Pls Help!! How are human activities affecting global warming?


Answer 1

It has been proposed that human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation affect global warming because they increase the concentration of greenhouse gases.

What are greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases are different types of gases released to the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide or methane which produce a type of greenhouse effect by trapping the solar radiation into the earth's surface, which otherwise will be reflected into space.

It has been shown that such different greenhouse gases may affect the temperature of the earth by increasing several Celsius degrees since the industrial revolution, which was a point of break in the release of industrial gases such as carbon dioxide.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that greenhouse gases may be associated with human activities and therefore it has been proposed that this factor may increase global warming by producing a greenhouse effect.

Learn more about greenhouse gases here:


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Describe a theory about where the moon come from. Do you think there's enough evidence?​


What is most widely accepted today is the giant-impact theory. It proposes that the Moon formed during a collision between the Earth and another small planet, about the size of Mars. The debris from this impact collected in an orbit around Earth to form the Moon.

The Apollo missions brought back over a third of a tonne of rock and soil from the Moon.

'When the Apollo rocks came back, they showed that the Earth and the Moon have some remarkable chemical and isotopic similarities, suggesting that they have a linked history,' says Sara.

'If the Moon had been created elsewhere and was captured by the Earth's gravity we would expect its composition to be very different from the Earth's.

'If the Moon was created at the same time, or broke off the Earth, then we would expect the type and proportion of minerals on the Moon to be the same as on Earth. But they are slightly different.'

The minerals on the Moon contain less water than similar terrestrial rocks. The Moon is rich in material that forms quickly at a high temperature.

'In the seventies and eighties there was a lot of debate which led to an almost universal acceptance of the giant impact model.'

Lunar meteorites are also an important source of data for studying the origins of the Moon.

'In some ways meteorites can tell us more about the Moon than Apollo samples because meteorites come from all over the surface of the Moon,' adds Sara, 'while Apollo samples come from just one place near the equator on the near side of the Moon.'

the diagram shows a model of an atom. Who first proposed this model?



Hi! The answer is Option D Bohr

Which is most likely to cause groundwater pollution?leaking underground storage tankacid precipitationdeforestationparticulate matter


Deforestation can lead to runoff of water, it does not imply contamination.

Particulate matter of natural origin would be processed by decomposers, increasing nutrients in the soil and in groundwater (if leaching takes place).

Acid precipitation can change pH and mineral composition in the soil, It does not have a direct impact on groundwater.

Answer: leaking underground storage tank is a way of pollution that definitely have an impact on groundwater.

If the genetic code consisted of codons with 4 nucleotides, how many different codons could there possibly be?.


If the genetic code consisted of codons with 4 nucleotides, there could be 256 different codons possible.

The genetic code is a set of rules that living cells use to convert information encoded in genetic material into proteins. Each gene's code employs various combinations of the four nucleotide bases of DNA — adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) — to spell out three-letter "codons" that specify which amino acid is required at each position within a protein.

A codon is a unit of three adjacent nucleotides that codes for an amino acid. Codons, which are three-letter nucleotide chains, make up the genetic code. Each codon represents a single amino acid.

To learn more about genetic code, here


how is leaves change color related to photosynthesis




Chlorophyll Breaks Down

But in the fall, because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give the leaves part of their fall splendor.

Answer: Chlorophyll


Photosynthesis takes place because the cells of the leaf contain the pigment chlorophyll, a bright-green pigment that gives leaves their green color.  As fall approaches, trees seal off leaves from the rest of the plant in order to prevent water loss from stomata. Once the leaves are sealed off, the leaf stops producing chlorophyll.  Additionally, any chlorophyll remaining in the leaves begins to break down. As the chlorophyll degrades in the leaves, the bright green color disappears. With the green pigment gone, the colors of the other pigments within the leaf can finally be seen.  

In other words, those beautiful oranges and yellows that we associate with fall leaves are actually present in the leaves all along—they have  just been masked by the green chlorophyll. With the chlorophyll gone, their true colors can be seen.



The enzyme of this exercise could have increased its activity after their isolation, due to an increase in the substrate this enzyme acts on. For example, after we eat our food at dinner, the concentration of our bodies' insulin increase, due to a higher concentration of glucose from that aliments provenience from the digestion on our stomachs. This also can cause a positive feedback reaction in our bodies, which means that a little amount of enzyme, can produce more of this molecule, and they are those kinds of metabolic processes which usually are involved in maintaining our bodies' homeostasis.

We can see an example of this in the following picture, where the presence of a substrate, activates the enzyme.

If laci were mutated such that the lac repressor could no longer bind dna, what effect would this have on the regulation of the lac operon?.


The repressor protein would not function properly, and the lac operon would be over expressed.

What is lac operon ?

Operon, a system of genetic regulation present in bacteria and their viruses and characterised by the clustering along the DNA of genes encoding functionally related proteins. Because of this property, protein synthesis can be coordinated to meet the demands of the cell.

Constitutive expression results from mutations in the repressor that prohibit it from binding to the operator (no repression in the absence of inducer). A non-inducible phenotype results from mutations that block the inducer's capacity to bind without impacting the operator's ability to bind.

Learn more about Lac operon here:


A substance Z moves across the cell membrane from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration with the help of a protein molecule that binds to it. A subsequent shape change in the protein helps it to convey Z across the membrane. What word(s) below accurately describe the type of transport that has occurred?

a. active transport
b. simple diffusion
c. facilitated diffusion
d. passive transport
e. c and d



The answer to this question is without a doubt: active transport


Hope this helps! :))

The climate of a biome is determined by all of these factors except.
OA. how close it is to an ocean.
OB. its organisms.
OC. its seasonal patterns of winds.
OD. its latitude.


An ecosystem's latitude affects its climate.

What influences the biomes?

An place is categorised as having a certain biome based on the species that inhabit it. Scientists can identify a biome by defining the range of temperatures, the kind of soil, the amount of light, and the amount of water that are distinctive to that location.

What two elements most influence a biome?

Temperature and precipitation, or the local climate, are the two fundamental variables that determine a particular biome.

What aspect of the climate determines a biome most significantly?

The amount of precipitation and the timing of the precipitation are the primary elements that define which biome is present. Which biome is there will also depend on the temperature and whether it varies throughout the year.

To know more about Biome visit:-


which of the following is not a necessary life function? select one: a. nutrients b. reproduction c. metabolism d. movement


Nutrients are not a necessary life function as it is not directly necessary to maintain the life of the individual organism. It only helps in the breakdown of food to give them energy.

What are the life functions?

Living organisms are systems made from cells and are capable of life functions such as organization, metabolism, responsiveness, movements, transport, respiration, excretion, digestion, responsiveness, growth, regulation, differentiation, synthesis, and reproduction.

All living organisms have certain characteristics that distinguish from non-living forms. All of these processes are interrelated. From smallest cell to a complete body system do not work independently.

Metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in the body. One of the reactions includes catabolism which helps to break complex substances into simpler building blocks. Another phase of metabolism is anabolism in which complex substances are formed from simpler ones. Responsiveness or irritability is concerned with detecting changes in the internal or external environments and reacting to that changes.Differentiation is a developmental process by which unspecialized cells change into specialized ones with distinctive structural and functional characteristics.Digestion is the process of breaking down complex ingested foods into simpler molecules that can be absorbed into the blood.

Hence nutrients are not directly a necessary life function.

Learn more about metabolism from the link given below:


will give brainliest
Order the planets from nearest to farthest from the Sun.













pls tell me if wrong

which one of the following does not belong with the others? a) coxiella b) ehrlichia c) rickettsia d) staphylococcus e) wolbachia


Staphylococcus isn't supposed to be alongside the others.

Option c is correct.

Which bacterial species doesn't belong with the others?

Due to their lifestyles that resemble fungi, myxobacteria are categorized as actinobacteria. The following list of bacteria are all gram-positive.

Are Rickettsia fungi?

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is one of the illnesses brought on by the unusual bacterial species rickettsiae. Since they are unable to survive on their own in the environment, rickettsiae differ from the majority of other bacteria in that they can only develop and reproduce inside the cells of another organism (host).

To know more about  myxobacteria visit:-


What level of transcription would you predict for a gene whose promoter is heavily methylated?.


Low transcription if promoter is heavily methylated.

In genomics, transcription is the process of creating an RNA copy of a gene's DNA sequence. This copy, known as messenger RNA (mRNA), transports the protein information encoded in the gene's DNA. A gene cannot be used to make a protein in a cell if it is not transcribed. If a gene is transcribed, it will almost certainly be used to produce a protein (expressed). Generally, the more a gene is transcribed, the more protein is produced.

Gene expression is specifically regulated on two levels. First, transcription is controlled by limiting the amount of mRNA produced by a specific gene. The second level of control comes from post-transcriptional events that regulate mRNA translation into proteins.

To learn more about transcription, here


What is the main way that fossil fuel use impacts the environment?A. water useB. invasive speciesC. global climate changeD. soil degradation


During the burning of fossil fuels, a greenhouse gas is discharge into the air which trap the heat in the atmosphere. This results to global warming.

Answer - C. global climate change

Answer: C global climate change

would a crocodile be a good index fossil? why or why not?


Yes, a crocodile would be a good index fossil because it has a long-life span and can be easily recognised.

What is an index fossil?

Index fossil is any ancient remains of a plant or animal that lived during a specific geological period and that can be used to date the containing rocks.

A useful index fossil must have the following characteristics:

Distinctive or easily recognizableAbundantwide geographic distributionshort range through time

Index fossils are the basis for defining boundaries in the geologic time scale and for the correlation of strata. Index fossils, also called key fossils or type fossils, are those that are used to define periods of geologic time.

Some common index fossils include ammonites, crinoids, rugose corals, brachiopods, bryozoans, and mollusks

Therefore, it can be said that a crocodile can be a good index fossil because it can live long.

Learn more about index fossil at:


this virulence factor is common to many members of the enterobacteriaceae and it allows them to inject proteins directly into the host cell: group of answer choices porins. pili. type iii secretion system. fimbriae. a glycocalyx.


Many species of the enterobacteriaceae share the type iii secretion system, which enables them to inject proteins right into the host cell.

What characteristics make Enterobacteriaceae virulent?

The Enterobacteriaceae antigenic structures, the O, H, and K antigens, and the polysaccharide capsules are additional defined bacterial virulence factors. Less research has been done on the virulence factors important for urinary tract infections in Gram-positive pathogens.

What constitutes E. coli's primary virulence factors?

We may categorize E. coli pathotypes into four primary virulence classes: colonization, fitness, toxins, and effectors; each is composed of a number of distinct virulence factors with a clear purpose and activity (Table 1). It's important to highlight that several enteric and extraintestinal pathotypes of E.

To know more about enterobacteriaceae visit:-


how can recycling rubber tires into materials that make track surface affect the use of natural resources


Recycling rubber tires into materials that make track surface affect the use of natural resources by maximizing it.

What is Recycling?

This is referred to as the process in which waste materials are converted into new materials such as in this scenario in which rubber tires are used to make track surfaces. This process helps to reduce the degree of pollution in the ecosystem thereby making it a safer place to live.

Recycling ensures that materials are used for other purposes and is not wasted which therefore maximizes its use and is therefore how it affects the use of natural resources.

Read more about Recycling here


Sheryl is observing ovarian slides taken from a female ape. All the cells show crossover chromosomes. What is this stage?

meiotic prophase I
meiotic prophase II
meiotic metaphase


The ovarian slides taken from the female ape will show crossover chromosomes in (A) meiotic prophase I.

Crossing over is the event that occurs during Prophase of Meiosis I. During this event, the exchange of genetic material occurs between two non-sister chromatids of two homologous chromosomes. This occurs to produce the recombinants having genotype different from both the parents.

Meiotic Prophase I is the longest and most complex phase of Meiosis. The phase is further divided into stages. These are: Leptotene. Zygotene. Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis. Many of the crucial events of Meiosis like synapsis formation, recombination, etc. occur in this phase.

To know more about crossing over, here


Many types of genetically modified plants have been developed, grown and eaten for many years in the United States. Currently, several agricultural companies are actively developing and researching GMO farm animals. What are the possible pros and cons of genetically modifying the animals people eat? Do you think the government should allow the development of GMO farm animals to continue? Please help me.


The possible pros of genetically modifying animals are associated with a higher production of meat having a higher quality (high quality proteins), while the cons are mainly associated with health concerns about consuming such foods.

What is genetically modifying animals?

Genetically modifying animals can be defined as organisms whose genetic material has been modified in a molecular biology laboratory to increase the desired features such as a higher level of high quality proteins, fewer fats, or higher weight.

These organisms raise an advantage over other methods of production in terms of efficacy to produce artificial selection, but also raise concerns regarding the effects of consuming such foods.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that genetically modifying animals may be advantageous for a series of useful phenotypic features but they also involve a concern in public opinion regarding the security of health.

Learn more about genetically modifying animals here:


In trisomy 21, an error during meiosis results inthree copies of Chromosome 21, leading to developmental deficits.three copies of Chromosome 19.the normal two copies of Chromosome 21, and no developmental deficits.a point mutation.



By definition, a trisomy is an aneuploidy in which a person has three copies of a chromosome instead of two. Therefore, a trisomy of chromosome 21 is an extra chromosome to the existing two copies of chromosome 21.

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


Three copies of Chromosome 21, leading to developmental deficits.

In a prokaryotic cell, it's DNA is contained in the nucleus. TrueFalse


The answer is False.

Prokaryotes do not have nucleus.

Write a paragraph describing how muscles and bones work together to create movement. Be sure to include the following words in your paragraph.
Tendon(s), ligament(s), cartilage, bone(s), muscle(s), skeletal system, muscular system.


Musculoskeletal system works to help you with diverse body movement. human body have206 bones and more than 600 muscles, connected by ligaments, tendons and soft tissues.

Bones support your body, protect organs and tissues, store calcium and fat and produce blood cells. Cartilage is connective tissue, cartilage cushions bones inside your joints, spine and in your ribcage. Bones together makes joints these joints have a large range of motion .Muscle is made of thousands of stretchy fibers. they helps to move, sit upright and stand still. Ligaments are tough collagen fibers, ligaments connect bones and help stabilize joints. Tendons connect muscles to bones tendons are tough but not very stretchy.

To learn more about Musculoskeletal system , here


What are 2 fundamental principles of evolution


Evolution has four principles:

- Inheritance

- Variation

- Selection

- Time

Inheritance refers to the ability of the individuals of the population to pass their genes to the next generation.

Variation refers to the differences in the genetic structure of the individuals of the population, which produces differences in their physical characteristics.

Selection refers to individuals that might inherit genes that give them a higher chance of surviving and passing their genes to the next generations.

Time refers to the fact that for any population to show the effects of evolution. This cannot be observed in one or two generations, for a new species to evolve, many generations are needed.

From an evolutionary standpoint, why is sexual reproduction considered an advantage over asexual reproduction?


Because sexual reproduction produces genetic variation in the offspring. the species can adapt to new environments due to variation, which gives them a survival advantage. a disease is less likely to affect all the individuals in a population.

Are there any species today that link mammals with other types of vertebrates? Why is it important?


Related groups of species link mammals with other types of vertebrates, these taxonomic groups are mainly represented by reptiles and birds. This process is very important because it reflects the evolutionary origin of vertebrates.

What is the evolutionary origin?

The expression evolutionary origin makes reference to descendence with modification in order to fit certain environmental features. Evolution is very important because it indicates how a given taxonomic group emerged and which are the most closely related species in terms of a common ancestor.

Birds and reptiles are the closer taxonomic groups of mammals and vertebrates because they share certain morphological and molecular (genetic) characteristics from a common ancestor million years ago.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the evolutionary origin is associated with a common ancestor, which in the case of mammals is shared with other vertebrates such as birds and reptiles.

Learn more about the evolutionary origin here:


How is the law of conservation of matter observed in making pizza dough?


The law of conservation of matter states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed in a physical or chemical reaction. Similarly, the chemical changes which occur during the formation of a pizza dough follow the same law of conservation of matter.

The law of conservation of matter also suggests that matter can be transformed from one form to another. Likewise, the chemical changes that take place during the preparation of a pizza dough such as rising of dough obeys the law of conservation of matter.

During dough preparation, salt, yeast and warm water are added to the flour and mixed thoroughly. As a result the yeast digests complex sugars and liberates carbon dioxide, which enables the dough to rise.

To learn more about yeast here


please help im confused



see explanation


1. Margaret is wondering why her African violets aren't blooming

2. She discovered that her violets need nutrients, watering, and lots of sunlight

3. She was already following the salesperson's instructions so she decided maybe her soil was low in nutrients. She buys her plants nutrients in specific amounts.

4. After giving one of her plants' nutrients, and giving the other none she found out that the nutrients are exactly what her plants needed

5&6. I can't figure out

7. Buying her plants some fertilizer (i think)

8. Low nutrients in the soil.

9. The African violets needed fertilizer in order to produce flowers.

10. Feed the rest of her plants, and continue taking precise care of the violets.

Sorry if any of these are wrong!

individual organism can adaptTrue, But it has to increase their fitnesssometimes, it depends on where they are located if the adoption is helpful or notfalse, only a population can adapt


Organisms can adapt to different environments, however, this usually occurs over generations and at the population level. At the level of the individual, an example is mutations, in which the offspring may have different characteristics from the progeny. However, these adaptations of the offspring will either be detrimental or give an advantage depending on the environment in which it is

Because these changes occur gradually over generations, individual organisms cannot increase their fitness on their own. And although there are special cases in which an organism can adapt to environmental changes through a phenomenon called phenotypic plasticity, this is not common in all species and is not due to a genetic change in the individual. Therefore, the answer would be B (sometimes, it depends on where they are located if the adaptation is helpful or not).

during the karyotyping procedure, the cell pellet is suspended in a solution which causes the cells to swell and the chromosomes to spread out from each other. this type of solution is called a(n) solution.


To enlarge and the chromosomes to disperse from one another. The term "hipotonica solution" refers to this kind of solution.

In the human body, what is a chromosome?

Long DNA strands are carried by chromosomes, which are found in the nucleus of cells. The substance that contains genes is DNA. The foundation of the human body is it.

What do you name a chromosome?

The DNA molecule is bundled into chromosomes, which are thread-like objects located in the nucleus of every cell. The proteins known as histone proteins that stabilize that organization of the each chromosome are formed of DNA that is tightly wound lots of times.

To know more about chromosomes visit :


which of these components are found i the cells of all living organisms



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