How did European society of the Renaissance differ from the Middle Ages?


Answer 1


The Middle Ages was an epoch in European history. While the Renaissance was a fervent intellectual and cultural movement. The Renaissance is described as the beginning of modernity. While the Middle Ages is described as a dark phase of European history.


plz rate and like thank you

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Colombia's plains and coastal lowlands are ______.


The answer is warm !!!!!!!!

what are 2 Native American tribes in
Pacific Northwest?




Northwest Coast/Plateau - These Native Americans were known for their houses made of cedar planks as well as their totem poles. Tribes include the Nez Perce, Salish, and the Tlingit.

True or False: Annexation is the formal joining of one political region to another.







1. The
was the protest that
helped to spark the creation of the
A.civil Rights Act
B. Voting Rights Act
C. Selma Montgomery March
D.Montgomery Bus Boycotts





the French in New France and the settlers at Jamestown had interactions with which group of people?



Native Indians


The settlers in New France and Jamestown had interacted with native American (Algonquian people). They developed a good relationship with the Native Indians and traded with them. Trade was crucial for survival, French traders took furs pelts from Natives and gave goods like textiles and weapons.

Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement in America, founded in 1607. Native Indians were eager to help them in settling in the New World.

Describe the factors that contributed to the rise of a national consumer culture.



The Industrial Revolution fundamentally changed this and instead caused factories to be located in cities and towns where goods could instead be produced on a mass scale. ... This led to consumerism because it created the system in which people could reasonably afford a variety of goods.

Explanation: I hope and this help, have a good day !

What statement best justifies the need for this amendment



According to me is 'B'


Answer and Explanation:


Item 6
The prefix con- means "with."

Based on this understanding, what can be inferred about the definition of the word consent?

It is a topic that occurs in a series.

It is the result of independence.

It is a condition that cannot be negotiated.

It happens when people agree with each other.




hope it helps

Definition of Containment



the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits.


Answer: Containing something harmful or undesirable to be in contact with is the act or method of controlling it in a given environment or place to keep you and others safe.

Why do you think education and equal rights become importanr issues during the Industrial Revolution?



People required education and training to work in industries. And this education must be different than convectional education. They had to work in factories and operate machineries and work long hours, so proper education and training become important.

Moreover, there was a divide between industrialist class and the working class. Often the industrial class exploited the working class by paying them low wages and made them work long hours. This further widened the gap. Therefore equal rights become important.

Please help!!
Do you think North and South Korea will ever unite? Explain in detail.



No I don't believe they will because of their differences. All the regulations between the two cause problems. So I believe it's best if they don't because it could be a war and we want peace.


Hope that's good enough.

I think North Korea should reunify. I think our economics will be better if we do. Our economics will be better because we will be able to earn money by North Korean underground resources, and tourism. There is a lot of chance to become wealthy, because of the underground full of chances to find new resources, and cool attractions like mountains, hotels, and other cool attractions.

What are three things John Dickinson is famous for?




90% of people marry there 7th grade love. since u have read this, u will be told good news tonight. if u don't pass this on nine comments your worst week starts now this isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this on ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. you will either get kissed or asked out in the next 53 minutes someone will say i love u


-Won fame as the author of "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania"

thats all i know :^

Why did the Catholic Church want to end simony?
O Priests were not being properly trained.
O It prevented priests from leading services.
It led to a widespread criticism over church funds.
Church positions were not held by qualified people.

will give brainly if right


The Catholic Church wanted to end this because taking money for gifts given by the Holy Spirit was seen as a grave sin.


D.) Church positions were not held by qualified people


Correct on eg. 2021 i got 100% on the quiz:) have a blessed day <333

I need this done please



[tex] {x}^{2} = {24}^{2} + {7}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} = 576 + 49[/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} = 625[/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} = \sqrt[]{625} [/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} = 25[/tex]

Therefore, the length of hypotenuse is 25 ft.

How did television change the nature of political communication


The power of conviction that television exerts on voters during an election campaign can become decisive in the triumph or defeat of a particular party or candidate, since for a very large number of citizens it is the only source of information. This mass media supports electoral campaigns, through informative programs and free advertising spaces for political parties.

Answer: The way in which the invention of television changed the nature of political communication was that it gave the public the ability to to see what officials looked like and see the effects of their actions. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "B".

Explanation: How did the invention of television change the nature of political communication? A) It made other forms of media like newspapers and the radio obsolete in terms of spreading a message. B) It gave the public audience the ability to see what officials looked like and see the effects of their actions. C) It caused people to spend more time consuming entertainment programming rather than political events. D) It led to the creation of regulatory agencies that prevent news stations from taping public officials' speeches.

Which dynasty introduced the Mandate of Heaven?



The answer is the Zhou dynasty.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLEST!!!


Zhou dynasty


hope this helps!

What did Deng Xiaoping do to the former agriculture communes of Mao?
he privatized them
he dismantled them
he sold them to the highest bidder
he resettled them

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






Just took it on the test




What are important events in John Locke's life?



John Locke's actual name is John Locke, Jr.Graduated from the University of Oxford.Graduated from the University of Oxford.Studied medicine and served as a physician.Mentored by Lord Ashley and Thomas Sydenham.Accused of hypocrisy due to the Constitutions of Carolina.Fled from England on two separate occasions.Fled from England on two separate occasions.Major works were written after he was 60 years old.Is regarded as the father of Liberalism.Had a close relationship with Damaris Masham, and he died at her house.never got married or had kids.

The ones I think are important are





your welcome my special friend ~ <3

you can do more for extra credit if you want ;)

im so lost can someone PWEZ HELP
Most architects gain experience through an ______________.



paid internship, and passing the Architect Registration Examination.


Which of the following statements best describes economic conditions in Europe immediately after World War II?
A:The economies of most European nations were in very poor shape.
B:The economies of Western European nations were strong, while those of Eastern European nations were weak.
C:The economies of Western European nations were weak, while those of Eastern European nations were strong.
D:The economies of most European nations were in excellent shape.




Imagine that you’re a Native American judge serving on a court in Indian Territory. A person suspected of committing a crime in the United States has fled to the territory. Would you hear the case? Would you order the accused to be sent back to the United States? Or would you ignore the case entirely? Explain and defend your answer in 50–100 words.





If I were a judge in Indian Territory, I would order the accused to be sent to Fort Smith for trial. Tribal courts have no real jurisdiction over people from the United States who have committed crimes. If the accused isn’t a tribal citizen, I can’t hear the case. But I also can’t simply ignore the case. To do so might endanger other people or the community. At Fort Smith, the person who committed the crime will face a fair trial and, if found guilty, a fair punishment.


Iwo Jima was one of the hardest fought battles of the Pacific. Who was able to take over the island at the end of the fight? A. Germany B. Italy C. Japan D. United States​



D. United States


Iwo Jima was one of the last objectives in the US tactic of island-hopping in the pacific in the war against Japan. It was one of the bloodiest wars but most of the casualties came from Japanese civilians and soldiers as the troops couldn't tell which was which and some where misclassified before the fire-fight. Japanese soldiers also did not surrender and fought until all their soldiers were dead or wounded.


United States


The person below me is cool


that’s so cool!!!!!!

Giving brainliest
Are Shinto and Confucianism a religion or a philosophy? How do you know?



Confucianism is a humanist religion that developed in response to Buddhism and Taoism and was based on the teachings of the philosopher Confucius who lived from 551-479 BCE. Much of the teaching is based on virtues and ways of living your life.


On which river were dams built to generate electricity? (5 points)










The answer is C,Colorado


What do you think laws are in place for?



so there will be freedom unless there would still be slavery, so there can be justice so we allowed to fight for the things that matter or  even equalities for us to be treated equal not different and to so we can have a safe thoughtful and highly sophisticated


What is the Easter Triduum?



The Paschal Triduum, Holy Triduum, or Easter Triduum, or the Three Days, is the period of three days that begins with the liturgy on the evening of Maundy Thursday, reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil, and closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday. It recalls the Passion, Crucifixion, Death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus, as portrayed in the canonical Gospels.


The question below refers to the selection "When the Negro was in Vogue." Which of the following is not a black celebrity mentioned in this essay?
a. Ethel Waters
c. Duke Ellington
b. Claude McKay
d. Will Smith


I think Will Smith. The period “When the Negro was in Vogue” is 1920.

i need help!!!!
Based on the excerpt provided, what is the main purpose of the speech? Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech



Speeches typically serve four general purposes: to inform, persuade, instruct, or entertain. By taking a step back to examine the general purpose of the speech, a speaker reinforces his or her thoughts and ideas by making sure that everything presented to argue your case aligns to that general purpose.


The main purpose of his speech was to emphasize that all people had freedom of speech and of religion, and freedom from want and fear.

Describe the features of sharks from the Cenozoic era.



Re-Upload this question and whatever you do, DO NOT CLICK THAT LINK.


The link is a virus.

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