Why did Prohibition cause more crime?


Answer 1


People wanted alcohol and they were going to get it so they began to steal it. Many people also began illegally selling it


my mind

Related Questions

of the following sources, which would be least relevant for interpreting changes to government policies during the reconstruction era?


The least relevant sources for interpreting changes to government policies during the reconstruction era is the history of Vermont between 1865 and 1877.

The Reconstruction Era lasted how long?

It was a time in American history that took place between 1865 and 1877, immediately following the American Civil War, with the aim of reuniting the nation—that is, the union and the southern states—as well as securing some fundamental and important rights for African Americans.

Therefore, the purpose of the reconstruction era was to reintegrate the nation and changes some laws and standards of the goverment American Constitution to ensure that all citizens received the same opportunities and treatment in the nation while also guaranteeing rights to former slaves from the colonial era.

Therefore, this time frame coincides with the union's attempts to ensure citizenship rights and to reintegrate the nation.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

of the following sources, which would be least relevant for interpreting changes to government policies during the reconstruction era?

a. Homestead Act (1862)

b. Pacific Railway Act (1862)

c. Morrill Act (1862)

d. The history of Vermont between 1865 and 1877.

Find out more about Reconstruction Era on:



What motivated Tecumseh to begin resisting white settlement and urging
other Indigenous peoples to join the resistance?


Alarmed by the growing encroachment of white settlers occupying Native American lands, the Shawnee Chief Tecumseh calls on all Native peoples to unite and resist.

What is the Shawnee Chief Tecumseh?

Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief but also a warrior, encouraged opposition to the American government's colonization of Native American territory. Tecumseh was a charismatic speaker who traveled far while establishing a confederacy of Native Americans and encouraging intertribal harmony.

Tecumseh was a charismatic speaker who traveled far while establishing a confederacy of Native Americans and encouraging intertribal harmony. Even though his attempts to reconcile Native Americans were unsuccessful because he died in the War of 1812, he nonetheless rose to fame as a legendary folk hero throughout American, Indigenous, and especially Canadian popular history.

Learn more about the Shawnee Chief Tecumseh here:



Write an informational essay explaining how georgia steadily took control of land from the native americans.



Your welcome.


In the early 18th century, the state of Georgia was established as a British colony in North America. At the time, the land was inhabited by several Native American tribes, including the Creek, Cherokee, and Seminole peoples. Over the next few decades, Georgia steadily expanded its borders and took control of more and more land from the Native Americans.

The process began with treaties between the British and Native American tribes, in which the tribes agreed to cede parts of their land to the colonists in exchange for goods and other provisions. These treaties were often negotiated under duress, with the Native Americans feeling pressure to accept unfavorable terms in order to avoid conflict with the colonists.

As the colony grew, it continued to push westward, encroaching on the land of the Native American tribes. In some cases, the colonists simply ignored the treaties and moved onto land that was not officially ceded to them. In other cases, they used military force to remove Native American tribes from their land.

One example of this was the Creek War of 1813-1814, in which the Creek tribe, aided by the Cherokee and other tribes, fought against the Georgia militia. Despite their initial success, the Native American tribes were ultimately defeated and forced to cede even more land to the colonists.

The Georgia government also passed a series of laws that restricted the rights of Native Americans and made it difficult for them to retain their land. For example, a law passed in 1825 required Native Americans to obtain a license in order to hunt or fish on their own land. This effectively gave the government control over their access to natural resources.

Over time, Georgia's expansion continued and more and more Native American land was taken. By the mid-19th century, the vast majority of the land in the state was under the control of the colonists, and the Native American tribes were confined to small reservations.

This process of land annexation had a devastating impact on the Native American tribes of Georgia. It reduced their territory, limited their access to natural resources, and disrupted their traditional way of life. It also led to conflicts with other tribes and the loss of life on both sides.

Today, the Native American tribes of Georgia continue to fight for recognition and the preservation of their rights and culture. Although they have made some progress, they still face challenges as they struggle to reclaim their land and their place in society.

What is the primary message of this political cartoon? americans should buy war bonds to ensure that troops have what they need to win the war. Americans should become radio operators to help with the war effort. Americans should join the navy to help with the war effort. Americans should work in factories to help with the war effort.


The primary message of that political cartoon is "Americans should buy war bonds to ensure that troops have what they need to win this war".

What does Uncle Sam represent in political cartoons?Uncle Sam is a cartoon symbol for the United States, the U.S. government, or the American people.Propaganda examples include the Uncle Sam army recruitment posters from World War I and the Rosie the Riveter poster from World War II, both of which use symbols to represent strength and a sense of urgency as they encourage United States citizens to join the war effort.Uncle Sam is a cartoon that traces its history to the War of 1812, and has become a well-known representation of patriotism. “Uncle Sam” was a nickname given to Samuel Wilson, a New York-based meatpacker who supplied beef to the United States army during the war, according to history.com.

Learn more about Uncle Sam cartoon here: brainly.com/question/12859392


The correct answer is : A.  Americans should buy war bonds

Explanation: The answer is correct on Edge.  :)

Why did the Korean War end in armistice/ cease fire ?


Even though it put an end to hostilities, the armistice was not a binding agreement for world peace.

Did the Korean War end in a ceasefire?

A "total suspension of all hostilities in Korea by all military forces" was stipulated in the signed Armistice and was to be upheld by the leaders of both sides. However, the armistice does not represent an agreement between governments to repair ties; it is only a ceasefire between armed troops.

The Korean Armistice Agreement is special because, despite being a document signed by military leaders, the UN General Assembly formally approved it on August 28, 1953. The deal provided the essential military pause to allow for a final, diplomatic peace deal to be negotiated.

To know more about Korean War, visit:



why were large numbers of slaves forced to come to the new world


Answer: working on plantations/farms, mines, in homes, etc


There were many reasons why they were brought over. Once the Native Americans started to die, they needed workers for their farms, plantations, and mines. The simple solution was the African slaves. They were forced to work in different plantations, farms, mines, and other dangerous places. They also worked on construction, industrial, and in homes.

What kinds of governments rule the countries of Northern Eurasia?​


Answer:The governments in most Northern Eurasian countries allow consumers to make all economic decisions. Most Northern Eurasian countries have a mixture of market and command economies.*** The governments in most Northern Eurasian countries allow businesses to control energy-based industries.


Which Revolutionary War battle caused the French to openly join the
United States in the war against Great Britain?
the Battle of Bunker Hill
the Battle of Kings Mountain
the Battle of Saratoga
the Battle of Monmouth


It was bunker hill, you can infer especially since the other battles are places that weren’t around the area of where the revolution took place and these battles didn’t take place at this time

Why did Protestants vandalize Catholic Churches?



One issue that split Protestants and Catholics during the Reformation was disagreement over whether Christians attain salvation in heaven through faith in God alone, or through a combination of faith and good works.


An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or a guide to be considered in similar circumstances is known as____________​


Precedent is an earlier occurrence or action that is used as a model or a guide to be taken into account in situations that are similar.

What is the definition of a precedent?

A court decision that sets a precedent is one that will be followed in the future when dealing with cases or legal matters with identical or similar facts. In cases involving the same facts, courts are required to apply the law consistently under the principle of stare decisis, which integrates precedent.

The foundation of law is precedent, why?

The precedent doctrine, often known as stare decisis or "stand by the decision," is founded on the idea that cases with comparable facts should be decided identically. Any subsequent cases with the same circumstances must be judged using the same standard once a judge has applied a certain principle to one instance.

Learn more about precedent: https://brainly.com/question/14816803


following the collapse of the soviet union, the united states had unrivaled power and was the only superpower in the world. this kind of influence is called .


After The Second Great War, the two nations that arose as worldwide superpowers were the US and the Soviet Association. These two superpowers however had various standards, legislative issues, and economies, yet the same interests.

As the two of them were attempting to acquire an area and partners, they made parcels of contentions all over the planet, which various nations endured because they were utilized as a circuitous war zone of these two, similar to Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan.

Learn more about united states:



How was President Wilson's approach to economic reform similar to that of Theodore Roosevelt?


The New Freedom was a collection of remarks given by Wilson throughout his 1912 campaign for president. Significant improvements were promised in the speeches to increase everyone's access to the economy.

The reform revolution was out of control by 1901 and could not be contained within state lines. Additionally, there were other issues that seemed to require only the federal government's expertise to solve. If McKinley had completed his second term, he might have been able to ignore the growing tide of public opinion, but Theodore Roosevelt, who was 42 years old when McKinley was killed in September 1901, was a very different kind of president. In addition to having strong democratic sentiments, Roosevelt was the first president to have in-depth understanding of contemporary urban issues thanks to his tenures as governor of New York State and police commissioner of New York City.

learn more about Wilson here



Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. after losing the battle of trafalgar, napoleon planned an economic war against britain. he tried to stop the entry of british goods into europe. this policy was known as the _________. after russia left the continental system, napoleon ________.


After losing the battle of trafalgar, napoleon planned an economic war against britain. he tried to stop the entry of british goods into europe. this policy was known as the Continental System.

After the battle of Trafalgar destroyed the

French and Spanish fleets,and thus any

chance Napoleon had of physically invading

Britain,he decided that if Britain were

crippled economically it could be brought to

terms imposed by France. So,all territories

controlled by or allied to napoleon were

forbidden from trading with Britain in any

way,shape,or form under the Berlin Decree

of 1806 and the Milan Decree of 1807.

It failed - it was the economies of continental

Europe that were crippled rather than

that of Britain,and Russia dropped out of

the continental system in 1811;Napoleon's

disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812 was

carried out because napoleon wanted to

force Russia back in to the Continental.

To know more about The battle of Trafalgar visit:



The film reel injun demonstrates that most hollywood films (particularly before the 1980s) portrayed all native americans as wearing buckskin and riding horses. This is problematic, partly because it portrays all native americans as.


Option (D) savage is correct. The film reel injun demonstrates that most hollywood films (particularly before the 1980s) portrayed all native americans as wearing buckskin and riding horses. This is problematic, partly because it portrays all native americans as savage.

The film Reel Injun demonstrates that most Hollywood films (particularly before the 1980s) portrayed all Native Americans as wearing buckskin and riding horses. This is problematic, partly because it portrays all Native Americans as savage. Most early Hollywood movies have always portrayed the native American people as savages.

Reel Injun is a 2009 Canadian documentary film directed by Cree filmmaker Neil Diamond, Catherine Bainbridge, and Jeremiah Hayes that explores the portrayal of Native Americans in film. Reel Injun is illustrated with excerpts from classic and contemporary portrayals of Native people in Hollywood movies and interviews with filmmakers, actors and film historians, while director Diamond travels across the United States to visit iconic locations in motion picture as well as American Indian history.

To know more about Reel Injun visit:



Complete question: The film Reel Injun demonstrates that MOST Hollywood films (particularly before the 1980s) portrayed all Native Americans as wearing buckskin and riding horses. This is problematic, partly because it portrays all Native Americans as

A. spiritual

B. Ojibwe Indians

C. Plains Indians

D. savage

How did the United States benefit politically from imperializing Hawaii .



it provided a strategic location for a U.S. military base and would help to establish the U.S. as a world superpower

What is the most likely reason roosevelt lists the attacks on hong kong, guam, the philippines, wake island, and midway island?.


Answer: The most likely reason Roosevelt lists the attacks on Hong  Kong, Guam, the Philippines, Wake Island, and Midway Island was to:A. to support the claim that Japan has launched a Pacific offensiveAccording to the given question, we are asked to state the most likely reason Roosevelt lists the attacks on Hong  Kong, Guam, the Philippines, Wake Island, and Midway Island.As a result of this, we can see that this was during war tensions between the United States of America and  Imperial Japan which served as a reprisal attack for the Pacific offensive which Roosevelt had claimed the Japanese had launched against America.Therefore, the correct answer is option ARead more about Roosevelt here:brainly.com/question/8210631


The most likely reason Roosevelt lists the attacks on Hong  Kong, Guam, the Philippines, Wake Island, and Midway Island was to:

A. to support the claim that Japan has launched a Pacific offensive


HELP!!!!! In the lesson, you read about the global changes taking place during the late 1800s and early 1900s. You also learned about how the Spanish-American War and the construction of the Panama Canal helped make the United States a world power. Both events played pivotal roles in how the U.S. developed and grew after that point in history.

Imagine you are a historian reflecting on this period in history. You've been asked to create a product that describes the Spanish American War or the building of the Panama Canal to today's population. For this assessment, you will writ a newspaper article about the causes, motivations, and effects of the Spanish-American War or the building of the Panama Canal.


The Spanish-American War and the development of the Panama Canal took place in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The Spanish-American War arose from humanitarian concerns over Cuba. Another factor was American business interests in Cuba, as well as their desire to expel Spain from the Western World.

What is Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal is a man-made waterway that spans the Isthmus of Panama and connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The Panama Canal is an 82-kilometer-long man made waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and separates North and South America.

The impetus for war was America's backing for the battle of Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish control, as well as the explosions of the battleship Maine in Harbor. The war's consequences were imperialism, the loss of many lives, and the loss of manpower. This war was known to have divided public opinion in favor of or opposed to empire.

As a result, the Spanish-American War arose from humanitarian concerns over Cuba.

Learn more about on the Panama Canal, here:



How many calories does 2 hours of cycling burn?


Cycling burned calories can be burn between 400 to 1000 calories. The average person will burn between 450 to 750 calories per hour cycling. The number of calories depends on your weight, speed and time spent biking.

Cycling for 120 minutes or 2 hours can burn between 1100 to 1300 calories, it is totally depending on us .Every thing about burning calories is pretty much about time and intensity. Cycling burns over 50% more calories than walking, minute for minute.

For an average woman just a 30 minute moderate cycling session will burn 202 calories, an average man will burn 225 calories.So cycling really helps you burn a substantial amount of calories without having to spend hours in the gym .

Cycling burns significant calories for the time spent 50% more than walking, so it's easy to see how you regular cycling can help you to achieve your weight loss goals.

Learn more about cycling calories click the link here:



Place the following events in the life of Osama bin Laden into chronological order.
fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan
declares "war" on the United States
terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa
terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 2001


Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists assault American embassies throughout Africa.

Is it always best to start with the most recent?

The same is true for dates when arranging items in chronological order; they are listed from the most current and newest to the oldest. Consider it like descending (or walking down) a flight of steps; when you do so, you begin from a high point and arrive at a low one.

the utilization of chronological order?

The reader can better follow the action of a tale by writing in chronological sequence. For instance, if a character in a tale wishes to study for just an exam, she would first attend class before studying and then taking the test.

To know more about chronological visit:



What are the characteristics of Blues jazz


Jazz and blues are both characterized by the use of “blue” notes, swung notes, and syncopated rhythms. When blues musicians begin heavily improvising, the line between blues and jazz begins to diminish. In fact, mastery of blues style playing is considered part of learning to play jazz.

Why are incumbents hard to defeat in elections?


More widespread name recognition Having previously fought for office and held public office, incumbents are frequently more well-known than challengers.

Why are incumbents hard to defeat in elections?

It is more probable that an incumbent will seek reelection than not for a number of reasons, including: Media sources often report on the actions of elected congressional representatives, arguing that they are instead reporting the institution of Congress as a whole rather than the individuals. It's difficult for non-incumbent opponents to gain media attention for their campaigns.

Political action committees (PACs) are those who are interested in supporting candidates who will be able to assist them after the election. Due to donors' awareness of incumbent politicians' high chance of reelection, incumbents sometimes get up to 80% of all contributions during a given congressional election year.

To know more about Elections, visit:



1. The USA Patriot Act:
A. gave federal officials more authority to track and intercept
B. gave federal officials more authority to gather foreign intelligence
C. gave federal officials more authority to enforce laws
D. all of the above


Answer: B. gave federal officials more authority to gather foreign intelligence

Explanation: sorry if I'm wrong

Why are the activities of mediterranean europe limited to agricultural products such as wine? question 14 options:
a. the region will not break with tradition
b. the region has been deforested and there are very limited mineral resources c. the region can make large profits on agricultural products
d. the region has been designated an important agricultural center by the european union


The activities of Mediterranean Europe limited to agricultural products such as wine because of the region has been deforested and there are very limited mineral resources.

What agriculture is in the Mediterranean?

Plants suitable for the Mediterranean climate are permanent crops such as olives, grapes, oranges and nuts, most of which are found in areas with a Mediterranean climate. Apart from these crops, legumes, fresh vegetables and wheat are abundant, often supplemented by large livestock, mainly sheep and goats.

Prolonged periods of dry and hot weather tend to make cropping systems in these particular climates specialize in specific products of very high nutritional, commercial, social and environmental value. Due to its historical relevance, this type of produce has captured a large share of the global food market, including organic produce.

Learn more about Mediterranean Europe agriculture https://brainly.com/question/1852032


The map shows North America.

A map titled North America. A key shows land features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains and Forests.

What is the purpose of this map?

to show the physical features of the continent
to show the location of the resources on the continent
to show boundaries between the countries on the continent
to show how civilizations spread throughout the continent


A map titled North America. A key shows land features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, and Forests. the purpose of this map is To show the physical features of the continent. Option A

What is a map?

Generally, A map is a representation in symbolic form that highlights the connections between various aspects of a particular location, such as items, regions, or themes. While the majority of maps are immobile and are affixed to paper or some other kind of long-lasting material, some are dynamic or interactive.

A depiction in the form of a diagram of the surface of the globe or a portion of it that shows the geographical distributions, locations, and so on of natural or manmade features such as highways, towns, relief, rainfall, and so on.

An image of a map with the title North America. The following types of topographic characteristics are shown on the key: mountains, plateaus, plains, and forests. This map's objective is to illustrate the geographical characteristics of the content being shown. Alternative B

Read more about map



Answer: a



What most upset american indians about british settlers in the ohio river valley?


Native Americans angered most about British settlers in the Ohio River Valley because the British cleared the land to make farms.

What was important in the Ohio River Valley?

The Ohio River area can be loosely defined by a line from Pond Creek in Salt River to Kosmosdale, Valley Station, the western edge of Louisville, downtown, south of River Road, and the northern edge of the county.

In the 1800s, the Ohio River became an important trade route for residents of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. Farmers and manufacturers shipped their crops and finished goods down the Mississippi River by flatboat or barge, eventually to New Orleans.

What states make up the Ohio River Valley?

The Ohio River passes through or borders six of states: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia.

To learn more about Ohio River Valley visit:



How were the Latin American policies of President Wilson similar?


The key factor in the United States' decision to build a canal through Panama rather than Nicaragua was the lower cost of the land and building rights.

Wilson, like Roosevelt before him, saw himself as the individual voice of the people. No one but the President "seems to be expected" to protect the nation's overall interests, he claimed. In order to create a new global order, he created a program of progressive change and claimed international leadership. He declared the American entry into World War I to be a fight to "make the world safe for democracy" in 1917.

Wilson had witnessed the terrifying nature of war. He was born in Virginia in 1856, the son of a Presbyterian preacher who served as a pastor in Augusta, Georgia, during the Civil War and as a professor in Columbia, South Carolina, during Reconstruction.

learn more about United States here



which caliphate was responsible for expanding into spain, northern africa, and western india?


Abbasid caliphate was responsible for expanding into Spain, Northern Africa, and Western India.

What were the hallmarks of the Abbasid Caliphate?

Baghdad was founded by the Abbasid caliphs in 762 CE. It developed into a hub of learning and what is referred to as the Golden Age of Islam. These causes contributed to the decline of the Abbasid Empire: Power issues and a disjointed succession plan. Invasions and interior conflicts involving farmers and the military.

Did the Mongols destroy the Caliphate of the Abbasids?

The Mongol assault of the Abbasid Caliphate culminated in the devastating fall of Baghdad, which effectively put an end to the Islamic Golden Age. The Islamic Golden Age, which had Baghdad as its heart and lasted from the eighth until the middle of the thirteenth century, was one of the greatest periods of human prosperity in knowledge and development.

To know more about Mongol, visit:



page 1046 26.2. how did vietnam and the watergate scandal affect popular trust in the government? what did the senate church committee reveal that further widened the credibility gap between the government and the american people?


According to question, Watergate scandal It diminished the president's executive prerogative.

Between 1972 to 1974, President Richard Nixon's administration was embroiled in the massive political scandal known as "Watergate," which forced Nixon to resign. The Nixon administration's relentless attempts to cover up its involvement in the June 17, 1972, break-in at the DNC headquarters in the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C., contributed to the controversy.

The Justice Department and the press established a link between the cash discovered on the five suspects at the time of their detention and the Committee for the Re-Election of the President. The results of additional investigations and information presented during the thieves' subsequent trials prompted the House of Representatives to approve the U.S. Additional investigative power granted to the House Judiciary Committee .

To know more about Watergate scandal visit :



How many calories do you burn in a 60 minute swim?


Four hundred calories burn roughly in an 60 minute swim. It is depends on the individual person that is speed of the person also depend to calories burn in swimming.

The rate at which your body burns calories for energy is known as your metabolism. When you exercise, your metabolism increases. It is depend on how much effect  and how long it depends on a variety of factors including your gender, body composition, and the excercises we're doing.

Holland says that the number of calories you burn when you swim depends on factors that include duration ,intensity ,swim stroke ,weight ,swim efficiency.

The fastest swim strok the freestyle stroke has the potential to burn the most calories. Calorie burning depends on speed ,distance, duration, and frequency.

Learn more about Swimming calories click the link here:



• Warfare between alliances led by
Athens and Sparta
Lasted nearly thirty years
Ended the Golden Age of Pericles

40) What event is described in the table above?
Ionian Crusade
Minoan Campaign
C. Peloponnesian War
D. Trojan War


"Warfare between alliances led by Athens and Sparta, lasted for nearly thirty years, Ended the Golden Age of Pericles". Peloponnesian War is described in the above statement

What was the Peloponnesian War?

It took 10 years to complete the first Peloponnesian War. The Athenians controlled the sea during this time, while the Spartans controlled the land. The distance between the city and Pericles, Athens' harbour, was enclosed by extensive walls. They could still trade and acquire supplies from their ships while remaining inside the city thanks to this.

When Athens was at war with the Spartans, the city's defences were never breached, but the disease caused many residents to perish. Pericles, an outstanding Athens general and leader, was among them. Battle-wise, the fleet of Athens was vanquished by the Spartan general Lysander. The city of Athens' populace started Peloponnesian War when the fleet was routed. To confront the Spartans on land, they lacked the necessary army.

To learn more about Peloponnesian War from the given link



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