in cattle short horn is dominant to long horn and red and white produce roan. Show the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring that could be produced from a cross between an individual heterozygous for both characters and an individual that is long horned and roan


Answer 1

Assuming the gene for horn length expresses complete dominance and the gene for color expresses co-dominance, the expected genotypes and phenotypes are 2/16 SsRR - Short and Red. 4/16 SsRW - Short and Roan. 2/16 ssRR - Long and Red. 4/16 ssRW - Long and Roan. 2/16 SsWW       - Short and white. 2/16 ssWW - Long and White.


What are complete and co-dominance?

Complete dominance refers to the inheritance pattern in which the dominant allele can completly hide the expression of the recessive allele in heterozygous individuals. Two phenotypes are possible -the dominant and the recessive ones-.

Co-dominance refers to the inheritance pattern in which neither of the alleles completely blocks the expression of the other allele, so both of them are simultaneously expressed and create a third phentoype.  

In the exposed example,

Horn length expresses complete dominance

- SS and Ss expresses short

- ss expresses long

Coat color expresses co-dominance

- RR expresses red

- WW expresses white

- RW expresses roan


Parentals)  Ss RW  x ss RW

Gametes) SR, SW, sR, sW

                sR, sR, sW, sW  

Punnett square)    SR         SW          sR         sW

                  sR     SsRR      SsRW     ssRR     ssRW

                  sR     SsRR      SsRW     ssRR     ssRW

                  sW    SsRW    SsWW     ssRW    ssWW

                  sW    SsRW    SsWW     ssRW    ssWW              

F1)    Proportion of individuals      Genotype             Phenotype

2/16 individuals                     ⇒ SsRR          ⇒  Short and Red4/16 individuals                     ⇒ SsRW         ⇒  Short and Roan2/16 individuals                     ⇒ ssRR          ⇒  Long and Red4/16 individuals                     ⇒ ssRW         ⇒  Long and Roan2/16 individuals                     ⇒ SsWW       ⇒  Short and white2/16 individuals                     ⇒ ssWW        ⇒  Long and White


You can learn more about co-dominance and complete dominance at


Related Questions

27) If velocity is constant but the frequency of a wave increases, then its wavelength will________.

A.) increase
B.) decrease
C.) stay the same





i think if frequency increases the wavelength will decrease  and the amplitude will increase

b) decrease


Explanation: There is an inverse relationship between frequency and wavelength. If the speed is held constant, as frequency increases, the wavelength must decrease.

the bending of a tip link protein leads to depolarization of the hair cell by allowing____ions to diffuse across the membrane into the cell.


The bending of a tip link protein leads to depolarization of the hair cell by allowing potassium ions to diffuse across the membrane into the cell.

The transmission of auditory impulses is the organ of Corti's main purpose. The auditory canal allows sound waves to enter the ear, where they cause the tympanic membrane to vibrate. Tympanic membrane movement results in vibrations in the middle ear's three ossicles, which then transmit energy to the cochlea through the oval window. Waves go through the perilymph fluid in the scala tympani and then the scala vestibuli of the cochlea when the oval window moves. The tectorial membrane replaces the basilar membrane, which is situated between the scala media and scala tympani, as fluid passes between these structures.The cochlea's scala media houses an inner ear organ called the organ of Corti (Figure 1A). It is located on the basilar membrane, a hard membrane that divides the scala media from the scala tympani (Figure 1A). Endolymph with a high (150 mM) K+ content is found in the cochlea cavity known as the scala media. The electrical impulses of the auditory hair cells are regulated in part by the endolymph.

To know more about depolarization visit:

Natural selection occurs when there is nonrandom elimination of genotypes from a population due to differences in viability or reproductive success.T/F


The statement "Natural selection occurs when there is nonrandom elimination of genotypes from a population due to differences in viability or reproductive success," is true.

What is genotype?

The term "genotype," which basically refers to an organism's genetic makeup, describes the gene pool as a whole. The term can also be used in a more precise sense to refer to the several alleles, or variations of a gene, that an organism possesses. Being a diploid species, humans have two alleles per genetic locus, one of which was passed down from each parent. Each pair of alleles represents the genotype of a specific gene. For instance, sweet pea plants have two alleles for the bloom color gene.

The uppercase letter F stands for the allele that codes for purple flowers, whereas the lowercase letter f stands for the allele that codes for white flowers. Thus, the genotypes FF, Ff, or ff could be present in a diverse population of sweet pea plants. Each plant's phenotype, in this example the outer look of its blossoms, is influenced by its genotype. When two alleles in a genotype are same, the genotype is said to be homozygous; when the two alleles are different, the genotype is said to be heterozygous. Genotyping is the term for the process of identifying a genotype.

To learn more about genotype visit:


David is researching caribou for a science project and discovers that they need deep-frozen food.
ice to walk on while looking for food to survive. What are the two earth systems involved
in the interaction of caribou and ice?
A: Biosphere and Atmosphere
B: Atmosphere and geosphere
C: cryosphere and biosphere
D: Geosphere and cryosphere


Cyrosphere and biosphere are the two earth systems involved

Caribou are members of Earth's Biosphere which is an umbrella term for all the living organisms on Earth.

The Cyrosphere refers to any and all areas of the Earth where water is in frozen form.

David learning that Caribou need deep frozen ice to walk on is an interaction of these two systems as it shows a living organism being the Caribou interacting with deep frozen ice which is part of the Cyrosphere.

learn more about Cyrosphere at


what are the three sections of the small intestine and what role does each section play in digestion



The three sections of the small intestine are the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum receives partly; digested food, acid, and bile. The jejunum and ileum break down food fully.


The duodenum is the primary part of the small gut. The major function of the duodenum is to finish the primary segment of digestion. In this phase of the gut, meals from the stomach are blended with enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. The enzymes and bile assist wreck down meals. The jejunum is among the duodenum (the primary part of the small gut) and the ileum (the remaining part of the small gut). The jejunum enables them to similarly digest meals coming from the stomach. It absorbs nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins) and water from meals in order that they may be utilized by the body. The ileum enables them to similarly digest meals coming from the stomach and different elements of the small gut. It absorbs nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins) and water from meals in order that they may be utilized by the body. The small gut connects the stomach and the colon.

To learn more about the Small intestine,

what is the medical term for immunity that is initiated when an antigen encounters a type of lymphocyte known as a b cell?


The medical term for immunity that is initiated when an antigen encounters a type of lymphocyte known as a b cell is Humoral Immunity

Humoral immunity is the process of adaptive immunity manifested by the production of antibodies by B lymphocytes. It develops in bone marrow. B cells may be triggered to proliferate into plasma cells. Plasma cells produce antibodies. Antibodies are produced when the antigen bonds the B cell receptor (BCR). Antibodies are the agents of humoral immunity. Antibodies occur in the blood, in gastric and mucus secretions, and in breast milk. Antibodies in these bodily fluids can bind pathogens and mark them for destruction by phagocytes before they are able to infect cells. Humoral immunity is also referred to as antibody-mediated immunity.

To know more about Humoral Immunity:


When mt. st. helen erupted in 1980, all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. what type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance?


Primary Succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance. Primary succession is defined as succession that begins in an area with no vestiges of a previous community.

An exploding volcano, for example, devastated all neighboring living species in Mount Saint Helens, Washington. Changes in this community will last centuries. The 1980 explosion of Mount St. Helens destroyed around 90 square miles of forest habitat, but it increased the amount of lake and pond habitat fivefold. the fact that there is no such thing as a sprue.

Autopsies revealed that the majority of Mount St. Helens' victims died from asphyxiation caused by inhaling hot volcanic ash, with some dying from thermal and other injuries. Land and civil works were severely damaged as a result of the lateral blast, debris avalanche, mudflows, and flooding.

To know more about succession visit


what is the term for the contractile response of a single muscle fiber to a single muscle impulse?


A contractile response of an unmarried muscle fiber to a single muscle impulse is known as a muscle twitch. A muscle twitch is the result of an unmarried muscle fiber contracting in response to a motor neuron-stimulating event. when multiple movement potentials are sent, it is known as wave summation.

Muscle contraction begins when the nervous system generates a sign. The single, impulse known as a movement ability, travels via a sort of nerve mobile referred to as a motor neuron. The neuromuscular junction is the cell of the area in which the motor neuron reaches a muscle mobile.

The electrochemical transmission of a single alongside a nerve fiber produces an excitatory or inhibitory response at a goal tissue, which includes a muscle or any other nerve. A "twitch" represents an unmarried muscle contraction in reaction to a single over-threshold stimulus. A sarcomere is the primary contractile unit of a myocyte (muscle fiber).

Learn more about Muscle Impulses here:


dogs were the first animals to be domesticated. by when were they domesticated? group of answer choices before 15,000 years ago the beginning of the middle paleolithic the lower paleolithic the beginning of the cenozoic


Before 15,000 years ago, the dog was the first animal to be tamed. Dogs were the earliest domesticated animals and the only species that is known to have lived in close quarters with humans during the Pleistocene.

Our ancestors may have had more meat than they could consume, which led to the domestication of dogs. The wolves that hunter-gatherers kept as pets during the ice era may have shared any excess with them. Both the time and the reasons for dog domestication are unknown. Despite various claims to the contrary, the dog was the first animal to be domesticated. Since then, many animals have been domesticated for human uses, such as farming and companionship, including pigs and even honeybees.

learn more about domesticated animals here:


A plant has the following absorption spectrum. Which color is not
easily absorbed?


its green.....................

consider an individual with genotype a/a b/b c/c d/d, descended from one parent with genotype a/a b/b c/c d/d and another parent with genotype a/a b/b c/c d/d. genes a, b, c, and d are present on the same chromosome, in the following order: a, c, b, d (nb: this is not the alphabetical order). what is the minimum number of crossovers that must take place on that chromosome for the individual to generate a gamete with genotype acbd?


An individual having the genotype A a B b C C D d E E might independently create 8 different gametes.

Five genes will be present in each gamete in this scenario. Additionally, there are two possibilities for each of the three genes, A/a, B/b, and Dd, as well as one option for each of the two genes, C and E.By counting the number of heterozygous or dissimilar allele pairs present in the genotype (represented by n) and plugging the value into the expression 2n, which will be equal to 2³ = 8, it is possible to calculate the number of distinct gametes that could be created.

Consequently, 8 distinct gametes could develop.

To know more about  genotype


During times of relaxation, the division of the autonomic nervous system utilizes discrete and localized innervation, stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time.a. Trueb. False


The parasympathetic nervous system is the stimulating only one or a few structures at the same time.

(PSNS) is active, it reduces blood pressure, stimulates digestion, and slows our pulse and respiration rates. Our our bodies begin to relax, and rest encourages healing. We get more healthy the extra time we spend in a PSNS condition.

The easy and cardiac muscle tissues and glands are beneathneath the manage of the parasympathetic frightened device (PSNS), a part of the autonomic frightened device (ANS). It helps PSNS feature via way of means of operating in live performance with the sympathetic frightened device (SNS).

Learn more about parasympathetic;


the process of removing introns from mrna and putting the remaining exons together occurs in a complex called the .


Some sequences known as intervening sequences, or introns, are removed or "spliced out" as part of this processing process, which is referred to as RNA splicing. Thus, the leftover sequences, known as exons, are what make up the final mRNA. Splicing is what connects these exons to one another.

Splicing is the method of chopping out introns and joining exons back together. Even though the pre-mRNA is still in the nucleus, introns are cut out and broken down. Introns are cut out and exons are rejoined with the accuracy and precision of a single nucleotide thanks to a sequence-specific mechanism called splicing. Splicing is a type of editing that eliminates the introns and only keeps the exons, which are the yellow sections responsible for protein synthesis. At the intron/exon, helper proteins are assembled to start the process of splicing RNA.

To learn more about Splicing, follow the below link:


25 points + brainliest image attached



5 ways that you can prevent the spread of viruses:


Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.Avoid close contact with sick people.Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when sneezing or coughing.Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Are gender traits completely a result of societal expectations?



No. Gender traits in humans are largely determined by biophysical processes.

describe the construction of a recombinant plasmid containing the gene for luciferase and the insertion of the plasmid into a bacterial cell by placing the steps in order.


Recombinant plasmids are genetic molecules that are used to insert foreign DNA into host cells, allowing them to express a desired gene. This can be used to study gene expression, as well as to produce proteins for therapeutic or industrial applications.

The construction of a recombinant plasmid containing the gene for luciferase and the insertion of the plasmid into a bacterial cell can be done through several steps, which can be outlined as follows:

1. Obtain the gene for luciferase: The first step in constructing a recombinant plasmid containing the gene for luciferase is to obtain the gene itself. The gene can be sourced from a variety of sources, such as from a plasmid library or from a gene synthesis company.

2. Clone the gene into a vector: Once the gene for luciferase has been obtained, the gene must then be cloned into a vector. A vector is a circular DNA molecule that can be used to transport the gene into the host cell. Common vectors used for this step include plasmids and bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs).

3. Insert the vector into the host cell: The vector containing the gene for luciferase must then be inserted into a host cell. This can be done through a process called transformation, where the vector is introduced into the host cell. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as electroporation, heat shock, or chemical transformation.

4. Select for recombinants: Once the vector has been inserted into the host cell, the cell must then be subjected to a selection process to identify cells that have successfully taken up the vector. This is done by selecting for cells that are able to express the desired gene.

5. Extract the recombinant DNA: Once the cells are identified, the recombinant DNA must then be extracted from the cells. This can be done through a process called miniprep, which is used to isolate and purify the recombinant plasmid from the host cell.

6. Analyze the recombinant plasmid: Finally, the recombinant plasmid must be analyzed to confirm the presence of the gene for luciferase. This can be done through a variety of techniques, such as restriction enzyme digestion or DNA sequencing.

Learn more about restriction enzyme at :


The process in which nitrogen is cycled between the atmosphere, bacteria, and other organisms: _____


The process of changing nitrogen gas to nitrates is called nitrogen fixation

in addition to growth and waste production what else does herbivore a's body do with the food it ingests


Herbivore uses the calories in the food to do any body movements.

What is herbivore?

An organism that mostly consumes plants is a herbivore. The size of a herbivore can range from small insects like aphids to enormous, hulking elephants.

The food web, which describes the species that consume other organisms in the wild, is largely composed of herbivores. Trophic, or nutritional, levels are used to classify organisms in the food chain. Three trophic levels exist. The lowest trophic level is comprised of autotrophs, or creatures that make their own food. Algae and plants are some of these. The second trophic level consists of herbivores, which consume autotrophs. The third trophic level is made up of omnivores and carnivores, or species that eat both plants and animals.

Hence,  Herbivore uses the calories in the food to do any body movements.

To learn more about herbivore click the link


a toxin common to all gram-negative bacteria is a. hemolysin. b. coagulase. c. neurotoxin. d. lipid a.


lipids a  toxin common to all gram-negative bacteria

The gram-negative bacterium's outer membrane contains endotoxin, also known as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), as well as various additional exotoxins and enterotoxins that are secreted by other bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria have a thin peptidoglycan cell wall that is encircled by a lipopolysaccharide-containing outer membrane. Although gram-positive bacteria lack an outer membrane, they are encased in layers of peptidoglycan that are much thicker than those found in gram-negative bacteria. Exotoxins are produced by bacteria of all gram sizes. An individual exotoxin or a number of exotoxins may be produced by a specific bacterial pathogen. Each exotoxin has a distinct mode of action that is accountable for inducing a distinct disease.

learn more about endotoxin here;


what environmental parameters would need to be monitored as ddt moves up the food web of an ecosystem?


DDT affects the food chain by bioaccumulating organisms, as well as reducing population sizes that can feed higher trophic levels.

An ecosystem contains living or living parts and abiotic factors or nonliving parts. Biological agents include plants, animals, and other organisms. Abiotic factors are rock, temperature, and humidity. Every element of the ecosystem is directly or indirectly dependent on every other element.

The simplest definition of an ecosystem is that it is a community or group of organisms that live in a particular environment and interact with each other.

Examples of ecosystems: are agricultural ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, coral reefs, deserts, forests, human ecosystems, coastal areas, marine ecosystems, grasslands, rainforests, savannas, grasslands, taiga, tundra, and urban ecosystems.

Learn more about the ecosystem here:-


Choose all the answers that apply. ground tissue?

Stores extra food
Supports the plant
Is found in plants and animals
Makes up the majority of a plant
Is responsible for photosynthesis


supports the plants
makes up the majority of a plant
is responsible for photosynthesis

write 5 sentences about cellular respiration



Cellular Respiration is the process of which energy is created. The body uses starch molecules, which later break down into glucose. This occurs in the digestive system after the molecules travel throught the circulatory system. The oyxgen molecules are taken in through the respiratory system. Oxygen and glucose molecules result in energy release. Once the energy is released, water and carbon dioxide molecules are formed.

describe what occurs during nondisjunction and the effect on the resulting cells.


Mitotic nondisjunction can occur when topoisomerase II, condensin, or separase are inactivated. This produces two aneuploid daughter cells, one with 47 chromosomes (2n+1) and the other with 45 (2n-1).

When homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate properly during cell division, this is referred to as nondisjunction. Nondisjunction can occur when a pair of homologous chromosomes fails to separate during meiosis I, sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis II, or sister chromatids fail to separate during mitosis. Daughter cells with abnormal chromosome numbers result from nondisjunction.

When the separation fails, both sister chromatids or homologous chromosomes are drawn to the cell's pole, resulting in nondisjunction. A cell division error known as "nondisjunction" is the most common cause of Down syndrome. An embryo has three copies of chromosome 21 rather than the usual two due to nondisjunction. Prior to or during conception, a pair of 21st chromosomes fails to separate in either the sperm or the egg.

To learn more about nondisjunction, here


Notch is a receptor protein displayed on the surface of certain cells in developing fruit fly embryos. Notch's ligand is a membrane-bound protein called Delta that is displayed on the surface of adjacent cells. When Notch is activated by its ligand, the intracellular tail of the Notch protein becomes separated from the rest of the protein. This allows the intracellular tail to move to the cell's nucleus and alter the expression of specific genes.Which of the following statements best explains Delta's role in regulating cell communication through the Notch signaling pathway?


Delta receptor restricts cell communication to short distances within a developing embryo. In delta-notch signaling pathway, notch is a receptor protein. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is delta-notch receptor?

Notch receptors are the large transmembrane proteins which communicate signals upon binding to transmembrane ligands which are expressed on adjacent cells. Because both the receptors and the ligands are transmembrane proteins, notch signals rely on cell-to-cell contact. In the delta-notch signaling pathway, notch receptor transduces the short-range signals by interacting with the ligands like Delta.

Delta is responsible for restricting the short-range cell communication distances within a developing embryo of fruitfly.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Delta Notch receptor here:


Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

Notch is a receptor protein displayed on the surface of certain cells in developing fruit fly embryos. Notch’s ligand is a membrane-bound protein called Delta that is displayed on the surface of adjacent cells. When Notch is activated by its ligand, the intracellular tail of the Notch protein becomes separated from the rest of the protein. This allows the intracellular tail to move to the cell’s nucleus and alter the expression of specific genes. Which of the following statements best explains Delta’s role in regulating cell communication through the Notch signaling pathway?

A) Delta transmits a chemical signal to all the cells of a developing embryo.

B) Delta allows the cells of a developing embryo to communicate without making direct contact.

C) Delta restricts cell communication to short distances within a developing embryo.

D) Delta determines which cells in a developing embryo express the gene that encodes the Notch protein.

Which statement below accurately describes how sweating helps maintain homeostasis?
A. Skin cells absorb water into the body, which absorbs heat and cools the cells
B. Water on the skin evaporates into the air, pulling heat from the body
C. Water condenses on the skin and absorbs heat from the body
D. Water on the skin evaporates into the air, pulling heat out of the air around the body



Water on the skin evaporates into the air, pulling heat out of the air around the body -describes the process of evaporative cooling.


ect the best answer for the question. 3. Which statement below accurately describes the process of evaporative cooling? A. Water on the skin evaporates into the air, pulling heat from the body B. Water on the skin evaporates into the air, pulling heat out of the air around the body C. Water condenses on the skin and absorbs heat from the body D. Skin cells absorb water into the body, which absorbs heat and cool the cells

What is the practice of keeping a product generic as long as possible before​ customizing?


Local optimization is a deliver-chain hardship great defined as product generic as long as possible before customizing optimizing one's neighborhood place with out complete information of deliver chain needs.

This version may be specially useful to small agencies withinside the US. During the coronavirus, small agencies have been hit difficult with the financial effect and being reduce off from their overseas providers.

Local optimization objectives to enhance a unmarried particular feature withinside the deliver chain network. This method to deliver chain optimization focuses much less at the effect that adjustments can also additionally have on different components of the deliver chainLocal optimization is a deliver-chain hardship great defined as: optimizing one's neighborhood place with out complete information of deliver chain needs.

Read more about practice;


Intermolecular forces hold biomolecules together. They are also found between biomolecules. Which of these is a place you would expect to find a hydrogen bond in a biomolecule?.


The correct option is B) Between adenine and thymine in DNA , A hydrogen bond would be found between adenine and thymine in DNA.

Peptide bonds- found in proteinsCovalent bonds - found in the backbone of nucleic acidsGlycosidic links - found in carbohydrates such as sucrose

Therefore, the only answer left, after you cross out the other from the information above, is B: Between adenine and thymine in DNA

Van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds are examples of electrostatic intermolecular forces. Intermolecular contacts,

which hold molecules to one another in liquids and hold polyatomic ions together, are weaker than intramolecular interactions, which hold atoms together within individual molecules.

A chemical substance that is present in living things is called a biomolecule. These consist mostly of substances with the chemical elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus.

The building blocks of life, biomolecules serve crucial roles in all living things.

Learn more about to biomolecule visit here;


Full Question :

Intermolecular forces hold biomolecules together. They are also found between biomolecules. Which of these is a place you would expect to find hydrogen bond in a biomolecule?

a) between amino acids in a protein

b) between adenine and thymine in DNA

c) between the ribose and phosphate in RNA

d) between glucose and fructose in a sucrose molecule

what is the term for the contractile response of a single muscle fiber to a single muscle impulse?


Muscle twitch is the word used to describe the contractile response of a single muscle fibre to a single muscle stimulus.

Muscle twitching is also known as muscle fasciculation. The body twitches as a result of tiny muscular contractions. The muscle fibres in your body are controlled by your nerves. Because of stimulation or damage to a neuron, your muscle fibres may constrict.

The majority of muscle twitches are harmless and go unnoticed. You should visit your doctor because they could occasionally be an indication of a neurological system disease.

Numerous distinct circumstances might cause muscles to twitch. Mild, lifestyle-related issues are commonly the causes of minor muscular twitching. More severe muscle twitching, however, typically signifies a dangerous condition.

To know more about muscle twitch, visit:  


Describe 3 differences between DNA and RNA


Answer: RNA contains ribose while DNA contains deoxyribose; RNA has the nucleobase uracil, but DNA has thymine; DNA is double stranded, but RNA is single stranded


the answer is in the picture below.

What two plate boundaries would potentially create lahars with an explanation

(I really need help so ill give brainliest to the best answer immediately


Answer: Convergent and divergent

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