

The energy released from the anaerobic respiration of a glucose molecule is less than that released from the aerobic respiration of a glucose molecule because --  Fewer bonds of the glucose molecule are broken in anaerobic respiration than in aerobic respiration.

option(A) is the correct answer.

Aerobic respiration is the type of respiration in which energy is generated from cells by breaking down sugars in the presence of oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration is the type of respiration in which energy is generated from cells by breaking down sugars in the absence of oxygen.

In the process of aerobic respiration carbon dioxide and water are produced by the complete breakage of glucose but in anaerobic respiration, glucose is not broken down completely. Instead of carbon dioxide and water, lactic acid is produced in anaerobic respiration.

The process of anaerobic respiration takes place in a deficit of oxygen. So, the amount of oxygen is not present to oxidize lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water. Anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATP molecules in contrast to the production of 38 ATP molecules in the process of aerobic respiration.

Read more about Aerobic respiration:

Related Questions

What effects do mutations have? Check all that apply.could change protein shapenever change protein shapemight be neutralalways change the way a trait is observedmight be harmfulmight be beneficial


Genetic differences between animals are brought on by the mutation. Generations after generation inherit advantageous mutations.

The majority of mutations happen when the DNA copies inaccurately. Evolution results from all of these mutations. The DNA duplicates itself during cell division. The occasional imperfection in the DNA copies a minor variation from the original DNA is referred to as a mutation.The DNA degrades when it is exposed to particular substances or radiations. As a result of the thymine dimers being broken by UV radiation, the DNA is altered.One or more genes can mutate to create genetic diseases. One such genetic illness brought on by a mutation in one or more genes is cystic fibrosis. Another illness brought on by changes in the genes that control the cell cycle is cancer.

To know more about genetics check the below link:


For what reason might the ID50 for Salmonella Typhi decrease when a rat simultaneously ingests sulfa drugs with the pathogen? The antimicrobial inactivates stomach acid and allows the pathogen to more readily pass to the intestine, O Salmonella Typhi becomes stronger in the presence of sulfa drugs The antimicrobial interferes with the microbiome enabling the pathogen to more easily establish infection There would not be an effect on the ID50 It would not the 1050 goes up


The antimicrobial interferes with the microbiome enabling the pathogen to more easily establish infection. This is the reason might the ID50 for Salmonella Typhi decrease when a rat simultaneously ingests sulfa drugs with the pathogen.

A gram-negative bacterium called Salmonella enterica typhi causes typhoid fever and has plagued developing countries for many years. Typhoid fever continues to be a significant global public health issue despite tremendous research and treatment improvements. The genesis, pathophysiology, presentation, and diagnosis of Salmonella typhi are covered in this exercise, which also emphasizes the management of the disease by the interprofessional team.

A gram-negative bacterium called Salmonella enterica serotype typhi causes typhoid fever and has plagued developing countries for many years. Pierre Louis, who had discovered lesions in the abdominal lymph nodes of patients who had passed away from "gastric fever," was the first to use the term "typhoid fever" in 1829.  The word "delirium" is a translation of the Greek word "typhus," which meant "smoky" and was used to characterize the delirium that typhus victims would experience.

To know more about Pathogen visit:


semi-permeable membrane which encloses the cytoplasm and all of the cellular organelles


All cells have a cell membrane, also known as a plasma membrane, which separates the interior of the cell from the external environment. A semipermeable lipid bilayer makes up the cell membrane.

What is cell membrane?

A semipermeable membrane found in mitochondria has characteristics comparable to those of the cell membrane. Despite having a limiting membrane, mitochondria expand by around 4 to 5 times their initial size without lysosome lysis or solute loss. A biological semi-permeable membrane is the cell membrane, commonly referred to as the plasma membrane. A phospholipid bilayer, which is made up of two phospholipid layers, makes up the cell membrane. Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells have membrane-bound organelles in addition to a nucleus. Eukaryotic creatures come in a great variety, including all animals, plants, and fungus.

To learn more about Eukaryotic  from given link


The nucleus and mitochondria share which of the following features? a. protein-lined membrane pores b. a double cell membrane c. the synthesis of ribosomes d. the production of cellular energy


The mitochondria and nucleus both exhibit features of a double-cell membrane. The right response in this case is option B.

The nuclear envelope, a double membrane with nuclear pores that encloses the nucleus, is present. Within a cell, aerobic respiration takes place in the mitochondria. They are encircled by a double membrane, the inner membrane of which is folded into cristae, or projections that resemble fingers.

The nuclear membrane, which is made up of two layers, surrounds the cell's nucleus, which contains the chromosomes. The nuclear membrane separates the chromosomes from the cytoplasm and other parts of the cell.

Because water and other polar or charged molecules find it difficult to get through the hydrophobic core of the membrane, the phospholipid bilayer that results from these interactions serves as an effective barrier between the inside and exterior of the cell.

To learn more about double-cell membranes


Which of these organisms convert atmospheric nitrogen gas to a form that can be utilized by plants? A) bacteria B) animals C) fungi D) protists


Nitrogen gas in the atmosphere is converted to ammonia by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil and in the root nodules of certain plants, hence option A is correct.

What is nitrogen fixation?

Prokaryotic microorganisms called nitrogen-fixing bacteria are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen gas into "fixed nitrogen" molecules like ammonia that plants may use.

Since atmospheric nitrogen (N2) cannot be directly absorbed by plants, it must first be changed into a form that can.

Therefore, this process is known as nitrogen fixation, and microorganisms are crucial to nitrogen-fixing, hence option A is correct.

Learn more about bacteria, here:


Chaparral vegetation occurs around much of the central valley of central and southern California. This biome is very similar to that found ____a. along the coast of Great Britain.b. on the southeast coast of the United States.c. in the Mediterranean region.d. in the Australian interior.e. in central Asia


Much of central and southern California's central valley is surrounded by chaparral vegetation. This biome and the one in central Asia share a lot of similarities.

What is chaparral vegetation?

The majority of the chaparral may be found in northern Mexico and California, where the climate is comparable to that of the Mediterranean region. The Chaparral, also known as California's woodlands and grasslands, can be found on the California coast of western North America. Much of central and southern California's central valley is surrounded by chaparral vegetation. This biome and others are fairly similar.

The Mediterranean Basin, California, the center of their arid inner margin, and along drier coastal margins to vegetation are the five areas of the world.

To learn more about California from given link


The students view a cell with very few lysosomes. How will this MOST LIKELY affect the cell's
ability to maintain homeostasis?
AO The cell will not be able to remove as much waste.
The cell will not be able to assemble as many proteins.
C. The cell will not be able to produce as much ATP.
D. The cell will not be able to maintain its ion concentration.


A cell with a few lysosomes may not be able to remove much waste. Option A.

Functions of lysosomes

The lysosome is a small spherical organelle in cells whose primary functions include:

Digestion of obsolete components of the cellDegradation of materials that are foreign to the cell.

Thus, the inner matrix of the lysosome is made largely of digestive enzymes that carry out these digestive activities.

When a cell contains few lysosomes, the implication is that digestive activities of obsolete cell components and degradation of foreign materials will be limited. In other words, the cell may not be able to remove as much waste when compared to a cell with an adequate number of lysosomes.

More on lysosomes can be found here:


Which term is used to describe the continued divergence of species based on the low fitness of hybrid offspring?
a. reinforcement
b. fusion
c. stability
d. punctuated equilibrium


Reinforcement is the term that describes the continued divergence of species based on the low fitness of hybrid offspring.

Reinforcement is the process of speciation. Here, natural selection results in the reproductive isolation of the two population of species. This isolation can be complete or incomplete. If incomplete, mating can occurs between the two populations and the resultant hybrid has low fitness.  

Divergence refers to the separation of two populations of homologous nature due to some reason like speciation, migration, etc. to form different species. These different species although have a common ancestor. Such species have same anatomical structures but perform different function due to adaptations.

To know more about divergence, here


if a foreign gene is cloned into an expression host, it is important that the host itself:_____.


If a foreign gene is cloned into an expression host, it is important that the host itself not produce the protein being studied.

The expression of genetic information includes (1) DNA transcription, (2) RNA processing, (3) RNA translation, and (4) protein processing. The correct execution of each of these steps is dependent on the host cell correctly interpreting the various signals carried by implicated macromolecules.

It is divided into two major stages: transcription and translation. Gene expression is the combination of transcription and translation. The information stored in a gene's DNA is transferred to a similar molecule called RNA (ribonucleic acid) in the cell nucleus during the transcription process. Numerous factors influence gene expression, including molecules within the cell, mutations that cause dominant negative effects and haploinsufficiency, signaling molecules from neighboring cells and the environment, and epistasis.

To learn more about expression of genes, here


foreign peptides derived from which three types of antigens would most likely be processed and presented on class i mhc molecules?


Most likely, class I mhc molecules would process and present foreign peptides obtained from peptides from viruses, peptides from intracellular bacteria, aberrant proteins in malignant cells, and antigens.

When foreign proteins enter a cell, they are disassembled into peptides. These peptides, usually referred to as antigens, may originate from pathogens such intracellular bacteria or viruses. The major histocompatibility complex proteins bring foreign peptides to the cell surface and offer them to T lymphocytes (MHC). Leukocytes (white blood cells) that fight illness are activated by an antigen, which promotes an immune response. On invaders like bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, and donated organs as well as on aberrant cells like cancer cells, antigens may be present. Study up on antigens.

To know more about antigens please click on the link


What would happen if mitochondria were treated with a proton gradient uncoupler, such as 2,4-dinitrophenol?


If mitochondria are treated with a proton gradient uncoupler like 2,4-dinitrophenol, the proton gradient that is necessary for the production of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation would be disrupted.

The Impact of Treating Mitochondria with a Proton Gradient Uncoupler

Without the proton gradient, oxidative phosphorylation would no longer be able to occur, and the mitochondria would be unable to produce ATP. This would lead to energy depletion in the cells, and eventually cell death. Furthermore, the disruption of the proton gradient would cause other cellular processes to be impacted, such as respiration, metabolism, and cell signalling. Therefore, treating mitochondria with a proton gradient uncoupler like 2,4-dinitrophenol can have devastating consequences for cells.

Learn more about Mitochondria:


can you think of anything that would prevent mitosis from occuring in a cell whose genome is haploid


A multicellular species' ovum (egg) is where a member of that species' life cycle begins.

The human ovum always contains 22 human chromosomes plus an X, for a total of 23. The cell I contains a single complete set of human chromosomes.When an organism's cells only have one set of chromosomes, the organism is said to be haploid. All organisms that reproduce sexually are diploid (having two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent). Only the egg and sperm cells in humans are haploid.

each chromosome is present in only one copy. Human gametes (egg and sperm cells) have one sex chromosome, 22 autosomes, and are haploid. Since humans are diploid, the majority of their cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes. However, human gametes (egg and sperm cells) are referred to as haploid because they only have one set of chromosomes.

Learn more about " genome is haploid " to visit here;


in the nasal cavity, what is the name of the tiny hairs that move mucus to the pharynx?


In the nasal cavity, the tiny hairs that move mucus to the pharynx are called Cilia.

Cilia are tiny hair-like structures that continuously move in a waving or slashing manner, progressing mucous upward toward the pharynx so that trapped microbes or particles can be coughed up.

Cilia are tiny, narrow, hair-like structures found on the exterior of all mammalian cells. They are primitive in essence and may be single or numerous. Cilia are important for locomotion. They also participate in mechanoreception. Ciliated organisms are those that have cilia.

The cilium, also known as the cilia, is a membrane-bound structure found on most eukaryotic cells as well as certain microbes known as ciliates. Cilia are not found in bacteria or archaea. The cilium is a thin threadlike projection that protrudes from the exterior of the significantly larger cell body.

For more information on Cilia , visit :


abnormal crackle-like lung sounds heard through a stethoscope during inspiration.


A bruit is an aberrant sound or murmur detected during auscultation of an artery, whereas a crackling is an abnormal crackle sound like the lung sound heard through a stethoscope during inspiration.

What is lung sounds ?

With a stethoscope, you can hear the lung sounds the best. The term for this is auscultation.

All areas of the chest region, including the area above the collarbones and the bottom of the rib cage, can hear normal lung sounds.

The medical professional using a stethoscope may hear regular breathing sounds, reduced or missing breathing sounds, and aberrant breathing sounds.

Reduced or absent noises may indicate:

lungs' air or surrounding fluid (such as pneumonia, heart failure, and pleural effusion)

increased breast wall thickness

Lung overinflation in a specific area (emphysema can cause this)

airflow to a portion of the lungs is reduced.

Abnormal breath sounds can take many different forms. The four most frequent are wheezing, rales, stridor, and hives.

Read more about lung sound:


The body needs fat for __________. A. Strengthening bonesb. Building musclesc. Maintaining weightd. Transport of vitamins.


Answer: D.) Transport of vitamins

Explanation: Fat is a source of essential fatty acids, which the body cannot make itself. Fat helps the body absorb vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E. These vitamins are fat-soluble, which means they can only be absorbed with the help of fats.

Which of the statements most accurately describes the benefits of the proofreading function of DNA polymerase?
a. DNA polymerase is always present in the nucleus and can repair all mutations when they occur.
b. All DNA mutations can be detected and repaired during DNA replication.
c. DNA polymerase can repair most mutations as they occur during DNA replication.
d. DNA polymerase can be recruited to recently mutated sites to repair mutations.


Statement c is the most accurate description of the benefits of proofreading by DNA polymerase.

A DNA polymerase belongs to a family of enzymes that facilitates the synthesis of DNA molecules from nucleoside triphosphates. This enzyme adds nucleotides to a DNA strand's three prime (3')-end position.

During replication, this enzyme connects nucleotides to create a new DNA strand. It also proofreads the new DNA strand and checks for any error or mutation. If detected, this helps to repair that error.

They can correct most of the mutations. But some mutations can escape and survive them. Therefore, not all mutations can be repaired by this enzyme.

To know more about DNA polymerase:


Unlike signal transduction in many other sensory receptors, signal transduction in rods?
a. results in hyperpolarization of the sensory cell.
b. does not involve the participation of a G protein.
c. takes place entirely in the plasma membrane.


Signal transduction in rods results in hyperpolarization of the sensory cell, Unlike signal transduction in many other sensory receptors.

Signal transduction is the method by which a chemical or physical signal is sent through a cell as a sequence of molecular activities, most frequently protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinases, which ultimately results in a physiological response.

Through the usage of a signaling cascade, signal transduction pathways employ a network of enzymes that interact with one another in specific ways to cause a precise and suitable physiological response by the cell. Transduction is the mechanism by which a virus spreads genetic material from one bacterium to another.

To learn more about Signal transduction, visit the link below:


Why must you learn to recognize key?


Hunters must develop their ability to distinguish the recognized key of the prey animal in order to appropriately identify the game. The ability to identify between similar species and between male and female members of the same species will aid hunters.

When you master correct species identification, you will find that hunting is more enjoyable. You should become adept at identifying the essential traits of the game animal you're hunting for a number of reasons.

Knowing the essential traits of animals will make it easier for you to tell apart different species and between the sexes of the same species. Identification errors may result in the illegal harvesting of non-game animals. shooting someone unintentionally because they were taken for a toy.

To learn more about recognizing key


identify the descriptor that is not a structural type of neuron.multiple choice question.multipolar neuronpseudo-unipolar neuronbipolar neuronafferent neuron


Afferent neurons, also known as sensory neurons, are the nerve fibers in charge of carrying sensory data from the outside environment into the brain. Afferent neurons are not a structural type of neuron.

Pseudo unipolar afferent neurons have a single process that exits the cell body and divides into two branches: the long branch travels to the sensory organ and the small branch travels to the central nervous system (e.g. spinal cord). Similar to those commonly found in neurons, these cells do have sensory afferent dendrites. They are situated in the ganglia of the peripheral nervous system and feature a smooth, spherical cell body. A bulge in the dorsal root called the dorsal root ganglion, which is located just outside the spinal cord, contains thousands of afferent neuronal cell bodies.

Learn more about afferent neurons here


which fo theese cell types would you not find in intestinal glands of the small intestine crypts of lieberkuhn


Parietal cells are the type of cell that is absent from the intestinal glands found in the lieberkuhn crypts of the small intestine.

An intestinal gland, also known as a Lieberkuhn crypt or intestinal crypt, is a gland that can be found in the small and large intestines' intestinal epithelium between villi (or colon). The epithelium that covers the glands and intestinal villi is made up of a variety of cells, including enterocytes (which absorb water and electrolytes), goblet cells (which secrete mucus), enteroendocrine cells (which secrete hormones), cup cells, tuft cells, and Paneth cells (which secrete anti-microbial peptides) and stem cells at the base of the gland. Specific meals are broken down by digestive enzymes in the small intestine mucosa as they are being absorbed via the epithelium. These enzymes consist of maltase, sucrase, peptidase.

To know more about intestinal glands please click on the link


complete the following sentence correctly. the membrane of a neuron contains many more __________ leak channels than __________ leak channels, and this causes the resting membrane potential to be somewhat near to the equilibrium potential for __________.


The plasma membrane of a neuron has more potassium(K+) leak channels than sodium(Na+) leak channels. Because of this, K+ ions that leave the cell is greater than the number of Na+ ions that enter the cell.

The neuron's plasma membrane is only minimally permeable to Cl and Na+ and extremely permeable to Potassium (K+). A balance between a high concentration of Na+ and a high concentration of Cl, as well as modest amounts of impermeant anions like bicarbonate, phosphate, and sulphate, is what keeps the extracellular fluid's electroneutrality. The concentration of Cl in the cytoplasm, where K+ concentration is high, is substantially lower than what is required to balance the sum of the positive charges. There, negatively charged impermeant proteins and phosphates keep the environment electroneutral.When the overall concentration of particles on one side is not equal to that on the other, the osmotic balance between the cytoplasm and extracellular fluid is kept by water moving through the plasma membrane.

To know more about membrane check the below link:


the external ear is located mostly on the outside of the body, while the middle and inner ear areas are housed within the part of the temporal bone.


The external ear is located mostly on the outside of the body, while the middle and inner ear areas are housed within the petrous part of the temporal bone.

The inner ear is composed of three parts: cochlea, semi-circular canals (labyrinth) and your vestibule. It performs dual functions: hearing and body balance. The cochlea is involved in hearing process while the labyrinth and vestibule have balancing role.

Petrous part of the temporal bone is a pyramidal structure present at the base of the skull between the sphenoid and occipital bones. The sole function of petrous part is to protect the middle and inner ear.

To know more about inner ear, here


In individuals with chimera, what is the distribution of the secondary dna in the body?


Human chimeras are individuals with several DNA sets. Although it sounds like something out of science fiction, it can actually occur organically.

Why does DNA function the way it does?

DNA holds the instructions required for a creature to grow, endure, and procreate. DNA sequences need to be translated into instructions that can be utilized to make proteins, that are the intricate molecules that carry out the majority of the work in our bodies, in order to perform these activities.

What is contained in DNA?

Adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) are the four fundamental "bases" or "building blocks" of DNA (T). The instructions in the genome are formed by the order, and sequence, of these nucleotides. The molecule of DNA has two strands. DNA has a distinctive "double helix" form that resembles a twisted ladder.

To know more about DNA visit:


in which sympathetic pathway does the preganglionic neuron synapse with a ganglionic neuron, and the postganglionic axon does not leave the trunk via a gray ramus, but instead projects directly to the effector?


The preganglionic neuron synapse with a ganglionic neuron and the postganglionic axon does not leave the trunk via a gray ramus but instead projects directly to the effector in B Postganglionic Sympathetic nerve pathway

Neurons in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord are the starting point for sympathetic pathways that lead to the gut. In order to establish their initial synaptic connections with neurons in the abdomen's prevertebral sympathetic ganglia, efferent sympathetic fibers leave the spinal cord in the ventral roots.

A postganglionic neuron and preganglionic axons synapse at the sympathetic chain ganglia. Through gray ramus communicans or unmyelinated axons, the postganglionic neuron exits the sympathetic chain ganglia and reenters the spinal nerve before reaching the skin and blood vessels throughout the body.

know more about sympathetic pathways here:


(complete question)

In Which sympathetic pathway does the preganglionic neuron synapse with a ganglionic neuron, but then the postganglionic axon does NOT leave the trunk via a gray ramus and instead goes directly to the effector organ?

A. Splanchnic Nerve pathway

B. Postganglionic Sympathetic nerve pathway

C. Adrenal medulla pathway

D. Descending pathways

Condensation helped to form early oceans when water vapor in clouds begin to cool. The temperature on early earth was important to the early oceans. What would have happened if the temperature of early earth had heated significantly soon after the oceans formed?.


The water in the ocean would have evaporated.

What is condensation?

The transition of matter's physical condition from the gaseous to the liquid phase occurs through condensation. For instance, condensation happens when water vapour in the air, which is in its gaseous form, comes into touch with a cooler surface and turns into liquid water. The water in the air condenses into water droplets when it comes into touch with a cold surface. Evaporation reaction is the opposite of condensation. Condensation occurs when water transitions from a gaseous state to a liquid or crystallized state. Every gas has the ability to condense at high pressure and low temperature. According to science, condensation can occur at any temperature as long as the pressure of the gas in its liquid state is less than the pressure of the gas that is condensing.

The water in the ocean would have undergone sublimation

To know more about condensation:


a woman who is homozygous for type a blood marries a man who is homozygous for type b blood. all of their children have type ab blood. this type of inheritance is known as codominance because


This type of inheritance is known as codominance because 2 of the same alleles (BB, bb) for a trait.

What is the possible gene pair of the person with an A blood type?A blood type person must have at least one copy of the A allele; however, they may have two copies. Their genotype is described by either AA or AO.. Similar to this, a person with blood type B may have either a BB or a BO genotype.A homozygous recessive phenotype is one in which both parents have brown eyes but the child has blue eyes. Brown eyes are more prevalent in this instance. If brown eyes were recessive, every child would be born with them.Codominance is a phenomena in genetics where two alleles (different forms of the same gene) express themselves equally in an organism. As a result, characteristics linked to each allele are shown at the same time.

To learn more about Codominance refer,


Explain what contributes to an ecosystem stability? 3-5 sentences.


We’ll all the wild life has to work together.
They plants and food sources have to be right .
There has to be water . The organisms have to be able to adapt it’s called natural selection where they breed to live longer .If there is none of that then they will fail.

every dolphin has a fin. every dolphin is an animal. what kind of relationship would best describe the first and second statements?


The two assertions are related in the following way: Every dolphin is an animal, and every dolphin has a fin. Aggregation : Inheritance

Typically, the dolphin's body contains five fins (some dolphins have only a small dorsal ridge while others, such as the "killer whale" have a very large dorsal fin). The dorsal fin, which is found on the animal's top (dorsal side), is loaded with fibrous connective tissue. It avoids "roll" and serves to keep the animal upright (much like a ship's keel). Additionally, it has a function for thermoregulation, which regulates body temperature. The dolphin must keep its body temperature between 97 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit since it has warm blood. The dorsal fin is used to expel extra body heat to the environment if the animal becomes overheated.

To know more about  dolphin please click on the link


Some proteins are produced only when needed. this is an example of gene regulation that conserves___


Some proteins are produced only when needed. this is an example of gene regulation that conserves energy.

What is gene regulation?

The mechanism by which genes are regulated affects when, where, and how much they are expressed. Regulational proteins and chemical modifications to DNA are just two of the many mechanisms that can be used to carry out the process, which can be intricate.

What protein is involved in gene regulation?

Activator proteins bind to DNA regulatory sites close to promoter regions, which serve as on/off switches. The RNA polymerase activity and transcription of neighboring genes are made easier by this interaction.

To know more about gene regulation visit


on which type of island should we expect to see the lowest level of biodiversity when equilibrium is reached


When equilibrium is attained, we should anticipate finding the least amount of biodiversity on a small island that is remote from the source of species colonizing the island.

The quantity and diversity of life on earth are referred to as “biodiversity.” Life could not persist without biodiversity.

In 1985, the word “biodiversity” was first used. Ecosystems, both natural and man-made, rely on it. It discusses the variations among numerous plant, animal, and microbial species.

Biodiversity refers to both the variety and relative abundance of the organisms that make up an environment. Additionally, it shows the many levels of organismal development.

Biodiversity has ecological and economic significance. It gives us food, shelter, energy, clothing, and a variety of other things. Additionally, it makes money through tourism. Therefore, it is essential to have a thorough awareness of biodiversity in order to live sustainably.

To learn more about biodiversity, refer:-


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