How do materials affect design?


Answer 1

Materials effect design because every material have its distinctive quality which helps in creating and improving the design.

The material also also contribute to the creation of meanings and particular experiences. The good knowledge of different materials and its feature helps the designer in selecting the best material according to their art and also to overcome its limits. Material design uses the idea that user experience for example, a pop-up ad ,it should have a subtle shadow, because all 3D objects have shadows.

To learn more about Material design, here


Related Questions

In mining the museum, fred wilson rearranged a museum collection to convey ideas primarily about: _______


The answer is “race”

led by singer and pianist chris martin, this british band has been one of the biggest hits to come from england in the past two decades. they have many hits, including viva la vida, fix you, paradise, and the scientist.


He was taking the stage as part of the group's Music Of The Spheres World Tour. Unquestionably one of the most adored musical groups, Coldplay has a global fan base.


Thanks to its main singer Chris Martin, one of the most well-known singers in the world, the band is also well-liked for its live performances.

Who is the British pop rock band Coldplay's lead singer?

The duo of guitarist Jonny Buckland and pianist Chris Martin (born March 2, 1977 in Exeter, England) created Coldplay in 1998 at University College, London (b. September 11, 1977, London).

What happened to the lead singer of Coldplay?

The message continued by expressing regret for any "disappointment and inconvenience" and saying that Chris' health must come first.

To Know more about musical groups,


thematically speaking, the trend for musicals in the twenty-first century has been toward the


Themes-wise, musicals have tended toward the serious, caustic, and even depressing in the twenty-first century.

What social effects did musicals have?

The main benefit of musical theater is that it promotes social awareness by exposing audiences to the social issues, historical events, and other cultures that are depicted in the plays. These very elements aid pupils in growing their capacity to comprehend literary works, performances, and expression in general. Like jazz, the musical is a uniquely American creative form that has been shaped by a variety of cultural influences, including comedic opera, operetta, English music hall, minstrel performances, vaudeville, and more.

To know more about musicals, visit:


artists of the hudson river school seemed to suggest that america had more promise than europe. group of answer choices true false


TRUE Artists of the Hudson River school seemed to suggest that America had more promise than Europe

A sentimental vision of nature was represented by many Hudson River school artists. According to James Fenimore Cooper, America should start acting more like Europe. Compared to Walt Whitman, Herman Melville was less jubilant in his appreciation of the United States.

To learn more about the Hudson River, click here:


what sacred, baroque musical genre, exemplified by felix mendelssohn's elijah, found new life in the romantic period?


Oratio sacred, baroque musical genre, exemplified by Felix Mendelssohn's Elijah, found new life in the romantic period.

Felix Mendelssohn was the most charming person and the finest musical genius since Mozart. Those who knew him well described him as being almost adored, and we have long respected and appreciated his incredibly beautiful compositions.

To learn more about Felix Mendelssohn, visit:


Which instruments have the main melody in the second and third parts of the a section?



The melody (main tune) of La Mourisque is played with a piano or an acoustic instrument.

thematically speaking, the trend for musicals in the twenty-first century has been toward the:_____.


Thematically speaking, the trend for musicals in the twenty-first century has been toward the Serious, cynical, and even grim.

What is Thematic speaking?

Generally, A thematic statement is a message that an author is attempting to express in their work that is straightforward but profound.

Love, for instance, is the substance that holds everything in the universe together. There is no such thing as genuine affection in our world.

Read more about Thematically speaking


When the chiaroscuro technique is used in a painting:
• A. the viewer feels he or she is looking down on the painting.
B. the viewer believes the image is three-dimensional.
• C. the viewer's gaze is directed around the painting.

D. the viewer's emotions are downplayed.



C, The viewers emotions are downplayed.


When an artist employs the chiaroscuro method, they depict how light interacts with a form. When a three-dimensional object moves away from the light, the shade darkens.

An illustration is included at the end to aid comprehension.

As a result, Option C, the viewer's gaze is directed around the painting.

What is the essence of using indigenous materials in an artwork?


The essence of using indigenous materials in an artwork is that it gives a cultural significant in an art by representing its connection from the indigeneity.

the use of indigenous material reflects cultural expression. It is a symbolic manner of expression in an art. Cultural artwork is a part of survival for indigenous peoples for example handicrafts factories at rural level. It is our responsibility to preserve our cultural heritage, because it keeps our integrity as a people. Specific use of material represents identity of that culture.

To learn more about Art, here


What do you think is the importance of preserving the arts and culture of the Philippines?


It is important for the Philippines to preserver their arts and culture because both art and culture shows the evolution and development of Philippines and its people.

the art is directly linked with culture, so it represents their identity too – their social values, beliefs, customs and traditions. Preservation of art and culture is important because it enrichens our cultural heritage because it keeps us united as a society. It is also a part of knowledge and skills that keeps transferring from one generation to other. Preserving an artwork, potteries, language, literature leads to the culture of that area.

to know more about Philippines art and culture, here


PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which letter sequence describes a song with a Verse, Chorus, Verse structure?






ABA describes a song with a Verse, Chorus, Verse structure.

What is ABC song form?

Most songs that are popular adhere to one of the traditional song forms or a form that is evolved from those traditional song forms. These musical genres often consist of a number of sections, some of which could be repeated within a single song.

The "AB" or "Verse/Chorus" Song Form is one of the primary song structures utilized by composers. The "VERSE-CHORUS-BRIDGE" or ABC Song Form is a typical modern-derived song structure. The ABC Song Form is a fundamental AB derived song form that adds a third "Bridge" segment. It is directly developed from the AB Song Form.

to learn more about sequence click:


Answer:ABA describes a song with a Verse, Chorus, Verse structure.


What is ABC song form?

Most songs that are popular adhere to one of the traditional song forms or a form that is evolved from those traditional song forms. These musical genres often consist of a number of sections, some of which could be repeated within a single song.

The "AB" or "Verse/Chorus" Song Form is one of the primary song structures utilized by composers. The "VERSE-CHORUS-BRIDGE" or ABC Song Form is a typical modern-derived song structure. The ABC Song Form is a fundamental AB derived song form that adds a third "Bridge" segment. It is directly developed from the AB Song Form.

What kind of technique in art is made from different materials like pieces of papers and photographs?


The word "collage" is derived from the verb "collér," which meaning "to glue" and is frequently used as the main method of assembling pictures in collage art.

A collage is a type of visual art in which different visual components are put together to generate a new image that expresses a thought or message. The word "collage" is derived from the verb "collér," which meaning "to glue" and is frequently used as the main method of assembling pictures in collage art.

These pictures may be drawn by collagers from newspaper clippings or print advertising, or they may be selected from a variety of objects such as photos, cloth, wood, and even detritus. Colliers can combine the photos to make a single new image by applying them on the surface of another piece of art, such a canvas.

Learn more about collage art.  to visit this link


what are the complementary colors?


Answer: Complementary colors are simply colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel. Rather than complimenting each other (as people often think), they cancel each other out; a mixture of them would produce a greyscale color. Classic examples include red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and purple.

thematically speaking, the trend for musicals in the twenty-first century has been toward the


Thematically speaking, the trend for musicals in the twenty-first century has been toward the serious, cynical, and even grim.

What was trend for musicals in the twenty-first century?

21st-century classical music  can be regrdedas the Western art music in the contemporary classical tradition whereby the production can be seen since the year 2000.

It should be noted tht it is a loose and ongoing period, 21st-century classical music  which can be described as  calendar and does not refer to a musical style in the sense of Baroque or Romantic music.

In conclusion, the  Sounds of Music in the Twenty-first Century. Contemporary composition  can be described as one that fractured as the art world which can be considered as  good thing, hence the trend for musicals in the twenty-first century has been toward the serious one.

Learn more about musicals at:


from the brief scene that opens act iv of the crucible, choose the statement that is most likely true of tituba and sarah good.


From the brief scene that opens act iv of the crucible, tituba and sarah started to believe the charges leveled at them.

At the end of Act IV of The Crucible, how does Elizabeth demonstrate her understanding of John?

At the end of The Crucible, Act IV, Elizabeth demonstrates her understanding of John by refusing to appeal to stop his execution. In Salem, Massachusetts, the court system did not feel that evidence or proof were required to convict someone. Act IV takes place in the Salem jail. Marshall Herrick awakens Sarah Good and Tituba in order to transfer them to a separate cell. Sarah and Tituba inform Herrick that they are expecting the Devil. They intend to travel to Barbados with the Devil. Proctor sobs as he recounts his confession. He eventually determines that he does have some morality within him, and that it will be shown in this final sacrifice. Danforth gives the go-ahead for the hangings to begin. As John and Rebecca are carried to the gallows, Parris and Hale beseech Elizabeth to persuade John to reconsider.

To know more about Act IV of Crucible visit:


what do you call the type of beat pattern in which scott joplin placed the emphasis off the beat or in between beats?


A syncopation is type of beat pattern in which Scott Joplin placed the emphasis off the beat or in between beats.

Syncopation in music is the off-beating of all or a portion of a tune or piece of music by combining different rhythms and it can be defined more simply as "a disruption in the regular flow of rhythm" or "the placement of rhythmic stresses where itwouldn't typically occur."

Many musical genres, notably dance music, incorporate syncopation according to echnology, syncopation is defined as "the transient displacement of the regular metrical accent, resulting in a change in emphasis from a strong accent to a weak accent."

Syncopation is  simply, a deliberate disruption of the two- or three-beat stress pattern, most frequently by emphasizing an off-beat, or a note that is not in the middle of the beat.

To know more about 'syncopation' related questions



What refers to the materials that are used by an artist to create a work?


In a fine art context, "art medium" refers to the art materials or artist supplies used to create a work of art.

The term "arts media" refers to the supplies and instruments an artist, composer, or designer uses to produce a piece of art, such as "pen and ink," where the pen is the tool and the ink is the supply. The many art forms and the media that are employed in each are listed below.

What are the 6 painting mediums?

There are six major painting media, each with specific individual characteristics:


What are the 7 common art forms?


Learn more about  "arts media" to visit this link


What is the purpose of a committee ?


Committees are the operating system of an association. Committees involve members in the development and delivery of services, represent member opinion in decision-making, and help serve member needs through interaction.

They also offer the opportunity for group problem-solving and can be a forum for presenting multiple points of view. Committees are also the training ground for future leadership and an arena where emerging leaders can test and refine their skills and abilities. For these reasons, the committee's effectiveness is critical to chapter operations.

Learn more about a committee here:


How is he Unlike Pyrrhus?


Pyrrhus and Hamlet have a lot in common because they both want to exact revenge on their fathers.

However, Pyrrhus actually follows through on his promise and seeks retribution, but Hamlet does nothing despite being furious. Hamlet's anger over the information the ghost revealed to him followed the appearance of his father's ghost. Even though Hamlet was enraged, he followed Pyrrhus' example and stood motionless, acting as a neutral to his will and matter.

Hamlet feels like a coward because he did nothing to avenge the death of his father. Despite harbouring ill intentions towards King Claudius, Hamlet is unable to feel any negative emotions.

The fact that Hamlet compared Hecuba to his mother, Queen Gertrude, gives us reason to think that he invited the performer to recite Pyrrhus's story.

Learn more about "Pyrrhus" on


What is the importance of the elements in designing an art output?


First and foremost, one must use at least some of them in order to make art. Second, by understanding what the components of art are, we can analyze what an artist has done, explain what they did, and convey our views and conclusions using a common language.

The principles of design are made up of several combinations of the design's constituent parts that are combined into one image to improve its appearance. When more than one concept is applied simultaneously, an artist might produce works of art that will astound viewers, garner positive press, and ideally pay off for the creator.

Learn more about  elements in designing to visit this link


What are the four joint committees in Congress ?


Joint Committee on Printing.
Joint Committee on Taxation.
Joint Committee on the Library.
Joint Economic Committee.

raise your renown with the major factions of the dragon isles to continue the campaign


In the study of politics in developing nations, particularly in the study of democratization and, more specifically, the consolidation of democratic political regimes, political parties and elections play an important role.

What exactly is a political party and what does this organization do?

An organization that coordinates candidates for a country's elections is a political party. Members of a party frequently share similar political views, and parties may advocate for particular ideological or policy objectives.

What is the significance of political parties to democracy?

They organize the business of Congress and governing, provide a central cue for citizens to cast informed votes, and increase political participation.

To learn more about political party here


Full Question = Raise your renown with the major factions of the dragon isles to continue the campaign? What is the significance of political parties to democracy?

What is the role of church during the medieval period?​


The role of the Church during the medieval period was to regulate and define people's lives from birth to death, and it believed that it maintained control of people's souls even after death.

The church of the medieval period held the belief that Jesus Christ was the only begotten son of the true God, it should be noted that the church had the following hierarchy:

The Pope.The cardinals.The bishops or archbishops.The priests.The monastic orders.What is a church?

It is a religious place where a certain number of people who profess the Christian religion meet. The church is important for all faithful believers because it is where they meet with God and where they commune.

Learn more about the church in:


What is the purpose of joint committees ?


The purpose of joint committee is to assist in meetings.

In order to prepare for committee markup of tax legislation, the Joint Committee Staff collaborates closely with the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and his staff.

The Joint Committee Staff assists in creating ideas and statutory wording for potential inclusion in a Chairman's Mark along with the Ways and Means Committee staff (the proposal put forward by the Chairman in recent years for committee consideration at the start of the markup process).

The Joint Committee Staff assists in both the analysis of the arguments made in favor of and against the proposals as well as in the creation of ideas that adhere to the Chairman's specific policy, technical, and financial objectives. Additionally, the Joint Committee Staff creates analysis of the proposals' revenues.

To know more about joint committees:


What is a Joint Committee What is their focus?


A joint committee is a committee made up of members from two or more different organizations or groups

A joint committee is a committee made up of members from two or more different organizations or groups. This type of committee is typically formed to address issues or concerns that affect more than one group and require input and cooperation from all involved parties. Joint committees are often used in government settings, where different committees or agencies may need to work together on a particular issue.

They can also be found in other settings, such as businesses or nonprofit organizations. For example, in the U.S. Congress, joint committees may be tasked with overseeing the operation of certain government agencies, or with studying specific policy issues and making recommendations for legislation.

Read more about the joint committee on:


led by singer and pianist chris martin, this british band has been one of the biggest hits to come from england in the past two decades. they have many hits, including viva la vida, fix you, paradise, and the scientist.


The British band Coldplay has been one of the biggest hits to come from England in the past two decades.

Who is Coldplay?

Coldplay is a British rock band that was established in 1997 in London. Along with Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, Will Champion, and Phil Harvey, Chris Martin plays the piano and sings. When they initially began performing together in 1996 at University College London, they went by the moniker Starfish.

What are the achievements of Coldplay?

With 100 million CDs sold globally, Coldplay is the most popular band of the twenty-first century and among the best-selling musical ensembles of all time. According to Fuse, they are also the sixth-most awarded group in history. The most nominations, the sixth-highest grossing tour in history, three of the top 50 albums in UK history, as well as other notable successes, are also mentioned.

To know more about Coldplay visit:


beyoncé’s 2003 hit crazy in love was co-written and co-recorded with rap artist __________, who later became her husband.


Answer: Jay Z


What was the Cotton Club originally called?


Answer: The Cotton Deluxe


which technique(s) was used in creating tutankhamun hunting ostriches from his chariot? group of answer choices modeling casting carving repouss


Repousse was used in creating Tutankhamun hunting ostriches from his chariot.

Tutankhamun was an Egyptian king who rule Egypt from 1333 BC to 1324 BC. He is very fond of hunting. It offers concrete proof of Tutankhamun's existence and attests to the fact that he hunted ostriches at least once.

To learn more about Tutankhamun, visit:


what influence completed the final breakaway from renaissance techniques for western artists?


The influence completed the final breakaway from renaissance techniques for western artists and non-western art.

The shape of the muscle seems to move outward with great energy. Main ideas and achievements. One of Fauvism's most important contributions to contemporary art was his radical purpose of separating color from its descriptive and representative purpose, allowing it to exist as a distinct element on the canvas.

Picasso was introduced to traditional African art. African art had such an enormous influence on Picasso that it gave him the creative impetus he needed to create works that transcended all conventions, allowing him to surpass his artistic rivals. did. This artwork depicts five women made from flat, jagged planes inspired by Iberian sculpture and African masks.

Learn more about Western artists here:-


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Why? if the demand is , a fall in price total revenue. question 18 options: a) elastic; decreases b) elastic; increases c) inelastic; increases d) inelastic; does not change What does it mean to dilate a rectangle? Thermal energy moves from an area of. Matter to an area of matter Psychological disorders consist of emotions, behavior, and cognitive processes that are all of the following except: _________a. maladaptive. b. dysfunctional. c. that they interfere with daily functioning d. immoral . Read the following biographies:Biography A "Marie Tharp grew up in the 1930s, wanting to be a surveyor like her father. Although she helped him in his work, women werent welcome in the sciences, so she went to music school instead and waited for a chance. When colleges emptied of men during World War II, she was allowed to get a geology degree and then another in mathematics. "She wanted to investigate the ocean depths, but women werent allowed on research ships. So she waited again, this time in a basement office, for her male colleagues to send back data. Working slowly and precisely, she turned those numbers into the most detailed map of the sea floor ever made. "Marie wanted her colleagues to understand that her depictions of sea floor geography were powerful evidence for the theory of continental drift, but they dismissed it as 'girl talk.' It took almost a decade for her work to be accepted. Shed wait many more years to get full credit.Biography B "Rosalind Franklin decided she wanted to be a scientist when she was still a teenager, but her father didnt believe in higher education for women. She eventually did enroll in the University of Cambridge, but when she graduated in 1941, women were not considered full members of the college and were ineligible for higher-degree awards. "She went on to conduct groundbreaking work exploring the structure of DNA using x-ray photographs. Although her work was excellent and her research was published in major scientific journals, she had to fight against lower pay and slower promotions than her male peers. At times, others in the lab treated her more as an assistant than a fellow scientist. Franklin also had difficulties collaborating with her colleagues because women were not allowed in the university dining rooms or clubs where theories were shared and debated over meals and drinks. "Franklin continued her work regardless, capturing the first clear images of DNA in what were later called 'the most beautiful X-ray photographs of any substance ever taken.' Before she could publish her results, however, a male scientist in her lab showed her photographs to two rival researchers, James Watson and Francis Crick. Watson and Crick used what they saw in Franklins photos to help them develop their famous model of the double helix of DNA. They were hailed all over the world for their discovery and received a Nobel Prize for it. Rosalind Franklin received a small footnote in their paper."What is the common theme of both biographies?A Most men did not want their daughters to become scientists.B Scientists used to steal research from one another in order to get ahead.C Women made good scientists because they were patient and worked hard without complaining.D Women often struggled for acceptance in scientific fields.