If you continue to increase the intensity of flight that a plant receives what happens?


Answer 1


One of the elements impacting photosynthesis's rate is light intensity. The amount of carbon dioxide present, the temperature, and to a lesser extent, water, are additional factors.

In photosynthesis, light intensity both directly and indirectly influences the light-dependent and light-independent reactions.

When the amount of light present is insufficient to allow the light-dependent process to proceed at its maximum rate, this is when light becomes a limiting factor.

Except for plants in the shaded understory of forests, light is not typically a limiting factor.

Due to the bleaching of chlorophyll, extremely strong light intensities could reduce the rate of photosynthesis.

However, exposed plants typically have defense mechanisms like thick, waxy cuticles and hairy leaves.

So it ultimately depends upon the type of plant and it's tendency to react to certain factors .

Learn more about this on,


Related Questions

Muscle fiber features called ___________ are repeating units within muscle fibers that act as the functional units of muscle contraction


Muscle fiber features called Sarcomere are repeating units within muscle fibers that act as the functional units of muscle contraction.

Because the actin and myosin filaments that drive their contraction are arranged into repeating arrays, or sarcomeres, that have a striated microscopic appearance, skeletal and cardiac muscles are known as striated muscles.

What is the purpose of muscle fiber?

Muscle fibers' main function is to regulate the forces that go through the body. The quadriceps and gluteus maximus shorten as the body changes from a seated to a standing position to help the body resist gravity. Similar activities may be used to create force to move a resistance.

Where can you find muscle fiber?

Except for the heart, smooth muscle fibers are spindle-shaped, involuntary, and located in the walls of hollow visceral organs (such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines). Skeletal muscle fibers can be found in muscles that are attached to bones.

To know more about Muscle fibers visit:



You work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant way to specifically control chromatin remodeling on a gene by gene basis. You work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant method for targeted control of chromatin remodeling on a gene-by-gene basis. You are specifically interested in modifying the transcription of oncogenes, which are genes whose overexpression can lead to cancer. Select modifications you would make in cancer cells that are over expressing oncogenes.
Increase acetylation of histones
Decrease acetylation of histones
Decrease phosphorylation of histones
Increase phosphorylation of histones Increase methylation of histones Decrease methylation of histones


An essential and dynamic central regulator of transcription is chromatin.

In response to dysregulated oncogenic signals, a vast number of genomic loci that are repressed in the physiologic state are activated by abnormal expression and/or activity of remodelers in malignant cells.

Therefore, altered gene activation and/or inappropriate gene silencing result from chromatin deregulation. Recent findings demonstrate that gene‐translocations leading to fusions of transcription factors increase oncogenesis by changing chromatin architecture.

A number of tumour suppressors, including retinoblastoma (pRb), p53, and Ini1/hSNF5, are also misregulated in some malignancies and use chromatin remodelling as part of their regular roles. Additionally, in cancer, the epigenetic landscape is constantly and dynamically regulated.

To know more about chromatin , click here:



What is the relationship between proteins amino acids and genes?


The main difference between proteins amino acids and genes is that genes help in the production of proteins.

Proteins are biomolecules (linear sequence) that contain a long chain of amino acids. Protein-encoding genes help in the formation of amino acids. Proteins are responsible for the functioning of nearly every cell in the human body.

Gene is a measure of inheritance whereas amino acids are molecules that form proteins. They help in the synthetization of proteins. Genes direct protein production through gene expressions like transcription and translation.

The journey from gene to protein is complex and tightly controlled within each cell. Amino acids are organic compounds and are building blocks of life.


To learn more about Protein, Amino-acids and Genes,





In their analysis of the ______________ genome, svante pääbo and colleagues found similarities in the remains recovered from southern siberia with living people from populations in ___________ and china.


Swedish geneticist Svante Pääbo For Mem RS is an expert in the study of evolutionary genetics.

He was one of the pioneers of paleogenetic and has put a lot of effort into understanding the Neanderthal DNA. He was appointed the first director of the Max Planck Institute's Department of Genetics in 1997.One of the pioneers of the field of paleogenetic, which uses genetics to investigate early humans and other extinct animals, is Pääbo.He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Zurich's Institute for Molecular Biology II from 1986 to 1987.Pääbo arrived in the United States in 1987 as an EMBO Postdoctoral Fellow and accepted a position as a postdoctoral researcher in biochemistry at the University of California, Berkeley. He joined Allan Wilson's group and worked on a variety of projects there.

To know more about geneticist



Considering that sounds and odors both trigger changes in the patterns of action potentials from sensory cells, how does the brain perceive which sense is which when the action potentials reach the brain? a. The action potentials stimulated by sounds are different in size and shape from those stimulated by an odor. b. The axons from different sensory neurons go to different areas of the brain. c. Mechanoreception is not consciously perceived by the brain, whereas chemoreception is. d. Chemoreception is not consciously perceived by the brain, whereas mechanoreception is.


Given that odors and sounds both cause changes in the patterns of action potentials from sensory cells, chemoreception—which is not consciously perceived by the brain—occurs when action potentials reach the brain. Mechanoreception, on the other hand, occurs when action potentials reach the brain. The right option is (d).

Traditionally, a shift in breathing caused by variations in CO2/H+ observed in the brain is referred to as central chemoreception. Since the last Handbook of Physiology was released in 1986, interest in central chemoreception has increased significantly. The ventral medullary surface was initially thought to be the site of central chemoreception, and this theory was supported by the recent discovery of potential chemoreceptor neurons with particular characteristics close to one of these sites.

However, there is strong evidence that many locations, some of which are distant from the ventral medulla, engage in central chemoreception. The sensing of brain interstitial fluid H+ by central chemoreception serves to detect and integrate data on 1) alveolar breathing (arterial PCO2), 2) brain blood flow and metabolism, and 3) brain blood pressure. 3) acid-base balance, which can then have an impact on arousal, blood pressure (sympathetic tone), respiration, airway resistance, and blood pressure.

Learn more about brain visit: brainly.com/question/19260219


what is the structure of prokayotic cells


Prokaryotic cell:

- Pilus
-cell wall
-plasma membrane
-nucleoid (DNA)

Prokaryotic cells don’t really have a nucleus , the DNA is not contained within a membrane or separated from the rest of the cell.

They lack organelles found in eukaryotic cells like mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and the golgi complexes.

Hope this helped! :)

The bending of a tip link protein leads to depolarization of the hair cell by allowing _____________ ions go diffuse across the membrane into the cell.


The bending of a tip link protein leads to depolarization of the hair cell by allowing Potassium ions go diffuse across the membrane into the cell.

Potassium has the chemical symbol K and the atomic number 19. Potassium is a silvery-white metal that may be sliced with a knife with little effort. In seconds, potassium metal interacts with ambient oxygen to generate flaky white potassium peroxide.

Potassium can be found naturally in many foods as well as as a supplement. Its primary function in the body is to assist maintain normal fluid levels within our cells. Its counterpart, sodium, maintains proper fluid levels outside of cells. Potassium also aids muscle contraction and maintains normal blood pressure.

To know more about Potassium visit



A cell has 50% solute and 50% solvent. The solution the cell is sitting in has 30% solvent, and 70% solute. What would happen to the cell, if the membrane only allowed diffusion to take place.


From the options ;The cell would crenate, the solvent would move into the solution ( A )

Hello your question is incomplete attached below is the complete question

since the cell has a 50% solute and 50% solvent while the solution where the cell is sitted contains a 30% solvent and a 70% solute. and the cell membrane allows for osmosis. this shows that the solute concentration in the solution is higher than solute concentration in the cell.

The solution is hypertonic ( has a higher solute percentage ) therefore the water ( solvent ) from the cell will move into the solution causing the cell to crenate.  

hence we can conclude that the cell would crenate and the solvent would move into the solution

if a cell increases the activity of its actin severing proteins, will it lead in the short term to more or less actin polymer mass?


If a cell increases the activity of its actin severing proteins, will it lead in the short term to more or less actin polymer mass. If the concentration of free actin monomers is above the Cc for both the plus and minus ends, then MORE polymers will result. If the concentration of free actin monomers is below the Cc for both the plus and minus ends, then LESS polymer will result.

Actin was first isolated from muscle cells, in which it constitutes approximately 20% of total cell protein, in 1942. Actin is now known to be a very abundant protein (usually 5 to 10% of total protein) in all types of eukaryotic cells, despite the fact that it was formerly believed to be specifically engaged in muscle contraction. While higher eukaryotes have multiple distinct kinds of actin that are encoded by various members of the actin gene family, yeasts only have one actin gene. For instance, mammals have at least six unique actin genes: Two are expressed in non-muscle cells, while four are expressed in various forms of muscle.In 1990, Kenneth Holmes, Wolfgang Kabsch, and their colleagues mapped the three-dimensional architectures of actin filaments and individual actin molecules. The globular proteins that make up individual actin molecules have 375 amino acids (43 kd). Actin monomers polymerize to form filaments because each actin monomer (globular [G] actin) includes tight binding sites that mediate head-to-tail contacts with two other actin monomers (filamentous [F] actin).

To know more about polymers, visit:

Check all that apply when there is an increase in aldosterone secretion in response to an increase in renin by the juxtaglomerular apparatus.
a. Potassium secretion increases.
b. Sodium reabsorption increases.
c. Sodium secretion increases
c. Potassium reabsorption increases.


Aldosterone secretion rises in response to a rise in renin by the juxtaglomerular apparatus an increase in sodium secretion.

What is juxtaglomerular?

The juxtaglomerular apparatus causes an increase in renin, which causes an increase in aldosterone secretion. Aldosterone is a hormone that affects the kidney's tubules to increase sodium and water absorption into the blood; this substance is directly linked to decreased urine production. The juxtaglomerular cells change prorenin to renin when the blood flow to the kidneys is decreased. Angiotensinogen is changed into angiotensin as a result. The frequency of action potentials that flow from the urinary bladder to the sacral region of the spinal cord increases when the urinary bladder is extended. By stimulating paracrinely, macula densa cells instruct granular cells.

To learn more about Angiotensinogen from given link



Which of the following facts supports the argument that it is unsafe to give antibiotics to mature poultry?
O many consumers avoid products from farms that use antibiotics.
O antibiotics can be passed on to humans through meat and eggs.
O most antibiotics reduce illness and increase performance.
O some commercial feeds contain antibiotics and supplements.



option C is right

mark as brainliest

what overall changes in the digestive system appear with age? decreased secretory mechanisms


Our digestive system moves food through our bodies through a series of muscle contractions. As we age, this process can slow down. When that happens, more water from the food is absorbed into the body, which can lead to constipation. Staying hydrated is very important to help prevent constipation.

Ageing can have drastic effects on the functions of the digestive system. One of these is reduced appetite due to changes in hormone production and an alteration in smell and taste. Physiological changes in pharyngeal skills and esophageal motility may lead to dysphagia and reflux.

To know more about digestive system click here:



a(n) viral infection involves the rapid replication of the virus, often at the site of infection, which leads to sudden symptom onset.


A(n) acute viral infection includes the virus replicating quickly, frequently at the site of infection, which causes the abrupt onset of symptoms.

Acute viral infections are marked by the fast or quick onset of infections , which can be promptly treated by the host's powerful innate immune responses or, alternatively, may result in the host's death. Acute illnesses are frequently brought on by viruses or infections, but they can also be brought on by injuries sustained in falls or car accidents, or by the abuse of narcotics or pharmaceuticals. The onset of acute infections is abrupt and severe.

learn more about infections here:



what is the name of the process through which polypeptides, polysaccharides, or triglycerides are catabolisez


It is known as hydrolysis when polypeptides, polysaccharides, or triglycerides are broken down.

Condensation and hydrolysis have the same meaning in biology as they have in chemistry. As far as my understanding goes, hydrolysis is typically and most frequently utilized to break down ester connections in lipids, glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides, and peptide bonds in polypeptide molecules. For the opposite result, condensation reactions take place. In any class of carbohydrates, polysaccharides are molecules that include chains of monosaccharide units. Among polysaccharides include starch, glycogen, and cellulose. Proteins are a kind of polypeptide, which is a molecule consisting of long chains of amino acids.

To know more about polypeptide please click on the link brainly.com/question/28495042


The cell membrane encloses the cell contents"
What are the major properties of the cell membrane?



Cell membranes are crucial to the life of the cell. The plasma membrane encloses the cell, defines its boundaries, and maintains the essential differences between the cytosol and the extracellular environment.

(1) Cell membranes are thin enclosures that form closed boundaries. (2) Cell membranes are made up of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. (3) Cell membranes consists of a phospholipid bilayer. (4) Cell membranes are held together by non-covalent interactions (5) Membranes are fluid-like structure

What is the relationship between base pairs?


Relationships between base pairs exist as urine adenine (A) always couples with pyrimidine thymine (T), and pyrimidine cytosine (C) always pairs with purine guanine, according to the laws of base pairing (or nucleotide pairing).

Adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) are the four nucleotides, or bases, that makeup DNA (T). These bases couple off in certain ways (A with T and G with C). Base pairs are chemically linked to one another within a DNA molecule by hydrogen bonds. The molecule's two strands are joined by these bonds. Complementary base pairing sometimes referred to as Watson-Crick base pairing, is the term used to describe the constant pairing of bases.

Learn to know more about Base pairs on



in the process of urine formation, less than 50% of important solutes and water are resorbed. question 23 options: true false


False. Reabsorption of water and specific solutes in urine formation occurs to different degrees.

Reabsorption includes the reabsorption of salt during perspiration, the reabsorption of mild medications, and the inhibition of serotonin reabsorption by nerve terminals.

Resorption is a carefully controlled process that is altered to maintain stable levels of blood volume, pressure, plasma osmolarity, and pH.

Reabsorbed liquids, ions, and molecules do not return to the bloodstream through the peri-tubular capillaries to be excreted in the urine.

The kidneys perform two important roles in preserving the acid-base balance: they regenerate and reabsorb bicarbonate from urine and release hydrogen ions and fixed acids (acid anions) into the urine.

The first step in producing urine is filtering. Fluid and minute solutes are compelled to flow from the glomerulus into the capsular space of the glomerular capsule under pressure.

To learn more about urine reabsorption please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29317143


cystic fibrosis in humans is caused by mutations in a single gene and is inherited as an autosomal (non-sex chromosome) recessive trait. a normal couple has two children. the first child has cystic fibrosis, and the second child is unaffected. what is the probability that the second child is a carrier (heterozygous) for the mutation that causes the disease?


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited illness. Therefore, CF is inherited. Only when both the mother's and the father's CF genes are inherited will a child be born with the condition. One CF gene is all that is necessary for someone to be healthy and a "carrier" of the condition. A carrier has a higher likelihood of giving birth to a CF-positive child. It is known as "autosomal recessive" inheritance. Males and females are equally affected by the condition because autosomal means the gene is on one of the first 22 pairs of chromosomes, which do not define gender. Recessive refers to the fact that the disorder requires two copies of the gene, one from each parent, to manifest.

A little blood sample or a "cheek swab," which is a brush brushed against the inside of your cheek to collect cells for testing, can be used to test for the CF gene. The majority of laboratories test for between 30 and 100 overall mutations, and they often only test for the most prevalent variants. The ethnic background of the individual affects the detection rate. The detection rate for the Caucasian population is typically 90 percent, the Ashkenazi population is 97 percent or higher, Hispanics are 57 percent, African-Americans are 75 percent, and Asians are 30 percent. Because CF is more prevalent in several geographic regions and populations around the world, the detection rate varies. The results of a second test called the confirm the diagnosis.

Numerous CF patients have mutations that are still unknown. In other words, not all genetic mistakes that lead to the illness have been found. A person can still be a CF carrier even if no mutations were discovered by carrier testing because not all mutations are detectable.

Anyone whose partner is a known CF carrier, has CF, or has a family member with the condition should consider getting tested for the CF gene.

To know more about Cystic fibrosis:-



35 Tortoises with long necks are the only tortoises living on an island. Fossil evidence showed that tortoises with short necks had once lived on the island.

Which of the following statements correctly describes how natural selection drove the evolution of the tortoises?


Over an extended period of time, the shorter vegetation became less available and tortoises with short necks had a disadvantage for survival.

So, the short-necked tortoises migrated and left the island for more food, which caused a shift in the traits of tortoises in the population statement correctly describes how natural selection drove the evolution of the tortoises.

What is natural selection?

The process through which populations of living things adapt and change is known as natural selection. A population's members are naturally varied, which means that they are all distinctive in some ways. This variety indicates that some people have characteristics that are more environment-appropriate than others.

To know more about natural selection, click here- brainly.com/question/14874301


Over an extended period of time, the shorter vegetation became less available and tortoises with short necks had a disadvantage for survival.

So, the short-necked tortoises migrated and left the island for more food, which caused a shift in the traits of tortoises in the population statement correctly describes how natural selection drove the evolution of the tortoises.

What is natural selection?

The process through which populations of living things adapt and change is known as natural selection. A population's members are naturally varied, which means that they are all distinctive in some ways. This variety indicates that some people have characteristics that are more environment-appropriate than others.

To know more about natural selection, click here- brainly.com/question/14874301


what is one virulence factor that differentiates staphylococcus aureus from other species of staphylococci? group of answer choices it can produce coagulase. it produces lipase. it has a capsule. it produces catalase. it can live on the surface of the skin and in cutaneous oil glands.


The difference between the staphylococcus aureus from other species of staphylococci is that it can produce coagulase.

Coagulase superb staphylococci are acknowledged human pathogens. Transmission of those organisms happens thru direct touch with colonized or inflamed men and women or thru oblique touch with infected objects. S. aureus is the maximum not unusualplace species on this group; extra species encompass S. lugdunensis and S.

The coagulase take a look at differentiates traces of Staphylococcus aureus from S. epidermidis and different coagulase-bad species. S. aureus traces are commonly able to coagulating EDTA-handled plasma withinside the tube take a look at and could produce clumps of cells withinside the slide testaureus is differentiated from different staphylococci via way of means of the coagulase take a look at.

Read more about staphylococcus:



define a question you could investigate that links a stressful scenario you identified in preparation task 4 to sexual reproduction in yeast. formulate a hypothesis that could be tested regarding your question. include your reasoning that led to this hypothesis.


In order to manufacture vast quantities of the gene's protein product, the human clotting factor gene could be extracted from the human genome and put into bacteria. The bacteria could then be cultivated in vats.

What sort of thing is a hypothesis example?

One independent and one dependent variable are all that a straightforward hypothesis says are related. Examples: You will feel exhausted the next day if you stay up late. Your phone charges more quickly while it is turned off.

How come it's termed a hypothesis?

The word "hypothesis" originally meant a synopsis of a classical drama's storyline. The Greek term hypothesis is where the English word hypothesis is derived from, and its literal or etymological meaning is "putting or setting under."

To know more about Hypothesis visit:



based on the data, in which crop did the percent of planted acres using conservation tillage increase the most during the study period?


Crop rotations are organised successions of crops grown on the same farm over time. Crop rotation increases production by boosting soil nitrogen levels and disrupting crop insect life cycles.

Crop rotation is an option for farmers who want to manage their limited resources, such as labour, during planting and harvesting or to lower production risk through diversification.

By crop and area, conservation practises can differ. The adoption of no-till and strip-till planting systems, cover crops, and nitrogen fertilizer application rates/timing/methods were also examined at the national and regional levels in the ERS publication, Conservation-Practice Adoption Rates Vary Widely by Crop and Region (EIB-147, December 2015). By crop and area, American farmers' use of these approaches varies greatly. Many farmers only implement these conservation methods on a portion of their land, or on a "partial" basis. In 2010–11, no-till/strip-till was used on about 40% of the combined acreage of maize, soybeans, wheat, and cotton, with adoption rates being greater for specific crops (like soybeans) and some geographical areas.

To learn more about Crop rotations, refer: https://brainly.com/question/17196202


consider a starch consisting of 25 glucose molecules. the complete hydrolysis of this polysaccharide would result in the production of a) 24 water molecules. b) 25 glucose molecules. c) 24 glucose molecules. d) a and b only e) a and c only


The correct answer is b) 25 glucose molecules. therefore the correct option is the option (b).

The energy-carrying molecule known as ATP provides the energy for active transport (adenosine triphosphate). Transport proteins embedded in the plasma membrane, such as carrier proteins, may also be needed for active transport. Pump and vesicle transport are two kinds of active transport. An oligosaccharide with ten glucose units needs nine water molecules to disintegrate it. Nine glycosidic connections total, one between each pair of neighboring carbohydrate subunits in the polymeric molecule, would be present in such an oligosaccharide. Since two glycosidic connections connect the three glucose moieties in a trisaccharide, two water molecules are required to break this bond and produce three glucose units.

To learn more about 25 glucose molecules click the link below:



Which of these environmental factors is most likely to disrupt a female's
reproductive cycle?
O A. Physical stress
OB. Regular exercise
OC. Regular sleep habits
OD. A balanced diet



Option (A)


High levels of physical or emotional stress or exposure to chemicals such as pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organic solvents and carbon disulfide, may disrupt the balance.

__________ is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.


Developmental regulating genes in a wide variety of species have been identified to include the highly conserved nucleotide sequence known as homeobox.

A family of genes known as homeobox genes controls morphogenesis and cell differentiation in multicellular animals. Since their discovery, instances of them have been found in all multicellular species, including fungi and vertebrate animals.

A highly conserved nucleotide sequence known as a homeobox (Hox) has been discovered in developmental regulating genes in a wide range of species. It consists of a 180-base pair DNA sequence that functions as a transcription factor, enabling it to regulate the expression of other genes. It is frequently linked to the regulation of segment identity in animals.

To learn more about homeobox, refer



pedigree diagram and punnette square


According to Punnett square, for colourblindness, TJ and DJ  are either both girls or both boys, or one girl and one son.

The chance of having a hemophilia carrier girl is 1/2.  

What is Punnett square?

Asquare diagram is made up of a grid of typically four boxes that are used to compute and show all the frequencies and combinations of the various genotypes and phenotypes among the progeny of a cross in accordance with Mendelian inheritance.

What is Hemophilia?

Hemophilia, a bleeding disorder where the blood does not clot properly, is typically inherited. This may result in both spontaneous bleeding and bleeding after injury or surgery. Blood contains a variety of clotting proteins that can aid in controlling bleeding. Low amounts of either factor VIII or factor IX are seen in hemophilic person.

Hence, according to Punnett square, for colourblindness, TJ and DJ  are either both girls or both boys, or one girl and one son.

The chance of having a haemophilia carrier girl is 1/2.

To know more about Hemophilia, check out:



Which of the following is the most precise description of the role of enzymes in catalyzing biochemical reactions? Enzymes provide a stable location for a reaction to occur, but do not participate directly in the reaction itself. Enzymes decrease the activation energy of a reaction by stabilizing the transition state. Enzymes increase the activation energy of the reactants, making a reaction more exergonic. Enzymes decrease the AG of the reactions, making them proceed rapidly.


Enzymes provide a stable location for a reaction to occur, but do not participate directly in the reaction itself.

Enzymes are proteins that aid in the acceleration of chemical reactions in our bodies. Enzymes are necessary for digestion, liver function, and many other things. Too much or too little of a particular enzyme can be harmful to one's health. Enzymes in our blood can also assist healthcare providers in the detection of injuries and diseases.

Enzymes catalyze a wide range of chemical reactions involved in growth, blood coagulation, healing, diseases, breathing, digestion, reproduction, and a variety of other biological activities.

Enzymes are protein catalysts that accelerate biochemical reactions by facilitating molecular rearrangements necessary for cell function.

Enzymes enable reactions to occur at the rate required for life. Enzymes play an important role in food digestion in animals. Digestive enzymes accelerate the breakdown of large molecules of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into smaller molecules that the body can use.

To learn more about role of enzymes, here



classify the following traits as specific to either cells or viruses, or shared by both.
a. contain genetic material capable of undergoing evolution by natural selection
b. contain genetic material protected by a protein coat c. can actively respond to environmental stimuli d. can contain organelles that are bound by membranes e. require a host to replicate f. can perform biological processes autonomously
1. Unique to cells 2. Unique to viruses


Unique to cells :contain genetic material capable of undergoing evolution by natural selection,can perform biological processes autonomously.Unique to viruses:contain genetic material protected by a protein coat,can contain organelles that are bound by membranes e. require a host to replicate.

What is unique to viruses?Unique to viruses means they differ from other living things because they can only survive and reproduce inside the cells of other living creatures. The host cell is the one in which they reproduce. A virus is composed of a core of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, that is encased in a protein-based capsid that serves as its protective covering.Because they start out as unspecialized cells and can later differentiate into specialized cells that can be employed to create certain organs or tissues, stem cells are remarkable in this way. To replace and repair tissue, stem cells can divide and reproduce several times.

To learn more about Unique to viruses refer to:



in humans, assume straight hairline is recessive to widow's peak. a woman with a straight hairline and a man with a widow's peak whose mother had a straight hairline have children together. what are the chances of the couple having a child with a straight hairline?


There is a 50% possibility that the couple will give birth to a child with a straight hairline. Assume that in humans, the widow's peak is recessive to the straight hairline. a male with a widow's peak and a lady with a straight hairline.

Straight hairlines, light hair, and light eyes are examples of recessive traits that are encoded by recessive alleles. Only when a person possesses two recessive alleles for these qualities and none of their dominant alleles do they manifest. The dominant phenotype hairlines will be produced by the genotypes WW and Ww, but the ww genotype will not create a widow's peak (the recessive phenotype). We may forecast hairline the potential genotypes and phenotypes in the parents' kids if we are aware of their genetics (first generation).

learn more about recessive here:



Describe the structure of the cell membrane and include at least these terms in your description: phospholipid bilayer, semi-permeable, protein, hydrophilic, hydrophobic


The cell membrane composed of major lipids like phospholipid and proteins in a bilayer . The lipids are arranged such that polar head towards outer side which is hydrophilic and non polar tails towards the inner side which is hydrophobic. Hence non polar end is protected from aqueous end and also phospholipid layer comprises of cholesterol. The peripheral protein lies on the surface of membrane and integral protein are totally or partially burried in the membrane.

The widely accepted model is fluid mosaic model. According to this quasi fluid nature of lipids enable lateral movement of proteins within overall bilayer. This ability to move within the membrane is measured as fluidity.

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