2NO+2CO N 2 +2CO 2 There are 3.0 g of NO and 3.0 g of CO reacting . What is the limiting reactant ?


Answer 1

Answer: NO


Answer 2

As per the given balanced equation, 2 moles of NO reacts with 2 moles of CO. Hence, 3 g or 1.07 moles of CO needs to react with the same number of moles of NO. But we have only 3 g or 0.1 mole of NO. Hence, NO is the limiting reactant.

What is limiting reactant ?

A limiting reactant in a reaction is the reactant which is fewer in amount or consume early without complete reaction with other reactants. Hence, as soon as this reactant is consume, the reaction stops.

Given 2 moles of NO reacts with 2 moles of CO.

molar mass of NO =  30 g/mol

molar mass of CO = 28 g/mol.

Number of moles in  3 g of CO = 3/28 = 1.07 moles

number of moles in 3 g of NO = 3/30 = 0.1 moles.

1.07 moles of CO needs 1.07 moles of NO. But only 0.1 moles are present.

Therefore, NO is the limiting reactant in this reaction.

Find more on limiting reactants:



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how much energy is used to raise the temperature of 3kg of aluminium from 18°C to 23°C? Use the table below and this equation: Q=mc T

A. 13,455 J

B. 2691 J

C. 13.455

D. 4.485 J​


C 13.455 if it’s wrong my fault

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D. i had this on my science test!!!




yup its D

What happens when dilute sulphuric acid is poured on a copper plate?​


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How many moles of MgO are produced if 0.37 moles of O2 react with excess of Mg?



yez so the answer is mg 1.0


The excess reactant is present in an amount that is greater than required. The amount of MgO that is produced in the reaction is 0.74 moles.

What is an excess reactant?

An excess reactant is that reantant thatis present in an amount that is more than required.

Now we are told that the magnessium is the reactant in excess so we have to use the amount of oxygen.

The reaction is: 2Mg + O2 ---->2MgO

1 mole of O2 produces 2 mole of MgO

0.37 moles of O2 produces 0.37 moles  * 2 moles/1 mole

= 0.74 moles

Learn more about excess reactant: https://brainly.com/question/365923

How many lone pairs does this molecule have?



Just 1 i.e., Option B.

Because except for top of the molecule, all other sides are filled with a letter meaning there is one free space.




H .  +  H .   ----->  H:H            {":" represents a covalent bond, that is, a shared pair of electrons}

A Lewis structure is a convention used to represent the covalent bonding in a molecule.   Dots or lines are used to represent

valence electrons (electrons available for bonding).  The Lewis structure for the hydrogen molecule is as follows.

     H:H  or  H-H

A bonding pair is an electron pair shared between two atoms.

A nonbonding pair (lone pair, unshared pair) is a pair of electrons that remains on one atom and is not shared.

classify matter as elements mixtures and compounds



An element contains just one type of atom. A compound contains two or more different atoms joined together. A mixture contains two or more different substances that are only physically joined together, not chemically. A mixture can contain both elements and compounds.

Which of the following statement is wrong?
A)Leaves can make food when there is sunlight

B)Stamen will develop into a fruit

C)Stem helps in the conduction of water

D)Plants need air, water and sunlight to grow



C) Stem helps in the conduction of water


It's the xylem and phloem present in the vascular bundles of stems that conduct water and minerals across the plant. Stems bear flowers and fruits in a position that facilitates the processes of pollination, fertilization, and dispersion of seeds. So, stem doesn't help in the conduction of water.


the person above is correct


jjecjjeccejec hello good day?





1037.56 mph


We are told the distance around the earth which is the circumference is 40075 km.

Converting to miles gives 24901.451 miles

Formula for speed = distance/time

Time for one rotation is 24 hours.

Thus, speed = 24901.451/24 = 1037.56 mph

Increasing the amount of current flowing through a wire strengthens
what? *
O magnetic field
O polarity
O electromagnetism



Increasing the current would strengthen the


Compare the seasons on Titan to the seasons on Earth.


Since Titan orbits roughly along Saturn's equatorial plane, and Titan's tilt relative to the sun is about the same as Saturn's, Titan's seasons are on the same schedule as Saturn's—seasons that last more than seven Earth years, and a year that lasts 29 Earth years.

The chemical equation below represents a reversible reaction.

H2PO4- + H2O ↔ H3PO4 + OH-

Which pair represents an acid and its conjugate base?





In the given chemical equation, H₃PO₄ is an acid while it's conjugate base is OH⁻.

What is chemical equation?

Chemical equation is a symbolic representation of a chemical reaction which is written in the form of symbols and chemical formulas.The reactants are present on the left hand side while the products are present on the right hand side.

A plus sign is present between reactants and products if they are more than one in any case and an arrow is present pointing towards the product side which indicates the direction of the reaction .There are coefficients present next to the chemical symbols and formulas .

The first chemical equation was put forth by Jean Beguin in 1615.By making use of chemical equations the direction of reaction ,state of reactants and products can be stated. In the chemical equations even the temperature to be maintained and catalyst can be mentioned.

Learn more about chemical equation,here:



Which gases in the following list exist as separate atoms: hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, oxygen, neon.

Select one:
a. Hydrogen and helium
b. Helium and nitrogen
c. Helium and neon
d. Oxygen and nitrogen


helium and neon ( answer C)

The answer is C tell me if I was wrong

What is the mass in grams of 0.94 moles of sodium bicarbonate. NaHCO3?​


Mass of a substance = Moles of a substance × molar mass of a substance

We have 0.94 moles of NaHCO3. The molar mass of NaHCO3 is the sum of the atomic masses of the elements comprising NaHCO3, which is approximately 84.007 g/mol.

The mass of 0.94 moles of sodium bicarbonate is therefore (0.94 moles NaHCO3)(84.007 g NaHCO3/mol NaHCO3) = 78.97 ≈ 79 grams of sodium bicarbonate.

Think of the of the body that we need in order to do things like walk, run etc. What systems are these? How do they work together so you can do these activities?



I dont get this


Can y’all helping me solving this l will make you the brainlest❤️



Genotype = genetic makeup or allele combination

phenotype = physical appearance

homzygous = both alleles are the same

heterozygous = both alleles are different

dominant allele = represented by a capital letter

recessive allele = lowercase letter

What is the molarity of a solution that contains 3.66 mol KCl in 7.98 L solution?





It's simple, just devide the mol value by the volume value. So 3.66mol/7.98L=.4586M

C7H6O3+ C4H6O3=C9H8O4+H20
- Balance the above equation.​



2C7H6O3 + C4H6O3 - - - > 2C9H8O4 + H2O



2C7H6O3 + C4H6O3

C = 18

H = 18

O = 9


2C9H8O4 + H2O

C = 18

H = 18

O = 9

.When sodium atoms (Na) and chlorine atoms (Cl) join to make sodium chloride, or table salt, they form an ionic bond. Using this information, which pair of elements is most likely to form an ionic bond?

potassium (K) and fluorine (F)
aluminum (Al) and aluminum (Al)
sulfur (S) and oxygen (O)
calcium (Ca) and neon (Ne)



potassium (K) and fluorine (F)


Potassium is an alkali metal just like sodium and fluorine is a halogen just like chlorine. A metal and nonmetal will often join to form an ionic compound.

Aluminum, if it was going to bond to itself, would be a metallic bond.

Sulfur and oxygen are both nonmetals and would form a covalent bond.

Calcium would not bond with neon as neon is a noble gas.


A) potassium (K) and fluorine (F)


got it right on time for learning :)

Which terms correctly identify the indicated structures in this sketch of a cell viewed under a microscope? Match each label to the correct cell part. Question 5 options: Golgi Apparatus Nucleus Endoplasmic Reticulum Mitochodrion Ribosome Lysosome







2. nucleus

how many formula units of lead (IV) phosphate in 1.75g


1.05 x 10 to the 21 power formula units of lead (IV) phosphate

What is the formula for the compound formed by Al3+ and N3- ?



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf AlN}}[/tex]


The goal when forming compounds is to achieve a net charge of 0.

We are given aluminum with a charge of 3+  and nitrogen with a charge of 3-.

These charges are equal and opposite, so one of each will equal 0.

3+ (Al) + 3- (N) = 0

Therefore, we do not need any subscripts. List the metal's symbol (aluminum) then the nonmetal.


Th formula for the compound, which is aluminum nitride, is AlN.

what physical properties does radium have



Radium is silvery, lustrous, soft, intensely radioactive. It readily oxidizes on exposure to air, turning from almost pure white to black. Radium is luminescent, corrodes in water to form radium hydroxide. Although is the heaviest member of the alkaline-earth group it is the most volatile..

What does a TRAAP test stand for





hope it helps!

Answer: TRAAP stands for Timeliness, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose.


Give two examples of elevation.



An example of elevation is a plane flying at 36,000 feet above the ground. An example of elevation is a pope being raised to the position of saint. An example of elevation is a ballet dancer leaping three feet in the air. ... At 8,850 m (29,028 ft), the summit of Mount Everest is the highest elevation on Earth.


please mark me brainly!

Which process occurs when a gas turns into a liquid?





Which of the following statements is true?


the answer is the third one


it just is I think

Study the chemical reaction below and answer the questions that follow: 8Al + 3Fe₃O₄ → 4Al₂O₃ + 9Fe How many moles of iron would be produced if 4.0 moles of aluminum reacts with an excess of Fe₃O₄?

A. 4.0 moles
B. 4.5 moles
C. 8.0 moles
D. 9.0 moles


Answer: the answewr is A. hope this helps!


the indicated gene codes for a protein made up of the amino acid





Is this a true or false answer or.....?

Which of the following could be an empirical formula? a C6H12O6 b H2O2 c CH2O d C6H6



A C6H12O6 will be the empirical formulae.

I dont know i just want help thats why im answering to get 1 help as i have to help to get help

1. The diagram above shows the repeating groups of atoms that make up two samples. Will the
properties of the two samples likely be the same or different? (Examples of properties are smell,
color, and the temperature at which a substance melts.)



Will likely be the same


We can see in both pictures there is a black molecule and a red molecule. However, we also have a purple molecule in one image and a yellow in the other. It would LIKELY be the same because we have more of the same molecules then more different molecules. Hope this helps

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