1. Where does the vote stand at the beginning of Act 3? In 12 angry man


Answer 1


The split is even, with six voting guilty and six voting for acquittal.


I believe this is the answer I'm not sure though

Related Questions

What is the central idea of “he and i” by Natalia Ginzburg and a literary element or technique supporting it?


In the tale "He and I," a woman talks about her marriage. She believes that her independence and confidence have been severely harmed by the way her spouse has treated her. The narrator's spouse portrays the stereotypical male who believes that all women should be subservient to men, which is why he constantly disparages her.The consequences of machismo when dealing with women may be the story's possible theme. The narrator talks extensively about her marriage and portrays it as a catastrophe because she and her husband have no similar interests. They have completely different perspectives on the world. The narrator aspires to greater things, thus there is a lot of female support in this story.

To know more about Natalia Ginzburg click on the link below:



Which question is an author most likely to ask when developing character
A. How does my character talk?
B. Whom is my character friends with?
C. Where is my character from?
D. What does my character want?


The question is an author most likely to ask when developing character

motivation D. What does my character want?

The ability to properly comprehend character motivation is essential for writers who wish to concentrate on making their stories more credible. Whether the novel takes place in the depths of space or in a world ruled by terriers, readers will readily accept it and suspend their disbelief as long as all the characters have understandable motivations and act plausible.

In this article, we'll examine some of the key issues surrounding character motivation in fiction and explain why it's crucial and how to use it in any novel you're writing.

Learn more about author https://brainly.com/question/9260046


What cultural differences exist between nene and Nnsemeka?


We can see here that the cultural difference that exist between Nene and Nnaemeka is seen in the way the author contrasts North East as portrayed by Nnaemeka with his wife and Nnaemeka's father.

What is cultural difference?

Cultural difference refers to the differing values and interests that exists between two or more groups of people. This cultural differences reveal the uniqueness that is embedded in different cultures and how they make the different cultures distinct from others. If cultural differences are not properly handled, they can lead to chaos and cultural fights.

We see here that in the story, "Marriage Is A Private Affair" by Chinua Achebe, we are told about the cultural difference that the author tends to contrast.

Learn more about "Marriage Is A Private Affair" on https://brainly.com/question/11987877


as rowling begins working on his speech, he creates an informal outline, which he will change and reorganize as he refines his ideas. this kind of outline is called a


Ted is struggling with a fear of failure because he is worried about failing in his new position. This is because Ted was used to doing a particular set of duties related to his previous role inside the organisation.

He has a new role and new tasks to do after the company reorganised, and at first he does not feel comfortable, maybe because he hasn’t done some of the tasks before You will feel more assured if you repeatedly practise reading your speech aloud.As a result, when the time comes to deliver your speech, it will go smoothly. You won’t likely need to read any notes, which will help your speech appear more natural and allow you to focus more intently on the audience.

The greatest technique to practise a speech is in this manner. It’s crucial to practise your speech numerous times before giving your presentation to ensure that you are well prepared. You will gain a number of advantages from this. You’ll be able to get more comfortable with the subject. You may control your tone, loudness, and pace as well. Finally, by giving you a sense of increased preparedness, it will probably lessen your tension or nervousness.

To know more about Struggling visit:



Look at the picture


You need to add a comma to that sentence. I hope you pass the test or quiz or whatever.




Create a lyric about base 10 using this information as a guide. It must be 12 lines long!
Here is some information about the base 10.
Here’s some info about Base 10 to guide your lyric writing!
The Big Take-Away:
We like the number 10 when it comes to counting and doing arithmetic. We think 10 is a “handy” number to use…literally!
Some Facts to Explain:
We like the number 10 very much when it comes to counting and doing arithmetic. This is likely because we think it is natural to count with our fingers, and we happen to have ten fingers.

We write and think about numbers in terms of ones, tens, ten-tens (hundreds), ten-hundreds (thousands), and so on.
For example, when we say the number 273 out loud, we say:
two hundred, seventy, three

That is literally two hundreds and seven tens and three ones. (The “ty,” in English, is short for ten.)
The individual symbols in a big number are called “digits.” We call our fingers and thumbs “digits” too. This is not a coincidence!

Some cultures based the writing of their numbers on twenty rather than ten. They were likely thinking fingers AND toes!
Thanks in advance and please make the lyrics in a song form!


The Lyric about base 10 is given below:


Like it or not,

it all ends at Base 10

Got to Nineteen

but you went back to Base 10

"How?" you say? but 20 is only 2 tens

Hidden in our fingers,

Always there in the number

When you get to 9, you get back to 10


We like 10 very much

It's handy like 2 punch-es

I'm counting to Base 10

It'll always be Base 10.

What is a lyric?

It is to be noted that contemporary lyric poetry is a sort of formal poetry that emphasizes personal emotions or experiences in the first person.

One of the most common forms of poetry is lyric poetry. It generally focuses on portraying an individual's thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is frequently portrayed in the first person by the speaker of the poem or from the perspective of another character.

Learn more about lyrics:

Recent American history informs us that our presidents live in luxurious accommodations both during their tenure in The White House and afterwards. President Truman is an exception to this idea. Truman was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's vice president, and he became president after Roosevelt died in office in 1945. Roosevelt had lived in The White House for 12 years, during the depression and the war years afterwards. With money so tight, The White House had gone a long time without being updated and, in some cases, properly maintained. Harry S. Truman and his wife Bess had to move to Blair House, the guest house across Pennsylvania Avenue, while The White House was entirely rebuilt from the inside.
Which sentence would BEST conclude this paragraph and provide a transition for the next paragraph about how the Truman's lived after they left The White House?

A) Truman did not want to change much of the White House from how Roosevelt had
decorated it

B) Roosevelt had family money and other nice homes, so the glory (or lack of glory) of
The White House meant less to him.

C) Presidents James Madison and Ronald Reagan also had extensive renovations completed while they lived in the White House

D) Truman’s lodgings during his presidency were not glamorous; furthermore, his finances afterwards were almost embarrassing


Answer: D


explain how other animals are completely fooled by this sort of language and rhetoric
from animal farm help please


Napoleon's use of such language and rhetoric fully deceive animals.

How is rhetoric or language used in Animal Farm?

Napoleon's ascent to power is characterized by rhetoric. It prevents animals (except pigs) from recognizing what is taking on and what they want to happen. They are rather submissive to Napoleon as a result. To propagate his propaganda, Napoleon utilizes Squealer.

In Animal Farm, the pigs slowly twist and distort socialist revolutionary rhetoric to defend their actions and maintain darkness for the other animals.

Therefore, The other animals thought that since all the pigs had taken the food, they were selfish and greedy.

Learn more about the animal farm from the given link.



Identify the auxiliary verb in the sentence below.

A good editor does select newsworthy items.


The auxiliary verb in the sentence is "does".

In contrast to the primary verb, auxiliary verbs play a supporting function in sentences.

They are mostly employed to generate sophisticated grammatical tenses, like the perfect and continuous tenses, which depict several facets of time or the duration of action.

To know more about Auxiliary verb here



Which of the following groups did the Nazi regime primarily target during the Holocaust?


The Nazi regime persecuted different groups on ideological grounds. Jews were the primary targets for systematic persecution and mass murder by the Nazis and their collaborators. Nazi policies also led to the brutalization and persecution of millions of others. Nazi policies towards all the victim groups were brutal, but not identical.

Part B
In the essay "The Crisis, No.1," what ideas or events does Paine use to persuade his audience that the American colonies should seek
Independence? Use textual evidence to support your response. Your response should be one to two paragraphs in length.


At the beginning of his essay, Thomas Paine asked his listeners not to be discouraged by the "testing times" they were experiencing. He linked British rule in the American colonies with tyranny. He warned that time is of the essence to wage an open struggle for independence.

He balanced a difficult situation with a realistic hope of victory if the US forces planned properly and used their resources efficiently. Payne also used the idea of ​​religion to persuade his audience, which were largely religious, that British rule could lose the religious freedoms the colonists had enjoyed up to that point. suggested. He pointed out that the British government was trying to usurp powers that belonged only to God, and expressed the belief that the American people would have God's help in their struggle. We will not leave to military annihilation or unaided destruction those who have seriously and repeatedly tried in any decent way that wisdom can devise.

He used powerful metaphors throughout the text to portray the American state. He concluded by expressing his hope and confidence in the success of the American settlers cause.

To know more about Thomas Paine




Thomas Paine began the essay with a plea to his audience to not lose their courage in the "trying times" they were in. He associated British rule in the American colonies with tyranny, which must be resisted despite the cost. He cautioned that time was of the essence in pursuing an outright struggle for independence.

He balanced the difficulty of the situation with the realistic hope of victory if the American forces planned well and utilized their resources efficiently. Paine also used the idea of religion to persuade his largely religious audience, suggesting British rule might lead to the loss of the religious freedom that the colonists had enjoyed until that time. He advised that the British government was trying to usurp powers that belonged to God alone and expressed the belief that Americans would receive divine assistance in their struggle:

I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent.

He used powerful metaphors throughout the text to depict the state of America. He concluded with an expression of hope and confidence in the success of the American colonists' cause: "By perseverance and fortitude we have the prospect of a glorious issue…"


edmentum :)

How does Isabel feel as she sneaks out of the Locktons’ house in the middle of the night (page 64)?


She is afraid that Lockton will know she told. Isabel makes the decision to flee as she is imprisoned in the potato bin at a ball celebrating Queen Charlotte's birthday.

She steals a pass from Lockton's office, fills it out, and changes her name to Isabel Gardener while claiming to be a free slave. Isabel is battling for her independence because she sincerely wants it. Isabel is hoping that by spying on the loyalists, colonel Regan can assist her. She concludes that she understands the snooping was worthwhile. Never before has Isabel's anger and anguish at being a slave been this intense.

To learn more about Lockton, click here.



Answer: She feels scared.

Explanation: She feels that the Lockton’s will know even though she doesn’t want to be a slave and be imprisoned or be imprisoned, when she actually was. Isabel didn’t want to be caught and that was the reason why she was scared.

How did sanctuaries help diminished population of condors


Answer:increased emphasis on captive-breeding

Explain:The California condor has been protected as an endangered species by federal law since 1967 and by California state law since 1971. In the 1970s

what aspects of our life are impacted by the fda


The FDA is responsible for advancing public health by assisting in the acceleration of innovations that make medical products more effective, safer, and affordable, as well as assisting the public in obtaining the accurate, science-based information they require to use medical products and foods to maintain and improve their health.

The FDA regulates human drugs and biological products, animal drugs, medical devices, tobacco products, food (including animal food), cosmetics, and electronic products that emit radiation in order to protect public health.

The FDA is responsible for ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and radiation-emitting products.

For more information on FDA visit:


Drag each tile to the correct box.
Put these in developmental order.
Johnny begins to give off body odor after one day of a skipped shower.
Johnny is able to express the fact that he is both nervous and excited at the same time.
Johnny and his friend Bill play for hours without asking an adult to intervene in their disagreements.


We can see here that putting the sentences in a developmental order, we have:

Johnny is able to express the fact that he is both nervous and excited at the same time.

Johnny and his friend Bill play for hours without asking an adult to intervene in their disagreements.

Johnny begins to give off body odor after one day of a skipped shower.

What is developmental order?

Developmental order is actually known to be the sequence or order in which something happens or takes place. It refers to a step by step process that occurs which brings about a particular outcome. Developmental order is seen when arranging events that occur. It has to do with the different stages that take place.

We see here that the above gives us a developmental order of what happens. Johnny is excited and he could play with his friend. After playing, he skipped taking his bath and then he started having body odor.

Learn more about developmental order on https://brainly.com/question/15193520


The details from this excerpt support the inference that





1 million 1 hundred 2 thousand 7 hundred and 36

what is the theme of passage The two gifts


In The Two Gifts, the statement that tells the theme of the story is "Showing sympathy to others make your a good person"

What is the story "The two gifts" about?

Also known as the Gift of the Magi, is a short story by American short story writer O. Henry. It tells about a young married couple, Jim and Della Dillingham who has very little money and lives in a modest apartment.

Between these couple, they have only two possessions that they consider their treasures. First is the Jim's gold pocket watch that belonged to his father and his grandfather and Della's lustrous, long hair that falls almost to her knees.

Read more about The two gifts



Why don't Dana & Kevin feel like they're home? Why do you think the past feels more like home for
them right now?



Dana feels like there are two places that are her home, but a person can't long to be in two places at the same time, so the expression “Home is where the heart is” was challenged. Butler did this using Dana as an example and uses this to make the point that home isn't necessarily only one place.

Austin said to shaukat,"please be quiet."


A is the awnser I got it right on my test

Why does Ray continue to engage Lilly about the lost phone?


He thinks that if he solves the mystery of the missing phone that he will the Ray to continue to engage Lilly about the lost phone.

What is meant by solves the mystery?

There has never been a complete explanation for his disappearance. An illogical or hazy statement. An investigation of a mysterious crime is usually the focus of this piece of fiction. Reading mysteries was one of her favourite pastimes.

Discovering something or learning about it is the result of unearthing it, especially if it has been kept a secret.

There are many synonyms for mystery, including enigma, dilemma, challenge, and riddle. The expression refers to "something that perplexes or riddles," whereas mystery refers to anything that resists or defies logical explanation.

To know more about solves the mystery refer to:


your teacher has selected a program for your senior high school, write a letter to him explaining why you prefer different one. How do I write the addresses



Dear (teacher's name),

Is there any way we could switch the program to (program name)?

I deeply prefer that one, and am much more interested in participating if it is (program name).

Please consider switching.

Thank you for your time,

(your name)

any chosen topic from the topics given belo Write a story that ends with the saying 'I knew then the importance of heeding parents advice ​


That evening, it rained a lot of vehicle I missed the black automobile parked across the road since I was in a rush to get inside the house.

When I noticed someone standing guard over the car, I knew something was wrong.

My instincts drove me from the gate of my building to across the road and next to the automobile, even though I wasn't sure if it was safe to approach the vehicle to investigate. What took place throughout that thirty minutes is what I refer to as my most vivid memory.

A man who was wet and hurt was seen walking back and forth. He appeared at first when I first saw him since he was occasionally falling down the  vehicle

Learn more about automobile https://brainly.com/question/1193772


Complete Question

Write a composition (350 - 400 words) on the following:

Write an original short story that begins with the words: "It was raining hard that night. In my hurry to get into the house, I didn't notice the black car parked across the road. I realized something was wrong when...............

What's something you can not live without?

this is for my English class. i really need to do this but at this point



In terms of the essentials, there are a few which can't be overlooked — air, water, food, sleep, and shelter .

Discussion Topic
In this unit, you learned about choosing a career path and the elements of searching for a job. How important is it to know your own skills, values, and
interests as you select a career? Why is it important to be organized during a job search? What are some of the essential features of professional cover
letters and résumés? Why is preparing for an interview essential to success in obtaining a job?


It is very important to know your own skills, values and interests to be able to select a successful career. It is also very important to be organized during a job search so that you can properly find a good fit for your future career. Some of the essential features of professional cover letters/resumes are your contact information, a salutation, the body of the cover letter, an appropriate closing, and a  signature. Preparing for an interview is essential to successfully obtaining a job since it majorly increases your success chances of obtaining a good job!


It is very important to know your own skills, values and interests to be able to select a successful career. It is also very important to be organized during a job search so that you can properly find a good fit for your future career. Some of the essential features of professional cover letters/resumes are your contact information, a salutation, the body of the cover letter, an appropriate closing, and a  signature. Preparing for an interview is essential to successfully obtaining a job since it majorly increases your success chances of obtaining a good job!


It is very important to know your own skills, values and interests to be able to select a successful career. It is also very important to be organized during a job search so that you can properly find a good fit for your future career. Some of the essential features of professional cover letters/resumes are your contact information, a salutation, the body of the cover letter, an appropriate closing, and a  signature. Preparing for an interview is essential to successfully obtaining a job since it majorly increases your success chances of obtaining a good job!

Since 2000, dystopian novels for teens have retained the dismal, dark setting, but the nature of the characters has changed. Characters are no longer passive and powerless citizens. Instead, they are teens who are empowered, fearless, strong and determined to find a way to survive and face their fears. Major characters have influential personalities that harsh governments attempt to control but cannot.

Which inference can be drawn based on the information in paragraph 4?

A-. The way that authors have begun to write dystopian novels has forced readers to turn to classic examples.

B-. The characters in dystopian novels have ruined the rest of the story elements with their dominant personalities.

C-. The change in settings in dystopian novels have inspired more teens to read them.

D-. The different character choices authors are making are more appealing to teens.


The inference that can be drawn based on the information in paragraph 4 is option D-. The different character choices authors are making are more appealing to teens.

What is the The Appeal of Dystopian Novels for teens about?

A society that is dysfunctional, unpleasant, or in a condition of oppression or terror is referred to as a dystopia. Dystopias are bleak, depressing, and hopeless, in contrast to a utopia, a flawless society. They expose the biggest phobias in society.

Teenagers are engrossed in the dystopian novel, which is now popular literature that is gloomy, grim, and depressing. Two of the most well-liked dystopian novels that teenagers are reading include bleak plots about rulers who terrorize citizens every year by forcing them to watch teenagers battle to the death and governments who condone obligatory procedures to erase emotion.

Therefore, due to its changes in the use of character, the novels have appeal to teens.

Learn more about inference from


What figure of speech is "Exploded in delight"??



This is a metaphor.


hope it helps

Which statement best describes the main idea of The Great Fire?

The great fire was caused by people’s carelessness and firefighters’ errors.
The inquiry into the spread of the great fire determined that it was caused by a single key mistake.
The great fire spread because people did not believe it was serious, so they ignored it.
Several key mistakes contributed to the spread of the great fire and stopped it from being put out.


Several key mistakes contributed to the spread of the great fire and stopped it from being put out is statement best describes the main idea of The Great Fire.The buildings were composed of wood, so the fire spread swiftly.

What led to The Great Fire's fire spreading so rapidly?The buildings were composed of wood, so the fire spread swiftly. The structures were constructed extremely closely together. Additionally, there had been a long, hot summer, and the wooden structures were quite dry. Strong wind was present.Finally apologizing to the lord mayor for starting the city on fire in 1986, London's bakers. Thomas Farrinor, a member of the Worshipful Company of Bakers, was found guilty of starting the Great Fire of 1666, and a plaque commemorating this fact was unveiled in Pudding Lane by the group.Several key mistakes contributed to the spread of the great fire and stopped it from being put out is statement best describes the main idea of The Great Fire.

To learn more about Great Fire's refer to:






got it correct on edge, 2022

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which two parts of this excerpt from The Time Machine by H. G. Wells suggest that the Time Traveller told a captivating tale?
"I can't argue to-night. I don't mind telling you the story, but I cant argue. I will," he went on, Tell you the story of what has happened to me, if you like,
but you must refrain from interruptions. want to tell it. Badly. Most of it will sound like lying. So be it! It's true-every word of it, all the same. be all Iwas in my
laboratory at four o'clock, and since then ... I've lived eight days ... such days as no human being ever lived before! I'm nearly worn out, but I shan't
Cill sleep till I've told this thing over to you. Then I shall go to bed. But no interruptions! Is it agreed?*
"Agreed," said the Editor, and the rest of us echoed "Agreed." And with that the Time Traveller began his story as I have set it forth. He sat back in his
chair at first, and spoke like weary man. Afterwards he got more animated. In writing it down I feel with only too much keenness the inadequacy of
pen and ink-and, above all, my own inadequacyto express its quality. You read, I will suppose, attentively enough; but you cannot see the speaker's
white, sincere face in the bright circle of the little lamp, nor hear the intonation of his voice. You cannot know how his expression followed the turns of his
story! Most of us hearers were in shadow, for the candles in the smoking-room had not been lighted, and only the face of the Journalist and the legs of
the Silent Man from the knees downward were illuminated. At first we glanced now and again at each other. After a time we ceased to do that, and looked only at the time travellers face.


Writing it down makes me acutely aware of how inadequate pen and ink—and, more importantly, my own inadequacy—are to convey its quality.

At beginning, we occasionally exchanged glances. After a while, we stopped doing that and solely focused on the Time Traveler's face.

Writing it down makes me acutely aware of the limitations of pen and ink—and, more importantly, of my own inadequacy—to convey its quality. and "At beginning, we occasionally exchanged glances. After a while, we stopped doing that and started focusing solely on the Time Traveler's face "are the two sections of this passage from H. G. Wells' The Time Machine that imply that the Time Traveler gave a compelling story?

Hence, the amswer is writing it down makes me acutely aware of how inadequate pen and ink—and, more importantly, my own inadequacy—are to convey its quality.

To learn more about The Time Machine by H. G. Wells, click https://brainly.com/question/1116024



In writing it down I feel with only too much keenness the inadequacy of pen and ink—and, above all, my own inadequacy—to express its quality.  

At first we glanced now and again at each other. After a time we ceased to do that, and looked only at the Time Traveller's face.



due now pls helpppppppppppppppppppppp





bc its a cause


B. or D.


None of them are correct, all of them only have one comma but if you had to choose it would B or D most likely B though

Select the correct answer.
2. Hospitality and Tourism on Plato.


Competition is the word that is call other business in the same industry who share a customer base. Hence, option A is correct.

What is Competition?

A position where someone is trying to gain the upper hand over someone else: Competition for jobs is high. There is intense competition amongst electronic computer companies.

The act or process of the competition: rivalry: Marketing is the effort made by two or more parties working on their own to offer the best conditions to entice a third party's business. competing contractors seeking to build the new school.

Competition, a connection between organisms, is detrimental to both of them. This can happen when two creatures compete for the same natural resource, like food or land. A typical example is the competition between organisms to locate a mate.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about Competition, click here:



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