in the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, which is most clearly a reason macbeth fears banquo?


Answer 1

The clearest reason Macbeth fears Banquo is the words of the witches to Banquo about his descendants who will inherit the throne.

Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's plays. It tells a story about Macbeth.

Macbeth is the Scottish General to King Duncan. He changed after being whispered by three witches telling him he will become King of Scotland. He killed Duncan to quickly get to the throne. Macbeth tells everyone that it was his servant who killed him. However, Macbeth worries that Banquo suspects him of killing Duncan.

Macbeth's confusion and fear increase when he hears the three witches' prediction of Banquo. The witches tell that Banquo's descendants will occupy the throne. Macbeth fears that Banquo and his children will fight him to put his own children in the line of inheritance. This is the strongest reason why Macbeth killed Banquo and his family. However, the plan to kill Banquo's child failed. And in the end, just as the three witches had predicted, Banquo's children inherited the throne.

More about Shakespeare here:


Related Questions

What impact does BTS have on the world?


BTS has had a significant impact on the world with its heartfelt messages of comfort and hope for youth and those fighting Asian hate crimes.

What effect does BTS have on the economy?

According to Vanek Smith, BTS's total contribution to the South Korean economy is estimated to be USD 5 billion per year, or "roughly half of the country's entire economy."

Why is BTS a positive influence?

They have contributed to UNICEF's Program to End Violence and their Education for the Poor. In addition, they helped raise funds for the Singapore Food Bank and for the Gangwon wildfire in South Korea.

What did BTS do to achieve success?

Because of their authenticity, chemistry, and teamwork, BTS has become the world's most successful music group. The personalities and roles of the group members are distinct, eclectic, and compatible. Their friendships are founded on shared values and mutual trust. Members of BTS write their own songs and lyrics.

learn more about BTS visit:


which is the best summary for passage 2


The best summary is -  Morley argues against Emerson's lifeless analysis of friendship. He contrast it with the idea the friendship is an emotionally dynamic connection that grows over time.

Who was Christopher Darlington Morley?

American journalist, author, essayist, poet, and journalist Christopher Darlington Morley. In his article "On Making Friends," Morley describes friendship from his point of view before drawing comparisons to the views of others, including Ralph Waldo Emerson and Polonius from Shakespeare.

Emerson's writings are described as "intellectualized, bloodless, and oblivious of the minor quirks of human connection that make friendship so delightful" in section 2 by the author. This makes it obvious that Morley disagreed with Emerson's icy and bordering on cynical view of friendship. He challenges Emerson's lifeless interpretation of friendship. Author of more than 100 novels, essays, and poetry collections, Morley is perhaps best remembered today for his first two novels, The Haunted Bookshop (1919) and Parnassus on Wheels (1917), both of which are still in print.

To know more about Morley writing, visit:


What was chapter 9 about in Animal Farm?


The animals start building a new windmill after declaring their alleged triumph against Frederick.

Boxer, despite having a damaged hoof, continues to lead their efforts and insists on working more to start the windmill before he quits. While constructing a windmill, the workhorse Boxer sustains an injury. He keeps working so hard that his health deteriorates quickly. The governing pigs send Boxer to a butcher to pay for a crate of whisky while lying that he is dying in a hospital.However, despite being obese and intoxicated, the pigs appear to be doing perfectly fine. Boxer loses his balance after exerting himself too much; it appears that he is ready to resign. He is taken to the "hospital" by the pigs, who actually mean the glue factory when they say hospital.

Thus this is about chapter 9 in Animal Farm.

Refer here for more information about Animal Farm:


What is a synonym for a kind person?


A synonym for a kind person will be kindhearted.

A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. It came from the Greek language. Almost all words have synonyms.

The synonym for a kind person will be kindhearted (sometimes warm-hearted, good-natured ). A Kindhearted is a person with a kind and sympathetic nature. A person who likes others and thinks about ways to help them rather than only thinking about themselves.

A Kindhearted person is usually considerate and empathetic. They are more people-oriented.

To learn more about Synonym,


what theme do these details develop??

a. there are many kings and queens featured in epic poems
b. being a good person is more important than being well-known
c. true heroes do whatever they must to gain fame
d. the queen speaks to her audience about fame and virtue



The answer would be B,  being a good person is more important than being well-known

bicyclists may ride in the left lane if they are on a one-way street with two or more lanes. True/False ?


Answer: True

Explanation:  Bicyclists must always ride as close as possible to a one-way street, though

what does fire represent int the lord of the flies



Fire represents rescue and hope to the survivors.


i hope i helped please mark as brainliest

What do the events in the story reveal about the
priorities of Riv and Satch?



joe C criticizes Reggie's speech



joe C criticizes Reggie's speech


What is Claudius's main concern in Act IV?


Claudius informs his assembled courtiers that he cannot imprison his nephew because Hamlet remains popular with the public.

What are Claudius's worries?

Claudius' problem is that he has two tasks that are incompatible: he wants to beg forgiveness for his crime, but he isn't truly sorry for it (he enjoys being King and marrying Gertrude, his brother's widow).

In Act 4, what is Claudius' plan?

Claudius' strategy is to stage a fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes, with Laertes' sword remaining 'accidentally' sharp. Laertes approves of this plan and adds that he'll poison the sword so that Hamlet dies even if he's only scratched.

What is Claudius' objective?

Claudius simply wants to maintain power by any means possible. Claudius' primary role in Hamlet is to sow confusion and rage, thereby influencing Hamlet's quest for truth and meaning in his life.

learn more about claudius' visit:


Which paragraph shares the same purpose as the answer to part A in Christmas carol first chapter



pls if asking this question send picture of book cover.

Complete the sentence. Our art class painted a large mural in the library. The variety of people, places, and colors in the painting celebrates the of the students and teachers in our school.​


Answer: On the far right, there was old Mr. Schumer, who was depicted in the mural as a sprightly young man with few wrinkles on his pallid cheeks. The cane he walked with because of his rheumatism was nowhere to be found. There was Mrs. Lou, who preferred us to call her Betty. She was wearing a beautiful plaid pinafore with a black long-sleeved shirt underneath. Shiny, square spectacles graced her freckly, heart-shaped face. And finally, Fred Chambers, the little 6th grader who won the State Championship Spelling Bee for us. In the mural, he is in a tiny corner with a pencil. Spelling out the big words on the wall that graced us all:



It's not the best, but I tried.




hope this helps

terrance is going on the road to show how the world's climate has been changing. he is going to show how the polar ice caps have receded over time. he will be speaking in auditoriums around the country, and in each case the audience will likely have at least 150 people. his presentation was created in prezi and contains no more than seven lines of text, each with no more than seven words. he was sure to plan for a medium for his visual aids that could be seen by his audience. what medium did terrance most likely select?


The medium that Terrance will most likely select is a projector.

A projector is an out-put device that takes images gene-rated by a computer or Blu-ray player and re-produce them by projection onto a screen, wall, or an-other surface. In most cases, the sur-face projected onto is large, flat, and light-ly colored.

For exam-ple, you could use a project-or to show a present-ation on a large screen so that every-one in the room can see it. Projectors can pro-duce either still (slides) or moving ima-ges (videos). A projector is often about the size of a toast-er and weighs only a few pou-nds.

To know more about a projector click below:


Which of the following is an example of an effective thesis statement for an informational essay?

Because of the many environmental benefits, the popularity of rewilding lawns is growing.
I learned from my best friend the importance of rewilding lawns and she's smart about those things.
If you care about bees, you should rewild your lawn and this essay will tell you why.
This essay is about saving the bees and how planting native flowers instead of grass can help with that.


An effective thesis statement for an informational essay is A. Because of the many environmental benefits, the popularity of rewilding lawns is growing.

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement informs readers of the subject being discussed, and the arguments that have been made in the essay. The thesis statement is usually found in the introductory paragraphs of essays.

The sole purpose of an informational or informative essay is to inform or educate readers about a subject. This type of essay writing dwells on fact than opinions. An example of such essay is, an essay about WW1.

A thesis statement for an informative essay is void of the writers opinion. It is stated in a formal language. Only option A. is stated without the writers opinion.

Learn more about thesis statement here:


describe the physical, emotional, and psychological transformation that overcomes the men. use textual evidence as support


As the novel progresses, the inmates are subjected to terrible conditions for a longer amount of time, which causes them to go through numerous physical, emotional, and spiritual changes.

What is transformation?

Transformation is defined as an occurrence or act of transformation or transformation. Transformation in humans occurs internally and aligns us with our fullest potential.

Elie became a spiritually dead, emotionless man as a result of his experiences during the Holocaust, having transformed from a devout, sensitive young kid. Elie Wiesel used to pray while sobbing because he was so devoted to his religion as a young lad.

Thus, as the novel progresses, the inmates are subjected to terrible conditions for a longer amount of time, which causes them to go through numerous physical, emotional, and spiritual changes.

To learn more about transformation, refer to the link below:


- Does Prince Humperdinck love Buttercup? Why or why not?


He will do anything to fight for her. Wesley and Buttercup are the definition of true love, even though she doesn't know it's Buttercup that's fighting for her. Prince Humperdinck loved Buttercup for her looks. Buttercup never loved Humperdinck and was forced into loving him.

Answer: He does not love Buttercup.

Explanation: This is because he would rather murder her than marry her because of a conflict between him and Guilder.

the narrator’s comments about the children near the end of the passage divulge all of the following about altaf except his


The narrator's comments about the children near the end of the passage reveal much about Altaf's character, but they do not divulge anything about his past.

The passage states that when Altaf interacts with the children, he is gentle and generous, suggesting that he is a kind and caring person. He also enjoys engaging with the children, giving them chocolates and listening to their stories. This implies that he is patient and empathetic, likely because he has a good understanding of how children think and feel. Altaf also seems to have a good sense of humor, as he is able to make the children laugh.Overall, the narrator's comments about Altaf's interactions with the children suggest that he is a compassionate, patient, and humorous person. However, the passage does not divulge anything about Altaf's past, which remains a mystery.

Learn more about Altaf's character at :


Identify one of the types of conflict (listed below) in Saki's "The interlopers." Then discuss how it came about, how it builds, and how it is finally resolved.
Include the following Academic Vocabulary in your response to make your writing more precise: comprehend, concept, context, determine, differentiate

Types of Conflict:
1. Person vs. Self
2. Person vs. Person
3. Person vs. Society
4. Person vs. Nature

Questions to consider:
-What is the protagonist's goal?
-What prevents the protagonist from reaching that goal?
-How does the protagonist change throughout the story?
-What causes that change?


The main conflict of the story is the feud. It is not, however, the only conflict there is also the conflict of character versus nature.

What is the major conflict in Saki's "The interlopers"? Each man is enraged by the other man's claim to the border-forest because he believes the trees and animals within it are his. Ulrich and Georg both believe that the other man undermines his authority over nature.The author of "The Interlopers" uses a flashback to show how the conflict between the two families dates back to their grandfathers' time. It all began with a lawsuit, which the dispossessed party never acknowledged or agreed to.When Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym decide to forgive and put the past behind them, the conflict is resolved. When they are trapped under a fallen branch and both become incapacitated, they realize that it was wrong of them to remain enemies over a patch of grass.

To learn more about "The interlopers" refer to :


What are the 4 types of thesis statements?


Answer:Explanatory thesis statement. Argumentative thesis statement. Analytical thesis statement.


How do you fix a split infinitive example?


When other words separate the infinitive's two components, it becomes a split infinitive. Despite some writing instructors' claims to the contrary, they might appear casual and create misunderstanding.

Rearrange the phrase such that no words are placed in between the two sections of the split infinitive.

The word to and the basic form of a verb make up an infinitive (e.g. to go and to read). As a result of the adverbs "suddenly" and "quickly," the infinitives "to go" and "to read" are split (or broken apart), making them instances of split infinitives.

The Spanish verbs for "to talk," "to drink," and "to write" are beber and escribir, respectively. It will.

To learn more about infinitive please click on below link


how does the conclusion of the prologue support the authors’ purpose? select two options.


The prologue's conclusion supports the authors' purpose by introducing the topic that will be addressed next. It explains why the topic is important to the readers.

A prologue is a novel's independent front matter that gives the reader an initial hint as to what the story is about. An epilogue, on the other hand, denotes a literary device that is an additional and independent part of the literary work that concludes the story.

The prologue serves as an introduction to the text that follows, providing readers with important information from the past or future. It may establish the setting, introduce the characters, or allude to a story theme or moral.

To know more about prologue, click here.


Pages 67-68: How did the Nation of Islam get its start? malcom x


The Nation of Islam is a 1930-founded African American movement and organization that is well-known for fusing traditional Islamic teachings with Black nationalist ideals.

Who introduce Islam to the united states ?

African Muslims who were held as slaves introduced Islam to the United States, where it remained a real though little presence into the 19th century. It was brought back at the start of the 20th century thanks to the efforts of the Amadiyyah movement, an unconventional sect formed in India by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (c. 1839-1908), and Shaikh Ahmed Faisal (1891-1980), the founder of an autonomous Black Muslim movement who was born in Morocco.

The Moorish Science Temple of America was established in Newark, New Jersey, in 1913 by Noble Drew Ali, formerly Timothy Drew (1886-1929), who connected Islamic teachings to Black nationalism.

To learn more about Islam checkout the link below :


A folklorist finds the following sample of writing that, when translated into equivalent english lines, reads: what you seek, you shall never find. For when the gods made man, they kept immortality for themselves. Fill your belly. Day and night make merry, let days be full of joy. Love the child that holds your hand. Let your wife delight in your embrace. For these alone are the concerns of man. What is the most likely category for the full piece of literature this segment came from, given its form?.


A circle is frequently used to symbolize the Monomyth, also known as the Hero's Journey. The protagonist must pass through a number of obstacles along the way in order to move further.

What is a monomyth?Joseph Campbell, who discovered that mythological heroes frequently go through the same 17 stages in their quest for hero-dom, was the first to identify the monomyth, or Hero's Journey, as a pattern in mythology.The course of the hero's journey is symbolized by a circle, in which the protagonist ventures into the unknown, endures numerous hardships, and then completes the circle by returning to the familiar world. The following segments, among others, are included in the path:Adventure CallDivine AssistanceReach the Point of No ReturnTests for Mentors and HelpersRevelationTransformationAtonementReturn to a Normal Life after the UnknownLuke Skywalker's journey to become a Jedi Knight in the original Star Wars movies is a well-known example of the Hero's Journey. When crafting the original trilogy, George Lucas drew heavily from the monomyth. Fans will observe how well the movies follow the monomythic structure. Luke's call to the rebellion, his use of the force to aid him, the variety of leaders and companions he encounters, the many challenges he encounters along the way, his encounter with Vader, the temptations of power, the fall of the Empire, and the liberation of the galaxy from the evil tyranny of the Emperor are all discussed. On Campbell's impact on the Star Wars movies, numerous books and documentaries have been released.

To Learn more About Monomyth refer To:


How can Wikipedia be helpful to you when you're searching for information online?


Wikipedia can be a great tool for researching information online. It provides access to hundreds of thousands of pages of information, including encyclopedia articles, news updates, reviews, and more. It has a vast array of topics, so it's likely that you can find what you're looking for. Additionally, because Wikipedia is open to anyone, it provides a platform for collaboration, with different versions and perspectives of any given topic. As such, it can provide a more comprehensive look at any given subject than a single source would. Finally, because it is a free and open source, it can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection.

Your response should be at least 500 words and must have a relevant and properly integrated direct quote from an outside source. NO plagiarism

Words are extremely important in our day-to-day lives: Write about a time when words got you out of (or into) trouble.


Is ambition a good thing or an evil thing?


Most people for most of history did not have technology to distract them: If you did not have electric devices (you still have lights), how would you spend your time?



Since childhood, we have been told by our elders that never hurt the person using harsh words. Be kind and give respect, you will be showered with the same. But there are occasions when accidents we use harsh words hurting the person. Words have the dramatic effect on how we interact with people and how decisions are taken. They can inspire or bring tears among people. These are the reasons why words are powerful expression tool. Not only in practical daily life, but in business too, words play a vital role. Be it through verbal or written, the right use of words in the form of sentences creates a good impression. However, many entrepreneurs fail to use right word or communicate wisely, especially if it’s a native language. This is when translation services come to the role. One of the keystones of showing kindness is by perfecting the speech. Take a moment before speaking; collect words that will be impressive enough towards the person. When we speak, we should speak with mindfulness to show compassion towards the person. There are certain rules that need to be followed. One such rule is, speak cautiously without exaggeration. Manipulative words can create a problem among people. In our daily life, we use words on various occasions. While driving we use correct words to get assistance for routes. Similarly, in the age of technology, we seek help from Siri to get suggestion and assistance. Here too, words play a major role because any confusion in your content won’t help you get the result. Words also play a major role when we search something online. In the online world, words are called as Keywords which matters a lot to get the right result. In blogs or article, web owners ensure that right keywords are used that can help in bringing good traffic. Words are powerful and using it wisely is one way of smooth communication. Be it in the form of verbal or text, it is essential that it is used in a way to change the perspective of the opposite person. For businesses that look for Interpretation or Translation, using translation services is the best way that can use words effectively to reach customers and regions using native languages.


True or False

An explanatory essay presents a claim in the form of an argument and persuades readers to agree with the claim.


The statement that "An explanatory essay presents a claim in the form of an argument and persuades readers to agree with the claim" is False.

What is an explanatory essay?

An explanatory is an essay that is meant to explain a subject matter to an audience. Even though the reader may not completely agree with it, they still make some inquiries on the subject to present facts about it.

An argumentative essay is an essay in which the author presents his view on the subject matter and tries to convince the readers of the truthfulness and accuracy of his points. So, the explanation of the explanatory essay above is false.

Learn more about explanatory essays here:


Which BTS song was the first K-pop record to debut at #1 on the Billboard pop charts?


It would be the dance-ready "Dynamite." Group's first English-only track not only the first by a South Korean act to debut No. 1 on the Hot 100, also broke records on Billboard's Global and Digital Song Sales charts.

What's the longest number-one song on Billboard?

"Heat Waves" became the list's longest charting song in his 64-year history, as he scored a record-breaking 91 weeks in the latest poll on October 22nd.

What song did BTS win for the first time?

On May 5, 2015, they finally scored I Need U's first music show on SBS MTV's The Show. Despite fierce competition from artists like Block B and EXID, BTS prevailed.

What are BTS' most successful songs?

Best BTS Song:  "Life Goes On" (2020). "Fire" (2016). "Black Swan" (2020). "Butter" (2021). "Blood, Sweat and Tears" (2016). “On” (2020). "Dynamite" (2020). "Spring Day" (2016)

To learn more about BTS song visit:


Antoine wants to write a story about a teenager who travels through time. But he doesn’t want the teenager to tell his own story. He also feels that describing every character's thoughts and actions would make his story too lengthy. Instead, he plans to stick to just describing the lead character's thoughts and actions. What point of view should Antoine use for his story?


Okay i understood your problem and i think that there can be 2 characters you and your teenager who are friends and u describe his story from your point of view ,i mean as a second person.

Which tatement bet highlight the fact that Nixon cannot be objective about Watergate


"The participants included his close friends" is the fact that Nixon cannot be objective about Watergate.

Friendship is the toughest component inside the globe to provide an explanation for.

A close friend is honest and speaks from a coronary heart with accurate intentions. They inform you what you want to hear in a manner that you can pay attention to as opposed to gossip in the back of your lower back. A first-rate friend is sincere, now not only are your secrets and techniques secure with them, but so are your vulnerability, worry, and weirdness.

The clinical literature offers plenty of perception on what close pals do for us. They deliver us confidence and bolster our feeling of self, mainly throughout tough times.

Learn more about Friend here:-


a hispanic american family speaking only spanish seeks speech-language services and the best approach would be to use:


A Hispanic American family speaking only Spanish seeks speech-language services and the best approach would be to use: clinician proficient in Spanish.

The term "Hispanic American" is used.

Hispanic Americans, also known as Latinos, Latinas, and Latinxs, are persons of Spanish-speaking ancestry who reside in the United States. Hispanics are frequently referred to as Latinos because the majority of them can trace their origins to Latin America.

Hispanic Americans, also known as Latinos, Latinas, and Latinxs, are persons of Spanish-speaking ancestry who reside in the United States. Hispanics are frequently referred to as Latinos because the majority of them can trace their origins to Latin America. With more than one-sixth of the population, Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority in the United States. In all 50 states, there are more than 50 million Hispanic Americans. However, Hispanics frequently identify more with the nation or region of origin of their families than than as a singular community.

To know more about Hispanic American visit:


By the end of the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, how has macbeth most clearly changed since the beginning of the play?


Answer: C. He has become more likely to use treachery to suit his ends.

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