Please help! Question is in the picture.

Please Help! Question Is In The Picture.


Answer 1








Hope that this helps

Answer 2
Climax for the first
Rising action for third
Exposition for fourth
Climax two

Related Questions

Hi guys! I need 1 good controlling idea paragraph about justice :) (4 sentences)



Topic Sentences and Controlling Ideas. Every topic sentence will have a topic and a controlling idea. The controlling idea shows the direction the paragraph will take.



Justice, The thing everyone needs. Justice means giving someone what they deserve. If there was no justice there would be no order, if theres no order, the world would fall into chaos . Thats why the world needs justice.

Explanation: I tried

Part A: List 3 traits that Leiningen has that indicate that he is competitive. Explain why.


Ummmmmm estemmmmmm mmmm

Read the following excerpt from Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, by Fredrick Douglass and answer the question that follows.

The plan which I adopted, and the one by which I was most successful, was that of making friends of all the little white boys whom I met in the street. As many of these as I could, I converted into teachers. With their kindly aid, obtained at different times and in different places, I finally succeeded in learning to read. When I was sent of errands, I always took my book with me, and by doing one part of my errand quickly, I found time to get a lesson before my return. I used also to carry bread with me, enough of which was always in the house, and to which I was always welcome; for I was much better off in this regard than many of the poor white children in our neighborhood. This bread I used to bestow upon the hungry little urchins, who, in return, would give me that more valuable bread of knowledge. I am strongly tempted to give the names of two or three of those little boys, as a testimonial of the gratitude and affection I bear them; but prudence forbids;—not that it would injure me, but it might embarrass them; for it is almost an unpardonable offence to teach slaves to read in this Christian country.

Which of the following best summarizes the passages?
The white boys in his neighborhood taught him to read in exchange for pieces of bread.
It was against the rules to teach slaves to read in white Christian country.
Frederick Douglass was wealthy while the white boys were poor.
Frederick Douglass couldn’t go to school because he had too many errands to do.



A) the white boys taught him to eat in exchange for bread



The white boys in his neighborhood taught him to read in exchange for pieces of bread.


the rest did not explain the whole passage

For this project, you will read poems written by the same author, William Carlos Williams. The two poems are similar, but each comes from a different collection of poems. Once you have read the examples, you will compare and contrast the poems to determine how they represent different perspectives of the poet. You may need to look up some of the words in the poem in a dictionary, that is okay!

years of anger following
hours that float idly down—
the blizzard
drifts its weight
deeper and deeper for three days
or sixty years, eh? Then
the sun! a clutter of
yellow and blue flakes—
Hairy looking trees stand out
in long alleys
over a wild solitude.
The man turns and there—
his solitary track stretched out
upon the world. The sky has given over
its bitterness.
Out of the dark change
all day long
rain falls and falls
as if it would never end.
Still the snow keeps
its hold on the ground.
But water, water
from a thousand runnels!
It collects swiftly,
dappled with black
cuts a way for itself
through green ice in the gutters.
Drop after drop it falls
from the withered grass-stems
of the overhanging embankment.



one is about winter and the other's about spring. Similarity; They're both about season. Difference: They're about opposite seasons


Help me please please help me





hope this helps!!!!




None of the others are words

Which detail from the excerpt best identifies a
Read the excerpt from Team Moon.
The trouble with option 2 was that the venting might
push the fuel to an unstable condition. Or, another
possible outcome of the "burping": what if the landing
gear hadn't deployed correctly? Could any movement,
or any resulting burst-no matter how small-tip the
LM over? Many a voice in the debate thought the
safest option was to abort-now! But that opinion was
quickly overruled by the Grumman and NASA
leadership (who were confident of the landing gear),
and the consensus of the leaders was that it would be
safe to gently, gently burp the engine.
O the venting might push the fuel to an unstable
O Many ... thought the safest option was to abort-
it would be safe to gently, gently burp the engine
O that opinion was quickly overruled by the Grumman


Answer:many though the safest option was to abort


many though the safest option was to abort


Help me please please help me





this is an action verb beacsue it is a verb and meanwhitle it is doing an action. that was a bad explaination but the answer is correct


Fell would be the action verb


hope this helps

Help me please I have so much homework and this Is just the beginning, I'm super stressed please help!!!



Exercise 1

1. very - describes happy (adjective)

2. quite - describes imposingly (adverb)

3. extremely - describes tall (adjective)

4. quite - describes high (adjective)

5. totally - describes covered (verb)

6. short - describes time (noun)

7. extremely - describes powerful (adjective)

8. very - describes large (adjective)

Exercise 2

1. Yes, adverb of affirmation

2. Not, adverb of negation

3. Undoubtedly, adverb of affirmation

4. Indeed, adverb of affirmation

5. Not, adverb of negation

6. Never, adverb of negation

Exercise 3

1. Indeed, adverb of affirmation

2. Not, adverb of negation

3. Early, adverb of time

4. Barely, adverb of degree

5. Resolutely, adverb of degree

6. Several, adverb of degree


There is no need to be stressed keep your head high a bad grade won’t kill you so just breathe and the person above me is correct ;)

Help me please please help me






hope this helps



can i get brainliest?


Summarize the events of scenes four and five in one paragraph.(anne frank)



One night, Anne wakes up everyone in the attic with her screams.

She's had a nightmare about the Nazis coming to take her away.

It seems totally normal to us that her fears would manifest in this way, but everyone in the attic short of her parents seems more than a little annoyed by this.

Mr. Dussel even locks himself in the bathroom; he's so angry.

We see Anne's parents concerned and helpless for their young daughter who has to deal with the ugly realities of war and death.

They are afraid for her as well as for themselves.

Anne's request for her father's comfort after the nightmare, rather than her mother's, provides more fuel for a conflict that appears to be escalating.

Mrs. Frank's feelings are extremely hurt, and Anne knows this but can't figure out how to make things work with her mom.  

explanation: Hope this helps

2. PART B: Which quote best expresses the central idea in the
answer to Part A?

O A "In the 1960s, inspired by the success of the African American
Civil Rights Movement in the South, Chicanos began actively fighting for equality." ( Paragraph 3)
B “The government agreed to some of the NFWA's demands and
instituted some new laws, including higher wages and more
secure employment contracts." ( Paragraph 7)

C “Students began to realize how all these factors kept Mexican-
American youths from achieving and left many of them having
to eventually take on the same cheap labor jobs their parents
had." ( Paragraph 8)

D "The movement accomplished many of its goals over several
decades, and it is still working today to promote fairer
treatment of Mexican Americans in schools, jobs, and even in
entertainment." ( Paragraph 11)

(Part A was the Chicano movement successfully gained rights for Mexican Americans and paved the way for future progress I don’t know part b help please)



B “The government agreed to some of the NFWA's demands and

instituted some new laws, including higher wages and more

secure employment contracts." ( Paragraph 7)

B “the government agreed to some of the NFWA’s demands”

How does ice affect water systems?


If ice comes into contact with water, we know the ice must be below 0 degrees Celsius and the water must be higher than 0 degrees Celsius. Because of the difference in temperatures, heat transfer will occur. The result will be that the water will decrease in temperature and the ice will increase in temperature.


it could freeze it and it could be hard to get water for animals


How can Christians overcome the world?



They can probably try to spread more of their beliefs, when they gain more followers they gain more power.

A huge number of followers can perhaps overcome the world.

Which revision corrects the inappropriate shift in verb mood?
You should get new clothes. And get a haircut.


The answer is A or D


B. You should get new clothes. And you should get a haircut.


I took the quiz, I hope this helps! <3

How is a thesaurus organized?

A. From 1 to 100
B. From A to Z
C. In no specific order
D. From smallest word to largest word





A thesaurus is a reference book it's most likely organized alphabetical.

Present an argument on a topic related to fairness, equality, and justice.



I would do the 2nd amendment or about Trump and Biden


2nd amendment is your answer or the one including trump and biden

How can long-term investing help you become a millionaire?

5 sentences pls



If you start long term investing at a teen age, then you will have a lot of money for your future. once you saved enough money, you can buy your own house. After that get a well paying job. Then you will be making more money. After that you could take collage and get scholarships for even higher paying jobs.

Do you consider ballet a sport? The best answer gets brainliest.





I consider ballet a sport because just like more widely accepted sports such as football or baseball, it requires skill, dedication, sweat, hard work, and discipline. Ballet dancers train for years to improve their dancing skills, balance, and endurance. They need to know how to move quickly yet gracefully, which is no easy task. Pointe dancers need to have incredible leg strength in order to stay on their toes for several minutes at a time. Male dancers need to be able to pick up female dancers without it looking at all difficult. Therefore, ballet requires just as much work as other sports, so it should be accepted as one.

Which letter represents a Maritime Tropical air mass. (picture)


d does.
ehshsjansoskdjejajejejsbfhrjsjsjfhrsjrjr it’s not long enough srry


it is D


because the air pressure is closer to the ocean!


read the sentence from the story

iIt was quite by accident I discovered this incredible invasion of earth by life-forms from another planet.

Which statement best descries the intended effect of the authour's word choice

It instills terror in the reader
it provokes a feeling of amusement
It hints at the narrator's madness
It creates a sense of amazement





It is B because it uses key words like "quite" and "incredible.

B because the is getting exciting at that prat

Help me please please help me







Basic math, I don't know how to explain.

This question involves the short story “A Retrieved Reformation”

Explain the important decision Ralph Spencer has to make at the end of the story. What did he decide to do? We’re the consequences of that decisions what he expected?


as I believe ralph spencer is the old policeman I think so,

the important decision Ralph Spencer decides to make at the end of a retrieved Reformation helps show us the readers that he saw Jimmy now and he realized that Jimmy had been a changed man since the last time he saw him and then he realized to just like leave him alone because he was in a better place I guess and he's changed and he realized that Jimmy had used his old past behaviors that werent used for good and now he used it for something good you know ?

Select the surface that would most reflect the most light.



A perfect smooth and shiny surface will reflect most of the light falling on them.


A thin smooth surface(like glass)

paragraph on MY thoughts on MLK day





Answer:Martin Luther King Jr. was an African-American leader in the U.S. He lost his life while performing a peaceful protest for the betterment of blacks in America. His real name was Michael King Jr. He completed his studies and attained a Ph.D. After that, he joined the American Civil Right Movement. He was among one of the great men who dedicated their life for the community.


Shakespeare's plays continue to be popular today
he told stories with new and exciting themes
that no one had ever explored.
he told stories that everyone could understand
and be interested in.
his writing style was descriptive and continues
to capture audiences.
his stories were uncomplicated and can easily
be adapted for modern times.



;lkerahnfkjads;b ;vakbsdk/mv


Can somone PLEASE help me with this
1: Which element does figurative language rely on?
A dictionary definitions
B: sources outside the story
C: the reader's imagination
D: facts and details
2: Which option describes a simile?
Athe reader's use of imagination to visualize a scene
B a comparison of two unlike things that does not use the word like or as
C a description that gives a thing or idea human characteristics
D a comparison of two unlike things using the word like or as
3:Which option describes the rhythm of a poem?
A words beginning with the same consonant sound
B a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables
C rhyme patterns at the end of lines in a poem
D a word that imitates the sound it describes
4:What is the short form used to illustrate a rhyme scheme?
A a series of capital letters
B a brief description of how each line rhymes
C a list of line numbers
D a set of special punctuation marks that show a pattern
5: Which feature makes a narrative poem different from other poems?
A It uses figurative language.
B It offers a description or reflection.
C It tells a story.
D It uses stylistic techniques.


1. C

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

The figurative language relies on the reader's imagination. Thus, option C is correct.

What is figurative language?

Figurative language is a technique of conveying meaning that does not rely on the literal or practical meaning of a term. Figurative language, which is common in comparisons and exaggerations, is typically employed to add artistic flair to written or spoken language or to convey a complex concept.

The correct responses of the above questions are mentioned as follows:-

The reader's imagination is the significant element for figurative language. Thus, option C is correct. The reader's use of imagination to visualize a scene uses simile. Thus, option A is correct. Rhyme patterns at the end of lines in a poem describes the rhythm of a poem. Thus, option C is correct. The short form used to illustrate a rhyme scheme is a brief description of how each line rhymes. Thus, option B is correct. The feature makes a narrative poem different from other poems uses  figurative language. Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about Figurative language here;


what was the white man’s burden? who was part of the White Man’s Burden? What were the people in the White Man’s Burden motivations?

Pls help meh



The White Man's Burden: The United States and the Philippine Islands" (1899), by Rudyard Kipling, is a poem about the Philippine–American War (1899–1902), which exhorts the United States to assume colonial control of the Filipino people and their country. Kipling's aim was to encourage the American government to take over the Philippines, one of the territorial prizes of the Spanish-American War, and rule it with the same energy, honor, and beneficence that, he believed, characterized British rule over the nonwhite populations of India and Africa.


Kipling believed the "White Man's burden" was the duty of white men to bring education and salvation to people around the world that he deemed uncivilized. Many people, including people of color and anti-imperialists, have called this concept racist.

"The White Man's Burden: The United States and the Philippine Islands" (1899), by Rudyard Kipling, is a poem about the Philippine–American War (1899–1902), which exhorts the United States to assume colonial control of the Filipino people and their country.[1] Originally written to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria (22 June 1897), the jingoistic poem was replaced with the sombre "Recessional" (1897), also a Kipling poem about empire.

What is the tone of this passage?





What is your leadership philosophy? What are the top characteristics of an exemplary student leader?


Leaders are people that are humble, smart wise and kind to me. Those are just some characteristics to me. (Please write in your own words).

Francisco has very strong opinions about the rights of citizens. In a debate over dinner with his dad, he claimed that Internet access is a right and that the government should provide free Wi-Fi nationwide.

Evaluate the potential evidence, and find the statement that supports Francisco's claim.

A country of plugged-in citizens will lead to a better-educated and more productive country.
As citizens of this country, we are entitled to certain rights, and cyber freedom is one of them.
With a reliable Internet connection, people can stay in contact with friends and family, no matter where they are.
Access to streaming videos and other online entertainment would reduce people’s expenses and increase their quality of life.



C is the statement that supports Francisco's claim.



option c.


Other Questions
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