The temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, of a cup of water placed in a freezer can be modeled by the function f(m)=210(0.94)^m , where m represents the number of minutes after the water was placed in the freezer.

What is the average rate of change from Minute 4 to Minute 11 and how can that rate of change be interpreted?

The Temperature, In Degrees Fahrenheit, Of A Cup Of Water Placed In A Freezer Can Be Modeled By The Function


Answer 1

1. The average rate of change from Minute 4 to Minute 11 is of -8.23 º/min.

2. This means that the temperature decreased from Minute 4 to Minute 11 by an average of 8.23 º/min.

How to obtain the average rate of change of a function?

The average rate of change of a function is obtained by the change in the output of the function divided by the change in the input of the function. Hence, over an interval [a,b], the rate is given as follows:

[tex]r = \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{b - a}[/tex]

The function in this problem is defined as follows:

f(m) = 210(0.94)^m.

The numeric value of the temperature at Minute 11 is of:

f(11) = 210(0.94)^11 = 106.32º.

The numeric value of the temperature at minute 4 is of:

f(4) = 210(0.94)^4 = 163.96º.

The change in the input is of:

11 - 4 = 7.

Hence the average rate of change is of:

(106.32 - 163.96)/67 = -8.23º min -> decrease of 8.23º each min.

More can be learned about the average rate of change of a function at


Related Questions

The surface area of a rectangular prism is 60. Which of the following are possible dimensions of the rectangular prism? 1 Pt


The surface area of a rectangular prism with sides a, b and c is given by the formula:


Use that formula to find the surface area that a prism with the given dimensions on each option would have.

A. 6, 2, 1 1/2

[tex]\begin{gathered} S=2(6\cdot2+6\cdot1\frac{1}{2}+2\cdot1\frac{1}{2}) \\ =2(12+9+3) \\ =2(24) \\ =48 \end{gathered}[/tex]

B. 5, 4, 1 1/4

[tex]\begin{gathered} S=2(5\cdot4+5\cdot1\frac{1}{4}+4\cdot1\frac{1}{4}) \\ =2(20+\frac{25}{4}+5) \\ =2(\frac{125}{4}) \\ =\frac{125}{2} \\ =62.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

C. 3, 4, 1 1/2

[tex]\begin{gathered} S=2(3\cdot4+3\cdot1\frac{1}{2}+4\cdot1\frac{1}{2}) \\ =2(12+3\frac{3}{2}+6) \\ =2(21\frac{3}{2}) \\ =45 \end{gathered}[/tex]

D. 6, 3, 1 1/3

[tex]\begin{gathered} S=2(6\cdot3+6\cdot1\frac{1}{3}+3\cdot1\frac{1}{3}) \\ =2(18+8+4) \\ =2(30) \\ =60 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the only possible dimensions of a rectangular prism with surface area 60 listed on the options, are 6, 3 and 3 1/3. The answer is:

[tex]\text{Option D}[/tex]

how do u knwo which way to face the inequality sign in the answer of these questions like 1>x<3 how do u know which way to face them. i put some examples os u cna use them to explain


Using the graph identify the intervals:

a) Function being less than or equal to 0: In which x interval is the graph under the x-axis (the functions are less than 0 when they are under x-axis)

As the ineqaulity sing is less than or equal to 0, the interval includes those x-values for which the function is 0:

Solution: Interval from x=1 to x=3

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2-4x+3\leq0 \\ 1\leq x\leq3 \\ \lbrack1,3\rbrack \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) Function being greater than or equal to 0: In which x interval is the graph over the x-axis.

As the ineqaulity sing is greater than or equal to 0, the interval includes those x-values for which the function is 0:

Solution: Interval from - infinite to 1 and from 3 to infinite

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2-4x+3\ge0 \\ 1\ge x\ge3 \\ (-\infty,1\rbrack\cup\lbrack3,\infty) \end{gathered}[/tex]

c) Function being greater than 0: In which x interval is the graph over the x-axis.

As the ineqaulity sing is greater than to 0, the interval does not include those x-values for which the function is 0.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2-4x+3>0 \\ 1>x>3 \\ (-\infty,1)\cup(3,\infty) \end{gathered}[/tex]

d) Function being less than 0: In which x interval is the graph under the x-axis.

As the ineqaulity sing is less than 0, the interval does not include those x-values for which the function is 0:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2-4x+3<0 \\ 1

Determine the height of the ball after 4 seconds *Height of Ball over Time160144128112Height (in feet)96NO643216O1 2 3 4 5 6Time (in seconds)


80 ft

1) In the graph, we can find out the height after 4 seconds simply locating the point when the x-axis at t=4

2) Hence, after 4 seconds the height of the ball is:

3) Hence, the answer is 80 ft (the blue dot) (4,80)

What is the surface area of a pyramid if its one triangular face has an area of 20 sq. cm and its square base has a side of 5cm?A. 100 sq.cmB. 105 sq.cmC. 110 sq. cmD. 115


To solve this problem, we will use the following formula for the surface area of a square pyramid:


where BA= base area, and A_t is the area of one of the lateral triangles.

Now, we are given that:


Recall that the area of a square is given by the following formula:


We are given that the side of the base is 5 cm long, therefore, the base area is:


Finally, we get that:




A box contains different colored paper clips. The probability of drawing two red paper clips from the box without replacement is 1/7, and the probability of drawing one red paper clip is 2/5.What is the probability of drawing a second red paper clip, given that the first paper clip is red?1/65/142/32/35



The probability of two red paper clips without replacement means

The probability of drawing the first and the probability of drawing the second one. This is represented as

[tex]P(R_{1st}\cap R_{2nd})[/tex]

And this was given as



[tex]P(R_{1st}\cap R_{2nd})=\frac{1}{7}[/tex]

Probalilty of drawing one red paper clip is


Now the probability of drawing a second red paper clip, given that the first paper clip is red becomes

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(R_{1st}/R_{2nd})=\frac{P(R_{1st}\cap R_{2nd})}{P(R_{1st})} \\ \\ P(R_{1st}/R_{2nd})=\frac{\frac{1}{7}}{\frac{2}{5}} \\ \\ =\frac{5}{14} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The lengths of the diagonals of a rectangle are representedby 2x + 3 and 4x - 11. Find the value of x.


The problem says that there are formulas for the diagonals of a rectangle. they are both givan in terms of x

Now, recall that the diagonals of a rectangle should be equal to each other, therefore those two expressions must equal ech other

2 x + 3 = 4 x - 11

Now let's solve for x:

move all terms with "x" to one side of the equation, and all "numerical" terms to the other side:

start by subtracting 2x from both sides:

3 = 4 x - 2 x - 11

3 = 2 x - 11

Now add 11 to both sides:

11 + 3 = 2 x

14 = 2 x

then x is 7

+10B-10-8-644810Bc8--10and aWe can show that ABC is congruent to AA'BC by a translation ofunits)across the-axis.



ABC is congruent to A'B'C' by a translation of 2 units and a reflection across the x-axis


We want to identify the transformations that were carried out on ABC to obtain A'B'C'.

First, we notice that A'B'C' is not aligned with ABC because the vertex of B' is 2 units behind the vertex of B.

So, we can say that there was a translation of 2 units to the left or -2 units..

Also, we notice that the vertices of ABC were flipped over the x-axis to obtain A'B'C'.

Therefore, we can conclude that there was a reflection across the x axis.

Hence, ABC is congruent to A'B'C' by a translation of 2 units and a reflection across the x-axis.

Draw the image of the figure under thegiven transformation.6.reflection across the x-axis7. (X,y) - (x - 4, y + 1)8. reflection across the y-axis



While transformation with the reflection across the x-axis, the absicssa (x-coordinate) remains the same but ordinate (y-coordinate) changes its sign.

The coordinate of point A is (3,0), coordinate of point B is (1,4) and the coordinate of point C is (5,3).

After transformation the, coordinate with the image can be shown as,

Thus, the coordinates of the image after transformation is A'(3,0), B'(1,-4) and C'(5,-3).

Given that: 100 = 2^2 * 5^2, how is 400 written as a product of its prime factors?



400 written as a product of it's prime factors is 2^4 * 5²

Step-by-step explanation:

We have to factore the number, dividing by prime factors(2, 3, 5, 7, ...)




We already have the factorization of 100. So

400 = 2²*100 = 2²*2²*5² = 2^4 * 5²

400 written as a product of it's prime factors is 2^4 * 5²

The appropriate answer is

in a survey of 1300 people who owned a certain type of car 585 said they would buy the type of car again what percent of people surveyed were satisfied with the car


In order to find the percentage of people that were satisfied with the car, we just need to divide this amount of people by the total amount of people surveyed.

So we have:


So 45% of the surveyed people were satisfied with the car.

Write the equation in slope-intercept form through the point (2, -1) and is perpendicular to the line y = -5x + 1 and graph.


First, we are going to calculate the perpendicular slope. The condition for perpendicular lines is the following:


First, m1 = -5

[tex]m2=\frac{-1}{m1}=\frac{-1}{-5}\rightarrow m2=\frac{1}{5}[/tex]

Now, for b


For the point (2,-1)


If AABC = ADEC,ZB = 44º and ZE = 4xx= [?]



Given that Triangle, ABC is congruent to Triangle DEC

=> ∠A = ∠D; ∠B = ∠E; ∠C = ∠C

Given that ∠B = 44, ∠E = 4x

=> 44 = 4x

=>x = 44/4 = 11

Hence, x = 11

The product of two whole numbers is 592 and their sum is 53. What are the two numbers?


To solve this problem, we have to build two equations with the given information. Using x and y to represent the two numbers:

• Equation 1

[tex]x\times y=592[/tex]

• Equation 2


Now that we have to equations, we have to isolate one variable from one equation and replace it in the other.


Then, we will replace this value of x in Equation 1:

[tex](53-y)\cdot y=592[/tex]

Solving for y we get:


As we got this expression, we will have to use the General Quadratic Formula. With the help of a calculator, we get both values:


Finally, we have to replace these values in Equation 1 to evaluate which meets the condition:


We have to evaluate the values in each equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 37+16=53 \\ 53=53 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]37\cdot16=592[/tex]

The first numbers meet the condition.

Answer: 37 and 16

A. Step 1B. Step 2C. Priya did not make a mistake


We will have the following:

[tex]\frac{f}{0.25}=16\Rightarrow f=16\cdot0.25[/tex][tex]\Rightarrow f=4[/tex]

From this we can see that there was no mistaky on Priya's side. [Option 3]

A phone company charges for service according to the formula: C(n) = 19 + 0.08n , where n is the number of minutes talked , and C(n) is the monthly charge, in dollars .The rate of change in this equation is:The initial value in this equation is:


In a linear equation, the coefficient of the variable is the rate of change and the constant term is the initial value.

For example, a linear function with rate of change m and initial value b is:


In the given formula, the variable is n, its coefficient is 0.08 and the constant term is 19.

Since n is measured in minutes and C is measured in dollars (as well as the initial value), then, the coefficient 0.08 must have the units necessary for the minutes to cancel out, leaving dollars as the unit of 0.08n. Then, the units of the rate of change must be dollars per minute.

Since the constant term is 19, then the initial value is 19.

Therefore, the answers are:

The rate of change in the equation is 0.08 dollars per minute.

The initial value in the equation is 19 dollars.

Hi, can you help me answer this question please, thank you!


Given that

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mu_1=sample\text{ of soda in the coke can} \\ \mu_2=sample\text{ of soda in the pepsi can} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, in the first statement, we are to test how accurate the companies package these cans.

Mathematically it can be expressed as,


In the second statement, we wish to test the claim that the mean of the amount of liquid in coke cans is greater than the amount of liquid in pepsi cans. This can be expressed mathematically as,


Hence, the correct option is Option 1.

l A golf ball is hit in the air. The table shown describes y, the height of the ball, in feet, given the time elapsed, x, in seconds, since the time the ball was hit.Based on the information in the table, which statements are true? Select each correct statement.



y is the height of the ball in feet

x is the time in seconds

In the given table you can identify the next maximum:



The ball has height 0 when it is in the earth so it is hit at second 0 and will be back in the earth at second 6

Then, from the given statements the next are true:

The maximum height of the ball was 30 feetThe ball was in the air for only 6 seconds

Triangle A'B'C' is apparently - у А A' B C С B' O A clockwise 90 degree rotation of Triangle ABC O A reflection across the y-axis of Triangle ABC O A translation of Triangle ABC right 7 units O A clockwise 270 degree rotation of Triangle ABC


Since all coordinates of the transformated triangle are changed like this:


Triangle A'B'C' is a clockwise 270 degree rotation of triangle ABC

A counterclockwise rotation of 90º is the same that a clockwise rotation of 270º

Justin earned $600 last week fixing computers.Is it possible to determine how many hours Justin worked?explain


Since Justin earned $600 last week

If we want to find the number of hours that he worked, we must have how much he earned per hour

But we do not have how much did he earn per hour, so

It is impossible to find how many hours did he work from the given information

The answer is

No, it is impossible to find that

sec40+ sec20 tan2 0 - 2 tan4 0 =3 sec² 0 -2Sect0-210



[tex]sec^4\theta+sec^2\theta tan^2\theta-2tan^4\theta=3sec^2\theta-2[/tex]


We need to prove the given equation.


Consider the left-hand side of the equation.

[tex]Add\text{ and subtract }3tan^4\theta.[/tex]

[tex]sec^4\theta+sec^2\theta tan^2\theta-2tan^4\theta=sec^4\theta+sec^2\theta tan^2\theta-2tan^4\theta+3tan^4\theta-3tan^4\theta[/tex][tex]=sec^4\theta+sec^2\theta tan^2\theta+tan^4\theta-3tan^4\theta[/tex]

[tex]Add\text{ and subtract -2}sec^2\theta tan^2\theta.[/tex]

[tex]=sec^4\theta+sec^2\theta tan^2\theta+tan^4\theta-3tan^4\theta-2sec^2\theta tan^2\theta+2sec^2\theta tan^2\theta[/tex][tex]=sec^4\theta-2sec^2\theta tan^2\theta+tan^4\theta-3tan^4\theta+sec^2\theta tan^2\theta+2sec^2\theta tan^2\theta[/tex][tex]=sec^4\theta-2sec^2\theta tan^2\theta+tan^4\theta-3tan^4\theta+3sec^2\theta tan^2\theta[/tex][tex]Use\text{ }sec^4\theta-2sec^2\theta tan^2\theta+tan^4\theta=(sec^2\theta-tan^2\theta)^2[/tex][tex]=(sec^2\theta-tan^2\theta)^2-3tan^4\theta+3sec^2\theta tan^2\theta[/tex][tex]=(sec^2\theta-tan^2\theta)^2+3tan^2\theta(sec^2\theta-tan^2\theta)[/tex][tex]Use\text{ }sec^2\theta-tan^2\theta=1.[/tex][tex]=1^2+3tan^2\theta(1)[/tex][tex]=1+3tan^2\theta[/tex][tex]Use\text{ }tan^2\theta=sec^2\theta-1.[/tex][tex]=1+3(sec^2\theta-1)[/tex][tex]=1+3sec^2\theta-3[/tex][tex]=3sec^2\theta-2[/tex]

We get the right-hand side of the equation.

Final answer:

[tex]sec^4\theta+sec^2\theta tan^2\theta-2tan^4\theta=3sec^2\theta-2[/tex]

Write the equation of the line that is perpendicular to the line given and through the given point. Do not use spaces in your equation. y=-2X+1 (0,5) *



y = 0.5x + 5


The equation of a line can be calculated as:


Where m is the slope and (x1, y1) is a point in the line.

To find the slope of our line, we need to identify the slope of the given line.

Since the equation of the given line is y = -2x + 1, the slope of this line is -2, because it is the number beside the x.

Then, two lines are perpendicular if the product of their slopes is equal to -1. So, we can write the following equation:

[tex]-2\cdot m=-1[/tex]

Therefore, the slope m of our line will be:


Now, we can replace the value f m by 0.5 and the point (x1, y1) by (0, 5) and we get that the equation of the line is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=0.5(x-0)+5 \\ y=0.5(x)+5 \\ y=0.5x+5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is y = 0.5x + 5

A hot air balloon is flying above Groveburg. To the left side of the balloon, the balloonist measure the angle of depressionto the Groveburg soccer fields to be 20° 15'. To the right side of the balloon, the balloonist measures the angle ofdepression to the high school football field to be 62° 30'. The distance between the two athletic complexes is 4 miles.What is the distance from the balloon to the football field?a.b.>3.6 miC.~6.2 mi>2.2midy1.4 miPlease select the best answer from the choices providedOAOBOCOD


The distance from the balloon to the football field will be 1.4 miles.

Angle of depression to the Grove burg soccer fields = 20° 15'.

Use 1' = 1 / 60° :

15' = 1 / 4 ° = 0.25 °

20° 15' = 20.25°

Angle of depression to the high school football field = 62° 30'.

30' = 0.5°

62° 30' = 62.5°

the distance from the balloon to the football field will be:

Let the distance be a

a / sin a = c / sin c

a / sin (20.25) = 4 / sin (97.5)
a = 4 sin (20.25) / sin (97.5)

a = 1.4 miles.

Therefore, we get that, the distance from the balloon to the football field will be 1.4 miles.

Learn more about distance here:


Consider functions f and g.1 + 12f(1) = 12 + 4. – 12for * # 2 and 7 -64.2 – 16. + 1641 +48for a # -12 Which expression is equal to f(x) · g(t)?OA.41 - 81 + 61OB.SIKIAOC.21 + 6I + 2D.6


Given the following functions below,

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=\frac{x+12}{x^2+4x-12}\text{ and} \\ g(x)=\frac{4x^2-16x+16}{4x+48} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Factorising the denominators of both functions,

Factorising the denominator of f(x),

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=\frac{x+12}{x^2+4x-12}=\frac{x+12}{x^2+6x-2x-12}=\frac{x+12}{x(x+6)-2(x+6)}=\frac{x+12}{(x-2)(x+6)} \\ f(x)=\frac{x+12}{(x-2)(x+6)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Factorising the denominator of g(x),

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(x)=\frac{4x^2-16x+16}{4x+48}=\frac{4(x^2-4x+4)}{4(x+12)} \\ \text{Cancel out 4 from both numerator and denominator} \\ g(x)=\frac{x^2-4x+4}{x+12}=\frac{x^2-2x-2x+4}{x+12}=\frac{x(x-2)-2(x-2)}{x+12}=\frac{(x-2)^2}{x+12} \\ g(x)=\frac{(x-2)^2}{x+12} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Multiplying both functions,


Write the expression and simplifyThe difference of -10 and the product of p and q


We start with a subtraction, where we want to subtract the second term from - 10. The second term consists in a multiplication between p and q. Writing this as a mathematical expression we have


This expression is already on simplest form.

Determine the probability of being dealt 4 Aecs of cards, from a deck of 52 playing cards, with a replacement.



4 Aces of cards from a deck of 5 playing cards.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Probability of drawing 4 Aces }=\frac{4}{52}\times\frac{4}{52}\times\frac{4}{52}\times\frac{4}{52}\times4! \\ \text{Probability of drawing 4 Aces }=\frac{1}{13}\times\frac{1}{13}\times\frac{1}{13}\times\frac{1}{13}\times24 \\ \text{Probability of drawing 4 Aces }=\frac{24}{28561} \end{gathered}[/tex]

a cellular phone company charges a base rate of $15.00 per month and $0.05 per minute,m, which equation could be used to find the total monthly charge in dollars,c?


Suppose you use "m" minutes in a month and each minute is $0.05, so your minute bill would be:

0.05 * m

Per month, there is a fixed rate of $15 , no matter how many minutes you use.

So, that's a fixed cost.

Total monthly charge would be:

15 + 0.05m

The cost, c, is:


Correct Answer Choice is Option B

Solve the system of equations.y = x2 - 2y = -2x + 1A. (-3,7) and (-1,3)B. (-3,7) and (1, -1)C. (1.-1) and (3,-5)D. (-1,3) and (3, -5)



Option B is correct.

the solutions to the system of equations include

(-3, 7) and (1, -1)

Step-by-step Explanation

The question is to solve the system of equations

y = x² - 2 ..... equation 1

y = -2x + 1 ..... equation 2

To solve this, we can just equate the expression given for y in equation 1 to the expression given for y in equation 2.

y = x² - 2

y = -2x + 1


y = y

x² - 2 = -2x + 1

x² + 2x - 2 - 1 = 0

x² + 2x - 3 = 0

This gives a quadratic equation which we will now solve

x² + 2x - 3 = 0

x² + 3x - x - 3 = 0

x (x + 3) - 1 (x + 3) = 0

(x - 1) (x + 3) = 0


x - 1 = 0 or x + 3 = 0

x = 1 or x = -3

If x = 1,

y = x² - 2

= 1² - 2

= 1 - 2

= -1

x = 1, y = -1

If x = -3

y = x² - 2

= (-3)² - 2

= 9 - 2

= 7

x = -3, y = 7

So, the solutions to the system of equations include

x = -3, y = 7, that is, (-3, 7)


x = 1, y = -1, that is, (1, -1)

Hope this Helps!!!

What is this expression in simplest form?
4x² + 5x + 1
Ο Α.
О в.
O C.
O D.
4x + 1
(x + 1)(x − 2)
(z = 2)
4x + 1
(x + 1)(x-2)



[tex] \frac{x + 2}{4 {x}^{2} + 5x + 1 } . \frac{4x + 1}{ {x}^{2} + 4} \\ \frac{x + 2}{4 {x}^{2} + (4 + 1)x + 1 } . \frac{4x + 1}{ {(x + 2)}^{2} } \\ \frac{1}{4 {x}^{2} + 4x + x + 1}. \frac{4x + 1}{x + 2} \\ \frac{1}{x(4x + 1) + 1(4x + 1)} . \frac{4x + 1}{x + 2} \\ \frac{1}{(4x + 1)(x + 1)} . \frac{4x + 1}{x + 2} \\ \frac{1}{(x + 1)}. \frac{1}{(x + 2)} \\ \frac{1}{(x + 1)(x + 2)} [/tex]

A. is the answer!!

The value of 0.36 when converted to a fraction in the simplest form is 9/25.

What is fraction?

A fraction represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in everyday English, a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are, for example, one-half, eight-fifths, three-quarters.

here, we have,

to calculate fractions in simplest form:

Your information is incomplete. Therefore, an overview will be given. It should be noted that a fraction is in its simplest form when the numerator and denominator are prime.

From example, let's convert 0.36 to a fraction on its simplest form. This will be:

0.36 = 36/100 = 9/25

In conclusion, 0.36 is 9/25 in the simplest form.

Learn more about fractions on:


How to do 2 step equations Can you solve 2x + 5=21?



The equation,


To find the value of x or to solve for x.


It is given that,

The equation is,


That implies,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+5=21 \\ 2x=21-5 \\ 2x=16 \\ x=\frac{16}{2} \\ x=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the value of x is 8.

katie has 5.455 apples and sadie has 10.31 how many apples do they have in all


Katie has 5.455

Sadie has 10.31

To find how many apples they have in all add the two numbers

They have = 5.455 + 10.31

They have = 5.455 + 10.310

0 + 5 = 5

1+ 5 = 6

3 + 4 = 7

10 + 5 = 15

They have = 15.765 apples in all

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What phrase gives the meaning of morphology?A: the study of word and phrase arrangement.B: the study of word meanings from another language.C: the study and classification of speech sounds.D: the study of parts of a word. Consider the equation and the following ordered pairs: (4, y) and (x, 1).y = 2x-5Step 2 of 2: Plot the resulting set of ordered pairs using your answers from Step 1.(the ordered pairs from the last problem are (4,3) (3,1)) Hello! I need some help with this homework question, please? The question is posted in the image below. Q21 Hello do you no how to do Solving Equations Puzzle Nicolas drinks 2/3 liters of water in the morning and three 1/2 liters of water at lunch . during basketball practice, he drinks another 2/5 liter of water. what is the total amount of water in liters, that Nicolas drinks. what does the "The probability of a correct inference:" means in this question and how can i solve it GraphON4andon the number line to show how each fraction relates to 1.Click each dot on the image to select an answer.+01Compare.our24.36Eng an architect wants to create a rectangular sun porch in a house. he wants it to have a total area of 92 square feet, and it should be 12 feet longer than it is wide. what dimensions should he use for the sun porch? round to the nearest hundredth of a foot Lewis Clark Sacajawea York Describe the contributions he/she made to the expedition.PLEASE HELP ME! 1/2=_/12Find the answer for the blank space For what of 0, in degree, is sin= con 58? 8. Erin bought 4 jars of jelly and 6 jars of peanut butter for $19.32. Adam bought 3 jars of jelly and 5 jarsof peanut butter for $15.67. Find the cost of a jar of peanut butter using substitution. 1. Jeremy is going to show off his skateboarding skills. He has a ramp that must beset up torise from the ground at a 30 angle. If the height from the ground to the platform is 8 feet,how far is the end of the ramp to the base of the platform? How long is the ramp up to thetop of the platform? you hiked 400 feet up a steep hill that has 25 angle of elevation as shown in the diagram.give each side of an angle measure rounded to the nearest whole number.a =b =m i really need help with this math question 21/8 and 7/8 in a mixed number i am not sure what I am doing wrong here Find the area of the figure. (Sides meet at right angles.)4 m5 m15 m5 m5 m4 m4 m Steven flew from Boston to Orlando with a stop in Atlanta to switch planes. His first flight leftBoston at 12:00 P.M. and was 3 hours and 45 minutes long. Steven was in Atlanta for 2 hours and 30 minutes, and his flight from Atlanta to Orlando was 1 hour and 30 minutes long. Whattime was it when Steven landed in Orlando? What must the final volume be for the pressure of the gas to be 1.56 atm at a temperature of 336 K?Express your answer in milliliters to three significant figures.