the formulae available for estimating body weight from a skeleton are very general with large error ranges, and are not very useful. true or false?


Answer 1

True- the formulae available for estimating body weight from a skeleton are very general with large error ranges, and are not very useful.

What is skeleton?

The structural framework that holds an animal's body upright is its skeleton. There are other kinds of skeletons, such as the exoskeleton, which is an organism's sturdy exterior shell, the endoskeleton, which serves as the body's support system, and the hydroskeleton, which is an adaptable internal skeleton supported by fluid pressure. Animals having a vertebral column are called vertebrates, and their skeletons are typically made of bone and cartilage. Animals without a vertebral column are known as invertebrates. Invertebrates have a variety of skeletons, including as spicules, plated endoskeletons, or hard exoskeleton shells. The skeletal systems of both vertebrates and invertebrates contain cartilage, a stiff connective tissue.

To know more about skeleton visit:


Related Questions

In colorectal cancer, several genes must be mutated in order to make a cell a cancer cell. Which of the following kinds of genes would you expect to be mutated?a. genes involved in control of the cell cycleb. genes coding for enzymes that act in the colonc. the genes of the bacteria that are abundant in the colond. genes that are especially susceptible to mutation


In the entire world, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most frequent disease in women and the third most common cancer in males.

What genes do colorectal cancers have mutations in?

One of the most prevalent inherited cancer syndromes is colon cancer. The chromosomes 2 and 3 have the genes MLH1 and MSH2, which have both been linked to colorectal cancer.

Typically, the proteins produced by these genes aid in the correction of errors in DNA replication.

What three categories of genes are associated with cancer?

Breast, ovarian, colon, prostate, and pancreatic cancers may all be at increased risk due to the genes ATM, PALB2, and CHEK2.

To know more about Cancer



monoclonal antibodies and can be used to treat certain types of cancers in a process known as immunotherapy. polyclonal antibodies cytokines leukocytes macrophages


Solitary antibodies Immunotherapy, which employs cytokines, can be utilized to treat specific tumors.

What does immunotherapy actually do?

Your immune system is assisted in fighting cancer via immunotherapy, a sort of cancer treatment. Your body's immune system aids in the defense against infections and other disorders. White blood cells, organs, and lymphatic system components make up its composition. Biological therapy includes immunotherapy.

Is immunotherapy superior to chemotherapy?

Both chemotherapy and immunotherapy have the ability to be successful cancer therapies. One isn't always superior to the other. The one that effectively treats your illness depends on a number of variables, including the location of the tumour and the distance it has spread.

To know more about immunotherapy visit:


which of the following would support the hypothesis that bacteria have mutually beneficial relationships with us?


The statement that supports the hypothesis that bacteria have a mutually beneficial relationship is "Mice that were made 'germ-free' didn't absorb and metabolize nutrients as well."

After long years of evolution, it's hypothesized that host-bacterial associations have developed into more prosperous relationships, creating biological mechanisms that mutually benefit both the host and the microbes. Many examples of this theory are present in mammals.

Gut bacteria in humans, for example, seem to contribute to non-infectious immune disorders like autoimmunity and inflammatory bowel disease. It's still not fully known yet how they work, but the ongoing research shows finding and concepts that describe the mutualism between humans (gut) and gut bacteria.

Your question seems incomplete, but the completed version is most likely as follows:

Which of the following would support the hypothesis that bacteria have mutually beneficial relationships with us?

Bacteria can metabolize food using alternate pathways.Most intestinal bacteria cannot live outside the body.Mice that were made "germ-free" did not absorb and metabolize nutrients as well.Bacteria derive benefits from waste materials in our intestines.

Learn more about gut bacteria at


How did you form sediment from a volcano



Weathering and erosion break down the igneous rock into pebbles, sand, and mud, creating sediment, which accumulates in basins on the Earth's surface.


Answer: which subject is this in??


which of the following statements are true about the food chain? (select all that apply) group of answer choices one major factor that limits the food chain is energy produce by primary producers energy is lost between each trophic level as organisms do cellular respiration and produce waste products. the amount of energy remaining in the food chain at the tertiary level may not be great enough to support viable populations at yet a higher trophic level energy increases between each trophic level due to the first law of thermodynamics


The statement that support about the food chain is "One major factor that limits the food chain is energy produce by primary producers energy is lost between each trophic level as organisms do cellular respiration and produce waste products".

What is food chain explain?The food chain definition is, who eats whom in the wild. From single-celled algae to enormous blue whales, all living things require food to survive. Each food web represents a possible route for nutrients and energy to travel through the ecosystem. As an illustration, grass makes its own food from sunlight.A food chain does not show branching lines. It always follows a progressive straight line and is straight. A food chain typically has three or four trophic levels, but in some cases, there may be as many as five.

Learn more about food chain here:


which of the following is not associated with the oxidative burst employed by phagocytic cells to kill bacteria


Mammalian phagocytes that have been triggered undergo an oxidative burst in which a significant amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is rapidly released into the phagosome to kill bacteria that have been consumed.

During an oxidative burst, what happens?

One of the earliest detectable components of a plant's defence mechanism is the oxidative burst, which is characterised by a sudden, transitory synthesis of enormous numbers of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This Review first goes over ROS's chemistry (superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical).

Why is oxidative burst crucial for phagocyte function?

Phagocytic cells use reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are tiny molecules produced from oxygen, to combat infections. The NOX2 NADPH-oxidase in macrophages produces an oxidative burst that is crucial for both oxidative and non-oxidative death of pathogens that have been absorbed.

To know more about oxidative visit;


A pond contains many different types of organisms. The table below lists some of these organisms and their methods of reproduction.

Organism Method of Reproduction
Pantala flavescens sperm and egg fusion
Spirodela polyrhiza budding
Naegleria fowleri binary fission
Hydra oligactis budding

Over time, the pond slowly becomes more acidic due to the release of chemicals from a nearby factory. Which of the organisms would most likely survive the change to their environment?

Naegleria fowleri, because these organisms would have a high level of genetic variation due to asexual reproduction
Hydra oligactis, because these organisms would have a low level of genetic variation due to sexual reproduction
Pantala flavescens, because these organisms would have a high level of genetic variation due to sexual reproduction
Spirodela polyrhiza, because these organisms would have a low level of genetic variation due to asexual reproduction





"Pantala flavescens, because these organisms would have a high level of genetic variation due to sexual reproduction"

Because they reproduce sexually they will vary genetically, and asexual reproduction is less likely to do this-- on top of this asexual reproduction is more likely to have negative effects than the latter.

Quote about asexual vs sexual reproduction:

"A disadvantage is that sexual reproduction takes longer than asexual reproduction. A mate must be found, the egg must be fertilized by sperm, and then the offspring develop. The benefit of introducing genetic variation into the species, however, outweighs this disadvantage."    

Or to put it simply the more genetic variation the higher advantage to survive.

C- Pantala flavescens is your answer.

dark-skinned people living in an area with limited exposure to sunlight, such as the north pole, are more prone to become deficient in this vitamin.


People with darker skin require longer sun exposure to make vitamin D.

Why black people need Vitamin D:

The most significant supplement you may not be taking—or not getting enough of—is vitamin D. The majority of us—and even our doctors—are unaware that taking it regularly may help prevent some of the most prevalent life-threatening diseases.

Vitamin D is best known for strengthening bones and preventing rickets, a bone disease that was more prevalent in Charles Dickens' time than it is today. More recently, studies have shown that vitamin D also reduces the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, dementia, and several types of cancer.

Despite this encouraging news, the majority of Americans don't get nearly enough vitamin D. Additionally, some researchers have suggested that vitamin D insufficiency among African Americans is a "hidden pandemic" and that low levels are to blame for greater prevalence of ailments including diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. The Chicago Sun-Times went even farther, establishing a relationship between low vitamin D levels and African-American mortality rates from aggressive breast and prostate cancer.

To learn more about vitamin D click


What property of
water causes "ice
wedging" during
the weathering of



B. It Expands when it freezes


Ice wedging is a crack in the ground formed by ice expanding as it freezes in the ground


b. it expands when it freezes


When the temperature is warm, water works its way into cracks in rock. When the temperature cools below freezing, the water turns to ice and expands.

Some cells require a lot of energy than others. For example, many animals' muscle cells are constantly doing work and require energy to get
it done. Given this information, which organelle do you think an animal muscle cell would benefit the most from if there were more of that
O lysosomes
O mitochondria
O ribosomes


i think it’s mitochondria since it releases energy during aerobic respiration i may be wrong but i’m preety sure

18. Different global temperature zones are based on
lines of latitude on the Earth.
A True
B False


I think its B False

1. What is a nonrenewable resource?
A. a resource that is used for energy
B. a resource that is in limited supply
C. a resource that harms the environment when it is used
D. a resource that can replace itself quickly

2. Are all rocks made up of one mineral?
A. No. Some rocks may contain several minerals.
B. Yes. If it contains more minerals, then it is an ore
C. No. If it contains more minerals, however, then it is not useful to people.
D. Yes. If it contains more minerals, then it would lose its orderly internal structure.

3. Coal is a very useful rock that formed over millions of years from the remains of plants. Is coal a mineral?
A. No, coal is not a mineral because coal is made of dead plants.
B. No, coal is not a mineral because coal can be burned to produce electricity and heat.
C. Yes, coal is a mineral because all rocks that are useful to people are minerals.
D. Yes, coal is a mineral because all rocks are nonliving solid minerals.

4. Which is a positive aspect of fossil fuels?
A. They do not need processing to produce energy.
B. They provide energy for cars, trains, and heat.
C. They are ecologically friendly.
D. They can be recycled and reused.

5. Which is a negative aspect of fossil fuels?
A. They are difficult to transport.
B. They cause pollution on Earth.
C. They take a long time to produce energy.
D. They are difficult to find.

6. Which is a disadvantage of solar power?
A. It requires turbines.
B. It can be harmful to wildlife.
C. It requires burning fuel, which causes air pollution.
D. It can only be used where there is lots of sunlight.

7. Which is a thick, sticky, tar-like deposit of bitumen mixed into sandy sediment?
A. coal
B. sandstone
C. oil sand
D. shale

8. Which statement best explains an environmental outcome of using fossil fuels for energy?
A. Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide which plants use to make food.
B. When fossil fuels are burned, they release toxic gases into the air that cause pollution and increase global warming.
C. When fossil fuels are burned, hazardous ash is created and carried through the environment by wind and dropped into nearby lakes and ponds.
D. Fossils fuels produce waste that exposes humans to dangerous levels of radiation.

9. Why is soil considered a vital resource?
A. It plays a variety of roles for plants and animals.
B. It is the place where all nutrients on Earth are stored.
C. It provides the source of material for different landforms.
D. It is hard to destroy and easy to make.

10. Which describes a renewable energy resource?
A. It is more prone to serious accidents.
B. It produces less pollutants than fossil fuels.
C. It consists of carbon and hydrogen molecules.
D. It is less expensive than fossil fuels.

11. Use the scenario to answer the question: Edwin buys a water bottle, reuses it twice, and then recycles it. Eleanor buys a water bottle, reuses it twelve times, and then throws it away. Which energy cost would apply to Edwin, but not to Eleanor?
A. the cost of producing the original bottle
B. the cost of processing the bottle after it was no longer used
C. the cost of transporting the bottle to the store
D. the cost of transporting the bottle away from the house

12. Your class goes on a field trip to observe drilling machinery. The geologists at the drill site show you displays of drilled rocks to compare different types of drills and methods. The drilled holes in one rock display are significantly larger than the holes drilled in the display next to it. Given this information, which statement is correct?
A. The rock display with smaller holes shows copper drilling, which is deep underground.
B. The rock display with smaller holes shows petroleum drilling, which is closer to the surface.
C. The rock display with larger holes shows copper drilling, which is closer to the surface.
D. The rock display with larger holes shows petroleum drilling, which is deep underground.


A nonrenewable resource is a resource that can replace itself quickly. The correct option is D.

Some rocks contain several minerals. The correct option is A.

Coal is not a mineral because coal is made of dead plants. The correct option is A.

A positive aspect of fossil fuels is that fossil fuels provide energy for cars, trains, and heat. The correct option is B.

A negative aspect of fossil fuels is that they cause pollution on Earth. The correct option is B.

A disadvantage of solar power is that it can only be used where there is lots of sunlight. The correct option is D.

Shale is a thick, sticky, tar-like deposit of bitumen mixed into sandy sediment. The correct option is D.

A statement that best explains an environmental outcome of using fossil fuels for energy is that when fossil fuels are burned, they release toxic gases into the air that cause pollution and increase global warming. The correct option is B.

Soil is considered a vital resource because it provides a source of material for different landforms. The correct option is C.

A renewable energy resource produces less pollutants than fossil fuels. The correct option is B.

The cost of processing the bottle after it was no longer used would apply to Edwin, but not to Eleanor. The correct option is B.

The rock display with larger holes shows copper drilling, which is closer to the surface. The correct option is C.

What are renewable energy and non-renewable resources?

Renewable energy sources are energy sources that can easily be replaced when they are used up. They included solar energy and wind energy.

Non-renewable energy resources are resources that are not easily replaced when they are used up. For example fossil fuels.

Learn more about renewable energy and non-renewable resources at:


help this one’s really hard


An analogy for cell cell division as a student preparing to take an examination is given below:

In a living cell, it splits into two; after an examination, the result is either of two; pass or fail.

What is meant by cell division?

Cell division can simply be defined as the process involving nuclear and cytoplasmic division leasing to the increase in the number of cells in an organism. There are two major types of cell division;


Within the context of the task given above, the process of cell division can also be likened to a student preparing for a chemistry examination. The student thinks about splitting his preparation into different parts such as studying extensively for the following parts:

Physical chemistryOrganic chemistryCalculations in chemistryPhysical chemistry.

Each of the these divisions above, when adequately prepared for makes the students pass the examination or fails if he didn't prepare well.

In conclusion, we can now confirm from the explanation given above that cell division ensures the growth and replacement of new cells.

Read more on cell:


Which happend first: the igneous pluton D or the earthquake fault lineE


Question: Which happened first the Igneous Pluton(D) or the Earthquake Fault Line(E)

Answer: Igneous Pluton (D) happened first.

disruption of the dorsal column-mediated lemniscal system prevents the transmission of temperature information.


Disruption of the  dorsal column-mediated lemniscal prevents the transmission of visceral pain information.

What is dorsal and ventral?

An organism's rear or upper side is referred to as its dorsal surface (from the Latin dorsum, meaning "back"). The dorsal side of the skull is the top when referring to it. The front or bottom side of an organism is referred to as having a ventral surface (from the Latin venter, meaning "belly").

Where on the body is the dorsal?

The head and the rear of the trunk are both located in the dorsal cavity, which is located in the posterior, the back, of the body. The brain and spinal cavities are separated by the dorsal cavity. The majority of the upper section of the skull is taken up by the cranial cavity, which houses the brain.

To know more about Dorsal visit:


The complete question is -

Disruption of the _______ system prevents the transmission of _______ information.

in pea plants, yellow seeds are dominant to green seeds, and the yellow and green alleles are represented with y and y, respectively. match each genotype with the correct description of alleles.


YY stands for homozygotes of the yellow allele, Yy for heterozygotes of the yellow and green alleles, and YY for homozygotes of the green allele in pea plants

In biology, what is a genotype?

The particular set of alleles for such a given gene that make up an organism's genotype. The flower-color gene, for instance, may produce the genotypes red-red, red-white, & white-white in the pea plants mentioned above. The phenotype is an organism's outward display of its allellic combination (genotype).

What makes genotype significant?

From embryonic development to adulthood, a person's genotype defines their inherited potentials and restrictions. The full complex of genes acquired from both parents makes up an individual's genotype in sexually reproducing organisms.

To know more about genotype visit :


ventromedial prefrontal cortex involves_____ valuation, whereas dorsolateral prefrontal cortex involves more____valuation.


ventromedial prefrontal cortex involves automatic valuation, whereas dorsolateral prefrontal cortex involves more controlled valuation.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness in which reality is perceived by sufferers strangely. Schizophrenia may include hallucinations, delusions, and severely irrational thinking and behavior, which can make it difficult to go about daily activities and be incapacitating. Schizophrenia patients require ongoing care. Delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations (observing or hearing things that are not there), strange bodily behavior, and disorganized thinking and speech are typical symptoms of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia patients frequently experience paranoid ideas or voice hearing. Delusions, hallucinations, confused speech, disorganized behavior, and the so-called "negative" symptoms are the five main categories of schizophrenia symptoms. The pattern and severity of schizophrenia symptoms, however, differ greatly from person to person.

To know more about schizophrenia visit:


Once upon a time there was an island called Flores in the eastern part of Indonesia. The island was formed from volcanic activity millions of years ago, and in the center of the island there still exists a somewhat active volcano. Surrounding the volcano there is a forest filled with trees, several small lakes, and a long stretch of savannah which is basically a large green field of long grass with some bushes and flowers and hills.

On this island there was a species of frog who mostly lived in one of the blue lakes, and the frogs were bright blue with long webbed feet and tiny eyes – the Blue Swimmers. One day as they were swimming around, they felt a rumbling in the water. A few of them popped their little eyes over the surface of the water in time to see that the island volcano was erupting. Hot lava splashed down into their lake. Not a single frog was killed. But when the lava cooled, it seemed that the hardened lava had formed a large island in the center of the lake, and the lake was now completely divided into two smaller lakes.

Half the frogs were trapped in the lake on one side, and the other half of the frogs were now trapped in the other lake.

Down below in the lake population of Blue Swimmers, a small group of Dancing Blue Swimmers over time starts becoming an exclusive group that chooses to only mate with each other, and though the Dancing Blue Swimmers live happily with the rest of the Blue Swimmer population, they no longer mate with them.

Over time, this Dancing Blue Swimmer community has become reproductively isolated from its ancestors, and if a scientist were studying this group they would probably say that they had evolved into their own species.

This would most accurately be called:

a) Genetic drift
b) Allopatric speciation
c) Sympatric speciation
d) Natural selection


Allopatric speciation occurs when a barrier separates an original population into two groups. Within each group occur mutations that are set, and eventually, genetic divergence occurs, leading to speciation. b) Allopatric speciation.

What is Allopatric speciation?

Allopatric speciation consists of the geographic separation of a continuous genetic background so that it can give place to two or more new geographically isolated populations.

These separations events might be due to migration, extinction of geographically intermediate populations, or geological events.

When these events occur, some barriers impede genetic interchange, or genetic flow, as the two new populations that are separated can not get together and mate anymore. These barriers might be geographical or ecological.

The process of allopatric speciation involves different steps:

1) The emergence of the barrier.

2) Interruption in the genetic interchange

3) The occurrence of new mutations and their accumulation in time in each population. Slow and gradual differentiation.

4) Genetic divergence by natural selection and reproductive isolation makes it impossible for the two groups to mate even if the barrier disappears.

5) Prezigotic isolation mechanisms are favored by selection once it occurs a secondary contact between the new species in formation.

In the exposed example, allopatric speciation is going on.

Barrier: Island created after the lava cooled ⇒ geographical isolationTwo separated species: Dancing Blue Swimmers and Blue Swimmers

You can learn more about allopatric speciation at


Which of the following statements about gravity is true?
A. Gravity pulls objects toward the center of Earth.
B. Gravity only pulls you to the center of Earth if you are at the top of it.
C. Gravity only pulls objects toward the center of Earth when you are in contact with it. D. Gravity pulls all objects toward the center of Earth except when you are floating on water.



Gravity is the force of attraction between any two objects in the universe. Even you have your own gravity, you just aren’t massive enough for it to be visible on human scales. Gravity is a constant force so it doesn’t only pull if you are on top of it so it can’t be B, Gravity keeps the moon in rotation so it isn’t C, and people do sink when in water (except when they lie flat to increase buoyancy which is beyond the scope of this question) so it isn’t D. Therefore, it must be A

What is a hypothesis?


Answer: an answer thats  picked with little evidence.


Suppose a submarine is changing depths. Which direction could the
submarine move to go from an area of lower pressure to an area of higher
OA. From a trench to the twilight zone
OB. From the deep ocean to a trench
OC. From the deep ocean to the twilight zone
D. From the twilight zone to the ocean surface


C. from the deep ocean to a trench

Where does rna not produce during replication



This diagram shows an RNA molecule entering a cell and then replicating itself. It’s the SARS-CoV- 2 virus, which most people call COVID. It uses RNA instead of DNA as it’s genetic material; that’s common among viruses.

Many RNA-based viruses don’t use DNA at all to replicate, though some like HIV do.

In order for SARS-CoV-2 RNA to replicate there must be an enzyme called either RNA-dependent RNA polymerase or RNA replicase. RNA-based viruses produce a version of this enzyme so their genetic material can be copied.

SARS-CoV-2 uses a single stranded version of RNA but some other viruses use double stranded RNA that’s entirely analogous to double stranded DNA.

Modern animals, plants, and bacteria all use DNA as their genetic material, probably because DNA is more stable, but the very first living things probably used RNA.


Hope it helps have a good day :D

which substances are carried from the muscles



oxygen and nutrients


Muscle cells are supplied by tiny capillaries that deliver oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

As a fish moves from salt water to fresh water, its cells:
A. become stem cells.
B. begin endocytosis.
C. gain water.
D. fill with salt.


answer: C

Explanation: cells will fill up with excess water therefore it would die.

Please help about photosynthesis cer for brainliest


It is likely that the mass of a plant increases as it grows. This is because plants take in water and nutrients from the soil through their roots, and they also convert carbon dioxide from the air into sugars through the process of photosynthesis. These substances can all contribute to the plant's mass. Additionally, as the plant grows and develops new leaves, stems, and roots, it will also gain mass. This is consistent with the conservation of matter, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, but can only change form.

Question 7
15. Identify one of the major muscles moving the hands into the position shown.
16. Identify the major muscle moving the right thigh into the position shown.
17. Identify the major muscle moving the right leg into the position shown.


Can you and a picture please of the hands

an example of an organism that reproduces with asexual reproduction is a group of answer choices bacterium red blood cell histone salamander


Bacterium are one of the few organisms that reproduce via asexual reproduction. This process involves the bacteria using binary fission to self-replicate, whereby one bacterium splits into two identical daughter cells.

An example of an organism that reproduces with asexual reproduction is a:


Bacterium are some of the simplest organisms that are capable of reproducing asexually. Asexual reproduction in bacteria is accomplished through the process of binary fission, which is when one bacterium splits into two identical daughter cells.

During binary fission, the DNA of the single parent cell is replicated and then the two daughter cells divide, producing two genetically identical bacteria. This process of asexual reproduction allows bacteria to rapidly multiply, allowing them to quickly colonize new environments and respond to new challenges. This is why bacteria are some of the most successful and resilient organisms on the planet.

Learn more about Bacteria:


the time it takes for the blood to return to thecapillaries is called the capillary refill time and should be seconds or less.


The time it takes for the blood to return to the capillaries is called the capillary refill time and should be two seconds or less. The correct answer is A.

Understanding the Capillary Refill Time

Capillary refill time, or CRT, evaluation gives additional information on peripheral perfusion. The CRT, when combined with respiratory effort, pulse quality and rate, and mucus color, may help assess a client's volume of blood and peripheral perfusion as well as provide information related to shock etiology.

Capillary refill time only takes one to two seconds. This correlates to healthy blood volume and circulation. A CRT that lasts more than 2 seconds indicates inadequate perfusion because of peripheral vasoconstriction. In the meantime, a CRT of less than one second indicates vasodilation and a hyperdynamic state.

This question should be written as follows, with answer options:

The time it takes for the blood to return to the capillaries is called the capillary refill time and should be __________ seconds or less.

A. 2B. 4C. 5D. 8

The correct answer is A.

Learn more about blood flow here:


Which of the following are examples of genetic drift?
(Choose all that apply)
A. Bottleneck effect
B. Founder Effect
C. Lamarck Effect
D. Equilibrium Effect


When a population is drastically reduced in number, genetic drift manifests itself most dramatically in a phenomenon known as the bottleneck effect, hence option A is correct.

What is genetic drift?

Natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, and fires) can completely devastate a population, killing the majority of people and leaving just a few, haphazard survivors in their wake.

Genetic drift is a random process that can produce significant population changes quickly.

Therefore, regularly tiny population numbers and drastic population size decreases are known as "bottlenecks," hence option A is correct.

Learn more about the bottleneck effect, here:


What is the scientific method? Answer in 2-4 sentences, including the words below:






Answer: The scientific method is a series of processes that people can use to gather knowledge about the world around them, improve that knowledge, and attempt to explain why and/or how things occur. This method involves making observations, forming questions, making hypotheses, doing an experiment, analyzing the data, and forming a conclusion.


Other Questions
Liquor stores in Tennessee lobby the state legislature, asking that wine shipments from out-of-state be made illegal. They argue that if consumers are allowed to buy wine from out-of-state, many in-state employees of liquor stores will lose their jobs. What would an economist likely say in response to this argument?a. While it is easy to see the jobs destroyed by out-of-state wine sellers it is harder to see the jobs that are never allowed to exist because the workers are in wine sales instead of something else,b. Resources that are no longer used producing goods for which Tennessee does not have comparative advantage can be reallocated to those industries in which Tennessee does have a comparative advantage making Tennesseans wealthier,c. If people out-of-state can distribute wine at a lower price than people in-stater the consumers of this state will benefit from lower wine prices,d. All of the above. When members of Congress delegate power to the executive branch, it Sort the items according to whether they may be found only in free virus particles, only in uninfected host cells, or in both viruses and host cells. a. Viruses only- Capsid, Capsomere (core protein), Envelope with glycoproteinsb. Host cell only- Ribosomec. Both- Protein, RNA, DNA Please let your answer be rightNeed help ASAP What are the 3 types of games? you are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class when comparing condition means in an experiment with more than two conditions, why should you use an analysis of variance instead of using several t tests? group of answer choices using several t tests increases the risk of a type i error. using several t tests increases the risk of a type ii error. the analysis of variance is more likely to detect a treatment effect. there is no advantage to using an analysis of variance instead of several t tests. What type of water imbalance increases the amount of fluid in all compartments? Robert is shopping for cubic toy chests. One chest has a volume of 343 cubic feet. Another chest has a volume of 64 cubic feet. What is the difference in the side lengths of the two chests? Find the equation of the linear functionrepresented by the table below in slope-intercept form.XyAnswer: y-O-51323411 19 27 Which culture group spread across eurasia in the 13th century and became the worlds largest empire? dr. patel notices that overall grade averages are lower for students in one introductory psychology course section than in another. the classes are held at the same time of day, and the exact same tests are used. however, the two courses are taught by two different instructors. which theory as to why this is happening is supported by current research? which of these stars will take the shortest time to go from the earliest protostar stage to the main sequence? Why is it important to know the proper way of conducting physical activities and exercises? How do you predict bond shape? two planets have the same surface gravity, but planet b has twice the mass of planet a. if planet a has radius ra, what is the radius of planet b? At Imelda's fruit stand, you bought 555 apples and 444 oranges for \$10$10dollar sign, 10, and your friend bought 555 apples and 555 oranges for \$11$11dollar sign, 11.Using this information, is it possible to determine the cost of one apple and one orange from the fruit stand? If so, what do they cost? If not, why not? what act requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions? the typical consumer of sugar probably does not know which senate committee sets sugar import quotas, but sugar producers probably do. what does this demonstrate about sugar consumers? how did the crusades affect the world economically, culturally, and educationally?