is goody proctor a good wife? (does Elizabeth proctor love john proctor?)


Answer 1

Elizabeth and John Proctor's relationship is tense throughout the entirety of the play. Elizabeth Proctor is an excellent Puritan wife for her family who is highly understanding, and loving.

In the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, Elizabeth Proctor was found guilty of witchcraft. She was married to John Proctor, who was found guilty and put to death.

Proctor did cave in to temptation and commit adultery, but he is unable to forgive himself. He hates Elizabeth for being unable to forget him and put her faith in him once more, but he is equally to blame.

Elizabeth Proctor is motivated to tell a lie in court during the witch trials because she wants to reunite her marriage and family, establish her devotion as a good puritan wife, and protect her husband's reputation.

To learn more about Elizabeth and John Proctor, refer


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Candice cycled a total of 12 kilometers by making 3 trips to work. After 7 trips to work, how many kilometers will Candice have cycled in total? Solve using unit rates.


28 kilometers because 7x4=28. find how much kilometers she cycles per trip which would be 4 because 4x3=12

Describe how the creation of univeral currency led to globalization and how that globazation impacted nations and people


The creation of universal currency helps in the free flow of goods and services without the issue of convertibility.

The term "globalization" refers to the increasing interdependence of the economies, cultures, and populations throughout the world as a result of technology, cross-border trade in goods and services, and flows of capital, labor, and information. Over many years, nations have developed economic alliances to support these movements. However, the phrase became more common after the Cold War in the early 1990s because of how these cooperative arrangements influenced contemporary daily life. With a primary focus on the United States, this guide utilizes the phrase more specifically to refer to international commerce and some investment flows among advanced economies.

Globalization has wide-ranging, intricate, and politically fraught repercussions. Similar to significant technological advancements, globalization is good for society as a whole while being bad for some groups.  

Learn more about Globalisation here:


How does the text characterize FDR's legacy?


The text characterize FDR's legacy as  creative though not faultless leader who saved the country from destruction.

What was the  FDR's legacy ?

The  FDR's legacy can be described as one that can not be undertestimated, in the sense that he was the one that introduced a series of reforms  which can be regarded as the New Deal  so that they would be able to drag the U.S. out of the Great Depression.

It should be noted that he was able to provide the nation, a  strong leadership  eve when the  Japanese aggression is at its peak.

Therefore, the second option is correct.

Learn more about FDR's legacy at:


Check the complete question:

How does the text characterize FDR's legacy? He was a thoughtful but timid man who made many mistakes as president. He was a creative though not faultless leader who saved the country from destruction, He was a fraud who duped the American public into completely changing the country. He was a strong leader who worked hard to save the country, to little success.

at the time of the missouri compromise, southern slave owners argued that keeping slavery out of the western territories could lead to:


No slavery at all

It became difficult for many to remain neutral as the argument heated up. Slavery was wanted to be outlawed nationwide by abolitionists. They argued that slavery was immoral. Slaves in the South believed that slavery ought to be legal elsewhere. They also requested the return of slaves who had fled to the North. Most white Southerners, including those who did not own slaves, agreed with these concepts. People wished for slavery to exist in other locations or just not at all.

A new political party was founded as a result of the discussion around slavery. Many northern Democrats and Whigs opposed the extension of slavery by 1848. But neither party's leaders would take a position. They didn't want to drop any votes from the South. Others feared that the slavery debate would cause the country to fracture. Members of both parties who opposed slavery convened in Buffalo, New York, in 1848. They established the Free-Soil party there. The Free-Soil party's primary objective was to prevent the spread of slavery in the western provinces. A very small percentage of Free-Soilers supported the abolition of slavery in the South.

Learn more about slavery here:


Briefly describe ONE example demonstrating the political rise of the common man and the growth of democracy during the Jacksonian Era.


Common Man: the everyday, operating magnificence guy – now no longer a rich landowner or guy of electricity like a politician. Andrew Jackson, regardless of his excessive office, have become emblematic of the not unusual place guy because he got here from humble beginnings.

The required details for Andrew Jackson in given paragraph

Andrew Jackson turned into an American legal professional, planter, trendy, and statesman who served because the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837. Before being elected to the presidency, he received repute as a trendy within side the United States Army and served in each homes of the U.S. Congress. Although frequently praised as an endorse for normal Americans and for his paintings in keeping the union of states, Jackson has additionally been criticized for his racial policies, specially his remedy of Native Americans. Jackson turned into born within side the colonial Carolinas earlier than the American Revolutionary War. He have become a frontier legal professional and married Rachel Donelson Robards. He served in short within side the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate, representing Tennessee.

After resigning, he served as a justice on the Tennessee Supreme Court from 1798 till 1804. Jackson bought a belongings later recognized as the Hermitage, turning into a rich planter who owned masses of African American slaves.

To know about Andrew Jackson click here


how did the south feel about tariffs, power of the dentral government, bank of the united states, internal improvements during the 1820


The south oppose the tariffs, power of the central government, and bank of the united states, during the 1820

What happen in 1820?

From 1800 to 1848, there were several major political issues that dominated US politics. Should there be a national bank, or would it benefit the wealthy merchants and bankers at the expense of the workers? In 1815, President James Madison, along with fellow Republicans Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, called for an internal improvement program, the American System, to boost the American economy. The program had his three parts:

First, the establishment of a new national bank. Second, federal funds to improve and build roads and canals. Third, protective tariffs to protect American industry. This protective tariff increases the price of imported goods and encourages US consumers to buy cheaper US-made products.

Learn more about President James Madison


The commercial revolution and urbanization in Europe gave birth to a new ________ in the region

A) social class

B) republic

C) monarchs

D) wages


The commercial revolution in Europe had many positive as well as negative effects. One effect was the form of social class. Therefore the correct option is a.

What is the commercial revolution in Europe?

The commercial revolution which began in the 10th or 11th century is defined as a massive economic and cultural shift in Europe.

There are many people who also believe that the commercial revolution took place from the 15th to 19th century because that was the period when most of the developments of the commercial revolution codified. A middle class known as the burgers began to develop in Europe during the later part of the Middle ages.

They arose from the European lower class and they specialize in goods produced and services rendered. This class of people benefited from the commercial revolution while the upper class of people as trade became a dominant economic force in the Western world.

The commercial revolution lasted till the 18th or 19th century in Europe.

Learn more about revolution, here:


Different types of maps show different information. Describe what can be four
of maps:
Special Purpose-
Complete this sentence:
All projections
some parts of the Earth's surface.


There are five different types of maps, according to the ICSM (Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping: general reference, topographical, thematic, navigation charts, and cadastral maps and plans).

Political maps don't display geographical elements. Instead, they display the capital, key cities, and national and state boundaries. Physical maps show the terrain's natural features, such as lakes, rivers, and mountains. Contour lines are included on topographic maps to display an area's shape and elevation.

A graphical representation of the physical locations of landmarks or markers (such as genes, variants, and other interesting DNA sequences) within a chromosome or genome is known as a physical map in the field of genomics. One kind of physical map is a genome's full sequence.

A relief map is an illustration of a physical map. This style of the map makes use of color to depict how an area's elevation changes over time.

Geographical boundaries, Earth's physical features, or cultural features like locations, cities, and roads are depicted on reference maps.

Learn more about maps here:


6. Who owns property in capitalism?


The people own property.

Read the statements

• Climate change eliminated old food supplies.
• The population grew and there was a need for more food.
• Societies were growing more complex.
• New tools made food production, collection, and storage easier.

Which best describes the statements related to the origins of humans?

They are causes of the Neolithic Revolution.
They are results of migration from Africa.
They are reasons why people stopped moving.
They are characteristics of new civilizations.



They are results of migration from Africa.

Answer: A)They are causes of the Neolithic Revolution.

Explanation: The person above me is wrong but this is the right answer on edge ik cuz i just did the quiz and got 100%.........hope this helps! :D

Describe one way in which women's rights have improved since the 19th
A. In most societies, women now hold about half of the political
B. In most societies, women and men are now equally represented in
all professions.
In most societies, women and men now earn equal pay for the
same job.
n most societies, women now have a greater choice of careers.


Answer: The answer is D

Explanation: In most societies, women now have a greater choice of careers

Hope this was helpful

Which rights granted in the Bill of Rights are absolute? None of them. Freedom of speech Freedom of religion All of them.


Answer: None of Them


Well, I looked it up and found multiple sources that said none of them are absolute.

“Which rights granted in the Bill of Rights are absolute?

When people talk about constitutional rights like freedom of speech or religion, they often refer to them as guarantees. But no rights are absolute. Government has the power to limit individuals' freedom under certain circumstances, like when they've committed a crime.”

For what is Romulus Augustulus remembered?

He revived the western Roman Empire after an extended period of decline.
He gave official recognition to the Byzantine Empire as a separate state.
He was the last emperor of the western Roman Empire
He formally declared the Bishop of Rome the pope or “father” of the entire Christian church



For being the last Roman emperor, he will be remembered. He only held the throne for a little over ten months before being overthrown in September 476. Family: In AD 474, Orestes, a politician and member of the Roman aristocracy, became command of the western Roman army.

Romulus Augustulus:

The final emperor of the Roman Empire in its western region was Romulus Augustulus. It is believed that he was nothing more than a puppet, and that his father, the magister militum, was still in charge of the government.

Flavius Momyllus, sometimes known as Romulus Augustulus, regarded as the final emperor of the Western Roman Empire (475–476).

In reality, the Eastern monarch did not acknowledge him as a legitimate ruler, he was a puppet and usurper. Romulus was the child of Orestes, the military commander of the Western Empire. His father elevated him to the throne on October 31, 475, after driving the Western emperor Julius Nepos from Italy. His original surname was Augustus, but it was modified to the diminutive due to his young age. Orestes controlled Italy in his son's name for approximately a year before his soldiers rose up and chose the German warrior Odoacer as their leader.

On August 28, 476, Orestes was taken by Odoacer's army and put to death. Due to his youth, Romulus was spared, and Odoacer transferred him to Campania, a region in southern Italy, to live with his relatives and receive a pension. His current whereabouts are unknown. According to Cassiodorus' observation, he may have lived to see Theoderic's rule (AD 493–526).

Learn more about Romulus Augustulus:


Christianity and islam were important institutions in the reconsolidation of europe following the collapse of the roman empire because both —.


Christianity and Islam were important institutions in the reconsolidation of Europe following the collapse of the Roman Empire. This is because both: religions served as unifying influences on culture.

What did the reason behind the collapse of the Roman Empire?

The collapse of the Roman Empire took place in 476 C.E. This is a result of the following reasons:

Invasions by Barbarian tribes from the 300s to 476 C.E. deposed Emperor Romulus Augustulus and put an end to the Roman Empire.Overreliance on slave labor made the economy fall when the supply of slaves and other war treasures began to dry up.The rise of the Eastern Empire.Government corruption and political instability.

After the Roman Empire fell, Europe began to reconsolidate by using Christianity and Islam as important institutions.

Learn more about Roman Empire here


all representatives are elected from


Each representative, also known as a congressman or congresswoman, is chosen to serve the people of a certain congressional district for a period of two years. Keeping in proportion to the populations of the 50 states, the number of voting representatives in the House is set by law at no more than 435.

Where is each state's representative elected from?

Two senators are sent by each state to the U.S. Senate to represent that state. But in the House of Representatives, a state's representation is determined by its population. For instance, larger states like California have 53 representatives whereas smaller states like Vermont and Delaware have one.

To know more about representatives visit:


Which one of the following provisions was part of the first draft of the Articles of Confederation submitted to the Second Continental Congress but not in the final version?

A. Government control over the unsettled western lands
B. No right for the federal government to levy taxes
C. A strong central government
D. Representation by states in government based on population


The correct option is (C) A strong central government. It was part of the first draft of the Articles of Confederation submitted to the Second Continental Congress but not in the final version?

What was the Articles of Confederation?

The Continental Congress received the first draft of the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were enacted by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777. The Articles of Confederation were presented to the states on November 17, 1777, along with a request for urgent action.

A stronger federal government was soon required, which prompted the Constitutional Convention in 1787. On March 4, 1789, the Articles of Confederation were superseded by the current United States Constitution.

To learn more about Articles of Confederation refer to:


Read the statements

• Climate change eliminated old food supplies.
• The population grew and there was a need for more food.
• Societies were growing more complex.
• New tools made food production, collection, and storage easier.

Which best describes the statements related to the origins of humans?

They are causes of the Neolithic Revolution.
They are results of migration from Africa.
They are reasons why people stopped moving.
They are characteristics of new civilizations.



They are results of migration from Africa.

Answer: A)They are causes of the Neolithic Revolution.

Explanation: The person above me is wrong but this is the right answer on edge ik cuz i just did the quiz and got 100%.........hope this helps! :D

Jeffersons attitude regarding expansion contradicts issues that would engulf parts of new territories as a result of


Jefferson's attitude regarding expansion contradicts issues that would engulf parts of new territories as a result of conflicts between the slave and free states.

What was Jefferson's attitude about expansion?

Jefferson was known envisage “an empire for liberty”, as an outgoing president, he offered some expansionist advice to incoming president, James Madison. Jefferson believed expansion of the American republic throughout the continent would be possible because European powers would be preoccupied with warring against each other.

He states that “we should then have only to include the north [Canada] in our confederacy, which would be of course in the first war, and we should have such an empire for liberty as she has never surveyed since the creation: & I am persuaded no constitution was ever before so well calculated as ours for extensive empire & self-government.”

However, his attitude about an expansion contradicts issues that would engulf parts of new territories because of result of conflicts between the slave and free states.

Read more about U.S. expansion


Question 9 of 10
After much debate, what agreement did the delegates to the Constitutional
Convention make regarding slavery?
A. The slave trade would be fully abolished within 20 years.
B. Slavery would be fully abolished in all states within 50 years.
O C. States would be allowed to decide whether to allow slavery.
D. Slavery would be allowed to continue, with no changes made.


D . slavery would be allowed to continue

Answer:The slave trade would be fully abolished within 20 years.


can someone “SMART” help me, PLEASE!!





Chandragupta was the founder of the Mauryan dynasty

Which Indigenous group provided a model for the colonists' form of government?
O The Cherokee
O The Lenape
O The Haudersaunee


A. The cherokee
is the correct answer

What kingdom finally absorbed Ghana?


Answer:If I'm correct it should be the ghana kingdom


Iran, iraq, kuwait, saudi arabia, and venezuela came together in 1960 to from what?.


The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded in Baghdad, Iraq, with the signing of an agreement in September 1960 by five countries namely the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.They were to become the Founder Members of the Organization.

The organization of the Petroleum Exporting international locations is an intergovernmental agency of 13 nations. founded on 14 September 1960 in Baghdad by means of the primary 5 individuals (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela), it has, seeing that in 1965, been founded in Vienna, Austria, even though Austria isn't always an OPEC member kingdom. As of September 2018, the thirteen-member countries accounted for an envisioned 44 percent of world oil production and 81. five percent of the sector's proven oil reserves, giving OPEC a chief impact on worldwide oil prices that had been formerly determined through the so-referred to as "Seven Sisters" grouping of establishment oil organizations.

Economists have characterized OPEC as a textbook example of a cartel that cooperates to lessen marketplace opposition, but one whose consultations are blanketed via the doctrine of nation immunity beneath global regulation. In the Sixties and Nineteen Seventies, OPEC correctly restructured the worldwide oil manufacturing gadget in order that decision-making authority and the huge majority of profits is in the palms of oil-producing international locations.

To know more about OPEC visit here:


Please help ASAP!!
Describe the following concepts as they related to United States foreign policy prior to the events of World War I:


Based on a historical concept the idea of Isolationism in the United States' foreign policy before the events of World War 1 is that the United States would not be involved in the Europe wars and alliances.

What is the United States foreign policy before World War 1?

The United States foreign policy before World War 1 is centered on neutrality. This implies that the United States supports their idea that they should avoid being emotionally or ideologically involved in the conflict outside North and South America.

The Concept of the United States foreign policy before World War 1Isolationism: United States will not be involved in the affairs of Europe, particularly in terms of war and conflicts or alliances Intervention: United States choose to remain neutral and not support or form alliances in Europe, though, they are based in western Europe.Imperialism: United States imperialism was only limited to North America particularly the island closer to the country.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that United States' foreign policy before World War 1 is different from its foreign policy after the war.

Learn more about US Foreign Policy here:


How is Confucianism different from Buddhism?


Answer:  Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system, whereas Buddhism is a followed religion. Buddha and Confucius were Asian philosophers from the 6th century B.C, who sought ways to end people’s sufferings all around the world.


I remember learning this last year in AP World History class.

who was the most powerful tribe in the southeast


Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History" gives a blow-by-blow account of the hardscrabble and bloody life on the Texas frontier in the middle decades of the 19th century.

Based on the excerpt, which phrase best describes the main goal of U.S. foreign policy in Vietnam during the Cold War?

A. to restore French rule in Vietnam
B. to establish a colony in South Vietnam
C. to unite Vietnam under one government
D. to prevent the spread of communism to South Vietnam


Based on the excerpt, the main goal of U.S. foreign policy in Vietnam during the Cold War was to prevent the spread of communism to South Vietnam. Thus, option 'D' is the correct option.

What was the main American goal of the Vietnam War?

Invading Vietnam was primarily done by the United States to stop communist control of the country. The two Vietnams were unified under a communist flag in July 1976, proving that it was a failure in that regard. Cambodia and Laos, two neighboring countries, also fell to communism.

The domino hypothesis, which postulated that if one nation came under the control of Communism, the other countries would certainly follow, was used by the US to justify its military intervention in Vietnam. The intention was to stop the Communists from taking over South-East Asia.

Learn more about the Vietnam war, here:


Which statement best describes the Battle of Yorktown?
A. It was a turning point in the war and convinced the French to send support.
B. It was the last battle of the American Revolution, and the British surrendered.
C. It was a naval battle fought on the Hudson Bay, and the British army won.
D. Alexander Hamilton led a failed attack on the British, and Cornwallis defeated him.


The battle of Yorktown is best described by the assertion that it was the final combat of the American Revolution, and the British surrendered. Option B is correct.

What is the significance of Battle of Yorktown?

The Battle of Yorktown was the pivotal battle of the American Revolution. The battle of Yorktown is best described as the final fight of the American Revolution, in which the British surrendered.

The British capitulation heralded the end of British sovereignty in the colonies and heralded the formation of a new nation, the United States of America.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about the Battle of Yorktown, refer to:


wilson wanted to create an organization of nations to work together to preserve world peace. group of answer choices true false


This statement is true.

Wilson persuaded the leaders of France, Great Britain, and Italy to collaborate with leaders of other nations to prepare a Covenant of the League of Nations in January 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference that put an end to World War I.

Wilson anticipated that such a group would assist nations in mediating disputes before they escalated to war.

The Treaty of Versailles included Wilson's climactic proposal for a global organisation that would offer some form of collective security. The League of Nations would later be the name of this institution.

Wilson wanted to establish a structure that would prevent future wars from breaking out while still advancing a democratic and peaceful future for the United States.

He believed that founding the League of Nations was the most effective approach to achieve this goal on a global scale.

To know more about Treaty of Versailles, visit:


what is power?
A. Legitimate control over people
B. Control over the actions of others
C. Accepted authority in a society
D. Recognized right of rule


B control over the actions of others
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