As a result of the Democratic convention in 1860

A. Abraham Lincoln became their candidate.
B. the party split and two candidates were nominated.
C. John C. Breckinridge emerged as the party’s leader.
D. the party agreed on an anti-slavery message.


Answer 1




Answer 2


B, As a result of the Democratic convention in 1860


GED 2022

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Free market is the best way to foster economic growth and entrepreneurial behavior. The free markets provide opportunity for smart but poor people to rise up and become rich. It also means the government does less things, which in the case of SpaceX, is great because Elon Musk has demonstrated that a private company is capable of beating the US Government in terms of space exploration.

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Income, more, more :)

Due to geographic and political factors, present-day transportation between countries in Southwest Asia is PRIMARILY
A) by air
B) by camel
C) by horse
D) by railroad​


Answer: A


Took the test

Why was Robert e Lee so important during the civil war. What did he do. Short paragraph please!



Robert E. Lee was the head of the Confederate army during the Civil War between 1861 and 1865. Although he was not in favor of slavery, and even President Lincoln had offered him command of the Union army, Lee decided to remain loyal to his native state, Virginia, and join the Confederate cause, leading the southern forces, which were worse composed than those of the north, to fight on all fronts and put the Union army in trouble.

Did the March on Washington reveal a Civil Rights Movement that was united or divided?




In the book (and movie) "Holes," a character named Zero starts off as a quiet character who can't read, but eventually he transforms into a character who begins to speak up and learns to read, thanks to his friend, Stanley. Zero is an example of a dynamic character.

Question 6 options:





The definition of a dynamic character is one who undergoes change throughout a book, oftentimes it is not based upon their circumstances. This is an example of a dynamic character because he undergoes change, but they are still in that initial area- their circumstances don't change.

True false because its the dynamic character

Which mountain range does the Trans-Siberian Railroad cross?
a/ the Himalayas
b/ the Pyrenees
c/ the Urals
d/ the Alps



The answer is C : The Urals


Even though she loved to dance, Shannon was nervous about joining the dance team. She tried out and made it, but never said a word to anyone. At each dance practice, Shannon got a little more comfortable with her team. By the end of the season, not only did she make friends, but she even taught the team a few dance moves.

dynamic character

flat character

static character




dynamic character


Even though she loved to dance, Shannon was nervous about joining the dance team----------. By the end of the season, not only did she make friends, but she even taught the team a few dance moves. She is a dynamic character. Thus option (a) is correct.

What is a season?

A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter, and follow one another regularly.

Each season has its own characteristics like has its own light, temperature, and weather patterns that repeat yearly.

The seasons in the northern Hemisphere are the opposite of those in the southern Hemisphere. This means that in Chile and New Zealand, winter begins in June.

Our earth is tilted on its axis relative to the orbital plane, the invisible, flat disc where most objects in the solar system orbit the sun is the reason we have seasons.

Learn more about season here:


What was the significance of the northwest ordinance?




Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the Northwest Ordinance also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories.

Name a law (any in History) that was passed by both Houses and signed by the President.




Law is a surname, of English, Scottish, Cantonese, or Chinese origin. In Scotland, the surname means dweller at the low; as in a hill. Another origin of the surname is a contraction of Lawrence, or Lawson.


The United States entered World War I in 1917 because Germany
was violating one of our foreign policy goals. What goal was
being violated? I



The U.S. entered World War I because Germany embarked on a deadly gamble. Germany sank many American merchant ships around the British Isles which prompted the American entry into the war. Rochester political scientist Hein Goemans answers the question why Germany was willing to risk American entry into the war. Woodrow Wilson did not want war.


This issue was debated at the Constitutional convention and was left unsolved for future generations


5raisha mwo yaool meow

Why did Buddhism develop from



they wear turbans on their head which symbolises thier faith


buhudist have spot /bindi on thier hear which can also symbolise

In 25 words or less tell me everything I need to know about Socrates



Socrates was a Greek Philoshopher, He lived in Athens in the 5th century. He was a strong debater and was the first to dig deep in ethics.


How did the physical geography of the South influence economic activity in the region?



the farming is very productive in the South as well. ... as the region become dependent on farming and crops, huge textile mills and plantations were built, and the new factories attracted businesses which began to build down South, starting the growth of new cities.


The physical geography of the South influences economic activity in the region. Farming is very productive in the South as the region becomes dependent on farming and crops, huge textile mills and plantations were built, and the new factories attracted businesses which began to build down South, starting the growth of new cities.

What is farming?

Farming is growing crops and keeping animals for food and raw materials. Farming is a part of agriculture. Agriculture started thousands of years ago, but no one knows for sure how old it is. The development of farming gave rise to the Neolithic Revolution as people gave up nomadic hunting and became settlers in cities.

Agriculture and domestication probably started in the Fertile Crescent. The area called Fertile Crescent is now in the countries of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt. Wheat and barley are some of the first crops people grew.

People probably started agriculture slowly by planting a few crops, but still gathered many foods from the wild.

Learn more about farming, here:


Explain what you think the author suggests by referring to the soldiers at Kronstadt as the "reddest of the red​


The Russian civil war has resulted in the deaths of many people as well as the soldiers lost their lives but fought for the cause till the end.

Why soldiers were called " reddest of the red​"?

The author was of the view that the soldiers were in the front irrespective of the injuries and deaths caused due to the war and the hands of soldiers at Kronstadt were red with the blood of many enemy soldiers too.

Therefore, the author must have referred the soldiers at Kronstadt as the "reddest of the red​"

Learn more about the  soldiers at Kronstadt here:

How did the British colonies in North America (the future United States) differ from the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of Latin America?​



The British colonization of the Americas was the history of establishment of control, settlement, and colonization of the continents of the Americas by England, Scotland and (after 1707) Great Britain. Colonization efforts began in the 16th century with failed attempts by England to establish permanent colonies in the North. The first permanent British colony was established in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Over the next several centuries more colonies were established in North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Though most British colonies in the Americas eventually gained independence, some colonies have opted to remain under Britain's jurisdiction as British Overseas Territories.

The first documented settlement of Europeans in the Americas was established by Norse people led by Leif Erikson around 1000 AD in what is now Newfoundland, called Vinland by the Norse. Later European exploration of North America resumed with Christopher Columbus's 1492 expedition sponsored by Spain. English exploration began almost a century later. Sir Walter Raleigh established the short-lived Roanoke Colony in 1585. The 1607 settlement of the Jamestown colony grew into the Colony of Virginia and Virgineola (settled unintentionally by the shipwreck of the Virginia Company's Sea Venture in 1609) quickly renamed The Somers Isles (though the older Spanish name of Bermuda has resisted replacement). In 1620, a group of Puritans established a second permanent colony on the coast of Massachusetts. Several other English colonies were established in North America during the 17th and 18th centuries. With the authorization of a royal charter, the Hudson's Bay Company established the territory of Rupert's Land in the Hudson Bay drainage basin. The English also established or conquered several colonies in the Caribbean, including Barbados and Jamaica.

England captured the Dutch colony of New Netherland in the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the mid-17th century, leaving North America divided amongst the English, Spanish, and French empires. After decades of warring with France, Britain took control of the French colony of Canada, as well as several Caribbean territories, in 1763. With the assistance of France and Spain, many of the North American colonies gained independence from Britain through victory in the American Revolutionary War, which ended in 1783. Historians refer to the British Empire after 1783 as the "Second British Empire"; this period saw Britain increasingly focus on Asia and Africa instead of the Americas, and increasingly focus on the expansion of trade rather than territorial possessions. Nonetheless, Britain continued to colonize parts of the Americas in the 19th century, taking control of British Columbia and establishing the colonies of the Falkland Islands and British Honduras. Britain also gained control of several colonies, including Trinidad and British Guiana, following the 1815 defeat of France in the Napoleonic Wars.

In the mid-19th century, Britain began the process of granting self-government to its remaining colonies in North America. Most of these colonies joined the Confederation of Canada in the 1860s or 1870s, though Newfoundland would not join Canada until 1949. Canada gained full autonomy following the passage of the Statute of Westminster 1931, though it retained various ties to Britain and still recognizes the British monarch as head of state. Following the onset of the Cold War, most of the remaining British colonies in the Americas gained independence between 1962 and 1983. Many of the former British colonies are part of the Commonwealth of Nations, a political association chiefly consisting of former colonies of the British Empire.

Should expressive speech have any restrictions? why or why not ?



It should if the speech is full of hatred or threats.


What effects did the American Revolution have on Indiana territory?



Romen empeur          


Why well it is a trick question.




After Socrates, which two philosophers emerge, and what do they do to become famous?




Plato and Aristotle


Plato was knows for his theorys on forms, which was metaphysical. He was known as the "maker of mathmeticians"

Aristotle was known for lots of things like logic, physics, biology, botany and alot more


Plato and Aristotle


Plato is famous for his dialogues, which showcase his metaphysical theory of forms and his most famous work is the Republic, which details a wise society run by a philosopher.

Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers who made pioneering contributions to all fields of philosophy and science, he invented the field of formal logic, and he identified the various scientific disciplines and explored their relationships to each other

Who produces all of the crops in the land of the Cyclopes? Group of answer choices "the immortal gods" Nymphs ,Prometheus , Polyphemus




· In the ninth book of The Odyssey, Homer reports that when Odysseus came in contact with the Cyclops Polyphemus, he faced an uncivilized barbarian.The Cyclopes did not plant their crops or plowed the land. They were lawless savages. They had neither assemblies for lawmaking nor customs.

which principle of U.S. government is most clearly reflected in the amendment above?



you didn’t post the amendment





Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
The Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution until it included a Bill of Rights. They felt that such an addition was
required to curb the power of the ____
The Bill of Rights also granted citizens ____, including
freedom of speech and ____?

“First drop down menu”
State government
Local government
Federal government

“Second drop down menu”
Class benifits
Fundamental rights
Mandatory privileges

“Third drop down menu”



federal government,fundamental right,and citizenship

They felt that such an addition was required to curb the power of the Federal government. The Bill of Rights also granted citizens Fundamental rights, including freedom of speech and Citizenship.

What is a federal government?

The United States has 50 states, a city inside a federal district (the city of Washington in the District of Columbia, where the majority of the federal government is based), five significant self-governing territories, and a number of island possessions. The federal government of the United States is the national government of the United States, a federal republic primarily in North America.

The three different departments of the federal government—sometimes just referred to as Washington—are the legislative, executive, and judicial ones. According to the U.S. Constitution, these branches are respectively headed by the president, the Congress, and the federal courts. Acts of Congress, such as the establishment of executive agencies and courts below the Supreme Court, further clarify the roles and responsibilities of these bodies.

Learn more about the federal government here:


What kind of laws would democrats lobby for?



where are the answers??????

How did japan take part in the race for an empire



I don't know sell their body?

What is the product market?
the market in which payments are received for selling products to consumers
b. the market in which income is received for supplying land, labdr, or capital
c. the market in which firms purchase the factors of production from households
d. the market in which households purchase the goods and services that firms produce


Definitely the first one, which I assume is “a” the one that says “the market in which payments are received for selling products to customers”


the market in which payments are received for selling products to consumers


how people in state dealt with challenges of the Great Depression?



World War II played only a modest role in the recovery of the U.S. economy. ... This expansionary fiscal and monetary policy, together with widespread conscription beginning in 1942, quickly returned the economy to its trend path and reduced the unemployment rate to below its pre-Depression level.

Answer: The New Deal policies enacted by the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration during the 1930s in response to the Great Depression are traditionally interpreted in terms of how they affected the nation as a whole. However, New Deal policies also had a dramatic impact at the state and local level. Because many officials of state and local governments were unwilling to work in cooperation with the federal government, their response to New Deal policies often did not help the nation to recover as quickly and fully as it could have.

A) Identify and describe TWO technological innovations that would be considered
advances in European society



Agriculture, Invention of the wheel, etc


In which extermination camp did the Jewish slave workers revolt in 1943?
A. Belzec
B. Sobibor
C. Majdanek
D. Chelmno

ANSWER: B. Sobibor


Your answer is B sobibor.

Do you think it is important for the president to choose cabinet members who agree with his points of
view? Why or why not?



Its important bc , It is usually referred as the 'President's Cabinet' or just the 'Cabinet. ' The Cabinet is an advisory body and its role is to advise the President on any subject that he may require. ... In addition to running major federal agencies, the Cabinet plays an important role in the Presidential line of succession.


+ Why Does The President Need a Cabinet?

Every President has a lot to do -- especially a modern-day United States President. He or she must:

oversee dealing with foreign countries and the defense of our land.

keep an eye on how our farms are doing.

try to make sure the industry and business of the country are humming along.

make sure that there are jobs for workers in our nation.

see that the laws of the country are carried out---and carried out fairly.

guard our national forest, parks and our resources for the use of all the people.

protect the public from harmful diseases and hazards.

The list could go on and on . . .

How can one person do all this? One "trick" a President has is to delegate jobs. He or she assigns or turns over much of the day-to-day work to others. A good business leader, a principal of a school, or the editor of a newspaper does this, too. They pick qualified people to do certain work, expect them to do their best and then report back on what they have accomplished. The top person, such as the President, will probably make the final decisions. But he or she can't possibly do all the day-to-day work.

The President of the United States delegates much work to the Cabinet. Each Cabinet member is the head of an executive department of the government. The President meets with his/her Cabinet frequently to hear their reports and their suggestions. Usually, they meet together once a week or every other week. They meet in the Cabinet Room next to the President's Oval Office in the White House West Wing. This room faces the Rose Garden and is a beautiful room furnished with draperies, chandeliers, and leather chairs.


President George Washington developed the Cabinet system by asking the heads of the existing three executive departments and the Attorney General to meet with him on a regular basis to discuss issues of importance and to report on their department's work. The first 4 Cabinet positions (1789) were: Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of State, Secretary of War, and Attorney General.

The formation of departments is mentioned in Article 2 Section 2 of our Constitution "he may require the opinion in writing of the principal officer in each of the executive departments upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices---." As the country became larger and more complicated, other departments were added. At this time, we now have 15 executive departments.

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The point (0,0) on a coordinate grid is called pls help it should be ez for u guys A 3.56 L balloon is compressed to 1.00 L at constant temperature. If the initial pressure in the balloon was 101.3 kPa, what is the final pressure? what is the discount price for 52% of 210?10,9201,092158109.20 High-Low Method, Cost Formulas The controller of the South Charleston plant of Ravinia, Inc., monitored activities associated with materials handling costs. The high and low levels of resource usage occurred in September and March for three different resources associated with materials handling. The number of moves is the driver. The total costs of the three resources and the activity output, as measured by moves for the two different levels, are presented as follows:Resource Number of Moves Total CostForklift depreciation: Low 5,000 $2,200 High 16,000 2,200 Indirect labor: Low 5,000 $66,000 High 16,000 105,600 Fuel and oil for forklift: Low 5,000 $3,550 High 16,000 11,360 Required:If required, round your answers to two decimal places. Enter a "0" if required.Determine the cost behavior formula of each resource. Use the high-low method to assess the fixed and variable components.Forklift depreciation:V $F $Y $Indirect labor:V $F $Y $ + $XFuel and oil for forklift:V $F $Y $X EASY POINTSPLEASE ANSWER:)LOTS OF POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Picture below please help how heart attacks and Strokes caused by cholesterol what is T/8 = -4 solve for T Give an example of how Nationalism can be used to grow political power.PLZ HELP ME!!! i cant think of one!!! Pls help will mark brainliest Which of the following sentences correctly uses a hyphen?A. The close up snapshot was perfect in black and white.B. Jump start your day with a big glass of water.C. The hand-painted doll was worth thousands of dollars.D. He knew he had a dead end job the first day he showed up forwork. Question 5. What is the value of E? How do you know? In a mass spectrometer, a specific velocity can be selected from a distribution by injecting charged particles between a set of plates with a constant electric field between them and a magnetic field across them (perpendicular to the direction of particle travel). If the fields are tuned exactly right, only particles of a specific velocity will pass through this region undeflected. Consider such a velocity selector in a mass spectrometer with a 0.105 T magnetic field.Part (a) What electric field strength, in volts per meter, is needed to select a speed of 3.8 106 m/s?Part (b) What is the voltage, in kilovolts, between the plates if they are separated by 0.75 cm? To make some oatmeal, Sally combined 40 grams of oatmeal, 10 grams of maple syrup, and some warm water. If the combined mass was 100 grams, how much water did she add?ANSWER THIS EMEDIATLY PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASEthank you(ps.this is the closest subject to science (that deals with volume, mass, and matter you know that kind of stuff )that I could find In paragraph 4 of the speech, how does Kennedy connect the ideas of the Industrial Revolution and modern inventions to the idea of space exploration? convert 5000 mm = ____ cm is an authoritarian form of government, characterized by a single leader.a. Theocracyb. Monarchyc. Oligarchyd. Democracy What is the purpose of Kennedys address at Rice University How fast is a ball going when it hits the ground after being dropped from aheight of 16 m? The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2A. 22.5 m/sB. 28.1 m/sO C. 17.7 m/sD. 19.3 m/s what does 4m^2 +5m if m=-2 equal?