The majority of immigrants that entered the United States during the industrial age came from


Answer 1


northern and western Europe


Related Questions

Which weapon caused the fewest casualties in world war i? a machine gun b artillery c airplane d bayonet.


D.Bayonet do to the other weapons having vast destructive power

There is conflict in Tibet because


Rather, the primary sources of conflict in Tibet are history and geography; Chinese security and sovereignty concerns; and the policies of the Chinese government in Tibet. While they bring attention to ethnic and religious differences between Tibetans and Chinese, these factors are what really drive the conflict in Tibet.

Which is the best description of the goals of the ku klux klan during reconstruction?.


The best description of the Ku Klux Klan is the Ku Klux Klan worked to prevent African Americans from exercising their newly found rights and wanted the Whites to regain control of local governments.

The Ku Klux Klan came into existence at the

beginning of the Reconstruction Era. The

Klan was like a band of brotherhood that

was united together in any ups and downs.

During the early part of the 1870s, the Ku

Klux Klan came into existence as a terrorist

organization whose sole aim was to defeat

the Republicans and thus, establish proper

White Supremacy in the whole land.

This Ku Klux Klan was an extremist

organization that wanted at any cost

to ensure the supremacy of the white

people which they lost after the Civil War

(1865) and in turn disrupt the rights of the

African-American people that they gained

after the Civil War.

To know more about Ku Klux Klan visit:


during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, immigrants from predominantly catholic countries faced open discrimination at the hands of the american-born white protestant majority. t or f


It is true that during the 19th and early 20th centuries, immigrants from predominantly Catholic countries faced blatant discrimination from the American-born majority white Protestants.

What Do Protestants Believe?

Protestantism arose in Christian Europe during the 16th century Reformation, and Protestantism is said to have three core beliefs: 1) The Bible is the ultimate authority on religious truth. 2) People are saved only by God's "grace" (i.e., excess gift). 3) All Christians are priests.

What does it mean to be Protestant?

Protestants are Christians who belong to a sect of the Church of Christ that split from the Catholic Church in the 16th century. Protestant means relating to Protestants or their churches.

What is the difference between Protestants and Catholics?

In general, Martin Luther and his other 16th-century Protestant reformers believed that salvation could come only through faith in Jesus and the atoning sacrifice (sola fide) on the cross, whereas in Catholicism , taught that salvation comes through the combination of faith and goodness.

To learn more about Protestants visit:


who would have been happier with their representation in the house, small states or largestates? why?


Given their larger populations than the smaller states, the larger states ought to have been happier.

Why larger states are happier ?

Because "no more than thirty thousand representatives shall be elected," There would be more representatives for the bigger states than for the smaller ones.

A combination of internal and external factors contribute to happiness. By adopting a positive outlook in situations or making the decision to spend time with the people we love while engaging in activities we enjoy, we can have some influence. But some years are harder than others for happiness.

Know more about populations visit:


passage 1 is an excerpt from the "declaration of sentiments," presented by elizabeth cady stanton on july 19-20, 1848, at the women’s rights convention at seneca falls. passage 2 is adapted from a speech delivered to the congress of women in may 1893 by lucy stone, "the progress of fifty years."


The significance of the declaration of sentiments, in an overview, was that its marked the start of the women's rights movement in the United State. The impact of the progress of fifty years was that its enforces the movement for woman right.

What was the declaration of sentiments?

The Declaration of Sentiments, as presented by elizabeth cady stanton, begins by asserting the equality of all men and women and reiterates that both genders are endowed with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What was "the progress of fifty years" about?

Lucy Stone was US abolitionist, orator and advocate for women’s rights. In 1893, she delivered a speech to the Congress of Women in Chicago on the advances made over 50 years titled "The Progress of Fifty Years", in which she discusses the rights of women with reference to education, free speech, women’s organization, and political power, amongst others.

Read more about woman right movement


How does war lead to innovation


Wars usually accelerate technological development to adapt tools for the purpose of solving specific military needs.



The war led to a massive mobilization of not only the military, but of the society supporting their armies.  Led to new technologies such as power tools used for construction of weapons systems like ships, etc (this led to commercially availiable power tools, and eventually cordless power tools after their demand grew in the private sector)

Hope this helps :)

If you need any more explanation, feel free to ask.  If this really helps, consider marking brainliest.

- Jeron

david beckham was paid how much by qatar to serve as an ambassador for the 2022 world cup?


David Beckham was paid £12 million a year to serve as an ambassador for the 2022 world cup

Who is an ambassador?

Maintaining diplomatic relationships with the receiving state and advancing foreign policy objectives through international organizations are the key responsibilities of ambassadors.

an authorized envoy. Particularly: a diplomatic envoy of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government or sovereign as the resident representative of his or her own government or sovereign, or nominated for a particular and frequently transient diplomatic assignment.

The initial reports of the Qatar agreement in October 2021 stated that it would be worth £150 million to Beckham over ten years, but The Athletic has learned that the actual sum is lower. According to sources, he will actually receive an initial three-year salary of about £12 million, with options for extensions.

Read more on ambassadors here:


What was NY original name?


In honor of the Duke of York, who led the operation, New Amsterdam's name was changed from New Amsterdam to New York once it was taken.

The Dutch West India Company founded the colony of New Netherlands in 1624, and it expanded to include all of modern-day New York City as well as portions of Long Island, Connecticut, and New Jersey.

New Amsterdam was a colony founded by the Dutch in 1624 on what is now Manhattan Island. After the British seized power in the region in 1664, it was given the new name New York.

In 1624, Dutch immigrants gave the island's lower region the name New Amsterdam. In honor of the Duke of York, the area was nicknamed New York by the English after they had taken control of it in 1664.

To learn more about New Amsterdam


what is the trans-atlantic slave trade? how did it impact the culture of the us?


Trans-Atlantic slave trade was capturing and selling of slaves while they are transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas and Europe.  Africans influenced nations by bringing their music, art, religion, and cuisine.

What effect did the transatlantic trade have?

African semi-feudal classes were created as a result of the Atlantic trade, and they worked with the Europeans to legitimize the subjugation of their own people. These classes were descended from the African aristocracy and intermediaries who helped sell and buy Africans and profited greatly from the trade.

How did the transatlantic slave trade benefit those involved?

Because they got paid for the people they sold, Upper South slave owners benefited. Because the slaves they bought were made to work in the incredibly productive cotton and sugar plantations, slave owners in the Lower South benefited.

To know more about Trans-Atlantic slave trade, visit:


why would psalm 24 have been incompatible with the rules governing the services of the catholic church until 1963?


The services of the catholic church, until 1963 is the text, is in French.

Expressionist music is often characterized by a high degree of dissonance, extreme contrasts in dynamics, constant changes in texture, distorted melodies and harmonies, and edgy melodies with great leaps. Maple Leaf Rag is a polyphonic ragtime march with an athletic bass line and a quirky melody.

Each of the four sections has a repeated theme and a striding bassline containing one chord of his extended seventh. Psalm 24 is about people coming before God and the King of Glory gathering before those who seek the face of God. Many believe that this psalm was written to mark the entry of the Ark into Jerusalem during David's reign.

Learn more about The catholic church here:-


The United States has what is known as a system of “checks and balances”. What does this mean? Provide an example of how each branch “checks” another.


It’s referring to the separation of power in the government. It controls the branches and ensures no one branch control too much power. Example : The legislative branch makes laws, but the president in the executive branch can also veto those laws with a presidential veto. Also the legislative branch makes laws, but the judicial branch can declare those laws unconstitutional.

Answer: The United States Government is divided into three branches legislative, executive, and judicial.  Each branch has its own powers and is kept from getting too much power by the system of "checks and balances".  


The legislative branch is responsible for making new laws.  The executive branch (which includes the President) can veto the proposed laws and the judicial branch (which includes the Supreme Court) can declare the law unconstitutional.

The executive branch is responsible for enforcing Federal laws.  As said before the President in the executive branch can veto a law but the legislative branch through the Supreme Court can override that veto if enough Justices agree.  

The legislative branch approves or declines Presidential nominations for executive positions.  The branch also controls the entire budget of the United States. The judicial branch can deny new nominations if enough Justices agree.  

The judicial branch which includes the Supreme Court consists of judges nominated by the President in the executive branch but the legislative branch can confirm or deny those nominations.

in contrast to the congressional reconstruction plan, what was the focus of president andrew johnson’s plan?


Readmitting states to the Union as quickly as possible was the focus of president Andrew johnson’s plan.

The Confederate states would have to maintain the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery, swear allegiance to the Union, and pay off their war debt under Andrew Johnson's proposal for Reconstruction.

Johnson's plan fell short of Lincoln's demands, despite the fact that he wished to guarantee privileges like voting rights for people who had formerly been slaves.

Radical Republicans in Congress adopted their own Reconstruction policies because they didn't think Johnson's plans adequately protected freedmen's rights. Johnson obstinately rejected all congressional recommendations and vetoed each Reconstruction bill that the legislature passed.

To learn more about Andrew johnson visit:


Identify the three reasons the US bought Alaska.
O the idea of continued friendly relations with England and France, a desire for additional
recreational activities, and the price of $7.2 million.
O the idea of continued friendly relations with Russia, a desire for additional recreational activities,
and the price of $7.2 million.
O the idea of continued friendly relations with Russia, the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, and the
price of $7.2 million.
O the idea of continued friendly relations with England and France, the doctrine of Manifest
Destiny, and the price of $7.2 million.


Answer: C. It's Price, Improving relations with russia and also manifest destiny.

were the 3 g's important to all explorers


God, gold, and glory

the overseas exploration, expansion, and conquests that allowed various European countries to rise to world power between 1400 and 1750

How did Latin America respond to the Great Depression?


The Great Depression had a significant impact on many Latin American nations. Due of their ties to the US, it had an impact on their economy. Significantly impacted were Chile, Bolivia, and Peru.

The Great Depression had a significant impact on many Latin American nations. Due of their ties to the US, it had an impact on their economy. Significantly impacted were Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. This sparked nationalism and fascism in the area. While Mexico strengthened its industries, Brazil attained independence. They did not take part in World War I, with the exception of Brazil. US investment funds were halted, resulting in significant economic downturns. The countries of Latin America suffered greatly during the Great Depression that followed the 1929 meltdown of the US stock market.

To learn more on Great Depression:


Evaluate the most significant differences between ideas of regional identity in the north and in the south during the civil war from 1861 to 1865.


Election of 1860, in which Lincoln won with no electoral votes in the South is one of the most significant differences.

While the southern identity was developed by the notion that the concept of slavery was the key to economic development, the northern identity was shaped by ideals of free labor and a desire for free soil (no slavery).

Northern identity was shaped by a desire to preserve the Union, whilst Southern identity was shaped by the notion that the north aimed to destroy their way of life.

Both the North and the South supported growth, although for various causes. While the south sought expansion to give more space for plantation agriculture and enslaved labor, the north wanted it to give more area for free white farmers and laborers.

Both the north and south desired to increase the number of free or slave states in order to increase their representation in Congress. At the very least, all parties desired to keep the two regions' power relations in balance.

To know more about civil war:


what geographical phenomena contributes to the mass water powered factories in the north eastern united states during the industrial revolution


With the start of the Industrial Revolution, manufacturers started dumping pollutants directly into rivers and streams, which led to an increase in water pollution.

Early industrialisation required the operation of trip hammers and blast furnace bellows by water-powered reciprocating machinery. During this time, waterwheels were frequently built larger than their forebears and with iron rather than wood, which increased power and enabled higher productivity. The Industrial Revolution had its start in northern England in the first decade of the nineteenth century. It swiftly expanded to southern England before traveling via Belgium, northern France, and Germany to spread throughout the entire continent. Spills or leaks from chemical and oil storage tanks are important pollution culprits. Instead of entering foul water drains or watercourses directly, trade effluent goes into surface water drains. Too much groundwater and surface water is being removed.

To learn more about pollutants click the link below:


which statement best describes president wilson's attitude toward world war i at the beginning of the war?



Which statement best describes President Wilson's attitude toward World War I at the beginning of the war? He thought that the United States should not get involved with the war and should remain neutral and impartial.

How was america's reliance on english manufactured products impacted by the industrial revolution?.


the answer is 4, (hope that helps!)

At the beginning of reconstruction, how did the expectations of many white georgians differ from the expectations of freedmen?


Georgiansexpeteded that the federal government would restore their economic and political power, as well as the pre-war racial hierarchy. Freedmen desired political and economic equality, as well as the same rights and privileges as whites.

What does Fedral Government mean?

Federal government refers to the government of a country that is organized into federal units such as states, provinces, or territories and that has a central government that exercises authority over the entire country. It is typically a form of constitutional government in which power is divided between the central government and the regional governments, each possessing its own set of powers and responsibilities.

What does a Government mean?

A government is the system by which a state or community is managed and regulated. Governments are responsible for creating laws, collecting taxes, providing services, and protecting citizens. Governments are typically divided into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. Each branch has its own responsibilities and powers.

To know more about Government,


In 1862, congress adopted a protective tariff, a transcontinental railroad, and a homestead act as a result of:______.


As a result of a major shift in legislative authority to northern forces, Congress passed a protective tariff, a transcontinental railroad, and a Homestead Act in 1862.

What was the 1816 protective tariff?

The Tariff of 1816, commonly known as the Dallas Tariff, is remarkable for being the first tariff established by Congress with the specific purpose of safeguarding American-made goods from foreign competition. Prior to the War of 1812, tariffs were largely used to generate money for the national government. Tariffs thus benefit the importing country's government and producers in the form of tax revenues and producer surpluses at the expense of its consumers in the form of higher prices. The British navy stopped commodities from reaching American beaches during the War of 1812. As a result, Americans began producing their own goods. Congress enacted the nation's first protective tariff, the Tariff of 1816, to protect newborn manufacturers.

To know more about protective tariff visit:


What is your opinion of a Monarchy? Do you think it would be a good idea for the United States to have a King and Queen? Why? Are you familiar with Democracy? What is a Democracy? Does the United States have a Democratic Government?



Absolute monarchy, in my opinion, is flawed.  Historically there are many examples of countries being governed by one inept King after another because absolute monarchy gives power to one individual who inherited the role.

A constitutional monarchy, in my opinion, is not much different than a democratic republic.  The monarch does not have any real power and the government operates under a constitution that allows the people a voice and democratically elects representatives.

The idea of the United States having a King or Queen is offensive to the idea of the creation of the Republic.  Our entire way of government is based on not having a ruling monarch but rather a President with a limited term and written rules that govern that person's power.

A democracy is a system of government that grants rights to its people through elected representatives.

The United States is a Republic.  A republic assumes that the people have inherent rights (not rights granted by the government) and that power is held by the people through elected representatives

woman suffrage
What evidence is there that Mississippi legislators is hypocritical?


The evidence that points to the fact that the legislators from Mississippi were hypocritical was that when the 19th amendment was passed that gave women the right to vote, they voted twice to reject it.

What is meant by women suffrage?

The women's suffrage movement fought for women's voting rights in the United States for many years. It took activists and reformers nearly a century to obtain that right, and the struggle was not without difficulty: disagreements over tactics often put the movement at risk of collapse.

The right to vote or the franchise is the focus of the suffrage campaign. The battle for women's rights to vote and run for office was an integral aspect of the broader women's rights movement.

Read more on women suffrage here:


What was the relationship between the Yamato imperial family and the Minamoto family’s military government?

AWNSER... The imperial family held ceremonial power while the military government actually governed.


The Yamato family formally served as part of the Minamoto military.

What did the Yamato clan do?

The Yamato era is the time period in Japanese history when the Imperial court presided over the country from Yamato Province, which is now Nara Prefecture.

During the Kofun era, different polities based in various regions of Japan opposed the sovereignty of the Yamato court. It is evident that in the sixth century, Yamato clans held significant advantages over their neighboring clans. The transfer of the capital to Asuka, in the present-day Nara Prefecture, marks the end of this time frame. However, the Asuka period is a historical era, whereas the Kofun period is an archaeological era. As a result, many believe that this separation is outdated and that the idea of era division is no longer relevant.

to learn more about Yamato click:


The main reasons both citizens and presidents wanted to refrain from getting involved with the second World War was because they wanted to prevent more American loss after the first war, and because they wanted to stay out of foreign affairs to minimize further conflict. The US wanted to maintain isolationism after World War I to ke

Is this plagiarized?


Answer: No, Indeed both citizens and presidents wanted to refrain from participating in an european war
There is not even a decade when Europe never had any wars or revolts
But when japanese attacked US territories

USA was Done with it
As Yamamoto once said
"In United States, There is Rifle behind every grass"

Based on the reading, why do you think author mentioned that the cattle were diseased


The author mentioned that the cattle were diseased to demonstrate that the food was unfit or unsafe.

They may have been easygoing by nature, which made them perfect for early farmers to domesticate. Even though there are many other animals in the globe that produce high-quality meat, milk, and hide, the bovine was picked over the competition likely due to its temperament and capacity to learn that humans are creatures who provide them with high-quality food to eat.

what is diseases?

A disease is a specific aberrant state that adversely affects an organism's structure or function on the whole or in part, and which is not immediately brought on by any external trauma. It's common knowledge that diseases are medical illnesses with recognizable indications and symptoms

learn more about diseases here




The contour interval, given the map shown, is 50 meters.

The labels for the elevations of all the contour lines would be:

1240m1, 190 m1, 140 m1, 090 m

The map represents a hilly terrain because the elevation is rising.

How to use contour lines ?

The most distinguishing quality of a topographic map is its contour lin­es. The height would remain constant if you physically followed a contour line, which are lines drawn on a map linking points of equal elevation. Elevation and terrain shape are shown by contour lines.

The contour interval can be found by deducting the smallest contour line from the smallest and then dividing by the number of contour lines :

= ( 1, 240 - 1, 090)  / 3

= 150 / 3

= 50 m

Starting from 1, 090 m therefore, add 50 to each succeeding contour line to get :

1, 240m1, 190 m1, 140 m1, 090 m

This map shows a hilly terrain because the elevation is rising. If it was flat, then the elevation would be similar.

Find out more on contour lines at


Need help with this please really hard and i am stuck


The executive branch of government is in charge of governing a state and enforcing the law.

Describe the check and balance system of different branches of government.

Each part of government is given its own authority to check the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming overly dominant thanks to the checks and balances system.

Executive Branch - This branch includes the president, vice president, Cabinet, executive departments, and autonomous agencies, boards, commissions, and committees

Check on Legislature - The President has the authority to veto a measure that Congress has sent, preventing it from becoming law. By having the power to veto legislation, the Executive Branch holds the Legislative Branch to account.

Check on Judiciary - Judges for federal courts may be appointed by the President, which means that this is how the Executive Branch can supervise the Judicial Branch.

The Legislative B branch: The House and Senate also referred to as Congress, make up the legislative branch. The legislative branch has the authority to enact all laws, declare war, govern interstate and international trade, and set tax and spending priorities, among other things. The legislative branch's Senate, however, approves the President's nominations for judicial seats while the judicial branch interprets legislation.

Check on the executive - Congress has the authority to remove Presidents.

Check on Judiciary - Congress has the authority to remove Supreme Court Justices.

The Judiciary - The Supreme Court and any inferior courts that Congress may from time to time establish and ordain shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all legal matters arising inside the United States, according to the Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court is part of the judicial branch and the Federal Judicial Center.

Check on the executive - By having the authority to deem Executive activities unconstitutional, the Judicial Branch controls the Executive.

Check on Legislature - The Supreme Court has the authority to strike down a statute that it deems to be unconstitutional. The Judicial can declare laws to be unconstitutional, acting as a check on the Legislative.

To learn more about checks and balances , visit:


Charlie reads quickly. He reads 1\dfrac371

1, start fraction, 3, divided by, 7, end fraction pages every \dfrac23

start fraction, 2, divided by, 3, end fraction minutes. Charlie reads at a constant rate.



burgers coming out of my fingers


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